mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 15:21:36 -04:00

Make xaos display a matrix rather than a single column. This will be moved out into its own tab since it's no longer xform dependent, but that will be in a future commit. Remove xaos from/to button since it's no longer applicable. Add test function to Isaac to return just one random byte. Might be used in the future.
777 lines
26 KiB
777 lines
26 KiB
#include "FractoriumPch.h"
#include "Fractorium.h"
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the menus UI.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::InitMenusUI()
//File menu.
connect(ui.ActionNewFlock, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionNewFlock(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionNewEmptyFlameInCurrentFile, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionNewEmptyFlameInCurrentFile(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionNewRandomFlameInCurrentFile, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionNewRandomFlameInCurrentFile(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionCopyFlameInCurrentFile, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionCopyFlameInCurrentFile(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionOpen, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionOpen(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionSaveCurrentAsXml, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionSaveCurrentAsXml(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionSaveEntireFileAsXml, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionSaveEntireFileAsXml(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionSaveCurrentToOpenedFile, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionSaveCurrentToOpenedFile(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionSaveCurrentScreen, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionSaveCurrentScreen(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionExit, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionExit(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
//Edit menu.
connect(ui.ActionUndo, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionUndo(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionRedo, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionRedo(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionCopyXml, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionCopyXml(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionCopyAllXml, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionCopyAllXml(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionPasteXmlAppend, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionPasteXmlAppend(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionPasteXmlOver, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionPasteXmlOver(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
//Tools menu.
connect(ui.ActionAddReflectiveSymmetry, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionAddReflectiveSymmetry(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionAddRotationalSymmetry, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionAddRotationalSymmetry(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionAddBothSymmetry, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionAddBothSymmetry(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionClearFlame, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionClearFlame(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionFlatten, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionFlatten(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionUnflatten, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionUnflatten(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionStopRenderingPreviews, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionStopRenderingPreviews(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionRenderPreviews, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionRenderPreviews(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionFinalRender, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionFinalRender(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(m_FinalRenderDialog, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(OnFinalRenderClose(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ActionOptions, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionOptions(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
//Help menu.
connect(ui.ActionAbout, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(OnActionAbout(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
/// <summary>
/// Create a new flock of random embers, with the specified length.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">The number of embers to include in the flock</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::NewFlock(uint count)
Ember<T> ember;
m_EmberFile.m_Filename = EmberFile<T>::DefaultFilename();
for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
ember.m_Index = i;
ember.m_Name = m_EmberFile.m_Filename.toStdString() + "-" + ToString(i + 1).toStdString();
m_LastSaveAll = "";
/// <summary>
/// Create a new flock and assign the first ember as the current one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnActionNewFlock(bool checked)
/// <summary>
/// Create and add a new empty ember in the currently opened file
/// and set it as the current one.
/// It will have one empty xform in it.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::NewEmptyFlameInCurrentFile()
Ember<T> ember;
Xform<T> xform;
QDateTime local(QDateTime::currentDateTime());
xform.m_Weight = T(0.25);
xform.m_ColorX = m_Rand.Frand01<T>();
ember.m_Palette = *m_PaletteList.GetRandomPalette();
ember.m_Name = EmberFile<T>::DefaultEmberName(m_EmberFile.Size() + 1).toStdString();
ember.m_Index = m_EmberFile.Size();
m_EmberFile.m_Embers.push_back(ember);//Will invalidate the pointers contained in the EmberTreeWidgetItems, UpdateLibraryTree() will resync.
SetEmber(m_EmberFile.Size() - 1);
void Fractorium::OnActionNewEmptyFlameInCurrentFile(bool checked) { m_Controller->NewEmptyFlameInCurrentFile(); }
/// <summary>
/// Create and add a new random ember in the currently opened file
/// and set it as the current one.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::NewRandomFlameInCurrentFile()
Ember<T> ember;
ember.m_Name = EmberFile<T>::DefaultEmberName(m_EmberFile.Size() + 1).toStdString();
ember.m_Index = m_EmberFile.Size();
m_EmberFile.m_Embers.push_back(ember);//Will invalidate the pointers contained in the EmberTreeWidgetItems, UpdateLibraryTree() will resync.
