mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 03:41:31 -05:00

-Returning to main window after closing the final render dialog wouldn't restart the renderer. --Code changes -Recreate the final render dialog each time it's shown.
113 lines
3.9 KiB
113 lines
3.9 KiB
$exe = ""
if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform.ToString().ToLower() -like "*win*")
$exe = "./EmberRender.exe"
$exe = "emberrender"
$benchprefix = "./bench/"
$devices = "2"#Set this to whatever device index your main GPU resides at. If you are unsure, just run emberrender --openclinfo to find out.
$cpuquality = 150
$gpuquality = 2000
$verbose = "--verbose"
$name_enable = "--name_enable"
$dump_args = ""#"--dumpargs"
$totalOutput = ""
$ssArray = @("1","2","4")
$ssSuffixArray = @("_ss1","_ss2","_ss4")
$Script:output = ""
[Collections.Generic.List[String]] $filteredLines = ""
$table = New-Object system.Data.DataTable "BenchTable"
$col1 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Filename, ([string])
$col2 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Precision, ([string])
$col3 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Device,([string])
$col4 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn SS1, ([string])
$col5 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn SS2, ([string])
$col6 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn SS4, ([string])
#Add the Columns
function TestFileSupersamples([string]$filename, [string]$precision, [string]$suffix, [string]$quality, [string]$misc)
[int]$sscount = 0;
$row = $table.NewRow()
$row.Filename = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($filename)
if ($precision -eq "--sp")
$row.Precision = "Single"
$row.Precision = "Double"
if ($misc -like "*opencl*")
$row.Device = "GPU"
$row.Device = "CPU"
foreach ($ssval in $Script:ssArray)
$fullSuffix = $suffix + $Script:ssSuffixArray[$sscount]
$renderargs = ("--in=$filename", "$verbose", "$name_enable", "$dump_args", "--suffix=$fullSuffix", "--supersample=$ssval", "$precision", "--quality=$quality") + $misc.Split(" ")
$Script:output = (&$exe $renderargs) | Out-String
$val = $Script:output.split([environment]::NewLine) | where {$_ -like "*Iters/sec*"}
$val = (($val.split(' ')[1] -replace '[.,]',''))
$row[3 + $sscount] = $val
$Script:filteredLines += $val
$Script:totalOutput += [environment]::NewLine + "====================" + [environment]::NewLine + $Script:output
function BenchAllForFile([string]$filename)
#if you want to test extreme speed on your GPU, add this option, --sbpctth=1.0, to increase the amount of each sub batch that is done on each opencl thread per kernel launch.
#set the value from somewhere between 0.025 (the default) and 1.0 (the max). Values above 0.3 don't make much of a difference.
#this usually results in a roughly 1% speed improvement.
#however, it can cause the render to fail, especially on the golubaja_rippingfrominside_complexcode and zy0rg_six_bigcomplexcode flames when using double precision.
$misc = "--opencl --device=" + $devices
TestFileSupersamples $filename "--sp" "_f32_cpu" $script:cpuquality ""
TestFileSupersamples $filename "" "_f64_cpu" $script:cpuquality ""
TestFileSupersamples $filename "--sp" "_f32_opencl" $script:gpuquality $misc
TestFileSupersamples $filename "" "_f64_opencl" $script:gpuquality $misc
cd ..
$fileOne = $benchprefix + "mfeemster_basicmemory.flame"
BenchAllForFile $fileOne
$fileOne = $benchprefix + "tatasz_springcrown_manysimplexforms.flame"
BenchAllForFile $fileOne
$fileOne = $benchprefix + "tyrantwave_flippeddisc_normal.flame"
BenchAllForFile $fileOne
$fileOne = $benchprefix + "golubaja_rippingfrominside_complexcode.flame"
BenchAllForFile $fileOne
$fileOne = $benchprefix + "zy0rg_six_bigcomplexcode.flame"
BenchAllForFile $fileOne
$Script:totalOutput | Out-File -FilePath benchout.txt
$table | Export-Csv -Path ".\benchout.csv" -Force -NoTypeInformation