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synced 2025-03-08 03:41:31 -05:00

--Add support for Exr files which use 32-bit floats for each RGBA channel. Seems to come out too washed out. --Allow for clearing an individual color curve. --Allow for saving multiple image types in EmberRender and EmberAnimate. All writes are threaded. --Remove --bpc command line argument. Add format png16 as a replacement. --Remove --enable_jpg_comments and --enable_png_comments command line arguments, and replace them with --enable_comments which applies to jpg, png and exr. --Add menu items to variations and affine spinners which allow for easy entry of specific numeric values like pi. --Make final render dialog be wider rather than so tall. Bug fixes: --Fix some OpenCL compile errors on Mac. --Remove ability to save bitmap files on all platforms but Windows. Code changes: --New dependency on OpenEXR. --Allow Curves class to interact with objects of a different template type. --Make m_Curves member of Ember always use float as template type. --Set the length of the curves array to always be 2^17 which should offer enough precision with new 32-bit float pixel types. --Set pixel types to always be 32-bit float. This results in a major reduction of code in the final accumulation part of Renderer.h/cpp. --Remove corresponding code from RendererCL and FinalAccumOpenCLKernelCreator. --Remove Transparency, NumChannels and BytesPerPixel setters from Renderer.h/cpp. --Add new global functions to format final image buffers and place all alpha calculation and scaling code in them. --Blending is no longer needed in OpenGLWidget because of the new pixel type. --Make new class, AffineDoubleSpinBox. --Attempt to make file save dialog code work the same on all OSes. --Remove some unused functions.
312 lines
7.4 KiB
312 lines
7.4 KiB
#pragma once
#include "FractoriumPch.h"
/// <summary>
/// FractoriumSettings class.
/// </summary>
#define EARLYCLIP "render/earlyclip"
#define YAXISUP "render/yaxisup"
#define TRANSPARENCY "render/transparency"
#define OPENCL "render/opencl"
#define DOUBLEPRECISION "render/dp64"
#define CONTUPDATE "render/continuousupdate"
#define SHOWALLXFORMS "render/dragshowallxforms"
#define SHOWXFORMS "render/showxforms"
#define SHOWGRID "render/showgrid"
#define TOGGLETYPE "render/toggletype"
#define PNG16BIT "render/png16bit"
#define DEVICES "render/devices"
#define THREADCOUNT "render/threadcount"
#define CPUDEFILTER "render/cpudefilter"
#define OPENCLDEFILTER "render/opencldefilter"
#define CPUSUBBATCH "render/cpusubbatch"
#define OPENCLSUBBATCH "render/openclsubbatch"
#define RANDOMCOUNT "render/randomcount"
#define STAGGER "sequence/stagger"
#define STAGGERMAX "sequence/staggermax"
#define FRAMESPERROT "sequence/framesperrot"
#define FRAMESPERROTMAX "sequence/framesperrotmax"
#define ROTATIONS "sequence/rotations"
#define ROTATIONSMAX "sequence/rotationsmax"
#define BLENDFRAMES "sequence/blendframes"
#define BLENDFRAMESMAX "sequence/blendframesmax"
#define VARFILTERSUM "varfilter/sumcheckbox"
#define VARFILTERASSIGN "varfilter/assigncheckbox"
#define VARFILTERPPSUM "varfilter/ppsumcheckbox"
#define VARFILTERPPASSIGN "varfilter/ppassigncheckbox"
#define VARFILTERSDC "varfilter/dccheckbox"
#define VARFILTERSTATE "varfilter/statecheckbox"
#define VARFILTERPARAM "varfilter/paramcheckbox"
#define VARFILTERNONPARAM "varfilter/nonparamcheckbox"
#define FINALEARLYCLIP "finalrender/earlyclip"
#define FINALYAXISUP "finalrender/finalyaxisup"
#define FINALTRANSPARENCY "finalrender/transparency"
#define FINALOPENCL "finalrender/opencl"
#define FINALDOUBLEPRECISION "finalrender/dp64"
#define FINALSAVEXML "finalrender/savexml"
#define FINALDOALL "finalrender/doall"
#define FINALDOSEQUENCE "finalrender/dosequence"
#define FINALPNG16BIT "finalrender/png16bit"
#define FINALKEEPASPECT "finalrender/keepaspect"
#define FINALSCALE "finalrender/scale"
#define FINALEXT "finalrender/ext"
#define FINALDEVICES "finalrender/devices"
#define FINALTHREADCOUNT "finalrender/threadcount"
#define FINALTHREADPRIORITY "finalrender/threadpriority"
#define FINALQUALITY "finalrender/quality"
#define FINALTEMPORALSAMPLES "finalrender/temporalsamples"
#define FINALSUPERSAMPLE "finalrender/supersample"
#define FINALSTRIPS "finalrender/strips"
#define XMLWIDTH "xml/width"
#define XMLHEIGHT "xml/height"
#define XMLTEMPORALSAMPLES "xml/temporalsamples"
#define XMLQUALITY "xml/quality"
#define XMLSUPERSAMPLE "xml/supersample"
#define OPENFOLDER "path/open"
#define OPENPALETTEIMAGEFOLDER "path/openpaletteimage"
#define SAVEFOLDER "path/save"
#define OPENXMLEXT "file/openxmlext"
#define SAVEXMLEXT "file/savexmlext"
#define OPENIMAGEEXT "file/openimageext"
#define SAVEIMAGEEXT "file/saveimageext"
#define AUTOUNIQUE "file/autounique"
#define IDENTITYID "identity/id"
#define IDENTITYURL "identity/url"
#define IDENTITYNICK "identity/nick"
#define UIVARIATIONS "ui/variations"
#define STYLETHEME "style/theme"
/// <summary>
/// Class for preserving various program options between
/// runs of Fractorium. Each of these generally corresponds
/// to items in the options dialog and the final render dialog.
