mfeemster e3b207c562 Numerous fixes Beta 07/18/2014
--User Changes
Allow for vibrancy values > 1.
Add flatten and unflatten menu items.
Automatically flatten like Apophysis does.
Add plugin and new_linear tags to Xml to be compatible with Apophysis.

--Bug Fixes
Fix blur, blur3d, bubble, cropn, cross, curl, curl3d, epispiral, ho,
julia3d, julia3dz, loonie, mirror_x, mirror_y, mirror_z, rotate_x,
sinusoidal, spherical, spherical3d, stripes.
Unique filename on final render was completely broken.
Two severe OpenCL bugs. Random seeds were biased and fusing was being
reset too often leading to results that differ from the CPU.
Subtle, but sometimes severe bug in the setup of the xaos weights.
Use properly defined epsilon by getting the value from
std::numeric_limits, rather than hard coding 1e-6 or 1e-10.
Omit incorrect usage of epsilon everywhere. It should not be
automatically added to denominators. Rather, it should only be used if
the denominator is zero.
Force final render progress bars to 100 on completion. Sometimes they
didn't seem to make it there.
Make variation name and params comparisons be case insensitive.

--Code Changes
Make ForEach and FindIf wrappers around std::for_each and std::find_if.
2014-07-18 23:33:18 -07:00

5770 lines
171 KiB

#pragma once
#include "Variation.h"
namespace EmberNs
/// <summary>
/// Hemisphere.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API HemisphereVariation : public Variation<T>
HemisphereVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("hemisphere", VAR_HEMISPHERE, weight, true) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T t = m_Weight / sqrt(helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares + 1);
helper.Out.x = helper.In.x * t;
helper.Out.y = helper.In.y * t;
helper.Out.z = t;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t t = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] / sqrt(precalcSumSquares + 1.0);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = vIn.x * t;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = vIn.y * t;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = t;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// Epispiral.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API EpispiralVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
EpispiralVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("epispiral", VAR_EPISPIRAL, weight, false, false, false, false, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T theta = helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx;
T t = (rand.Frand01<T>() * m_Thickness) * (1 / cos(m_N * theta)) - m_Holes;
if (fabs(t) != 0)
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * t * cos(theta);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * t * sin(theta);
helper.Out.z = 0;
helper.Out.x = 0;
helper.Out.y = 0;
helper.Out.z = 0;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string n = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string thickness = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string holes = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t theta = precalcAtanyx;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t t = (MwcNext01(mwc) * " << thickness << ") * (1 / cos(" << n << " * theta)) - " << holes << ";\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (fabs(t) != 0)\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * t * cos(theta);\n"
<< "\t\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * t * sin(theta);\n"
<< "\t\t\tvOut.z = 0;\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t\tvOut.x = 0;\n"
<< "\t\t\tvOut.y = 0;\n"
<< "\t\t\tvOut.z = 0;\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_N, prefix + "epispiral_n", 6));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Thickness, prefix + "epispiral_thickness"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Holes, prefix + "epispiral_holes", 1));
T m_N;
T m_Thickness;
T m_Holes;
/// <summary>
/// Bwraps.
/// Note, this is the same as bwraps2.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API BwrapsVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
BwrapsVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("bwraps", VAR_BWRAPS, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
if (m_BwrapsCellsize == 0)
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * helper.In.x;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * helper.In.y;
T vx = helper.In.x;
T vy = helper.In.y;
T cx = (Floor<T>(vx / m_BwrapsCellsize) + T(0.5)) * m_BwrapsCellsize;
T cy = (Floor<T>(vy / m_BwrapsCellsize) + T(0.5)) * m_BwrapsCellsize;
T lx = vx - cx;
T ly = vy - cy;
if ((SQR(lx) + SQR(ly)) > m_R2)
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * helper.In.x;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * helper.In.y;
lx *= m_G2;
ly *= m_G2;
T r = m_Rfactor / ((SQR(lx) + SQR(ly)) / 4 + 1);
lx *= r;
ly *= r;
r = (SQR(lx) + SQR(ly)) / m_R2;
T theta = m_BwrapsInnerTwist * (1 - r) + m_BwrapsOuterTwist * r;
T s = sin(theta);
T c = cos(theta);
vx = cx + c * lx + s * ly;
vy = cy - s * lx + c * ly;
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * vx;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * vy;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string bwrapsCellsize = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string bwrapsSpace = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string bwrapsGain = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string bwrapsInnerTwist = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string bwrapsOuterTwist = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string g2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string r2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string rfactor = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tif (" << bwrapsCellsize << " == 0)\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t real_t vx = vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\t real_t vy = vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\t real_t cx = (floor(vx / " << bwrapsCellsize << ") + 0.5) * " << bwrapsCellsize << ";\n"
<< "\t\t real_t cy = (floor(vy / " << bwrapsCellsize << ") + 0.5) * " << bwrapsCellsize << ";\n"
<< "\t\t real_t lx = vx - cx;\n"
<< "\t\t real_t ly = vy - cy;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t if ((SQR(lx) + SQR(ly)) > " << r2 << ")\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t lx *= " << g2 << ";\n"
<< "\t\t ly *= " << g2 << ";\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t real_t r = " << rfactor << " / ((SQR(lx) + SQR(ly)) / 4 + 1);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t lx *= r;\n"
<< "\t\t ly *= r;\n"
<< "\t\t r = (SQR(lx) + SQR(ly)) / " << r2 << ";\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t real_t theta = " << bwrapsInnerTwist << " * (1 - r) + " << bwrapsOuterTwist << " * r;\n"
<< "\t\t real_t s = sin(theta);\n"
<< "\t\t real_t c = cos(theta);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t vx = cx + c * lx + s * ly;\n"
<< "\t\t vy = cy - s * lx + c * ly;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vx;\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vy;\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
T radius = T(0.5) * (m_BwrapsCellsize / (1 + SQR(m_BwrapsSpace)));
m_G2 = Zeps(SQR(m_BwrapsGain) / Zeps(radius));
T maxBubble = m_G2 * radius;
if (maxBubble > 2)
maxBubble = 1;
maxBubble *= (1 / (SQR(maxBubble) / 4 + 1));
m_R2 = SQR(radius);
m_Rfactor = radius / maxBubble;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_BwrapsCellsize, prefix + "bwraps_cellsize", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_BwrapsSpace, prefix + "bwraps_space"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_BwrapsGain, prefix + "bwraps_gain", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_BwrapsInnerTwist, prefix + "bwraps_inner_twist"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_BwrapsOuterTwist, prefix + "bwraps_outer_twist"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_G2, prefix + "bwraps_g2"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_R2, prefix + "bwraps_r2"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Rfactor, prefix + "bwraps_rfactor"));
T m_BwrapsCellsize;
T m_BwrapsSpace;
T m_BwrapsGain;
T m_BwrapsInnerTwist;
T m_BwrapsOuterTwist;
T m_G2;//Precalc.
T m_R2;
T m_Rfactor;
/// <summary>
/// BlurCircle.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API BlurCircleVariation : public Variation<T>
BlurCircleVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("blur_circle", VAR_BLUR_CIRCLE, weight) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T x = 2 * rand.Frand01<T>() - 1;
T y = 2 * rand.Frand01<T>() - 1;
T absx = x;
T absy = y;
T side, perimeter;
if (absx < 0)
absx = absx * -1;
if (absy < 0)
absy = absy * -1;
if (absx >= absy)
if (x >= absy)
perimeter = absx + y;
perimeter = 5 * absx - y;
side = absx;
if (y >= absx)
perimeter = 3 * absy - x;
perimeter = 7 * absy + x;
side = absy;
T r = m_Weight * side;
T val = T(M_PI_4) * perimeter / side - T(M_PI_4);
T sina = sin(val);
T cosa = cos(val);
helper.Out.x = r * cosa;
helper.Out.y = r * sina;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = 2 * MwcNext01(mwc) - 1;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = 2 * MwcNext01(mwc) - 1;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t absx = x;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t absy = y;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t side, perimeter;\n"
<< "\t\t\n"
<< "\t\tif (absx < 0)\n"
<< "\t\t absx = absx * -1;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (absy < 0)\n"
<< "\t\t absy = absy * -1;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (absx >= absy)\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t if (x >= absy)\n"
<< "\t\t perimeter = absx + y;\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t perimeter = 5 * absx - y;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t side = absx;\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t if (y >= absx)\n"
<< "\t\t perimeter = 3 * absy - x;\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t perimeter = 7 * absy + x;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t side = absy;\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * side;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t val = M_PI_4 * perimeter / side - M_PI_4;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sina = sin(val);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cosa = cos(val);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r * cosa;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r * sina;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// BlurZoom.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API BlurZoomVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
BlurZoomVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("blur_zoom", VAR_BLUR_ZOOM, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T z = 1 + m_BlurZoomLength * rand.Frand01<T>();
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * ((helper.In.x - m_BlurZoomX) * z + m_BlurZoomX);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * ((helper.In.y - m_BlurZoomY) * z - m_BlurZoomY);
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string blurZoomLength = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string blurZoomX = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string blurZoomY = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t z = 1 + " << blurZoomLength << " * MwcNext01(mwc);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * ((vIn.x - " << blurZoomX << ") * z + " << blurZoomX << ");\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * ((vIn.y - " << blurZoomY << ") * z - " << blurZoomY << ");\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_BlurZoomLength, prefix + "blur_zoom_length"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_BlurZoomX, prefix + "blur_zoom_x"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_BlurZoomY, prefix + "blur_zoom_y"));
T m_BlurZoomLength;
T m_BlurZoomX;
T m_BlurZoomY;
/// <summary>
/// BlurPixelize.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API BlurPixelizeVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
BlurPixelizeVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("blur_pixelize", VAR_BLUR_PIXELIZE, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T x = (T)Floor<T>(helper.In.x * m_InvSize);
T y = (T)Floor<T>(helper.In.y * m_InvSize);
helper.Out.x = m_V * (x + m_BlurPixelizeScale * (rand.Frand01<T>() - T(0.5)) + T(0.5));
helper.Out.y = m_V * (y + m_BlurPixelizeScale * (rand.Frand01<T>() - T(0.5)) + T(0.5));
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string blurPixelizeSize = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string blurPixelizeScale = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string v = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string invSize = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = floor(vIn.x * " << invSize << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = floor(vIn.y * " << invSize << ");\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = " << v << " * (x + " << blurPixelizeScale << " * (MwcNext01(mwc) - 0.5) + 0.5);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = " << v << " * (y + " << blurPixelizeScale << " * (MwcNext01(mwc) - 0.5) + 0.5);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_V = m_Weight * m_BlurPixelizeSize;
m_InvSize = 1 / m_BlurPixelizeSize;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_BlurPixelizeSize, prefix + "blur_pixelize_size", T(0.1), REAL, EPS));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_BlurPixelizeScale, prefix + "blur_pixelize_scale", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_V, prefix + "blur_pixelize_v"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_InvSize, prefix + "blur_pixelize_inv_size"));
T m_BlurPixelizeSize;
T m_BlurPixelizeScale;
T m_V;//Precalc.
T m_InvSize;
/// <summary>
/// Crop.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API CropVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
CropVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("crop", VAR_CROP, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T x = helper.In.x;
T y = helper.In.y;
if (((x < m_X0_) || (x > m_X1_) || (y < m_Y0_) || (y > m_Y1_)) && m_Z != 0)
x = 0;
y = 0;
if (x < m_X0_)
x = m_X0_ + rand.Frand01<T>() * m_W;
else if (x > m_X1_)
x = m_X1_ - rand.Frand01<T>() * m_W;
if (y < m_Y0_)
y = m_Y0_ + rand.Frand01<T>() * m_H;
else if (y > m_Y1_)
y = m_Y1_ - rand.Frand01<T>() * m_H;
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * x;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * y;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string x0 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string y0 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string x1 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string y1 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string s = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string z = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string x0_ = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string y0_ = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string x1_ = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string y1_ = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string w = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string h = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = vIn.y;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (((x < " << x0_ << ") || (x > " << x1_ << ") || (y < " << y0_ << ") || (y > " << y1_ << ")) && " << z << " != 0)\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t x = 0;\n"
<< "\t\t y = 0;\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t if (x < " << x0_ << ")\n"
<< "\t\t x = " << x0_ << " + MwcNext01(mwc) * " << w << ";\n"
<< "\t\t else if (x > " << x1_ << ")\n"
<< "\t\t x = " << x1_ << " - MwcNext01(mwc) * " << w << ";\n"
<< "\t\t\n"
<< "\t\t if (y < " << y0_ << ")\n"
<< "\t\t y = " << y0_ << " + MwcNext01(mwc) * " << h << ";\n"
<< "\t\t else if (y > " << y1_ << ")\n"
<< "\t\t y = " << y1_ << " - MwcNext01(mwc) * " << h << ";\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * x;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * y;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
if (m_X0 < m_X1)
m_X0_ = m_X0;
m_X1_ = m_X1;
m_X0_ = m_X1;
m_X1_ = m_X0;
if (m_Y0 < m_Y1)
m_Y0_ = m_Y0;
m_Y1_ = m_Y1;
m_Y0_ = m_Y1;
m_Y1_ = m_Y0;
m_W = (m_X1_ - m_X0_) * T(0.5) * m_S;
m_H = (m_Y1_ - m_Y0_) * T(0.5) * m_S;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_X0, prefix + "crop_left", -1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Y0, prefix + "crop_top", -1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_X1, prefix + "crop_right", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Y1, prefix + "crop_bottom", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_S, prefix + "crop_scatter_area", 0, REAL, -1, 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Z, prefix + "crop_zero", 0, INTEGER, 0, 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_X0_, prefix + "crop_x0_"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Y0_, prefix + "crop_y0_"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_X1_, prefix + "crop_x1_"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Y1_, prefix + "crop_y1_"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_W, prefix + "crop_w"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_H, prefix + "crop_h"));
T m_X0;
T m_Y0;
T m_X1;
T m_Y1;
T m_S;
T m_Z;
T m_X0_;//Precalc.
