mirror of
synced 2025-01-21 21:20:07 -05:00
-Add new preset dimensions to the right click menu of the width and height fields in the editor. -Change QSS stylesheets to properly handle tabs. -Make tabs rectangular by default. For some reason, they had always been triangular. --Bug fixes -Incremental rendering times in the editor were wrong. --Code changes -Migrate to Qt6. There is probably more work to be done here. -Migrate to VS2022. -Migrate to Wix 4 installer. -Change installer to install to program files for all users. -Fix many VS2022 code analysis warnings. -No longer use byte typedef, because std::byte is now a type. Revert all back to unsigned char. -Upgrade OpenCL headers to version 3.0 and keep locally now rather than trying to look for system files. -No longer link to Nvidia or AMD specific OpenCL libraries. Use the generic installer located at OCL_ROOT too. -Add the ability to change OpenCL grid dimensions. This was attempted for investigating possible performance improvments, but made no difference. This has not been verified on Linux or Mac yet.
698 lines
23 KiB
698 lines
23 KiB
#include "FractoriumPch.h"
#include "QssDialog.h"
#include "ui_QssDialog.h"
#include "qcssscanner.h"
/// <summary>
/// The code in this file did not originate in Fractorium.
/// It was taken either in whole or in part from the source code
/// of Qt Creator. Their license applies.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Comparison for sorting object names.
/// Strings not starting with the letter 'Q' take precedence.
/// This has the effect of putting custom derived classes first before
/// all Q* classes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s1">The first string to compare</param>
/// <param name="s2">The second string to compare</param>
/// <returns>True if s1 < s2 with special rules for 'Q' taken into account.</returns>
bool CaseInsensitiveLessThanQ(const QString& s1, const QString& s2)
if (s1.length() && s2.length())
if (s1[0] == 'Q' && s2[0] == 'Q')
return s1.toLower() < s2.toLower();
else if (s1[0] == 'Q')
return false;
else if (s2[0] == 'Q')
return true;
return s1.toLower() < s2.toLower();
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Construct a QssDialog.
/// This manually constructs much of the menu GUI via code rather
/// than in the designer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parent">The main Fractorium window.</param>
QssDialog::QssDialog(Fractorium* parent) :
ui(new Ui::QssDialog),
m_AddColorAction(new QAction(tr("Add Color"), this)),
m_AddGeomAction(new QAction(tr("Add Geometry"), this)),
m_AddBorderAction(new QAction(tr("Add Border"), this)),
m_AddFontAction(new QAction(tr("Add Font..."), this)),
m_AddStyleAction(new QAction(tr("Set Theme"), this))
m_LastStyle = m_Parent->styleSheet();
setWindowTitle("QSS Editor - default.qss");
connect(ui->QssEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(SlotTextChanged()));
QToolBar* toolBar = new QToolBar(this);
QMenu* colorActionMenu = new QMenu(this);
QMenu* geomActionMenu = new QMenu(this);
QMenu* borderActionMenu = new QMenu(this);
QMenu* styleActionMenu = new QMenu(this);
(m_ColorActionMapper = new QSignalMapper(this))->setMapping(m_AddColorAction, QString());
(m_GeomActionMapper = new QSignalMapper(this))->setMapping(m_AddGeomAction, QString());
(m_BorderActionMapper = new QSignalMapper(this))->setMapping(m_AddBorderAction, QString());
(m_StyleActionMapper = new QSignalMapper(this))->setMapping(m_AddStyleAction, QString());
connect(ui->QssLoadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(LoadButton_clicked()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui->QssSaveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SaveButton_clicked()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui->QssBasicButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(BasicButton_clicked()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui->QssMediumButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(MediumButton_clicked()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui->QssAdvancedButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(AdvancedButton_clicked()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(m_AddFontAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(SlotAddFont()));
QVector<QPair<QString, QString>> colorVec;
colorVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("color", ""));
colorVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("background-color", ""));
colorVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("alternate-background-color", ""));
colorVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("border-color", ""));
colorVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("border-top-color", ""));
colorVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("border-right-color", ""));
colorVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("border-bottom-color", ""));
colorVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("border-left-color", ""));
colorVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("gridline-color", ""));
colorVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("selection-color", ""));
colorVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("selection-background-color", ""));
for (auto& c : colorVec)
auto colorAction = colorActionMenu->addAction(c.first);
m_ColorMap[c.first] = c.second;
connect(colorAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_ColorActionMapper, SLOT(map()));
m_ColorActionMapper->setMapping(colorAction, c.first);
QVector<QPair<QString, QString>> geomVec;
geomVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("width", "100px"));
geomVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("height", "50px"));
geomVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("spacing", "10"));
geomVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("padding", "3px"));
geomVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("padding-top", "3px"));
geomVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("padding-right", "3px"));
geomVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("padding-bottom", "3px"));
geomVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("padding-left", "3px"));
geomVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("margin", "3px"));
geomVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("margin-top", "3px"));
geomVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("margin-right", "3px"));
geomVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("margin-bottom", "3px"));
geomVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("margin-left", "3px"));
for (auto& g : geomVec)
auto geomAction = geomActionMenu->addAction(g.first);
m_GeomMap[g.first] = g.second;
connect(geomAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_GeomActionMapper, SLOT(map()));
m_GeomActionMapper->setMapping(geomAction, g.first);
QVector<QPair<QString, QString>> borderVec;
borderVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("border", "1px solid black"));
borderVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("border-top", "1px inset black"));
borderVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("border-right", "1px outset black"));
borderVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("border-bottom", "1px ridge black"));
borderVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("border-left", "1px groove black"));
borderVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("border-style", "double"));
borderVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("border-width", "1px"));
borderVec.push_back(QPair<QString, QString>("border-radius", "10px"));
for (auto& b : borderVec)
auto borderAction = borderActionMenu->addAction(b.first);
m_BorderMap[b.first] = b.second;
connect(borderAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_BorderActionMapper, SLOT(map()));
m_BorderActionMapper->setMapping(borderAction, b.first);
auto styles = QStyleFactory::keys();
for (auto& s : styles)
auto styleAction = styleActionMenu->addAction(s);
m_StyleMap[s] = s;
connect(styleAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_StyleActionMapper, SLOT(map()));
m_StyleActionMapper->setMapping(styleAction, s);
connect(m_ColorActionMapper, SIGNAL(mappedString(const QString&)), this, SLOT(SlotAddColor(const QString&)));
connect(m_GeomActionMapper, SIGNAL(mappedString(const QString&)), this, SLOT(SlotAddGeom(const QString&)));
connect(m_BorderActionMapper, SIGNAL(mappedString(const QString&)), this, SLOT(SlotAddBorder(const QString&)));
connect(m_StyleActionMapper, SIGNAL(mappedString(const QString&)), this, SLOT(SlotSetTheme(const QString&)));
ui->verticalLayout->insertWidget(0, toolBar);
m_ApplyTimer = new QTimer(this);
connect(m_ApplyTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(SlotApplyCss()));
/// <summary>
/// Destructor that stops the apply timer and deletes the ui.
/// </summary>
delete ui;
/// <summary>
/// Thin wrapper around getting the text from the main text box as plain text.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The plain text of the main text box</returns>
QString QssDialog::Text() const
return ui->QssEdit->toPlainText();
/// <summary>
/// Thin wrapper around setting the text of the main text box.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="t">The text to set</param>
void QssDialog::SetText(const QString& t)
/// <summary>
/// Get the class names of all objects in the application.
/// This only makes one entry for each class type.
