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synced 2025-03-13 15:21:36 -04:00

More efficient table on the Xaos tab when using xaos on a flame with a large number of xforms. --Code changes Use QTableView instead of QTableWidget for the xaos table. Add custom DoubleSpinBoxTableItemDelegate for this. Make row and column toggling functions work for QTableView and QTableWidget. Remove some dead code from Fractorium.h/cpp Miscellaneous hacks to keep it building on Linux.
219 lines
6.5 KiB
219 lines
6.5 KiB
#include "FractoriumPch.h"
#include "Fractorium.h"
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the xforms xaos UI.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::InitXaosUI()
int spinHeight = 20;
m_XaosSpinBox = new DoubleSpinBox(nullptr, spinHeight, 0.1);
m_XaosTableModel = nullptr;
m_XaosTableItemDelegate = new DoubleSpinBoxTableItemDelegate(m_XaosSpinBox, this);
connect(m_XaosSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(OnXaosChanged(double)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ClearXaosButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnClearXaosButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.RandomXaosButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnRandomXaosButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.XaosTableView->verticalHeader(), SIGNAL(sectionDoubleClicked(int)), this, SLOT(OnXaosRowDoubleClicked(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.XaosTableView->horizontalHeader(), SIGNAL(sectionDoubleClicked(int)), this, SLOT(OnXaosColDoubleClicked(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
/// <summary>
/// Fill the xaos table with the values from the ember.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::FillXaos()
for (int i = 0, count = int(XformCount()); i < count; i++)
if (auto xform = m_Ember.GetXform(i))
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
QModelIndex index = m_Fractorium->m_XaosTableModel->index(i, j, QModelIndex());
m_Fractorium->m_XaosTableModel->setData(index, xform->Xaos(j));
/// <summary>
/// Create and return a xaos name string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i">The index of the xform whose xaos will be used</param>
/// <returns>The xaos name string</returns>
template <typename T>
QString FractoriumEmberController<T>::MakeXaosNameString(uint i)
Xform<T>* xform = m_Ember.GetXform(i);
QString name;
//if (xform)
// int indexPlus1 = m_Ember.GetXformIndex(xform) + 1;//GUI is 1 indexed to avoid confusing the user.
// int curr = m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo->currentIndex() + 1;
// if (indexPlus1 != -1)
// {
// if (m_Fractorium->ui.XaosToRadio->isChecked())
// name = QString("From ") + ToString(curr) + QString(" To ") + ToString(indexPlus1);
// else
// name = QString("From ") + ToString(indexPlus1) + QString(" To ") + ToString(curr);
// //if (xform->m_Name != "")
// // name = name + " (" + QString::fromStdString(xform->m_Name) + ")";
// }
return name;
/// <summary>
/// Set the xaos value.
/// Called when any xaos spinner is changed.
/// It actually gets called multiple times as the user clicks around the
/// xaos table due to how QTableView passes events to and from its model.
/// To filter out spurrious events, the value is checked against the existing
/// xaos value.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">The DoubleSpinBox that triggered this event</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::XaosChanged(int x, int y, double val)
if (Xform<T>* xform = m_Ember.GetXform(x))
if (!IsClose<T>(val, xform->Xaos(y), 1e-10))//Ensure it actually changed.
Update([&] { xform->SetXaos(y, val); });
void Fractorium::OnXaosChanged(double d)
if (auto* senderSpinBox = dynamic_cast<DoubleSpinBox*>(this->sender()))
auto p = senderSpinBox->property("tableindex").toPoint();
m_Controller->XaosChanged(p.x(), p.y(), d);
void Fractorium::OnXaosTableModelDataChanged(const QModelIndex& indexA, const QModelIndex& indexB)
m_Controller->XaosChanged(indexA.row(), indexA.column(), indexA.data().toDouble());
/// <summary>
/// Clear xaos table, recreate all spinners based on the xaos used in the current ember.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::FillXaosTable()
int count = int(m_Controller->XformCount());
QStringList hl, vl;
auto oldModel = m_XaosTableModel;
m_XaosTableModel = new QStandardItemModel(count, count, this);
connect(m_XaosTableModel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), SLOT(OnXaosTableModelDataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)));
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
auto s = QString::number(i + 1);
hl.push_back("F" + s);
vl.push_back("T" + s);
SetTabOrder(this, ui.ClearXaosButton, ui.RandomXaosButton);
if (oldModel)
delete oldModel;
/// <summary>
/// Clear all xaos from the current ember.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::ClearXaos()
Update([&] { m_Ember.ClearXaos(); });
void Fractorium::OnClearXaosButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->ClearXaos(); }
/// <summary>
/// Set all xaos values to random numbers.
/// There is a 50% chance they're set to 0 or 1, and
/// 50% that they're 0-3.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::RandomXaos()
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Ember.XformCount(); i++)
if (auto* xform = m_Ember.GetXform(i))
for (size_t j = 0; j < m_Ember.XformCount(); j++)
if (m_Rand.RandBit())
xform->SetXaos(j, T(m_Rand.RandBit()));
xform->SetXaos(j, m_Rand.Frand<T>(0, 3));
void Fractorium::OnRandomXaosButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->RandomXaos(); }
/// <summary>
/// Toggle all xaos values in one row.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalIndex">The index of the row that was double clicked</param>
void Fractorium::OnXaosRowDoubleClicked(int logicalIndex)
ToggleTableRow(ui.XaosTableView, logicalIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Toggle all xaos values in one column.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalIndex">The index of the column that was double clicked</param>
void Fractorium::OnXaosColDoubleClicked(int logicalIndex)
ToggleTableCol(ui.XaosTableView, logicalIndex);
template class FractoriumEmberController<float>;
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
template class FractoriumEmberController<double>;