** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal
** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and
** conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information
** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
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** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#include "FractoriumPch.h"
#include "qcssscanner.h"
/// The code in this file did not originate in Fractorium.
/// It was taken either in whole or in part from the source code
/// of Qt Creator. Their license applies.
using namespace QCss;
struct QCssKnownValue
const char* name;
quint64 id;
static const QCssKnownValue properties[NumProperties - 1] =
{ "-qt-background-role", QtBackgroundRole },
{ "-qt-block-indent", QtBlockIndent },
{ "-qt-list-indent", QtListIndent },
{ "-qt-list-number-prefix", QtListNumberPrefix },
{ "-qt-list-number-suffix", QtListNumberSuffix },
{ "-qt-paragraph-type", QtParagraphType },
{ "-qt-style-features", QtStyleFeatures },
{ "-qt-table-type", QtTableType },
{ "-qt-user-state", QtUserState },
{ "alternate-background-color", QtAlternateBackground },
{ "background", Background },
{ "background-attachment", BackgroundAttachment },
{ "background-clip", BackgroundClip },
{ "background-color", BackgroundColor },
{ "background-image", BackgroundImage },
{ "background-origin", BackgroundOrigin },
{ "background-position", BackgroundPosition },
{ "background-repeat", BackgroundRepeat },
{ "border", Border },
{ "border-bottom", BorderBottom },
{ "border-bottom-color", BorderBottomColor },
{ "border-bottom-left-radius", BorderBottomLeftRadius },
{ "border-bottom-right-radius", BorderBottomRightRadius },
{ "border-bottom-style", BorderBottomStyle },
{ "border-bottom-width", BorderBottomWidth },
{ "border-color", BorderColor },
{ "border-image", BorderImage },
{ "border-left", BorderLeft },
{ "border-left-color", BorderLeftColor },
{ "border-left-style", BorderLeftStyle },
{ "border-left-width", BorderLeftWidth },
{ "border-radius", BorderRadius },
{ "border-right", BorderRight },
{ "border-right-color", BorderRightColor },
{ "border-right-style", BorderRightStyle },
{ "border-right-width", BorderRightWidth },
{ "border-style", BorderStyles },
{ "border-top", BorderTop },
{ "border-top-color", BorderTopColor },
{ "border-top-left-radius", BorderTopLeftRadius },
{ "border-top-right-radius", BorderTopRightRadius },
{ "border-top-style", BorderTopStyle },
{ "border-top-width", BorderTopWidth },
{ "border-width", BorderWidth },
{ "bottom", Bottom },
{ "color", Property::Color },
{ "float", Float },
{ "font", QCss::Font },
{ "font-family", FontFamily },
{ "font-size", FontSize },
{ "font-style", FontStyle },
{ "font-variant", FontVariant },
{ "font-weight", FontWeight },
{ "height", Height },
{ "image", QtImage },
{ "image-position", QtImageAlignment },
{ "left", Left },
{ "line-height", LineHeight },
{ "list-style", ListStyle },
{ "list-style-type", ListStyleType },
{ "margin", Margin },
{ "margin-bottom", MarginBottom },
{ "margin-left", MarginLeft },
{ "margin-right", MarginRight },
{ "margin-top", MarginTop },
{ "max-height", MaximumHeight },
{ "max-width", MaximumWidth },
{ "min-height", MinimumHeight },
{ "min-width", MinimumWidth },
{ "outline", Outline },
{ "outline-bottom-left-radius", OutlineBottomLeftRadius },
{ "outline-bottom-right-radius", OutlineBottomRightRadius },
{ "outline-color", OutlineColor },
{ "outline-offset", OutlineOffset },
{ "outline-radius", OutlineRadius },
{ "outline-style", OutlineStyle },
{ "outline-top-left-radius", OutlineTopLeftRadius },
{ "outline-top-right-radius", OutlineTopRightRadius },
{ "outline-width", OutlineWidth },
{ "padding", Padding },
{ "padding-bottom", PaddingBottom },
{ "padding-left", PaddingLeft },
{ "padding-right", PaddingRight },
{ "padding-top", PaddingTop },
{ "page-break-after", PageBreakAfter },
{ "page-break-before", PageBreakBefore },
{ "position", Position },
{ "right", Right },
{ "selection-background-color", QtSelectionBackground },
{ "selection-color", QtSelectionForeground },
{ "spacing", QtSpacing },
{ "subcontrol-origin", QtOrigin },
{ "subcontrol-position", QtPosition },
{ "text-align", TextAlignment },
{ "text-decoration", TextDecoration },
{ "text-indent", TextIndent },
{ "text-transform", TextTransform },
{ "text-underline-style", TextUnderlineStyle },
{ "top", Top },
{ "vertical-align", VerticalAlignment },
{ "white-space", Whitespace },
{ "width", Width }
static const QCssKnownValue values[NumKnownValues - 1] =
{ "active", Value_Active },
{ "alternate-base", Value_AlternateBase },
{ "always", Value_Always },
{ "auto", Value_Auto },
{ "base", Value_Base },
{ "bold", Value_Bold },
{ "bottom", Value_Bottom },
{ "bright-text", Value_BrightText },
{ "button", Value_Button },
{ "button-text", Value_ButtonText },
{ "center", Value_Center },
{ "circle", Value_Circle },
{ "dark", Value_Dark },
{ "dashed", Value_Dashed },
{ "decimal", Value_Decimal },
{ "disabled", Value_Disabled },
{ "disc", Value_Disc },
{ "dot-dash", Value_DotDash },
{ "dot-dot-dash", Value_DotDotDash },
{ "dotted", Value_Dotted },
{ "double", Value_Double },
{ "groove", Value_Groove },
{ "highlight", Value_Highlight },
{ "highlighted-text", Value_HighlightedText },
{ "inset", Value_Inset },
{ "italic", Value_Italic },
{ "large", Value_Large },
{ "left", Value_Left },
{ "light", Value_Light },
{ "line-through", Value_LineThrough },
{ "link", Value_Link },
{ "link-visited", Value_LinkVisited },
{ "lower-alpha", Value_LowerAlpha },
{ "lower-roman", Value_LowerRoman },
{ "lowercase", Value_Lowercase },
{ "medium", Value_Medium },
{ "mid", Value_Mid },
{ "middle", Value_Middle },
{ "midlight", Value_Midlight },
{ "native", Value_Native },
{ "none", Value_None },
{ "normal", Value_Normal },
{ "nowrap", Value_NoWrap },
{ "oblique", Value_Oblique },
{ "off", Value_Off },
{ "on", Value_On },
{ "outset", Value_Outset },
{ "overline", Value_Overline },
{ "pre", Value_Pre },
{ "pre-wrap", Value_PreWrap },
{ "ridge", Value_Ridge },
{ "right", Value_Right },
{ "selected", Value_Selected },
{ "shadow", Value_Shadow },
{ "small", Value_Small },
{ "small-caps", Value_SmallCaps },
{ "solid", Value_Solid },
{ "square", Value_Square },
{ "sub", Value_Sub },
{ "super", Value_Super },
{ "text", Value_Text },
{ "top", Value_Top },
{ "transparent", Value_Transparent },
{ "underline", Value_Underline },
{ "upper-alpha", Value_UpperAlpha },
{ "upper-roman", Value_UpperRoman },
{ "uppercase", Value_Uppercase },
{ "wave", Value_Wave },
{ "window", Value_Window },
{ "window-text", Value_WindowText },
{ "x-large", Value_XLarge },
{ "xx-large", Value_XXLarge }
//Map id to strings as they appears in the 'values' array above
static const short indexOfId[NumKnownValues] = { 0, 41, 48, 42, 49, 54, 35, 26, 70, 71, 25, 43, 5, 63, 47,
29, 58, 59, 27, 51, 61, 6, 10, 39, 56, 19, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 50, 24, 46, 67, 37, 3, 2, 40, 62, 16,
11, 57, 14, 32, 64, 33, 65, 55, 66, 34, 69, 8, 28, 38, 12, 36, 60, 7, 9, 4, 68, 53, 22, 23, 30, 31,
1, 15, 0, 52, 45, 44
QString Value::toString() const
if (type == KnownIdentifier)
return QLatin1String(values[indexOfId[variant.toInt()]].name);
return variant.toString();
static const QCssKnownValue pseudos[NumPseudos - 1] =
{ "active", PseudoClass_Active },
{ "adjoins-item", PseudoClass_Item },
{ "alternate", PseudoClass_Alternate },
{ "bottom", PseudoClass_Bottom },
{ "checked", PseudoClass_Checked },
{ "closable", PseudoClass_Closable },
{ "closed", PseudoClass_Closed },
{ "default", PseudoClass_Default },
{ "disabled", PseudoClass_Disabled },
{ "edit-focus", PseudoClass_EditFocus },
{ "editable", PseudoClass_Editable },
{ "enabled", PseudoClass_Enabled },
{ "exclusive", PseudoClass_Exclusive },