SetEmber(m_EmberFile.Size() - 1);
void Fractorium::OnActionNewRandomFlameInCurrentFile(bool checked) { m_Controller->NewRandomFlameInCurrentFile(); }
/// <summary>
/// Create and add a a copy of the current ember in the currently opened file
/// and set it as the current one.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::CopyFlameInCurrentFile()
Ember<T> ember = m_Ember;
ember.m_Name = EmberFile<T>::DefaultEmberName(m_EmberFile.Size() + 1).toStdString();
ember.m_Index = m_EmberFile.Size();
m_EmberFile.m_Embers.push_back(ember);//Will invalidate the pointers contained in the EmberTreeWidgetItems, UpdateLibraryTree() will resync.
SetEmber(m_EmberFile.Size() - 1);
void Fractorium::OnActionCopyFlameInCurrentFile(bool checked) { m_Controller->CopyFlameInCurrentFile(); }
/// <summary>
/// Open a list of ember Xml files, apply various values from the GUI widgets.
/// Either append these newly read embers to the existing open embers,
/// or clear the current ember file first.
/// When appending, add the new embers the the end of library tree.
/// When not appending, clear and populate the library tree with the new embers.
/// Set the current ember to the first one in the newly opened list.
/// Clears the undo state.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filenames">A list of full paths and filenames</param>
/// <param name="append">True to append the embers in the new files to the end of the currently open embers, false to clear and replace them</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::OpenAndPrepFiles(const QStringList& filenames, bool append)
if (!filenames.empty())
size_t i;
EmberFile<T> emberFile;
XmlToEmber<T> parser;
vector<Ember<T>> embers;
uint previousSize = append ? m_EmberFile.Size() : 0;
emberFile.m_Filename = filenames[0];
foreach(const QString& filename, filenames)
if (parser.Parse(filename.toStdString().c_str(), embers) && !embers.empty())
for (i = 0; i < embers.size(); i++)
ConstrainDimensions(embers[i]);//Do not exceed the max texture size.
//Also ensure it has a name.
if (embers[i].m_Name == "" || embers[i].m_Name == "No name")
embers[i].m_Name = ToString<qulonglong>(i).toStdString();
embers[i].m_Quality = m_Fractorium->m_QualitySpin->value();
embers[i].m_Supersample = m_Fractorium->m_SupersampleSpin->value();
m_LastSaveAll = "";
emberFile.m_Embers.insert(emberFile.m_Embers.end(), embers.begin(), embers.end());
vector<string> errors = parser.ErrorReport();
m_Fractorium->ErrorReportToQTextEdit(errors, m_Fractorium->ui.InfoFileOpeningTextEdit);
m_Fractorium->ShowCritical("Open Failed", "Could not open file, see info tab for details.");
if (append)
if (m_EmberFile.m_Filename == "")
m_EmberFile.m_Filename = filenames[0];
m_EmberFile.m_Embers.insert(m_EmberFile.m_Embers.end(), emberFile.m_Embers.begin(), emberFile.m_Embers.end());
m_EmberFile = emberFile;
//Resync indices and names.
for (i = 0; i < m_EmberFile.Size(); i++)
m_EmberFile.m_Embers[i].m_Index = i;
if (append)
FillLibraryTree(append ? previousSize - 1 : 0);
/// <summary>
/// Show a file open dialog to open ember Xml files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnActionOpen(bool checked) { m_Controller->OpenAndPrepFiles(SetupOpenXmlDialog(), false); }
/// <summary>
/// Save current ember as Xml, using the Xml saving template values from the options.
/// This will first save the current ember back to the opened file in memory before
/// saving it to disk.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SaveCurrentAsXml()
QString filename;
FractoriumSettings* s = m_Fractorium->m_Settings;
if (s->SaveAutoUnique() && m_LastSaveCurrent != "")
filename = EmberFile<T>::UniqueFilename(m_LastSaveCurrent);
else if (QFile::exists(m_LastSaveCurrent))
filename = m_LastSaveCurrent;
if (m_EmberFile.Size() == 1)
filename = m_Fractorium->SetupSaveXmlDialog(m_EmberFile.m_Filename);//If only one ember present, just use parent filename.
filename = m_Fractorium->SetupSaveXmlDialog(QString::fromStdString(m_Ember.m_Name));//More than one ember present, use individual ember name.
if (filename != "")
Ember<T> ember = m_Ember;
EmberToXml<T> writer;
QFileInfo fileInfo(filename);
xmlDocPtr tempEdit = ember.m_Edits;
SaveCurrentToOpenedFile();//Save the current ember back to the opened file before writing to disk.
ember.m_Edits = writer.CreateNewEditdoc(&ember, nullptr, "edit", s->Nick().toStdString(), s->Url().toStdString(), s->Id().toStdString(), "", 0, 0);
if (tempEdit != nullptr)
if (writer.Save(filename.toStdString().c_str(), ember, 0, true, false, true))
if (!s->SaveAutoUnique() || m_LastSaveCurrent == "")//Only save filename on first time through when doing auto unique names.
m_LastSaveCurrent = filename;
m_Fractorium->ShowCritical("Save Failed", "Could not save file, try saving to a different folder.");
void Fractorium::OnActionSaveCurrentAsXml(bool checked) { m_Controller->SaveCurrentAsXml(); }
/// <summary>
/// Save entire opened file Xml, using the Xml saving template values from the options on each ember.