T m_Y0_;
T m_X1_;
T m_Y1_;
T m_W;
T m_H;
/// <summary>
/// BCircle.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API BCircleVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
BCircleVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("bcircle", VAR_BCIRCLE, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
if ((helper.In.x == 0) && (helper.In.y == 0))
T x = helper.In.x * m_Scale;
T y = helper.In.y * m_Scale;
T r = sqrt(SQR(x) + SQR(y));
if (r <= 1)
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * x;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * y;
if (m_Bcbw != 0)
T ang = atan2(y, x);
T omega = (T(0.2) * m_Bcbw * rand.Frand01<T>()) + 1;
T px = omega * cos(ang);
T py = omega * sin(ang);
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * px;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * py;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string scale = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string borderWidth = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string bcbw = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tif ((vIn.x == 0) && (vIn.y == 0))\n"
<< "\t\t return;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = vIn.x * " << scale << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = vIn.y * " << scale << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = sqrt(SQR(x) + SQR(y));\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (r <= 1)\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * x;\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * y;\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t if (" << bcbw << " != 0)\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t real_t ang = atan2(y, x);\n"
<< "\t\t real_t omega = (0.2 * " << bcbw << " * MwcNext01(mwc)) + 1;\n"
<< "\t\t real_t px = omega * cos(ang);\n"
<< "\t\t real_t py = omega * sin(ang);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * px;\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * py;\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_Bcbw = fabs(m_BorderWidth);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Scale, prefix + "bcircle_scale", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_BorderWidth, prefix + "bcircle_borderwidth"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Bcbw, prefix + "bcircle_bcbw"));//Precalc.
T m_Scale;
T m_BorderWidth;
T m_Bcbw;//Precalc.
/// <summary>
/// BlurLinear.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API BlurLinearVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
BlurLinearVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("blur_linear", VAR_BLUR_LINEAR, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T r = m_BlurLinearLength * rand.Frand01<T>();
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (helper.In.x + r * m_C);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (helper.In.y + r * m_S);
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string blurLinearLength = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string blurLinearAngle = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string s = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = " << blurLinearLength << " * MwcNext01(mwc);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (vIn.x + r * " << c << ");\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (vIn.y + r * " << s << ");\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
sincos(m_BlurLinearAngle, &m_S, &m_C);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_BlurLinearLength, prefix + "blur_linear_length"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_BlurLinearAngle, prefix + "blur_linear_angle", 0, REAL_CYCLIC, 0, T(M_2PI)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_S, prefix + "blur_linear_s"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C, prefix + "blur_linear_c"));
T m_BlurLinearLength;
T m_BlurLinearAngle;
T m_S;//Precalc.
T m_C;
/// <summary>
/// BlurSquare.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API BlurSquareVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
BlurSquareVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("blur_square", VAR_BLUR_SQUARE, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
helper.Out.x = m_V * (rand.Frand01<T>() - T(0.5));
helper.Out.y = m_V * (rand.Frand01<T>() - T(0.5));
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string v = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;//Precalcs only, no params.
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = " << v << " * (MwcNext01(mwc) - 0.5);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = " << v << " * (MwcNext01(mwc) - 0.5);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_V = m_Weight * 2;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_V, prefix + "blur_square_v"));//Precalcs only, no params.
T m_V;
/// <summary>
/// Flatten.
/// This uses in/out in a rare and different way.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API FlattenVariation : public Variation<T>
FlattenVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("flatten", VAR_FLATTEN, weight) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
if (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG)//Rare and different usage of in/out.
helper.Out.x = helper.Out.y = helper.Out.z = 0;
outPoint.m_Z = 0;
helper.Out.x = helper.In.x;
helper.Out.y = helper.In.y;
helper.Out.z = 0;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss;
if (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG)
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = 0;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = 0;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = 0;\n"
<< "\t\toutPoint->m_Z = 0;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = 0;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// Zblur.
/// This uses in/out in a rare and different way.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API ZblurVariation : public Variation<T>
ZblurVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("zblur", VAR_ZBLUR, weight) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
helper.Out.x = helper.Out.y = 0;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * (rand.Frand01<T>() + rand.Frand01<T>() + rand.Frand01<T>() + rand.Frand01<T>() - 2);
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = vOut.y = 0;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (MwcNext01(mwc) + MwcNext01(mwc) + MwcNext01(mwc) + MwcNext01(mwc) - 2.0);\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// ZScale.
/// This uses in/out in a rare and different way.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API ZScaleVariation : public Variation<T>
ZScaleVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("zscale", VAR_ZSCALE, weight) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
helper.Out.x = helper.Out.y = 0;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = vOut.y = 0;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// ZTranslate.
/// This uses in/out in a rare and different way.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API ZTranslateVariation : public Variation<T>
ZTranslateVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("ztranslate", VAR_ZTRANSLATE, weight) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
helper.Out.x = helper.Out.y = 0;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = vOut.y = 0;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "];\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// zcone.
/// This uses in/out in a rare and different way.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API ZConeVariation : public Variation<T>
ZConeVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("zcone", VAR_ZCONE, weight, true, true) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
if (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG)//Rare and different usage of in/out.
helper.Out.x = helper.Out.y = 0;
helper.Out.x = helper.In.x;
helper.Out.y = helper.In.y;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.m_PrecalcSqrtSumSquares;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss << "\t{\n";
if (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG)
ss << "\t\tvOut.x = vOut.y = 0;\n";
ss << "\t\tvOut.x = vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = vIn.y;\n";
ss << "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * precalcSqrtSumSquares;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// Blur3D.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Blur3DVariation : public Variation<T>
Blur3DVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("blur3D", VAR_BLUR3D, weight) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T angle = rand.Frand01<T>() * M_2PI;
T r = m_Weight * (rand.Frand01<T>() + rand.Frand01<T>() + rand.Frand01<T>() + rand.Frand01<T>() - 2);
T angle2 = rand.Frand01<T>() * T(M_PI);
T sina = sin(angle);
T cosa = cos(angle);
T sinb = sin(angle2);
T cosb = cos(angle2);
helper.Out.x = r * sinb * cosa;
helper.Out.y = r * sinb * sina;
helper.Out.z = r * cosb;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t angle = MwcNext01(mwc) * M_2PI;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (MwcNext01(mwc) + MwcNext01(mwc) + MwcNext01(mwc) + MwcNext01(mwc) - 2.0);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t angle2 = MwcNext01(mwc) * M_PI;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sina = sin(angle);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cosa = cos(angle);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sinb = sin(angle2);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cosb = cos(angle2);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r * sinb * cosa;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r * sinb * sina;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = r * cosb;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// Spherical3D.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Spherical3DVariation : public Variation<T>
Spherical3DVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("Spherical3D", VAR_SPHERICAL3D, weight, true) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T r2 = m_Weight / Zeps(helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares + SQR(helper.In.z));
helper.Out.x = r2 * helper.In.x;
helper.Out.y = r2 * helper.In.y;
helper.Out.z = r2 * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r2 = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] / Zeps(precalcSumSquares + SQR(vIn.z));\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r2 * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r2 * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = r2 * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// Curl3D.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Curl3DVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Curl3DVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("curl3D", VAR_CURL3D, weight, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T r2 = helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares + SQR(helper.In.z);
T r = m_Weight / Zeps(r2 * m_C2 + m_C2x * helper.In.x - m_C2y * helper.In.y + m_C2z * helper.In.z + 1);
helper.Out.x = r * (helper.In.x + m_Cx * r2);
helper.Out.y = r * (helper.In.y - m_Cy * r2);
helper.Out.z = r * (helper.In.z + m_Cz * r2);
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string cx = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cy = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cz = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2z = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r2 = precalcSumSquares + SQR(vIn.z);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] / Zeps(r2 * " << c2 << " + " << c2x << " * vIn.x - " << c2y << " * vIn.y + " << c2z << " * vIn.z + 1.0);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r * (vIn.x + " << cx << " * r2);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r * (vIn.y - " << cy << " * r2);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = r * (vIn.z + " << cz << " * r2);\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_C2x = 2 * m_Cx;
m_C2y = 2 * m_Cy;
m_C2z = 2 * m_Cz;
m_C2 = SQR(m_Cx) + SQR(m_Cy) + SQR(m_Cz);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Cx, prefix + "curl3D_cx"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Cy, prefix + "curl3D_cy"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Cz, prefix + "curl3D_cz"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2, prefix + "curl3D_c2"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2x, prefix + "curl3D_c2x"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2y, prefix + "curl3D_c2y"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2z, prefix + "curl3D_c2z"));
T m_Cx;
T m_Cy;
T m_Cz;
T m_C2;//Precalc.
T m_C2x;
T m_C2y;
T m_C2z;
/// <summary>
/// Disc3D.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Disc3DVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Disc3DVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("disc3d", VAR_DISC3D, weight, true, true, false, true, false)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T r = helper.m_PrecalcSqrtSumSquares;
T temp = r * m_Pi;
T sr = sin(temp);
T cr = cos(temp);
T vv = m_Weight * helper.m_PrecalcAtanxy / Zeps(m_Pi);
helper.Out.x = vv * sr;
helper.Out.y = vv * cr;
helper.Out.z = vv * (r * cos(helper.In.z));
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string pi = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = precalcSqrtSumSquares;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t temp = r * " << pi << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sr = sin(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cr = cos(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t vv = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * precalcAtanxy / Zeps(" << pi << ");\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = vv * sr;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = vv * cr;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = vv * (r * cos(vIn.z));\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Pi, prefix + "disc3d_pi", T(M_PI)));
T m_Pi;
/// <summary>
/// Boarders2.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Boarders2Variation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Boarders2Variation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("boarders2", VAR_BOARDERS2, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T roundX = (T)(int)(helper.In.x >= 0 ? (int)(helper.In.x + T(0.5)) : (int)(helper.In.x - T(0.5)));
T roundY = (T)(int)(helper.In.y >= 0 ? (int)(helper.In.y + T(0.5)) : (int)(helper.In.y - T(0.5)));
T offsetX = helper.In.x - roundX;
T offsetY = helper.In.y - roundY;
if (rand.Frand01<T>() >= m_Cr)
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (offsetX * m_AbsC + roundX);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (offsetY * m_AbsC + roundY);
if (fabs(offsetX) >= fabs(offsetY))
if (offsetX >= 0)
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (offsetX * m_AbsC + roundX + m_Cl);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (offsetY * m_AbsC + roundY + m_Cl * offsetY / offsetX);
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (offsetX * m_AbsC + roundX - m_Cl);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (offsetY * m_AbsC + roundY - m_Cl * offsetY / offsetX);
if(offsetY >= 0)
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (offsetY * m_AbsC + roundY + m_Cl);
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (offsetX * m_AbsC + roundX + offsetX / offsetY * m_Cl);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (offsetY * m_AbsC + roundY - m_Cl);
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (offsetX * m_AbsC + roundX - offsetX / offsetY * m_Cl);
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string c = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string l = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string r = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string absc = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cl = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cr = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t roundX = (real_t)(int)(vIn.x >= 0 ? (int)(vIn.x + 0.5) : (int)(vIn.x - 0.5));\n"
<< "\t\treal_t roundY = (real_t)(int)(vIn.y >= 0 ? (int)(vIn.y + 0.5) : (int)(vIn.y - 0.5));\n"
<< "\t\treal_t offsetX = vIn.x - roundX;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t offsetY = vIn.y - roundY;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (MwcNext01(mwc) >= " << cr << ")\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (offsetX * " << absc << " + roundX);\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (offsetY * " << absc << " + roundY);\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t if (fabs(offsetX) >= fabs(offsetY))\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t if (offsetX >= 0)\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (offsetX * " << absc << " + roundX + " << cl << ");\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (offsetY * " << absc << " + roundY + " << cl << " * offsetY / offsetX);\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (offsetX * " << absc << " + roundX - " << cl << ");\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (offsetY * " << absc << " + roundY - " << cl << " * offsetY / offsetX);\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t if(offsetY >= 0)\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (offsetY * " << absc << " + roundY + " << cl << ");\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (offsetX * " << absc << " + roundX + offsetX / offsetY * " << cl << ");\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (offsetY * " << absc << " + roundY - " << cl << ");\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (offsetX * " << absc << " + roundX - offsetX / offsetY * " << cl << ");\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
T c = Zeps(fabs(m_C));
T cl = Zeps(fabs(m_Left));
T cr = Zeps(fabs(m_Right));
m_AbsC = c;
m_Cl = c * cl;
m_Cr = c + (c * cr);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_C, prefix + "boarders2_c", T(0.5)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Left, prefix + "boarders2_left", T(0.5)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Right, prefix + "boarders2_right", T(0.5)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_AbsC, prefix + "boarders2_cabs"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cl, prefix + "boarders2_cl"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cr, prefix + "boarders2_cr"));
T m_C;
T m_Left;
T m_Right;
T m_AbsC;//Precalc.