{ "first", PseudoClass_First },
{ "flat", PseudoClass_Flat },
{ "floatable", PseudoClass_Floatable },
{ "focus", PseudoClass_Focus },
{ "has-children", PseudoClass_Children },
{ "has-siblings", PseudoClass_Sibling },
{ "horizontal", PseudoClass_Horizontal },
{ "hover", PseudoClass_Hover },
{ "indeterminate", PseudoClass_Indeterminate },
{ "last", PseudoClass_Last },
{ "left", PseudoClass_Left },
{ "maximized", PseudoClass_Maximized },
{ "middle", PseudoClass_Middle },
{ "minimized", PseudoClass_Minimized },
{ "movable", PseudoClass_Movable },
{ "next-selected", PseudoClass_NextSelected },
{ "no-frame", PseudoClass_Frameless },
{ "non-exclusive", PseudoClass_NonExclusive },
{ "off", PseudoClass_Unchecked },
{ "on", PseudoClass_Checked },
{ "only-one", PseudoClass_OnlyOne },
{ "open", PseudoClass_Open },
{ "pressed", PseudoClass_Pressed },
{ "previous-selected", PseudoClass_PreviousSelected },
{ "read-only", PseudoClass_ReadOnly },
{ "right", PseudoClass_Right },
{ "selected", PseudoClass_Selected },
{ "top", PseudoClass_Top },
{ "unchecked", PseudoClass_Unchecked },
{ "vertical", PseudoClass_Vertical },
{ "window", PseudoClass_Window }
static const QCssKnownValue origins[NumKnownOrigins - 1] =
{ "border", Origin_Border },
{ "content", Origin_Content },
{ "margin", Origin_Margin }, // not in css
{ "padding", Origin_Padding }
static const QCssKnownValue repeats[NumKnownRepeats - 1] =
{ "no-repeat", Repeat_None },
{ "repeat-x", Repeat_X },
{ "repeat-xy", Repeat_XY },
{ "repeat-y", Repeat_Y }
static const QCssKnownValue tileModes[NumKnownTileModes - 1] =
{ "repeat", TileMode_Repeat },
{ "round", TileMode_Round },
{ "stretch", TileMode_Stretch },
static const QCssKnownValue positions[NumKnownPositionModes - 1] =
{ "absolute", PositionMode_Absolute },
{ "fixed", PositionMode_Fixed },
{ "relative", PositionMode_Relative },
{ "static", PositionMode_Static }
static const QCssKnownValue attachments[NumKnownAttachments - 1] =
{ "fixed", Attachment_Fixed },
{ "scroll", Attachment_Scroll }
static const QCssKnownValue styleFeatures[NumKnownStyleFeatures - 1] =
{ "background-color", StyleFeature_BackgroundColor },
{ "background-gradient", StyleFeature_BackgroundGradient },
{ "none", StyleFeature_None }
#if defined(Q_CC_MSVC) && _MSC_VER < 1600
Q_STATIC_GLOBAL_OPERATOR bool operator<(const QCssKnownValue& prop1, const QCssKnownValue& prop2)
return QString::compare(QString::fromLatin1(prop1.name), QLatin1String(prop2.name), Qt::CaseInsensitive) < 0;
Q_STATIC_GLOBAL_OPERATOR bool operator<(const QString& name, const QCssKnownValue& prop) noexcept
return QString::compare(name, QLatin1String(prop.name), Qt::CaseInsensitive) < 0;
Q_STATIC_GLOBAL_OPERATOR bool operator<(const QCssKnownValue& prop, const QString& name) noexcept
return QString::compare(QLatin1String(prop.name), name, Qt::CaseInsensitive) < 0;
static quint64 findKnownValue(const QString& name, const QCssKnownValue* start, int numValues)
if (start != nullptr)
const QCssKnownValue* end = &start[numValues - 1];
const QCssKnownValue* prop = std::lower_bound(start, end, name);
if (prop != nullptr)
if ((prop == end) || (name < *prop))
return 0;
return prop->id;
return 0;
// Value Extractor
ValueExtractor::ValueExtractor(const QVector& decls, const QPalette& pal)
: declarations(decls), adjustment(0), fontExtracted(false), pal(pal)
LengthData ValueExtractor::lengthValue(const Value& v)
QString s = v.variant.toString();
LengthData data;
data.unit = LengthData::NONE;
if (s.endsWith(QLatin1String("px"), Qt::CaseInsensitive))
data.unit = LengthData::Px;
else if (s.endsWith(QLatin1String("ex"), Qt::CaseInsensitive))
data.unit = LengthData::Ex;
else if (s.endsWith(QLatin1String("em"), Qt::CaseInsensitive))
data.unit = LengthData::Em;
if (data.unit != LengthData::NONE)
data.number = s.toDouble();
return data;
static int lengthValueFromData(const LengthData& data, const QFont& f)
if (data.unit == LengthData::Ex)
return qRound(QFontMetrics(f).xHeight() * data.number);
else if (data.unit == LengthData::Em)
return qRound(QFontMetrics(f).height() * data.number);
return qRound(data.number);
int ValueExtractor::lengthValue(const Declaration& decl)
if (decl.d->parsed.isValid())
return lengthValueFromData(qvariant_cast(decl.d->parsed), f);
if (decl.d->values.count() < 1)
return 0;
LengthData const data = lengthValue(decl.d->values.at(0));
decl.d->parsed = QVariant::fromValue(data);
return lengthValueFromData(data, f);
void ValueExtractor::lengthValues(const Declaration& decl, int* m)
if (m != nullptr)
if (decl.d->parsed.isValid())
QList v = decl.d->parsed.toList();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
m[i] = lengthValueFromData(qvariant_cast(v.at(i)), f);
LengthData datas[4];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < qMin(decl.d->values.count(), 4); i++)
datas[i] = lengthValue(decl.d->values[i]);
if (i == 0)
LengthData zero = { 0.0, LengthData::NONE };
datas[0] = datas[1] = datas[2] = datas[3] = zero;
else if (i == 1)
datas[3] = datas[2] = datas[1] = datas[0];
else if (i == 2)
datas[2] = datas[0];
datas[3] = datas[1];
else if (i == 3)
datas[3] = datas[1];
QList v;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
v += QVariant::fromValue(datas[i]);
m[i] = lengthValueFromData(datas[i], f);
decl.d->parsed = v;
bool ValueExtractor::extractGeometry(int* w, int* h, int* minw, int* minh, int* maxw, int* maxh)
bool hit = false;
for (int i = 0; i < declarations.count(); i++)
const Declaration& decl = declarations.at(i);
switch (decl.d->propertyId)
case Width: if (w != nullptr) *w = lengthValue(decl); break;
case Height: if (h != nullptr) *h = lengthValue(decl); break;
case MinimumWidth: if (minw != nullptr) *minw = lengthValue(decl); break;
case MinimumHeight: if (minh != nullptr) *minh = lengthValue(decl); break;
case MaximumWidth: if (maxw != nullptr) *maxw = lengthValue(decl); break;
case MaximumHeight: if (maxh != nullptr) *maxh = lengthValue(decl); break;
default: continue;
hit = true;
return hit;
bool ValueExtractor::extractPosition(int* left, int* top, int* right, int* bottom, QCss::Origin* origin,
Qt::Alignment* position, QCss::PositionMode* mode, Qt::Alignment* textAlignment)
bool hit = false;
for (int i = 0; i < declarations.count(); i++)
const Declaration& decl = declarations.at(i);
switch (decl.d->propertyId)
case Left: if (left != nullptr) *left = lengthValue(decl); break;
case Top: if (top != nullptr) *top = lengthValue(decl); break;
case Right: if (right != nullptr) *right = lengthValue(decl); break;
case Bottom: if (bottom != nullptr) *bottom = lengthValue(decl); break;
case QtOrigin: if (origin != nullptr) *origin = decl.originValue(); break;
case QtPosition: if (position != nullptr) *position = decl.alignmentValue(); break;
case TextAlignment: if (textAlignment != nullptr) *textAlignment = decl.alignmentValue(); break;
case Position: if (mode != nullptr) *mode = decl.positionValue(); break;
default: continue;
hit = true;
return hit;
bool ValueExtractor::extractBox(int* margins, int* paddings, int* spacing)
bool hit = false;
for (int i = 0; i < declarations.count(); i++)
const Declaration& decl = declarations.at(i);
switch (decl.d->propertyId)
case PaddingLeft: if (paddings != nullptr) paddings[LeftEdge] = lengthValue(decl); break;
case PaddingRight: if (paddings != nullptr) paddings[RightEdge] = lengthValue(decl); break;
case PaddingTop: if (paddings != nullptr) paddings[TopEdge] = lengthValue(decl); break;
case PaddingBottom: if (paddings != nullptr) paddings[BottomEdge] = lengthValue(decl); break;
case Padding: if (paddings != nullptr) lengthValues(decl, paddings); break;
case MarginLeft: if (margins != nullptr) margins[LeftEdge] = lengthValue(decl); break;
case MarginRight: if (margins != nullptr) margins[RightEdge] = lengthValue(decl); break;
