mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 23:31:35 -04:00

-Add new variations: crackle, dc_perlin. -Make default palette interp mode be linear instead of step. -Make summary tab the selected one in the Info tab. -Allow for highlight power of up to 10. It was previously limited to 2. --Bug fixes -Direct color calculations were wrong. -Flattening was not applied to final xform. -Fix "pure virtual function call" error on shutdown. --Code changes -Allow for array precalc params in variations by adding a size member to the ParamWithName class. -In IterOpenCLKernelCreator, memcpy precalc params instead of a direct assign since they can now be of variable length. -Add new file VarFuncs to consolidate some functions that are common to multiple variations. This also contains texture data for crackle and dc_perlin. -Place OpenCL versions of these functions in the FunctionMapper class in the EmberCL project. -Add new Singleton class that uses CRTP, is thread safe, and deletes after the last reference goes away. This fixes the usual "delete after main()" problem with singletons that use the static local function variable pattern. -Began saving files with AStyle autoformatter turned on. This will eventually touch all files as they are worked on. -Add missing backslash to CUDA include and library paths for builds on Nvidia systems. -Add missing gl.h include for Windows. -Remove glew include paths from Fractorium, it's not used. -Remove any Nvidia specific #defines and build targets, they are no longer needed with OpenCL 1.2. -Fix bad paths on linux build. -General cleanup.
483 lines
15 KiB
483 lines
15 KiB
#include "EmberCommonPch.h"
#include "EmberAnimate.h"
#include "JpegUtils.h"
/// <summary>
/// The core of the EmberAnimate.exe program.
/// Template argument expected to be float or double.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="opt">A populated EmberOptions object which specifies all program options to be used</param>
/// <returns>True if success, else false.</returns>
template <typename T>
bool EmberAnimate(EmberOptions& opt)
auto info = OpenCLInfo::Instance();
if (opt.DumpArgs())
cout << opt.GetValues(OPT_USE_ANIMATE) << endl;
if (opt.OpenCLInfo())
cout << "\nOpenCL Info: " << endl;
cout << info->DumpInfo();
return true;
//Regular variables.
Timing t;
bool unsorted = false;
uint channels, padding;
size_t i, firstUnsortedIndex = 0;
string inputPath = GetPath(opt.Input());
vector<Ember<T>> embers;
XmlToEmber<T> parser;
EmberToXml<T> emberToXml;
EmberReport emberReport;
const vector<pair<size_t, size_t>> devices = Devices(opt.Devices());
std::atomic<size_t> atomfTime;
vector<std::thread> threadVec;
unique_ptr<RenderProgress<T>> progress;
vector<unique_ptr<Renderer<T, float>>> renderers;
vector<string> errorReport;
CriticalSection verboseCs;
if (opt.EmberCL())
renderers = CreateRenderers<T>(OPENCL_RENDERER, devices, false, 0, emberReport);
errorReport = emberReport.ErrorReport();
if (!errorReport.empty())
if (!renderers.size() || renderers.size() != devices.size())
cout << "Only created " << renderers.size() << " renderers out of " << devices.size() << " requested, exiting." << endl;
return false;
if (opt.DoProgress())
progress = unique_ptr<RenderProgress<T>>(new RenderProgress<T>());
cout << "Using OpenCL to render." << endl;
if (opt.Verbose())
for (auto& device : devices)
cout << "Platform: " << info->PlatformName(device.first) << endl;
cout << "Device: " << info->DeviceName(device.first, device.second) << endl;
if (opt.ThreadCount() > 1)
cout << "Cannot specify threads with OpenCL, using 1 thread." << endl;
for (auto& r : renderers)
r->ThreadCount(opt.ThreadCount(), opt.IsaacSeed() != "" ? opt.IsaacSeed().c_str() : nullptr);
