mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 23:31:35 -04:00

-Remove the Type field from the variations tree and instead just put the type indicator icon next to the variation name. -Double clicking to toggle variation parameter spinners now resets the value to the default if there is one, else it uses zero. If it is already using the default, it is toggled to 0. -Add a new button to toggle xaos on and off. -When duplicating a flame, insert it immediately after the one being duplicated instead of at the end of the file. -When switching between flames in a file, keep the same xform index selected rather than resetting it to the first xform each time. -Create a threaded writer for the final render and EmberAnimate so the rendering process does not get delayed by file saving which may take a long time. -Remove warning which said "Frames per rot cannot be greater than one while Rotations is zero" when generating a sequence. -Add the Circle_Rand variation from Chaotica. -Add tool tips to clarify the following items: --Auto Unique Filenames checkbox in the options dialog. --Xaos table headers. --Bug fixes -Generating sequences using the following variations would be done incorrectly: circletrans1, collideoscope, crob, curlsp, glynnsim1, glynnsim2, hypercrop, julian, julian, mobiusn, nblur, waves2, wavesn. -Adding/removing nodes from the color curve had accidentally been disabled. -The applied xaos weight table was not showing normalized weight values. -Changing the size of a flame was not observing the Apply To All checkbox. -Do not clamp the Rotate field to +/-180, because this causes the rotation to switch from CW to CCW during sequence generation. Instead, leave it exactly as the user entered it so the rotations proceed in the same direction.
308 lines
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308 lines
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#include "FractoriumPch.h"
#include "Fractorium.h"
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the info UI.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::InitInfoUI()
const auto treeHeader = ui.SummaryTree->header();
const auto tableHeader = ui.SummaryTable->horizontalHeader();
connect(treeHeader, SIGNAL(sectionClicked(int)), this, SLOT(OnSummaryTreeHeaderSectionClicked(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(tableHeader, SIGNAL(sectionResized(int, int, int)), this, SLOT(OnSummaryTableHeaderResized(int, int, int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
ui.SummaryTable->setItem(0, 0, m_InfoNameItem = new QTableWidgetItem(""));
ui.SummaryTable->setItem(1, 0, m_InfoPaletteItem = new QTableWidgetItem(""));
ui.SummaryTable->setItem(2, 0, m_Info3dItem = new QTableWidgetItem(""));
ui.SummaryTable->setItem(3, 0, m_InfoXaosItem = new QTableWidgetItem(""));
ui.SummaryTable->setItem(4, 0, m_InfoXformCountItem = new QTableWidgetItem(""));
ui.SummaryTable->setItem(5, 0, m_InfoFinalXformItem = new QTableWidgetItem(""));
ui.InfoTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);//Make summary tab focused by default.
/// <summary>
/// Called when the palette cell of the summary table is resized in response
/// to a resizing of the Info dock.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalIndex">Ignored</param>
/// <param name="oldSize">Ignored</param>
/// <param name="newSize">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnSummaryTableHeaderResized(int logicalIndex, int oldSize, int newSize)
QPixmap pixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(m_Controller->FinalPaletteImage()));//Create a QPixmap out of the QImage, will be empty on startup.
SetPaletteTableItem(&pixmap, ui.SummaryTable, m_InfoPaletteItem, 1, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Expand or collapse the summary tree depending on the column index clicked.
/// 0: collapse, 1: expand.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalIndex">The column which was clicked</param>
void Fractorium::OnSummaryTreeHeaderSectionClicked(int logicalIndex)
if (const auto tree = ui.SummaryTree)
if (logicalIndex)
/// <summary>
/// Fill the summary tree with values from the current ember.
/// This is meant to be a rough summary by containing only the most relevant
/// values from the ember.
/// It's also meant to be used in a fire-and-forget way. Once the tree is filled
/// individual nodes are never referenced again.
/// The entire tree is cleared and refilled whenever a render is completed.
/// This would seem inefficient, but it appears to update with no flicker.