case MarginTop: if (margins != nullptr) margins[TopEdge] = lengthValue(decl); break;
case MarginBottom: if (margins != nullptr) margins[BottomEdge] = lengthValue(decl); break;
case Margin: if (margins != nullptr) lengthValues(decl, margins); break;
case QtSpacing: if (spacing) *spacing = lengthValue(decl); break;
default: continue;
hit = true;
return hit;
int ValueExtractor::extractStyleFeatures()
int features = StyleFeature_None;
for (int i = 0; i < declarations.count(); i++)
const Declaration& decl = declarations.at(i);
if (decl.d->propertyId == QtStyleFeatures)
features = decl.styleFeaturesValue();
return features;
QSize ValueExtractor::sizeValue(const Declaration& decl)
if (decl.d->parsed.isValid())
QList v = decl.d->parsed.toList();
return QSize(lengthValueFromData(qvariant_cast(v.at(0)), f),
lengthValueFromData(qvariant_cast(v.at(1)), f));
LengthData x[2] = { {0, LengthData::NONE }, {0, LengthData::NONE} };
if (decl.d->values.count() > 0)
x[0] = lengthValue(decl.d->values.at(0));
if (decl.d->values.count() > 1)
x[1] = lengthValue(decl.d->values.at(1));
x[1] = x[0];
QList v;
v << QVariant::fromValue(x[0]) << QVariant::fromValue(x[1]);
decl.d->parsed = v;
return QSize(lengthValueFromData(x[0], f), lengthValueFromData(x[1], f));
void ValueExtractor::sizeValues(const Declaration& decl, QSize* radii)
if (radii != nullptr)
radii[0] = sizeValue(decl);
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
radii[i] = radii[0];
bool ValueExtractor::extractBorder(int* borders, QBrush* colors, BorderStyle* styles,
QSize* radii)
bool hit = false;
for (int i = 0; i < declarations.count(); i++)
const Declaration& decl = declarations.at(i);
switch (decl.d->propertyId)
case BorderLeftWidth: if (borders != nullptr) borders[LeftEdge] = lengthValue(decl); break;
case BorderRightWidth: if (borders != nullptr) borders[RightEdge] = lengthValue(decl); break;
case BorderTopWidth: if (borders != nullptr) borders[TopEdge] = lengthValue(decl); break;
case BorderBottomWidth: if (borders != nullptr) borders[BottomEdge] = lengthValue(decl); break;
case BorderWidth: if (borders != nullptr) lengthValues(decl, borders); break;
case BorderLeftColor: if (colors != nullptr) colors[LeftEdge] = decl.brushValue(pal); break;
case BorderRightColor: if (colors != nullptr) colors[RightEdge] = decl.brushValue(pal); break;
case BorderTopColor: if (colors != nullptr) colors[TopEdge] = decl.brushValue(pal); break;
case BorderBottomColor: if (colors != nullptr) colors[BottomEdge] = decl.brushValue(pal); break;
case BorderColor: if (colors != nullptr) decl.brushValues(colors, pal); break;
case BorderTopStyle: if (styles != nullptr) styles[TopEdge] = decl.styleValue(); break;
case BorderBottomStyle: if (styles != nullptr) styles[BottomEdge] = decl.styleValue(); break;
case BorderLeftStyle: if (styles != nullptr) styles[LeftEdge] = decl.styleValue(); break;
case BorderRightStyle: if (styles != nullptr) styles[RightEdge] = decl.styleValue(); break;
case BorderStyles: if (styles != nullptr) decl.styleValues(styles); break;
case BorderTopLeftRadius: if (radii != nullptr) radii[0] = sizeValue(decl); break;
case BorderTopLeftRadius: new (radii)QSize(sizeValue(decl)); break;
case BorderTopRightRadius: if (radii != nullptr) radii[1] = sizeValue(decl); break;
case BorderBottomLeftRadius: if (radii != nullptr) radii[2] = sizeValue(decl); break;
case BorderBottomRightRadius: if (radii != nullptr) radii[3] = sizeValue(decl); break;
case BorderRadius: if (radii != nullptr) sizeValues(decl, radii); break;
case BorderLeft:
if (borders != nullptr && styles != nullptr && colors != nullptr)
borderValue(decl, &borders[LeftEdge], &styles[LeftEdge], &colors[LeftEdge]);
case BorderTop:
if (borders != nullptr && styles != nullptr && colors != nullptr)
borderValue(decl, &borders[TopEdge], &styles[TopEdge], &colors[TopEdge]);
case BorderRight:
if (borders != nullptr && styles != nullptr && colors != nullptr)
borderValue(decl, &borders[RightEdge], &styles[RightEdge], &colors[RightEdge]);
case BorderBottom:
if (borders != nullptr && styles != nullptr && colors != nullptr)
borderValue(decl, &borders[BottomEdge], &styles[BottomEdge], &colors[BottomEdge]);
case Border:
if (borders != nullptr && styles != nullptr && colors != nullptr)
borderValue(decl, &borders[LeftEdge], &styles[LeftEdge], &colors[LeftEdge]);
borders[TopEdge] = borders[RightEdge] = borders[BottomEdge] = borders[LeftEdge];
styles[TopEdge] = styles[RightEdge] = styles[BottomEdge] = styles[LeftEdge];
colors[TopEdge] = colors[RightEdge] = colors[BottomEdge] = colors[LeftEdge];
default: continue;
hit = true;
return hit;
bool ValueExtractor::extractOutline(int* borders, QBrush* colors, BorderStyle* styles,
QSize* radii, int* offsets)
bool hit = false;
for (int i = 0; i < declarations.count(); i++)
const Declaration& decl = declarations.at(i);
switch (decl.d->propertyId)
case OutlineWidth: if (borders != nullptr) lengthValues(decl, borders); break;
case OutlineColor: if (colors != nullptr) decl.brushValues(colors, pal); break;
case OutlineStyle: if (styles != nullptr) decl.styleValues(styles); break;
case OutlineTopLeftRadius: if (radii != nullptr) radii[0] = sizeValue(decl); break;
case OutlineTopRightRadius: if (radii != nullptr) radii[1] = sizeValue(decl); break;
case OutlineBottomLeftRadius: if (radii != nullptr) radii[2] = sizeValue(decl); break;
case OutlineBottomRightRadius: if (radii != nullptr) radii[3] = sizeValue(decl); break;
case OutlineRadius: if (radii != nullptr) sizeValues(decl, radii); break;
case OutlineOffset: if (offsets != nullptr) lengthValues(decl, offsets); break;
case Outline:
if (borders != nullptr && styles != nullptr && colors != nullptr)
borderValue(decl, &borders[LeftEdge], &styles[LeftEdge], &colors[LeftEdge]);
borders[TopEdge] = borders[RightEdge] = borders[BottomEdge] = borders[LeftEdge];
styles[TopEdge] = styles[RightEdge] = styles[BottomEdge] = styles[LeftEdge];
colors[TopEdge] = colors[RightEdge] = colors[BottomEdge] = colors[LeftEdge];
default: continue;
hit = true;
return hit;
static Qt::Alignment parseAlignment(const QCss::Value* values, int count)
Qt::Alignment a[2] = { Qt::AlignLeft, Qt::AlignLeft };
if (values != nullptr)
for (int i = 0; i < qMin(2, count); i++)
if (values[i].type != Value::KnownIdentifier)
switch (values[i].variant.toInt())
case Value_Left: a[i] = Qt::AlignLeft; break;
case Value_Right: a[i] = Qt::AlignRight; break;
case Value_Top: a[i] = Qt::AlignTop; break;
case Value_Bottom: a[i] = Qt::AlignBottom; break;
case Value_Center: a[i] = Qt::AlignCenter; break;
default: break;
if (a[0] == Qt::AlignCenter && a[1] != 0 && a[1] != Qt::AlignCenter)
a[0] = (a[1] == Qt::AlignLeft || a[1] == Qt::AlignRight) ? Qt::AlignVCenter : Qt::AlignHCenter;
if ((a[1] == 0 || a[1] == Qt::AlignCenter) && a[0] != Qt::AlignCenter)
a[1] = (a[0] == Qt::AlignLeft || a[0] == Qt::AlignRight) ? Qt::AlignVCenter : Qt::AlignHCenter;
return a[0] | a[1];
static ColorData parseColorValue(QCss::Value v)
if (v.type == Value::Identifier || v.type == Value::String)
v.type = Value::Color;
if (v.type == Value::Color)
return qvariant_cast(v.variant);
if (v.type == Value::KnownIdentifier && v.variant.toInt() == Value_Transparent)
return QColor(Qt::transparent);
if (v.type != Value::Function)
return ColorData();
QStringList lst = v.variant.toStringList();
if (lst.count() != 2)
return ColorData();
if ((lst.at(0).compare(QLatin1String("palette"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) == 0)
const auto role = findKnownValue(lst.at(1).trimmed(), values, NumKnownValues);
if (role >= Value_FirstColorRole && role <= Value_LastColorRole)
return (QPalette::ColorRole)(role - Value_FirstColorRole);
return ColorData();
const auto rgb = lst.at(0).startsWith(QLatin1String("rgb"));