if (opt.BitsPerChannel() != 8)
cout << "Bits per channel cannot be anything other than 8 with OpenCL, setting to 8." << endl;
unique_ptr<Renderer<T, float>> tempRenderer(CreateRenderer<T>(CPU_RENDERER, devices, false, 0, emberReport));
errorReport = emberReport.ErrorReport();
if (!errorReport.empty())
if (!tempRenderer.get())
cout << "Renderer creation failed, exiting." << endl;
return false;
if (opt.DoProgress())
progress = unique_ptr<RenderProgress<T>>(new RenderProgress<T>());
if (opt.ThreadCount() == 0)
cout << "Using " << Timing::ProcessorCount() << " automatically detected threads." << endl;
cout << "Using " << opt.ThreadCount() << " manually specified threads." << endl;
tempRenderer->ThreadCount(opt.ThreadCount(), opt.IsaacSeed() != "" ? opt.IsaacSeed().c_str() : nullptr);
if (!InitPaletteList<T>(opt.PalettePath()))
return false;
if (!ParseEmberFile(parser, opt.Input(), embers))
return false;
if (embers.size() <= 1)
cout << "Read " << embers.size() << " embers from file. At least 2 required to animate, exiting." << endl;
return false;
if (opt.Format() != "jpg" &&
opt.Format() != "png" &&
opt.Format() != "ppm" &&
opt.Format() != "bmp")
cout << "Format must be jpg, png, ppm, or bmp not " << opt.Format() << ". Setting to jpg." << endl;
channels = opt.Format() == "png" ? 4 : 3;
if (opt.BitsPerChannel() == 16 && opt.Format() != "png")
cout << "Support for 16 bits per channel images is only present for the png format. Setting to 8." << endl;
else if (opt.BitsPerChannel() != 8 && opt.BitsPerChannel() != 16)
cout << "Unexpected bits per channel specified " << opt.BitsPerChannel() << ". Setting to 8." << endl;
if (opt.InsertPalette() && opt.BitsPerChannel() != 8)
cout << "Inserting palette only supported with 8 bits per channel, insertion will not take place." << endl;
if (opt.AspectRatio() < 0)
cout << "Invalid pixel aspect ratio " << opt.AspectRatio() << endl << ". Must be positive, setting to 1." << endl;
if (opt.Dtime() < 1)
cout << "Warning: dtime must be positive, not " << opt.Dtime() << ". Setting to 1." << endl;
if (opt.Frame())
if (opt.Time())
cout << "Cannot specify both time and frame." << endl;
return false;
if (opt.FirstFrame() || opt.LastFrame())
cout << "Cannot specify both frame and begin or end." << endl;
return false;
if (opt.Time())
if (opt.FirstFrame() || opt.LastFrame())
cout << "Cannot specify both time and begin or end." << endl;
return false;
//Prep all embers, by ensuring they:
//-Are sorted by time.
//-Do not have a dimension of 0.
//-Do not have a memory requirement greater than max uint.
//-Have quality and size scales applied, if present.
//-Have equal dimensions.
for (i = 0; i < embers.size(); i++)
if (i > 0 && embers[i].m_Time <= embers[i - 1].m_Time)
if (!unsorted)
firstUnsortedIndex = i;
unsorted = true;
if (i > 0 && embers[i].m_Time == embers[i - 1].m_Time)
cout << "Image " << i << " time of " << embers[i].m_Time << " equaled previous image time of " << embers[i - 1].m_Time << ". Adjusting up by 1." << endl;
if (opt.Supersample() > 0)
embers[i].m_Supersample = opt.Supersample();
if (opt.SubBatchSize() != DEFAULT_SBS)
embers[i].m_SubBatchSize = opt.SubBatchSize();
embers[i].m_Quality *= T(opt.QualityScale());
embers[i].m_FinalRasW = size_t(T(embers[i].m_FinalRasW) * opt.SizeScale());
embers[i].m_FinalRasH = size_t(T(embers[i].m_FinalRasH) * opt.SizeScale());
embers[i].m_PixelsPerUnit *= T(opt.SizeScale());
//Cast to double in case the value exceeds 2^32.
double imageMem = double(channels) * double(embers[i].m_FinalRasW)
* double(embers[i].m_FinalRasH) * double(renderers[0]->BytesPerChannel());
double maxMem = pow(2.0, double((sizeof(void*) * 8) - 1));
if (imageMem > maxMem)//Ensure the max amount of memory for a process isn't exceeded.