/// If this ever presents a problem in the future, revisit with a more
/// intelligent design.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::FillSummary()
const auto p = 3;
const auto vp = 4;
const auto vlen = 7;
const auto pc = 'f';
const auto forceFinal = m_Fractorium->HaveFinal();
const auto total = m_Ember.TotalXformCount(forceFinal);
const auto table = m_Fractorium->ui.SummaryTable;
const auto nondraggable = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable;
const auto draggable = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled;
size_t x = 0;
Xform<T>* xform = nullptr;
QColor color;
auto tree = m_Fractorium->ui.SummaryTree;
m_Fractorium->m_Info3dItem->setText(m_Ember.ProjBits() ? "Yes" : "No");
m_Fractorium->m_InfoXaosItem->setText(m_Ember.XaosPresent() ? "Yes" : "No");
m_Fractorium->m_InfoFinalXformItem->setText(m_Ember.UseFinalXform() ? "Yes" : "No");
QPixmap pixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(m_FinalPaletteImage));//Create a QPixmap out of the QImage.
QSize size(table->columnWidth(0), table->rowHeight(1) + 1);
m_Fractorium->m_InfoPaletteItem->setData(Qt::DecorationRole, pixmap.scaled(size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
for (x = 0; x < total && (xform = m_Ember.GetTotalXform(x, forceFinal)); x++)
size_t i = 0;
QString as = "Pre";
auto item1 = new QTreeWidgetItem(tree);
intmax_t linkedIndex = IsXformLinked(m_Ember, xform);
QString linked = (linkedIndex != -1) ? (" Linked to " + QString::number(linkedIndex + 1)) : "";
auto index = m_Ember.GetXformIndex(xform);
xform->SetPrecalcFlags();//Needed for HasPost() below.
if (!m_Ember.IsFinalXform(xform) && index != -1)
item1->setText(0, "Xform " +
QString::number(x + 1) +
" (" + QLocale::system().toString(xform->m_Weight, pc, p) + ") (" +
QLocale::system().toString(double(m_NormalizedWeights[index]), pc, p) + ")" +
item1->setText(0, "Final xform");
item1->setText(1, xform->m_Name.c_str());
auto affineItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(item1);
affineItem->setText(0, "Affine");
if (xform->m_Affine.IsZero())
as += " Empty";
else if (xform->m_Affine.IsID())
as += " ID";
if (xform->HasPost())
as += ", Post";
if (xform->m_Post.IsZero())
as += " Empty";//Don't need to check further for IsID() because post is not included if it's ID.
affineItem->setText(1, as);
auto colorIndexItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(item1);
colorIndexItem->setText(0, "Color index");
colorIndexItem->setText(1, QLocale::system().toString(xform->m_ColorX, pc, p));
colorIndexItem->setFlags(nondraggable | Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren);
color = ColorIndexToQColor(xform->m_ColorX);
colorIndexItem->setBackground(1, color);
colorIndexItem->setForeground(1, VisibleColor(color));
auto colorSpeedItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(item1);
colorSpeedItem->setText(0, "Color speed");
colorSpeedItem->setText(1, QLocale::system().toString(xform->m_ColorSpeed, pc, p));
colorSpeedItem->setFlags(nondraggable | Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren);
auto opacityItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(item1);
opacityItem->setText(0, "Opacity");
opacityItem->setText(1, QLocale::system().toString(xform->m_Opacity, pc, p));
opacityItem->setFlags(nondraggable | Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren);
auto dcItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(item1);
dcItem->setText(0, "Direct color");
dcItem->setText(1, QLocale::system().toString(xform->m_DirectColor, pc, p));
dcItem->setFlags(nondraggable | Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren);
if (dcItem->text(0) != tree->LastNonVarField())
throw "Last info tree non-variation index did not match expected value";
while (auto var = xform->GetVariation(i++))
auto vitem = new VariationTreeWidgetItem(var->VariationId(), item1);
vitem->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(var->Name()));
vitem->setText(1, QLocale::system().toString(var->m_Weight, pc, vp).rightJustified(vlen, ' '));
auto qi = MakeVariationIcon(var);
vitem->setIcon(0, qi);
if (const auto parVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(var))
auto params = parVar->Params();
for (auto j = 0; j < parVar->ParamCount(); j++)
if (!params[j].IsPrecalc())
auto pitem = new QTreeWidgetItem(vitem);
pitem->setText(0, params[j].Name().c_str());
pitem->setText(1, QLocale::system().toString(params[j].ParamVal(), pc, vp).rightJustified(vlen, ' '));
const auto item2 = new QTreeWidgetItem(tree);//Empty item in between xforms.
