#include "FractoriumPch.h"
#include "Fractorium.h"

/// <summary>
/// Return whether the render timer is running.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if running, else false.</returns>
bool FractoriumEmberControllerBase::RenderTimerRunning()
	return m_RenderTimer && m_RenderTimer->isActive();

/// <summary>
/// Start the render timer.
/// If a renderer has not been created yet, it will be created from the options.
/// </summary>
void FractoriumEmberControllerBase::StartRenderTimer()
	if (m_RenderTimer)

/// <summary>
/// Start the render timer after a short delay.
/// If the timer is already running, stop it first.
/// This is useful for stopping and restarting the render
/// process in response to things like a window resize.
/// </summary>
void FractoriumEmberControllerBase::DelayedStartRenderTimer()

	if (m_RenderRestartTimer)
		m_RenderRestartTimer->start(300);//Will stop the timer if it's already running, and start again.

/// <summary>
/// Stop the render timer and abort the rendering process.
/// Optionally block until stopping is complete.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wait">True to block, else false.</param>
void FractoriumEmberControllerBase::StopRenderTimer(bool wait)
	if (m_RenderTimer)

	if (m_Renderer.get())

	if (wait)
		while (m_Rendering || RenderTimerRunning() || (Renderer() && (!m_Renderer->Aborted() || m_Renderer->InRender())))

/// <summary>
/// Stop all timers, rendering and drawing and block until they are done.
/// </summary>
void FractoriumEmberControllerBase::Shutdown()


/// <summary>
/// Clear the output image buffers.
/// </summary>
void FractoriumEmberControllerBase::ClearFinalImages()
	//Unsure if we should also call RendererCL::ClearFinal() as well. At the moment it seems unnecessary.

/// <summary>
/// Update the state of the renderer.
/// Upon changing values, some intelligence is used to avoid blindly restarting the
/// entire iteration proceess every time a value changes. This is because some values don't affect the
/// iteration, and only affect filtering and final accumulation. They are broken into three categories:
/// 1) Restart the entire process.
/// 2) Log/density filter, then final accum.
/// 3) Final accum only.
/// 4) Continue iterating.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The action to take</param>
void FractoriumEmberControllerBase::UpdateRender(eProcessAction action)

/// <summary>
/// Call Shutdown() then delete the renderer and clear the textures in the output window if there is one.
/// </summary>
void FractoriumEmberControllerBase::DeleteRenderer()

	if (GLController())

/// <summary>
/// Save the current render results to a file.
/// This could benefit from QImageWriter, however its compression capabilities are
/// severely lacking. A Png file comes out larger than a bitmap, so instead use the
/// Png and Jpg wrapper functions from the command line programs.
/// This will embed the id, url and nick fields from the options in the image comments.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename">The full path and filename</param>
/// <param name="comments">The comments to save in the png or jpg</param>
/// <param name="pixels">The buffer containing the pixels</param>
/// <param name="width">The width in pixels of the image</param>
/// <param name="height">The height in pixels of the image</param>
/// <param name="channels">The number of channels, 3 or 4.</param>
/// <param name="bpc">The bytes per channel, almost always 1.</param>
void FractoriumEmberControllerBase::SaveCurrentRender(const QString& filename, const EmberImageComments& comments, vector<byte>& pixels, size_t width, size_t height, size_t channels, size_t bpc)
	if (filename != "")
		bool b = false;
		uint i, j;
		byte* data = nullptr;
		vector<byte> vecRgb;
		QFileInfo fileInfo(filename);
		QString suffix = fileInfo.suffix();
		FractoriumSettings* settings = m_Fractorium->m_Settings;
		//Ensure dimensions are valid.
		if (pixels.size() < (width * height * channels * bpc))
			m_Fractorium->ShowCritical("Save Failed", "Dimensions didn't match, not saving.", true);

		data = pixels.data();//Png and channels == 4.
		if ((suffix == "jpg" || suffix == "bmp") && channels)
			RgbaToRgb(pixels, vecRgb, width, height);
			data = vecRgb.data();
		string s = filename.toStdString();
		string id = settings->Id().toStdString();
		string url = settings->Url().toStdString();
		string nick = settings->Nick().toStdString();

