#pragma once

#include "EmberDefines.h"
#include "Isaac.h"
#include "VariationList.h"
#include "Renderer.h"

/// <summary>
/// SheepTools class.
/// </summary>

namespace EmberNs
/// <summary>
/// Mutation mode enum.
/// </summary>
enum class eMutateMode : int

/// <summary>
/// Cross mode enum.
/// </summary>
enum class eCrossMode : int
	CROSS_UNION         = 0,

/// <summary>
/// SheepTools contains miscellaneous functions for mutating, rotating
/// crossing and randomizing embers. It is named so because these functions
/// are used in the electric sheep genome mutation process.
/// Most functions in this class perform a particular action and return
/// a string describing what it did so it can be recorded in an Xml edit doc
/// to be saved with the ember when converting to Xml.
/// Since its members can occupy significant memory space and also have
/// hefty initialization sequences, it's important to declare one instance
/// and reuse it for the duration of the program instead of creating and deleting
/// them as local variables.
/// Template argument expected to be float or double.
/// </summary>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
class EMBER_API SheepTools
	/// <summary>
	/// Constructor which takes a palette path and pre-constructed renderer.
	/// This class will take over ownership of the passed in renderer so the
	/// caller should not delete it.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="palettePath">The full path and filename of the palette file</param>
	/// <param name="renderer">A pre-constructed renderer to use. The caller should not delete this.</param>
	SheepTools(const string& palettePath, Renderer<T, bucketT>* renderer)
		: m_VariationList(VariationList<T>::Instance()),
		Timing t;
		m_Renderer = unique_ptr<Renderer<T, bucketT>>(renderer);
		m_Rand = QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>(ISAAC_INT(t.Tic()), ISAAC_INT(t.Tic() * 2), ISAAC_INT(t.Tic() * 3));

	SheepTools(const SheepTools& sheepTools) = delete;
	SheepTools<T, bucketT>& operator = (const SheepTools<T, bucketT>& sheepTools) = delete;

	/// <summary>
	/// Create the linear default ember with a random palette.
	/// </summary>
	/// <returns>The newly constructed linear default ember</returns>
	Ember<T> CreateLinearDefault()
		Ember<T> ember;
		Xform<T> xform1(T(0.25), T(1),    T(0.5), T(1), T(0.5), T(0), T(0), T(0.5), T(0.5),  T(0.25));
		Xform<T> xform2(T(0.25), T(0.66), T(0.5), T(1), T(0.5), T(0), T(0), T(0.5), T(-0.5), T(0.25));
		Xform<T> xform3(T(0.25), T(0.33), T(0.5), T(1), T(0.5), T(0), T(0), T(0.5), T(0.0),  T(-0.5));

		if (m_PaletteList->Size())
			ember.m_Palette = *m_PaletteList->GetRandomPalette();

		return ember;

	/// <summary>
	/// Ensure all xforms, including final, have no more than the specified number of variations.
	/// Remove variations in order of smallest weight to largest weight.
	/// Also remove all xforms whose density is less than 0.001.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="ember">The ember whose xforms will be truncated</param>
	/// <param name="maxVars">The maximum number of variations each xform can have</param>
	/// <returns>A string describing what was done</returns>
	string TruncateVariations(Ember<T>& ember, size_t maxVars)
		intmax_t smallest;
		size_t i = 0, j, numVars;
		T sv = 0;
		ostringstream os;

		//First clear out any xforms that are not the final, and have a density of less than 0.001.

		while (auto xform = ember.GetXform(i))
			if (xform->m_Weight < T(0.001))
				os << "trunc_density " << i;
				i = 0;//Size will have changed, so start over.


		//Now consider all xforms, including final.
		i = 0;

		while (auto xform = ember.GetTotalXform(i))
				Variation<T>* var = nullptr;
				Variation<T>* smallestVar = nullptr;
				numVars = 0;
				smallest = -1;

				for (j = 0; j < xform->TotalVariationCount(); j++)
					var = xform->GetVariation(j);

					if (var && var->m_Weight != 0.0)
						T v = var->m_Weight;

						if (smallest == -1 || fabs(v) < sv)
							smallest = j;
							smallestVar = var;
							sv = fabs(v);

				if (numVars > maxVars)
					os << " trunc " << i << " " << smallest;

					if (smallestVar)
			while (numVars > maxVars);


		return os.str();

	/// <summary>
	/// Mutate the ember using the specified mode.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="ember">The ember to mutate</param>
	/// <param name="mode">The mutation mode</param>
	/// <param name="useVars">The variations to use if the mutation mode is random</param>
	/// <param name="sym">The type of symmetry to add if random specified. If 0, it will be added randomly.</param>
	/// <param name="speed">The speed to multiply the pre affine transforms by if the mutate mode is eMutateMode::MUTATE_ALL_COEFS, else ignored.</param>
	/// <param name="maxVars">The maximum number of variations to allow in any single xform in the ember.</param>
	/// <returns>A string describing what was done</returns>
	string Mutate(Ember<T>& ember, eMutateMode mode, vector<eVariationId>& useVars, intmax_t sym, T speed, size_t maxVars)
		bool done = false;
		size_t modXform;
		T randSelect;
		ostringstream os;
		Ember<T> mutation;

		//If mutate_mode = -1, choose a random mutation mode.
		if (mode == eMutateMode::MUTATE_NOT_SPECIFIED)
			randSelect = m_Rand.Frand01<T>();

			if (randSelect < T(0.1))
				mode = eMutateMode::MUTATE_ALL_VARIATIONS;
			else if (randSelect < T(0.3))
				mode = eMutateMode::MUTATE_ONE_XFORM_COEFS;
			else if (randSelect < T(0.5))
				mode = eMutateMode::MUTATE_ADD_SYMMETRY;
			else if (randSelect < T(0.6))
				mode = eMutateMode::MUTATE_POST_XFORMS;
			else if (randSelect < T(0.7))
				mode = eMutateMode::MUTATE_COLOR_PALETTE;
			else if (randSelect < T(0.8))
				mode = eMutateMode::MUTATE_DELETE_XFORM;
				mode = eMutateMode::MUTATE_ALL_COEFS;

		if (mode == eMutateMode::MUTATE_ALL_VARIATIONS)
			os << "mutate all variations";