const auto rgba = lst.at(0).startsWith(QLatin1String("rgba"));
Parser p(lst.at(1));
if (!p.testExpr())
return ColorData();
QVector colorDigits;
if (!p.parseExpr(&colorDigits))
return ColorData();
for (int i = 0; i < qMin(colorDigits.count(), 7); i += 2)
if (colorDigits.at(i).type == Value::Percentage)
colorDigits[i].variant = colorDigits.at(i).variant.toReal() * (255. / 100.);
colorDigits[i].type = Value::Number;
else if (colorDigits.at(i).type != Value::Number)
return ColorData();
const auto v1 = colorDigits.at(0).variant.toInt();
const auto v2 = colorDigits.at(2).variant.toInt();
const auto v3 = colorDigits.at(4).variant.toInt();
auto alpha = 255;
if (colorDigits.count() >= 7)
int alphaValue = colorDigits.at(6).variant.toInt();
if (rgba && alphaValue <= 1)
alpha = colorDigits.at(6).variant.toReal() * 255.;
alpha = alphaValue;
return rgb ? QColor::fromRgb(v1, v2, v3, alpha)
: QColor::fromHsv(v1, v2, v3, alpha);
static QColor colorFromData(const ColorData& c, const QPalette& pal)
if (c.type == ColorData::Color)
return c.color;
else if (c.type == ColorData::Role)
return pal.color(c.role);
return QColor();
static BrushData parseBrushValue(const QCss::Value& v, const QPalette& pal)
const auto c = parseColorValue(v);
if (c.type == ColorData::Color)
return QBrush(c.color);
else if (c.type == ColorData::Role)
return c.role;
if (v.type != Value::Function)
return BrushData();
QStringList lst = v.variant.toStringList();
if (lst.count() != 2)
return BrushData();
QStringList gradFuncs;
gradFuncs << QLatin1String("qlineargradient") << QLatin1String("qradialgradient") << QLatin1String("qconicalgradient") << QLatin1String("qgradient");
int gradType = -1;
if ((gradType = gradFuncs.indexOf(lst.at(0).toLower())) == -1)
return BrushData();
QHash vars;
QVector stops;
int spread = -1;
QStringList spreads;
spreads << QLatin1String("pad") << QLatin1String("reflect") << QLatin1String("repeat");
bool dependsOnThePalette = false;
Parser parser(lst.at(1));
while (parser.hasNext())
if (!parser.test(IDENT))
return BrushData();
QString attr = parser.lexem();
if (!parser.test(COLON))
return BrushData();
if (attr.compare(QLatin1String("stop"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
QCss::Value stop, color;
if (!parser.parseTerm(&stop)) return BrushData();
if (!parser.parseTerm(&color)) return BrushData();
const auto cd = parseColorValue(color);
if (cd.type == ColorData::Role)
dependsOnThePalette = true;
stops.append(QGradientStop(stop.variant.toReal(), colorFromData(cd, pal)));
QCss::Value value;
std::ignore = parser.parseTerm(&value);
if (attr.compare(QLatin1String("spread"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
spread = spreads.indexOf(value.variant.toString());
vars[attr] = value.variant.toReal();
std::ignore = parser.test(COMMA);
if (gradType == 0)
QLinearGradient lg(vars.value(QLatin1String("x1")), vars.value(QLatin1String("y1")),
vars.value(QLatin1String("x2")), vars.value(QLatin1String("y2")));
if (spread != -1)
BrushData bd = QBrush(lg);
if (dependsOnThePalette)
bd.type = BrushData::DependsOnThePalette;
return bd;
if (gradType == 1)
QRadialGradient rg(vars.value(QLatin1String("cx")), vars.value(QLatin1String("cy")),
vars.value(QLatin1String("radius")), vars.value(QLatin1String("fx")),
if (spread != -1)
BrushData bd = QBrush(rg);
if (dependsOnThePalette)
bd.type = BrushData::DependsOnThePalette;
return bd;
if (gradType == 2)
QConicalGradient cg(vars.value(QLatin1String("cx")), vars.value(QLatin1String("cy")),
if (spread != -1)
BrushData bd = QBrush(cg);
if (dependsOnThePalette)
bd.type = BrushData::DependsOnThePalette;
return bd;
return BrushData();
static QBrush brushFromData(const BrushData& c, const QPalette& pal)
if (c.type == BrushData::Role)
return pal.color(c.role);
return c.brush;
static BorderStyle parseStyleValue(QCss::Value v)
if (v.type == Value::KnownIdentifier)
switch (v.variant.toInt())
case Value_None:
return BorderStyle_None;
case Value_Dotted:
return BorderStyle_Dotted;
case Value_Dashed:
return BorderStyle_Dashed;
case Value_Solid:
return BorderStyle_Solid;
case Value_Double:
return BorderStyle_Double;
case Value_DotDash:
return BorderStyle_DotDash;
case Value_DotDotDash:
return BorderStyle_DotDotDash;
case Value_Groove:
return BorderStyle_Groove;
case Value_Ridge:
return BorderStyle_Ridge;
case Value_Inset:
return BorderStyle_Inset;
case Value_Outset:
return BorderStyle_Outset;
case Value_Native:
return BorderStyle_Native;
return BorderStyle_Unknown;
void ValueExtractor::borderValue(const Declaration& decl, int* width, QCss::BorderStyle* style, QBrush* color)
if (width != nullptr && style != nullptr && color != nullptr)
if (decl.d->parsed.isValid())
BorderData data = qvariant_cast(decl.d->parsed);
*width = lengthValueFromData(data.width, f);
*style = data.style;
*color = data.color.type != BrushData::Invalid ? brushFromData(data.color, pal) : QBrush(QColor());
*width = 0;
*style = BorderStyle_None;
*color = QColor();
if (decl.d->values.isEmpty())
BorderData data;
data.width.number = 0;
data.width.unit = LengthData::NONE;
data.style = BorderStyle_None;
int i = 0;
if (decl.d->values.at(i).type == Value::Length || decl.d->values.at(i).type == Value::Number)
data.width = lengthValue(decl.d->values.at(i));
*width = lengthValueFromData(data.width, f);
if (++i >= decl.d->values.count())
decl.d->parsed = QVariant::fromValue(data);
data.style = parseStyleValue(decl.d->values.at(i));
if (data.style != BorderStyle_Unknown)
*style = data.style;
if (++i >= decl.d->values.count())
decl.d->parsed = QVariant::fromValue(data);
data.style = BorderStyle_None;
data.color = parseBrushValue(decl.d->values.at(i), pal);
*color = brushFromData(data.color, pal);
if (data.color.type != BrushData::DependsOnThePalette)
decl.d->parsed = QVariant::fromValue(data);
static void parseShorthandBackgroundProperty(const QVector& values, BrushData* brush, QString* image, Repeat* repeat, Qt::Alignment* alignment, const QPalette& pal)
if (brush != nullptr && image != nullptr && repeat != nullptr && alignment != nullptr)
*brush = BrushData();
*image = QString();
*repeat = Repeat_XY;
*alignment = Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft;
for (int i = 0; i < values.count(); ++i)
const QCss::Value& v = values.at(i);
if (v.type == Value::Uri)
*image = v.variant.toString();
else if (v.type == Value::KnownIdentifier && v.variant.toInt() == Value_None)
*image = QString();
else if (v.type == Value::KnownIdentifier && v.variant.toInt() == Value_Transparent)
*brush = QBrush(Qt::transparent);
Repeat repeatAttempt = static_cast(findKnownValue(v.variant.toString(),
repeats, NumKnownRepeats));
if (repeatAttempt != Repeat_Unknown)
*repeat = repeatAttempt;
if (v.type == Value::KnownIdentifier)
const int start = i;
int count = 1;
if (i < values.count() - 1
&& values.at(i + 1).type == Value::KnownIdentifier)
Qt::Alignment a = parseAlignment(values.constData() + start, count);
if (int(a) != 0)
*alignment = a;
i -= count - 1;
*brush = parseBrushValue(v, pal);
bool ValueExtractor::extractBackground(QBrush* brush, QString* image, Repeat* repeat,
Qt::Alignment* alignment, Origin* origin, Attachment* attachment,
Origin* clip)
bool hit = false;
if (brush != nullptr && image != nullptr && repeat != nullptr && alignment != nullptr && origin != nullptr && attachment != nullptr && clip != nullptr)
for (int i = 0; i < declarations.count(); ++i)
const Declaration& decl = declarations.at(i);
if (decl.d->values.isEmpty())
const QCss::Value& val = decl.d->values.at(0);
switch (decl.d->propertyId)
case BackgroundColor:
*brush = decl.brushValue();
case BackgroundImage:
if (val.type == Value::Uri)
*image = val.variant.toString();
case BackgroundRepeat:
if (decl.d->parsed.isValid())
*repeat = static_cast(decl.d->parsed.toInt());
*repeat = static_cast(findKnownValue(val.variant.toString(),