/// It will also optionally return the object names as well for advanced QSS editing.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="includeObjectNames">Whether to get the individual object names as well</param>
/// <returns>A list of all class names with optional entries for each individual object</returns>
QList<QString> QssDialog::GetClassNames(bool includeObjectNames)
QSet<QString> classNames;
QList<QList<QString>> dialogClassNames;
auto widgetList = m_Parent->findChildren<QWidget*>();
for (int i = 0; i < widgetList.size(); i++)
auto classAndName = QString(widgetList[i]->metaObject()->className());
if (!includeObjectNames)
auto dlg = qobject_cast<QDialog*>(widgetList[i]);
if (dlg)//Dialogs only nest one level deep, so no need for generalized recursion.
QSet<QString> dlgSet;
auto dlgWidgetList = dlg->findChildren<QWidget*>();//Find all children of the dialog.
dlgSet.insert(classAndName);//Add the basic dialog class name, opening curly brace will be added later.
classAndName += " ";
for (int i = 0; i < dlgWidgetList.size(); i++)
auto dlgClassAndName = classAndName + QString(dlgWidgetList[i]->metaObject()->className());
if (!dlgWidgetList[i]->objectName().isEmpty())//Add the class with object name for individual control customization.
dlgClassAndName += "#" + dlgWidgetList[i]->objectName();
QList<QString> dlgList(dlgSet.begin(), dlgSet.end());//Convert set to list and sort.
std::sort(dlgList.begin(), dlgList.end(), CaseInsensitiveLessThanQ);
dialogClassNames.push_back(dlgList);//Add this to the full list after sorting at the end.
else if (GetAllParents<QDialog*>(widgetList[i]).empty())//Skip widgets on dialogs, they are added above.
classNames.insert(classAndName);//Add the basic class name.
if (!widgetList[i]->objectName().isEmpty())//Add the class with object name for individual control customization.
classAndName += "#" + widgetList[i]->objectName();
QList<QString> l(classNames.begin(), classNames.end());//Convert set to list and sort.
std::sort(l.begin(), l.end(), CaseInsensitiveLessThanQ);
for (auto& d : dialogClassNames)
return l;
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the passed in stylesheet text is valid.
/// If the initial parse fails, a second attempt is made by wrapping the entire
/// text in curly braces.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="styleSheet">The stylesheet text to analyze.</param>
/// <returns>True if valid, else false.</returns>
bool QssDialog::IsStyleSheetValid(const QString& styleSheet)
QCss::Parser parser(styleSheet);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
if (parser.parse(&sheet))
return true;
QString fullSheet = QStringLiteral("* { ");
fullSheet += styleSheet;
fullSheet += QLatin1Char('}');
QCss::Parser parser2(fullSheet);
return parser2.parse(&sheet);
/// <summary>
/// Save the current stylesheet text to default.qss.
/// Also save the selected theme to the settings.
/// Called when the user clicks ok.
/// Not called if cancelled or closed with the X.
/// </summary>
void QssDialog::accept()
if (m_Theme)
/// <summary>
/// Restore the stylesheet and theme to what it was when the dialog was opened.
/// Called when the user clicks cancel or closes with the X.
/// </summary>
void QssDialog::reject()
if (!m_LastStyle.isEmpty())
if (m_LastTheme)
/// <summary>
/// Shows the event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The e.</param>
void QssDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent* e)
if (m_Parent)
m_LastStyle = m_Parent->styleSheet();
m_LastTheme = m_Parent->m_Theme;//The style() member cannot be relied upon, it is *not* the same object passed to setStyle();
/// <summary>
/// Start the timer which will analyze and apply the current stylesheet text.
/// Each successive keystroke will reset the timer if it has not timed out yet.
/// This is only called when the dialog is visible because it seems to be spurriously
/// called on startup.
/// Called when the user changes the text in main text box.
/// </summary>
void QssDialog::SlotTextChanged()
if (isVisible())//Sometimes this fires even though the window is not shown yet.
/// <summary>
/// Add a color string to the stylesheet text.