				//Create a random flame, and use the variations to replace those in the original.
				Random(mutation, useVars, sym, ember.TotalXformCount(), maxVars);

				for (size_t i = 0; i < ember.TotalXformCount(); i++)
					auto xform1 = ember.GetTotalXform(i);
					auto xform2 = mutation.GetTotalXform(i);

					if (xform1 && xform2)
						for (size_t j = 0; j < xform1->TotalVariationCount(); j++)
							Variation<T>* var1 = xform1->GetVariation(j);
							Variation<T>* var2 = xform2->GetVariationById(var1->VariationId());

							if ((var1 == nullptr) ^ (var2 == nullptr))//If any of them are different, clear the first and copy all of the second and exit the while loop.

								for (size_t k = 0; k < xform2->TotalVariationCount(); k++)

								done = true;
			while (!done);
		else if (mode == eMutateMode::MUTATE_ONE_XFORM_COEFS)
			//Generate a 2-xform random.
			Random(mutation, useVars, sym, 2, maxVars);
			//Which xform to mutate?
			modXform = m_Rand.Rand() % ember.TotalXformCount();
			auto xform1 = ember.GetTotalXform(modXform);
			auto xform2 = mutation.GetTotalXform(0);
			os << "mutate xform " << modXform << " coefs";

			//If less than 3 xforms, then change only the translation part.
			if (ember.TotalXformCount() < 2)
				for (glm::length_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
					for (glm::length_t j = 0; j < 3; j++)
						xform1->m_Affine.m_Mat[i][j] = xform2->m_Affine.m_Mat[i][j];
		else if (mode == eMutateMode::MUTATE_ADD_SYMMETRY)
			os << "mutate symmetry";
			ember.AddSymmetry(0, m_Rand);
		else if (mode == eMutateMode::MUTATE_POST_XFORMS)
			bool same = (m_Rand.Rand() & 3) > 0;//25% chance of using the same post for all of them.
			size_t b = 1 + m_Rand.Rand() % 6;
			os << "mutate post xforms " << b << (same ? " same" : "");

			for (size_t i = 0; i < ember.TotalXformCount(); i++)
				bool copy = (i > 0) && same;
				auto xform = ember.GetTotalXform(i);

				if (copy)//Copy the post from the first xform to the rest of them.
					xform->m_Post = ember.GetTotalXform(0)->m_Post;
					//50% chance.
					if (b & 1)
						T f = T(M_PI) * m_Rand.Frand11<T>();
						T ra, rb, rd, re;
						ra = (xform->m_Affine.A() * std::cos(f) + xform->m_Affine.B() * -std::sin(f));
						rd = (xform->m_Affine.A() * std::sin(f) + xform->m_Affine.D() *  std::cos(f));
						rb = (xform->m_Affine.B() * std::cos(f) + xform->m_Affine.E() * -std::sin(f));
						re = (xform->m_Affine.B() * std::sin(f) + xform->m_Affine.E() *  std::cos(f));
						f *= -1;
						ra = (xform->m_Post.A() * std::cos(f) + xform->m_Post.B() * -std::sin(f));
						rd = (xform->m_Post.A() * std::sin(f) + xform->m_Post.D() *  std::cos(f));
						rb = (xform->m_Post.B() * std::cos(f) + xform->m_Post.E() * -std::sin(f));
						re = (xform->m_Post.B() * std::sin(f) + xform->m_Post.E() *  std::cos(f));

					//33% chance.
					if (b & 2)
						T f = T(0.2) + m_Rand.Frand01<T>();
						T g = T(0.2) + m_Rand.Frand01<T>();

						if (m_Rand.RandBit())
							f = 1 / f;

						if (m_Rand.RandBit())
							g = f;
						else if (m_Rand.RandBit())
							g = 1 / g;

						xform->m_Affine.A(xform->m_Affine.A() / f);
						xform->m_Affine.D(xform->m_Affine.D() / f);
						xform->m_Affine.B(xform->m_Affine.B() / g);
						xform->m_Affine.E(xform->m_Affine.E() / g);
						xform->m_Post.A(xform->m_Post.A() * f);
						xform->m_Post.B(xform->m_Post.B() * f);
						xform->m_Post.D(xform->m_Post.D() * g);
						xform->m_Post.E(xform->m_Post.E() * g);

					if (b & 4)//16% chance.
						T f = m_Rand.Frand11<T>();
						T g = m_Rand.Frand11<T>();
						xform->m_Affine.C(xform->m_Affine.C() - f);
						xform->m_Affine.F(xform->m_Affine.F() - g);
						xform->m_Post.C(xform->m_Post.C() + f);
						xform->m_Post.F(xform->m_Post.F() + g);
		else if (mode == eMutateMode::MUTATE_COLOR_PALETTE)
			T s = m_Rand.Frand01<T>();

			if (s < T(0.4))//Randomize xform color coords.
				ImproveColors(ember, 100, false, 10);
				os << "mutate color coords";
			else if (s < T(0.8))//Randomize xform color coords and palette.
				ImproveColors(ember, 25, true, 10);
				os << "mutate color all";
			else//Randomize palette only.
				if (m_PaletteList->Size())
					ember.m_Palette = *m_PaletteList->GetRandomPalette();

