#include "FractoriumPch.h"
#include "PaletteEditor.h"
/// Constructor which passes parent widget to the base and sets up slots and other ui
/// elements.
/// This takes a reference to a palette list, which it then searches for user created palettes
/// and only populates the combo box with those.
/// A reference to an existing palette list, gotten from the main window.
/// The parent widget
PaletteEditor::PaletteEditor(QWidget* p) :
m_ColorPicker = new ColorPickerWidget(this);
m_ColorPicker->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
QVBoxLayout* colorLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
ui->ColorPickerGroupBox->setContentsMargins(3, 8, 3, 3);
m_GradientColorView = new GradientColorsView(ui->ColorViewGroupBox);
connect(m_ColorPicker, SIGNAL(ColorChanged(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(OnColorPickerColorChanged(const QColor&)));
connect(m_GradientColorView, SIGNAL(ArrowMove(qreal, const GradientArrow&)), this, SLOT(OnArrowMoved(qreal, const GradientArrow&)));
connect(m_GradientColorView, SIGNAL(ArrowDoubleClicked(const GradientArrow&)), this, SLOT(OnArrowDoubleClicked(const GradientArrow&)));
connect(ui->CreatePaletteFromImageButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnCreatePaletteFromImageButtonClicked()));
connect(ui->CreatePaletteAgainFromImageButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnCreatePaletteAgainFromImageButton()));
connect(ui->AddColorButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnAddColorButtonClicked()));
connect(ui->RemoveColorButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnRemoveColorButtonClicked()));
connect(ui->InvertColorsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnInvertColorsButtonClicked()));
connect(ui->ResetColorsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnResetToDefaultButtonClicked()));
connect(ui->DistributeColorsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnDistributeColorsButtonClicked()));
connect(ui->RandomColorsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnRandomColorsButtonClicked()));
connect(ui->SyncCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnSyncCheckBoxStateChanged(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui->PaletteFilenameCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(OnPaletteFilenameComboChanged(const QString&)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui->PaletteListTable, SIGNAL(cellClicked(int, int)), this, SLOT(OnPaletteCellClicked(int, int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui->PaletteListTable, SIGNAL(cellChanged(int, int)), this, SLOT(OnPaletteCellChanged(int, int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui->NewPaletteFileButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnNewPaletteFileButtonClicked()));
connect(ui->CopyPaletteFileButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnCopyPaletteFileButtonClicked()));
connect(ui->AppendPaletteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnAppendPaletteButtonClicked()));
connect(ui->OverwritePaletteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnOverwritePaletteButtonClicked()));
connect(ui->DeletePaletteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnDeletePaletteButtonClicked()));
auto layout = new QVBoxLayout();
auto& pals = m_PaletteList->Palettes();
for (auto& pal : pals)
if (m_PaletteList->IsModifiable(pal.first))//Only add user created palettes.
QFileInfo info(QString::fromStdString(pal.first));
if (ui->PaletteFilenameCombo->count() > 0)
m_CurrentPaletteFilePath = ui->PaletteFilenameCombo->itemText(0).toStdString();
/// Get whether change events here are propagated back to the main window.
/// bool
bool PaletteEditor::Sync()
return ui->SyncCheckBox->isChecked();
/// Get a pointer to the palette pixmap from the underlying gradient color view.
/// QPixmap*
QPixmap* PaletteEditor::GetBackGround()
return m_GradientColorView->GetBackGround();
/// Populate and retrieve a reference to the palette from the underlying gradient color view
/// using the specified number of elements.
/// The number of elements the palette will have
/// A freference to the palette
Palette& PaletteEditor::GetPalette(int size)
return m_GradientColorView->GetPalette(size);
/// Set the palette of the underlying gradient color view.
/// Note this assignment will only take place if
/// the number of source colors is 2 or more.
/// This will only be the case if it was a user created palette made here.
/// All palettes gotten from elsewhere are not assignable.
/// The palette to assign
void PaletteEditor::SetPalette(Palette& palette)
if (palette.m_SourceColors.size() > 1)
m_PaletteIndex = std::numeric_limits::max();
auto& arrows = m_GradientColorView->GetArrows();
if (!arrows.empty())
/// Add a new arrow using the current color.
/// Called when the Add Color button is clicked.
void PaletteEditor::OnAddColorButtonClicked()
/// Delete the focused arrow and optionally redistribute the arrows.
/// Called when the Remove Color button is clicked.
void PaletteEditor::OnRemoveColorButtonClicked()
if (ui->AutoDistributeCheckBox->isChecked())
/// Invert the colors of the arrows.
/// Called when the Invert Colors button is clicked.
void PaletteEditor::OnInvertColorsButtonClicked()
/// Randomize the colors of the arrows.