		if (suffix == "png")
			b = WritePng(s.c_str(), data, width, height, 1, true, comments, id, url, nick);
		else if (suffix == "jpg")
			b = WriteJpeg(s.c_str(), data, width, height, 100, true, comments, id, url, nick);
		else if (suffix == "bmp")
			b = WriteBmp(s.c_str(), data, width, height);
			m_Fractorium->ShowCritical("Save Failed", "Unrecognized format " + suffix + ", not saving.", true);

		if (b)
			m_Fractorium->ShowCritical("Save Failed", "Could not save file, try saving to a different folder.", true);

/// <summary>
/// Add a process action to the list of actions to take.
/// Called in response to the user changing something on the GUI.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action">The action for the renderer to take</param>
void FractoriumEmberControllerBase::AddProcessAction(eProcessAction action)

	if (m_Renderer.get())


/// <summary>
/// Condense and clear the process actions into a single action and return.
/// Many actions may be specified, but only the one requiring the greatest amount
/// of processing matters. Extract and return the greatest and clear the vector.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The most significant processing action desired</returns>
eProcessAction FractoriumEmberControllerBase::CondenseAndClearProcessActions()
	eProcessAction action = NOTHING;

	for (auto a : m_ProcessActions)
		if (a > action)
			action = a;
	return action;

/// <summary>
/// Render progress callback function to update progress bar.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ember">The ember currently being rendered</param>
/// <param name="foo">An extra dummy parameter</param>
/// <param name="fraction">The progress fraction from 0-100</param>
/// <param name="stage">The stage of iteration. 1 is iterating, 2 is density filtering, 2 is final accumulation.</param>
/// <param name="etaMs">The estimated milliseconds to completion of the current stage</param>
/// <returns>0 if the user has changed anything on the GUI, else 1 to continue rendering.</returns>
template <typename T>
int FractoriumEmberController<T>::ProgressFunc(Ember<T>& ember, void* foo, double fraction, int stage, double etaMs)
	QString status;

	m_Fractorium->m_ProgressBar->setValue(int(fraction));//Only really applies to iter and filter, because final accum only gives progress 0 and 100.

	if (stage == 0)
		status = "Iterating";
	else if (stage == 1)
		status = "Density Filtering";
	else if (stage == 2)
		status = "Spatial Filtering + Final Accumulation";

	return m_ProcessActions.empty() ? 1 : 0;//If they've done anything, abort.

/// <summary>
/// Clear the undo list as well as the undo/redo index and state.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::ClearUndo()
	m_UndoIndex = 0;
	m_EditState = REGULAR_EDIT;
	m_LastEditWasUndoRedo = false;

/// <summary>
/// The hierarchy/order of sizes is like so:
/// Ember
///		GL Widget
///			Texture (passed to RendererCL)
///				Viewport
/// Since this uses m_GL->SizesMatch(), which uses the renderer's dimensions, this
/// must be called after the renderer has set the current ember.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if dimensions had to be resized due to a mismatch, else false.</returns>
template <typename T>
bool FractoriumEmberController<T>::SyncSizes()
	bool changed = false;
	GLWidget* gl = m_Fractorium->ui.GLDisplay;
	RendererCL<T, float>* rendererCL = nullptr;

	if (!m_GLController->SizesMatch())
		gl->SetDimensions(m_Ember.m_FinalRasW, m_Ember.m_FinalRasH);

		if (m_Renderer->RendererType() == OPENCL_RENDERER && (rendererCL = dynamic_cast<RendererCL<T, float>*>(m_Renderer.get())))

		changed = true;

	return changed;

/// <summary>
/// The main rendering function.
/// Called whenever the event loop is idle.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if nothing went wrong, else false.</returns>
template <typename T>
bool FractoriumEmberController<T>::Render()
	m_Rendering = true;

	bool success = true;
	GLWidget* gl = m_Fractorium->ui.GLDisplay;
	RendererCL<T, float>* rendererCL = nullptr;
	eProcessAction qualityAction, action;