				//If the palette retrieval fails, skip the mutation.
				if (ember.m_Palette.m_Index >= 0)
					os << "mutate color palette";
					cerr << "Failure getting random palette, palette set to white\n";
		else if (mode == eMutateMode::MUTATE_DELETE_XFORM)
			size_t nx = m_Rand.Rand() % ember.TotalXformCount();
			os << "mutate delete xform " << nx;

			if (ember.TotalXformCount() > 1)
		else if (mode == eMutateMode::MUTATE_ALL_COEFS)
			os << "mutate all coefs";
			Random(mutation, useVars, sym, ember.TotalXformCount(), maxVars);

			//Change all the coefs by a fraction of the random.
			for (size_t x = 0; x < ember.TotalXformCount(); x++)
				auto xform1 = ember.GetTotalXform(x);
				auto xform2 = mutation.GetTotalXform(x);

				for (glm::length_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
					for (glm::length_t j = 0; j < 3; j++)
						xform1->m_Affine.m_Mat[i][j] += speed * xform2->m_Affine.m_Mat[i][j];

				//Eventually, mutate the parametric variation parameters here.

		return os.str();

	/// <summary>
	/// Crosse the two embers and place the result in emberOut.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="ember0">The first ember to cross</param>
	/// <param name="ember1">The second ember to cross</param>
	/// <param name="emberOut">The result ember</param>
	/// <param name="crossMode">The cross mode</param>
	/// <returns>A string describing what was done</returns>
	string Cross(Ember<T>& ember0, Ember<T>& ember1, Ember<T>& emberOut, eCrossMode crossMode)
		uint rb;
		size_t i;
		T t;
		ostringstream os;

		if (crossMode == eCrossMode::CROSS_NOT_SPECIFIED)
			T s = m_Rand.Frand01<T>();

			if (s < 0.1)
				crossMode = eCrossMode::CROSS_UNION;
			else if (s < 0.2)
				crossMode = eCrossMode::CROSS_INTERPOLATE;
				crossMode = eCrossMode::CROSS_ALTERNATE;

		if (crossMode == eCrossMode::CROSS_UNION)
			//Make a copy of the first ember.
			emberOut = ember0;

			//Copy all xforms in the second ember except the final. Default behavior keeps the final from parent0.
			for (i = 0; i < ember1.XformCount(); i++)

			os << "cross union";
		else if (crossMode == eCrossMode::CROSS_INTERPOLATE)
			//Linearly interpolate somewhere between the two.
			//t = 0.5;//If you ever need to test.
			t = m_Rand.Frand01<T>();
			m_Parents[0] = ember0;
			m_Parents[1] = ember1;
			m_Parents[0].m_Time = T(0);
			m_Parents[1].m_Time = T(1);
			m_Interpolater.Interpolate(m_Parents, 2, t, 0, emberOut);

			for (i = 0; i < emberOut.TotalXformCount(); i++)

			os << "cross interpolate " << std::to_string(t);
		else//Alternate mode.
			int got0, got1, usedParent;
			string trystr;

			//Each xform comes from a random parent, possible for an entire parent to be excluded.
				got0 = got1 = 0;
				rb = m_Rand.RandBit();
				os << rb << ":";
				//Copy the parent, sorting the final xform to the end if it's present.
				emberOut = rb ? ember1 : ember0;
				usedParent = rb;

				//Only replace non-final xforms.
				for (i = 0; i < emberOut.XformCount(); i++)
					rb = m_Rand.RandBit();

					//Replace xform if bit is 1.
					if (rb == 1)
						if (usedParent == 0)
							if (i < ember1.XformCount() && ember1.GetXform(i)->m_Weight > 0)
								auto xform = emberOut.GetXform(i);
								*xform = *ember1.GetXform(i);
								os << " 1";
								got1 = 1;
								os << " 0";
								got0 = 1;
							if (i < ember0.XformCount() && ember0.GetXform(i)->m_Weight > 0)
								auto xform = emberOut.GetXform(i);
								*xform = *ember0.GetXform(i);
								os << " 0";
								got0 = 1;
								os << " 1";
								got1 = 1;
						os << " " << usedParent;

						if (usedParent)
							got1 = 1;
							got0 = 1;

				if (usedParent == 0 && ember0.UseFinalXform())
					got0 = 1;
				else if (usedParent == 1 && ember1.UseFinalXform())
					got1 = 1;
			while ((i > 1) && !(got0 && got1));

			os << " cross alternate ";
			os << trystr;

		//Reset color coords.
		for (i = 0; i < emberOut.TotalXformCount(); i++)
			emberOut.GetTotalXform(i)->m_ColorX = T(i & 1);//Original pingponged between 0 and 1, which gives bad coloring but is useful for testing.
			//emberOut.GetTotalXform(i)->m_ColorX = m_Rand.Frand01<T>();//Do rand which gives better coloring but produces different results every time it's run.
			//emberOut.GetTotalXform(i)->m_ColorY = ?????;//Will need to update this if 2D coordinates are ever supported.