T m_Cl;
T m_Cr;
/// <summary>
/// Cardioid.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API CardioidVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
CardioidVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("cardioid", VAR_CARDIOID, weight, true, true, true, false, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T r = m_Weight * sqrt(helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares + sin(helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx * m_A) + 1);
helper.Out.x = r * helper.m_PrecalcCosa;
helper.Out.y = r * helper.m_PrecalcSina;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string a = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * sqrt(precalcSumSquares + sin(precalcAtanyx * " << a << ") + 1);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r * precalcCosa;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r * precalcSina;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_A, prefix + "cardioid_a", 1));
T m_A;
/// <summary>
/// Checks.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API ChecksVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
ChecksVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("checks", VAR_CHECKS, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T dx, dy;
T rnx = m_Rnd * rand.Frand01<T>();
T rny = m_Rnd * rand.Frand01<T>();
int isXY = (int)(LRint(helper.In.x * m_Cs) + LRint(helper.In.y * m_Cs));
if (isXY % 2)
dx = m_Ncx + rnx;
dy = m_Ncy;
dx = m_Cx;
dy = m_Cy + rny;
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (helper.In.x + dx);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (helper.In.y + dy);
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string size = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string rnd = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cs = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cx = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cy = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string ncx = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string ncy = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t dx, dy;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t rnx = " << rnd << " * MwcNext01(mwc);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t rny = " << rnd << " * MwcNext01(mwc);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tint isXY = (int)(LRint(vIn.x * " << cs << ") + LRint(vIn.y * " << cs << "));\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (isXY % 2)\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t dx = " << ncx << " + rnx;\n"
<< "\t\t dy = " << ncy << ";\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t dx = " << cx << ";\n"
<< "\t\t dy = " << cy << " + rny;\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (vIn.x + dx);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (vIn.y + dy);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_Cs = 1 / Zeps(m_Size);
m_Cx = m_X;
m_Cy = m_Y;
m_Ncx = -m_X;
m_Ncy = -m_Y;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_X, prefix + "checks_x", T(0.5)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Y, prefix + "checks_y", T(0.5)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Size, prefix + "checks_size", T(0.5)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Rnd, prefix + "checks_rnd"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cs, prefix + "checks_cs"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cx, prefix + "checks_cx"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cy, prefix + "checks_cy"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Ncx, prefix + "checks_ncx"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Ncy, prefix + "checks_ncy"));
T m_X;
T m_Y;
T m_Size;
T m_Rnd;
T m_Cs;//Precalc.
T m_Cx;
T m_Cy;
T m_Ncx;
T m_Ncy;
/// <summary>
/// Circlize.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API CirclizeVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
CirclizeVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("circlize", VAR_CIRCLIZE, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T side;
T perimeter;
T r, val;
T absx = fabs(helper.In.x);
T absy = fabs(helper.In.y);
if (absx >= absy)
if (helper.In.x >= absy)
perimeter = absx + helper.In.y;
perimeter = 5 * absx - helper.In.y;
side = absx;
if (helper.In.y >= absx)
perimeter = 3 * absy - helper.In.x;
perimeter = 7 * absy + helper.In.x;
side = absy;
r = m_Vvar4Pi * side + m_Hole;
val = T(M_PI_4) * perimeter / side - T(M_PI_4);
helper.Out.x = r * cos(val);
helper.Out.y = r * sin(val);
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string hole = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string vvar4pi = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t side;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t perimeter;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t absx = fabs(vIn.x);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t absy = fabs(vIn.y);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (absx >= absy)\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t if (vIn.x >= absy)\n"
<< "\t\t perimeter = absx + vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t perimeter = 5 * absx - vIn.y;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t side = absx;\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t if (vIn.y >= absx)\n"
<< "\t\t perimeter = 3 * absy - vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t perimeter = 7 * absy + vIn.x;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t side = absy;\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = " << vvar4pi << " * side + " << hole << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t val = M_PI_4 * perimeter / side - M_PI_4;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r * cos(val);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r * sin(val);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_Vvar4Pi = m_Weight / T(M_PI_4);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Hole, prefix + "circlize_hole"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Vvar4Pi, prefix + "circlize_vvar4pi"));//Precalc.
T m_Hole;
T m_Vvar4Pi;//Precalc.
/// <summary>
/// Circlize2.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Circlize2Variation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Circlize2Variation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("circlize2", VAR_CIRCLIZE2, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T side;
T perimeter;
T absx = fabs(helper.In.x);
T absy = fabs(helper.In.y);
if (absx >= absy)
if (helper.In.x >= absy)
perimeter = absx + helper.In.y;
perimeter = 5 * absx - helper.In.y;
side = absx;
if (helper.In.y >= absx)
perimeter = 3 * absy - helper.In.x;
perimeter = 7 * absy + helper.In.x;
side = absy;
T r = m_Weight * (side + m_Hole);
T val = T(M_PI_4) * perimeter / side - T(M_PI_4);
helper.Out.x = r * cos(val);
helper.Out.y = r * sin(val);
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string hole = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t side;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t perimeter;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t absx = fabs(vIn.x);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t absy = fabs(vIn.y);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (absx >= absy)\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t if (vIn.x >= absy)\n"
<< "\t\t perimeter = absx + vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t perimeter = 5 * absx - vIn.y;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t side = absx;\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t if (vIn.y >= absx)\n"
<< "\t\t perimeter = 3 * absy - vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t perimeter = 7 * absy + vIn.x;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t side = absy;\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (side + " << hole << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t val = M_PI_4 * perimeter / side - M_PI_4;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r * cos(val);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r * sin(val);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Hole, prefix + "circlize2_hole"));
T m_Hole;
/// <summary>
/// CosWrap.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API CosWrapVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
CosWrapVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("coswrap", VAR_COS_WRAP, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T x = T(0.5) * helper.In.x + T(0.5);
T y = T(0.5) * helper.In.y + T(0.5);
T bx = Fabsmod<T>(m_Fr * x);
T by = Fabsmod<T>(m_Fr * y);
T oscnapx = Foscn<T>(m_AmountX, m_Px);
T oscnapy = Foscn<T>(m_AmountY, m_Py);
helper.Out.x = -1 + m_Vv2 * Lerp<T>(Lerp(x, Fosc(x, T(4), m_Px), oscnapx), Fosc(bx, T(4), m_Px), oscnapx);//Original did a direct assignment to outPoint, which is incompatible with Ember's design.
helper.Out.y = -1 + m_Vv2 * Lerp<T>(Lerp(y, Fosc(y, T(4), m_Py), oscnapy), Fosc(by, T(4), m_Py), oscnapy);
helper.Out.z = (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? 0 : helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string repeat = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string amountX = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string amountY = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string phaseX = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string phaseY = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string ax = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string ay = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string px = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string py = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string fr = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string vv2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = 0.5 * vIn.x + 0.5;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = 0.5 * vIn.y + 0.5;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t bx = Fabsmod(" << fr << " * x);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t by = Fabsmod(" << fr << " * y);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t oscnapx = Foscn(" << amountX << ", " << px << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t oscnapy = Foscn(" << amountY << ", " << py << ");\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = -1 + " << vv2 << " * Lerp(Lerp(x, Fosc(x, 4, " << px << "), oscnapx), Fosc(bx, 4, " << px << "), oscnapx);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = -1 + " << vv2 << " * Lerp(Lerp(y, Fosc(y, 4, " << py << "), oscnapy), Fosc(by, 4, " << py << "), oscnapy);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = " << ((m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? "0" : "vIn.z") << ";\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_Ax = M_2PI * fabs(m_AmountX);
m_Ay = M_2PI * fabs(m_AmountY);
m_Px = T(M_PI) * m_PhaseX;
m_Py = T(M_PI) * m_PhaseY;
m_Fr = fabs(m_Repeat);
m_Vv2 = 2 * m_Weight;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Repeat, prefix + "coswrap_repeat", 1, INTEGER_NONZERO));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_AmountX, prefix + "coswrap_amount_x"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_AmountY, prefix + "coswrap_amount_y"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_PhaseX, prefix + "coswrap_phase_x", 0, REAL_CYCLIC, -1, 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_PhaseY, prefix + "coswrap_phase_y", 0, REAL_CYCLIC, -1, 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Ax, prefix + "coswrap_ax"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Ay, prefix + "coswrap_ay"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Px, prefix + "coswrap_px"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Py, prefix + "coswrap_py"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Fr, prefix + "coswrap_fr"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Vv2, prefix + "coswrap_vv2"));
T m_Repeat;
T m_AmountX;
T m_AmountY;
T m_PhaseX;
T m_PhaseY;
T m_Ax;//Precalc.
T m_Ay;
T m_Px;
T m_Py;
T m_Fr;
T m_Vv2;
/// <summary>
/// DeltaA.
/// The original in deltaA.c in Apophysis used a precalc variable named v, but
/// was unused in the calculation. So this remains a non-parametric variation with
/// that precalc variable omitted.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API DeltaAVariation : public Variation<T>
DeltaAVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("deltaa", VAR_DELTA_A, weight) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T s, c;
T avgr = m_Weight * (sqrt(SQR(helper.In.y) + SQR(helper.In.x + 1)) / sqrt(SQR(helper.In.y) + SQR(helper.In.x - 1)));
T avga = (atan2(helper.In.y, helper.In.x - 1) - atan2(helper.In.y, helper.In.x + 1)) / 2;
sincos(avga, &s, &c);
helper.Out.x = avgr * c;
helper.Out.y = avgr * s;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t avgr = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (sqrt(SQR(vIn.y) + SQR(vIn.x + 1)) / sqrt(SQR(vIn.y) + SQR(vIn.x - 1)));\n"
<< "\t\treal_t avga = (atan2(vIn.y, vIn.x - 1) - atan2(vIn.y, vIn.x + 1)) / 2;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t s = sin(avga);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t c = cos(avga);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = avgr * c;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = avgr * s;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// Expo.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API ExpoVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
ExpoVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("expo", VAR_EXPO, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T expor = exp(helper.In.x * m_K - helper.In.y * m_T);
T temp = helper.In.x * m_T + helper.In.y * m_K;
T snv = sin(temp);
T csv = cos(temp);
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * expor * csv;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * expor * snv;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string real = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string imag = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string k = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string t = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t expor = exp(vIn.x * " << k << " - vIn.y * " << t << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t temp = vIn.x * " << t << " + vIn.y * " << k << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t snv = sin(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t csv = cos(temp);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * expor * csv;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * expor * snv;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_K = T(0.5) * log(Zeps(SQR(m_Real) + SQR(m_Imag)));//Original used 1e-300, which isn't representable with a float.
m_T = atan2(m_Imag, m_Real);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Real, prefix + "expo_real", -1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Imag, prefix + "expo_imaginary", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_K, prefix + "expo_k"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_T, prefix + "expo_t"));
T m_Real;
T m_Imag;
T m_K;//Precalc.
T m_T;
/// <summary>
/// Extrude.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API ExtrudeVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
ExtrudeVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("extrude", VAR_EXTRUDE, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
if (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG)
helper.Out.x = helper.Out.y = helper.Out.z = 0;
if (rand.Frand01<T>() < m_RootFace)
outPoint.m_Z = ClampGte0(m_Weight);
outPoint.m_Z = m_Weight * rand.Frand01<T>();
helper.Out.x = helper.In.x;
helper.Out.y = helper.In.y;
if (rand.Frand01<T>() < m_RootFace)
helper.Out.z = ClampGte0(m_Weight);
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * rand.Frand01<T>();
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string rootFace = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
if (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG)
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = vOut.y = vOut.z = 0;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (MwcNext01(mwc) < " << rootFace << ")\n"
<< "\t\t outPoint->m_Z = max(xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "], 0.0);\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t outPoint->m_Z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * MwcNext01(mwc);\n"
<< "\t}\n";
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = vIn.y;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (MwcNext01(mwc) < " << rootFace << ")\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.z = max(xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "], 0.0);\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * MwcNext01(mwc);\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_RootFace, prefix + "extrude_root_face", T(0.5)));
T m_RootFace;
/// <summary>
/// fdisc.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API FDiscVariation : public Variation<T>
FDiscVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("fdisc", VAR_FDISC, weight, true, true, false, false, true) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T c, s;
T a = M_2PI / (helper.m_PrecalcSqrtSumSquares + 1);
T r = (helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx * T(M_1_PI) + 1) * T(0.5);
sincos(a, &s, &c);
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * r * c;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * r * s;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t a = M_2PI / (precalcSqrtSumSquares + 1);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = (precalcAtanyx * M_1_PI + 1) * 0.5;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t s = sin(a);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t c = cos(a);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * r * c;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * r * s;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// Fibonacci.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API FibonacciVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
FibonacciVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("fibonacci", VAR_FIBONACCI, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T snum1, cnum1, snum2, cnum2;
T temp = helper.In.y * m_NatLog;
sincos(temp, &snum1, &cnum1);
temp = (helper.In.x * T(M_PI) + helper.In.y * m_NatLog) * -1;
sincos(temp, &snum2, &cnum2);
T eradius1 = exp(helper.In.x * m_NatLog);
T eradius2 = exp((helper.In.x * m_NatLog - helper.In.y * T(M_PI)) * -1);
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (eradius1 * cnum1 - eradius2 * cnum2) * m_Five;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (eradius1 * snum1 - eradius2 * snum2) * m_Five;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string five = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;//Precalcs only, no params.
string natLog = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t temp = vIn.y * " << natLog << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t snum1 = sin(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cnum1 = cos(temp);\n"
<< "\t\ttemp = (vIn.x * M_PI + vIn.y * " << natLog << ") * -1.0;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t snum2 = sin(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cnum2 = cos(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t eradius1 = exp(vIn.x * " << natLog << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t eradius2 = exp((vIn.x * " << natLog << " - vIn.y * M_PI) * -1.0);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (eradius1 * cnum1 - eradius2 * cnum2) * " << five << ";\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (eradius1 * snum1 - eradius2 * snum2) * " << five << ";\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_Five = 1 / SQRT5;
m_NatLog = log(M_PHI);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Five, prefix + "fibonacci_five"));//Precalcs only, no params.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_NatLog, prefix + "fibonacci_nat_log"));
T m_Five;//Precalcs only, no params.