repeats, NumKnownRepeats));
decl.d->parsed = *repeat;
case BackgroundPosition:
*alignment = decl.alignmentValue();
case BackgroundOrigin:
*origin = decl.originValue();
case BackgroundClip:
*clip = decl.originValue();
case Background:
if (decl.d->parsed.isValid())
BackgroundData data = qvariant_cast(decl.d->parsed);
*brush = brushFromData(data.brush, pal);
*image = data.image;
*repeat = data.repeat;
*alignment = data.alignment;
BrushData brushData;
parseShorthandBackgroundProperty(decl.d->values, &brushData, image, repeat, alignment, pal);
*brush = brushFromData(brushData, pal);
if (brushData.type != BrushData::DependsOnThePalette)
BackgroundData data = { brushData, *image, *repeat, *alignment };
decl.d->parsed = QVariant::fromValue(data);
case BackgroundAttachment:
*attachment = decl.attachmentValue();
default: continue;
hit = true;
return hit;
static bool setFontSizeFromValue(QCss::Value value, QFont* font, int* fontSizeAdjustment)
if (font != nullptr && fontSizeAdjustment != nullptr)
if (value.type == Value::KnownIdentifier)
bool valid = true;
switch (value.variant.toInt())
case Value_Small: *fontSizeAdjustment = -1; break;
case Value_Medium: *fontSizeAdjustment = 0; break;
case Value_Large: *fontSizeAdjustment = 1; break;
case Value_XLarge: *fontSizeAdjustment = 2; break;
case Value_XXLarge: *fontSizeAdjustment = 3; break;
default: valid = false; break;
return valid;
if (value.type != Value::Length)
return false;
bool valid = false;
QString s = value.variant.toString();
if (s.endsWith(QLatin1String("pt"), Qt::CaseInsensitive))
value.variant = s;
if (value.variant.convert(QMetaType((QMetaType::Type)qMetaTypeId())))
valid = true;
else if (s.endsWith(QLatin1String("px"), Qt::CaseInsensitive))
value.variant = s;
if (value.variant.convert(QMetaType(QMetaType::Int)))
valid = true;
return valid;
return false;
static bool setFontStyleFromValue(const QCss::Value& value, QFont* font)
if (value.type != Value::KnownIdentifier)
return false ;
if (font != nullptr)
switch (value.variant.toInt())
case Value_Normal: font->setStyle(QFont::StyleNormal); return true;
case Value_Italic: font->setStyle(QFont::StyleItalic); return true;
case Value_Oblique: font->setStyle(QFont::StyleOblique); return true;
default: break;
return false;
static QFont::Weight IntToFontWeight(int i) noexcept
if (i <= QFont::Weight::Thin)
return QFont::Weight::Thin;
else if (i <= QFont::Weight::ExtraLight)
return QFont::Weight::ExtraLight;
else if (i <= QFont::Weight::Light)
return QFont::Weight::Light;
else if (i <= QFont::Weight::Normal)
return QFont::Weight::Normal;
else if (i <= QFont::Weight::Medium)
return QFont::Weight::Medium;
else if (i <= QFont::Weight::DemiBold)
return QFont::Weight::DemiBold;
else if (i <= QFont::Weight::Bold)
return QFont::Weight::Bold;
else if (i <= QFont::Weight::ExtraBold)
return QFont::Weight::ExtraBold;
return QFont::Weight::Black;
static bool setFontWeightFromValue(const QCss::Value& value, QFont* font)
if (font != nullptr)
if (value.type == Value::KnownIdentifier)
switch (value.variant.toInt())
case Value_Normal: font->setWeight(QFont::Normal); return true;
case Value_Bold: font->setWeight(QFont::Bold); return true;
default: break;
return false;
if (value.type != Value::Number)
return false;
return true;
/** \internal
parse the font family from the values (starting from index \a start)
and set it the \a font
The function returns \c true if a family was extracted.
static bool setFontFamilyFromValues(const QVector& values, QFont* font, int start = 0)
QString family;
bool shouldAddSpace = false;
for (int i = start; i < values.count(); ++i)
const QCss::Value& v = values.at(i);
if (v.type == Value::TermOperatorComma)
family += QLatin1Char(',');
shouldAddSpace = false;
const QString str = v.variant.toString();
if (str.isEmpty())
if (shouldAddSpace)
family += QLatin1Char(' ');
family += str;
shouldAddSpace = true;
if (family.isEmpty())
return false;
if (font != nullptr)
return true;
static void setTextDecorationFromValues(const QVector& values, QFont* font)
if (font != nullptr)
for (int i = 0; i < values.count(); ++i)
if (values.at(i).type != Value::KnownIdentifier)
switch (values.at(i).variant.toInt())
case Value_Underline: font->setUnderline(true); break;
case Value_Overline: font->setOverline(true); break;
case Value_LineThrough: font->setStrikeOut(true); break;
case Value_None:
default: break;
static void parseShorthandFontProperty(const QVector& values, QFont* font, int* fontSizeAdjustment)
if (font != nullptr)
*fontSizeAdjustment = -255;
int i = 0;
while (i < values.count())
if (setFontStyleFromValue(values.at(i), font)
|| setFontWeightFromValue(values.at(i), font))
if (i < values.count())
setFontSizeFromValue(values.at(i), font, fontSizeAdjustment);
if (i < values.count())
setFontFamilyFromValues(values, font, i);
static void setFontVariantFromValue(const QCss::Value& value, QFont* font)
if (font != nullptr)
if (value.type == Value::KnownIdentifier)
switch (value.variant.toInt())
case Value_Normal: font->setCapitalization(QFont::MixedCase); break;
case Value_SmallCaps: font->setCapitalization(QFont::SmallCaps); break;
default: break;
static void setTextTransformFromValue(const QCss::Value& value, QFont* font)
if (font != nullptr)
if (value.type == Value::KnownIdentifier)
switch (value.variant.toInt())
case Value_None: font->setCapitalization(QFont::MixedCase); break;
case Value_Uppercase: font->setCapitalization(QFont::AllUppercase); break;
case Value_Lowercase: font->setCapitalization(QFont::AllLowercase); break;
default: break;
bool ValueExtractor::extractFont(QFont* font, int* fontSizeAdjustment)
if (font != nullptr)
if (fontExtracted)
*font = f;
*fontSizeAdjustment = adjustment;
return fontExtracted == 1;
bool hit = false;
for (int i = 0; i < declarations.count(); ++i)
const Declaration& decl = declarations.at(i);
if (decl.d->values.isEmpty())
const QCss::Value& val = decl.d->values.at(0);
switch (decl.d->propertyId)
case FontSize: setFontSizeFromValue(val, font, fontSizeAdjustment); break;
case FontStyle: setFontStyleFromValue(val, font); break;
case FontWeight: setFontWeightFromValue(val, font); break;
case FontFamily: setFontFamilyFromValues(decl.d->values, font); break;
case TextDecoration: setTextDecorationFromValues(decl.d->values, font); break;
case Font: parseShorthandFontProperty(decl.d->values, font, fontSizeAdjustment); break;
case FontVariant: setFontVariantFromValue(val, font); break;
case TextTransform: setTextTransformFromValue(val, font); break;
default: continue;
hit = true;
f = *font;
adjustment = *fontSizeAdjustment;
fontExtracted = hit ? 1 : 2;
return hit;
return false;
bool ValueExtractor::extractPalette(QBrush* fg, QBrush* sfg, QBrush* sbg, QBrush* abg)
bool hit = false;
if (fg != nullptr && sfg != nullptr && sbg != nullptr && abg != nullptr)
for (int i = 0; i < declarations.count(); ++i)
const Declaration& decl = declarations.at(i);
switch (decl.d->propertyId)
case Color: *fg = decl.brushValue(pal); break;
case QtSelectionForeground: *sfg = decl.brushValue(pal); break;
case QtSelectionBackground: *sbg = decl.brushValue(pal); break;
case QtAlternateBackground: *abg = decl.brushValue(pal); break;
default: continue;
hit = true;
return hit;
void ValueExtractor::extractFont()
if (fontExtracted)
int dummy = -255;
extractFont(&f, &dummy);
bool ValueExtractor::extractImage(QIcon* icon, Qt::Alignment* a, QSize* size)
bool hit = false;
if (icon != nullptr && a != nullptr && size != nullptr)
for (int i = 0; i < declarations.count(); ++i)
const Declaration& decl = declarations.at(i);
switch (decl.d->propertyId)
case QtImage:
*icon = decl.iconValue();
if (decl.d->values.count() > 0 && decl.d->values.at(0).type == Value::Uri)
// try to pull just the size from the image...