	//Quality is the only parameter we update inside the timer.
	//This is to allow the user to rapidly increase the quality spinner
	//without fully resetting the render. Instead, it will just keep iterating
	//where it last left off in response to an increase.
	T d = T(m_Fractorium->m_QualitySpin->value());

	if (d < m_Ember.m_Quality)//Full restart if quality decreased.
		m_Ember.m_Quality = d;
		qualityAction = eProcessAction::FULL_RENDER;
	else if (d > m_Ember.m_Quality && ProcessState() == ACCUM_DONE)//If quality increased, keep iterating after current render finishes.
		m_Ember.m_Quality = d;
		qualityAction = eProcessAction::KEEP_ITERATING;
	else if (IsClose(d, m_Ember.m_Quality))
		qualityAction = eProcessAction::NOTHING;

	if (qualityAction == eProcessAction::FULL_RENDER)
		Update([&] {});//Stop the current render, a full restart is needed.
	else if (qualityAction == eProcessAction::KEEP_ITERATING)
		m_ProcessActions.push_back(qualityAction);//Special, direct call to avoid resetting the render inside Update() because only KEEP_ITERATING is needed.

	action = CondenseAndClearProcessActions();//Combine with all other previously requested actions.

	if (m_Renderer->RendererType() == OPENCL_RENDERER)
		rendererCL = dynamic_cast<RendererCL<T, float>*>(m_Renderer.get());

	//Force temporal samples to always be 1. Perhaps change later when animation is implemented.
	m_Ember.m_TemporalSamples = 1;

	//Take care of solo xforms and set the current ember and action.
	if (action != NOTHING)
		int i, solo = m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo->property("soloxform").toInt();

		if (solo != -1)

			for (i = 0; i < m_Ember.TotalXformCount(); i++)
				m_TempOpacities[i] = m_Ember.GetTotalXform(i)->m_Opacity;
				m_Ember.GetTotalXform(i)->m_Opacity = i == solo ? 1 : 0;

		m_Renderer->SetEmber(m_Ember, action);

		if (solo != -1)
			for (i = 0; i < m_Ember.TotalXformCount(); i++)
				m_Ember.GetTotalXform(i)->m_Opacity = m_TempOpacities[i];

	//Ensure sizes are equal and if not, update dimensions.
	if (SyncSizes())
		action = FULL_RENDER;
		return true;

	//Determining if a completely new rendering process is being started.
	bool iterBegin = ProcessState() == NONE;

	if (iterBegin)
		if (m_Renderer->RendererType() == CPU_RENDERER)
			m_SubBatchCount = m_Fractorium->m_Settings->CpuSubBatch();
		else if (m_Renderer->RendererType() == OPENCL_RENDERER)
			m_SubBatchCount = m_Fractorium->m_Settings->OpenCLSubBatch();


	//If the rendering process hasn't finished, render with the current specified action.
	if (ProcessState() != ACCUM_DONE)
		//if (m_Renderer->Run(m_FinalImage, 0) == RENDER_OK)//Full, non-incremental render for debugging.
		if (m_Renderer->Run(m_FinalImage, 0, m_SubBatchCount, (iterBegin || m_Fractorium->m_Settings->ContinuousUpdate())) == RENDER_OK)//Force output on iterBegin or if the settings specify to always do it.
			//The amount to increment sub batch while rendering proceeds is purely empirical.
			//Change later if better values can be derived/observed.
			if (m_Renderer->RendererType() == OPENCL_RENDERER)
				if (m_SubBatchCount < (4 * m_Devices.size()))//More than 3 with OpenCL gives a sluggish UI.
					m_SubBatchCount += m_Devices.size();
				if (m_SubBatchCount < 5)
				else if (m_SubBatchCount < 105)//More than 105 with CPU gives a sluggish UI.
					m_SubBatchCount += 25;