T m_NatLog;
/// <summary>
/// Fibonacci2.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Fibonacci2Variation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Fibonacci2Variation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("fibonacci2", VAR_FIBONACCI2, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T snum1, cnum1, snum2, cnum2;
T temp = helper.In.y * m_NatLog;
sincos(temp, &snum1, &cnum1);
temp = (helper.In.x * T(M_PI) + helper.In.y * m_NatLog) * -1;
sincos(temp, &snum2, &cnum2);
T eradius1 = m_Sc * exp(m_Sc2 * (helper.In.x * m_NatLog));
T eradius2 = m_Sc * exp(m_Sc2 * ((helper.In.x * m_NatLog - helper.In.y * T(M_PI)) * -1));
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (eradius1 * cnum1 - eradius2 * cnum2) * m_Five;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (eradius1 * snum1 - eradius2 * snum2) * m_Five;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string sc = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string sc2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string five = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string natLog = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t temp = vIn.y * " << natLog << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t snum1 = sin(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cnum1 = cos(temp);\n"
<< "\t\ttemp = (vIn.x * M_PI + vIn.y * " << natLog << ") * -1;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t snum2 = sin(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cnum2 = cos(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t eradius1 = " << sc << " * exp(" << sc2 << " * (vIn.x * " << natLog << "));\n"
<< "\t\treal_t eradius2 = " << sc << " * exp(" << sc2 << " * ((vIn.x * " << natLog << " - vIn.y * M_PI) * -1));\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (eradius1 * cnum1 - eradius2 * cnum2) * " << five << ";\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (eradius1 * snum1 - eradius2 * snum2) * " << five << ";\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_Five = 1 / SQRT5;
m_NatLog = log(M_PHI);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Sc, prefix + "fibonacci2_sc", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Sc2, prefix + "fibonacci2_sc2", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Five, prefix + "fibonacci2_five"));//Precalcs.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_NatLog, prefix + "fibonacci2_nat_log"));
T m_Sc;
T m_Sc2;
T m_Five;//Precalcs.
T m_NatLog;
/// <summary>
/// Glynnia.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API GlynniaVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
GlynniaVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("glynnia", VAR_GLYNNIA, weight, true, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T d, r = helper.m_PrecalcSqrtSumSquares;
if (r > 1)
if (rand.Frand01<T>() > T(0.5))
d = sqrt(r + helper.In.x);
helper.Out.x = m_V2 * d;
helper.Out.y = -(m_V2 / d * helper.In.y);
d = r + helper.In.x;
r = m_Weight / sqrt(r * (SQR(helper.In.y) + SQR(d)));
helper.Out.x = r * d;
helper.Out.y = r * helper.In.y;
if (rand.Frand01<T>() > T(0.5))
d = sqrt(r + helper.In.x);
helper.Out.x = -(m_V2 * d);
helper.Out.y = -(m_V2 / d * helper.In.y);
d = r + helper.In.x;
r = m_Weight / sqrt(r * (SQR(helper.In.y) + SQR(d)));
helper.Out.x = -(r * d);
helper.Out.y = r * helper.In.y;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string v2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;//Precalcs only, no params.
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t d, r = precalcSqrtSumSquares;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (r > 1)\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t if (MwcNext01(mwc) > 0.5)\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t d = sqrt(r + vIn.x);\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = " << v2 << " * d;\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = -(" << v2 << " / d * vIn.y);\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t d = r + vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] / sqrt(r * (SQR(vIn.y) + SQR(d)));\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = r * d;\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = r * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t if (MwcNext01(mwc) > 0.5)\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t d = sqrt(r + vIn.x);\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = -(" << v2 << " * d);\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = -(" << v2 << " / d * vIn.y);\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t d = r + vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] / sqrt(r * (SQR(vIn.y) + SQR(d)));\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = -(r * d);\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = r * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_V2 = m_Weight * sqrt(T(2)) / 2;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_V2, prefix + "glynnia_v2"));//Precalcs only, no params.
T m_V2;//Precalcs only, no params.
/// <summary>
/// GridOut.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API GridOutVariation : public Variation<T>
GridOutVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("gridout", VAR_GRIDOUT, weight) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T x = LRint(helper.In.x);
T y = LRint(helper.In.y);
if (y <= 0)
if (x > 0)
if (-y >= x)
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (helper.In.x + 1);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * helper.In.y;
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * helper.In.x;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (helper.In.y + 1);
if (y <= x)
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (helper.In.x + 1);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * helper.In.y;
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * helper.In.x;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (helper.In.y - 1);
if (x > 0)
if (y >= x)
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (helper.In.x - 1);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * helper.In.y;
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * helper.In.x;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (helper.In.y + 1);
if (y > -x)
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (helper.In.x - 1);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * helper.In.y;
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * helper.In.x;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (helper.In.y - 1);
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = LRint(vIn.x);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = LRint(vIn.y);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (y <= 0)\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t if (x > 0)\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t if (-y >= x)\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (vIn.x + 1);\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (vIn.y + 1);\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t if (y <= x)\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (vIn.x + 1);\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (vIn.y - 1);\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t if (x > 0)\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t if (y >= x)\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (vIn.x - 1);\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (vIn.y + 1);\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t if (y > -x)\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (vIn.x - 1);\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (vIn.y - 1);\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// Hole.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API HoleVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
HoleVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("hole", VAR_HOLE, weight, true, true, true, false, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T r, delta = pow(helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx / T(M_PI) + 1, m_A);
if (m_Inside != 0)
r = m_Weight * delta / (helper.m_PrecalcSqrtSumSquares + delta);
r = m_Weight * helper.m_PrecalcSqrtSumSquares + delta;
helper.Out.x = r * helper.m_PrecalcCosa;
helper.Out.y = r * helper.m_PrecalcSina;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string a = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string inside = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r, delta = pow(precalcAtanyx / M_PI + 1, " << a << ");\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (" << inside << " != 0)\n"
<< "\t\t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * delta / (precalcSqrtSumSquares + delta);\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * precalcSqrtSumSquares + delta;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r * precalcCosa;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r * precalcSina;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_A, prefix + "hole_a", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Inside, prefix + "hole_inside", 0, INTEGER, 0, 1));
T m_A;
T m_Inside;
/// <summary>
/// Hypertile.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API HypertileVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
HypertileVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("hypertile", VAR_HYPERTILE, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T a = helper.In.x + m_Real;
T b = helper.In.y - m_Imag;
T c = m_Real * helper.In.x - m_Imag * helper.In.y + 1;
T d = m_Real * helper.In.y + m_Imag * helper.In.x;
T vr = m_Weight / (SQR(c) + SQR(d));
helper.Out.x = vr * (a * c + b * d);
helper.Out.y = vr * (b * c - a * d);
helper.Out.z = (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? 0 : helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string p = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string q = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string n = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string real = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string imag = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t a = vIn.x + " << real << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t b = vIn.y - " << imag << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t c = " << real << " * vIn.x - " << imag << " * vIn.y + 1;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t d = " << real << " * vIn.y + " << imag << " * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t vr = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] / (SQR(c) + SQR(d));\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = vr * (a * c + b * d);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = vr * (b * c - a * d);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = " << ((m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? "0" : "vIn.z") << ";\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
T pa = 2 * T(M_PI) / m_P;
T qa = 2 * T(M_PI) / m_Q;
T r = (1 - cos(pa)) / (cos(pa) + cos(qa)) + 1;
T a = m_N * pa;
if (r > 0)
r = 1 / sqrt(r);
r = 1;
m_Real = r * cos(a);
m_Imag = r * sin(a);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_P, prefix + "hypertile_p", 3, INTEGER, 3, T(0x7fffffff)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Q, prefix + "hypertile_q", 7, INTEGER, 3, T(0x7fffffff)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_N, prefix + "hypertile_n", 0, INTEGER));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Real, prefix + "hypertile_real"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Imag, prefix + "hypertile_imag"));
T m_P;
T m_Q;
T m_N;
T m_Real;//Precalc.
T m_Imag;
/// <summary>
/// Hypertile1.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Hypertile1Variation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Hypertile1Variation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("hypertile1", VAR_HYPERTILE1, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T temp = rand.Rand() * m_Pa;
T sina = sin(temp);
T cosa = cos(temp);
T re = m_R * cosa;
T im = m_R * sina;
T a = helper.In.x + re;
T b = helper.In.y - im;
T c = re * helper.In.x - im * helper.In.y + 1;
T d = re * helper.In.y + im * helper.In.x;
T vr = m_Weight / (SQR(c) + SQR(d));
helper.Out.x = vr * (a * c + b * d);
helper.Out.y = vr * (b * c - a * d);
helper.Out.z = (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? 0 : helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string p = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string q = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string pa = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string r = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t temp = MwcNext(mwc) * " << pa << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sina = sin(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cosa = cos(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t re = " << r << " * cosa;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t im = " << r << " * sina;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t a = vIn.x + re;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t b = vIn.y - im;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t c = re * vIn.x - im * vIn.y + 1;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t d = re * vIn.y + im * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t vr = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] / (SQR(c) + SQR(d));\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = vr * (a * c + b * d);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = vr * (b * c - a * d);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = " << ((m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? "0" : "vIn.z") << ";\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
T r2 = 1 - (cos(2 * T(M_PI) / m_P) - 1) /
(cos(2 * T(M_PI) / m_P) + cos(2 * T(M_PI) / m_Q));
if (r2 > 0)
m_R = 1 / sqrt(r2);
m_R = 1;
m_Pa = 2 * T(M_PI) / m_P;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_P, prefix + "hypertile1_p", 3, INTEGER, 3, T(0x7fffffff)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Q, prefix + "hypertile1_q", 7, INTEGER, 3, T(0x7fffffff)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Pa, prefix + "hypertile1_pa"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_R, prefix + "hypertile1_r"));
T m_P;
T m_Q;
T m_Pa;//Precalc.
T m_R;
/// <summary>
/// Hypertile2.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Hypertile2Variation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Hypertile2Variation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("hypertile2", VAR_HYPERTILE2, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T a = helper.In.x + m_R;
T b = helper.In.y;
T c = m_R * helper.In.x + 1;
T d = m_R * helper.In.y;
T x = (a * c + b * d);
T y = (b * c - a * d);
T vr = m_Weight / (SQR(c) + SQR(d));
T temp = rand.Rand() * m_Pa;
T sina = sin(temp);
T cosa = cos(temp);
helper.Out.x = vr * (x * cosa + y * sina);
helper.Out.y = vr * (y * cosa - x * sina);
helper.Out.z = (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? 0 : helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string p = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string q = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string pa = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string r = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t a = vIn.x + " << r << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t b = vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t c = " << r << " * vIn.x + 1;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t d = " << r << " * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = (a * c + b * d);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = (b * c - a * d);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t vr = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] / (SQR(c) + SQR(d));\n"
<< "\t\treal_t temp = MwcNext(mwc) * " << pa << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sina = sin(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cosa = cos(temp);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = vr * (x * cosa + y * sina);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = vr * (y * cosa - x * sina);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = " << ((m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? "0" : "vIn.z") << ";\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
T r2 = 1 - (cos(2 * T(M_PI) / m_P) - 1) /
(cos(2 * T(M_PI) / m_P) + cos(2 * T(M_PI) / m_Q));
if (r2 > 0)
m_R = 1 / sqrt(r2);
m_R = 1;
m_Pa = 2 * T(M_PI) / m_P;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_P, prefix + "hypertile2_p", 3, INTEGER, 3, T(0x7fffffff)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Q, prefix + "hypertile2_q", 7, INTEGER, 3, T(0x7fffffff)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Pa, prefix + "hypertile2_pa"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_R, prefix + "hypertile2_r"));
T m_P;
T m_Q;
T m_Pa;//Precalc.
T m_R;
/// <summary>
/// Hypertile3D.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Hypertile3DVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Hypertile3DVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("hypertile3D", VAR_HYPERTILE3D, weight, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T r2 = helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares + helper.In.z;
T x2cx = m_C2x * helper.In.x;
T y2cy = m_C2y * helper.In.y;
T d = m_Weight / (m_C2 * r2 + x2cx - y2cy + 1);
helper.Out.x = d * (helper.In.x * m_S2x - m_Cx * ( y2cy - r2 - 1));
helper.Out.y = d * (helper.In.y * m_S2y + m_Cy * (-x2cx - r2 - 1));
helper.Out.z = d * (helper.In.z * m_S2z);
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string p = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string q = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string n = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cx = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cy = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cz = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string s2x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string s2y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string s2z = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2z = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r2 = precalcSumSquares + vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x2cx = " << c2x << " * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y2cy = " << c2y << " * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t d = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] / (" << c2 << " * r2 + x2cx - y2cy + 1);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = d * (vIn.x * " << s2x << " - " << cx << "* ( y2cy - r2 - 1));\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = d * (vIn.y * " << s2y << " + " << cy << "* (-x2cx - r2 - 1));\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = d * (vIn.z * " << s2z << ");\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
T pa = 2 * T(M_PI) / m_P;
T qa = 2 * T(M_PI) / m_Q;
T r = -(cos(pa) - 1) / (cos(pa) + cos(qa));
T na = m_N * pa;
if (r > 0)
r = 1 / sqrt(1 + r);
r = 1;
m_Cx = r * cos(na);
m_Cy = r * sin(na);
m_C2 = SQR(m_Cx) + SQR(m_Cy);
m_C2x = 2 * m_Cx;
m_C2y = 2 * m_Cy;
m_S2x = 1 + SQR(m_Cx) - SQR(m_Cy);
m_S2y = 1 + SQR(m_Cy) - SQR(m_Cx);
m_S2z = 1 - SQR(m_Cy) - SQR(m_Cx);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_P, prefix + "hypertile3D_p", 3, INTEGER, 3, T(0x7fffffff)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Q, prefix + "hypertile3D_q", 7, INTEGER, 3, T(0x7fffffff)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_N, prefix + "hypertile3D_n", 0, INTEGER));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cx, prefix + "hypertile3D_cx"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cy, prefix + "hypertile3D_cy"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cz, prefix + "hypertile3D_cz"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_S2x, prefix + "hypertile3D_s2x"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_S2y, prefix + "hypertile3D_s2y"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_S2z, prefix + "hypertile3D_s2z"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2x, prefix + "hypertile3D_c2x"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2y, prefix + "hypertile3D_c2y"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2z, prefix + "hypertile3D_c2z"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2, prefix + "hypertile3D_c2"));
T m_P;
T m_Q;
T m_N;
T m_Cx;//Precalc.
