#include "EmberCLPch.h"
#include "DEOpenCLKernelCreator.h"

namespace EmberCLns
/// <summary>
/// Constructor that sets all kernel entry points as well as composes
/// all kernel source strings.
/// No program compilation is done here, the user must explicitly do it.
/// The caller must specify whether they are using an nVidia or AMD card because it changes
/// the amount of local memory available.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="doublePrecision">True if double precision, else false for float.</param>
/// <param name="nVidia">True if running on an nVidia card, else false.</param>
DEOpenCLKernelCreator::DEOpenCLKernelCreator(bool doublePrecision, bool nVidia)
	m_DoublePrecision = doublePrecision;
	m_NVidia = nVidia;
	m_LogScaleAssignDEKernel = CreateLogScaleAssignDEKernelString();
	m_GaussianDEWithoutSsKernel = CreateGaussianDEKernel(1);
	m_GaussianDESsWithScfKernel = CreateGaussianDEKernel(2);
	m_GaussianDESsWithoutScfKernel = CreateGaussianDEKernel(3);
	m_GaussianDEWithoutSsNoCacheKernel = CreateGaussianDEKernelNoLocalCache(1);
	m_GaussianDESsWithScfNoCacheKernel = CreateGaussianDEKernelNoLocalCache(2);
	m_GaussianDESsWithoutScfNoCacheKernel = CreateGaussianDEKernelNoLocalCache(3);

/// <summary>
/// Kernel source and entry point properties, getters only.
/// </summary>

const string& DEOpenCLKernelCreator::LogScaleAssignDEKernel() const { return m_LogScaleAssignDEKernel; }
const string& DEOpenCLKernelCreator::LogScaleAssignDEEntryPoint() const { return m_LogScaleAssignDEEntryPoint; }

/// <summary>
/// Get the kernel source for the specified supersample and filterWidth.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ss">The supersample being used</param>
/// <param name="filterWidth">Filter width</param>
/// <returns>The kernel source</returns>
const string& DEOpenCLKernelCreator::GaussianDEKernel(size_t ss, uint filterWidth) const
	if (filterWidth > MaxDEFilterSize())
		if (ss > 1)
			if (!(ss & 1))
				return m_GaussianDESsWithScfNoCacheKernel;//SS 2 or 4.
				return m_GaussianDESsWithoutScfNoCacheKernel;//SS 3.
			return m_GaussianDEWithoutSsNoCacheKernel;//SS 1;
	else//Use cache.
		if (ss > 1)
			if (!(ss & 1))
				return m_GaussianDESsWithScfKernel;//SS 2 or 4.
				return m_GaussianDESsWithoutScfKernel;//SS 3.
			return m_GaussianDEWithoutSsKernel;//SS 1;

/// <summary>
/// Get the kernel entry point for the specified supersample and filterWidth.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ss">The supersample being used</param>
/// <param name="filterWidth">Filter width</param>
/// <returns>The name of the density estimation filtering entry point kernel function</returns>
const string& DEOpenCLKernelCreator::GaussianDEEntryPoint(size_t ss, uint filterWidth) const
	if (filterWidth > MaxDEFilterSize())
		if (ss > 1)
			if (!(ss & 1))
				return m_GaussianDESsWithScfNoCacheEntryPoint;
				return m_GaussianDESsWithoutScfNoCacheEntryPoint;
			return m_GaussianDEWithoutSsNoCacheEntryPoint;
		if (ss > 1)
			if (!(ss & 1))
				return m_GaussianDESsWithScfEntryPoint;
				return m_GaussianDESsWithoutScfEntryPoint;
			return m_GaussianDEWithoutSsEntryPoint;

/// <summary>
/// Get the maximum filter size allowed for running the local memory version of density filtering
/// Filters larger than this value will run the version without local memory caching.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The maximum filter size allowed for running the local memory version of density filtering</returns>
uint DEOpenCLKernelCreator::MaxDEFilterSize() { return 9; }//The true max would be (maxBoxSize - 1) / 2, but that's impractical because it can give us a tiny block size.

