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synced 2025-03-13 23:31:35 -04:00

-Really fix locking of affine scale. --Code changes -Remove dependency projects from the solution. Move to a project design where they are built once via command line and stored in a /Deps folder. --Because of this, libpng is built as a static lib instead of a dll because that's what its command line makefile supports. --Remove libpng16.dll from Wix installer. -Remove all configs except for debug and release. -Remove all platforms except for x64. -Add #define __TBB_NO_IMPLICIT_LINKAGE 1 to prevent tbb from locking for tbb_debug.lib by default on debug builds. -Put Ember.rc in a filter folder in the project. -Place pragma warning disable statements in PCH files rather than in projects. This makes it easier when using Qt Creator. -Move all resource files to the MSVC folder. -Set all targets in QtCreator project to their lowercase names to be more *nix friendly. Set -l link statements to use these new lowercase names for ember and embercl. -Rework projects to favor shadow builds. -Remove the symlinks.sh file and all references to it. It was never needed. Instead, just specify multiple include and link paths in the .pro files. -Change WIN32 to _WIN32. -Fix a few code warnings.
151 lines
4.8 KiB
151 lines
4.8 KiB
QT += core gui widgets opengl concurrent
TARGET = fractorium
#Point to visual studio resource file to embed file information and icon.
win32 {
RC = $$RCPATH/Fractorium.rc
win32:RC_FILE = $$RC
#message(RC_FILE: $$RC)
#message(QTDIR: $$(QTDIR))
#Go up one folder because the paths defined in defaults were relative to it, which is up one folder.
PRJ_SRC_DIR = $$absolute_path($$EMBER_ROOT/../Source/Fractorium)
#message(PRJ_SRC_DIR: $$PRJ_SRC_DIR)
#Qt will be installed on a system wide level on *nix. It should be the same for Windows, but copy it local just to be safe.
win32 {
qtfiles.path = $$BIN_INSTALL_DIR
qtfiles.files = $$(QTDIR)\bin\Qt5Core.dll $$(QTDIR)\bin\Qt5Gui.dll $$(QTDIR)\bin\Qt5Widgets.dll
INSTALLS += qtfiles
#For some reason, a Qt project needs to be told to look at itself.
# TODO: Figure out how to build the app bundle correctly.
# This will build a binary instead of an app bundle.
macx:CONFIG -= app_bundle
target.path = $$BIN_INSTALL_DIR
#message(TARGET INSTALL: $$target.path)
INSTALLS += target
palettes.path = $$SHARE_INSTALL_DIR
palettes.files = $$ASSETS_DIR/flam3-palettes.xml
#message(PALETTE INSTALL SOURCE: $$palettes.files)
INSTALLS += palettes
themes.path = $$SHARE_INSTALL_DIR
themes.files = $$ASSETS_DIR/dark.qss
#message(THEMES INSTALL SOURCE: $$themes.files)
INSTALLS += themes
!win32 {
icon.path = $$SHARE_INSTALL_DIR
icon.files = $$absolute_path($$PRJ_SRC_DIR/Icons/Fractorium.png)
#message(ICON INSTALL SOURCE: $$icon.files)
INSTALLS += icon
launcher.path = $$LAUNCHER_INSTALL_DIR
launcher.files = $$ASSETS_DIR/Fractorium.desktop
#message(LAUNCHER INSTALL SOURCE: $$launcher.files)
INSTALLS += launcher
macx:ICON = $$ASSETS_DIR/Fractorium.icns
!macx:PRECOMPILED_HEADER = $$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumPch.h
LIBS += -L$$absolute_path($$DESTDIR) -lember
LIBS += -L$$absolute_path($$DESTDIR) -lembercl
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/AboutDialog.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/csshighlighter.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/CurvesGraphicsView.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/DoubleSpinBox.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FinalRenderDialog.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FinalRenderEmberController.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/Fractorium.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumEmberController.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumInfo.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumLibrary.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumMenus.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumPalette.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumParams.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumPch.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumRender.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumSettings.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumToolbar.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumXaos.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumXformsAffine.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumXformsColor.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumXforms.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumXformsSelect.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumXformsVariations.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/GLEmberController.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/GLWidget.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/Main.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/OptionsDialog.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/qcssparser.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/qcssscanner.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/QssDialog.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/QssTextEdit.cpp \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/SpinBox.cpp \
$$SRC_COMMON_DIR/EmberCommon.h \
$$SRC_COMMON_DIR/EmberCommonPch.h \
$$SRC_COMMON_DIR/JpegUtils.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/AboutDialog.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/csshighlighter.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/CurvesGraphicsView.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/DoubleSpinBox.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/DoubleSpinBoxTableItemDelegate.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/EmberFile.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/EmberTreeWidgetItem.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FinalRenderDialog.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FinalRenderEmberController.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumCommon.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumEmberController.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/Fractorium.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumPch.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FractoriumSettings.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/GLEmberController.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/GLWidget.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/OptionsDialog.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/PaletteTableWidgetItem.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/qcssparser.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/qcssscanner.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/qfunctions.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/QssDialog.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/QssTextEdit.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/resource.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/SpinBox.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/StealthComboBox.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/TableWidget.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/TwoButtonComboWidget.h \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/VariationsDialog.h \
FORMS += \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/AboutDialog.ui \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/FinalRenderDialog.ui \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/Fractorium.ui \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/OptionsDialog.ui \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/QssDialog.ui \
$$PRJ_SRC_DIR/Fractorium.aps \