/// This will first save the current ember back to the opened file in memory before
/// saving all to disk.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SaveEntireFileAsXml()
QString filename;
FractoriumSettings* s = m_Fractorium->m_Settings;
if (s->SaveAutoUnique() && m_LastSaveAll != "")
filename = EmberFile<T>::UniqueFilename(m_LastSaveAll);
else if (QFile::exists(m_LastSaveAll))
filename = m_LastSaveAll;
filename = m_Fractorium->SetupSaveXmlDialog(m_EmberFile.m_Filename);
if (filename != "")
EmberFile<T> emberFile;
EmberToXml<T> writer;
QFileInfo fileInfo(filename);
SaveCurrentToOpenedFile();//Save the current ember back to the opened file before writing to disk.
emberFile = m_EmberFile;
for (size_t i = 0; i < emberFile.Size(); i++)
if (writer.Save(filename.toStdString().c_str(), emberFile.m_Embers, 0, true, false, true))
if (!s->SaveAutoUnique() || m_LastSaveAll == "")//Only save filename on first time through when doing auto unique names.
m_LastSaveAll = filename;
m_Fractorium->ShowCritical("Save Failed", "Could not save file, try saving to a different folder.");
void Fractorium::OnActionSaveEntireFileAsXml(bool checked) { m_Controller->SaveEntireFileAsXml(); }
/// <summary>
/// Show a file save dialog and save what is currently shown in the render window to disk as an image.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnActionSaveCurrentScreen(bool checked)
QString filename = SetupSaveImageDialog(m_Controller->Name());
m_Controller->SaveCurrentRender(filename, true);
/// <summary>
/// Save the current ember back to its position in the opened file.
/// This does not save to disk.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SaveCurrentToOpenedFile()
size_t i;
bool fileFound = false;
for (i = 0; i < m_EmberFile.Size(); i++)
if ((m_Ember.m_Name == m_EmberFile.m_Embers[i].m_Name) &&//Check both to be extra sure.
(m_Ember.m_Index == m_EmberFile.m_Embers[i].m_Index))
m_EmberFile.m_Embers[i] = m_Ember;
fileFound = true;
if (!fileFound)
RenderPreviews(i, i + 1);
void Fractorium::OnActionSaveCurrentToOpenedFile(bool checked) { m_Controller->SaveCurrentToOpenedFile(); }
/// <summary>
/// Exit the application.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignore.</param>
void Fractorium::OnActionExit(bool checked)
/// <summary>
/// Undoes this instance.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::Undo()
if (m_UndoList.size() > 1 && m_UndoIndex > 0)
int index = m_Ember.GetTotalXformIndex(CurrentXform());
m_LastEditWasUndoRedo = true;
m_UndoIndex = std::max(0u, m_UndoIndex - 1u);
SetEmber(m_UndoList[m_UndoIndex], true);
m_EditState = UNDO_REDO;
if (index >= 0)
m_Fractorium->ui.ActionUndo->setEnabled(m_UndoList.size() > 1 && (m_UndoIndex > 0));
m_Fractorium->ui.ActionRedo->setEnabled(m_UndoList.size() > 1 && !(m_UndoIndex == m_UndoList.size() - 1));
void Fractorium::OnActionUndo(bool checked) { m_Controller->Undo(); }
/// <summary>
/// Redoes this instance.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::Redo()
if (m_UndoList.size() > 1 && m_UndoIndex < m_UndoList.size() - 1)
int index = m_Ember.GetTotalXformIndex(CurrentXform());
m_LastEditWasUndoRedo = true;
m_UndoIndex = std::min<uint>(m_UndoIndex + 1, m_UndoList.size() - 1);
SetEmber(m_UndoList[m_UndoIndex], true);
m_EditState = UNDO_REDO;
if (index >= 0)
m_Fractorium->ui.ActionUndo->setEnabled(m_UndoList.size() > 1 && (m_UndoIndex > 0));
m_Fractorium->ui.ActionRedo->setEnabled(m_UndoList.size() > 1 && !(m_UndoIndex == m_UndoList.size() - 1));
void Fractorium::OnActionRedo(bool checked) { m_Controller->Redo(); }
/// <summary>
/// Copy the current ember Xml to the clipboard.