/// Called when the Random Colors button is clicked.
void PaletteEditor::OnRandomColorsButtonClicked()
/// Set the distance between each arrow to be equal.
/// Called when the Distribute Colors button is clicked.
void PaletteEditor::OnDistributeColorsButtonClicked()
/// Delete all arrows and add a white arrow at index 0, and a black
/// arrow at index 1.
/// Called when the Reset button is clicked.
void PaletteEditor::OnResetToDefaultButtonClicked()
/// Create a palette by opening an image and selecting the colors from
/// pixels at random locations.
/// Ensure arrows spin box has a value of at least two.
/// Called when the From Image button is clicked.
void PaletteEditor::OnCreatePaletteFromImageButtonClicked()
auto filenames = SetupOpenImagesDialog();
if (!filenames.empty())
m_Filename = filenames[0];
if (ui->ArrowsSpinBox->value() < 2)
auto colors = GetRandomColorsFromImage(m_Filename, ui->ArrowsSpinBox->value());
/// Create a palette by re-opening the previously selected image and selecting the colors from
/// pixels at random locations.
/// Ensure arrows spin box has a value of at least two.
/// Called when the From Image Again button is clicked.
void PaletteEditor::OnCreatePaletteAgainFromImageButton()
if (QFile::exists(m_Filename))
if (ui->ArrowsSpinBox->value() < 2)
auto colors = GetRandomColorsFromImage(m_Filename, ui->ArrowsSpinBox->value());
/// Set the focus color as a result of selecting a stock in the color picker.
/// Called when the color picker signals the ColorChanged event.
void PaletteEditor::OnColorPickerColorChanged(const QColor& col)
/// Set the color panel color as a result of double clicking an arrow.
/// Called when the color view signals the ArrowDoubleClicked event.
/// The arrow which was double clicked on
void PaletteEditor::OnArrowDoubleClicked(const GradientArrow& arrow)
blockSignals(true);//Do not update main window when Sync is checked because selecting an arrow as the main color doesn't actually change anything.
/// Change whether palette changes are synced with the main window.
/// Called when the Sync checkbox is checked/unchecked.
/// Ignored
void PaletteEditor::OnSyncCheckBoxStateChanged(int state)
/// Load the palette file based on the currently selected index in the combo box.
/// Called when the index of the palette filename combo box changes.
/// The text of the combo box, which is just the palette filename without the path.
void PaletteEditor::OnPaletteFilenameComboChanged(const QString& text)
if (!text.isEmpty())//This occasionally seems to get called with an empty string for reasons unknown.
auto paletteTable = ui->PaletteListTable;
m_CurrentPaletteFilePath = text.toStdString();
::FillPaletteTable(text.toStdString(), paletteTable, m_PaletteList);
auto fullname = m_PaletteList->GetFullPathFromFilename(m_CurrentPaletteFilePath);
OnPaletteCellClicked(0, 1);
/// Load the palette into the editor controls.
/// Called when the second column in a row in the palette list is clicked.
/// The table row clicked
/// The table column clicked
void PaletteEditor::OnPaletteCellClicked(int row, int col)
if (col == 1)
if (auto palette = m_PaletteList->GetPaletteByFilename(m_CurrentPaletteFilePath, row))
m_PaletteIndex = row;
/// Update the name of the palette.
/// Called when the first column in a row in the palette list is clicked and edited.
/// The table row clicked
/// The table column clicked
void PaletteEditor::OnPaletteCellChanged(int row, int col)
if (col == 0)
if (auto palette = m_PaletteList->GetPaletteByFilename(m_CurrentPaletteFilePath, row))
palette->m_Name = ui->PaletteListTable->item(row, col)->text().toStdString();
emit PaletteFileChanged();
/// Create a new palette file.
/// The newly created file will have a unique name.
/// Called when the new palette file button is clicked.
void PaletteEditor::OnNewPaletteFileButtonClicked()
auto filename = EmberFile::UniqueFilename(GetDefaultUserPath() + "/user-palettes.xml");
if (m_PaletteList->AddEmptyPaletteFile(filename.toStdString()))
QFileInfo info(filename);
ui->PaletteFilenameCombo->setCurrentIndex(ui->PaletteFilenameCombo->count() - 1);
/// Copy the current palette file, add it to the combo box and load the new palette file.
/// The newly created file will have a unique name.
/// Called when the copy palette file button is clicked.
void PaletteEditor::OnCopyPaletteFileButtonClicked()
auto& paletteFiles = m_PaletteList->Palettes();
auto qscurr = QString::fromStdString(m_CurrentPaletteFilePath);
auto qfilename = EmberFile::UniqueFilename(GetDefaultUserPath() + "/" + qscurr);
auto filename = qfilename.toStdString();
if (m_PaletteList->GetPaletteListByFullPath(filename) == nullptr)//Ensure the new filename does not exist in the map.
