** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** GNU General Public License Usage
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#pragma once

#include "Fractorium.h"
#include "FractoriumCommon.h"
#include "QssTextEdit.h"
#include "qcssparser.h"

/// <summary>
/// The code in this file did not originate in Fractorium.
/// It was taken either in whole or in part from the source code
/// of Qt Creator. Their license applies.
/// </summary>

namespace Ui
class QssDialog;

/// <summary>
/// A dialog for editing the stylesheet used in the application.
/// This is meant to be used in the following way:
///		On first run, no stylesheet is present/selected, so a basic style
///		is used on startup. This style differs slightly between Windows and Linux. See BaseStyle() for details.
///		If the user clicks Save as default or ok to exit the dialog, the text of this stylesheet will
///		be saved to the application settings folder in the file default.qss.
///		On all subsequent runs, the main window will detect the presence of default.qss and load it.
///		The user can load a different stylesheet from disk, such as dark.qss which comes with the installation.
///		They can save this back to disk (under a different name because dark.qss is made read only by the installer),
///		however it will not become the default until they explicitly click the Save as default button or click ok.
///		The other buttons Basic, Medium and Advanced produce an empty style sheet that gives access to various controls.
///			Basic: Just the base style.
///			Medium: Basic + every type of control in the application.
///			Advanced: Medium + the name of every individual control in the application. It is not intended that the user fill
///				out a custom style for every single control. Rather, it's to make them aware of the names of the controls in the
///				event they want to set some custom styling for a specific control.
///		For all practical purposes, the user will probably start with dark.qss, edit what they need and save to a new stylesheet,
//		then set that one as the default.
/// </summary>
class QssDialog : public QDialog

	explicit QssDialog(Fractorium* parent);

	QString Text() const;
	void SetText(const QString& t);
	QList<QString> GetClassNames(bool includeObjectNames);
	static bool IsStyleSheetValid(const QString& styleSheet);

public slots:
	virtual void accept() override;
	virtual void reject() override;

	virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent* e) override;

private slots:
	void SlotTextChanged();
	void SlotAddColor(const QString& p);
	void SlotAddGeom(const QString& p);
	void SlotAddBorder(const QString& p);
	void SlotSetTheme(const QString& s);
	void SlotAddFont();
	void SlotApplyCss();

	void LoadButton_clicked();
	void SaveButton_clicked();
	void BasicButton_clicked();
	void MediumButton_clicked();
	void AdvancedButton_clicked();

	void SaveAsDefault();
	void InsertCssProperty(const QString& name, const QString& value);
	void SetupFileDialog();
	QString OpenFile();
	QString SaveFile();

	QStyle* m_Theme = nullptr;
	QStyle* m_LastTheme;
	QString m_LastStyle;
	QAction* m_AddColorAction;
	QAction* m_AddGeomAction;
	QAction* m_AddBorderAction;
	QAction* m_AddFontAction;
	QAction* m_AddStyleAction;
	QSignalMapper* m_ColorActionMapper;
	QSignalMapper* m_GeomActionMapper;
	QSignalMapper* m_BorderActionMapper;
	QSignalMapper* m_StyleActionMapper;
	QHash<QString, QString> m_ColorMap;
	QHash<QString, QString> m_GeomMap;
	QHash<QString, QString> m_BorderMap;
	QHash<QString, QString> m_StyleMap;
	QTimer* m_ApplyTimer;
	Fractorium* m_Parent;
#ifndef __APPLE__
	QFileDialog* m_FileDialog = nullptr;
	Ui::QssDialog* ui;