/// Apply Xml saving settings from the options first.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::CopyXml()
Ember<T> ember = m_Ember;
EmberToXml<T> emberToXml;
FractoriumSettings* settings = m_Fractorium->m_Settings;
ember.m_Quality = settings->XmlQuality();
ember.m_Supersample = settings->XmlSupersample();
ember.m_TemporalSamples = settings->XmlTemporalSamples();
QApplication::clipboard()->setText(QString::fromStdString(emberToXml.ToString(ember, "", 0, false, false, true)));
void Fractorium::OnActionCopyXml(bool checked) { m_Controller->CopyXml(); }
/// <summary>
/// Copy the Xmls for all open embers as a single string to the clipboard, enclosed with the <flames> tag.
/// Apply Xml saving settings from the options first for each ember.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::CopyAllXml()
ostringstream os;
EmberToXml<T> emberToXml;
FractoriumSettings* settings = m_Fractorium->m_Settings;
os << "<flames>\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_EmberFile.Size(); i++)
Ember<T> ember = m_EmberFile.m_Embers[i];
os << emberToXml.ToString(ember, "", 0, false, false, true);
os << "</flames>\n";
void Fractorium::OnActionCopyAllXml(bool checked) { m_Controller->CopyAllXml(); }
/// <summary>
/// Convert the Xml text from the clipboard to an ember, add it to the end
/// of the current file and set it as the current ember. If multiple Xmls were
/// copied to the clipboard and were enclosed in <flames> tags, then all of them will be added.
/// Clears the undo state.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::PasteXmlAppend()
uint i, previousSize = m_EmberFile.Size();
string s, errors;
XmlToEmber<T> parser;
vector<Ember<T>> embers;
QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");
QByteArray b = codec->fromUnicode(QApplication::clipboard()->text());
for (i = 0; i < b.size(); i++)
if (uint(b[i]) < 128u)
parser.Parse(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(const_cast<char*>(s.c_str())), "", embers);
errors = parser.ErrorReportString();
if (errors != "")
m_Fractorium->ShowCritical("Paste Error", QString::fromStdString(errors));
if (!embers.empty())
for (i = 0; i < embers.size(); i++)
embers[i].m_Index = m_EmberFile.Size();
ConstrainDimensions(embers[i]);//Do not exceed the max texture size.
//Also ensure it has a name.
if (embers[i].m_Name == "" || embers[i].m_Name == "No name")
embers[i].m_Name = ToString<qulonglong>(embers[i].m_Index).toStdString();
m_EmberFile.m_Embers.push_back(embers[i]);//Will invalidate the pointers contained in the EmberTreeWidgetItems, UpdateLibraryTree() will resync.
void Fractorium::OnActionPasteXmlAppend(bool checked) { m_Controller->PasteXmlAppend(); }
/// <summary>
/// Convert the Xml text from the clipboard to an ember, overwrite the
/// current file and set the first as the current ember. If multiple Xmls were
/// copied to the clipboard and were enclosed in <flames> tags, then the current file will contain all of them.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::PasteXmlOver()
uint i;
string s, errors;
XmlToEmber<T> parser;
Ember<T> backupEmber = m_EmberFile.m_Embers[0];
QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");
QByteArray b = codec->fromUnicode(QApplication::clipboard()->text());
for (i = 0; i < b.size(); i++)
if (uint(b[i]) < 128u)
m_EmberFile.m_Embers.clear();//Will invalidate the pointers contained in the EmberTreeWidgetItems, UpdateLibraryTree() will resync.
parser.Parse(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(const_cast<char*>(s.c_str())), "", m_EmberFile.m_Embers);
errors = parser.ErrorReportString();
if (errors != "")
m_Fractorium->ShowCritical("Paste Error", QString::fromStdString(errors));
if (m_EmberFile.Size())
for (i = 0; i < m_EmberFile.Size(); i++)
m_EmberFile.m_Embers[i].m_Index = i;
ConstrainDimensions(m_EmberFile.m_Embers[i]);//Do not exceed the max texture size.
