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synced 2025-03-07 19:31:30 -05:00

-Add new preset dimensions to the right click menu of the width and height fields in the editor. -Change QSS stylesheets to properly handle tabs. -Make tabs rectangular by default. For some reason, they had always been triangular. --Bug fixes -Incremental rendering times in the editor were wrong. --Code changes -Migrate to Qt6. There is probably more work to be done here. -Migrate to VS2022. -Migrate to Wix 4 installer. -Change installer to install to program files for all users. -Fix many VS2022 code analysis warnings. -No longer use byte typedef, because std::byte is now a type. Revert all back to unsigned char. -Upgrade OpenCL headers to version 3.0 and keep locally now rather than trying to look for system files. -No longer link to Nvidia or AMD specific OpenCL libraries. Use the generic installer located at OCL_ROOT too. -Add the ability to change OpenCL grid dimensions. This was attempted for investigating possible performance improvments, but made no difference. This has not been verified on Linux or Mac yet.
360 lines
9.1 KiB
360 lines
9.1 KiB
#pragma once
#include "FractoriumPch.h"
/// <summary>
/// FractoriumSettings class.
/// </summary>
#define EARLYCLIP "render/earlyclip"
#define YAXISUP "render/yaxisup"
#define TRANSPARENCY "render/transparency"
#define OPENCL "render/opencl"
#define SHAREDTEXTURE "render/sharedtexture"
#define DOUBLEPRECISION "render/dp64"
#define CONTUPDATE "render/continuousupdate"
#define SHOWALLXFORMS "render/dragshowallxforms"
#define SHOWXFORMS "render/showxforms"
#define SHOWGRID "render/showgrid"
#define TOGGLETYPE "render/toggletype"
#define PNG16BIT "render/png16bit"
#define DEVICES "render/devices"
#define THREADCOUNT "render/threadcount"
#define CPUDEFILTER "render/cpudefilter"
#define OPENCLDEFILTER "render/opencldefilter"
#define CPUSUBBATCH "render/cpusubbatch"
#define OPENCLSUBBATCH "render/openclsubbatch"
#define OPENCLSUBBATCHPCT "render/openclsubbatchpct"
#define RANDOMCOUNT "render/randomcount"
#define CPUQUALITY "render/cpuquality"
#define OPENCLQUALITY "render/openclquality"
#define LOADLAST "render/loadlastonstart"
#define ROTSCALE "render/rotateandscale"
#define FLAM3COMPAT "render/flam3compat"
#define STAGGER "sequence/stagger"
#define STAGGERMAX "sequence/staggermax"
#define FRAMESPERROT "sequence/framesperrot"
#define FRAMESPERROTMAX "sequence/framesperrotmax"
#define ROTATIONS "sequence/rotations"
#define ROTATIONSMAX "sequence/rotationsmax"
#define BLENDFRAMES "sequence/blendframes"
#define BLENDFRAMESMAX "sequence/blendframesmax"
#define ROTATIONSPERBLEND "sequence/rotationsperblend"
#define ROTATIONSPERBLENDMAX "sequence/rotationsperblendmax"
#define LINEAR "sequence/linear"
#define ANIMATION_FPS "sequence/animationfps"
#define VARFILTERSUM "varfilter/sumcheckbox"
#define VARFILTERASSIGN "varfilter/assigncheckbox"
#define VARFILTERPPSUM "varfilter/ppsumcheckbox"
#define VARFILTERPPASSIGN "varfilter/ppassigncheckbox"
#define VARFILTERSDC "varfilter/dccheckbox"
#define VARFILTERSTATE "varfilter/statecheckbox"
#define VARFILTERPARAM "varfilter/paramcheckbox"
#define VARFILTERNONPARAM "varfilter/nonparamcheckbox"
#define FINALEARLYCLIP "finalrender/earlyclip"
#define FINALYAXISUP "finalrender/finalyaxisup"
#define FINALTRANSPARENCY "finalrender/transparency"
#define FINALOPENCL "finalrender/opencl"
#define FINALDOUBLEPRECISION "finalrender/dp64"
#define FINALSAVEXML "finalrender/savexml"
#define FINALDOALL "finalrender/doall"
#define FINALDOSEQUENCE "finalrender/dosequence"
#define FINALPNG16BIT "finalrender/png16bit"
#define FINALKEEPASPECT "finalrender/keepaspect"
#define FINALSCALE "finalrender/scale"
#define FINALEXT "finalrender/ext"
#define FINALDEVICES "finalrender/devices"
#define FINALTHREADCOUNT "finalrender/threadcount"
#define FINALTHREADPRIORITY "finalrender/threadpriority"
#define FINALOPENCLSUBBATCHPCT "finalrender/openclsubbatchpct"
#define FINALQUALITY "finalrender/quality"
#define FINALTEMPORALSAMPLES "finalrender/temporalsamples"
#define FINALSUPERSAMPLE "finalrender/supersample"
#define FINALSTRIPS "finalrender/strips"
#define XMLWIDTH "xml/width"
#define XMLHEIGHT "xml/height"
#define XMLTEMPORALSAMPLES "xml/temporalsamples"
#define XMLQUALITY "xml/quality"
#define XMLSUPERSAMPLE "xml/supersample"
#define OPENFOLDER "path/open"
#define OPENPALETTEIMAGEFOLDER "path/openpaletteimage"
#define SAVEFOLDER "path/save"
#define OPENXMLEXT "file/openxmlext"
#define SAVEXMLEXT "file/savexmlext"
#define OPENIMAGEEXT "file/openimageext"
#define SAVEIMAGEEXT "file/saveimageext"
#define AUTOUNIQUE "file/autounique"
#define IDENTITYID "identity/id"
#define IDENTITYURL "identity/url"
#define IDENTITYNICK "identity/nick"
#define UIVARIATIONS "ui/variations"
#define STYLETHEME "style/theme"
/// <summary>
/// Class for preserving various program options between
/// runs of Fractorium. Each of these generally corresponds
/// to items in the options dialog and the final render dialog.