			//Rendering has finished, update final stats.
			if (ProcessState() == ACCUM_DONE)
				EmberStats stats = m_Renderer->Stats();
				QString iters = ToString<qulonglong>(stats.m_Iters);
				QString scaledQuality = ToString(uint(m_Renderer->ScaledQuality()));
				string renderTime = m_RenderElapsedTimer.Format(m_RenderElapsedTimer.Toc());


				//Only certain stats can be reported with OpenCL.
				if (m_Renderer->RendererType() == OPENCL_RENDERER)
					m_Fractorium->m_RenderStatusLabel->setText("Iters: " + iters + ". Scaled quality: " + scaledQuality + ". Total time: " + QString::fromStdString(renderTime) + ".");
					double percent = double(stats.m_Badvals) / double(stats.m_Iters);
					QString badVals = ToString<qulonglong>(stats.m_Badvals);
					QString badPercent = QLocale::system().toString(percent * 100, 'f', 2);

					m_Fractorium->m_RenderStatusLabel->setText("Iters: " + iters + ". Scaled quality: " + scaledQuality + ". Bad values: " + badVals + " (" + badPercent + "%). Total time: " + QString::fromStdString(renderTime) + ".");
				if (m_LastEditWasUndoRedo && (m_UndoIndex == m_UndoList.size() - 1))//Traversing through undo list, reached the end, so put back in regular edit mode.
					m_EditState = REGULAR_EDIT;
				else if (m_EditState == REGULAR_EDIT)//Regular edit, just add to the end of the undo list.
					m_UndoIndex = m_UndoList.size() - 1;
					m_Fractorium->ui.ActionUndo->setEnabled(m_UndoList.size() > 1);

					if (m_UndoList.size() >= UNDO_SIZE)
				else if (!m_LastEditWasUndoRedo && m_UndoIndex < m_UndoList.size() - 1)//They were anywhere but the end of the undo list, then did a manual edit, so clear the undo list.
					Ember<T> ember(m_UndoList[m_UndoIndex]);

					m_UndoIndex = m_UndoList.size() - 1;

				m_LastEditWasUndoRedo = false;
				m_Fractorium->UpdateHistogramBounds();//Mostly of engineering interest.
				FillSummary();//Only update summary on render completion since it's not the type of thing the user needs real-time updates on.
			//Update the GL window on start because the output will be forced.
			//Update it on finish because the rendering process is completely done.
			if (iterBegin || ProcessState() == ACCUM_DONE)
				if (m_FinalImage.size() == m_Renderer->FinalBufferSize())//Make absolutely sure the correct amount of data is passed.
				//Uncomment for debugging kernel build and execution errors.
				//if (rendererCL)
				//	string s = "OpenCL Kernels: \r\n" + rendererCL->IterKernel() + "\r\n" + rendererCL->DEKernel() + "\r\n" + rendererCL->FinalAccumKernel();
				//	QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_Fractorium->ui.InfoRenderingTextEdit, "setText", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(const QString&, QString::fromStdString(s)));
		else//Something went very wrong, show error report.
			vector<string> errors = m_Renderer->ErrorReport();
			success = false;
			m_Fractorium->m_RenderStatusLabel->setText("Rendering failed, see info tab. Try changing parameters.");
			m_Fractorium->ErrorReportToQTextEdit(errors, m_Fractorium->ui.InfoRenderingTextEdit);
			if (m_FailedRenders >= 3)
				m_Rendering = false;
				m_Fractorium->m_RenderStatusLabel->setText("Rendering failed 3 or more times, stopping all rendering, see info tab. Try changing renderer types.");

				if (rendererCL)
					//string s = "OpenCL Kernels: \r\n" + rendererCL->IterKernel() + "\r\n" + rendererCL->DEKernel() + "\r\n" + rendererCL->FinalAccumKernel();

					//QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_Fractorium->ui.InfoRenderingTextEdit, "setText", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(const QString&, QString::fromStdString(s)));
	//Upon finishing, or having nothing to do, rest.
	if (ProcessState() == ACCUM_DONE)

	m_Rendering = false;
	return success;