//Get the list of palettes for the current filename, this will be added as a copy below.
if (auto currentPaletteFile = m_PaletteList->GetPaletteListByFilename(m_CurrentPaletteFilePath))//Ensure the list of palettes was properly retrieved.
if (m_PaletteList->AddPaletteFile(filename, *currentPaletteFile))//Add the current vector of palettes to an entry with the new filename.
QFileInfo info(qfilename);
ui->PaletteFilenameCombo->setCurrentIndex(ui->PaletteFilenameCombo->count() - 1);
QMessageBox::critical(this, "Copy palette file error", "Failed copy palette to " + qfilename + ", because already exists in memory, but not on disk. Did you delete it while the program was running?");
QMessageBox::critical(this, "Copy palette file error", "The current file " + qscurr + " did not exist. Did you delete it while the program was running?");
QMessageBox::critical(this, "Copy palette file error", "Failed copy palette to " + qfilename + ", because it likely already exists");
/// Copy the current palette to the end of the palette file.
/// Called when the append palette button is clicked.
void PaletteEditor::OnAppendPaletteButtonClicked()
auto& pal = m_GradientColorView->GetPalette(256);
m_PaletteList->AddPaletteToFile(m_CurrentPaletteFilePath, pal);
::FillPaletteTable(m_CurrentPaletteFilePath, ui->PaletteListTable, m_PaletteList);
m_PaletteIndex = ui->PaletteListTable->rowCount() - 1;
emit PaletteFileChanged();
/// Overwrite the current palette in the palette file.
/// Called when the overwrite palette button is clicked.
void PaletteEditor::OnOverwritePaletteButtonClicked()
auto& pal = m_GradientColorView->GetPalette(256);
m_PaletteList->Replace(m_CurrentPaletteFilePath, pal, m_PaletteIndex);
::FillPaletteTable(m_CurrentPaletteFilePath, ui->PaletteListTable, m_PaletteList);
emit PaletteFileChanged();
/// Delete the current palette from the palette file.
/// Called when the delete palette button is clicked.
/// Note that the palette will not be deleted if it's the only palette in the file.
void PaletteEditor::OnDeletePaletteButtonClicked()
auto table = ui->PaletteListTable;
if (table->rowCount() > 1)
m_PaletteList->Delete(m_CurrentPaletteFilePath, m_PaletteIndex);
::FillPaletteTable(m_CurrentPaletteFilePath, table, m_PaletteList);
emit PaletteFileChanged();
OnPaletteCellClicked(table->rowCount() - 1, 1);
/// Emit a palette changed event.
/// Called when an arrow is moved.
void PaletteEditor::OnArrowMoved(qreal, const GradientArrow&)
/// Emit a palette changed event if the sync checkbox is checked.
void PaletteEditor::EmitPaletteChanged()
if (ui->SyncCheckBox->isChecked())
emit PaletteChanged();
/// Helper to lazily instantiate an open file dialog.
/// Once created, it will remain alive for the duration of the program run.
QStringList PaletteEditor::SetupOpenImagesDialog()
QStringList filenames;
auto settings = FractoriumSettings::Instance();
#ifndef __APPLE__
if (!m_FileDialog)
m_FileDialog = new QFileDialog(this);
m_FileDialog->setNameFilter("Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)");
m_FileDialog->setWindowTitle("Open Image");
if (m_FileDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
filenames = m_FileDialog->selectedFiles();
if (!filenames.empty())
auto path = QFileInfo(filenames[0]).canonicalPath();
auto filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Image"), settings->OpenPaletteImageFolder(), tr("Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)"));
if (filename.size() > 0)
auto path = QFileInfo(filenames[0]).canonicalPath();
return filenames;
/// Add an arrow whose color will be assigned the passed in color.
/// Optionally distribute colors and emit a palette changed event.
/// The color to assign to the new arrow
void PaletteEditor::AddArrow(const QColor& color)
auto count = std::min(std::abs(256 - m_GradientColorView->ArrowCount()), ui->ArrowsSpinBox->value());
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (ui->AutoDistributeCheckBox->isChecked())
/// Helper to get the colors of random pixels within an image.
/// The full path to the image file to get random colors from
/// The number of colors to get
map PaletteEditor::GetRandomColorsFromImage(QString filename, int numPoints)
map colors;
QTime time = QTime::currentTime();
QImage image(filename);
const qreal gSize = 512;
float off = 0.0f, inc = 1.0f / std::max(1, numPoints - 1);
QLinearGradient grad(QPoint(0, 0), QPoint(gSize, 1));
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
int x = QTIsaac::LockedRand() % image.width();
int y = QTIsaac::LockedRand() % image.height();
QRgb rgb = image.pixel(x, y);
GradientArrow arrow;
arrow.Focus(i == 0);
colors[off] = arrow;
off += inc;
return colors;