T m_Cy;
T m_Cz;
T m_S2x;
T m_S2y;
T m_S2z;
T m_C2x;
T m_C2y;
T m_C2z;
T m_C2;
/// <summary>
/// Hypertile3D1.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Hypertile3D1Variation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Hypertile3D1Variation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("hypertile3D1", VAR_HYPERTILE3D1, weight, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T temp = rand.Rand() * m_Pa;
T cx = m_R * cos(temp);
T cy = m_R * sin(temp);
T s2x = 1 + SQR(cx) - SQR(cy);
T s2y = 1 + SQR(cy) - SQR(cx);
T r2 = helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares + SQR(helper.In.z);
T x2cx = 2 * cx * helper.In.x;
T y2cy = 2 * cy * helper.In.x;
T d = m_Weight / (m_C2 * r2 + x2cx - y2cy + 1);
helper.Out.x = d * (helper.In.x * s2x - cx * ( y2cy - r2 - 1));
helper.Out.y = d * (helper.In.y * s2y + cy * (-x2cx - r2 - 1));
helper.Out.z = d * (helper.In.z * m_S2z);
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string p = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string q = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string pa = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string r = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string s2z = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t temp = MwcNext(mwc) * " << pa << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cx = " << r << " * cos(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cy = " << r << " * sin(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t s2x = 1 + SQR(cx) - SQR(cy);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t s2y = 1 + SQR(cy) - SQR(cx);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r2 = precalcSumSquares + SQR(vIn.z);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x2cx = 2 * cx * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y2cy = 2 * cy * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t d = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] / (" << c2 << " * r2 + x2cx - y2cy + 1);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = d * (vIn.x * s2x - cx * ( y2cy - r2 - 1));\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = d * (vIn.y * s2y + cy * (-x2cx - r2 - 1));\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = d * (vIn.z * " << s2z << ");\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
T pa = M_2PI / m_P;
T qa = M_2PI / m_Q;
T r = -(cos(pa) - 1) / (cos(pa) + cos(qa));
if (r > 0)
r = 1 / sqrt(1 + r);
r = 1;
m_Pa = pa;
m_R = r;
m_C2 = SQR(r);
m_S2z = 1 - m_C2;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_P, prefix + "hypertile3D1_p", 3, INTEGER, 3, T(0x7fffffff)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Q, prefix + "hypertile3D1_q", 7, INTEGER, 3, T(0x7fffffff)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Pa, prefix + "hypertile3D1_pa"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_R, prefix + "hypertile3D1_r"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2, prefix + "hypertile3D1_c2"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_S2z, prefix + "hypertile3D1_s2z"));
T m_P;
T m_Q;
T m_Pa;//Precalc.
T m_R;
T m_C2;
T m_S2z;
/// <summary>
/// Hypertile3D2.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Hypertile3D2Variation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Hypertile3D2Variation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("hypertile3D2", VAR_HYPERTILE3D2, weight, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T r2 = helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares + SQR(helper.In.z);
T x2cx = m_C2x * helper.In.x;
T x = helper.In.x * m_S2x - m_Cx * (-r2 - 1);
T y = helper.In.y * m_S2y;
T vr = m_Weight / (m_C2 * r2 + x2cx + 1);
T temp = rand.Rand() * m_Pa;
T sina = sin(temp);
T cosa = cos(temp);
helper.Out.x = vr * (x * cosa + y * sina);
helper.Out.y = vr * (y * cosa - x * sina);
helper.Out.z = vr * (helper.In.z * m_S2z);
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string p = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string q = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string pa = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cx = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string s2x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string s2y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string s2z = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r2 = precalcSumSquares + SQR(vIn.z);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x2cx = " << c2x << " * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = vIn.x * " << s2x << " - " << cx << " * (-r2 - 1);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = vIn.y * " << s2y << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t vr = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] / (" << c2 << " * r2 + x2cx + 1);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t temp = MwcNext(mwc) * " << pa << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sina = sin(temp);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cosa = cos(temp);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = vr * (x * cosa + y * sina);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = vr * (y * cosa - x * sina);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = vr * (vIn.z * " << s2z << ");\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
T pa = M_2PI / m_P;
T qa = M_2PI / m_Q;
T r = -(cos(pa) - 1) / (cos(pa) + cos(qa));
if (r > 0)
r = 1 / sqrt(1 + r);
r = 1;
m_Pa = pa;
m_Cx = r;
m_C2 = SQR(m_Cx);
m_C2x = 2 * m_Cx;
m_S2x = 1 + SQR(m_Cx);
m_S2y = 1 - SQR(m_Cx);
m_S2z = 1 - SQR(m_Cx);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_P, prefix + "hypertile3D2_p", 3, INTEGER, 3, T(0x7fffffff)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Q, prefix + "hypertile3D2_q", 7, INTEGER, 3, T(0x7fffffff)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Pa, prefix + "hypertile3D2_pa"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cx, prefix + "hypertile3D2_cx"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2, prefix + "hypertile3D2_c2"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2x, prefix + "hypertile3D2_c2x"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_S2x, prefix + "hypertile3D2_s2x"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_S2y, prefix + "hypertile3D2_s2y"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_S2z, prefix + "hypertile3D2_s2z"));
T m_P;
T m_Q;
T m_Pa;//Precalc.
T m_Cx;
T m_C2;
T m_C2x;
T m_S2x;
T m_S2y;
T m_S2z;
/// <summary>
/// IDisc.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API IDiscVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
IDiscVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("idisc", VAR_IDISC, weight, true, true, false, false, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T a = T(M_PI) / (helper.m_PrecalcSqrtSumSquares + 1);
T s = sin(a);
T c = cos(a);
T r = helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx * m_V;
helper.Out.x = r * c;
helper.Out.y = r * s;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string v = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;//Precalcs only, no params.
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t a = M_PI / (precalcSqrtSumSquares + 1);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t s = sin(a);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t c = cos(a);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = precalcAtanyx * " << v << ";\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r * c;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r * s;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_V = m_Weight * T(M_1_PI);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_V, prefix + "idisc_v"));//Precalcs only, no params.
T m_V;//Precalcs only, no params.
/// <summary>
/// Julian2.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Julian2Variation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Julian2Variation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("julian2", VAR_JULIAN2, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T x = m_A * helper.In.x + m_B * helper.In.y + m_E;
T y = m_C * helper.In.x + m_D * helper.In.y + m_F;
T angle = (atan2(y, x) + M_2PI * rand.Rand((int)m_AbsN)) / m_Power;
T sina = sin(angle);
T cosa = cos(angle);
T r = m_Weight * pow(SQR(x) + SQR(y), m_Cn);
helper.Out.x = r * cosa;
helper.Out.y = r * sina;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string a = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string b = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string d = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string e = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string f = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string power = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string dist = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string absn = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cn = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = " << a << " * vIn.x + " << b << " * vIn.y + " << e << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = " << c << " * vIn.x + " << d << " * vIn.y + " << f << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t angle = (atan2(y, x) + M_2PI * MwcNextRange(mwc, (uint)" << absn << ")) / " << power << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sina = sin(angle);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cosa = cos(angle);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * pow(SQR(x) + SQR(y), " << cn << ");\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r * cosa;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r * sina;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
if (m_Power == 0)
m_Power = 2;
m_AbsN = T((int)abs(m_Power));
m_Cn = m_Dist / m_Power / 2;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_A, prefix + "julian2_a", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_B, prefix + "julian2_b"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_C, prefix + "julian2_c"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_D, prefix + "julian2_d", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_E, prefix + "julian2_e"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_F, prefix + "julian2_f"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Power, prefix + "julian2_power", 2, INTEGER_NONZERO));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Dist, prefix + "julian2_dist", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_AbsN, prefix + "julian2_absn"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cn, prefix + "julian2_cn"));
T m_A;
T m_B;
T m_C;
T m_D;
T m_E;
T m_F;
T m_Power;
T m_Dist;
T m_AbsN;//Precalc.
T m_Cn;
/// <summary>
/// JuliaQ.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API JuliaQVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
JuliaQVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("juliaq", VAR_JULIAQ, weight, true, false, false, false, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T a = helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx * m_InvPower + rand.Rand() * m_InvPower2pi;
T sina = sin(a);
T cosa = cos(a);
T r = m_Weight * pow(helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares, m_HalfInvPower);
helper.Out.x = r * cosa;
helper.Out.y = r * sina;
helper.Out.z = (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? 0 : helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string power = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string divisor = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string halfInvPower = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string invPower = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string invPower2Pi = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t a = precalcAtanyx * " << invPower << " + MwcNext(mwc) * " << invPower2Pi << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sina = sin(a);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cosa = cos(a);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * pow(precalcSumSquares, " << halfInvPower << ");\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r * cosa;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r * sina;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = " << ((m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? "0" : "vIn.z") << ";\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_HalfInvPower = T(0.5) * m_Divisor / m_Power;
m_InvPower = m_Divisor / m_Power;
m_InvPower2pi = M_2PI / m_Power;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Power, prefix + "juliaq_power", 3, INTEGER_NONZERO));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Divisor, prefix + "juliaq_divisor", 2, INTEGER_NONZERO));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_HalfInvPower, prefix + "juliaq_half_inv_power"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_InvPower, prefix + "juliaq_inv_power"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_InvPower2pi, prefix + "juliaq_inv_power_2pi"));
T m_Power;
T m_Divisor;
T m_HalfInvPower;//Precalc.
T m_InvPower;
T m_InvPower2pi;
/// <summary>
/// Murl.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API MurlVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
MurlVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("murl", VAR_MURL, weight, true, false, false, false, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T angle = helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx * m_Power;
T sina = sin(angle);
T cosa = cos(angle);
T r = m_Cp * pow(helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares, m_P2);
T re = r * cosa + 1;
T im = r * sina;
T r1 = m_Vp / (SQR(re) + SQR(im));
helper.Out.x = r1 * (helper.In.x * re + helper.In.y * im);
helper.Out.y = r1 * (helper.In.y * re - helper.In.x * im);
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string c = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string power = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cp = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string p2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string vp = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t angle = precalcAtanyx * " << power << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sina = sin(angle);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cosa = cos(angle);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = " << cp << " * pow(precalcSumSquares, " << p2 << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t re = r * cosa + 1;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t im = r * sina;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r1 = " << vp << " / (SQR(re) + SQR(im));\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r1 * (vIn.x * re + vIn.y * im);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r1 * (vIn.y * re - vIn.x * im);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
if (m_Power != 1)
m_Cp = m_C / (m_Power - 1);
m_Cp = m_C;
m_P2 = m_Power / 2;
m_Vp = m_Weight * (m_Cp + 1);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_C, prefix + "murl_c"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Power, prefix + "murl_power", 2, INTEGER, 2, T(0x7fffffff)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cp, prefix + "murl_cp"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_P2, prefix + "murl_p2"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Vp, prefix + "murl_vp"));
T m_C;
T m_Power;
T m_Cp;//Precalc.
T m_P2;
T m_Vp;
/// <summary>
/// Murl2.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Murl2Variation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Murl2Variation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("murl2", VAR_MURL2, weight, true, false, false, false, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T angle = helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx * m_Power;
T sina = sin(angle);
T cosa = cos(angle);
T r = m_C * pow(helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares, m_P2);
T re = r * cosa + 1;
T im = r * sina;
r = pow(SQR(re) + SQR(im), m_InvP);
angle = atan2(im, re) * m_InvP2;
sina = sin(angle);
cosa = cos(angle);
re = r * cosa;
im = r * sina;
T r1 = m_Vp / SQR(r);
helper.Out.x = r1 * (helper.In.x * re + helper.In.y * im);
helper.Out.y = r1 * (helper.In.y * re - helper.In.x * im);
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string c = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string power = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string p2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string invp = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string invp2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string vp = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t angle = precalcAtanyx * " << power << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sina = sin(angle);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cosa = cos(angle);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = " << c << " * pow(precalcSumSquares, " << p2 << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t re = r * cosa + 1;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t im = r * sina;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tr = pow(SQR(re) + SQR(im), " << invp << ");\n"
<< "\t\tangle = atan2(im, re) * " << invp2 << ";\n"
<< "\t\tsina = sin(angle);\n"
<< "\t\tcosa = cos(angle);\n"
<< "\t\tre = r * cosa;\n"
<< "\t\tim = r * sina;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r1 = " << vp << " / SQR(r);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r1 * (vIn.x * re + vIn.y * im);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r1 * (vIn.y * re - vIn.x * im);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_P2 = m_Power / 2;
m_InvP = 1 / m_Power;
m_InvP2 = 2 / m_Power;
if (m_C == -1)
m_Vp = 0;
m_Vp = m_Weight * pow(m_C + 1, 2 / m_Power);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_C, prefix + "murl2_c", 0, REAL, -1, 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Power, prefix + "murl2_power", 1, INTEGER_NONZERO));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_P2, prefix + "murl2_p2"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_InvP, prefix + "murl2_invp"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_InvP2, prefix + "murl2_invp2"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Vp, prefix + "murl2_vp"));
T m_C;
T m_Power;
T m_P2;//Precalc.
