#pragma once
#include "Utils.h"
#include "PaletteList.h"
#include "VariationList.h"
#include "Ember.h"
/// EmberToXml class.
namespace EmberNs
/// Class for converting ember objects to Xml documents.
/// Support for saving one or more to a single file.
/// Template argument expected to be float or double.
class EMBER_API EmberToXml : public EmberReport
/// Empty constructor.
/// Save the ember to the specified file.
/// Full path and filename
/// The ember to save
/// How deep the edit depth goes
/// If true included edit tags, else don't.
/// If true use integers instead of floating point numbers when embedding a non-hex formatted palette, else use floating point numbers.
/// If true, embed a hexadecimal palette instead of Xml Color tags, else use Xml color tags.
/// If true, append to the file if it already exists, else create a new file.
/// Whether a new file is to be started
/// Whether an existing file is to be ended
/// True if successful, else false
bool Save(const string& filename, Ember& ember, size_t printEditDepth, bool doEdits, bool intPalette, bool hexPalette, bool append = false, bool start = false, bool finish = false)
vector> vec;
return Save(filename, vec, printEditDepth, doEdits, intPalette, hexPalette, append, start, finish);
/// Save a vector of embers to the specified file.
/// Full path and filename
/// The vector of embers to save
/// How deep the edit depth goes
/// If true included edit tags, else don't.
/// If true use integers instead of floating point numbers when embedding a non-hex formatted palette, else use floating point numbers.
/// If true, embed a hexadecimal palette instead of Xml Color tags, else use Xml color tags.
/// If true, append to the file if it already exists, else create a new file.
/// Whether a new file is to be started
/// Whether an existing file is to be ended
/// True if successful, else false
bool Save(const string& filename, vector>& embers, size_t printEditDepth, bool doEdits, bool intPalette, bool hexPalette, bool append = false, bool start = false, bool finish = false)
bool b = false;
string temp;
ofstream f;
if (append)
f.open(filename, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);//Appending allows us to write multiple embers to a single file.
if (f.is_open())
if ((append && start) || !append)
temp = "\n";
//temp = "\n\n";
f.write(temp.c_str(), temp.size());
for (auto& ember : embers)
string s = ToString(ember, "", printEditDepth, doEdits, intPalette, hexPalette);
f.write(s.c_str(), s.size());
if ((append && finish) || !append)
temp = "\n";
f.write(temp.c_str(), temp.size());
b = true;
cout << "Error: Writing flame " << filename << " failed." << endl;
b = false;
catch (...)
if (f.is_open())
b = false;
return b;
/// Return the Xml string representation of an ember.
/// The ember to create the Xml with
/// If true, add extra attributes, else don't
/// How deep the edit depth goes
/// If true included edit tags, else don't.
/// If true use integers instead of floating point numbers when embedding a non-hex formatted palette, else use floating point numbers.
/// If true, embed a hexadecimal palette instead of Xml Color tags, else use Xml color tags.
/// The Xml string representation of the passed in ember
string ToString(Ember& ember, string extraAttributes, size_t printEditDepth, bool doEdits, bool intPalette, bool hexPalette = true)
size_t i, j;
string s;
ostringstream os;
vector*> variations;
os << "(1, ember.m_Supersample) << "\"";
os << " filter=\"" << ember.m_SpatialFilterRadius << "\"";
os << " filter_shape=\"" << ToLower(SpatialFilterCreator::ToString(ember.m_SpatialFilterType)) << "\"";
os << " temporal_filter_type=\"" << ToLower(TemporalFilterCreator::ToString(ember.m_TemporalFilterType)) << "\"";
if (ember.m_TemporalFilterType == EXP_TEMPORAL_FILTER)
os << " temporal_filter_exp=\"" << ember.m_TemporalFilterExp << "\"";
os << " temporal_filter_width=\"" << ember.m_TemporalFilterWidth << "\"";
os << " quality=\"" << ember.m_Quality << "\"";
os << " temporal_samples=\"" << ember.m_TemporalSamples << "\"";
os << " sub_batch_size=\"" << ember.m_SubBatchSize << "\"";
os << " fuse=\"" << ember.m_FuseCount << "\"";
