mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 19:31:30 -05:00

-Remove the Type field from the variations tree and instead just put the type indicator icon next to the variation name. -Double clicking to toggle variation parameter spinners now resets the value to the default if there is one, else it uses zero. If it is already using the default, it is toggled to 0. -Add a new button to toggle xaos on and off. -When duplicating a flame, insert it immediately after the one being duplicated instead of at the end of the file. -When switching between flames in a file, keep the same xform index selected rather than resetting it to the first xform each time. -Create a threaded writer for the final render and EmberAnimate so the rendering process does not get delayed by file saving which may take a long time. -Remove warning which said "Frames per rot cannot be greater than one while Rotations is zero" when generating a sequence. -Add the Circle_Rand variation from Chaotica. -Add tool tips to clarify the following items: --Auto Unique Filenames checkbox in the options dialog. --Xaos table headers. --Bug fixes -Generating sequences using the following variations would be done incorrectly: circletrans1, collideoscope, crob, curlsp, glynnsim1, glynnsim2, hypercrop, julian, julian, mobiusn, nblur, waves2, wavesn. -Adding/removing nodes from the color curve had accidentally been disabled. -The applied xaos weight table was not showing normalized weight values. -Changing the size of a flame was not observing the Apply To All checkbox. -Do not clamp the Rotate field to +/-180, because this causes the rotation to switch from CW to CCW during sequence generation. Instead, leave it exactly as the user entered it so the rotations proceed in the same direction.
1528 lines
51 KiB
1528 lines
51 KiB
#include "FractoriumPch.h"
#include "Fractorium.h"
#include "QssDialog.h"
// X11 headers on Linux define this, causing build errors.
#ifdef KeyRelease
#undef KeyRelease
/// <summary>
/// Constructor that initializes the entire program.
/// The setup process is very lengthy because it requires many custom modifications
/// to the GUI widgets that are not possible to do through the designer. So if something
/// is present here, it's safe to assume it can't be done in the designer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p">The parent widget of this item</param>
Fractorium::Fractorium(QWidget* p)
: QMainWindow(p)
const auto iconSize_ = 9;
size_t i = 0;
string s;
Timing t;
m_Info = OpenCLInfo::Instance();
qRegisterMetaType<QVector<int>>("QVector<int>");//For previews.
tabifyDockWidget(ui.LibraryDockWidget, ui.FlameDockWidget);
tabifyDockWidget(ui.FlameDockWidget, ui.XformsDockWidget);
tabifyDockWidget(ui.XformsDockWidget, ui.XaosDockWidget);
tabifyDockWidget(ui.XaosDockWidget, ui.PaletteDockWidget);
tabifyDockWidget(ui.PaletteDockWidget, ui.InfoDockWidget);
setTabPosition(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, QTabWidget::TabPosition::North);
for (auto dock : m_Docks)//Prevents a dock from ever getting accidentally hidden.
dock->setWindowFlags(dock->windowFlags() & Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint);
//#if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 6, 0))
| Qt::DockWidgetArea::RightDockWidgetArea
m_Urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::DesktopLocation).first())
<< QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation).first())
<< QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation).first())
<< QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation).first())
<< QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation).first())
m_FontSize = 9;
m_VarSortMode = 1;//Sort by weight by default.
m_PaletteSortMode = 0;//Sort by palette ascending by default.
m_ColorDialog = new QColorDialog(this);
m_Settings = FractoriumSettings::Instance();
m_QssDialog = new QssDialog(this);
m_OptionsDialog = new FractoriumOptionsDialog(this);
m_VarDialog = new FractoriumVariationsDialog(this);
m_AboutDialog = new FractoriumAboutDialog(this);
//Put the about dialog in the screen center.
m_AboutDialogCentered = false;
connect(m_ColorDialog, SIGNAL(colorSelected(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(OnColorSelected(const QColor&)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0XFF, 0X00, 0X00);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0XCC, 0XCC, 0X00);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X00, 0XCC, 0X00);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X00, 0XCC, 0XCC);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X40, 0X40, 0XFF);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0XCC, 0X00, 0XCC);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0XCC, 0X80, 0X00);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X80, 0X00, 0X4F);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X80, 0X80, 0X22);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X60, 0X80, 0X60);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X50, 0X80, 0X80);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X4F, 0X4F, 0X80);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X80, 0X50, 0X80);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X80, 0X60, 0X22);
m_FinalXformComboColor = QColor(0x7F, 0x7F, 0x7F);
for (i = 0; i < XFORM_COLOR_COUNT; i++)
QPixmap pixmap(iconSize_, iconSize_);
m_XformComboIcons[i] = QIcon(pixmap);
QPixmap pixmap(iconSize_, iconSize_);
m_FinalXformComboIcon = QIcon(pixmap);
//This will init the controller and fill in the variations and palette tables with template specific instances
//of their respective objects.