T m_InvP;
T m_InvP2;
T m_Vp;
/// <summary>
/// NPolar.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API NPolarVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
NPolarVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("npolar", VAR_NPOLAR, weight, true, false, false, true, false)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T x = (m_IsOdd != 0) ? helper.In.x : m_Vvar * helper.m_PrecalcAtanxy;
T y = (m_IsOdd != 0) ? helper.In.y : m_Vvar2 * log(helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares);
T angle = (atan2(y, x) + M_2PI * rand.Rand((int)m_AbsN)) / m_Nnz;
T r = m_Weight * pow(SQR(x) + SQR(y), m_Cn) * ((m_IsOdd == 0) ? 1 : m_Parity);
T sina = sin(angle) * r;
T cosa = cos(angle) * r;
x = (m_IsOdd != 0) ? cosa : (m_Vvar2 * log(SQR(cosa) + SQR(sina)));
y = (m_IsOdd != 0) ? sina : (m_Vvar * atan2(cosa, sina));
helper.Out.x = x;
helper.Out.y = y;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string parity = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string n = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string nnz = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string vvar = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string vvar2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string absn = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cn = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string isOdd = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = (" << isOdd << " != 0) ? vIn.x : " << vvar << " * precalcAtanxy;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = (" << isOdd << " != 0) ? vIn.y : " << vvar2 << " * log(precalcSumSquares);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t angle = (atan2(y, x) + M_2PI * MwcNextRange(mwc, (uint)" << absn << ")) / " << nnz << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * pow(SQR(x) + SQR(y), " << cn << ") * ((" << isOdd << " == 0) ? 1 : " << parity << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sina = sin(angle) * r;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cosa = cos(angle) * r;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tx = (" << isOdd << " != 0) ? cosa : (" << vvar2 << " * log(SQR(cosa) + SQR(sina)));\n"
<< "\t\ty = (" << isOdd << " != 0) ? sina : (" << vvar << " * atan2(cosa, sina));\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = x;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = y;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_Nnz = (m_N == 0) ? 1 : m_N;
m_Vvar = m_Weight / T(M_PI);
m_Vvar2 = m_Vvar * T(0.5);
m_AbsN = abs(m_Nnz);
m_Cn = 1 / m_Nnz / 2;
m_IsOdd = T(abs((int)m_Parity) % 2);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Parity, prefix + "npolar_parity", 0, INTEGER));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_N, prefix + "npolar_n", 1, INTEGER));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Nnz, prefix + "npolar_nnz"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Vvar, prefix + "npolar_vvar"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Vvar2, prefix + "npolar_vvar_2"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_AbsN, prefix + "npolar_absn"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cn, prefix + "npolar_cn"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_IsOdd, prefix + "npolar_isodd"));
T m_Parity;
T m_N;
T m_Nnz;//Precalc.
T m_Vvar;
T m_Vvar2;
T m_AbsN;
T m_Cn;
T m_IsOdd;
/// <summary>
/// Ortho.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API OrthoVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
OrthoVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("ortho", VAR_ORTHO, weight, true, false, false, false, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T r, a;
T xo;
T ro;
T c,s;
T x, y, tc, ts;
T theta;
r = helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares;
if (r < 1)
if (helper.In.x >= 0)
xo = (r + 1) / (2 * helper.In.x);
ro = sqrt(SQR(helper.In.x - xo) + SQR(helper.In.y));
theta = atan2(1, ro);
a = fmod(m_In * theta + atan2(helper.In.y, xo - helper.In.x) + theta, 2 * theta) - theta;
sincos(a, &s, &c);
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (xo - c * ro);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * s * ro;
xo = - (r + 1) / (2 * helper.In.x);
ro = sqrt(SQR(-helper.In.x - xo) + SQR(helper.In.y));
theta = atan2(1 , ro);
a = fmod(m_In * theta + atan2(helper.In.y, xo + helper.In.x) + theta, 2 * theta) - theta;
sincos(a, &s, &c);
helper.Out.x = -(m_Weight * (xo - c * ro));
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * s * ro;
r = 1 / sqrt(r);
ts = sin(helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx);
tc = cos(helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx);
x = r * tc;
y = r * ts;
if (x >= 0)
xo = (SQR(x) + SQR(y) + 1) / (2 * x);
ro = sqrt(SQR(x - xo) + SQR(y));
theta = atan2(1 , ro);
a = fmod(m_Out * theta + atan2(y, xo - x) + theta, 2 * theta) - theta;
sincos(a, &s, &c);
x = (xo - c * ro);
y = s * ro;
theta = atan2(y, x);
sincos(theta, &ts, &tc);
r = 1 / sqrt(SQR(x) + SQR(y));
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * r * tc;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * r * ts;
xo = - (SQR(x) + SQR(y) + 1) / (2 * x);
ro = sqrt(SQR(-x - xo) + SQR(y));
theta = atan2(1 , ro);
a = fmod(m_Out * theta + atan2(y, xo + x) + theta, 2 * theta) - theta;
sincos(a, &s, &c);
x = (xo - c * ro);
y = s * ro;
theta = atan2(y, x);
sincos(theta, &ts, &tc);
r = 1 / sqrt(SQR(x) + SQR(y));
helper.Out.x = -(m_Weight * r * tc);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * r * ts;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string in = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string out = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r, a;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t xo;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t ro;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t c,s;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x, y, tc, ts;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t theta;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tr = precalcSumSquares;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (r < 1)\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t if (vIn.x >= 0)\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t xo = (r + 1) / (2 * vIn.x);\n"
<< "\t\t ro = sqrt(SQR(vIn.x - xo) + SQR(vIn.y));\n"
<< "\t\t theta = atan2(1, ro);\n"
<< "\t\t a = fmod(" << in << " * theta + atan2(vIn.y, xo - vIn.x) + theta, 2 * theta) - theta;\n"
<< "\t\t s = sin(a);\n"
<< "\t\t c = cos(a);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (xo - c * ro);\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * s * ro;\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t xo = - (r + 1) / (2 * vIn.x);\n"
<< "\t\t ro = sqrt(SQR(-vIn.x - xo) + SQR(vIn.y));\n"
<< "\t\t theta = atan2(1 , ro);\n"
<< "\t\t a = fmod(" << in << " * theta + atan2(vIn.y, xo + vIn.x) + theta, 2 * theta) - theta;\n"
<< "\t\t s = sin(a);\n"
<< "\t\t c = cos(a);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = -(xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (xo - c * ro));\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * s * ro;\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t r = 1 / sqrt(r);\n"
<< "\t\t ts = sin(precalcAtanyx);\n"
<< "\t\t tc = cos(precalcAtanyx);\n"
<< "\t\t x = r * tc;\n"
<< "\t\t y = r * ts;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t if (x >= 0)\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t xo = (SQR(x) + SQR(y) + 1) / (2 * x);\n"
<< "\t\t ro = sqrt(SQR(x - xo) + SQR(y));\n"
<< "\t\t theta = atan2(1 , ro);\n"
<< "\t\t a = fmod(" << out << " * theta + atan2(y, xo - x) + theta, 2 * theta) - theta;\n"
<< "\t\t s = sin(a);\n"
<< "\t\t c = cos(a);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t x = (xo - c * ro);\n"
<< "\t\t y = s * ro;\n"
<< "\t\t theta = atan2(y, x);\n"
<< "\t\t ts = sin(theta);\n"
<< "\t\t tc = cos(theta);\n"
<< "\t\t r = 1 / sqrt(SQR(x) + SQR(y));\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * r * tc;\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * r * ts;\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t else\n"
<< "\t\t {\n"
<< "\t\t xo = - (SQR(x) + SQR(y) + 1) / (2 * x);\n"
<< "\t\t ro = sqrt(SQR(-x - xo) + SQR(y));\n"
<< "\t\t theta = atan2(1 , ro);\n"
<< "\t\t a = fmod(" << out << " * theta + atan2(y, xo + x) + theta, 2 * theta) - theta;\n"
<< "\t\t s = sin(a);\n"
<< "\t\t c = cos(a);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t x = (xo - c * ro);\n"
<< "\t\t y = s * ro;\n"
<< "\t\t theta = atan2(y, x);\n"
<< "\t\t ts = sin(theta);\n"
<< "\t\t tc = cos(theta);\n"
<< "\t\t r = 1 / sqrt(SQR(x) + SQR(y));\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = -(xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * r * tc);\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * r * ts;\n"
<< "\t\t }\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_In, prefix + "ortho_in", 0, REAL_CYCLIC, T(-M_PI), T(M_PI)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Out, prefix + "ortho_out", 0, REAL_CYCLIC, T(-M_PI), T(M_PI)));
T m_In;
T m_Out;
/// <summary>
/// Poincare.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API PoincareVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
PoincareVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("poincare", VAR_POINCARE, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T x = m_C1x + (SQR(m_C1r) * (helper.In.x - m_C1x)) / (SQR(helper.In.x - m_C1x) + SQR(helper.In.y - m_C1y));
T y = m_C1y + (SQR(m_C1r) * (helper.In.y - m_C1y)) / (SQR(helper.In.x - m_C1x) + SQR(helper.In.y - m_C1y));
helper.Out.x = m_C2x + (SQR(m_C2r) * (x - m_C2x)) / (SQR(x - m_C2x) + SQR(y - m_C2y));
helper.Out.y = m_C2y + (SQR(m_C2r) * (y - m_C2y)) / (SQR(x - m_C2x) + SQR(y - m_C2y));
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string c1r = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c1a = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2r = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2a = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c1x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c1y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c1d = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2d = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = " << c1x << " + (SQR(" << c1r << ") * (vIn.x - " << c1x << ")) / (SQR(vIn.x - " << c1x << ") + SQR(vIn.y - " << c1y << "));\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = " << c1y << " + (SQR(" << c1r << ") * (vIn.y - " << c1y << ")) / (SQR(vIn.x - " << c1x << ") + SQR(vIn.y - " << c1y << "));\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = " << c2x << " + (SQR(" << c2r << ") * (x - " << c2x << ")) / (SQR(x - " << c2x << ") + SQR(y - " << c2y << "));\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = " << c2y << " + (SQR(" << c2r << ") * (y - " << c2y << ")) / (SQR(x - " << c2x << ") + SQR(y - " << c2y << "));\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_C1d = sqrt(1 + SQR(m_C1r));
m_C2d = sqrt(1 + SQR(m_C2r));
m_C1x = m_C1d * cos(fmod(m_C1a, T(M_PI)));
m_C1y = m_C1d * sin(fmod(m_C1a, T(M_PI)));
m_C2x = m_C2d * cos(fmod(m_C2a, T(M_PI)));
m_C2y = m_C2d * sin(fmod(m_C2a, T(M_PI)));
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_C1r, prefix + "poincare_c1r", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_C1a, prefix + "poincare_c1a", -1, REAL_CYCLIC, T(-M_PI), T(M_PI)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_C2r, prefix + "poincare_c2r", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_C2a, prefix + "poincare_c2a", 1, REAL_CYCLIC, T(-M_PI), T(M_PI)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C1x, prefix + "poincare_c1x"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C1y, prefix + "poincare_c1y"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2x, prefix + "poincare_c2x"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2y, prefix + "poincare_c2y"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C1d, prefix + "poincare_c1d"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2d, prefix + "poincare_c2d"));
T m_C1r;
T m_C1a;
T m_C2r;
T m_C2a;
T m_C1x;//Precalc.
T m_C1y;
T m_C2x;
T m_C2y;
T m_C1d;
T m_C2d;
/// <summary>
/// Poincare3D.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Poincare3DVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Poincare3DVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("poincare3D", VAR_POINCARE3D, weight, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T r2 = helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares + SQR(helper.In.z);
T x2cx = m_C2x * helper.In.x;
T y2cy = m_C2y * helper.In.y;
T z2cz = m_C2z * helper.In.z;
T val = Zeps(m_C2 * r2 - x2cx - y2cy - z2cz + 1);
T d = m_Weight / val;
helper.Out.x = d * (helper.In.x * m_S2x + m_Cx * (y2cy + z2cz - r2 - 1));
helper.Out.y = d * (helper.In.y * m_S2y + m_Cy * (x2cx + z2cz - r2 - 1));
helper.Out.z = d * (helper.In.z * m_S2z + m_Cz * (y2cy + x2cx - r2 - 1));
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string r = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string a = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string b = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cx = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cy = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cz = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c2z = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string s2x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string s2y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string s2z = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r2 = precalcSumSquares + SQR(vIn.z);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x2cx = " << c2x << " * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y2cy = " << c2y << " * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t z2cz = " << c2z << " * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t val = Zeps(" << c2 << " * r2 - x2cx - y2cy - z2cz + 1.0);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t d = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] / val;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = d * (vIn.x * " << s2x << " + " << cx << " * (y2cy + z2cz - r2 - 1.0));\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = d * (vIn.y * " << s2y << " + " << cy << " * (x2cx + z2cz - r2 - 1.0));\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = d * (vIn.z * " << s2z << " + " << cz << " * (y2cy + x2cx - r2 - 1.0));\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_Cx = -m_R * cos(m_A * T(M_PI_2)) * cos(m_B * T(M_PI_2));
m_Cy = m_R * sin(m_A * T(M_PI_2)) * cos(m_B * T(M_PI_2));
m_Cz = -m_R * sin(m_B * T(M_PI_2));
m_C2 = SQR(m_Cx) + SQR(m_Cy) + SQR(m_Cz);
m_C2x = 2 * m_Cx;
m_C2y = 2 * m_Cy;
m_C2z = 2 * m_Cz;
m_S2x = SQR(m_Cx) - SQR(m_Cy) - SQR(m_Cz) + 1;
m_S2y = SQR(m_Cy) - SQR(m_Cx) - SQR(m_Cz) + 1;
m_S2z = SQR(m_Cz) - SQR(m_Cy) - SQR(m_Cx) + 1;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_R, prefix + "poincare3D_r"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_A, prefix + "poincare3D_a"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_B, prefix + "poincare3D_b"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cx, prefix + "poincare3D_cx"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cy, prefix + "poincare3D_cy"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cz, prefix + "poincare3D_cz"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2, prefix + "poincare3D_c2"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2x, prefix + "poincare3D_c2x"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2y, prefix + "poincare3D_c2y"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C2z, prefix + "poincare3D_c2z"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_S2x, prefix + "poincare3D_s2x"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_S2y, prefix + "poincare3D_s2y"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_S2z, prefix + "poincare3D_s2z"));
T m_R;
T m_A;
T m_B;
T m_Cx;//Precalc.