os << " background=\"" << ember.m_Background.r << " " << ember.m_Background.g << " " << ember.m_Background.b << "\"";
os << " brightness=\"" << ember.m_Brightness << "\"";
os << " gamma=\"" << ember.m_Gamma << "\"";
os << " highlight_power=\"" << ember.m_HighlightPower << "\"";
os << " vibrancy=\"" << ember.m_Vibrancy << "\"";
//os << " hue=\"" << ember.m_Hue << "\"";//Oddly enough, flam3 never wrote this value out.//ORIG
os << " estimator_radius=\"" << ember.m_MaxRadDE << "\"";
os << " estimator_minimum=\"" << ember.m_MinRadDE << "\"";
os << " estimator_curve=\"" << ember.m_CurveDE << "\"";
os << " gamma_threshold=\"" << ember.m_GammaThresh << "\"";
os << " cam_zpos=\"" << ember.m_CamZPos << "\"";
os << " cam_persp=\"" << ember.m_CamPerspective << "\"";
os << " cam_yaw=\"" << ember.m_CamYaw << "\"";
os << " cam_pitch=\"" << ember.m_CamPitch << "\"";
os << " cam_dof=\"" << ember.m_CamDepthBlur << "\"";
if (ember.m_PaletteMode == PALETTE_STEP)
os << " palette_mode=\"step\"";
else if (ember.m_PaletteMode == PALETTE_LINEAR)
os << " palette_mode=\"linear\"";
if (ember.m_Interp == EMBER_INTERP_SMOOTH)
os << " interpolation=\"smooth\"";
if (ember.m_AffineInterp == INTERP_LINEAR)
os << " interpolation_type=\"linear\"";
else if (ember.m_AffineInterp == INTERP_LOG)
os << " interpolation_type=\"log\"";
else if (ember.m_AffineInterp == INTERP_COMPAT)
os << " interpolation_type=\"old\"";
else if (ember.m_AffineInterp == INTERP_OLDER)
os << " interpolation_type=\"older\"";
if (ember.m_PaletteInterp == INTERP_SWEEP)
os << " palette_interpolation=\"sweep\"";
if (!extraAttributes.empty())
os << " " << extraAttributes;
os << " plugins=\"";
ember.GetPresentVariations(variations, false);
if (!variations.empty())
for (auto var : variations) os << var->Name() << (var != variations.back() ? " " : "\"");
os << "\"";
os << " new_linear=\"1\"";
os << " curves=\"";
for (glm::length_t ci = 0; ci < 4; ci++)
for (glm::length_t cj = 0; cj < 4; cj++)
os << ember.m_Curves.m_Points[ci][cj].x << " ";
os << ember.m_Curves.m_Points[ci][cj].y << " ";
os << ember.m_Curves.m_Weights[ci][cj] << " ";
os << "\">\n";
//This is a grey area, what to do about symmetry to avoid duplicating the symmetry xforms when reading back?//TODO//BUG.
//if (ember.m_Symmetry)
// os << " \n";
for (i = 0; i < ember.XformCount(); i++)
os << ToString(*ember.GetXform(i), ember.XformCount(), false, false);//Not final, don't do motion.
if (ember.UseFinalXform())
os << ToString(*ember.NonConstFinalXform(), ember.XformCount(), true, false);//Final, don't do motion.
if (hexPalette)
os << " \n";
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
os << " ";
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
size_t idx = 8 * i + j;
os << hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << int(Rint(ember.m_Palette[idx][0] * 255));
os << hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << int(Rint(ember.m_Palette[idx][1] * 255));
os << hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << int(Rint(ember.m_Palette[idx][2] * 255));
os << endl;
os << " \n";
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
double r = ember.m_Palette[i][0] * 255;
double g = ember.m_Palette[i][1] * 255;
double b = ember.m_Palette[i][2] * 255;
double a = ember.m_Palette[i][3] * 255;
os << " ";
//The original used a precision of 6 which is totally unnecessary, use 2.
if (IsClose(a, 255.0))
if (intPalette)
os << "";
os << "";
if (intPalette)
os << " ";
os << " ";
os << "\n";
if (doEdits && ember.m_Edits != nullptr)
os << ToString(xmlDocGetRootElement(ember.m_Edits), 1, true, printEditDepth);
os << "\n";
return os.str();
/// Create a new editdoc optionally based on parents passed in.
/// This is used when an ember is made out of some mutation or edit from one or two existing embers and
/// the user wants to capture the genetic lineage history information in the edit doc of the new ember.
/// The first parent, optionally nullptr.
/// The second parent, optionally nullptr.
/// The action that was taken to create the new ember
/// The nickname of the author
/// The Url of the author
/// The id of the author
/// The comment to include
/// The sheep generation used if > 0. Default: 0.