/// <summary>
/// Solve for the maximum filter radius.
/// The final filter width is calculated by: (uint)(ceil(m_MaxRad) * (T)m_Supersample) + (m_Supersample - 1);
/// Must solve for what max rad should be in order to give a maximum final width of (maxBoxSize - 1) / 2, assuming
/// a minimum block size of 1 which processes 1 pixel.
/// Example: If a box size of 20 was allowed, a filter
/// size of up to 9: (20 - 1) / 2 == (19 / 2) == 9 could be supported.
/// This function is deprecated, the appropriate kernels take care of this problem now.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="desiredFilterSize">Size of the desired filter.</param>
/// <param name="ss">The supersample being used</param>
/// <returns>The maximum filter radius allowed</returns>
double DEOpenCLKernelCreator::SolveMaxDERad(double desiredFilterSize, double ss)
	uint finalFilterSize = uint((ceil(desiredFilterSize) * ss) + (ss - 1.0));

	//Return the desired size if the final size of it will fit.
	if (finalFilterSize <= MaxDEFilterSize())
		return desiredFilterSize;

	//The final size doesn't fit, so scale the original down until it fits.
	return std::floor((MaxDEFilterSize() - (ss - 1.0)) / ss);

/// <summary>
/// Determine the maximum filter box size based on the amount of local memory available
/// to each block.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="localMem">The local memory available to a block</param>
/// <returns>The maximum filter box size allowed</returns>
uint DEOpenCLKernelCreator::SolveMaxBoxSize(uint localMem)
	return uint(std::floor(std::sqrt(Floor(localMem / 16.0))));//Divide by 16 because each element is float4.

/// <summary>
/// Create the log scale kernel string, using assignment.
/// Use this when Passes == 1.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The kernel string</returns>
string DEOpenCLKernelCreator::CreateLogScaleAssignDEKernelString()
	ostringstream os;
	os	<<
		ConstantDefinesString(m_DoublePrecision) <<
		DensityFilterCLStructString <<
		"__kernel void " << m_LogScaleAssignDEEntryPoint << "(\n"
		"	const __global real4_bucket* histogram,\n"
		"	__global real4_bucket* accumulator,\n"
		"	__constant DensityFilterCL* logFilter\n"
		"	if ((GLOBAL_ID_X < logFilter->m_SuperRasW) && (GLOBAL_ID_Y < logFilter->m_SuperRasH))\n"
		"	{\n"
		"		uint index = (GLOBAL_ID_Y * logFilter->m_SuperRasW) + GLOBAL_ID_X;\n"
		"		if (histogram[index].w != 0)\n"
		"		{\n"
		"			real_bucket_t logScale = (logFilter->m_K1 * log((real_bucket_t)fma(histogram[index].w, logFilter->m_K2, (real_bucket_t)1.0))) / histogram[index].w;\n"
		"			accumulator[index] = histogram[index] * logScale;\n"//Using a single real4 vector operation doubles the speed from doing each component individually.
		"		}\n"
		"		barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"//Just to be safe. Makes no speed difference to do all of the time or only when there's a hit.
		"	}\n"
	return os.str();