T m_Cy;
T m_Cz;
T m_C2;
T m_C2x;
T m_C2y;
T m_C2z;
T m_S2x;
T m_S2y;
T m_S2z;
/// <summary>
/// Polynomial.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API PolynomialVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
PolynomialVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("polynomial", VAR_POLYNOMIAL, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T xp = pow(fabs(m_Weight) * fabs(helper.In.x), m_Powx);//Original did not fabs.
T yp = pow(fabs(m_Weight) * fabs(helper.In.y), m_Powy);
helper.Out.x = xp * Sign(helper.In.x) + m_Lcx * helper.In.x + m_Scx;
helper.Out.y = yp * Sign(helper.In.y) + m_Lcy * helper.In.y + m_Scy;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string powx = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string powy = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string lcx = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string lcy = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string scx = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string scy = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t xp = pow(fabs(xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "]) * fabs(vIn.x), " << powx << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t yp = pow(fabs(xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "]) * fabs(vIn.y), " << powy << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t zp = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xp * Sign(vIn.x) + " << lcx << " * vIn.x + " << scx << ";\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = yp * Sign(vIn.y) + " << lcy << " * vIn.y + " << scy << ";\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = zp;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Powx, prefix + "polynomial_powx", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Powy, prefix + "polynomial_powy", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Lcx, prefix + "polynomial_lcx"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Lcy, prefix + "polynomial_lcy"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Scx, prefix + "polynomial_scx"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Scy, prefix + "polynomial_scy"));
T m_Powx;
T m_Powy;
T m_Lcx;
T m_Lcy;
T m_Scx;
T m_Scy;
/// <summary>
/// PSphere.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API PSphereVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
PSphereVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("psphere", VAR_PSPHERE, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T c0 = helper.In.x * m_Vpi;
T c1 = helper.In.y * m_Vpi;
T c2 = helper.In.z * m_Vpi;
T sinc0, cosc0, sinc1, cosc1;
sincos(c0, &sinc0, &cosc0);
sincos(c1, &sinc1, &cosc1);
helper.Out.x = cosc0 * -sinc1;
helper.Out.y = sinc0 * cosc1;
helper.Out.z = cosc1 * m_ZScale;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string zscale = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string vpi = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t c0 = vIn.x * " << vpi << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t c1 = vIn.y * " << vpi << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t c2 = vIn.z * " << vpi << ";\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sinc0 = sin(c0);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cosc0 = cos(c0);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sinc1 = sin(c1);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cosc1 = cos(c1);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = cosc0 * -sinc1;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = sinc0 * cosc1;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = cosc1 * " << zscale << ";\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_Vpi = m_Weight * T(M_PI);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_ZScale, prefix + "psphere_zscale"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Vpi, prefix + "psphere_vpi"));//Precalc.
T m_ZScale;
T m_Vpi;//Precalc.
/// <summary>
/// Rational3.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Rational3Variation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Rational3Variation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("rational3", VAR_RATIONAL3, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T xsqr = helper.In.x * helper.In.x;
T ysqr = helper.In.y * helper.In.y;
T xcb = helper.In.x * helper.In.x * helper.In.x;
T ycb = helper.In.y * helper.In.y * helper.In.y;
T tr = m_T3 * (xcb - 3 * helper.In.x * ysqr) + m_T2 * (xsqr - ysqr) + m_T1 * helper.In.x + m_Tc;
T ti = m_T3 * (3 * xsqr * helper.In.y - ycb) + m_T2 * 2 * helper.In.x * helper.In.y + m_T1 * helper.In.y;
T br = m_B3 * (xcb - 3 * helper.In.x * ysqr) + m_B2 * (xsqr - ysqr) + m_B1 * helper.In.x + m_Bc;
T bi = m_B3 * (3 * xsqr * helper.In.y - ycb) + m_B2 * 2 * helper.In.x * helper.In.y + m_B1 * helper.In.y;
T r3den = 1 / (br * br + bi * bi);
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (tr * br + ti * bi) * r3den;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (ti * br - tr * bi) * r3den;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string t3 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string t2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string t1 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string tc = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string b3 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string b2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string b1 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string bc = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t xsqr = vIn.x * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t ysqr = vIn.y * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t xcb = vIn.x * vIn.x * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t ycb = vIn.y * vIn.y * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t tr = " << t3 << " * (xcb - 3 * vIn.x * ysqr) + " << t2 << " * (xsqr - ysqr) + " << t1 << " * vIn.x + " << tc << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t ti = " << t3 << " * (3 * xsqr * vIn.y - ycb) + " << t2 << " * 2 * vIn.x * vIn.y + " << t1 << " * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t br = " << b3 << " * (xcb - 3 * vIn.x * ysqr) + " << b2 << " * (xsqr - ysqr) + " << b1 << " * vIn.x + " << bc << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t bi = " << b3 << " * (3 * xsqr * vIn.y - ycb) + " << b2 << " * 2 * vIn.x * vIn.y + " << b1 << " * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r3den = 1 / (br * br + bi * bi);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (tr * br + ti * bi) * r3den;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * (ti * br - tr * bi) * r3den;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_T3, prefix + "rational3_t3", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_T2, prefix + "rational3_t2"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_T1, prefix + "rational3_t1"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Tc, prefix + "rational3_tc", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_B3, prefix + "rational3_b3"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_B2, prefix + "rational3_b2", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_B1, prefix + "rational3_b1"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Bc, prefix + "rational3_bc", 1));
T m_T3;
T m_T2;
T m_T1;
T m_Tc;
T m_B3;
T m_B2;
T m_B1;
T m_Bc;
/// <summary>
/// Ripple.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API RippleVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
RippleVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("ripple", VAR_RIPPLE, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
//Align input x, y to given center and multiply with scale.
T x = (helper.In.x * m_S) - m_CenterX;
T y = (helper.In.y * m_S) + m_CenterY;
//Calculate distance from center but constrain it to EPS.
T d = max(EPS, sqrt(SQR(x) * SQR(y)));
//Normalize x and y.
T nx = x / d;
T ny = y / d;
//Calculate cosine wave with given frequency, velocity
//and phase based on the distance to center.
T wave = cos(m_F * d - m_Vxp);
//Calculate the wave offsets
T d1 = wave * m_Pxa + d;
T d2 = wave * m_Pixa + d;
//We got two offsets, so we also got two new positions (u,v).
T u1 = m_CenterX + nx * d1;
T v1 = -m_CenterY + ny * d1;
T u2 = m_CenterX + nx * d2;
T v2 = -m_CenterY + ny * d2;
//Interpolate the two positions by the given phase and
//invert the multiplication with scale from before.
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * Lerp<T>(u1, u2, m_P) * m_Is;//Original did a direct assignment to outPoint, which is incompatible with Ember's design.
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * Lerp<T>(v1, v2, m_P) * m_Is;
helper.Out.z = (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? 0 : helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string frequency = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string velocity = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string amplitude = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string centerx = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string centery = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string phase = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string scale = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string f = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string a = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string p = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string s = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string is = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string vxp = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string pxa = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string pixa = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = (vIn.x * " << s << ") - " << centerx << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = (vIn.y * " << s << ") + " << centery << ";\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t d = max(EPS, sqrt(SQR(x) * SQR(y)));\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t nx = x / d;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t ny = y / d;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t wave = cos(" << f << " * d - " << vxp << ");\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t d1 = wave * " << pxa << " + d;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t d2 = wave * " << pixa << " + d;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t u1 = " << centerx << " + nx * d1;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t v1 = -" << centery << " + ny * d1;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t u2 = " << centerx << " + nx * d2;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t v2 = -" << centery << " + ny * d2;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * Lerp(u1, u2, " << p << ") * " << is << ";\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * Lerp(v1, v2, " << p << ") * " << is << ";\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = " << ((m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? "0" : "vIn.z") << ";\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_F = m_Frequency * 5;
m_A = m_Amplitude * T(0.01);
m_P = m_Phase * M_2PI - T(M_PI);
m_S = Zeps(m_Scale);//Scale must not be zero.
m_Is = 1 / m_S;//Need the inverse scale.
//Pre-multiply velocity + phase, phase + amplitude and (PI - phase) + amplitude.
m_Vxp = m_Velocity * m_P;
m_Pxa = m_P * m_A;
m_Pixa = (T(M_PI) - m_P) * m_A;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Frequency, prefix + "ripple_frequency", 2));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Velocity, prefix + "ripple_velocity", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Amplitude, prefix + "ripple_amplitude", T(0.5)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_CenterX, prefix + "ripple_centerx"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_CenterY, prefix + "ripple_centery"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Phase, prefix + "ripple_phase"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Scale, prefix + "ripple_scale", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_F, prefix + "ripple_f"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_A, prefix + "ripple_a"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_P, prefix + "ripple_p"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_S, prefix + "ripple_s"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Is, prefix + "ripple_is"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Vxp, prefix + "ripple_vxp"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Pxa , prefix + "ripple_pxa"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Pixa, prefix + "ripple_pixa"));
T m_Frequency;
T m_Velocity;
T m_Amplitude;
T m_CenterX;
T m_CenterY;
T m_Phase;
T m_Scale;
T m_F;//Precalc.
T m_A;
T m_P;
T m_S;
T m_Is;
T m_Vxp;
T m_Pxa;
T m_Pixa;
/// <summary>
/// Sigmoid.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API SigmoidVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
SigmoidVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("sigmoid", VAR_SIGMOID, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T c0 = m_Ax / (1 + exp(m_Sx * helper.In.x));
T c1 = m_Ay / (1 + exp(m_Sy * helper.In.y));
T x = (2 * (c0 - T(0.5)));
T y = (2 * (c1 - T(0.5)));
helper.Out.x = m_Vv * x;
helper.Out.y = m_Vv * y;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string shiftX = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string shiftY = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string sx = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string sy = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string ax = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string ay = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string vv = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t c0 = " << ax << " / (1 + exp(" << sx << " * vIn.x));\n"
<< "\t\treal_t c1 = " << ay << " / (1 + exp(" << sy << " * vIn.y));\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = (2 * (c0 - 0.5));\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = (2 * (c1 - 0.5));\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = " << vv << " * x;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = " << vv << " * y;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_Sx = m_ShiftX;
m_Sy = m_ShiftY;
m_Ax = 1;
m_Ay = 1;
if (m_Sx < 1 && m_Sx > -1)
if (m_Sx == 0)
m_Sx = EPS;
m_Ax = 1;
m_Ax = T(m_Sx < 0 ? -1 : 1);
m_Sx = 1 / m_Sx;
if (m_Sy < 1 && m_Sy > -1)
if (m_Sy == 0)
m_Sy = EPS;
m_Ay = 1;
m_Ay = T(m_Sy < 0 ? -1 : 1);
m_Sy = 1 / m_Sy;
m_Sx *= -5;
m_Sy *= -5;
m_Vv = fabs(m_Weight);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_ShiftX, prefix + "sigmoid_shiftx", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_ShiftY, prefix + "sigmoid_shifty", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Sx, prefix + "sigmoid_sx"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Sy, prefix + "sigmoid_sy"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Ax, prefix + "sigmoid_ax"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Ay, prefix + "sigmoid_ay"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Vv, prefix + "sigmoid_vv"));
T m_ShiftX;
T m_ShiftY;
T m_Sx;//Precalc.
T m_Sy;
T m_Ax;
T m_Ay;
T m_Vv;
/// <summary>
/// SinusGrid.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API SinusGridVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
SinusGridVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("sinusgrid", VAR_SINUS_GRID, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T x = helper.In.x;
T y = helper.In.y;
T sx = -1 * cos(x * m_Fx);
T sy = -1 * cos(y * m_Fy);
T tx = Lerp(helper.In.x, sx, m_Ax);
T ty = Lerp(helper.In.y, sy, m_Ay);
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * tx;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * ty;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string ampX = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string ampY = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string freqX = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string freqY = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string fx = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string fy = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string ax = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string ay = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sx = -1 * cos(x * " << fx << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sy = -1 * cos(y * " << fy << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t tx = Lerp(vIn.x, sx, " << ax << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t ty = Lerp(vIn.y, sy, " << ay << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t tz = vIn.z;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * tx;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * ty;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * tz;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_Ax = m_AmpX;
m_Ay = m_AmpY;
m_Fx = Zeps(m_FreqX * M_2PI);
m_Fy = Zeps(m_FreqY * M_2PI);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_AmpX, prefix + "sinusgrid_ampx", T(0.5)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_AmpY, prefix + "sinusgrid_ampy", T(0.5)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_FreqX, prefix + "sinusgrid_freqx", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_FreqY, prefix + "sinusgrid_freqy", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Fx, prefix + "sinusgrid_fx"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Fy, prefix + "sinusgrid_fy"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Ax, prefix + "sinusgrid_ax"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Ay, prefix + "sinusgrid_ay"));
T m_AmpX;
T m_AmpY;
T m_FreqX;
T m_FreqY;
T m_Fx;//Precalc.