/// </summary>
class FractoriumSettings : public QSettings, public Singleton<FractoriumSettings>
void EnsureDefaults();
bool EarlyClip();
void EarlyClip(bool b);
bool YAxisUp();
void YAxisUp(bool b);
bool Transparency();
void Transparency(bool b);
bool OpenCL();
void OpenCL(bool b);
bool Double();
void Double(bool b);
bool ShowAllXforms();
void ShowAllXforms(bool b);
bool ShowXforms();
void ShowXforms(bool b);
bool ShowGrid();
void ShowGrid(bool b);
bool ToggleType();
void ToggleType(bool b);
bool Png16Bit();
void Png16Bit(bool b);
bool ContinuousUpdate();
void ContinuousUpdate(bool b);
QList<QVariant> Devices();
void Devices(const QList<QVariant>& devices);
uint ThreadCount();
void ThreadCount(uint i);
bool CpuDEFilter();
void CpuDEFilter(bool b);
bool OpenCLDEFilter();
void OpenCLDEFilter(bool b);
uint CpuSubBatch();
void CpuSubBatch(uint i);
uint OpenCLSubBatch();
void OpenCLSubBatch(uint i);
uint RandomCount();
void RandomCount(uint i);
double Stagger();
void Stagger(double i);
double StaggerMax();
void StaggerMax(double i);
uint FramesPerRot();
void FramesPerRot(uint i);
uint FramesPerRotMax();
void FramesPerRotMax(uint i);
uint Rotations();
void Rotations(double d);
uint RotationsMax();
void RotationsMax(double d);
uint BlendFrames();
void BlendFrames(uint i);
uint BlendFramesMax();
void BlendFramesMax(uint i);
int VarFilterSum();
void VarFilterSum(int i);
int VarFilterAssign();
void VarFilterAssign(int i);
int VarFilterPpsum();
void VarFilterPpsum(int i);
int VarFilterPpassign();
void VarFilterPpassign(int i);
int VarFilterSdc();
void VarFilterSdc(int i);
int VarFilterState();
void VarFilterState(int i);
int VarFilterParam();
void VarFilterParam(int i);
int VarFilterNonparam();
void VarFilterNonparam(int i);
bool FinalEarlyClip();
void FinalEarlyClip(bool b);
bool FinalYAxisUp();
void FinalYAxisUp(bool b);
bool FinalTransparency();
void FinalTransparency(bool b);
bool FinalOpenCL();
void FinalOpenCL(bool b);
bool FinalDouble();
void FinalDouble(bool b);
bool FinalSaveXml();
void FinalSaveXml(bool b);
bool FinalDoAll();
void FinalDoAll(bool b);
bool FinalDoSequence();
void FinalDoSequence(bool b);
bool FinalPng16Bit();
void FinalPng16Bit(bool b);
bool FinalKeepAspect();
void FinalKeepAspect(bool b);
uint FinalScale();
void FinalScale(uint i);
QString FinalExt();
void FinalExt(const QString& s);
QList<QVariant> FinalDevices();
void FinalDevices(const QList<QVariant>& devices);
uint FinalThreadCount();
void FinalThreadCount(uint i);
int FinalThreadPriority();
void FinalThreadPriority(int b);
uint FinalQuality();
void FinalQuality(uint i);
uint FinalTemporalSamples();
void FinalTemporalSamples(uint i);
uint FinalSupersample();
void FinalSupersample(uint i);
size_t FinalStrips();
void FinalStrips(size_t i);
uint XmlTemporalSamples();
void XmlTemporalSamples(uint i);
uint XmlQuality();
void XmlQuality(uint i);
uint XmlSupersample();
void XmlSupersample(uint i);
QString OpenFolder();
void OpenFolder(const QString& s);
QString OpenPaletteImageFolder();
void OpenPaletteImageFolder(const QString& s);
QString SaveFolder();
void SaveFolder(const QString& s);
QString OpenXmlExt();
void OpenXmlExt(const QString& s);
QString SaveXmlExt();
void SaveXmlExt(const QString& s);
QString OpenImageExt();
void OpenImageExt(const QString& s);
QString SaveImageExt();
void SaveImageExt(const QString& s);
bool SaveAutoUnique();
void SaveAutoUnique(bool b);
QString Id();
void Id(const QString& s);
QString Url();
void Url(const QString& s);
QString Nick();
void Nick(const QString& s);
QMap<QString, QVariant> Variations();
void Variations(const QMap<QString, QVariant>& m);
QString Theme();
void Theme(const QString& s);