/// <summary>
/// Create the gaussian density filtering kernel string.
/// 6 different methods of processing were tried before settling on this final and fastest 7th one.
/// Each block processes a box and exits. No column or row advancements happen.
/// The block accumulates to a temporary box and writes the contents to the global density filter buffer when done.
/// Note this applies the filter from top to bottom row and not from the center outward like the CPU version does.
/// This allows the image to be filtered without suffering from pixel loss due to race conditions.
/// It is run in multiple passes that are spaced far enough apart on the image so as to not overlap.
/// This allows writing to the global buffer without ever overlapping or using atomics.
/// The supersample parameter will produce three different kernels.
/// SS = 1, SS > 1 && SS even, SS > 1 && SS odd.
/// The width of the kernel this runs in must be evenly divisible by 16 or else artifacts will occur.
/// Note that because this function uses so many variables and is so complex, OpenCL can easily run
/// out of resources in some cases. Certain variables had to be reused to condense the kernel footprint
/// down enough to be able to run a block size of 32x32.
/// For double precision, or for SS > 1, a size of 32x30 is used.
/// Box width = (BLOCK_SIZE_X + (fw * 2)).
/// Box height = (BLOCK_SIZE_Y + (fw * 2)).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ss">The supersample being used</param>
/// <returns>The kernel string</returns>
string DEOpenCLKernelCreator::CreateGaussianDEKernel(size_t ss)
	bool doSS = ss > 1;
	bool doScf = !(ss & 1);
	ostringstream os;
	os <<
	   ConstantDefinesString(m_DoublePrecision) <<
	   DensityFilterCLStructString <<
	   UnionCLStructString <<
	   "__kernel void " << GaussianDEEntryPoint(ss, MaxDEFilterSize()) << "(\n" <<
	   "	const __global real4_bucket* histogram,\n"
	   "	__global real4reals_bucket* accumulator,\n"
	   "	__constant DensityFilterCL* densityFilter,\n"
	   "	const __global real_bucket_t* filterCoefs,\n"
	   "	const __global real_bucket_t* filterWidths,\n"
	   "	const __global uint* coefIndices,\n"
	   "	const uint chunkSizeW,\n"
	   "	const uint chunkSizeH,\n"
	   "	const uint colChunkPass,\n"
	   "	const uint rowChunkPass\n"
	   "	if (((((BLOCK_ID_X * chunkSizeW) + colChunkPass) * BLOCK_SIZE_X) + THREAD_ID_X >= densityFilter->m_SuperRasW) ||\n"
	   "	    ((((BLOCK_ID_Y * chunkSizeH) + rowChunkPass) * BLOCK_SIZE_Y) + THREAD_ID_Y >= densityFilter->m_SuperRasH))\n"
	   "			return;\n"

	if (doSS)
		os <<
		   "	uint ss = (uint)floor((real_bucket_t)densityFilter->m_Supersample / 2.0);\n"
		   "	int densityBoxLeftX;\n"
		   "	int densityBoxRightX;\n"
		   "	int densityBoxTopY;\n"
		   "	int densityBoxBottomY;\n"

		if (doScf)
			os <<
			   "	real_bucket_t scfact = pow(densityFilter->m_Supersample / (densityFilter->m_Supersample + (real_bucket_t)1.0), (real_bucket_t)2.0);\n";