/// Called when the user clicks the add color menu.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">The color string selector to add</param>
void QssDialog::SlotAddColor(const QString& s)
const QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor(0xffffffff, this, QString(), QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel);
if (!color.isValid())
QString colorStr;
if (color.alpha() == 255)
colorStr = QString(QStringLiteral("rgb(%1, %2, %3)")).arg(
colorStr = QString(QStringLiteral("rgba(%1, %2, %3, %4)")).arg(
InsertCssProperty(s, colorStr);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a geometry string to the stylesheet text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">The geometry string to add</param>
void QssDialog::SlotAddGeom(const QString& s)
auto val = m_GeomMap[s];
InsertCssProperty(s, val);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a border string to the stylesheet text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">The border string to add</param>
void QssDialog::SlotAddBorder(const QString& s)
auto val = m_BorderMap[s];
InsertCssProperty(s, val);
/// <summary>
/// Set the theme to the user selection.
/// Called when the user selects an item on the theme combo box.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">The s.</param>
void QssDialog::SlotSetTheme(const QString& s)
if (auto theme = QStyleFactory::create(s))
m_Theme = theme;
/// <summary>
/// Add a font string.
/// Called when the user clicks the add font menu button.
/// </summary>
void QssDialog::SlotAddFont()
bool ok;
auto font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok, this);
if (ok)
QString fontStr;
if (font.weight() != QFont::Normal)
fontStr += QString::number(font.weight());
fontStr += QLatin1Char(' ');
switch (font.style())
case QFont::StyleItalic:
fontStr += QStringLiteral("italic ");
case QFont::StyleOblique:
fontStr += QStringLiteral("oblique ");
fontStr += QString::number(font.pointSize());
fontStr += QStringLiteral("pt \"");
fontStr += font.family();
fontStr += QLatin1Char('"');
InsertCssProperty(QStringLiteral("font"), fontStr);
/// <summary>
/// Check if the current stylesheet is valid and apply it if so.
/// Also indicate via label whether it was valid.
/// </summary>
void QssDialog::SlotApplyCss()
auto label = ui->QssValidityLabel;
auto style = Text();
const bool valid = IsStyleSheetValid(style);
if (valid)
label->setText(tr("Valid Style Sheet"));
label->setStyleSheet(QStringLiteral("color: green"));
label->setText(tr("Invalid Style Sheet"));
label->setStyleSheet(QStringLiteral("color: red"));
/// <summary>
/// Load a stylesheet from disk.
/// Called when the user clicks the load button.
/// </summary>
void QssDialog::LoadButton_clicked()
string s;
auto f = OpenFile();
if (!f.isEmpty() && ReadFile(f.toStdString().c_str(), s) && !s.empty())
setWindowTitle("QSS Editor - " + f);
/// <summary>
/// Save the stylesheet to disk.
/// Called when the user clicks the save button.
/// The user cannot save to default.qss, as it's a special placeholder.
/// When they exit the dialog by clicking OK, the currently displayed stylesheet
/// will be saved to default.qss.
/// </summary>
void QssDialog::SaveButton_clicked()
auto path = SaveFile();
if (path.toLower().endsWith("default.qss"))
QMessageBox::critical(this, "File save error", "Stylesheet cannot be saved to default.qss. Save it to a different file name, then exit the dialog by clicking OK which will set it as the default.");
if (!path.isEmpty())
ofstream of(path.toStdString());
string s = Text().toStdString();
if (of.is_open())
of << s;
QMessageBox::critical(this, "File save error", "Failed to save " + path + ", style will not be set as default");
/// <summary>
/// Save the stylesheet to the default.qss on disk.
/// This will be loaded the next time Fractorium runs.
/// Called when the user clicks ok.
/// </summary>
void QssDialog::SaveAsDefault()
auto path = m_Parent->m_SettingsPath + "/default.qss";
ofstream of(path.toStdString());
auto s = Text().toStdString();
if (of.is_open())
of << s;
QMessageBox::critical(this, "File save error", "Failed to save " + path + ", style will not be set as default");
/// <summary>
/// Fill the main text box with the most basic style.