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
if (m_Settings->Double())
m_Controller = unique_ptr<FractoriumEmberControllerBase>(new FractoriumEmberController<double>(this));
m_Controller = unique_ptr<FractoriumEmberControllerBase>(new FractoriumEmberController<float>(this));
if (m_Info->Ok() && m_Settings->OpenCL() && m_QualitySpin->value() < (m_Settings->OpenClQuality() * m_Settings->Devices().size()))
m_QualitySpin->setValue(m_Settings->OpenClQuality() * m_Settings->Devices().size());
const auto statusBarHeight = 20;// *devicePixelRatio();
m_RenderStatusLabel = new QLabel(this);
m_CoordinateStatusLabel = new QLabel(this);
const auto progressBarHeight = 15;
const auto progressBarWidth = 300;
m_ProgressBar = new QProgressBar(this);
m_ProgressBar->setRange(0, 100);
//Setup pointer in the GL window to point back to here.
bool restored = restoreState(m_Settings->value("windowState").toByteArray());
showMaximized();//This won't fully set things up and show them until after this constructor exits.
connect(ui.LibraryDockWidget, SIGNAL(dockLocationChanged(Qt::DockWidgetArea)), this, SLOT(dockLocationChanged(Qt::DockWidgetArea)));
connect(ui.LibraryDockWidget, SIGNAL(topLevelChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(OnDockTopLevelChanged(bool)));
//Always ensure the library tab is selected if not restoring, which will show preview renders.
if (!restored)
ui.XformsTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(2);//Make variations tab the currently selected one under the Xforms tab.
m_PreviousPaletteRow = -1;//Force click handler the first time through.
SetCoordinateStatus(0, 0, 0, 0);
m_SettingsPath = QFileInfo(m_Settings->fileName()).absoluteDir().absolutePath();
ifstream ifs((m_SettingsPath + "/default.qss").toStdString().c_str(), ifstream::in);
if (ifs.is_open())
string total, qs;
total.reserve(20 * 1024);
while (std::getline(ifs, qs))
total += qs + "\n";
m_Style = QString::fromStdString(total);
m_Style = BaseStyle();
if (!m_Settings->Theme().isEmpty())
if (auto theme = QStyleFactory::create(m_Settings->Theme()))
m_Theme = theme;
if (!QStyleFactory::keys().empty())
auto foundFusion = false;
for (auto& s : QStyleFactory::keys())
if (s.compare("fusion", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)//Default to fusion if it exists and the style has not been set yet.
m_Theme = QStyleFactory::create(s);
foundFusion = true;
if (!foundFusion)
m_Theme = QStyleFactory::create(qApp->style()->objectName());
#ifdef __APPLE__
for (auto dock : m_Docks)//Fixes focus problem on OSX.
if (!dock->isHidden())
//At this point, everything has been setup except the renderer. Shortly after
//this constructor exits, GLWidget::InitGL() will create the initial flock and start the rendering timer
//which executes whenever the program is idle. Upon starting the timer, the renderer
//will be initialized.
//auto cdc = wglGetCurrentDC();
//auto cc = wglGetCurrentContext();
//qDebug() << "Fractorium::Fractorium():";
//qDebug() << "Current DC: " << cdc;
//qDebug() << "Current Context: " << cc;
QTimer::singleShot(1000, [&]() { ui.GLDisplay->InitGL(); });
/// <summary>
/// Destructor which saves out the settings file.
/// All other memory is cleared automatically through the use of STL.
/// </summary>
m_Settings->ShowXforms(ui.ActionDrawPreAffines->isChecked() || ui.ActionDrawPostAffines->isChecked());
m_Settings->setValue("windowState", saveState());
if (m_Settings->LoadLast())
/// <summary>
/// Return the URLs used to determine the icons that show up in the location bar in all file/folder dialogs.
/// </summary>
QList<QUrl> Fractorium::Urls()
return m_Urls;
/// <summary>
/// Set the coordinate text in the status bar.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rasX">The raster x coordinate</param>
/// <param name="rasY">The raster y coordinate</param>
/// <param name="worldX">The cartesian world x coordinate</param>
/// <param name="worldY">The cartesian world y coordinate</param>
void Fractorium::SetCoordinateStatus(int rasX, int rasY, float worldX, float worldY)
static QString coords;
auto str = coords.asprintf("Window: %4d, %4d World: %2.2f, %2.2f", rasX, rasY, worldX, worldY);
/// <summary>
/// Center the scroll area.
/// Called in response to a resizing, or setting of new ember.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::CenterScrollbars()
const auto w = ui.GLParentScrollArea->horizontalScrollBar();
const auto h = ui.GLParentScrollArea->verticalScrollBar();
if (w && h)
w->setValue(w->maximum() / 2);
h->setValue(h->maximum() / 2);
/// <summary>
/// Apply the settings for saving an ember to an Xml file to an ember (presumably about to be saved).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ember">The ember to apply the settings to</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::ApplyXmlSavingTemplate(Ember<T>& ember)
ember.m_Quality = m_Fractorium->m_Settings->XmlQuality();
ember.m_Supersample = m_Fractorium->m_Settings->XmlSupersample();
ember.m_TemporalSamples = m_Fractorium->m_Settings->XmlTemporalSamples();
/// <summary>
/// Return whether the current ember contains a final xform and the GUI is aware of it.