	//Compute the size of the temporary box which is the block width + 2 * filter width x block height + 2 * filter width.
	//Ideally the block width and height are both 32. However, the height might be smaller if there isn't enough memory.
	os <<
	   "	uint fullTempBoxWidth, fullTempBoxHeight;\n"
	   "	uint leftBound, rightBound, topBound, botBound;\n"
	   "	uint blockHistStartRow, blockHistEndRow, boxReadStartRow, boxReadEndRow;\n"
	   "	uint blockHistStartCol, boxReadStartCol, boxReadEndCol;\n"
	   "	uint accumWriteStartRow, accumWriteStartCol, colsToWrite;\n"
	   //If any of the variables above end up being made __local, init them here.
	   //At the moment, it's slower even though it's more memory efficient.
	   //"	if (THREAD_ID_X == 0 && THREAD_ID_Y == 0)\n"
	   //"	{\n"
	   //Init local vars here.
	   //"	}\n"
	   //"	barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"
	   "	fullTempBoxWidth = BLOCK_SIZE_X + (densityFilter->m_FilterWidth * 2);\n"
	   "	fullTempBoxHeight = BLOCK_SIZE_Y + (densityFilter->m_FilterWidth * 2);\n"
	   //Compute the bounds of the area to be sampled, which is just the ends minus the super sample minus 1.
	   "	leftBound = densityFilter->m_Supersample - 1;\n"
	   "	rightBound = densityFilter->m_SuperRasW - (densityFilter->m_Supersample - 1);\n"
	   "	topBound = densityFilter->m_Supersample - 1;\n"
	   "	botBound = densityFilter->m_SuperRasH - (densityFilter->m_Supersample - 1);\n"
	   //Start and end values are the indices in the histogram read from
	   //and written to in the accumulator. They are not the indices for the local block of data.
	   //Before computing local offsets, compute the global offsets first to determine if any rows or cols fall outside of the bounds.
	   "	blockHistStartRow = min(botBound, (uint)(topBound + (((BLOCK_ID_Y * chunkSizeH) + rowChunkPass) * BLOCK_SIZE_Y)));\n"//The first histogram row this block will process.
	   "	blockHistEndRow = min(botBound, (uint)(blockHistStartRow + BLOCK_SIZE_Y));\n"//The last histogram row this block will process, clamped to the last row.
	   "	boxReadStartRow = densityFilter->m_FilterWidth - min(densityFilter->m_FilterWidth, blockHistStartRow);\n"//The first row in the local box to read from when writing back to the final accumulator for this block.
	   "	boxReadEndRow = densityFilter->m_FilterWidth + min((uint)(densityFilter->m_FilterWidth + BLOCK_SIZE_Y), densityFilter->m_SuperRasH - blockHistStartRow);\n"//The last row in the local box to read from  when writing back to the final accumulator for this block.
	   "	blockHistStartCol = min(rightBound, leftBound + (uint)(((BLOCK_ID_X * chunkSizeW) + colChunkPass) * BLOCK_SIZE_X));\n"//The first histogram column this block will process.
	   "	boxReadStartCol = densityFilter->m_FilterWidth - min(densityFilter->m_FilterWidth, blockHistStartCol);\n"//The first box col this block will read from when copying to the accumulator.
	   "	boxReadEndCol = densityFilter->m_FilterWidth + min(densityFilter->m_FilterWidth + (uint)BLOCK_SIZE_X, densityFilter->m_SuperRasW - blockHistStartCol);\n"//The last box col this block will read from when copying to the accumulator.
	   //Last, the indices in the global accumulator that the local bounds will be writing to.
	   "	accumWriteStartRow = blockHistStartRow - min(densityFilter->m_FilterWidth,  blockHistStartRow);\n"//Will be fw - 0 except for boundary columns, it will be less.