/// The sheep id used if > 0. Default: 0.
xmlDocPtr CreateNewEditdoc(Ember* parent0, Ember* parent1, string action, string nick, string url, string id, string comment, int sheepGen = 0, int sheepId = 0)
char timeString[128];
time_t myTime;
string s;
xmlDocPtr commentDoc = nullptr;
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlNewDoc(XC("1.0"));
xmlNodePtr rootNode = nullptr, node = nullptr, nodeCopy = nullptr;
xmlNodePtr rootComment = nullptr;
ostringstream os;
//Create the root node, called "edit".
rootNode = xmlNewNode(nullptr, XC("edit"));
xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, rootNode);
//Add the edit attributes.
myTime = time(nullptr);
#ifdef WIN32
tm localt;
localtime_s(&localt, &myTime);
strftime(timeString, 128, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y", &localt);//XXX use standard time format including timezone.
tm* localt;
localt = localtime(&myTime);
strftime(timeString, 128, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y", localt);//XXX use standard time format including timezone.
xmlNewProp(rootNode, XC("date"), XC(timeString));
if (nick != "")
xmlNewProp(rootNode, XC("nick"), XC(nick.c_str()));
if (url != "")
xmlNewProp(rootNode, XC("url"), XC(url.c_str()));
if (id != "")
xmlNewProp(rootNode, XC("id"), XC(id.c_str()));
xmlNewProp(rootNode, XC("action"), XC(action.c_str()));
//Sheep info.
if (sheepGen > 0 && sheepId > 0)
//Create a child node of the root node called sheep.
node = xmlNewChild(rootNode, nullptr, XC("sheep"), nullptr);
//Create the sheep attributes.
os << sheepGen;
s = os.str();
xmlNewProp(node, XC("generation"), XC(s.c_str()));
os << sheepId;
s = os.str();
xmlNewProp(node, XC("id"), XC(s.c_str()));
//Check for the parents.
//If parent 0 not specified, this is a randomly generated genome.
if (parent0)
os << parent0->m_Index;
s = os.str();
if (parent0->m_Edits)
//Copy the node from the parent.
node = xmlDocGetRootElement(parent0->m_Edits);
nodeCopy = xmlCopyNode(node, 1);
AddFilenameWithoutAmpersand(nodeCopy, parent0->m_ParentFilename);
xmlNewProp(nodeCopy, XC("index"), XC(s.c_str()));
xmlAddChild(rootNode, nodeCopy);
//Insert a (parent has no edit) message.
nodeCopy = xmlNewChild(rootNode, nullptr, XC("edit"), nullptr);
AddFilenameWithoutAmpersand(nodeCopy, parent0->m_ParentFilename);
xmlNewProp(nodeCopy, XC("index"), XC(s.c_str()));
if (parent1)
os << parent1->m_Index;
s = os.str();
if (parent1->m_Edits)
//Copy the node from the parent.
node = xmlDocGetRootElement(parent1->m_Edits);
nodeCopy = xmlCopyNode(node, 1);
AddFilenameWithoutAmpersand(nodeCopy, parent1->m_ParentFilename);
xmlNewProp(nodeCopy, XC("index"), XC(s.c_str()));
xmlAddChild(rootNode, nodeCopy);
//Insert a (parent has no edit) message.
nodeCopy = xmlNewChild(rootNode, nullptr, XC("edit"),nullptr);
AddFilenameWithoutAmpersand(nodeCopy, parent1->m_ParentFilename);
xmlNewProp(nodeCopy, XC("index"), XC(s.c_str()));
//Comment string:
//This one's hard, since the comment string must be treated as
//a valid XML document. Create a new document using the comment
//string as the in-memory document, and then copy all children of
//the root node into the edit structure
//Parsing the comment string should be done once and then copied
//for each new edit doc, but that's for later.
if (comment != "")
os << "" << comment << "";
s = os.str();
commentDoc = xmlReadMemory(s.c_str(), int(s.length()), "comment.env", nullptr, XML_PARSE_NONET);
//Check for errors.
if (commentDoc != nullptr)
//Loop through the children of the new document and copy them into the rootNode.
rootComment = xmlDocGetRootElement(commentDoc);
for (node = rootComment->children; node; node = node->next)
nodeCopy = xmlCopyNode(node, 1);
xmlAddChild(rootNode, nodeCopy);
//Free the created document.
cout << "Failed to parse comment into Xml." << endl;
//Return the Xml doc.
return doc;
/// Return the Xml string representation of an xform.
/// The xform to create the Xml with
/// The number of non-final xforms in the ember to which this xform belongs. Used for xaos.
/// True if the xform is the final xform in the ember, else false.
/// If true, include motion elements in the Xml string, else omit.
/// The Xml string representation of the passed in xform
string ToString(Xform& xform, size_t xformCount, bool isFinal, bool doMotion)
size_t i, j;
ostringstream os;
if (doMotion)
os << " * var = xform.GetVariation(i);
ParametricVariation* parVar = dynamic_cast*>(var);
if (var->m_Weight != 0)
os << var->Name() << "=\"" << var->m_Weight << "\" ";
if (parVar)
ParamWithName* params = parVar->Params();
for (j = 0; j < parVar->ParamCount(); j++)
if ((!doMotion || (doMotion && (params[j].ParamVal() != 0))) && !params[j].IsPrecalc())
os << params[j].Name() << "=\"" << params[j].ParamVal() << "\" ";
if (!doMotion || (doMotion && !xform.m_Affine.IsZero() && !xform.m_Affine.IsEmpty()))
os << "coefs=\"" << xform.m_Affine.A() << " " << xform.m_Affine.D() << " " << xform.m_Affine.B() << " "
<< xform.m_Affine.E() << " " << xform.m_Affine.C() << " " << xform.m_Affine.F() << "\"";
if ((!doMotion && !xform.m_Post.IsID()) || (doMotion && !xform.m_Post.IsZero() && !xform.m_Post.IsEmpty()))
os << " post=\"" << xform.m_Post.A() << " " << xform.m_Post.D() << " " << xform.m_Post.B() << " "
<< xform.m_Post.E() << " " << xform.m_Post.C() << " " << xform.m_Post.F() << "\"";
//Original only printed xaos values that were not 1. Here, print them all out if any are present.