		//Potentially genetically cross the two palettes together.
		if (m_Rand.Frand01<T>() < T(0.4))
			//Select the starting parent.
			size_t ci;
			uint startParent = m_Rand.RandBit();
			os << " cmap_cross " << startParent << ":";

			//Loop over the entries, switching to the other parent 1% of the time.
			for (ci = 0; ci < 256; ci++)//Will need to update this if 2D coordinates are ever supported.
				if (m_Rand.Frand01<T>() < T(.01))
					startParent = 1 - startParent;
					os << " " << ci;

				emberOut.m_Palette.m_Entries[ci] = startParent ? ember1.m_Palette.m_Entries[ci] : ember0.m_Palette.m_Entries[ci];

		return os.str();

	/// <summary>
	/// Thin wrapper around Random() that passes an empty vector for useVars, a random value for symmetry and 0 for max xforms.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="ember">The newly created random ember</param>
	/// <param name="maxVars">The maximum number of variations to allow in any single xform in the ember.</param>
	void Random(Ember<T>& ember, size_t maxVars)
		vector<eVariationId> useVars;
		Random(ember, useVars, static_cast<intmax_t>(m_Rand.Frand<T>(-2, 2)), 0, maxVars);

	/// <summary>
	/// Create a random ember.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="ember">The newly created random ember</param>
	/// <param name="useVars">A list of variations to use. If empty, any variation can be used.</param>
	/// <param name="sym">The symmetry type to use from -2 to 2</param>
	/// <param name="specXforms">The number of xforms to use. If 0, a quasi random count is used.</param>
	/// <param name="maxVars">The maximum number of variations to allow in any single xform in the ember.</param>
	void Random(Ember<T>& ember, vector<eVariationId>& useVars, intmax_t sym, size_t specXforms, size_t maxVars)
		bool postid, addfinal = false;
		int var, samed, multid, samepost;
		glm::length_t i, j, k, n;
		size_t varCount = m_VariationList->Size();
		static size_t xformDistrib[] =
			2, 2, 2, 2,
			3, 3, 3, 3,
			4, 4, 4,
			5, 5,

		if (m_PaletteList->Size())
			ember.m_Palette = *m_PaletteList->GetRandomPalette();

		ember.m_Time = 0;
		ember.m_Interp = eInterp::EMBER_INTERP_LINEAR;
		ember.m_PaletteInterp = ePaletteInterp::INTERP_HSV;

		//Choose the number of xforms.
		if (specXforms > 0)
			ember.AddXforms(xformDistrib[m_Rand.Rand() % Vlen(xformDistrib)]);
			addfinal = m_Rand.Frand01<T>() < T(0.15);//Add a final xform 15% of the time.

			if (addfinal)
				Xform<T> xform;
				xform.m_Affine.A(T(1.1));//Just put something in there so it doesn't show up as being an empty final xform.

		//If useVars is empty, randomly choose one to use or decide to use multiple.
		if (useVars.empty())
			var = m_Rand.RandBit() ? m_Rand.Rand() % varCount : -1;
			var = -2;

		samed = m_Rand.RandBit();
		multid = m_Rand.RandBit();
		postid = m_Rand.Frand01<T>() < T(0.6);
		samepost = m_Rand.RandBit();

		//Loop over xforms.
		for (i = 0; i < ember.TotalXformCount(); i++)
			auto xform = ember.GetTotalXform(i);
			xform->m_Weight = T(1) / ember.TotalXformCount();
			xform->m_ColorX = m_Rand.Frand01<T>();//Original pingponged between 0 and 1, which gives bad coloring. Ember does random instead.
			xform->m_ColorY = m_Rand.Frand01<T>();//Will need to update this if 2D coordinates are ever supported.
			xform->m_ColorSpeed = T(0.5);
			xform->m_Animate = 1;

			if (!ember.IsFinalXform(xform))
				if (!postid)
					for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
						for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
							if (samepost || (i == 0))
								xform->m_Post.m_Mat[j][k] = m_Rand.Frand11<T>();
								xform->m_Post.m_Mat[j][k] = ember.GetTotalXform(0)->m_Post.m_Mat[j][k];

				if (var > -1)
					if (xform->TotalVariationCount() < maxVars)
						xform->AddVariation(m_VariationList->GetVariation(var)->Copy());//Use only one variation specified for all xforms.
				else if (multid && var == -1)
					if (xform->TotalVariationCount() < maxVars)
						xform->AddVariation(m_VariationList->GetVariation(m_Rand.Rand() % varCount)->Copy());//Choose a random var for this xform.
					if (samed && i > 0)
						//Copy the same variations from the previous xform.
						auto prevXform = ember.GetXform(i - 1);

						for (j = 0; j < prevXform->TotalVariationCount(); j++)
							if (xform->TotalVariationCount() < maxVars)
						//Choose a random number of vars to use, at least 2
						//but less than varCount. Probability leans
						//towards fewer variations.
						n = 2;

						while (m_Rand.RandBit() && (n < varCount))

						//Randomly choose n variations, and change their weights.
						//A var can be selected more than once, further reducing
						//the probability that multiple vars are used.
						for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
							if (xform->TotalVariationCount() < maxVars)
								if (var != -2)
									//Pick a random variation and use a random weight from 0-1.
									Variation<T>* v = m_VariationList->GetVariationCopy(static_cast<size_t>(m_Rand.Rand() % varCount), m_Rand.Frand<T>(T(0.001), 1));

									if (v && !xform->AddVariation(v))
										delete v;//It already existed and therefore was not added.
									//Pick a random variation from the suppled IDs and use a random weight from 0-1.
									Variation<T>* v = m_VariationList->GetVariationCopy(useVars[m_Rand.Rand() % useVars.size()], m_Rand.Frand<T>(T(0.001), 1));

									if (v && !xform->AddVariation(v))
										delete v;

						xform->NormalizeVariationWeights();//Normalize weights to 1.0 total.
				//Handle final xform randomness.
				n = 1;

				if (m_Rand.RandBit())

				//Randomly choose n variations, and change their weights.
				//A var can be selected more than once, further reducing
				//the probability that multiple vars are used.
				for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
					if (xform->TotalVariationCount() < maxVars)
						if (var != -2)
							//Pick a random variation and use a random weight from 0-1.
							xform->AddVariation(m_VariationList->GetVariationCopy(static_cast<size_t>(m_Rand.Rand() % varCount), m_Rand.Frand<T>(T(0.001), 1)));
							//Pick a random variation from the suppled IDs and use a random weight from 0-1.
							xform->AddVariation(m_VariationList->GetVariationCopy(useVars[m_Rand.Rand() % useVars.size()], m_Rand.Frand<T>(T(0.001), 1)));

				xform->NormalizeVariationWeights();//Normalize weights to 1.0 total.

