#include "FractoriumPch.h" #include "Fractorium.h" /// <summary> /// Initialize the xforms variations UI. /// </summary> void Fractorium::InitXformsVariationsUI() { QTreeWidget* tree = ui.VariationsTree; tree->clear(); tree->header()->setSectionsClickable(true); connect(tree->header(), SIGNAL(sectionClicked(int)), this, SLOT(OnTreeHeaderSectionClicked(int))); connect(ui.VariationsFilterLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(OnVariationsFilterLineEditTextChanged(const QString&))); connect(ui.VariationsFilterLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(OnVariationsFilterLineEditTextChanged(const QString&))); connect(ui.VariationsFilterClearButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnVariationsFilterClearButtonClicked(bool))); //Setting dimensions in the designer with a layout is futile, so must hard code here. tree->setColumnWidth(0, 160); tree->setColumnWidth(1, 23); } /// <summary> /// Dynamically populate the variation tree widget with VariationTreeWidgetItem and VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox /// templated with the correct type. /// This will clear any previous contents. /// Called upon initialization, or controller type change. /// </summary> template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SetupVariationTree() { T fMin = TLOW; T fMax = TMAX; QSize hint0(75, 16); QSize hint1(30, 16); QTreeWidget* tree = m_Fractorium->ui.VariationsTree; tree->clear(); tree->blockSignals(true); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_VariationList.Size(); i++) { Variation<T>* var = m_VariationList.GetVariation(i); ParametricVariation<T>* parVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(var); //First add the variation, with a spinner for its weight. VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>* item = new VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>(var->VariationId(), tree); VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* spinBox = new VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>(tree, item, parVar ? parVar : var, ""); item->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(var->Name())); item->setSizeHint(0, hint0); item->setSizeHint(1, hint1); spinBox->setRange(fMin, fMax); spinBox->DoubleClick(true); spinBox->DoubleClickZero(1); spinBox->DoubleClickNonZero(0); spinBox->SmallStep(0.001); spinBox->setDecimals(4); tree->setItemWidget(item, 1, spinBox); m_Fractorium->connect(spinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnVariationSpinBoxValueChanged(double)), Qt::QueuedConnection); //Check to see if the variation was parametric, and add a tree entry with a spinner for each parameter. if (parVar) { ParamWithName<T>* params = parVar->Params(); for (size_t j = 0; j < parVar->ParamCount(); j++) { if (!params[j].IsPrecalc()) { VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>* paramWidget = new VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>(var->VariationId(), item); VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* varSpinBox = new VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>(tree, paramWidget, parVar, params[j].Name()); paramWidget->setText(0, params[j].Name().c_str()); paramWidget->setSizeHint(0, hint0); paramWidget->setSizeHint(1, hint1); varSpinBox->setRange(params[j].Min(), params[j].Max()); varSpinBox->setValue(params[j].ParamVal()); varSpinBox->DoubleClick(true); varSpinBox->DoubleClickZero(1); varSpinBox->DoubleClickNonZero(0); if (params[j].Type() == INTEGER || params[j].Type() == INTEGER_NONZERO) { varSpinBox->setSingleStep(1); varSpinBox->Step(1); varSpinBox->SmallStep(1); } varSpinBox->setDecimals(4); tree->setItemWidget(paramWidget, 1, varSpinBox); m_Fractorium->connect(varSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnVariationSpinBoxValueChanged(double)), Qt::QueuedConnection); } } } } tree->blockSignals(false); } /// <summary> /// Set every spinner in the variation tree, including params, to zero. /// </summary> template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::ClearVariationsTree() { QTreeWidget* tree = m_Fractorium->ui.VariationsTree; for (uint i = 0; i < tree->topLevelItemCount(); i++) { QTreeWidgetItem* item = tree->topLevelItem(i); VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* spinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>*>(tree->itemWidget(item, 1)); spinBox->SetValueStealth(0); for (uint j = 0; j < item->childCount(); j++)//Iterate through all of the children, which will be the params. { if ((spinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>*>(tree->itemWidget(item->child(j), 1))))//Cast the child widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type. spinBox->SetValueStealth(0); } } } /// <summary> /// Copy the value of a variation or param spinner to its corresponding value /// in the currently selected xform. /// Called when any spinner in the variations tree is changed. /// Resets the rendering process. /// </summary> /// <param name="d">The spinner value</param> template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::VariationSpinBoxValueChanged(double d)//Would be awesome to make this work for all.//TODO { QObject* objSender = m_Fractorium->sender(); QTreeWidget* tree = m_Fractorium->ui.VariationsTree; VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* sender = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>*>(objSender); Xform<T>* xform = m_Ember.GetTotalXform(m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo->currentIndex());//Will retrieve normal xform or final if needed. if (sender && xform) { Variation<T>* var = sender->GetVariation();//The variation attached to the sender, for reference only. ParametricVariation<T>* parVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(var);//The parametric cast of that variation. Variation<T>* xformVar = xform->GetVariationById(var->VariationId());//The corresponding variation in the currently selected xform. VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>* widgetItem = sender->WidgetItem(); bool isParam = parVar && sender->IsParam(); if (isParam) { //Do not take action if the xform doesn't contain the variation which this param is part of. if (ParametricVariation<T>* xformParVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(xformVar))//The parametric cast of the xform's variation. { if (xformParVar->SetParamVal(sender->ParamName().c_str(), d)) { UpdateRender(); } } } else { //If they spun down to zero, and it wasn't a parameter item, //and the