/// </summary>
class FractoriumSettings : public QSettings, public Singleton<FractoriumSettings>
void EnsureDefaults();
bool EarlyClip();
void EarlyClip(bool b);
bool YAxisUp();
void YAxisUp(bool b);
bool Transparency();
void Transparency(bool b);
bool OpenCL();
void OpenCL(bool b);
bool SharedTexture();
void SharedTexture(bool b);
bool Double();
void Double(bool b);
bool ShowAllXforms();
void ShowAllXforms(bool b);
bool ShowXforms();
void ShowXforms(bool b);
bool ShowGrid();
void ShowGrid(bool b);
bool ToggleType();
void ToggleType(bool b);
bool Png16Bit();
void Png16Bit(bool b);
bool ContinuousUpdate();
void ContinuousUpdate(bool b);
QList<QVariant> Devices();
void Devices(const QList<QVariant>& devices);
uint ThreadCount();
void ThreadCount(uint i);
bool CpuDEFilter();
void CpuDEFilter(bool b);
bool OpenCLDEFilter();
void OpenCLDEFilter(bool b);
uint CpuSubBatch();
void CpuSubBatch(uint i);
double OpenCLSubBatchPct();
void OpenCLSubBatchPct(double d);
uint OpenCLSubBatch();
void OpenCLSubBatch(uint i);
uint RandomCount();
void RandomCount(uint i);
uint CpuQuality();
void CpuQuality(uint i);
uint OpenClQuality();
void OpenClQuality(uint i);
bool LoadLast();
void LoadLast(bool b);
bool RotateAndScale();
void RotateAndScale(bool b);
bool Flam3Compat();
void Flam3Compat(bool b);
double Stagger();
void Stagger(double i);
double StaggerMax();
void StaggerMax(double i);
uint FramesPerRot();
void FramesPerRot(uint i);
uint FramesPerRotMax();
void FramesPerRotMax(uint i);
uint Rotations();
void Rotations(double d);
uint RotationsMax();
void RotationsMax(double d);
uint BlendFrames();
void BlendFrames(uint i);
uint BlendFramesMax();
void BlendFramesMax(uint i);
uint RotationsPerBlend();
void RotationsPerBlend(uint i);
uint RotationsPerBlendMax();
void RotationsPerBlendMax(uint i);
bool Linear();
void Linear(bool b);
uint AnimationFps();
void AnimationFps(uint i);
int VarFilterSum();
void VarFilterSum(int i);
int VarFilterAssign();
void VarFilterAssign(int i);
int VarFilterPpsum();
void VarFilterPpsum(int i);
int VarFilterPpassign();
void VarFilterPpassign(int i);
int VarFilterSdc();
void VarFilterSdc(int i);
int VarFilterState();
void VarFilterState(int i);
int VarFilterParam();
void VarFilterParam(int i);
int VarFilterNonparam();
void VarFilterNonparam(int i);
bool FinalEarlyClip();
void FinalEarlyClip(bool b);
bool FinalYAxisUp();
void FinalYAxisUp(bool b);
bool FinalTransparency();
void FinalTransparency(bool b);
bool FinalOpenCL();
void FinalOpenCL(bool b);
bool FinalDouble();
void FinalDouble(bool b);
bool FinalSaveXml();
void FinalSaveXml(bool b);
bool FinalDoAll();
void FinalDoAll(bool b);
bool FinalDoSequence();
void FinalDoSequence(bool b);
bool FinalPng16Bit();
void FinalPng16Bit(bool b);
bool FinalKeepAspect();
void FinalKeepAspect(bool b);
uint FinalScale();
void FinalScale(uint i);
QString FinalExt();
void FinalExt(const QString& s);
QList<QVariant> FinalDevices();
void FinalDevices(const QList<QVariant>& devices);
uint FinalThreadCount();
void FinalThreadCount(uint i);
int FinalThreadPriority();
void FinalThreadPriority(int b);
double FinalOpenCLSubBatchPct();
void FinalOpenCLSubBatchPct(double d);
uint FinalQuality();
void FinalQuality(uint i);
uint FinalTemporalSamples();
void FinalTemporalSamples(uint i);
uint FinalSupersample();
void FinalSupersample(uint i);
size_t FinalStrips();
void FinalStrips(size_t i);
uint XmlTemporalSamples();
void XmlTemporalSamples(uint i);
uint XmlQuality();
void XmlQuality(uint i);
uint XmlSupersample();
void XmlSupersample(uint i);
QString OpenFolder();
void OpenFolder(const QString& s);
QString OpenPaletteImageFolder();
void OpenPaletteImageFolder(const QString& s);
QString SaveFolder();
void SaveFolder(const QString& s);
QString OpenXmlExt();
void OpenXmlExt(const QString& s);
QString SaveXmlExt();
void SaveXmlExt(const QString& s);
QString OpenImageExt();
void OpenImageExt(const QString& s);
QString SaveImageExt();
void SaveImageExt(const QString& s);
bool SaveAutoUnique();
void SaveAutoUnique(bool b);
QString Id();
void Id(const QString& s);
QString Url();
void Url(const QString& s);
QString Nick();
void Nick(const QString& s);
QMap<QString, QVariant> Variations();
void Variations(const QMap<QString, QVariant>& m);
QString Theme();
void Theme(const QString& s);