/// Note this can be true even if the final is empty, as long as they've added one and have
/// not explicitly deleted it.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the current ember contains a final xform, else false.</returns>
bool Fractorium::HaveFinal()
const auto combo = ui.CurrentXformCombo;
return (combo->count() > 0 && combo->itemText(combo->count() - 1) == "Final");
/// <summary>
/// Slots.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Empty placeholder for now.
/// Qt has a severe bug where the dock gets hidden behind the window.
/// Perhaps this will be used in the future if Qt ever fixes that bug.
/// Called when the top level dock is changed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="topLevel">True if top level, else false.</param>
void Fractorium::OnDockTopLevelChanged(bool topLevel)
//setTabPosition(Qt::AllDockWidgetAreas, QTabWidget::TabPosition::North);
//if (topLevel)
// if (ui.DockWidget->y() <= 0)
// ui.DockWidget->setGeometry(ui.DockWidget->x(), ui.DockWidget->y() + 100, ui.DockWidget->width(), ui.DockWidget->height());
// ui.DockWidget->setFloating(true);
// ui.DockWidget->setFloating(false);
/// <summary>
/// Empty placeholder for now.
/// Qt has a severe bug where the dock gets hidden behind the window.
/// Perhaps this will be used in the future if Qt ever fixes that bug.
/// Called when the dock location is changed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="area">The dock widget area</param>
void Fractorium::dockLocationChanged(Qt::DockWidgetArea area)
//setTabPosition(Qt::AllDockWidgetAreas, QTabWidget::TabPosition::North);
//ui.DockWidget->resize(500, ui.DockWidget->height());
/// <summary>
/// Virtual event overrides.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Event filter for taking special action on:
/// Dock widget resize events, which in turn trigger GLParentScrollArea events.
/// Library tree key events, specifically delete.
/// Library tree drag n drop events.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="o">The object</param>
/// <param name="e">The eevent</param>
/// <returns>false</returns>
bool Fractorium::eventFilter(QObject* o, QEvent* e)
static int fcount = 0;//Qt seems to deliver three events for every key press. So a count must be kept to only respond to the third event.
static int xfupcount = 0;
static int xfdncount = 0;
static int wcount = 0;
static int scount = 0;
static int acount = 0;
static int dcount = 0;
static int qcount = 0;
static int ecount = 0;
static int gcount = 0;
static int hcount = 0;
static int pcount = 0;
static int commacount = 0;
static int periodcount = 0;
static int lcount = 0;
const bool shift = QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers().testFlag(Qt::ShiftModifier);
const bool ctrl = QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier);
if (o == ui.GLParentScrollArea && e->type() == QEvent::Resize)
m_WidthSpin->DoubleClickNonZero(ui.GLParentScrollArea->width() * ui.GLDisplay->devicePixelRatioF());
m_HeightSpin->DoubleClickNonZero(ui.GLParentScrollArea->height() * ui.GLDisplay->devicePixelRatioF());
else if (const auto ke = dynamic_cast<QKeyEvent*>(e))
auto combo = ui.CurrentXformCombo;
const auto times = 3;
const auto ftimes = 2;
if (ke->key() >= Qt::Key_F1 && ke->key() <= Qt::Key_F32)
if (fcount >= ftimes)
const auto val = ke->key() - (int)Qt::Key_F1;
if (shift)
if (val < ui.LibraryTree->topLevelItem(0)->childCount())
m_Controller->SetEmber(val, true);
else if (val < combo->count())
fcount = 0;
//qDebug() << "global function key press: " << ke->key() << " " << o->metaObject()->className() << " " << o->objectName();
return true;
else if (o == ui.LibraryTree)
//Require shift for deleting to prevent it from triggering when the user enters delete in the edit box.
if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Delete && e->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease && shift)
auto v = GetCurrentEmberIndex(false);
if (ui.LibraryTree->topLevelItem(0)->childCount() > 1)
return true;
else if (o == this)
const auto focusedctrlEdit = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(this->focusWidget());
const auto focusedctrlSpin = dynamic_cast<QSpinBox*>(this->focusWidget());
const auto focusedctrlDblSpin = dynamic_cast<QDoubleSpinBox*>(this->focusWidget());
const auto focusedctrlCombo = dynamic_cast<QComboBox*>(this->focusWidget());
if (!focusedctrlEdit &&
!focusedctrlSpin &&
!focusedctrlDblSpin &&
!focusedctrlCombo &&
!QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers().testFlag(Qt::AltModifier))//Must exclude these because otherwise, typing a minus key in any of the spinners will switch the xform. Also exclude alt.
