#include "EmberCommonPch.h" #include "EmberAnimate.h" #include "JpegUtils.h" /// /// The core of the EmberAnimate.exe program. /// Template argument expected to be float or double. /// /// A populated EmberOptions object which specifies all program options to be used /// True if success, else false. template bool EmberAnimate(EmberOptions& opt) { OpenCLWrapper wrapper; std::cout.imbue(std::locale("")); if (opt.DumpArgs()) cout << opt.GetValues(OPT_USE_ANIMATE) << endl; if (opt.OpenCLInfo()) { cout << "\nOpenCL Info: " << endl; cout << wrapper.DumpInfo(); return true; } //Regular variables. Timing t; bool unsorted = false; bool startXml = false; bool finishXml = false; bool appendXml = false; uint finalImageIndex = 0; uint i, channels, ftime; string s, flameName, filename, inputPath = GetPath(opt.Input()); ostringstream os; vector> embers; EmberStats stats; EmberReport emberReport; EmberImageComments comments; Ember centerEmber; XmlToEmber parser; EmberToXml emberToXml; vector finalImages[2]; std::thread writeThread; unique_ptr> progress(new RenderProgress()); unique_ptr> renderer(CreateRenderer(opt.EmberCL() ? OPENCL_RENDERER : CPU_RENDERER, opt.Platform(), opt.Device(), false, 0, emberReport)); vector errorReport = emberReport.ErrorReport(); if (!errorReport.empty()) emberReport.DumpErrorReport(); if (!renderer.get()) { cout << "Renderer creation failed, exiting." << endl; return false; } if (opt.EmberCL() && renderer->RendererType() != OPENCL_RENDERER)//OpenCL init failed, so fall back to CPU. opt.EmberCL(false); if (!InitPaletteList(opt.PalettePath())) return false; if (!ParseEmberFile(parser, opt.Input(), embers)) return false; if (!opt.EmberCL()) { if (opt.ThreadCount() == 0) { cout << "Using " << Timing::ProcessorCount() << " automatically detected threads." << endl; opt.ThreadCount(Timing::ProcessorCount()); } else { cout << "Using " << opt.ThreadCount() << " manually specified threads." << endl; } renderer->ThreadCount(opt.ThreadCount(), opt.IsaacSeed() != "" ? opt.IsaacSeed().c_str() : nullptr); } else { cout << "Using OpenCL to render." << endl; if (opt.Verbose()) { cout << "Platform: " << wrapper.PlatformName(opt.Platform()) << endl; cout << "Device: " << wrapper.DeviceName(opt.Platform(), opt.Device()) << endl; } if (opt.ThreadCount() > 1) cout << "Cannot specify threads with OpenCL, using 1 thread." << endl; opt.ThreadCount(1); renderer->ThreadCount(opt.ThreadCount(), opt.IsaacSeed() != "" ? opt.IsaacSeed().c_str() : nullptr); if (opt.BitsPerChannel() != 8) { cout << "Bits per channel cannot be anything other than 8 with OpenCL, setting to 8." << endl; opt.BitsPerChannel(8); } } if (opt.Format() != "jpg" && opt.Format() != "png" && opt.Format() != "ppm" && opt.Format() != "bmp") { cout << "Format must be jpg, png, ppm, or bmp not " << opt.Format() << ". Setting to jpg." << endl; } channels = opt.Format() == "png" ? 4 : 3; if (opt.BitsPerChannel() == 16 && opt.Format() != "png") { cout << "Support for 16 bits per channel images is only present for the png format. Setting to 8." << endl; opt.BitsPerChannel(8); } else if (opt.BitsPerChannel() != 8 && opt.BitsPerChannel() != 16) { cout << "Unexpected bits per channel specified " << opt.BitsPerChannel() << ". Setting to 8." << endl; opt.BitsPerChannel(8); } if (opt.InsertPalette() && opt.BitsPerChannel() != 8) { cout << "Inserting palette only supported with 8 bits per channel, insertion will not take place." << endl; opt.InsertPalette(false); } if (opt.AspectRatio() < 0) { cout << "Invalid pixel aspect ratio " << opt.AspectRatio() << endl << ". Must be positive, setting to 1." << endl; opt.AspectRatio(1); } if (opt.Dtime() < 1) { cout << "Warning: dtime must be positive, not " << opt.Dtime() << ". Setting to 1." << endl; opt.Dtime(1); } if (opt.Frame()) { if (opt.Time()) { cout << "Cannot specify both time and frame." << endl; return false; } if (opt.FirstFrame() || opt.LastFrame()) { cout << "Cannot specify both frame and begin or end." << endl; return