/// Called when the Basic button is clicked.
/// </summary>
void QssDialog::BasicButton_clicked()
setWindowTitle("QSS Editor");
/// <summary>
/// Fill the main text box with a medium specificity style.
/// This will expose all control types in the application.
/// Called when the Medium button is clicked.
/// </summary>
void QssDialog::MediumButton_clicked()
QString str = BaseStyle();
auto names = GetClassNames(false);
for (auto& it : names)
str += it + QString("\n{\n\t\n}\n\n");
setWindowTitle("QSS Editor");
/// <summary>
/// Fill the main text box with the most advanced style.
/// This will expose all control types in the application as well as their named instances.
/// Called when the Advanced button is clicked.
/// </summary>
void QssDialog::AdvancedButton_clicked()
QString str = BaseStyle();
auto names = GetClassNames(true);
for (auto& it : names)
str += it + QString("\n{\n\t\n}\n\n");
setWindowTitle("QSS Editor");
/// <summary>
/// Insert a CSS property.
/// This is called whenever the user inserts a value via the menus.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the property to insert</param>
/// <param name="value">The value of the property to insert</param>
void QssDialog::InsertCssProperty(const QString& name, const QString& value)
auto editor = ui->QssEdit;
auto cursor = editor->textCursor();
if (!name.isEmpty())
//Simple check to see if we're in a selector scope.
const QTextDocument* doc = editor->document();
const QTextCursor closing = doc->find(QStringLiteral("}"), cursor, QTextDocument::FindBackward);
const QTextCursor opening = doc->find(QStringLiteral("{"), cursor, QTextDocument::FindBackward);
const bool inSelector = !opening.isNull() && (closing.isNull() ||
closing.position() < opening.position());
QString insertion;
//Reasonable attempt at positioning things correctly. This can and often is wrong, but is sufficient for our purposes.
if (editor->textCursor().block().length() != 1 && !editor->textCursor().block().text().isEmpty())
insertion += QLatin1Char('\n');
if (inSelector && editor->textCursor().block().text() != "\t")
insertion += QLatin1Char('\t');
insertion += name;
insertion += QStringLiteral(": ");
insertion += value;
insertion += QLatin1Char(';');
/// <summary>
/// Initial file dialog creation.
/// This will perform lazy instantiation since it takes a long time.
/// </summary>
void QssDialog::SetupFileDialog()
#ifndef __APPLE__
if (!m_FileDialog)
m_FileDialog = new QFileDialog(this);
m_FileDialog->setOption(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog, true);
/// <summary>
/// Present a file open dialog and retun the file selected.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The file selected if any, else empty string.</returns>
QString QssDialog::OpenFile()
#ifndef __APPLE__
QStringList filenames;
m_FileDialog->setNameFilter("Qss (*.qss)");
m_FileDialog->setWindowTitle("Open Stylesheet");
if (m_FileDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
filenames = m_FileDialog->selectedFiles();
return !filenames.empty() ? filenames[0] : "";
auto filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Stylesheet"), /*m_Parent->m_SettingsPath*/ "./", tr("Qss (*.qss)"));
return filename.size() > 0 ? filename : "";
/// <summary>
/// Present a file save dialog and retun the file selected.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The file selected for saving if any, else empty string.</returns>
QString QssDialog::SaveFile()
#ifndef __APPLE__
QStringList filenames;
m_FileDialog->setNameFilter("Qss (*.qss)");
m_FileDialog->setWindowTitle("Save Stylesheet");
if (m_FileDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
filenames = m_FileDialog->selectedFiles();
return !filenames.empty() ? filenames[0] : "";
auto filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save Stylesheet"), m_Parent->m_SettingsPath, tr("Qss (*.qss)"));
return filename.size() > 0 ? filename : "";