			//Randomize parametric variations.
			for (j = 0; j < xform->TotalVariationCount(); j++)

		//Randomly add symmetry (but not if we've already added a final xform).
		if (sym || (!(m_Rand.Rand() % 4) && !addfinal))
			ember.AddSymmetry(sym, m_Rand);
			ember.m_Symmetry = 0;

	/// <summary>
	/// Attempt to make colors better by doing some test renders.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="ember">The ember to render</param>
	/// <param name="tries">The number of test renders to try before giving up</param>
	/// <param name="changePalette">Change palette if true, else keep trying with the same palette.</param>
	/// <param name="colorResolution">The resolution of the test histogram. This value ^ 3 will be used for the total size. Common value is 10.</param>
	void ImproveColors(Ember<T>& ember, size_t tries, bool changePalette, size_t colorResolution)
		size_t i;
		T best, b;
		Ember<T> bestEmber = ember;
		best = TryColors(ember, colorResolution);

		if (best < 0)
			cerr << "Error in TryColors(), skipping ImproveColors()\n";

		for (i = 0; i < tries; i++)
			ChangeColors(ember, changePalette);
			b = TryColors(ember, colorResolution);

			if (b < 0)
				cerr << "Error in TryColors, aborting tries.\n";

			if (b > best)
				best = b;
				bestEmber = ember;

		ember = bestEmber;

	/// <summary>
	/// Run a test render to improve the colors.
	/// This checks to see how much of the possible color space is actually used in the final output image.
	/// Images which contain a small number or range of colors will return a lower value.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="ember">The ember to render</param>
	/// <param name="colorResolution">The color resolution of the test histogram. This value ^ 3 will be used for the total size. Common value is 10.</param>
	/// <returns>The percentage possible color values that were present in the final output image</returns>
	T TryColors(Ember<T>& ember, size_t colorResolution)
		size_t i, hits = 0, res = colorResolution;
		size_t pixTotal, res3 = res * res * res;
		T scalar;
		Ember<T> adjustedEmber = ember;
		adjustedEmber.m_Quality = 1;
		adjustedEmber.m_Supersample = 1;
		adjustedEmber.m_MaxRadDE = 0;
		//Scale the image so that the total number of pixels is ~10,000.
		pixTotal = ember.m_FinalRasW * ember.m_FinalRasH;
		scalar = std::sqrt(T(10000) / pixTotal);
		adjustedEmber.m_FinalRasW = static_cast<size_t>(std::ceil(ember.m_FinalRasW  * scalar));
		adjustedEmber.m_FinalRasH = static_cast<size_t>(std::ceil(ember.m_FinalRasH  * scalar));
		adjustedEmber.m_PixelsPerUnit *= scalar;
		adjustedEmber.m_TemporalSamples = 1;

		if (m_Renderer->Run(m_FinalImage) != eRenderStatus::RENDER_OK)
			cerr << "Error rendering test image for TryColors().  Aborting.\n";
			return -1;

		m_Hist.resize(res + res + (res * res) + (res * res * res));//Add one extra res just to be safe.

		for (i = 0; i < m_FinalImage.size(); i++)
			auto& p = m_FinalImage[i];
			m_Hist[size_t((p.r * res) +
									  (p.g * res) * res +
									  (p.b * res) * res * res)]++;//A specific histogram index representing the sum of R,G,B values.

		for (i = 0; i < res3; i++)
			if (m_Hist[i])//The greater range of RGB values used...

		return T(hits / res3);//...the higher this returned ratio will be.

	/// <summary>
	/// Change around color coordinates. Optionally change out the entire palette.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="ember">The ember whose xform's color coordinates will be changed</param>
	/// <param name="changePalette">Change palette if true, else don't</param>
	void ChangeColors(Ember<T>& ember, bool changePalette)
		if (changePalette)
			if (m_PaletteList->Size())
				ember.m_Palette = *m_PaletteList->GetRandomPalette();
				cerr << "Error retrieving random palette, setting to all white.\n";

		for (size_t i = 0; i < ember.TotalXformCount(); i++)
			ember.GetTotalXform(i)->m_ColorX = m_Rand.Frand01<T>();
			ember.GetTotalXform(i)->m_ColorY = m_Rand.Frand01<T>();

		auto xform0 = RandomXform(ember, -1);
		auto xform1 = RandomXform(ember, ember.GetXformIndex(xform0));

		if (xform0 && (m_Rand.Rand() & 1))
			xform0->m_ColorX = 0;
			xform0->m_ColorY = 0;

		if (xform1 && (m_Rand.Rand() & 1))
			xform1->m_ColorX = 1;
			xform1->m_ColorY = 1;

	/// <summary>
	/// Try to get a random xform from the ember, including final, whose density is non-zero.
	/// Give up after 100 tries.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="ember">The ember to get a random xform from</param>
	/// <param name="excluded">Optionally exclude an xform. Pass -1 to include all for consideration.</param>
	/// <returns>The random xform if successful, else nullptr.</returns>
	Xform<T>* RandomXform(Ember<T>& ember, intmax_t excluded)
		size_t ntries = 0;

		while (ntries++ < 100)
			size_t i = m_Rand.Rand() % ember.TotalXformCount();

			if (i != excluded)
				auto xform = ember.GetTotalXform(i);

				if (xform->m_Weight > 0)
					return xform;

		return nullptr;