false; } opt.FirstFrame(opt.Frame()); opt.LastFrame(opt.Frame()); } if (opt.Time()) { if (opt.FirstFrame() || opt.LastFrame()) { cout << "Cannot specify both time and begin or end." << endl; return false; } opt.FirstFrame(opt.Time()); opt.LastFrame(opt.Time()); } //Prep all embers, by ensuring they: //-Are sorted by time. //-Do not have a dimension of 0. //-Do not have a memory requirement greater than max uint. //-Have quality and size scales applied, if present. //-Have equal dimensions. for (i = 0; i < embers.size(); i++) { if (i > 0 && embers[i].m_Time <= embers[i - 1].m_Time) unsorted = true; if (opt.Supersample() > 0) embers[i].m_Supersample = opt.Supersample(); if (opt.SubBatchSize() != DEFAULT_SBS) embers[i].m_SubBatchSize = opt.SubBatchSize(); embers[i].m_Quality *= T(opt.QualityScale()); embers[i].m_FinalRasW = uint(T(embers[i].m_FinalRasW) * opt.SizeScale()); embers[i].m_FinalRasH = uint(T(embers[i].m_FinalRasH) * opt.SizeScale()); embers[i].m_PixelsPerUnit *= T(opt.SizeScale()); //Cast to double in case the value exceeds 2^32. double imageMem = double(channels) * double(embers[i].m_FinalRasW) * double(embers[i].m_FinalRasH) * double(renderer->BytesPerChannel()); double maxMem = pow(2.0, double((sizeof(void*) * 8) - 1)); if (imageMem > maxMem)//Ensure the max amount of memory for a process isn't exceeded. { cout << "Image " << i << " size > " << maxMem << ". Setting to 1920 x 1080." << endl; embers[i].m_FinalRasW = 1920; embers[i].m_FinalRasH = 1080; } if (embers[i].m_FinalRasW == 0 || embers[i].m_FinalRasH == 0) { cout << "Warning: Output image " << i << " has dimension 0: " << embers[i].m_FinalRasW << ", " << embers[i].m_FinalRasH << ". Setting to 1920 x 1080." << endl; embers[i].m_FinalRasW = 1920; embers[i].m_FinalRasH = 1080; } if ((embers[i].m_FinalRasW != embers[0].m_FinalRasW) || (embers[i].m_FinalRasH != embers[0].m_FinalRasH)) { cout << "Warning: flame " << i << " at time " << embers[i].m_Time << " size mismatch. (" << embers[i].m_FinalRasW << ", " << embers[i].m_FinalRasH << ") should be (" << embers[0].m_FinalRasW << ", " << embers[0].m_FinalRasH << "). Setting to " << embers[0].m_FinalRasW << ", " << embers[0].m_FinalRasH << "." << endl; embers[i].m_FinalRasW = embers[0].m_FinalRasW; embers[i].m_FinalRasH = embers[0].m_FinalRasH; } } if (unsorted) { cout << "Embers were unsorted by time. First out of order index was " << i << ". Sorting." << endl; std::sort(embers.begin(), embers.end(), &CompareEmbers); } if (!opt.Time() && !opt.Frame()) { if (opt.FirstFrame() == UINT_MAX) opt.FirstFrame(int(embers[0].m_Time)); if (opt.LastFrame() == UINT_MAX) opt.LastFrame(ClampGte(uint(embers.back().m_Time - 1), opt.FirstFrame())); } if (!opt.Out().empty()) { appendXml = true; filename = opt.Out(); cout << "Single output file " << opt.Out() << " specified for multiple images. They will be all overwritten and only the last image will remain." << endl; } //Final setup steps before running. os.imbue(std::locale("")); renderer->SetEmber(embers); renderer->EarlyClip(opt.EarlyClip()); renderer->YAxisUp(opt.YAxisUp()); renderer->LockAccum(opt.LockAccum()); renderer->InsertPalette(opt.InsertPalette()); renderer->PixelAspectRatio(T(opt.AspectRatio())); renderer->Transparency(opt.Transparency()); renderer->NumChannels(channels); renderer->BytesPerChannel(opt.BitsPerChannel() / 8); renderer->Callback(opt.DoProgress() ? progress.get() : nullptr); std::function saveFunc = [&](uint threadVecIndex) { bool writeSuccess = false; byte* finalImagep = finalImages[threadVecIndex].data(); if ((opt.Format() == "jpg" || opt.Format() == "bmp") && renderer->NumChannels() == 4) RgbaToRgb(finalImages[threadVecIndex], finalImages[threadVecIndex], renderer->FinalRasW(), renderer->FinalRasH()); if (opt.Format() == "png") writeSuccess = WritePng(filename.c_str(), finalImagep, renderer->FinalRasW(), renderer->FinalRasH(), opt.BitsPerChannel() / 8, opt.PngComments(), comments, opt.Id(), opt.Url(), opt.Nick()); else if (opt.Format() == "jpg") writeSuccess = WriteJpeg(filename.c_str(), finalImagep, renderer->FinalRasW(), renderer->FinalRasH(), opt.JpegQuality(), opt.JpegComments(), comments, opt.Id(), opt.Url(), opt.Nick()); else if (opt.Format() == "ppm") writeSuccess = WritePpm(filename.c_str(), finalImagep, renderer->FinalRasW(), renderer->FinalRasH()); else if (opt.Format() == "bmp") writeSuccess = WriteBmp(filename.c_str(), finalImagep, renderer->FinalRasW(), renderer->FinalRasH()); if (!writeSuccess) cout << "Error writing " << filename << endl;/**/ }; //Begin run. for (ftime = opt.FirstFrame(); ftime <= opt.LastFrame(); ftime += opt.Dtime()) { T localTime = T(ftime); if ((opt.LastFrame() - opt.FirstFrame()) / opt.Dtime() >= 1) VerbosePrint("Time = " << ftime << " / " << opt.LastFrame() << " / " << opt.Dtime()); renderer->Reset(); if ((renderer->Run(finalImages[finalImageIndex], localTime) != RENDER_OK) || renderer->Aborted() || finalImages[finalImageIndex].empty()) { cout << "Error: image rendering failed, skipping to next image." << endl; renderer->DumpErrorReport();//Something went wrong, print errors. continue; } if (opt.Out().empty()) { ostringstream fnstream; fnstream << inputPath << opt.Prefix() << setfill('0') << setw(opt.FilenamePadding()) << ftime << opt.Suffix() << "." << opt.Format(); filename = fnstream.str(); } if (opt.WriteGenome()) { flameName = filename.substr(0, filename.find_last_of('.')) + ".flam3"; VerbosePrint("Writing " + flameName); Interpolater::Interpolate(embers, localTime, 0, centerEmber);//Get center flame. if (appendXml) { startXml = ftime == opt.FirstFrame(); finishXml = ftime == opt.LastFrame(); } emberToXml.Save(flameName, centerEmber, opt.PrintEditDepth(), true, opt.IntPalette(), opt.HexPalette(), true, startXml, finishXml); } stats = renderer->Stats(); comments = renderer->ImageComments(stats, opt.PrintEditDepth(), opt.IntPalette(), opt.HexPalette()); os.str(""); size_t iterCount = renderer->TotalIterCount(1); os << comments.m_NumIters << " / " << iterCount << " (" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << ((double(stats.m_Iters) / double(iterCount)) * 100) << "%)"; VerbosePrint("\nIters ran/requested: " + os.str()); VerbosePrint("Bad values: " << stats.m_Badvals); VerbosePrint("Render time: " + t.Format(stats.m_RenderMs)); VerbosePrint("Pure iter time: " + t.Format(stats.m_IterMs)); VerbosePrint("Iters/sec: " << size_t(stats.m_Iters / (stats.m_IterMs / 1000.0)) << endl); VerbosePrint("Writing " + filename); //Run image writing in a thread. Although doing it this way duplicates the final output memory, it saves a lot of time //when running with OpenCL. Call join() to ensure the previous thread call has completed. if (writeThread.joinable()) writeThread.join(); uint threadVecIndex = finalImageIndex;//Cache before launching thread. if (opt.ThreadedWrite()) writeThread = std::thread(saveFunc, threadVecIndex); else saveFunc(threadVecIndex); centerEmber.Clear(); finalImageIndex ^= 1;//Toggle the index. } if (writeThread.joinable()) writeThread.join(); VerbosePrint("Done.\n"); if (opt.Verbose()) t.Toc("\nTotal time: ", true); return true; } /// /// Main program entry point for EmberAnimate.exe. /// /// The number of command line arguments passed /// The command line arguments passed /// 0 if successful, else 1. int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { bool b = false; EmberOptions opt; //Required for large allocs, else GPU memory usage will be severely limited to small sizes. //This must be done in the application and not in the EmberCL DLL. #ifdef WIN32 _putenv_s("GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT", "100"); #else putenv(const_cast("GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT=100")); #endif if (!opt.Populate(argc, argv, OPT_USE_ANIMATE)) { #ifdef DO_DOUBLE if (opt.Bits() == 64) { b = EmberAnimate(opt); } else #endif if (opt.Bits() == 33) { b = EmberAnimate(opt); } else if (opt.Bits() == 32) { cout << "Bits 32/int histogram no longer supported. Using bits == 33 (float)." << endl; b = EmberAnimate(opt); } } return b ? 0 : 1; }