	   "	accumWriteStartCol = blockHistStartCol - min(densityFilter->m_FilterWidth,  blockHistStartCol);\n"
	   "	colsToWrite = ceil((real_bucket_t)(boxReadEndCol - boxReadStartCol) / (real_bucket_t)BLOCK_SIZE_X);\n"
	   "	uint threadHistRow = blockHistStartRow + THREAD_ID_Y;\n"//The histogram row this individual thread will be reading from.
	   "	uint threadHistCol = blockHistStartCol + THREAD_ID_X;\n"//The histogram column this individual thread will be reading from.
	   //Compute the center position in this local box to serve as the center position
	   //from which filter application offsets are computed.
	   //These are the local indices for the local data that are temporarily accumulated to before
	   //writing out to the global accumulator.
	   "	uint boxRow = densityFilter->m_FilterWidth + THREAD_ID_Y;\n"
	   "	uint boxCol = densityFilter->m_FilterWidth + THREAD_ID_X;\n"
	   "	uint colElementsToZero = ceil((real_bucket_t)fullTempBoxWidth / (real_bucket_t)(BLOCK_SIZE_X));\n"//Usually is 2.
	   "	int i, j, k;\n"
	   "	uint filterSelectInt, filterCoefIndex;\n"
	   "	real_bucket_t cacheLog;\n"
	   "	real_bucket_t filterSelect;\n"
	   "	real4_bucket bucket;\n"
	//This will be treated as having dimensions of (BLOCK_SIZE_X + (fw * 2)) x (BLOCK_SIZE_Y + (fw * 2)).
	os << "	__local real4reals_bucket filterBox[1200];\n";//Really only need 1156
	os <<
	   //Zero the temp buffers first. This splits the zeroization evenly across all threads (columns) in the first block row.
	   //This is a middle ground solution. Previous methods tried:
	   //Thread (0, 0) does all init. This works, but is the slowest.
	   //Init is divided among all threads. This is the fastest but exposes a severe flaw in OpenCL,
	   //in that it will not get executed by all threads before proceeding, despite the barrier statement
	   //below. As a result, strange artifacts will get left around because filtering gets executed on a temp
	   //box that has not been properly zeroized.
	   //The only way to do it and still achieve reasonable speed is to have the first row do it. This is
	   //most likely because the first row gets executed first, ensuring zeroization is done when the rest
	   //of the threads execute.
	   "\n"//Dummy test zeroization for debugging.
	   //"	if (THREAD_ID_Y == 0 && THREAD_ID_X == 0)\n"//First thread of the block takes the responsibility of zeroizing.
	   //"	{\n"
	   //"		for (k = 0; k < 2 * 1024; k++)\n"
	   //"		{\n"
	   //"			filterBox[k].m_Real4 = 0;\n"
	   //"		}\n"
	   //"	}\n"
	   "	if (THREAD_ID_Y == 0)\n"//First row of the block takes the responsibility of zeroizing.
	   "	{\n"
	   "		for (i = 0; i < fullTempBoxHeight; i++)\n"//Each column in the row iterates through all rows.
	   "		{\n"
	   "			for (j = 0; j < colElementsToZero && ((colElementsToZero * THREAD_ID_X) + j) < fullTempBoxWidth; j++)\n"//And zeroizes a few columns from that row.
	   "			{\n"
	   "				filterBox[(i * fullTempBoxWidth) + ((colElementsToZero * THREAD_ID_X) + j)].m_Real4 = 0;\n"
	   "			}\n"
	   "		}\n"
	   "	}\n"
	   "	barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"
	   "	if (threadHistRow < botBound && threadHistCol < rightBound)\n"
	   "	{\n"
	   "		bucket = histogram[(threadHistRow * densityFilter->m_SuperRasW) + threadHistCol];\n"
	   "		if (bucket.w != 0)\n"
	   "		{\n"
	   "			cacheLog = (densityFilter->m_K1 * log((real_bucket_t)fma(bucket.w, densityFilter->m_K2, (real_bucket_t)1.0))) / bucket.w;\n";