	/// <summary>
	/// Rotate affine transforms and optionally apply motion elements,
	/// and store the result in rotated.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="ember">The ember to rotate</param>
	/// <param name="rotated">The rotated xform</param>
	/// <param name="blend">The time percentage value which dictates how much of a percentage of 360 degrees it should be rotated and the time position for the motion elements</param>
	/// <param name="cw">True to rotate clockwise, else rotate counter clockwise. Ignored if rotations is 0.</param>
	void Loop(Ember<T>& ember, Ember<T>& rotated, T blend, bool cw)
		rotated = ember;

		//Insert motion magic here :
		//If there are motion elements, modify the contents of
		//the result xforms before rotate is called.
		for (size_t i = 0; i < ember.TotalXformCount(); i++)
			auto xform1 = ember.GetTotalXform(i);
			auto xform2 = rotated.GetTotalXform(i);

			if (!xform1->m_Motion.empty())
				xform2->ApplyMotion(*xform1, blend);

		rotated.RotateAffines((cw ? blend : -blend) * 360);//Rotate the affines.
		rotated.DeleteMotionElements();//Delete all motion elements from the looped ember, at the xform level and at the parent ember level.

	/// <summary>
	/// Interpolate two embers and place the output in result.
	/// The embers parameter is expected to be a pointer to an array of at least 2 elements.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="embers">The embers to interpolate</param>
	/// <param name="result">The result of the interpolation</param>
	/// <param name="blend">The interpolation time</param>
	/// <param name="rotations">The number of times to rotate within the interpolation</param>
	/// <param name="cw">True to rotate clockwise, else rotate counter clockwise. Ignored if rotations is 0.</param>
	/// <param name="seqFlag">True if embers points to the first or last ember in the entire sequence, else false.</param>
	void Edge(Ember<T>* embers, Ember<T>& result, T blend, size_t rotations, bool cw, bool seqFlag)
		size_t i, si;

		//Insert motion magic here :
		//If there are motion elements, modify the contents of
		//the result xforms before rotate is called.
		for (si = 0; si < 2; si++)
			m_EdgePrealign[si] = embers[si];

			for (i = 0; i < m_EdgePrealign[si].TotalXformCount(); i++)
				auto xform = embers[si].GetTotalXform(i);
				auto prealignxform = m_EdgePrealign[si].GetTotalXform(i);

				if (!xform->m_Motion.empty())
					prealignxform->ApplyMotion(*xform, blend);//Apply motion parameters to result.xform[i] using blend parameter.

		//Use the un-padded original for blend=0 when creating a sequence.
		//This keeps the original interpolation type intact.
		if (seqFlag && blend == 0)
			result = m_EdgePrealign[0];
			//Align what's going to be interpolated.
			Interpolater<T>::Align(m_EdgePrealign, m_EdgeSpun, 2);
			m_EdgeSpun[0].m_Time = 0;
			m_EdgeSpun[1].m_Time = 1;
			//Call this first to establish the asymmetric reference angles.
			Interpolater<T>::AsymmetricRefAngles(m_EdgeSpun, 2);

			//Rotate the aligned xforms.
			if (rotations)
				auto cwblend = cw ? blend : -blend;
				m_EdgeSpun[0].RotateAffines(cwblend * (360 * rotations));
				m_EdgeSpun[1].RotateAffines(cwblend * (360 * rotations));

			m_Interpolater.Interpolate(m_EdgeSpun, 2, m_Smooth ? Interpolater<T>::Smoother(blend) : blend, m_Stagger, result);

		//Make sure there are no motion elements in the result.

	/// <summary>
	/// Spin the specified ember, optionally apply a template ember, and place the output in result.
	/// Create auto-generated name
	/// Append edits using the Nick, Url and Id members.
	/// Apply subpixel jitter to center using offset members.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="parent">The ember to spin</param>
	/// <param name="templ">The template to apply if not nullptr, else ignore.</param>
	/// <param name="result">The result of the spin</param>
	/// <param name="frame">The frame in the sequence to be stored in the m_Time member of result</param>
	/// <param name="blend">The interpolation time</param>
	/// <param name="cw">True to rotate clockwise, else rotate counter clockwise. Ignored if rotations is 0.</param>
	void Spin(Ember<T>& parent, Ember<T>* templ, Ember<T>& result, size_t frame, T blend, bool cw)
		auto cwblend = cw ? blend : -blend;
		string temp = "rotate " + std::to_string(cwblend * 360.0);
		//Spin the parent blend degrees.
		Loop(parent, result, blend, cw);

		//Apply the template if necessary.
		if (templ)
			ApplyTemplate(result, *templ);

		//Set ember parameters accordingly.
		result.m_Time = T(frame);
		result.m_Interp = eInterp::EMBER_INTERP_LINEAR;
		result.m_PaletteInterp = ePaletteInterp::INTERP_HSV;
		//Create the edit doc xml.
		result.m_Edits = m_EmberToXml.CreateNewEditdoc(&parent, nullptr, temp, m_Nick, m_Url, m_Id, m_Comment, m_SheepGen, m_SheepId);
		//Subpixel jitter.
		Offset(result, m_OffsetX, m_OffsetY);
		//Make the name of the flame the time.
		result.m_Name = std::to_string(result.m_Time);

	/// <summary>
	/// Call Edge() on parents, optionally apply a template ember, and place the output in result.
	/// Create auto-generated name
	/// Append edits using the Nick, Url and Id members.
	/// Apply subpixel jitter to center using offset members.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="parents">The embers to interpolate</param>
	/// <param name="templ">The template to apply if not nullptr, else ignore.</param>
	/// <param name="result">The result of the spin</param>
	/// <param name="frame">The frame in the sequence to be stored in the m_Time member of result</param>
	/// <param name="seqFlag">True if embers points to the first or last ember in the entire sequence, else false.</param>
	/// <param name="blend">The interpolation time</param>
	/// <param name="rotations">The number of times to rotate within the interpolation</param>
	/// <param name="cw">True to rotate clockwise, else rotate counter clockwise. Ignored if rotations is 0.</param>
	void SpinInter(Ember<T>* parents, Ember<T>* templ, Ember<T>& result, size_t frame, bool seqFlag, T blend, size_t rotations, bool cw)
		auto cwblend = cw ? blend : -blend;
		string temp = "interpolate " + std::to_string(cwblend * 360.0);
		//Interpolate between spun parents.
		Edge(parents, result, blend, rotations, cw, seqFlag);