current xform contained the variation, then remove the variation. if (IsNearZero(d)) { if (xformVar) xform->DeleteVariationById(var->VariationId()); widgetItem->setBackgroundColor(0, QColor(255, 255, 255));//Ensure background is always white if weight goes to zero. } else { if (xformVar)//The xform already contained this variation, which means they just went from a non-zero weight to another non-zero weight (the simple case). { xformVar->m_Weight = d; } else { //If the item wasn't a param and the xform did not contain this variation, //it means they went from zero to a non-zero weight, so add a new copy of this xform. Variation<T>* newVar = var->Copy();//Create a new one with default values. newVar->m_Weight = d; xform->AddVariation(newVar); widgetItem->setBackgroundColor(0, QColor(200, 200, 200));//Set background to gray when a variation has non-zero weight in this xform. //If they've added a new parametric variation, then grab the values currently in the spinners //for the child parameters and assign them to the newly added variation. if (parVar) { ParametricVariation<T>* newParVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(newVar); for (int i = 0; i < widgetItem->childCount(); i++)//Iterate through all of the children, which will be the params. { QTreeWidgetItem* childItem = widgetItem->child(i);//Get the child. QWidget* itemWidget = tree->itemWidget(childItem, 1);//Get the widget for the child. if (VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* spinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>*>(itemWidget))//Cast the widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type. { string s = childItem->text(0).toStdString();//Use the name of the child, and the value of the spinner widget to assign the param. newParVar->SetParamVal(s.c_str(), spinBox->value()); } } } } } UpdateRender(); } } } void Fractorium::OnVariationSpinBoxValueChanged(double d) { m_Controller->VariationSpinBoxValueChanged(d); } /// <summary> /// Fill the variation tree values from passed in xform and apply the current sorting mode. /// Called when the currently selected xform changes. /// </summary> /// <param name="xform">The xform whose variation values will be used to fill the tree</param> template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::FillVariationTreeWithXform(Xform<T>* xform) { QTreeWidget* tree = m_Fractorium->ui.VariationsTree; tree->blockSignals(true); for (uint i = 0; i < tree->topLevelItemCount(); i++) { VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>* item = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>*>(tree->topLevelItem(i)); Variation<T>* var = xform->GetVariationById(item->Id());//See if this variation in the tree was contained in the xform. ParametricVariation<T>* parVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(var);//Attempt cast to parametric variation for later. ParametricVariation<T>* origParVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(m_VariationList.GetVariation(item->Id())); if (VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* spinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>*>(tree->itemWidget(item, 1)))//Get the widget for the item, and cast the widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type. { spinBox->SetValueStealth(var ? var->m_Weight : 0);//If the variation was present, set the spin box to its weight, else zero. item->setBackgroundColor(0, var ? QColor(200, 200, 200) : QColor(255, 255, 255));//Ensure background is always white if the value goes to zero, else gray if var present. for (uint j = 0; j < item->childCount(); j++)//Iterate through all of the children, which will be the params if it was a parametric variation. { T* param = nullptr; QTreeWidgetItem* childItem = item->child(j);//Get the child. QWidget* childItemWidget = tree->itemWidget(childItem, 1);//Get the widget for the child. if (VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* childSpinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>*>(childItemWidget))//Cast the widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type. { string s = childItem->text(0).toStdString();//Get the name of the child. if (parVar) { if ((param = parVar->GetParam(s.c_str())))//Retrieve pointer to the param. childSpinBox->SetValueStealth(*param); } else if (origParVar)//Parametric variation was not present in this xform, so set child values to defaults. { if ((param = origParVar->GetParam(s.c_str()))) childSpinBox->SetValueStealth(*param); else childSpinBox->SetValueStealth(0);//Will most likely never happen, but just to be safe. } } } } } tree->blockSignals(false); m_Fractorium->OnTreeHeaderSectionClicked(m_Fractorium->m_VarSortMode); } /// <summary> /// Change the sorting to be either by variation ID, or by weight. /// If sorting by variation ID, repeated clicks will altername ascending or descending. /// Called when user clicks the tree headers. /// </summary> /// <param name="logicalIndex">Column index of the header clicked. Sort by name if 0, sort by weight if 1.</param> void Fractorium::OnTreeHeaderSectionClicked(int logicalIndex) { m_VarSortMode = logicalIndex; ui.VariationsTree->sortItems(m_VarSortMode, m_VarSortMode == 0 ? Qt::AscendingOrder : Qt::DescendingOrder); if (logicalIndex == 1) ui.VariationsTree->scrollToTop(); } /// <summary> /// Apply the text in the variation filter text box to only show variations whose names /// contain the substring. /// Called when the user types in the variation filter text box. /// </summary> /// <param name="text">The text to filter on</param> void Fractorium::OnVariationsFilterLineEditTextChanged(const QString& text) { QTreeWidget* tree = ui.VariationsTree; tree->setUpdatesEnabled(false); for (uint i = 0; i < uint(tree->topLevelItemCount()); i++) { QTreeWidgetItem* item = tree->topLevelItem(i); QString varName = item->text(0); item->setHidden(!varName.contains(text, Qt::CaseInsensitive)); } OnTreeHeaderSectionClicked(m_VarSortMode);//Must re-sort every time the filter changes. tree->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } /// <summary> /// Clear the variation name filter, which will display all variations. /// Called when clear variations filter button is clicked. /// </summary> /// <param name="checked">Ignored</param> void Fractorium::OnVariationsFilterClearButtonClicked(bool checked) { ui.VariationsFilterLineEdit->clear(); } template class FractoriumEmberController<float>; #ifdef DO_DOUBLE template class FractoriumEmberController<double>; #endif