size_t index = 0;
double vdist = 0.01;
double hdist = 0.01;
double zoom = 1;
double rot = 1;
double grow = 0.01;
bool pre = true;
if (shift)
auto v = GetCurrentEmberIndex(true);
if (v.size() > 0)
index = v[0].first;
index = 0;
index = combo->currentIndex();
if (const auto r = m_Controller->Renderer())
hdist = std::abs(r->UpperRightX() - r->LowerLeftX()) * 0.01 * m_Controller->AffineScaleLockedToCurrent();
vdist = std::abs(r->UpperRightY() - r->LowerLeftY()) * 0.01 * m_Controller->AffineScaleLockedToCurrent();
if (shift)
hdist *= 0.1;
vdist *= 0.1;
rot *= 0.1;
grow *= 0.1;
zoom *= 0.1;
else if (ctrl)
hdist *= 10;
vdist *= 10;
rot *= 10;
grow *= 10;
zoom *= 10;
if (m_Controller.get() && m_Controller->GLController())
pre = m_Controller->GLController()->AffineType() == eAffineType::AffinePre;
if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Plus || ke->key() == Qt::Key_Equal)
if (xfupcount >= times)
xfupcount = 0;
if (shift)
m_Controller->SetEmber((index + 1) % ui.LibraryTree->topLevelItem(0)->childCount(), true);
combo->setCurrentIndex((index + 1) % combo->count());
//qDebug() << "global arrow plus key press: " << ke->key() << " " << o->metaObject()->className() << " " << o->objectName();
return true;
else if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Minus || ke->key() == Qt::Key_Underscore)
if (xfdncount >= times)
xfdncount = 0;
if (shift)
if (index == 0)
index = ui.LibraryTree->topLevelItem(0)->childCount();
m_Controller->SetEmber((index - 1) % ui.LibraryTree->topLevelItem(0)->childCount(), true);
if (index == 0)
index = combo->count();
combo->setCurrentIndex((index - 1) % combo->count());
//qDebug() << "global arrow minus key press: " << ke->key() << " " << o->metaObject()->className() << " " << o->objectName();
return true;
else if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_P)
if (!ctrl)
if (pcount >= times)
pcount = 0;
if (!shift)
return true;
else if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_L)
if (!ctrl)
if (lcount >= times)
lcount = 0;
if (!shift)
if (DrawPreAffines())
else if (DrawPostAffines())
return true;
else if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Comma || ke->key() == Qt::Key_Less)
if (commacount >= times)
commacount = 0;
m_ScaleSpin->setValue(m_ScaleSpin->value() - zoom);
return true;
else if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Period || ke->key() == Qt::Key_Greater)
if (periodcount >= times)
periodcount = 0;
m_ScaleSpin->setValue(m_ScaleSpin->value() + zoom);
return true;
else if ((!DrawPreAffines() && pre) || (!DrawPostAffines() && !pre))//Everything below this must be for editing xforms via key press.
return true;
else if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_W)
if (wcount >= times)
wcount = 0;
m_Controller->MoveXforms(0, vdist, pre);
return true;
else if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_S)
if (scount >= times)
scount = 0;
m_Controller->MoveXforms(0, -vdist, pre);
return true;
else if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_A)
if (acount >= times)
acount = 0;
m_Controller->MoveXforms(-hdist, 0, pre);
return true;
else if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_D)
if (dcount >= times)
dcount = 0;
m_Controller->MoveXforms(hdist, 0, pre);
return true;
else if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Q)
if (qcount >= times)
qcount = 0;
m_Controller->RotateXformsByAngle(-rot, pre);
return true;
else if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_E)
if (ecount >= times)
ecount = 0;
m_Controller->RotateXformsByAngle(rot, pre);
return true;
else if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_G)
if (gcount >= times)
gcount = 0;
m_Controller->ScaleXforms(1 - grow, pre);
return true;
else if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_H)
if (hcount >= times)
hcount = 0;
m_Controller->ScaleXforms(1 + grow, pre);
return true;
return QMainWindow::eventFilter(o, e);
/// <summary>
/// Respond to a resize event which will set the double click default value
/// in the width and height spinners.
/// Note, this does not change the size of the ember being rendered or
/// the OpenGL texture it's being drawn on.
/// <param name="e">The event</param>
void Fractorium::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e)
m_WidthSpin->DoubleClickNonZero(ui.GLParentScrollArea->width() * ui.GLDisplay->devicePixelRatioF());
m_HeightSpin->DoubleClickNonZero(ui.GLParentScrollArea->height() * ui.GLDisplay->devicePixelRatioF());
/// <summary>
/// Respond to a show event to ensure Qt updates the native menubar.
/// On first create, Qt can fail to create the native menu bar properly,
/// but telling it that this window has become the focus window forces
/// it to refresh this.
/// <param name="e">The event</param>
void Fractorium::showEvent(QShowEvent* e)
//Tell Qt to refresh the native menubar from this widget.
emit qGuiApp->focusWindowChanged(windowHandle());
if (!m_AboutDialogCentered)
m_AboutDialogCentered = true;
QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(WindowShown()));
/// <summary>
/// Center About Dialog window.