	if (doSS)
		os <<
		   "			filterSelect = 0;\n"
		   "			densityBoxLeftX = threadHistCol - min(threadHistCol, ss);\n"
		   "			densityBoxRightX = threadHistCol + min(ss, (densityFilter->m_SuperRasW - threadHistCol) - 1);\n"
		   "			densityBoxTopY = threadHistRow - min(threadHistRow, ss);\n"
		   "			densityBoxBottomY = threadHistRow + min(ss, (densityFilter->m_SuperRasH - threadHistRow) - 1);\n"
		   "			for (j = densityBoxTopY; j <= densityBoxBottomY; j++)\n"
		   "			{\n"
		   "				for (i = densityBoxLeftX; i <= densityBoxRightX; i++)\n"
		   "				{\n"
		   "					filterSelect += histogram[i + (j * densityFilter->m_SuperRasW)].w;\n"
		   "				}\n"
		   "			}\n"

		if (doScf)
			os <<
			   "			filterSelect *= scfact;\n";
		os <<
		   "			filterSelect = bucket.w;\n";

	os <<
	   "			if (filterSelect > densityFilter->m_MaxFilteredCounts)\n"
	   "				filterSelectInt = densityFilter->m_MaxFilterIndex;\n"
	   "			else if (filterSelect <= DE_THRESH)\n"
	   "				filterSelectInt = (int)ceil(filterSelect) - 1;\n"
	   "			else\n"
	   "				filterSelectInt = (int)DE_THRESH + (int)floor(pow((real_bucket_t)(filterSelect - DE_THRESH), densityFilter->m_Curve));\n"
	   "			if (filterSelectInt > densityFilter->m_MaxFilterIndex)\n"
	   "				filterSelectInt = densityFilter->m_MaxFilterIndex;\n"
	   "			filterCoefIndex = filterSelectInt * densityFilter->m_KernelSize;\n"
	   //With this new method, only accumulate to the temp local buffer first. Write to the final accumulator last.
	   //For each loop through, note that there is a local memory barrier call inside of each call to AddToAccumNoCheck().
	   //If this isn't done, pixel errors occurr and even an out of resources error occurrs because too many writes are done to the same place in memory at once.
	   "			k = (int)densityFilter->m_FilterWidth;\n"//Need a signed int to use below, really is filter width, but reusing a variable to save space.
	   "			for (j = -k; j <= k; j++)\n"
	   "			{\n"
	   "				for (i = -k; i <= k; i++)\n"
	   "				{\n"
	   "					filterSelectInt = filterCoefIndex + coefIndices[(abs(j) * (densityFilter->m_FilterWidth + 1)) + abs(i)];\n"//Really is filterCoeffIndexPlusOffset, but reusing a variable to save space.
	   "					if (filterCoefs[filterSelectInt] != 0)\n"//This conditional actually improves speed, despite SIMT being bad at conditionals.
	   "					{\n"
	   "						filterBox[(i + boxCol) + ((j + boxRow) * fullTempBoxWidth)].m_Real4 += (bucket * (filterCoefs[filterSelectInt] * cacheLog));\n"
	   "					}\n"
	   "				}\n"
	   "				barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"//If this is the only barrier and the block size is exactly 16, it works perfectly. Otherwise, no chunks occur, but a many streaks.
	   "			}\n"
	   "		}\n"//bucket.w != 0.
	   "	}\n"//In bounds.
	   "	if (THREAD_ID_Y == 0)\n"
	   "	{\n"
	   //At this point, all threads in this block have applied the filter to their surrounding pixels and stored the results in the temp local box.
	   //Add the cells of it that are in bounds to the global accumulator.
	   //Compute offsets in local box to read from, and offsets into global accumulator to write to.
	   //Use a method here that is similar to the zeroization above: Each thread (column) in the first row iterates through all of the
	   //rows and adds a few columns to the accumulator.
	   "		for (i = boxReadStartRow, j = accumWriteStartRow; i < boxReadEndRow; i++, j++)\n"
	   "		{\n"
	   "			for (k = 0; k < colsToWrite; k++)\n"//Each thread writes a few columns.
	   "			{\n"
	   "				boxCol = (colsToWrite * THREAD_ID_X) + k;\n"//Really is colOffset, but reusing a variable to save space.
	   "				if (boxReadStartCol + boxCol < boxReadEndCol)\n"
	   "					accumulator[(j * densityFilter->m_SuperRasW) + (accumWriteStartCol + boxCol)].m_Real4 += filterBox[(i * fullTempBoxWidth) + (boxReadStartCol + boxCol)].m_Real4;\n"
	   "			}\n"
	   "			barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"//This must be here or else chunks will go missing.
	   "		}\n"
	   "	}\n"
	return os.str();