void Fractorium::FillSummary()
/// <summary>
/// Reorder the variations of the xform for the passed in tree widget item.
/// Read the newly reordered variation items in order, removing each from the xform
/// corresponding to the passed in item, and storing them in a vector. Then re-add those variation
/// pointers back to the xform in the same order they were removed.
/// This will be called after the user performs a drag and drop operation on the variations in the
/// info tree. So the variations will be in the newly desired order.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dme">Pointer to the parent (xform level) tree widget item which contains the variation item being dragged</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::ReorderVariations(QTreeWidgetItem* item)
const auto tree = m_Fractorium->ui.SummaryTree;
const auto xfindex = tree->indexOfTopLevelItem(item) / 2;//Blank lines each count as one.
if (auto xform = m_Ember.GetTotalXform(xfindex))
vector<Variation<T>*> vars;
int i = 0;
while (const auto ch = item->child(i))
if (ch->text(0) == tree->LastNonVarField())
while (auto varch = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeWidgetItem*>(item->child(i++)))
if (auto var = xform->RemoveVariationById(varch->Id()))
for (auto& var : vars)
}, true, eProcessAction::FULL_RENDER);
void Fractorium::ReorderVariations(QTreeWidgetItem* item)
/// <summary>
/// Update the histogram bounds display labels.
/// This shows the user the actual bounds of what's
/// being rendered. Mostly of engineering interest.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::UpdateHistogramBounds()
static QString ul, ur, lr, ll, wh, g, de;
if (auto r = m_Controller->Renderer())
auto ulstr = ul.asprintf("UL: %3.3f, %3.3f", r->LowerLeftX(), r->UpperRightY());//These bounds include gutter padding.
auto urstr = ur.asprintf("UR: %3.3f, %3.3f", r->UpperRightX(), r->UpperRightY());
auto lrstr = lr.asprintf("LR: %3.3f, %3.3f", r->UpperRightX(), r->LowerLeftY());
auto llstr = ll.asprintf("LL: %3.3f, %3.3f", r->LowerLeftX(), r->LowerLeftY());
auto whstr = wh.asprintf("W x H: %4u x %4u", r->SuperRasW(), r->SuperRasH());
auto gstr = g.asprintf("%u", static_cast<uint>(r->GutterWidth()));
ui.InfoBoundsTable->item(0, 1)->setText(gstr);
if (r->GetDensityFilter())
const auto deWidth = (r->GetDensityFilter()->FilterWidth() * 2) + 1;
auto destr = de.asprintf("%d x %d", deWidth, deWidth);
ui.InfoBoundsTable->item(1, 1)->setText(destr);
ui.InfoBoundsTable->item(1, 1)->setText("N/A");
/// <summary>
/// Fill the passed in QTextEdit with the vector of strings.
/// Optionally clear first.
/// Serves as a convenience function because the error reports coming
/// from Ember and EmberCL use vector<string>.
/// Use invokeMethod() in case this is called from a thread.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="errors">The vector of error strings</param>
/// <param name="textEdit">The QTextEdit to fill</param>
/// <param name="clear">Clear if true, else don't.</param>
void Fractorium::ErrorReportToQTextEdit(const vector<string>& errors, QTextEdit* textEdit, bool clear)
if (clear)
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(textEdit, "clear", Qt::QueuedConnection);
for (auto& error : errors)
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(textEdit, "append", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(const QString&, QString::fromStdString(error) + "\n"));
template class FractoriumEmberController<float>;
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
template class FractoriumEmberController<double>;