/// <summary>
/// Stop rendering and initialize a new renderer, using the specified type.
/// Rendering will be left in a stopped state. The caller is responsible for restarting the render loop again.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="renderType">The type of render to create</param>
/// <param name="devices">The platform,device index pairs of the devices to use</param>
/// <param name="shared">True if shared with OpenGL, else false. Default: true.</param>
/// <returns>True if nothing went wrong, else false.</returns>
template <typename T>
bool FractoriumEmberController<T>::CreateRenderer(eRendererType renderType, const vector<pair<size_t, size_t>>& devices, bool shared)
	bool ok = true;
	FractoriumSettings* s = m_Fractorium->m_Settings;
	GLWidget* gl = m_Fractorium->ui.GLDisplay;

	if (!m_Renderer.get() || (m_Renderer->RendererType() != renderType) || !Equal(m_Devices, devices))
		EmberReport emberReport;
		vector<string> errorReport;

		DeleteRenderer();//Delete the renderer and refresh the textures.
		//Before starting, must take care of allocations.
		gl->Allocate(true);//Forcing a realloc of the texture is necessary on AMD, but not on nVidia.
		m_Renderer = unique_ptr<EmberNs::RendererBase>(::CreateRenderer<T>(renderType, devices, shared, gl->OutputTexID(), emberReport));//Always make bucket type float.
		errorReport = emberReport.ErrorReport();

		if (errorReport.empty())
			m_Devices = devices;
			m_OutputTexID = gl->OutputTexID();
			m_Shared = shared;
			ok = false;
			m_Fractorium->ShowCritical("Renderer Creation Error", "Could not create requested renderer, fallback CPU renderer created. See info tab for details.");
			m_Fractorium->ErrorReportToQTextEdit(errorReport, m_Fractorium->ui.InfoRenderingTextEdit);

	if (m_Renderer.get())
		m_RenderType = m_Renderer->RendererType();

		if (m_RenderType == OPENCL_RENDERER)
			auto val = 30 * m_Fractorium->m_Settings->Devices().size();


			if (m_Fractorium->m_QualitySpin->value() < val)

			if (m_Fractorium->m_QualitySpin->value() > 10)

		m_Renderer->NumChannels(4);//Always using 4 since the GL texture is RGBA.
		m_Renderer->SetEmber(m_Ember);//Give it an initial ember, will be updated many times later.
		if (m_Renderer->RendererType() == CPU_RENDERER)
			m_Renderer->InteractiveFilter(s->CpuDEFilter() ? FILTER_DE : FILTER_LOG);
			m_Renderer->InteractiveFilter(s->OpenCLDEFilter() ? FILTER_DE : FILTER_LOG);

		if ((m_Renderer->EarlyClip() != m_PreviewRenderer->EarlyClip()) ||
			(m_Renderer->YAxisUp() != m_PreviewRenderer->YAxisUp()))

		m_FailedRenders = 0;
		//Leave rendering in a stopped state. The caller is responsible for restarting the render loop again.
		ok = false;
		m_Fractorium->ShowCritical("Renderer Creation Error", "Creating a basic CPU renderer failed, something is catastrophically wrong. Exiting program.");

	return ok;

/// <summary>
/// Wrapper to stop the timer, shutdown the controller and recreate, then restart the controller and renderer from the options.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::ShutdownAndRecreateFromOptions()
	//First completely stop what the current rendering process is doing.
	StartRenderTimer();//This will recreate the controller and/or the renderer from the options if necessary, then start the render timer.