		//Original did an interpolated palette hack here for random palettes, but it was never used anywhere so ember omits it.//ORIG

		//Apply the template if necessary.
		if (templ)
			ApplyTemplate(result, *templ);

		//Set ember parameters accordingly.
		result.m_Time = T(frame);
		//Create the edit doc xml.
		result.m_Edits = m_EmberToXml.CreateNewEditdoc(&parents[0], &parents[1], temp, m_Nick, m_Url, m_Id, m_Comment, m_SheepGen, m_SheepId);
		//Subpixel jitter.
		Offset(result, m_OffsetX, m_OffsetY);
		//Make the name of the flame the time.
		result.m_Name = std::to_string(result.m_Time);

	/// <summary>
	/// Apply a template to an ember.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="ember">The ember to apply the template to</param>
	/// <param name="templ">The template to apply</param>
	void ApplyTemplate(Ember<T>& ember, Ember<T>& templ)
		//Check for invalid values - only replace those with valid ones.
		for (glm::length_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			if (templ.m_Background[i] >= 0)
				ember.m_Background[i] = templ.m_Background[i];

		if (templ.m_Zoom < 999999)
			ember.m_Zoom = templ.m_Zoom;

		if (templ.m_Supersample > 0)
			ember.m_Supersample = templ.m_Supersample;

		if (templ.m_SpatialFilterRadius >= 0)
			ember.m_SpatialFilterRadius = templ.m_SpatialFilterRadius;

		if (templ.m_Quality > 0)
			ember.m_Quality = templ.m_Quality;

		if (templ.m_SubBatchSize > 0)
			ember.m_SubBatchSize = templ.m_SubBatchSize;

		if (templ.m_FuseCount > 0)
			ember.m_FuseCount = templ.m_FuseCount;

		if (templ.m_TemporalSamples > 0)
			ember.m_TemporalSamples = templ.m_TemporalSamples;

		if (templ.m_FinalRasW > 0)
			//Preserving scale should be an option.
			ember.m_PixelsPerUnit = ember.m_PixelsPerUnit * templ.m_FinalRasW / ember.m_FinalRasW;
			ember.m_FinalRasW = templ.m_FinalRasW;

		if (templ.m_FinalRasH > 0)
			ember.m_FinalRasH = templ.m_FinalRasH;

		if (templ.m_MaxRadDE >= 0)
			ember.m_MaxRadDE = templ.m_MaxRadDE;

		if (templ.m_MinRadDE >= 0)
			ember.m_MinRadDE = templ.m_MinRadDE;

		if (templ.m_CurveDE >= 0)
			ember.m_CurveDE = templ.m_CurveDE;

		if (templ.m_GammaThresh >= 0)
			ember.m_GammaThresh = templ.m_GammaThresh;

		if (templ.m_SpatialFilterType > eSpatialFilterType::GAUSSIAN_SPATIAL_FILTER)
			ember.m_SpatialFilterType = templ.m_SpatialFilterType;

		if (templ.m_Interp != eInterp::EMBER_INTERP_SMOOTH)
			ember.m_Interp = templ.m_Interp;

		if (templ.m_AffineInterp != eAffineInterp::AFFINE_INTERP_LOG)
			ember.m_AffineInterp = templ.m_AffineInterp;

		if (templ.m_TemporalFilterType >= eTemporalFilterType::BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER)
			ember.m_TemporalFilterType = templ.m_TemporalFilterType;

		if (templ.m_TemporalFilterWidth > 0)
			ember.m_TemporalFilterWidth = templ.m_TemporalFilterWidth;

		if (templ.m_TemporalFilterExp > -999)
			ember.m_TemporalFilterExp = templ.m_TemporalFilterExp;

		if (templ.m_HighlightPower != 1)
			ember.m_HighlightPower = templ.m_HighlightPower;

		if (templ.m_PaletteMode != ePaletteMode::PALETTE_LINEAR)
			ember.m_PaletteMode = templ.m_PaletteMode;

	/// <summary>
	/// Move the center of the ember by the specified amount.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="ember">The ember to move</param>
	/// <param name="offsetX">The x offset.</param>
	/// <param name="offsetY">The y offset.</param>
	void Offset(Ember<T>& ember, T offsetX, T offsetY)
		if (!IsNearZero<T>(offsetX))
			ember.m_CenterX += offsetX / (ember.m_PixelsPerUnit * ember.m_Supersample);

		if (!IsNearZero<T>(offsetY))
			ember.m_CenterY += offsetY / (ember.m_PixelsPerUnit * ember.m_Supersample);

	/// <summary>
	/// Translate the first center point by the second, rotate it, translate back.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="newCenterX">The new center x</param>
	/// <param name="newCenterY">The new center y</param>
	/// <param name="oldCenterX">The old center x</param>
	/// <param name="oldCenterY">The old center y</param>
	/// <param name="by">The angle to rotate by</param>
	void RotateOldCenterBy(T& newCenterX, T& newCenterY, T oldCenterX, T oldCenterY, T by)
		T r[2];
		T th = by * 2 * T(M_PI) / 360;
		T c = std::cos(th);
		T s = -std::sin(th);
		newCenterX -= oldCenterX;
		newCenterY -= oldCenterY;
		r[0] = c * newCenterX - s * newCenterY;
		r[1] = s * newCenterX + c * newCenterY;
		newCenterX = r[0] + oldCenterX;
		newCenterY = r[1] + oldCenterY;