QImageReader imageReader(decl.d->values.at(0).variant.toString());
if ((*size = imageReader.size()).isNull())
// but we'll have to load the whole image if the
// format doesn't support just reading the size
*size = imageReader.read().size();
case QtImageAlignment: *a = decl.alignmentValue(); break;
default: continue;
hit = true;
return hit;
// Declaration
QColor Declaration::colorValue(const QPalette& pal) const
if (d->values.count() != 1)
return QColor();
if (d->parsed.isValid())
if (d->parsed.typeId() == QMetaType::QColor)
return qvariant_cast(d->parsed);
if (d->parsed.typeId() == QMetaType::Int)
return pal.color((QPalette::ColorRole)(d->parsed.toInt()));
ColorData color = parseColorValue(d->values.at(0));
if (color.type == ColorData::Role)
d->parsed = QVariant::fromValue(color.role);
return pal.color((QPalette::ColorRole)(color.role));
d->parsed = QVariant::fromValue(color.color);
return color.color;
QBrush Declaration::brushValue(const QPalette& pal) const
if (d->values.count() != 1)
return QBrush();
if (d->parsed.isValid())
if (d->parsed.typeId() == QMetaType::QBrush)
return qvariant_cast(d->parsed);
if (d->parsed.typeId() == QMetaType::Int)
return pal.color((QPalette::ColorRole)(d->parsed.toInt()));
BrushData data = parseBrushValue(d->values.at(0), pal);
if (data.type == BrushData::Role)
d->parsed = QVariant::fromValue(data.role);
return pal.color((QPalette::ColorRole)(data.role));
if (data.type != BrushData::DependsOnThePalette)
d->parsed = QVariant::fromValue(data.brush);
return data.brush;
void Declaration::brushValues(QBrush* c, const QPalette& pal) const
int needParse = 0x1f; // bits 0..3 say if we should parse the corresponding value.
// the bit 4 say we need to update d->parsed
int i = 0;
if (c != nullptr)
if (d->parsed.isValid())
needParse = 0;
QList v = d->parsed.toList();
for (i = 0; i < qMin(v.count(), 4); i++)
if (v.at(i).typeId() == QMetaType::QBrush)
c[i] = qvariant_cast(v.at(i));
else if (v.at(i).typeId() == QMetaType::Int)
c[i] = pal.color((QPalette::ColorRole)(v.at(i).toInt()));
needParse |= (1 << i);
if (needParse != 0)
QList v;
for (i = 0; i < qMin(d->values.count(), 4); i++)
if (!(needParse & (1 << i)))
BrushData data = parseBrushValue(d->values.at(i), pal);
if (data.type == BrushData::Role)
v += QVariant::fromValue(data.role);
c[i] = pal.color((QPalette::ColorRole)(data.role));
if (data.type != BrushData::DependsOnThePalette)
v += QVariant::fromValue(data.brush);
v += QVariant();
c[i] = data.brush;
if (needParse & 0x10)
d->parsed = v;
if (i == 0) c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = c[3] = QBrush();
else if (i == 1) c[3] = c[2] = c[1] = c[0];
else if (i == 2) c[2] = c[0], c[3] = c[1];
else if (i == 3) c[3] = c[1];
bool Declaration::realValue(qreal* real, const char* unit) const
if (d->values.count() != 1)
return false;
const Value& v = d->values.at(0);
if (unit != nullptr && v.type != Value::Length)
return false;
QString s = v.variant.toString();
if (unit != nullptr)
if (!s.endsWith(QLatin1String(unit), Qt::CaseInsensitive))
return false;
bool ok = false;
qreal val = s.toDouble(&ok);
if (ok && real != nullptr)
*real = val;
return ok;
static bool intValueHelper(const QCss::Value& v, int* i, const char* unit)
if (unit && v.type != Value::Length)
return false;
QString s = v.variant.toString();
if (unit)
if (!s.endsWith(QLatin1String(unit), Qt::CaseInsensitive))
return false;
bool ok = false;
int val = s.toInt(&ok);
if (ok && i != nullptr)
*i = val;
return ok;
bool Declaration::intValue(int* i, const char* unit) const
if (d->values.count() != 1)
return false;
return intValueHelper(d->values.at(0), i, unit);
QSize Declaration::sizeValue() const
if (d->parsed.isValid())
return qvariant_cast(d->parsed);
int x[2] = { 0, 0 };
if (d->values.count() > 0)
intValueHelper(d->values.at(0), &x[0], "px");
if (d->values.count() > 1)
intValueHelper(d->values.at(1), &x[1], "px");
x[1] = x[0];
QSize size(x[0], x[1]);
d->parsed = QVariant::fromValue(size);
return size;
QRect Declaration::rectValue() const
if (d->values.count() != 1)
return QRect();
if (d->parsed.isValid())
return qvariant_cast(d->parsed);
const QCss::Value& v = d->values.at(0);
if (v.type != Value::Function)
return QRect();
QStringList func = v.variant.toStringList();
if (func.count() != 2 || func.at(0).compare(QLatin1String("rect")) != 0)
return QRect();
QStringList args = func[1].split(QLatin1Char(' '), Qt::SplitBehaviorFlags::SkipEmptyParts);
if (args.count() != 4)
return QRect();
QRect rect(args[0].toInt(), args[1].toInt(), args[2].toInt(), args[3].toInt());
d->parsed = QVariant::fromValue(rect);
return rect;
void Declaration::colorValues(QColor* c, const QPalette& pal) const
int i;
if (c != nullptr)
if (d->parsed.isValid())
QList v = d->parsed.toList();
for (i = 0; i < qMin(d->values.count(), 4); i++)
if (v.at(i).typeId() == QMetaType::QColor)
c[i] = qvariant_cast(v.at(i));
c[i] = pal.color((QPalette::ColorRole)(v.at(i).toInt()));
QList v;
for (i = 0; i < qMin(d->values.count(), 4); i++)
ColorData color = parseColorValue(d->values.at(i));
if (color.type == ColorData::Role)
v += QVariant::fromValue(color.role);
c[i] = pal.color((QPalette::ColorRole)(color.role));
v += QVariant::fromValue(color.color);
c[i] = color.color;
d->parsed = v;
if (i == 0) c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = c[3] = QColor();
else if (i == 1) c[3] = c[2] = c[1] = c[0];
else if (i == 2) c[2] = c[0], c[3] = c[1];
else if (i == 3) c[3] = c[1];
BorderStyle Declaration::styleValue() const
if (d->values.count() != 1)
return BorderStyle_None;
return parseStyleValue(d->values.at(0));
void Declaration::styleValues(BorderStyle* s) const
if (s != nullptr)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < qMin(d->values.count(), 4); i++)
s[i] = parseStyleValue(d->values.at(i));
if (i == 0) s[0] = s[1] = s[2] = s[3] = BorderStyle_None;
else if (i == 1) s[3] = s[2] = s[1] = s[0];
else if (i == 2) s[2] = s[0], s[3] = s[1];
else if (i == 3) s[3] = s[1];
Repeat Declaration::repeatValue() const
if (d->parsed.isValid())
return static_cast(d->parsed.toInt());
if (d->values.count() != 1)
return Repeat_Unknown;
const auto v = findKnownValue(d->values.at(0).variant.toString(),
repeats, NumKnownRepeats);
d->parsed = v;
return static_cast(v);
Origin Declaration::originValue() const
if (d->parsed.isValid())
return static_cast(d->parsed.toInt());
if (d->values.count() != 1)
return Origin_Unknown;
const auto v = findKnownValue(d->values.at(0).variant.toString(),
origins, NumKnownOrigins);
d->parsed = v;
return static_cast(v);
PositionMode Declaration::positionValue() const
if (d->parsed.isValid())
return static_cast(d->parsed.toInt());
if (d->values.count() != 1)
return PositionMode_Unknown;
const auto v = findKnownValue(d->values.at(0).variant.toString(),
positions, NumKnownPositionModes);
d->parsed = v;
return static_cast(v);
Attachment Declaration::attachmentValue() const
if (d->parsed.isValid())
return static_cast(d->parsed.toInt());
if (d->values.count() != 1)
return Attachment_Unknown;
const auto v = findKnownValue(d->values.at(0).variant.toString(),
attachments, NumKnownAttachments);
d->parsed = v;
return static_cast(v);
int Declaration::styleFeaturesValue() const
Q_ASSERT(d->propertyId == QtStyleFeatures);
if (d->parsed.isValid())
return d->parsed.toInt();
int features = StyleFeature_None;
for (int i = 0; i < d->values.count(); i++)
features |= static_cast(findKnownValue(d->values.value(i).variant.toString(),
styleFeatures, NumKnownStyleFeatures));
d->parsed = features;
return features;
QString Declaration::uriValue() const
if (d->values.isEmpty() || d->values.at(0).type != Value::Uri)
return QString();
return d->values.at(0).variant.toString();
Qt::Alignment Declaration::alignmentValue() const
if (d->parsed.isValid())
return Qt::Alignment(d->parsed.toInt());
if (d->values.isEmpty() || d->values.count() > 2)
return Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop;
Qt::Alignment v = parseAlignment(d->values.constData(), d->values.count());
d->parsed = int(v);
return v;
void Declaration::borderImageValue(QString* image, int* cuts,
TileMode* h, TileMode* v) const
if (image != nullptr && cuts != nullptr && h != nullptr && v != nullptr)
*image = uriValue();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cuts[i] = -1;
*h = *v = TileMode_Stretch;
if (d->values.count() < 2)
if (d->values.at(1).type == Value::Number) // cuts!