cout << "Image " << i << " size > " << maxMem << ". Setting to 1920 x 1080." << endl;
embers[i].m_FinalRasW = 1920;
embers[i].m_FinalRasH = 1080;
if (embers[i].m_FinalRasW == 0 || embers[i].m_FinalRasH == 0)
cout << "Warning: Output image " << i << " has dimension 0: " << embers[i].m_FinalRasW << ", " << embers[i].m_FinalRasH << ". Setting to 1920 x 1080." << endl;
embers[i].m_FinalRasW = 1920;
embers[i].m_FinalRasH = 1080;
if ((embers[i].m_FinalRasW != embers[0].m_FinalRasW) ||
(embers[i].m_FinalRasH != embers[0].m_FinalRasH))
cout << "Warning: flame " << i << " at time " << embers[i].m_Time << " size mismatch. (" << embers[i].m_FinalRasW << ", " << embers[i].m_FinalRasH <<
") should be (" << embers[0].m_FinalRasW << ", " << embers[0].m_FinalRasH << "). Setting to " << embers[0].m_FinalRasW << ", " << embers[0].m_FinalRasH << "." << endl;
embers[i].m_FinalRasW = embers[0].m_FinalRasW;
embers[i].m_FinalRasH = embers[0].m_FinalRasH;
if (unsorted)
cout << "Embers were unsorted by time. First out of order index was " << firstUnsortedIndex << ". Sorting." << endl;
std::sort(embers.begin(), embers.end(), &CompareEmbers<T>);
if (!opt.Time() && !opt.Frame())
if (opt.FirstFrame() == UINT_MAX)
if (opt.LastFrame() == UINT_MAX)
opt.LastFrame(ClampGte<size_t>(size_t(embers.back().m_Time),//Make sure time - 1 is positive before converting to size_t.
opt.FirstFrame() + opt.Dtime()));//Make sure the final value is at least first frame + dtime.
if (!opt.Out().empty())
cout << "Single output file " << opt.Out() << " specified for multiple images. They would be all overwritten and only the last image will remain, exiting." << endl;
return false;
//Final setup steps before running.
padding = uint(std::log10(double(embers.size()))) + 1;
for (auto& r : renderers)
r->BytesPerChannel(opt.BitsPerChannel() / 8);
r->Priority(eThreadPriority(Clamp<intmax_t>(intmax_t(opt.Priority()), intmax_t(eThreadPriority::LOWEST), intmax_t(eThreadPriority::HIGHEST))));
std::function<void (vector<byte>&, string, EmberImageComments, size_t, size_t, size_t)> saveFunc = [&](vector<byte>& finalImage,
string filename,//These are copies because this will be launched in a thread.
EmberImageComments comments,
size_t w,
size_t h,
size_t chan)
bool writeSuccess = false;
byte* finalImagep = finalImage.data();
if ((opt.Format() == "jpg" || opt.Format() == "bmp") && chan == 4)
RgbaToRgb(finalImage, finalImage, w, h);
if (opt.Format() == "png")
writeSuccess = WritePng(filename.c_str(), finalImagep, w, h, opt.BitsPerChannel() / 8, opt.PngComments(), comments, opt.Id(), opt.Url(), opt.Nick());
else if (opt.Format() == "jpg")
writeSuccess = WriteJpeg(filename.c_str(), finalImagep, w, h, int(opt.JpegQuality()), opt.JpegComments(), comments, opt.Id(), opt.Url(), opt.Nick());
else if (opt.Format() == "ppm")
writeSuccess = WritePpm(filename.c_str(), finalImagep, w, h);
else if (opt.Format() == "bmp")
writeSuccess = WriteBmp(filename.c_str(), finalImagep, w, h);
if (!writeSuccess)
cout << "Error writing " << filename << endl;
std::function<void(size_t)> iterFunc = [&](size_t index)
size_t ftime, finalImageIndex = 0;
string filename, flameName;
RendererBase* renderer = renderers[index].get();
ostringstream fnstream, os;
EmberStats stats;
EmberImageComments comments;
Ember<T> centerEmber;
vector<byte> finalImages[2];
std::thread writeThread;
while (atomfTime.fetch_add(opt.Dtime()), ((ftime = atomfTime.load()) <= opt.LastFrame()))
T localTime = T(ftime) - 1;
if (opt.Verbose() && ((opt.LastFrame() - opt.FirstFrame()) / opt.Dtime() >= 1))
cout << "Time = " << ftime << " / " << opt.LastFrame() << " / " << opt.Dtime() << endl;
if ((renderer->Run(finalImages[finalImageIndex], localTime) != RENDER_OK) || renderer->Aborted() || finalImages[finalImageIndex].empty())
cout << "Error: image rendering failed, skipping to next image." << endl;
renderer->DumpErrorReport();//Something went wrong, print errors.