/// Called on program starts after show is completed.
/// See https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/application-windows.html#window-geometry for more information
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::WindowShown()
//Put the about dialog in the screen center.
auto screen = QGuiApplication::screenAt(pos());
auto geom = screen->availableGeometry();
m_AboutDialog->move(geom.center() - m_AboutDialog->rect().center());
/// <summary>
/// Stop rendering and block before exiting.
/// Called on program exit.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The event</param>
void Fractorium::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* e)
if (m_Controller.get())
m_Controller->StopRenderTimer(true);//Will wait until fully exited and stopped.
if (e)
/// <summary>
/// Examine the files dragged when it first enters the window area.
/// Ok if at least one file is .flam3, .flam3 or .xml, else not ok.
/// Also traverse folders recursively if a folder is included in the list of dragged items.
/// Called when the user first drags files in.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The event</param>
void Fractorium::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* e)
if (e->mimeData()->hasUrls())
auto urls = e->mimeData()->urls();
for (auto& url : urls)
auto localFile = url.toLocalFile();
if (QDir(localFile).exists())
QDirIterator it(localFile, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
while (it.hasNext())
auto next = it.next();
qDebug() << next;
QFileInfo fileInfo(next);
auto suf = fileInfo.suffix();
if (suf == "flam3" || suf == "flame" || suf == "xml" || suf == "chaos")
QFileInfo fileInfo(localFile);
auto suf = fileInfo.suffix();
if (suf == "flam3" || suf == "flame" || suf == "xml" || suf == "chaos")
/// <summary>
/// Always accept drag when moving, so that the drop event will correctly be called.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The event</param>
void Fractorium::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent* e)
/// <summary>
/// Examine and open the dropped files and/or folders.
/// Called when the user drops a file or folder in.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The event</param>
void Fractorium::dropEvent(QDropEvent* e)
QStringList filenames;
const auto mod = e->modifiers();
const auto append = mod.testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier) ? false : true;
if (e->mimeData()->hasUrls())
auto urls = e->mimeData()->urls();
for (auto& url : urls)
auto localFile = url.toLocalFile();
if (QDir(localFile).exists())
QDirIterator it(localFile, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
while (it.hasNext())
auto next = it.next();
qDebug() << next;
QFileInfo fileInfo(next);
if (fileInfo.isFile() && fileInfo.exists())
auto suf = fileInfo.suffix();
if (suf == "flam3" || suf == "flame" || suf == "xml" || suf == "chaos")
filenames << next;
QFileInfo fileInfo(localFile);
auto suf = fileInfo.suffix();
if (suf == "flam3" || suf == "flame" || suf == "xml" || suf == "chaos")
filenames << localFile;
if (!filenames.empty())
m_Controller->OpenAndPrepFiles(filenames, append);
/// <summary>
/// Setup a combo box to be placed in a table cell.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="table">The table the combo box belongs to</param>
/// <param name="receiver">The receiver object</param>
/// <param name="row">The row in the table where this combo box resides</param>
/// <param name="col">The col in the table where this combo box resides</param>
/// <param name="comboBox">Double pointer to combo box which will hold the spinner upon exit</param>
/// <param name="vals">The string values to populate the combo box with</param>
/// <param name="signal">The signal the combo box emits</param>
/// <param name="slot">The slot to receive the signal</param>
/// <param name="connectionType">Type of the connection. Default: Qt::QueuedConnection.</param>
void Fractorium::SetupCombo(QTableWidget* table, const QObject* receiver, int& row, int col, StealthComboBox*& comboBox, const vector<string>& vals, const char* signal, const char* slot, Qt::ConnectionType connectionType)
comboBox = new StealthComboBox(table);
for (auto& s : vals) comboBox->addItem(s.c_str());
table->setCellWidget(row, col, comboBox);
connect(comboBox, signal, receiver, slot, connectionType);
/// <summary>
/// Set the header of a table to be fixed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="header">The header to set</param>
/// <param name="mode">The resizing mode to use. Default: QHeaderView::Fixed.</param>
void Fractorium::SetFixedTableHeader(QHeaderView* header, QHeaderView::ResizeMode mode)
header->setVisible(true);//For some reason, the designer keeps clobbering this value, so force it here.
/// <summary>
/// Setup and show the open XML dialog.