int i;
for (i = 0; i < qMin(d->values.count() - 1, 4); i++)
const Value& v = d->values.at(i + 1);
if (v.type != Value::Number)
cuts[i] = v.variant.toString().toInt();
if (i == 0) cuts[0] = cuts[1] = cuts[2] = cuts[3] = 0;
else if (i == 1) cuts[3] = cuts[2] = cuts[1] = cuts[0];
else if (i == 2) cuts[2] = cuts[0], cuts[3] = cuts[1];
else if (i == 3) cuts[3] = cuts[1];
if (d->values.last().type == Value::Identifier)
*v = static_cast(findKnownValue(d->values.last().variant.toString(),
tileModes, NumKnownTileModes));
if (d->values[d->values.count() - 2].type == Value::Identifier)
*h = static_cast
(findKnownValue(d->values[d->values.count() - 2].variant.toString(),
tileModes, NumKnownTileModes));
*h = *v;
QIcon Declaration::iconValue() const
if (d->parsed.isValid())
return qvariant_cast(d->parsed);
QIcon icon;
for (int i = 0; i < d->values.count();)
const Value& value = d->values.at(i++);
if (value.type != Value::Uri)
QString uri = value.variant.toString();
QIcon::Mode mode = QIcon::Normal;
QIcon::State state = QIcon::Off;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
if (i != d->values.count() && d->values.at(i).type == Value::KnownIdentifier)
switch (d->values.at(i).variant.toInt())
case Value_Disabled: mode = QIcon::Disabled; break;
case Value_Active: mode = QIcon::Active; break;
case Value_Selected: mode = QIcon::Selected; break;
case Value_Normal: mode = QIcon::Normal; break;
case Value_On: state = QIcon::On; break;
case Value_Off: state = QIcon::Off; break;
default: break;
// QIcon is soo broken
if (icon.isNull())
icon = QIcon(uri);
icon.addPixmap(uri, mode, state);
if (i == d->values.count())
if (d->values.at(i).type == Value::TermOperatorComma)
d->parsed = QVariant::fromValue(icon);
return icon;
// Selector
int Selector::specificity() const
int val = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < basicSelectors.count(); ++i)
const BasicSelector& sel = basicSelectors.at(i);
if (!sel.elementName.isEmpty())
val += 1;
val += (sel.pseudos.count() + sel.attributeSelectors.count()) * 0x10;
val += sel.ids.count() * 0x100;
return val;
QString Selector::pseudoElement() const
const BasicSelector& bs = basicSelectors.last();
if (!bs.pseudos.isEmpty() && bs.pseudos.at(0).type == PseudoClass_Unknown)
return bs.pseudos.at(0).name;
return QString();
quint64 Selector::pseudoClass(quint64* negated) const
const BasicSelector& bs = basicSelectors.last();
if (bs.pseudos.isEmpty())
return PseudoClass_Unspecified;
quint64 pc = PseudoClass_Unknown;
for (int i = !pseudoElement().isEmpty(); i < bs.pseudos.count(); i++)
const Pseudo& pseudo = bs.pseudos.at(i);
if (pseudo.type == PseudoClass_Unknown)
return PseudoClass_Unknown;
if (!pseudo.negated)
pc |= pseudo.type;
else if (negated)
*negated |= pseudo.type;
return pc;
// StyleSheet
void StyleSheet::buildIndexes(Qt::CaseSensitivity nameCaseSensitivity)
QVector universals;
for (int i = 0; i < styleRules.count(); ++i)
const StyleRule& rule = styleRules.at(i);
QVector universalsSelectors;
for (int j = 0; j < rule.selectors.count(); ++j)
const Selector& selector = rule.selectors.at(j);
if (selector.basicSelectors.isEmpty())
if (selector.basicSelectors.at(0).relationToNext == BasicSelector::NoRelation)
if (selector.basicSelectors.count() != 1)
else if (selector.basicSelectors.count() <= 1)
const BasicSelector& sel = selector.basicSelectors.at(selector.basicSelectors.count() - 1);
if (!sel.ids.isEmpty())
StyleRule nr;
nr.selectors += selector;
nr.declarations = rule.declarations;
nr.order = i;
idIndex.insert(sel.ids.at(0), nr);
else if (!sel.elementName.isEmpty())
StyleRule nr;
nr.selectors += selector;
nr.declarations = rule.declarations;
nr.order = i;
QString name = sel.elementName;
if (nameCaseSensitivity == Qt::CaseInsensitive)
name = name.toLower();
nameIndex.insert(name, nr);
universalsSelectors += selector;
if (!universalsSelectors.isEmpty())
StyleRule nr;
nr.selectors = universalsSelectors;
nr.declarations = rule.declarations;
nr.order = i;
universals << nr;
styleRules = universals;
// StyleSelector
bool StyleSelector::nodeNameEquals(NodePtr node, const QString& nodeName) const
return nodeNames(node).contains(nodeName, nameCaseSensitivity);
QStringList StyleSelector::nodeIds(NodePtr node) const
return QStringList(attribute(node, QLatin1String("id")));
bool StyleSelector::selectorMatches(const Selector& selector, NodePtr node)
if (selector.basicSelectors.isEmpty())
return false;
if (selector.basicSelectors.at(0).relationToNext == BasicSelector::NoRelation)
if (selector.basicSelectors.count() != 1)
return false;
return basicSelectorMatches(selector.basicSelectors.at(0), node);
if (selector.basicSelectors.count() <= 1)
return false;
int i = selector.basicSelectors.count() - 1;
node = duplicateNode(node);
bool match = true;
BasicSelector sel = selector.basicSelectors.at(i);
match = basicSelectorMatches(sel, node);
if (!match)
if (sel.relationToNext == BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfParent
|| i == selector.basicSelectors.count() - 1) // first element must always match!
if (match || sel.relationToNext != BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfAncestor)
if (i < 0)
sel = selector.basicSelectors.at(i);
if (sel.relationToNext == BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfAncestor
|| sel.relationToNext == BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfParent)
const auto nextParent = parentNode(node);
node = nextParent;
else if (sel.relationToNext == BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfPreceeds)
const auto previousSibling = previousSiblingNode(node);
node = previousSibling;
if (isNullNode(node))
match = false;
while (i >= 0 && (match || sel.relationToNext == BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfAncestor));
return match;
bool StyleSelector::basicSelectorMatches(const BasicSelector& sel, NodePtr node)
if (!sel.attributeSelectors.isEmpty())
if (!hasAttributes(node))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < sel.attributeSelectors.count(); ++i)
const QCss::AttributeSelector& a = sel.attributeSelectors.at(i);
const QString attrValue = attribute(node, a.name);
if (attrValue.isNull())
return false;
if (a.valueMatchCriterium == QCss::AttributeSelector::MatchContains)
QStringList lst = attrValue.split(QLatin1Char(' '));
if (!lst.contains(a.value))
return false;
else if (
(a.valueMatchCriterium == QCss::AttributeSelector::MatchEqual
&& attrValue != a.value)
(a.valueMatchCriterium == QCss::AttributeSelector::MatchBeginsWith
&& !attrValue.startsWith(a.value))
return false;
if (!sel.elementName.isEmpty()
&& !nodeNameEquals(node, sel.elementName))
return false;
if (!sel.ids.isEmpty()
&& sel.ids != nodeIds(node))
return false;
return true;
void StyleSelector::matchRule(NodePtr node, const StyleRule& rule, StyleSheetOrigin origin,
int depth, QMap* weightedRules)
for (int j = 0; j < rule.selectors.count(); ++j)
const Selector& selector = rule.selectors.at(j);
if (selectorMatches(selector, node))
uint const weight = rule.order
+ selector.specificity() * 0x100
+ (uint(origin) + depth) * 0x100000;
StyleRule newRule = rule;
if (rule.selectors.count() > 1)
newRule.selectors[0] = selector;
//We might have rules with the same weight if they came from a rule with several selectors
if (weightedRules != nullptr)
weightedRules->insert(weight, newRule);
// Returns style rules that are in ascending order of specificity
// Each of the StyleRule returned will contain exactly one Selector
QVector StyleSelector::styleRulesForNode(NodePtr node)
QVector rules;
if (styleSheets.isEmpty())
return rules;
QMap weightedRules; // (spec, rule) that will be sorted below
//prune using indexed stylesheet
for (int sheetIdx = 0; sheetIdx < styleSheets.count(); ++sheetIdx)
const StyleSheet& styleSheet = styleSheets.at(sheetIdx);
for (int i = 0; i < styleSheet.styleRules.count(); ++i)
matchRule(node, styleSheet.styleRules.at(i), styleSheet.origin, styleSheet.depth, &weightedRules);