/// <summary>
/// Create the gaussian density filtering kernel string, but use no local cache and perform
/// all writes directly to the global density filtering buffer.
/// Note this applies the filter from top to bottom row and not from the center outward like the CPU version does.
/// This allows the image to be filtered without suffering from pixel loss due to race conditions.
/// This is used for when the filter box is greater than can fit in the local cache.
/// While the cached version is incredibly fast, this version offers no real gain over doing it
/// on the CPU because the frequent global memory access brings performance to a crawl.
/// The supersample parameter will produce three different kernels.
/// SS = 1, SS > 1 && SS even, SS > 1 && SS odd.
/// The width of the kernel this runs in must be evenly divisible by 16 or else artifacts will occur.
/// Note that because this function uses so many variables and is so complex, OpenCL can easily run
/// out of resources in some cases. Certain variables had to be reused to condense the kernel footprint
/// down enough to be able to run a block size of 32x32.
/// For double precision, or for SS > 1, a size of 32x30 is used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ss">The supersample being used</param>
/// <returns>The kernel string</returns>
string DEOpenCLKernelCreator::CreateGaussianDEKernelNoLocalCache(size_t ss)
	bool doSS = ss > 1;
	bool doScf = !(ss & 1);
	ostringstream os;
	os <<
	   ConstantDefinesString(m_DoublePrecision) <<
	   DensityFilterCLStructString <<
	   UnionCLStructString <<
	   AddToAccumWithCheckFunctionString <<
	   "__kernel void " << GaussianDEEntryPoint(ss, MaxDEFilterSize() + 1) << "(\n" <<
	   "	const __global real4_bucket* histogram,\n"
	   "	__global real4reals_bucket* accumulator,\n"
	   "	__constant DensityFilterCL* densityFilter,\n"
	   "	const __global real_bucket_t* filterCoefs,\n"
	   "	const __global real_bucket_t* filterWidths,\n"
	   "	const __global uint* coefIndices,\n"
	   "	const uint chunkSizeW,\n"
	   "	const uint chunkSizeH,\n"
	   "	const uint colChunkPass,\n"
	   "	const uint rowChunkPass\n"
	   "	if (((((BLOCK_ID_X * chunkSizeW) + colChunkPass) * BLOCK_SIZE_X) + THREAD_ID_X >= densityFilter->m_SuperRasW) ||\n"
	   "	    ((((BLOCK_ID_Y * chunkSizeH) + rowChunkPass) * BLOCK_SIZE_Y) + THREAD_ID_Y >= densityFilter->m_SuperRasH))\n"
	   "			return;\n"

	if (doSS)
		os <<
		   "	uint ss = (uint)floor((real_bucket_t)densityFilter->m_Supersample / 2.0);\n"
		   "	int densityBoxLeftX;\n"
		   "	int densityBoxRightX;\n"
		   "	int densityBoxTopY;\n"
		   "	int densityBoxBottomY;\n";

		if (doScf)
			os << "	real_bucket_t scfact = pow((real_bucket_t)densityFilter->m_Supersample / ((real_bucket_t)densityFilter->m_Supersample + (real_bucket_t)1.0), (real_bucket_t)2.0);\n";

	os <<
	   //Compute the bounds of the area to be sampled, which is just the ends minus the super sample minus 1.
	   "	uint leftBound = densityFilter->m_Supersample - 1;\n"
	   "	uint rightBound = densityFilter->m_SuperRasW - (densityFilter->m_Supersample - 1);\n"
	   "	uint topBound = densityFilter->m_Supersample - 1;\n"
	   "	uint botBound = densityFilter->m_SuperRasH - (densityFilter->m_Supersample - 1);\n"
	   //Start and end values are the indices in the histogram read from and written to in the accumulator.
	   //Before computing local offsets, compute the global offsets first to determine if any rows or cols fall outside of the bounds.
	   "	uint blockHistStartRow = min(botBound, (uint)(topBound + (((BLOCK_ID_Y * chunkSizeH) + rowChunkPass) * BLOCK_SIZE_Y)));\n"//The first histogram row this block will process.
	   "	uint threadHistRow = blockHistStartRow + THREAD_ID_Y;\n"//The histogram row this individual thread will be reading from.
	   "	uint blockHistStartCol = min(rightBound, leftBound + (uint)(((BLOCK_ID_X * chunkSizeW) + colChunkPass) * BLOCK_SIZE_X));\n"//The first histogram column this block will process.
	   "	uint threadHistCol = blockHistStartCol + THREAD_ID_X;\n"//The histogram column this individual thread will be reading from.
	   "	int i, j;\n"
	   "	uint filterSelectInt, filterCoefIndex;\n"
	   "	real_bucket_t cacheLog;\n"
	   "	real_bucket_t filterSelect;\n"
	   "	real4_bucket bucket;\n"
	   "	if (threadHistRow < botBound && threadHistCol < rightBound)\n"
	   "	{\n"
	   "		bucket = histogram[(threadHistRow * densityFilter->m_SuperRasW) + threadHistCol];\n"
	   "		if (bucket.w != 0)\n"
	   "		{\n"
	   "			cacheLog = (densityFilter->m_K1 * log((real_bucket_t)fma(bucket.w, densityFilter->m_K2, (real_bucket_t)1.0))) / bucket.w;\n";