/// This will perform lazy instantiation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="openExamples">true to open files in examples folder</param>
/// <returns>The list of filenames selected</returns>
QStringList Fractorium::SetupOpenXmlDialog(bool openExamples)
#ifndef __APPLE__
//Lazy instantiate since it takes a long time.
if (!m_OpenFileDialog.get())
m_OpenFileDialog = std::make_unique<QFileDialog>(this);
m_OpenFileDialog->setOption(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog, true);
connect(m_OpenFileDialog.get(), &QFileDialog::filterSelected, [&](const QString & filter) { m_Settings->OpenXmlExt(filter); });
m_OpenFileDialog->setNameFilter("flam3 (*.flam3);;flame (*.flame);;xml (*.xml);;chaos (*.chaos)");
m_OpenFileDialog->setWindowTitle("Open Flame");
QStringList filenames;
if (openExamples)
#ifndef _WIN32
if (QDir("/usr/share/fractorium/examples").exists())
m_OpenFileDialog->setDirectory(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/examples");
m_OpenFileDialog->setDirectory(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/examples");
m_OpenFileDialog->selectNameFilter("flame (*.flame)");
if (m_OpenFileDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
filenames = m_OpenFileDialog->selectedFiles();
if (!openExamples && !filenames.empty())
QString defaultFilter;
QStringList filenames;
if (openExamples)
defaultFilter = "flame (*.flame)";
filenames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this, tr("Open Flame"), QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/Examples", tr("flame(*.flame)"), &defaultFilter);
defaultFilter = m_Settings->OpenXmlExt();
filenames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this, tr("Open Flame"), m_Settings->OpenFolder(), tr("flam3(*.flam3);; flame(*.flame);; xml(*.xml);; chaos (*.chaos)"), &defaultFilter);
if (!filenames.empty())
return filenames;
/// <summary>
/// Setup and show the save XML dialog.
/// This will perform lazy instantiation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="defaultFilename">The default filename to populate the text box with</param>
/// <returns>The filename selected</returns>
QString Fractorium::SetupSaveXmlDialog(const QString& defaultFilename)
#ifndef __APPLE__
//Lazy instantiate since it takes a long time.
if (!m_SaveFileDialog.get())
m_SaveFileDialog = std::make_unique<QFileDialog>(this);
m_SaveFileDialog->setOption(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog, true);
//This must be done once here because clears various internal states which allow the file text to be properly set.
//This is most likely a bug in QFileDialog.
connect(m_SaveFileDialog.get(), &QFileDialog::filterSelected, [&](const QString & filter)
m_SaveFileDialog->setNameFilter("flam3 (*.flam3);;flame (*.flame);;xml (*.xml)");
m_SaveFileDialog->setWindowTitle("Save flame as xml");
QString filename;
if (m_SaveFileDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
filename = m_SaveFileDialog->selectedFiles().value(0);
auto filenames = filename.split(" (*");//This is a total hack, but Qt has the unfortunate behavior of including the description with the extension. It's probably a bug.
filename = filenames[0];
auto defaultFilter(m_Settings->SaveXmlExt());
auto filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save flame as xml"), m_Settings->SaveFolder() + "/" + defaultFilename, tr("flam3 (*.flam3);;flame (*.flame);;xml (*.xml)"), &defaultFilter);
return filename;
/// <summary>
/// Setup and show the save image dialog.
/// This will perform lazy instantiation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="defaultFilename">The default filename to populate the text box with</param>
/// <returns>The filename selected</returns>
QString Fractorium::SetupSaveImageDialog(const QString& defaultFilename)
#ifndef __APPLE__
//Lazy instantiate since it takes a long time.
if (!m_SaveImageDialog.get())
m_SaveImageDialog = std::make_unique<QFileDialog>(this);
m_SaveImageDialog->setOption(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog, true);
//This must be done once here because clears various internal states which allow the file text to be properly set.
//This is most likely a bug in QFileDialog.
connect(m_SaveImageDialog.get(), &QFileDialog::filterSelected, [&](const QString & filter)
#ifdef _WIN32
m_SaveImageDialog->setWindowTitle("Save image");
QString filename;
if (m_SaveImageDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
filename = m_SaveImageDialog->selectedFiles().value(0);
auto defaultFilter(m_Settings->SaveImageExt());
auto filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save image"), m_Settings->SaveFolder() + "/" + defaultFilename, tr("Jpg (*.jpg);;Png (*.png);;Exr (*.exr)"), &defaultFilter);
return filename;
/// <summary>
/// Setup and show the save folder dialog.
/// This will perform lazy instantiation.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The folder selected, with '/' appended to the end</returns>
QString Fractorium::SetupSaveFolderDialog()
#ifndef __APPLE__
//Lazy instantiate since it takes a long time.
if (!m_FolderDialog.get())
m_FolderDialog = std::make_unique<QFileDialog>(this);
m_FolderDialog->setOption(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog, true);
//This must come first because it clears various internal states which allow the file text to be properly set.
//This is most likely a bug in QFileDialog.
m_FolderDialog->setOption(QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly, true);
m_FolderDialog->setWindowTitle("Save to folder");
QString filename;
if (m_FolderDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
filename = MakeEnd(m_FolderDialog->selectedFiles().value(0), '/');
auto filename = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Save to folder"),
QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks);
if (filename.size() > 0)
filename = MakeEnd(filename, '/');
return filename;
/// <summary>
/// Setup the final render dialog.
/// Note this deletes the existing instance before creating the new one.