T m_Fy;
T m_Ax;
T m_Ay;
/// <summary>
/// Stwin.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API StwinVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
StwinVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("stwin", VAR_STWIN, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
const T multiplier = T(0.05);
T x = helper.In.x * m_Weight * multiplier;
T y = helper.In.y * m_Weight * multiplier;
T x2 = SQR(x);
T y2 = SQR(y);
T xPlusy = x + y;
T x2Minusy2 = x2 - y2;
T x2Plusy2 = x2 + y2;
T result = x2Minusy2 * sin(M_2PI * m_Distort * xPlusy);
T divident = 1;
if (x2Plusy2 != 0)
divident = x2Plusy2;
result /= divident;
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * helper.In.x + result;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * helper.In.y + result;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string distort = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = vIn.x * xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * 0.05;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = vIn.y * xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * 0.05;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x2 = SQR(x);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y2 = SQR(y);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t xPlusy = x + y;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x2Minusy2 = x2 - y2;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x2Plusy2 = x2 + y2;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t result = x2Minusy2 * sin(M_2PI * " << distort << " * xPlusy);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t divident = 1;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (x2Plusy2 != 0)\n"
<< "\t\t divident = x2Plusy2;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tresult /= divident;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.x + result;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.y + result;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Distort, prefix + "stwin_distort", 1));//Original had a misspelling of swtin, which is incompatible with Ember's design.
T m_Distort;
/// <summary>
/// TwoFace.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API TwoFaceVariation : public Variation<T>
TwoFaceVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("twoface", VAR_TWO_FACE, weight, true) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T r = m_Weight;
if (helper.In.x > 0)
r /= helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares;
helper.Out.x = r * helper.In.x;
helper.Out.y = r * helper.In.y;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "];\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (vIn.x > 0)\n"
<< "\t\t r /= precalcSumSquares;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r * vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// Unpolar.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API UnpolarVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
UnpolarVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("unpolar", VAR_UNPOLAR, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T r = exp(helper.In.y);
T s = sin(helper.In.x);
T c = cos(helper.In.x);
helper.Out.x = m_Vvar2 * r * s;
helper.Out.y = m_Vvar2 * r * c;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string vvar2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;//Precalcs only, no params.
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = exp(vIn.y);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t s = sin(vIn.x);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t c = cos(vIn.x);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = " << vvar2 << " * r * s;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = " << vvar2 << " * r * c;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_Vvar2 = (m_Weight / T(M_PI)) * T(0.5);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Vvar2, prefix + "unpolar_vvar_2"));//Precalcs only, no params.
T m_Vvar2;//Precalcs only, no params.
/// <summary>
/// WavesN.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API WavesNVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
WavesNVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("wavesn", VAR_WAVESN, weight, true, false, false, false, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T angle = (helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx + M_2PI * rand.Rand((int)m_AbsN)) / m_Power;
T r = m_Weight * pow(helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares, m_Cn);
T sina = sin(angle);
T cosa = cos(angle);
T xn = r * cosa;
T yn = r * sina;
T siny = sin(m_FreqX * yn);
T sinx = sin(m_FreqY * xn);
T dx = xn + T(0.5) * (m_ScaleX * siny + fabs(xn) * m_IncX * siny);
T dy = yn + T(0.5) * (m_ScaleY * sinx + fabs(yn) * m_IncY * sinx);
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * dx;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * dy;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string freqX = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string freqY = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string scaleX = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string scaleY = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string incX = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string incY = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string power = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string absn = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cn = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t angle = (precalcAtanyx + M_2PI * MwcNextRange(mwc, (uint)" << absn << ")) / " << power << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * pow(precalcSumSquares, " << cn << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sina = sin(angle);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t cosa = cos(angle);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t xn = r * cosa;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t yn = r * sina;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t siny = sin(" << freqX << " * yn);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sinx = sin(" << freqY << " * xn);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t dx = xn + 0.5 * (" << scaleX << " * siny + fabs(xn) * " << incX << " * siny);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t dy = yn + 0.5 * (" << scaleY << " * sinx + fabs(yn) * " << incY << " * sinx);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * dx;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * dy;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
if (m_Power == 0)
m_Power = 2;
m_AbsN = T((int)fabs(m_Power));
m_Cn = 1 / m_Power / 2;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_FreqX, prefix + "wavesn_freqx", 2));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_FreqY, prefix + "wavesn_freqy", 2));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_ScaleX, prefix + "wavesn_scalex", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_ScaleY, prefix + "wavesn_scaley", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_IncX, prefix + "wavesn_incx"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_IncY, prefix + "wavesn_incy"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Power, prefix + "wavesn_power", 1, INTEGER_NONZERO));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_AbsN, prefix + "wavesn_absn"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cn, prefix + "wavesn_cn"));
T m_FreqX;
T m_FreqY;
T m_ScaleX;
T m_ScaleY;
T m_IncX;
T m_IncY;
T m_Power;
T m_AbsN;//Precalc.
T m_Cn;
/// <summary>
/// XHeart.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API XHeartVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
XHeartVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("xheart", VAR_XHEART, weight, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T r2_4 = helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares + 4;
if (r2_4 == 0)
r2_4 = 1;
T bx = 4 / r2_4;
T by = m_Rat / r2_4;
T x = m_Cosa * (bx * helper.In.x) - m_Sina * (by * helper.In.y);
T y = m_Sina * (bx * helper.In.x) + m_Cosa * (by *helper.In.y);
if (x > 0)
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * x;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * y;
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * x;
helper.Out.y = -m_Weight * y;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string angle = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string ratio = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cosa = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string sina = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string rat = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r2_4 = precalcSumSquares + 4;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (r2_4 == 0)\n"
<< "\t\t r2_4 = 1;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t bx = 4 / r2_4;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t by = " << rat << " / r2_4;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = " << cosa << " * (bx * vIn.x) - " << sina << " * (by * vIn.y);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = " << sina << " * (bx * vIn.x) + " << cosa << " * (by * vIn.y);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (x > 0)\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * x;\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * y;\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * x;\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = -xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * y;\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
T ang = T(M_PI_4) + (T(0.5) * T(M_PI_4) * m_Angle);
sincos(ang, &m_Sina, &m_Cosa);
m_Rat = 6 + 2 * m_Ratio;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Angle, prefix + "xheart_angle"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Ratio, prefix + "xheart_ratio"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cosa, prefix + "xheart_cosa"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Sina, prefix + "xheart_sina"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Rat, prefix + "xheart_rat"));
T m_Angle;
T m_Ratio;
T m_Cosa;//Precalc.
T m_Sina;
T m_Rat;
/// <summary>
/// Barycentroid.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API BarycentroidVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
BarycentroidVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("barycentroid", VAR_BARYCENTROID, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
//Compute dot products.
T dot00 = SQR(m_A) + SQR(m_B);//v0 * v0.
T dot01 = m_A * m_C + m_B * m_D;//v0 * v1.
T dot02 = m_A * helper.In.x + m_B * helper.In.y;//v0 * v2.
T dot11 = SQR(m_C) + SQR(m_D);//v1 * v1.
T dot12 = m_C * helper.In.x + m_D * helper.In.y;//v1 * v2.
//Compute inverse denomiator.
T invDenom = 1 / (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01);
//Now we can pull [u,v] as the barycentric coordinates of the point
//P in the triangle [A, B, C].
T u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom;
T v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom;
// now combine with input
T um = sqrt(SQR(u) + SQR(helper.In.x)) * Sign<T>(u);
T vm = sqrt(SQR(v) + SQR(helper.In.y)) * Sign<T>(v);
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * um;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * vm;
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string a = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string b = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string d = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t dot00 = SQR(" << a << ") + SQR(" << b << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t dot01 = " << a << " * " << c << " + " << b << " * " << d << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t dot02 = " << a << " * vIn.x + " << b << " * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t dot11 = SQR(" << c << ") + SQR(" << d << ");\n"
<< "\t\treal_t dot12 = " << c << " * vIn.x + " << d << " * vIn.y;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t invDenom = 1.0 / (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t um = sqrt(SQR(u) + SQR(vIn.x)) * Sign(u);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t vm = sqrt(SQR(v) + SQR(vIn.y)) * Sign(v);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * um;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vm;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_A, prefix + "barycentroid_a", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_B, prefix + "barycentroid_b"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_C, prefix + "barycentroid_c"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_D, prefix + "barycentroid_d", 1));
T m_A;
T m_B;
T m_C;
T m_D;
/// <summary>
/// BiSplit.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API BiSplitVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
BiSplitVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("bisplit", VAR_BISPLIT, weight)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
helper.Out.x = m_Weight01 / tan(helper.In.x) * cos(helper.In.y);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight01 / sin(helper.In.x) * (-helper.In.y);
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string weight01 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = " << weight01 << " / tan(vIn.x) * cos(vIn.y);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = " << weight01 << " / sin(vIn.x) * (-vIn.y);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_Weight01 = m_Weight * T(0.1);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Weight01, prefix + "bisplit_weight01"));//Precalc only.
T m_Weight01;
/// <summary>
/// Crescents.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API CrescentsVariation : public Variation<T>
CrescentsVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("crescents", VAR_CRESCENTS, weight) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * sin(helper.In.x) * (cosh(helper.In.y) + 1) * Sqr<T>(sin(helper.In.x));
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * cos(helper.In.x) * (cosh(helper.In.y) + 1) * Sqr<T>(sin(helper.In.x));
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * sin(vIn.x) * (cosh(vIn.y) + 1.0) * Sqr(sin(vIn.x));\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * cos(vIn.x) * (cosh(vIn.y) + 1.0) * Sqr(sin(vIn.x));\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// Mask.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API MaskVariation : public Variation<T>
MaskVariation(T weight = 1.0) : Variation<T>("mask", VAR_MASK, weight, true) { }
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T d = m_Weight / helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares;
helper.Out.x = d * sin(helper.In.x) * (cosh(helper.In.y) + 1) * Sqr(sin(helper.In.x));
helper.Out.y = d * cos(helper.In.x) * (cosh(helper.In.y) + 1) * Sqr(sin(helper.In.x));
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t d = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] / precalcSumSquares;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = d * sin(vIn.x) * (cosh(vIn.y) + 1.0) * Sqr(sin(vIn.x));\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = d * cos(vIn.x) * (cosh(vIn.y) + 1.0) * Sqr(sin(vIn.x));\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// Cpow2.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Cpow2Variation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Cpow2Variation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("cpow2", VAR_CPOW2, weight, true, false, false, false, true)
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T a = helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx;
int n = rand.Rand((unsigned int)m_Spread);
if (a < 0)
a += M_2PI * n;
if (cos(a * m_InvSpread) < rand.Rand() * 2 / 0xFFFFFFFF - 1)//Rand max.
a -= m_FullSpread;
T lnr2 = log(helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares);
T r = m_Weight * exp(m_HalfC * lnr2 - m_D * a);
T temp = m_C * a + m_HalfD * lnr2 + m_Ang * rand.Rand();
helper.Out.x = r * cos(temp);
helper.Out.y = r * sin(temp);
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string r = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string a = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string divisor = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string spread = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string c = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string halfC = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string d = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string halfD = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string ang = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string invSpread = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string fullSpread = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t a = precalcAtanyx;\n"
<< "\t\tint n = MwcNextRange(mwc, (uint)" << spread << ");\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (a < 0)\n"
<< "\t\t n++;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\ta += M_2PI * n;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (cos(a * " << invSpread << ") < MwcNext(mwc) * 2 / 0xFFFFFFFF - 1)\n"
<< "\t\t a -= " << fullSpread << ";\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t lnr2 = log(precalcSumSquares);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * exp(" << halfC << " * lnr2 - " << d << " * a);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t temp = " << c << " * a + " << halfD << " * lnr2 + " << ang << " * MwcNext(mwc);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = r * cos(temp);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = r * sin(temp);\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] * vIn.z;\n"
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
m_Ang = M_2PI / m_Divisor;
m_C = m_R * cos(T(M_PI) / 2 * m_A) / m_Divisor;
m_D = m_R * sin(T(M_PI) / 2 * m_A) / m_Divisor;
m_HalfC = m_C / 2;
m_HalfD = m_D / 2;
m_InvSpread = T(0.5) / m_Spread;
m_FullSpread = M_2PI * m_Spread;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_R, prefix + "cpow2_r", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_A, prefix + "cpow2_a"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Divisor, prefix + "cpow2_divisor", 1, INTEGER_NONZERO));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Spread, prefix + "cpow2_spread", 1, INTEGER, 1, T(0x7FFFFFFF)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_C, prefix + "cpow2_c"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_HalfC, prefix + "cpow2_halfc"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_D, prefix + "cpow2_d"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_HalfD, prefix + "cpow2_halfd"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Ang, prefix + "cpow2_ang"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_InvSpread, prefix + "cpow2_inv_spread"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_FullSpread, prefix + "cpow2_full_spread"));
T m_R;
T m_A;
T m_Divisor;
T m_Spread;
T m_C;//Precalc.
T m_HalfC;
T m_D;
T m_HalfD;
T m_Ang;
T m_InvSpread;
T m_FullSpread;
MAKEPREPOSTVAR(Hemisphere, hemisphere, HEMISPHERE)