	if (doSS)
		os <<
		   "			filterSelect = 0;\n"
		   "			densityBoxLeftX = threadHistCol - min(threadHistCol, ss);\n"
		   "			densityBoxRightX = threadHistCol + min(ss, (densityFilter->m_SuperRasW - threadHistCol) - 1);\n"
		   "			densityBoxTopY = threadHistRow - min(threadHistRow, ss);\n"
		   "			densityBoxBottomY = threadHistRow + min(ss, (densityFilter->m_SuperRasH - threadHistRow) - 1);\n"
		   "			for (j = densityBoxTopY; j <= densityBoxBottomY; j++)\n"
		   "			{\n"
		   "				for (i = densityBoxLeftX; i <= densityBoxRightX; i++)\n"
		   "				{\n"
		   "					filterSelect += histogram[i + (j * densityFilter->m_SuperRasW)].w;\n"
		   "				}\n"
		   "			}\n"

		if (doScf)
			os <<
			   "			filterSelect *= scfact;\n";
				<< "			filterSelect = bucket.w;\n";

	os <<
	   "			if (filterSelect > densityFilter->m_MaxFilteredCounts)\n"
	   "				filterSelectInt = densityFilter->m_MaxFilterIndex;\n"
	   "			else if (filterSelect <= DE_THRESH)\n"
	   "				filterSelectInt = (int)ceil(filterSelect) - 1;\n"
	   "			else\n"
	   "				filterSelectInt = (int)DE_THRESH + (int)floor(pow((real_bucket_t)(filterSelect - DE_THRESH), densityFilter->m_Curve));\n"
	   "			if (filterSelectInt > densityFilter->m_MaxFilterIndex)\n"
	   "				filterSelectInt = densityFilter->m_MaxFilterIndex;\n"
	   "			filterCoefIndex = filterSelectInt * densityFilter->m_KernelSize;\n"
	   "			int fw = (int)densityFilter->m_FilterWidth;\n"//Need a signed int to use below.
	   "			for (j = -fw; j <= fw; j++)\n"
	   "			{\n"
	   "				for (i = -fw; i <= fw; i++)\n"
	   "				{\n"
	   "					if (AccumCheck(densityFilter->m_SuperRasW, densityFilter->m_SuperRasH, threadHistCol, i, threadHistRow, j))\n"
	   "					{\n"
	   "						filterSelectInt = filterCoefIndex + coefIndices[(abs(j) * (densityFilter->m_FilterWidth + 1)) + abs(i)];\n"//Really is filterCoeffIndexPlusOffset, but reusing a variable to save space.
	   "						if (filterCoefs[filterSelectInt] != 0)\n"
	   "						{\n"
	   "							accumulator[(i + threadHistCol) + ((j + threadHistRow) * densityFilter->m_SuperRasW)].m_Real4 += (bucket * (filterCoefs[filterSelectInt] * cacheLog));\n"
	   "						}\n"
	   "					}\n"
	   "					barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"//Required to avoid streaks.
	   "				}\n"
	   "			}\n"
	   "		}\n"//bucket.w != 0.
	   "	}\n"//In bounds.
	   //"	barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"//Just to be safe.
	return os.str();