/// This must be called every time the final render dialog is shown because
/// there are problems with reusing it.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if created successfully, else false</returns>
bool Fractorium::SetupFinalRenderDialog()
if (m_FinalRenderDialog = std::make_unique<FractoriumFinalRenderDialog>(this))
connect(m_FinalRenderDialog.get(), SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(OnFinalRenderClose(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Thin wrapper around QMessageBox::critical() to allow it to be invoked from another thread.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="title">The title of the message box</param>
/// <param name="text">The text displayed on the message box</param>
/// <param name="invokeRequired">True if running on another thread, else false. Default: false.</param>
void Fractorium::ShowCritical(const QString& title, const QString& text, bool invokeRequired)
if (!invokeRequired)
QMessageBox::critical(this, title, text);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "ShowCritical", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(const QString&, title), Q_ARG(const QString&, text), Q_ARG(bool, false));
/// <summary>
/// Explicitly set the tab orders for the entire program.
/// Qt has a facility to do this, but it fails when using custom widgets in
/// tables, so it must be done manually here.
/// This list must be kept in sync with any UI changes.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::SetTabOrders()
QWidget* w = SetTabOrder(this, ui.ColorTable, m_BrightnessSpin);//Flame color.
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_GammaSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_GammaThresholdSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_VibrancySpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_HighlightSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_BackgroundColorButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PaletteModeCombo);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_WidthSpin);//Flame geometry.
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_HeightSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_CenterXSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_CenterYSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_ScaleSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_ZoomSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_RotateSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_ZPosSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PerspectiveSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PitchSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_YawSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_DepthBlurSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_BlurCurveSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_SpatialFilterWidthSpin);//Flame filter.
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_SpatialFilterTypeCombo);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_DEFilterMinRadiusSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_DEFilterMaxRadiusSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_DECurveSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_SbsSpin);//Flame iteration.
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_FuseSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_RandRangeSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_QualitySpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_SupersampleSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_InterpTypeCombo);//Flame animation.
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_AffineInterpTypeCombo);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_TemporalFilterWidthSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_TemporalFilterTypeCombo);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_TemporalFilterExpSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, ui.LibraryTree, ui.SequenceStartCountSpinBox);//Library.
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceStartPreviewsButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceStopPreviewsButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceStartFlameSpinBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceStopFlameSpinBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceAllButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRandomizeStaggerCheckBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceStaggerSpinBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRandomStaggerMaxSpinBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRandomizeRotationsCheckBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRotationsSpinBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRotationsCWCheckBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRandomRotationsMaxSpinBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRandomizeFramesPerRotCheckBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceFramesPerRotSpinBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRandomFramesPerRotMaxSpinBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRandomizeBlendFramesCheckBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceBlendFramesSpinBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRandomBlendMaxFramesSpinBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRandomizeRotationsPerBlendCheckBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRotationsPerBlendSpinBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRotationsPerBlendCWCheckBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRotationsPerBlendMaxSpinBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceLinearCheckBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceAnimationFpsSpinBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceGenerateButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceRenderButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceSaveButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceOpenButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceAnimateButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceClearButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SequenceTree);
w = SetTabOrder(this, ui.CurrentXformCombo, ui.AddXformButton);//Xforms.
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.AddLinkedXformButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.DuplicateXformButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.ClearXformButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.DeleteXformButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.AddFinalXformButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_XformWeightSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_XformWeightSpinnerButtonWidget->m_Button);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_XformNameEdit);
w = SetTabOrder(this, m_XformColorIndexSpin, ui.XformColorScroll);//Xforms color.
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.RandomColorIndicesButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.ToggleColorIndicesButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_XformColorSpeedSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_XformOpacitySpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_XformDirectColorSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SoloXformCheckBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PreX1Spin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PreX2Spin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PreY1Spin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PreY2Spin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PreO1Spin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PreO2Spin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreCopyButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreFlipVerticalButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreResetButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreFlipHorizontalButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PrePasteButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreRotate90CcButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreRotateCcButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreRotateCombo);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreRotateCButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreRotate90CButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreMoveUpButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreMoveDownButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreMoveCombo);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreMoveLeftButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreMoveRightButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreScaleDownButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreScaleCombo);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreScaleUpButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PreRandomButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.SwapAffinesButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostAffineGroupBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PostX1Spin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PostX2Spin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PostY1Spin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PostY2Spin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PostO1Spin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PostO2Spin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostCopyButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostFlipVerticalButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostResetButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostFlipHorizontalButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostPasteButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostRotate90CcButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostRotateCcButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostRotateCombo);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostRotateCButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostRotate90CButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostMoveUpButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostMoveDownButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostMoveCombo);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostMoveLeftButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostMoveRightButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostScaleDownButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostScaleCombo);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostScaleUpButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PostRandomButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PolarAffineCheckBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.LocalPivotRadio);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.WorldPivotRadio);
w = SetTabOrder(this, ui.VariationsFilterLineEdit, ui.VariationsFilterClearButton);//Xforms variation.
