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synced 2025-03-13 23:31:35 -04:00

-Add animation sequence creation to Fractorium. -Add two new options to EmberGenome which are used when generating an animation sequence.: --startcount: Add this number to the filename of each flame. --padding: Override the automatically calculated amount of padding zeroes added to each filename. --Bug fixes -Prevent filenames in command line programs from using scientific notation when rendering a large number of frames. -Fix tab orders to match newer GUI items which were overlooked in previous releases. -Re-render previews if transparency value in the options dialog was changed. Re-rendering was previously only done if early clip or y axis up was changed. -Use transparency when rendering thumbnail previews. --Code changes -Wrap EmberCommon.h in a namespace called EmberCommon. -Move FormatName() from EmberGenome to EmberCommon.h/cpp -Add a prefix parameter to EmberFile::DefaultFilename() to allow for creating a default filename for sequences. -When showing the final render dialog, allow specifying where it came from: the toolbar or the render sequence button. -Refactor all preview rendering code out into its own class hierarchy with overrides for the main window and the final render dialog. -Remove all preview render cancelling functions, they are now built into the new class hierarchy and a new render will not start until the previous one is stopped. -Add two new function ConstrainLow() and ConstrainHigh() which wrap constraining two min/max spinboxes to each others' values. -Add a bool to FractoriumEmberControllerBase::CopyEmberFile() to specify whether to copy the main file or the sequence file. This is somewhat of a hack and was done in a rush. -Add a bool to FractoriumEmberControllerBase::SetEmberFile() to specify whether to move the file rather than copy. This is used in FinalRenderEmberController and improves efficiency. -Add wrapper functions for variations filter dialog settings.
142 lines
4.6 KiB
142 lines
4.6 KiB
#pragma once
#include "ui_FinalRenderDialog.h"
#include "SpinBox.h"
#include "DoubleSpinBox.h"
#include "TwoButtonComboWidget.h"
#include "FractoriumSettings.h"
#include "FinalRenderEmberController.h"
/// <summary>
/// FractoriumFinalRenderDialog class.
/// </summary>
class Fractorium;//Forward declaration since Fractorium uses this dialog.
class FinalRenderEmberControllerBase;
template <typename T> class FinalRenderEmberController;
/// <summary>
/// The final render dialog is for when the user is satisfied with the parameters they've
/// set and they want to do a final render at a higher quality and at a specific resolution
/// and save it out to a file.
/// It supports rendering either the current ember, or all of them in the opened file.
/// If a single ember is rendered, it will be saved to a single output file.
/// If multiple embers are rendered, they will all be saved to a specified directory using
/// default names.
/// The user can optionally save the Xml file with each ember.
/// They can be treated as individual images, or as an animation sequence in which case
/// motion blurring with temporal samples will be applied.
/// It keeps a pointer to the main window and the global settings object for convenience.
/// The settings used here are saved to the /finalrender portion of the settings file.
/// It has its own OpenCLWrapper member for populating the combo boxes.
/// Upon running, it will delete the main window's renderer to save memory/GPU resources and restore it to its
/// original state upon exiting.
/// This class uses a controller-based design similar to the main window.
/// </summary>
class FractoriumFinalRenderDialog : public QDialog
friend Fractorium;
friend FinalRenderEmberControllerBase;
friend FinalRenderEmberController<float>;
friend PreviewRenderer<float>;
friend FinalRenderPreviewRenderer<float>;
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
friend FinalRenderEmberController<double>;
friend PreviewRenderer<double>;
friend FinalRenderPreviewRenderer<double>;
FractoriumFinalRenderDialog(FractoriumSettings* settings, QWidget* p, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0);
void Show(bool fromSequence);
bool EarlyClip();
bool YAxisUp();
bool Transparency();
bool OpenCL();
bool Double();
bool SaveXml();
bool DoAll();
bool DoSequence();
bool KeepAspect();
bool ApplyToAll();
eScaleType Scale();
void Scale(eScaleType scale);
QString Ext();
QString Path();
void Path(const QString& s);
QString Prefix();
QString Suffix();
uint Current();
uint ThreadCount();
int ThreadPriority();
double WidthScale();
double HeightScale();
double Quality();
uint TemporalSamples();
uint Supersample();
uint Strips();
QList<QVariant> Devices();
FinalRenderGuiState State();
public slots:
void MoveCursorToEnd();
void OnEarlyClipCheckBoxStateChanged(int state);
void OnYAxisUpCheckBoxStateChanged(int state);
void OnTransparencyCheckBoxStateChanged(int state);
void OnOpenCLCheckBoxStateChanged(int state);
void OnDoublePrecisionCheckBoxStateChanged(int state);
void OnDoAllCheckBoxStateChanged(int state);
void OnDoSequenceCheckBoxStateChanged(int state);
void OnCurrentSpinChanged(int d);
void OnApplyAllCheckBoxStateChanged(int state);
void OnWidthScaleChanged(double d);
void OnHeightScaleChanged(double d);
void OnKeepAspectCheckBoxStateChanged(int state);
void OnScaleRadioButtonChanged(bool checked);
void OnDeviceTableCellChanged(int row, int col);
void OnDeviceTableRadioToggled(bool checked);
void OnQualityChanged(double d);
void OnTemporalSamplesChanged(int d);
void OnSupersampleChanged(int d);
void OnStripsChanged(int d);
void OnFileButtonClicked(bool checked);
void OnShowFolderButtonClicked(bool checked);
void OnExtIndexChanged(int d);
void OnPrefixChanged(const QString& s);
void OnSuffixChanged(const QString& s);
void OnRenderClicked(bool checked);
void OnCancelRenderClicked(bool checked);
virtual void reject() override;
virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent* e) override;
bool CreateControllerFromGUI(bool createRenderer);
bool SetMemory();
bool m_FromSequence;
int m_MemoryCellIndex;
int m_ItersCellIndex;
int m_PathCellIndex;
Timing m_RenderTimer;
DoubleSpinBox* m_WidthScaleSpin;
DoubleSpinBox* m_HeightScaleSpin;
DoubleSpinBox* m_QualitySpin;
SpinBox* m_TemporalSamplesSpin;
SpinBox* m_SupersampleSpin;
SpinBox* m_StripsSpin;
TwoButtonComboWidget* m_Tbcw;
QLineEdit* m_PrefixEdit;
QLineEdit* m_SuffixEdit;
FractoriumSettings* m_Settings;
Fractorium* m_Fractorium;
shared_ptr<OpenCLInfo> m_Info;
vector<OpenCLWrapper> m_Wrappers;
unique_ptr<FinalRenderEmberControllerBase> m_Controller;
Ui::FinalRenderDialog ui;