if (!isFinal && !doMotion && xform.XaosPresent())//Applying motion to xaos not supported.
os << " chaos=\"";
for (i = 0; i < xformCount; i++)
os << xform.Xaos(i) << " ";
os << "\"";
if (!doMotion || xform.m_Opacity != EMPTYFIELD) os << " opacity=\"" << xform.m_Opacity << "\"";
if (!doMotion && !xform.m_Motion.empty())
os << ">\n";
for (i = 0; i < xform.m_Motion.size(); i++)
os << ToString(xform.m_Motion[i], 0, false, true);
if (isFinal)//Fixed to properly close final.//SMOULDER
os << " \n";
os << " \n";
os << "/>\n";
return os.str();
/// Return an edit node Xml string.
/// The edit node to get the string for
/// How many tabs to use
/// If true, include newlines and tabs, else don't.
/// How deep the edit depth goes
/// The edit node Xml string
string ToString(xmlNodePtr editNode, size_t tabs, bool formatting, size_t printEditDepth)
bool indentPrinted = false;
const char* tabString = " ", *attStr;
const char* editString = "edit";
const char* sheepString = "sheep";
size_t ti;//, editOrSheep = 0;
xmlAttrPtr attPtr = nullptr, curAtt = nullptr;
xmlNodePtr childPtr = nullptr, curChild = nullptr;
ostringstream os;
if (printEditDepth > 0 && tabs > printEditDepth)
return "";
//If this node is an XML_ELEMENT_NODE, print it and its attributes.
if (editNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
//Print the node at the tab specified.
if (formatting)
for (ti = 0; ti < tabs; ti++)
os << tabString;
os << "<" << editNode->name;
//This can either be an edit node or a sheep node.
//If it's an edit node, add one to the tab.
if (!Compare(editNode->name, editString))
//editOrSheep = 1;
else if (!Compare(editNode->name, sheepString)) { }
//editOrSheep = 2;
else { }
//editOrSheep = 0;
//Print the attributes.
attPtr = editNode->properties;
for (curAtt = attPtr; curAtt; curAtt = curAtt->next)
attStr = CX(xmlGetProp(editNode, curAtt->name));
os << " " << curAtt->name << "=\"" << attStr << "\"";
//Does this node have children?
if (!editNode->children || (printEditDepth > 0 && tabs > printEditDepth))
//Close the tag and subtract the tab.
os << "/>";
if (formatting)
os << "\n";
//Close the tag.
os << ">";
if (formatting)
os << "\n";
//Loop through the children and print them.
childPtr = editNode->children;
indentPrinted = false;
for (curChild = childPtr; curChild; curChild = curChild->next)
//If child is an element, indent first and then print it.
if (curChild->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE &&
(!Compare(curChild->name, editString) || !Compare(curChild->name, sheepString)))
if (indentPrinted)
indentPrinted = false;
os << "\n";
os << ToString(curChild, tabs, true, printEditDepth);
//Child is a text node, don't want to indent more than once.
if (xmlIsBlankNode(curChild))
if (!indentPrinted && formatting)
for (ti = 0; ti < tabs; ti++)
os << tabString;
indentPrinted = true;
//Print nodes without formatting.
os << ToString(curChild, tabs, false, printEditDepth);
if (indentPrinted && formatting)
os << "\n";
tabs--;//Tab out.
if (formatting)
for (ti = 0; ti < tabs; ti++)
os << tabString;
os << "" << editNode->name << ">";//Close the tag.
if (formatting)
os << "\n";
else if (editNode->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)
string s(reinterpret_cast(xmlNodeGetContent(editNode)));
os << Trim(s);
return os.str();
void AddFilenameWithoutAmpersand(xmlNodePtr node, string& filename)
if (filename.find_first_of('&') != std::string::npos)
string filenameWithoutAmpersands = filename;
FindAndReplace(filenameWithoutAmpersands, "&", "&");
xmlNewProp(node, XC("filename"), XC(filenameWithoutAmpersands.c_str()));
xmlNewProp(node, XC("filename"), XC(filename.c_str()));