atomfTime.store(opt.LastFrame() + 1);//Abort all threads if any of them encounter an error.
fnstream << inputPath << opt.Prefix() << setfill('0') << setw(padding) << ftime << opt.Suffix() << "." << opt.Format();
filename = fnstream.str();
if (opt.WriteGenome())
flameName = filename.substr(0, filename.find_last_of('.')) + ".flam3";
if (opt.Verbose())
cout << "Writing " << flameName << endl;
Interpolater<T>::Interpolate(embers, localTime, 0, centerEmber);//Get center flame.
emberToXml.Save(flameName, centerEmber, opt.PrintEditDepth(), true, opt.IntPalette(), opt.HexPalette(), true, false, false);
stats = renderer->Stats();
comments = renderer->ImageComments(stats, opt.PrintEditDepth(), opt.IntPalette(), opt.HexPalette());
size_t iterCount = renderer->TotalIterCount(1);
os << comments.m_NumIters << " / " << iterCount << " (" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << ((double(stats.m_Iters) / double(iterCount)) * 100) << "%)";
if (opt.Verbose())
cout << "\nIters ran/requested: " + os.str() << endl;
if (!opt.EmberCL()) cout << "Bad values: " << stats.m_Badvals << endl;
cout << "Render time: " << t.Format(stats.m_RenderMs) << endl;
cout << "Pure iter time: " << t.Format(stats.m_IterMs) << endl;
cout << "Iters/sec: " << size_t(stats.m_Iters / (stats.m_IterMs / 1000.0)) << endl;
cout << "Writing " << filename << endl << endl;
//Run image writing in a thread. Although doing it this way duplicates the final output memory, it saves a lot of time
//when running with OpenCL. Call join() to ensure the previous thread call has completed.
if (writeThread.joinable())
auto threadVecIndex = finalImageIndex;//Cache before launching thread.
if (opt.ThreadedWrite())//Copies are passed of all but the first parameter to saveFunc(), to avoid conflicting with those values changing when starting the render for the next image.
writeThread = std::thread(saveFunc, std::ref(finalImages[threadVecIndex]), filename, comments, renderer->FinalRasW(), renderer->FinalRasH(), renderer->NumChannels());
finalImageIndex ^= 1;//Toggle the index.
saveFunc(finalImages[threadVecIndex], filename, comments, renderer->FinalRasW(), renderer->FinalRasH(), renderer->NumChannels());//Will always use the first index, thereby not requiring more memory.
if (writeThread.joinable())//One final check to make sure all writing is done before exiting this thread.
for (size_t r = 0; r < renderers.size(); r++)
threadVec.push_back(std::thread([&](size_t dev)
}, r));
for (auto& th : threadVec)
if (th.joinable())
t.Toc("\nFinished in: ", true);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Main program entry point for EmberAnimate.exe.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argc">The number of command line arguments passed</param>
/// <param name="argv">The command line arguments passed</param>
/// <returns>0 if successful, else 1.</returns>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
bool b = false;
EmberOptions opt;
//Required for large allocs, else GPU memory usage will be severely limited to small sizes.
//This must be done in the application and not in the EmberCL DLL.
#ifdef WIN32
_putenv_s("GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT", "100");
if (!opt.Populate(argc, argv, OPT_USE_ANIMATE))
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
if (opt.Bits() == 64)
b = EmberAnimate<double>(opt);
if (opt.Bits() == 33)
b = EmberAnimate<float>(opt);
else if (opt.Bits() == 32)
cout << "Bits 32/int histogram no longer supported. Using bits == 33 (float)." << endl;
b = EmberAnimate<float>(opt);
return b ? 0 : 1;