	/// <summary>
	/// Find a 2D bounding box that does not enclose eps of the fractal density in each compass direction.
	/// This will run the inner loops of iteration without all of the surrounding interpolation and filtering.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="ember">The ember to iterate</param>
	/// <param name="eps">The eps</param>
	/// <param name="samples">The number samples to iterate</param>
	/// <param name="bmin">The bmin[0] and bmin[1] will be the minimum x and y values.</param>
	/// <param name="bmax">The bmax[0] and bmax[1] will be the maximum x and y values.</param>
	/// <returns>The number of iterations ran</returns>
	size_t EstimateBoundingBox(Ember<T>& ember, T eps, size_t samples, T* bmin, T* bmax)
		size_t i, lowTarget, highTarget;
		T min[2], max[2];
		IterParams<T> params;
		m_Renderer->SetEmber(ember, eProcessAction::FULL_RENDER, true);

		if (ember.XaosPresent())
			m_Iterator = m_XaosIterator.get();
			m_Iterator = m_StandardIterator.get();

		params.m_Count = samples;
		params.m_Skip = 20;
		//params.m_OneColDiv2 = m_Renderer->CoordMap().OneCol() / 2;
		//params.m_OneRowDiv2 = m_Renderer->CoordMap().OneRow() / 2;
		size_t bv = m_Iterator->Iterate(ember, params, m_Samples.data(), m_Rand);//Use a special fuse of 20, all other calls to this will use 15, or 100.

		if (bv / T(samples) > eps)
			eps = 3 * bv / T(samples);

		if (eps > T(0.3))
			eps = T(0.3);

		lowTarget = static_cast<size_t>(samples * eps);
		highTarget = samples - lowTarget;
		min[0] = min[1] =  1e10;
		max[0] = max[1] = -1e10;

		for (i = 0; i < samples; i++)
			if (m_Samples[i].m_X < min[0]) min[0] = m_Samples[i].m_X;

			if (m_Samples[i].m_Y < min[1]) min[1] = m_Samples[i].m_Y;

			if (m_Samples[i].m_X > max[0]) max[0] = m_Samples[i].m_X;

			if (m_Samples[i].m_Y > max[1]) max[1] = m_Samples[i].m_Y;

		if (lowTarget == 0)
			bmin[0] = min[0];
			bmin[1] = min[1];
			bmax[0] = max[0];
			bmax[1] = max[1];
			return bv;

		std::sort(m_Samples.begin(), m_Samples.end(), &SortPointByX<T>);
		bmin[0] = m_Samples[lowTarget].m_X;
		bmax[0] = m_Samples[highTarget].m_X;
		std::sort(m_Samples.begin(), m_Samples.end(), &SortPointByY<T>);
		bmin[1] = m_Samples[lowTarget + 1].m_Y;
		bmax[1] = m_Samples[highTarget + 1].m_Y;
		return bv;

	/// <summary>
	/// When doing spin or edge, an edit doc is made to record what was done.
	/// Doing so takes many extra parameters such as name and url. Passing these every
	/// time is cumbersome and are unlikely to change for the duration of a program run, so
	/// they are made to be member variables. After setting these, their values will be used
	/// in all edits within this class.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="smooth">Use smoothing if true, else false</param>
	/// <param name="stagger">Use stagger if > 0, else false</param>
	/// <param name="offsetX">X amount of subpixel jitter to apply in Spin() and Edge()</param>
	/// <param name="offsetY">Y amount of subpixel jitter to apply in Spin() and Edge()</param>
	/// <param name="nick">The nickname of the author</param>
	/// <param name="url">The Url of the author</param>
	/// <param name="id">The id of the author</param>
	/// <param name="comment">The comment to include</param>
	/// <param name="sheepGen">The sheep generation used if > 0. Default: 0.</param>
	/// <param name="sheepId">The sheep id used if > 0. Default: 0.</param>
	void SetSpinParams(bool smooth, T stagger, T offsetX, T offsetY, const string& nick, const string& url, const string& id, const string& comment, intmax_t sheepGen, intmax_t sheepId)
		m_Smooth = smooth;
		m_SheepGen = sheepGen;
		m_SheepId = sheepId;
		m_Stagger = stagger;
		m_OffsetX = offsetX;
		m_OffsetY = offsetY;
		m_Nick = nick;
		m_Url = url;
		m_Id = id;
		m_Comment = comment;

	/// <summary>
	/// Set stagger value.
	/// Greater than 0 means interpolate xforms one at a time, else interpolate all at once.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="stagger">The stagger value to set.</param>
	void Stagger(T stagger)
		m_Stagger = stagger;

	bool m_Smooth = true;
	intmax_t m_SheepGen = -1;
	intmax_t m_SheepId = -1;
	T m_Stagger = 0;
	T m_OffsetX = 0;
	T m_OffsetY = 0;
	string m_Nick;
	string m_Url;
	string m_Id;
	string m_Comment;

	vector<Point<T>> m_Samples;
	vector<v4F> m_FinalImage;
	vector<uint> m_Hist;
	EmberToXml<T> m_EmberToXml;
	Iterator<T>* m_Iterator;
	Interpolater<T> m_Interpolater;
	Ember<T> m_Parents[2];
	Ember<T> m_EdgeSpun[2];
	Ember<T> m_EdgePrealign[2];
	unique_ptr<StandardIterator<T>> m_StandardIterator = make_unique<StandardIterator<T>>();
	unique_ptr<XaosIterator<T>> m_XaosIterator = make_unique<XaosIterator<T>>();
	unique_ptr<Renderer<T, bucketT>> m_Renderer;
	shared_ptr<PaletteList<float>> m_PaletteList;
	shared_ptr<VariationList<T>> m_VariationList;