/// <summary>
/// Create a new renderer from the options.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if nothing went wrong, else false.</returns>
bool Fractorium::CreateRendererFromOptions()
	bool ok = true;
	bool useOpenCL = m_Info.Ok() && m_Settings->OpenCL();
	auto v = Devices(m_Settings->Devices());
	//The most important option to process is what kind of renderer is desired, so do it first.
	if (!m_Controller->CreateRenderer((useOpenCL && !v.empty()) ? OPENCL_RENDERER : CPU_RENDERER, v))
		//If using OpenCL, will only get here if creating RendererCL failed, but creating a backup CPU Renderer succeeded.
		ShowCritical("Renderer Creation Error", "Error creating renderer, most likely a GPU problem. Using CPU instead.");
		ok = false;

	return ok;

/// <summary>
/// Create a new controller from the options.
/// This does not create the internal renderer or start the timers.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if successful, else false.</returns>
bool Fractorium::CreateControllerFromOptions()
	bool ok = true;

	size_t elementSize =
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
		m_Settings->Double() ? sizeof(double) :
	if (!m_Controller.get() || (m_Controller->SizeOfT() != elementSize))
		double hue = m_PaletteHueSpin->value();
		double sat = m_PaletteSaturationSpin->value();
		double bright = m_PaletteBrightnessSpin->value();
		double con = m_PaletteContrastSpin->value();
		double blur = m_PaletteBlurSpin->value();
		double freq = m_PaletteFrequencySpin->value();
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
		Ember<double> ed;
		EmberFile<double> efd;
		Palette<double> tempPalette;
		Ember<float> ed;
		EmberFile<float> efd;
		Palette<float> tempPalette;
		QModelIndex index = ui.LibraryTree->currentIndex();

		//First check if a controller has already been created, and if so, save its embers and gracefully shut it down.
		if (m_Controller.get())
			m_Controller->CopyTempPalette(tempPalette);//Convert float to double or save double verbatim;

			//Replace below with this once LLVM fixes a crash in their compiler with default lambda parameters.//TODO

#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
			m_Controller->CopyEmber(ed, [&](Ember<double>& ember) { });
			m_Controller->CopyEmberFile(efd, [&](Ember<double>& ember) { });
			m_Controller->CopyEmber(ed, [&](Ember<float>& ember) { });
			m_Controller->CopyEmberFile(efd, [&](Ember<float>& ember) { });

#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
		if (m_Settings->Double())
			m_Controller = unique_ptr<FractoriumEmberControllerBase>(new FractoriumEmberController<double>(this));
			m_Controller = unique_ptr<FractoriumEmberControllerBase>(new FractoriumEmberController<float>(this));

		//Restore the ember and ember file.
		if (m_Controller.get())
			ed.m_Palette = tempPalette;//Restore base temp palette. Adjustments will be then be applied and stored back in in m_Ember.m_Palette below.
			m_Controller->SetEmber(ed);//Convert float to double or set double verbatim. This will assign m_Ember.m_Palette (which was just tempPalette) to m_TempPalette.

			//Setting these and updating the GUI overwrites the work of clearing them done in SetEmber() above.
			//It's a corner case, but doesn't seem to matter.
			m_Controller->PaletteAdjust();//Applies the adjustments to temp and saves in m_Ember.m_Palette, then fills in the palette preview widget.

			//Template specific palette table and variations tree setup in controller constructor, but
			//must manually setup the library tree here because it's after the embers were assigned.
			//Passing row re-selects the item that was previously selected.
			//This will eventually call FillParamTablesAndPalette(), which in addition to filling in various fields,
			//will apply the palette adjustments.

	return m_Controller.get();

/// <summary>
/// Start the render timer.
/// If a renderer has not been created yet, or differs form the options, it will first be created from the options.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::StartRenderTimer()
	//Starting the render timer, either for the first time
	//or from a paused state, such as resizing or applying new options.

	if (m_Controller.get())
		//On program startup, the renderer does not get initialized until now.

		if (m_Controller->Renderer())

/// <summary>
/// Idle timer event which calls the controller's Render() function.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::IdleTimer() { m_Controller->Render(); }

/// <summary>
/// Thin wrapper to determine if the controllers have been properly initialized.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the ember controller and GL controllers are both not nullptr, else false.</returns>
bool Fractorium::ControllersOk() { return m_Controller.get() && m_Controller->GLController(); }

template class FractoriumEmberController<float>;

#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
	template class FractoriumEmberController<double>;