//Also ensure it has a name.
if (m_EmberFile.m_Embers[i].m_Name == "" || m_EmberFile.m_Embers[i].m_Name == "No name")
m_EmberFile.m_Embers[i].m_Name = ToString<qulonglong>(m_EmberFile.m_Embers[i].m_Index).toStdString();
backupEmber.m_Index = 0;
void Fractorium::OnActionPasteXmlOver(bool checked) { m_Controller->PasteXmlOver(); }
/// <summary>
/// Add reflective symmetry to the current ember.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::AddReflectiveSymmetry()
QComboBox* combo = m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo;
m_Ember.AddSymmetry(-1, m_Rand);
combo->setCurrentIndex(combo->count() - (m_Fractorium->HaveFinal() ? 2 : 1));//Set index to the last item before final.
void Fractorium::OnActionAddReflectiveSymmetry(bool checked) { m_Controller->AddReflectiveSymmetry(); }
/// <summary>
/// Add rotational symmetry to the current ember.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::AddRotationalSymmetry()
QComboBox* combo = m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo;
m_Ember.AddSymmetry(2, m_Rand);
combo->setCurrentIndex(combo->count() - (m_Fractorium->HaveFinal() ? 2 : 1));//Set index to the last item before final.
void Fractorium::OnActionAddRotationalSymmetry(bool checked) { m_Controller->AddRotationalSymmetry(); }
/// <summary>
/// Add both reflective and rotational symmetry to the current ember.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::AddBothSymmetry()
QComboBox* combo = m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo;
m_Ember.AddSymmetry(-2, m_Rand);
combo->setCurrentIndex(combo->count() - (m_Fractorium->HaveFinal() ? 2 : 1));//Set index to the last item before final.
void Fractorium::OnActionAddBothSymmetry(bool checked) { m_Controller->AddBothSymmetry(); }
/// <summary>
/// Adds a FlattenVariation to every xform in the current ember.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::Flatten() { UpdateCurrentXform([&] (Xform<T>* xform) { m_Ember.Flatten(XmlToEmber<T>::m_FlattenNames); FillVariationTreeWithXform(xform); }); }
void Fractorium::OnActionFlatten(bool checked) { m_Controller->Flatten(); }
/// <summary>
/// Removes pre/reg/post FlattenVariation from every xform in the current ember.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::Unflatten() { UpdateCurrentXform([&] (Xform<T>* xform) { m_Ember.Unflatten(); FillVariationTreeWithXform(xform); }); }
void Fractorium::OnActionUnflatten(bool checked) { m_Controller->Unflatten(); }
/// <summary>
/// Delete all but one xform in the current ember.
/// Clear that xform's variations.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::ClearFlame()
while (m_Ember.TotalXformCount() > 1)
m_Ember.DeleteTotalXform(m_Ember.TotalXformCount() - 1);
if (m_Ember.XformCount() == 1)
if (Xform<T>* xform = m_Ember.GetXform(0))
void Fractorium::OnActionClearFlame(bool checked) { m_Controller->ClearFlame(); }
/// <summary>
/// Re-render all previews.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::OnActionRenderPreviews(bool checked)
/// <summary>
/// Stop all previews from being rendered. This is handy if the user
/// opens a large file with many embers in it, such as an animation sequence.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::OnActionStopRenderingPreviews(bool checked) { m_Controller->StopPreviewRender(); }
/// <summary>
/// Show the final render dialog as a modeless dialog to allow
/// the user to minimize the main window while doing a lengthy final render.
/// Note: The user probably should not be otherwise interacting with the main GUI
/// while the final render is taking place.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnActionFinalRender(bool checked)
//First completely stop what the current rendering process is doing.
m_Controller->DeleteRenderer();//Delete the renderer, but not the controller.
OnActionSaveCurrentToOpenedFile(true);//Save whatever was edited back to the current open file.
m_RenderStatusLabel->setText("Renderer stopped.");
/// <summary>
/// Called when the final render dialog has been closed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnFinalRenderClose(int result)
m_RenderStatusLabel->setText("Renderer starting...");
StartRenderTimer();//Re-create the renderer and start rendering again.
/// <summary>
/// Show the final options dialog.
/// Restart rendering and sync options after the options dialog is dismissed with Ok.
/// Called when the options dialog is finished with ok.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnActionOptions(bool checked)
if (m_OptionsDialog->exec())
//First completely stop what the current rendering process is doing.
StartRenderTimer();//This will recreate the controller and/or the renderer from the options if necessary, then start the render timer.
/// <summary>
/// Show the about dialog.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnActionAbout(bool checked)
template class FractoriumEmberController<float>;
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
template class FractoriumEmberController<double>;