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.VariationsTree);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.ClearXaosButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.RandomXaosButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.AddLayerButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.AddLayerSpinBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.TransposeXaosButton);
//Xforms xaos is done dynamically every time.
w = SetTabOrder(this, ui.PaletteFilenameCombo, m_PaletteHueSpin);//Palette.
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PaletteContrastSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PaletteSaturationSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PaletteBlurSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PaletteBrightnessSpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, m_PaletteFrequencySpin);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PaletteRandomSelectButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PaletteRandomAdjustButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PaletteEditorButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PaletteFilterLineEdit);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PaletteFilterClearButton);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.PaletteListTable);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.ResetCurvesButton);//Palette curves.
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.CurvesView);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.CurvesGroupBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.CurvesAllRadio);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.CurvesRedRadio);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.CurvesGreenRadio);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.CurvesBlueRadio);
w = SetTabOrder(this, ui.SummaryTable, ui.SummaryTree);//Info summary.
w = SetTabOrder(this, ui.InfoBoundsGroupBox, ui.InfoBoundsFrame);//Info bounds.
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.InfoBoundsTable);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.InfoFileOpeningGroupBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.InfoFileOpeningTextEdit);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.InfoRenderingGroupBox);
w = SetTabOrder(this, w, ui.InfoRenderingTextEdit);
/// <summary>
/// Toggle all table spinner values in one row.
/// The logic is:
/// If any cell in the row is non zero, set all cells to zero, else 1.
/// If shift is held down, reverse the logic.
/// If ctrl is held down, set each cell to a random 0 or 1.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="table">The QTableWidget or QTableView whose row will be toggled</param>
/// <param name="logicalIndex">The index of the row that was double clicked</param>
void Fractorium::ToggleTableRow(QTableView* table, int logicalIndex)
auto allZero = true;
const auto model = table->model();
const auto cols = model->columnCount();
const auto shift = QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers().testFlag(Qt::ShiftModifier);
const auto ctrl = QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier);
const auto tableWidget = qobject_cast<QTableWidget*>(table);
if (tableWidget)
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
if (auto spinBox = qobject_cast<DoubleSpinBox*>(tableWidget->cellWidget(logicalIndex, i)))
if (!IsNearZero(spinBox->value()))
allZero = false;
if (shift)
allZero = !allZero;
const auto val = allZero ? 1.0 : 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
if (auto spinBox = qobject_cast<DoubleSpinBox*>(tableWidget->cellWidget(logicalIndex, i)))
if (ctrl)
spinBox->setValue(static_cast<double>(QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>::LockedRandBit()));
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
if (!IsNearZero(model->data(model->index(logicalIndex, i, QModelIndex())).toDouble()))
allZero = false;
if (shift)
allZero = !allZero;
const auto val = allZero ? 1.0 : 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
if (ctrl)
model->setData(model->index(logicalIndex, i), double(QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>::LockedRandBit()), Qt::EditRole);
model->setData(model->index(logicalIndex, i), val, Qt::EditRole);
/// <summary>
/// Toggle all table spinner values in one column.
/// The logic is:
/// If any cell in the column is non zero, set all cells to zero, else 1.
/// If shift is held down, reverse the logic.
/// If ctrl is held down, set each cell to a random 0 or 1.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="table">The QTableWidget or QTableView whose column will be toggled</param>
/// <param name="logicalIndex">The index of the column that was double clicked</param>
void Fractorium::ToggleTableCol(QTableView* table, int logicalIndex)
auto allZero = true;
const auto model = table->model();
const auto rows = model->rowCount();
const auto shift = QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers().testFlag(Qt::ShiftModifier);
const auto ctrl = QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier);
const auto tableWidget = qobject_cast<QTableWidget*>(table);
if (tableWidget)
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
if (auto spinBox = qobject_cast<DoubleSpinBox*>(tableWidget->cellWidget(i, logicalIndex)))
if (!IsNearZero(spinBox->value()))
allZero = false;
if (shift)
allZero = !allZero;
const auto val = allZero ? 1.0 : 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
if (auto spinBox = qobject_cast<DoubleSpinBox*>(tableWidget->cellWidget(i, logicalIndex)))
if (ctrl)
spinBox->setValue(static_cast<double>(QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>::LockedRandBit()));
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
if (!IsNearZero(model->data(model->index(i, logicalIndex, QModelIndex())).toDouble()))
allZero = false;
if (shift)
allZero = !allZero;
const auto val = allZero ? 1.0 : 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
if (ctrl)
model->setData(model->index(i, logicalIndex), double(QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>::LockedRandBit()), Qt::EditRole);
model->setData(model->index(i, logicalIndex), val, Qt::EditRole);
template class FractoriumEmberController<float>;
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
template class FractoriumEmberController<double>;