if (!styleSheet.idIndex.isEmpty())
QStringList ids = nodeIds(node);
for (int i = 0; i < ids.count(); i++)
const QString& key = ids.at(i);
QMultiHash::const_iterator it = styleSheet.idIndex.constFind(key);
while (it != styleSheet.idIndex.constEnd() && it.key() == key)
matchRule(node, it.value(), styleSheet.origin, styleSheet.depth, &weightedRules);
if (!styleSheet.nameIndex.isEmpty())
QStringList names = nodeNames(node);
for (int i = 0; i < names.count(); i++)
QString name = names.at(i);
if (nameCaseSensitivity == Qt::CaseInsensitive)
name = name.toLower();
QMultiHash::const_iterator it = styleSheet.nameIndex.constFind(name);
while (it != styleSheet.nameIndex.constEnd() && it.key() == name)
matchRule(node, it.value(), styleSheet.origin, styleSheet.depth, &weightedRules);
if (!medium.isEmpty())
for (int i = 0; i < styleSheet.mediaRules.count(); ++i)
if (styleSheet.mediaRules.at(i).media.contains(medium, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
for (int j = 0; j < styleSheet.mediaRules.at(i).styleRules.count(); ++j)
matchRule(node, styleSheet.mediaRules.at(i).styleRules.at(j), styleSheet.origin,
styleSheet.depth, &weightedRules);
QMap::const_iterator it = weightedRules.constBegin();
for ( ; it != weightedRules.constEnd() ; ++it)
rules += *it;
return rules;
// for qtexthtmlparser which requires just the declarations with Enabled state
// and without pseudo elements
QVector StyleSelector::declarationsForNode(NodePtr node, const char* extraPseudo)
QVector decls;
QVector rules = styleRulesForNode(node);
for (int i = 0; i < rules.count(); i++)
const Selector& selector = rules.at(i).selectors.at(0);
const QString pseudoElement = selector.pseudoElement();
if (extraPseudo && pseudoElement == QLatin1String(extraPseudo))
decls += rules.at(i).declarations;
if (!pseudoElement.isEmpty()) // skip rules with pseudo elements
quint64 const pseudoClass = selector.pseudoClass();
if (pseudoClass == PseudoClass_Enabled || pseudoClass == PseudoClass_Unspecified)
decls += rules.at(i).declarations;
return decls;
QString Symbol::lexem() const
QString result;
if (len > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (text.at(start + i) == QLatin1Char('\\') && i < len - 1)
result += text.at(start + i);
return result;
Parser::Parser(const QString& css, bool isFile)
init(css, isFile);
Parser::Parser() noexcept
index = 0;
errorIndex = -1;
hasEscapeSequences = false;
void Parser::init(const QString& css, bool isFile)
QString styleSheet = css;
if (isFile)
QFile file(css);
if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly))
sourcePath = QFileInfo(styleSheet).absolutePath() + QLatin1Char('/');
QTextStream stream(&file);
styleSheet = stream.readAll();
qWarning() << "QCss::Parser - Failed to load file " << css;
hasEscapeSequences = false;
Scanner::scan(Scanner::preprocess(styleSheet, &hasEscapeSequences), &symbols);
index = 0;
errorIndex = -1;
bool Parser::parse(StyleSheet* styleSheet, Qt::CaseSensitivity nameCaseSensitivity)
if (testTokenAndEndsWith(ATKEYWORD_SYM, QLatin1String("charset")))
if (!next(STRING)) return false;
if (!next(SEMICOLON)) return false;
while (test(S) || test(CDO) || test(CDC)) {}
if (styleSheet != nullptr)
while (testImport())
ImportRule rule;
if (!parseImport(&rule)) return false;
while (test(S) || test(CDO) || test(CDC)) {}
if (testMedia())
MediaRule rule;
if (!parseMedia(&rule)) return false;
else if (testPage())
PageRule rule;
if (!parsePage(&rule)) return false;
else if (testRuleset())
StyleRule rule;
if (!parseRuleset(&rule)) return false;
else if (test(ATKEYWORD_SYM))
if (!until(RBRACE)) return false;
else if (hasNext())
return false;
while (test(S) || test(CDO) || test(CDC)) {}
while (hasNext());
return true;
Symbol Parser::errorSymbol()
if (errorIndex == -1) return Symbol();
return symbols.at(errorIndex);
static inline void removeOptionalQuotes(QString* str)
if (str != nullptr)
if (!str->startsWith(QLatin1Char('\''))
&& !str->startsWith(QLatin1Char('\"')))
str->remove(0, 1);
bool Parser::parseImport(ImportRule* importRule)
if (importRule != nullptr)
if (test(STRING))
importRule->href = lexem();
if (!testAndParseUri(&importRule->href)) return false;
if (testMedium())
if (!parseMedium(&importRule->media)) return false;
while (test(COMMA))
if (!parseNextMedium(&importRule->media)) return false;
if (!next(SEMICOLON)) return false;
return true;
bool Parser::parseMedia(MediaRule* mediaRule)
if (mediaRule != nullptr)
if (!parseNextMedium(&mediaRule->media)) return false;
while (test(COMMA));
if (!next(LBRACE)) return false;
while (testRuleset())
StyleRule rule;
if (!parseRuleset(&rule)) return false;
if (!next(RBRACE)) return false;
return true;
bool Parser::parseMedium(QStringList* media)
if (media != nullptr)
return true;
bool Parser::parsePage(PageRule* pageRule)
if (pageRule != nullptr)
if (testPseudoPage())
if (!parsePseudoPage(&pageRule->selector)) return false;
if (!next(LBRACE)) return false;
Declaration decl;
if (!parseNextDeclaration(&decl)) return false;
if (!decl.isEmpty())
while (test(SEMICOLON));
if (!next(RBRACE)) return false;
return true;
bool Parser::parsePseudoPage(QString* selector)
if (!next(IDENT)) return false;
*selector = lexem();
return true;
bool Parser::parseNextOperator(Value* value)
if (!hasNext()) return true;
if (value != nullptr)
switch (next())
case SLASH: value->type = Value::TermOperatorSlash; skipSpace(); break;
case COMMA: value->type = Value::TermOperatorComma; skipSpace(); break;
default: prev(); break;
return true;
bool Parser::parseCombinator(BasicSelector::Relation* relation)
if (relation != nullptr)
*relation = BasicSelector::NoRelation;
if (lookup() == S)
*relation = BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfAncestor;
if (test(PLUS))
*relation = BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfPreceeds;
else if (test(GREATER))
*relation = BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfParent;
return true;
bool Parser::parseProperty(Declaration* decl)
if (decl != nullptr)
decl->d->property = lexem();
decl->d->propertyId = static_cast(findKnownValue(decl->d->property, properties, NumProperties));
return true;
bool Parser::parseRuleset(StyleRule* styleRule)
if (styleRule != nullptr)
Selector sel;
if (!parseSelector(&sel)) return false;
while (test(COMMA))
Selector sel;
if (!parseNextSelector(&sel)) return false;
if (!next(LBRACE)) return false;
const int declarationStart = index;
Declaration decl;
const int rewind = index;
if (!parseNextDeclaration(&decl))
index = rewind;
const bool foundSemicolon = until(SEMICOLON);
const int semicolonIndex = index;
index = declarationStart;
const bool foundRBrace = until(RBRACE);
if (foundSemicolon && semicolonIndex < index)
decl = Declaration();
index = semicolonIndex - 1;
return foundRBrace;
if (!decl.isEmpty())
while (test(SEMICOLON));
if (!next(RBRACE)) return false;
return true;
bool Parser::parseSelector(Selector* sel)
if (sel != nullptr)
BasicSelector basicSel;
if (!parseSimpleSelector(&basicSel)) return false;
while (testCombinator())
if (!parseCombinator(&basicSel.relationToNext)) return false;
if (!testSimpleSelector()) break;
basicSel = BasicSelector();
if (!parseSimpleSelector(&basicSel)) return false;
return true;
bool Parser::parseSimpleSelector(BasicSelector* basicSel)
if (basicSel == nullptr)
return false;
int minCount = 0;
if (lookupElementName())
if (!parseElementName(&basicSel->elementName)) return false;
minCount = 1;
bool onceMore;
int count = 0;
onceMore = false;
if (test(HASH))
QString theid = lexem();
// chop off leading #
theid.remove(0, 1);
onceMore = true;
else if (testClass())
onceMore = true;
AttributeSelector a;
a.name = QLatin1String("class");
a.valueMatchCriterium = AttributeSelector::MatchContains;
if (!parseClass(&a.value)) return false;
else if (testAttrib())
onceMore = true;
AttributeSelector a;
if (!parseAttrib(&a)) return false;
else if (testPseudo())
onceMore = true;
Pseudo ps;
if (!parsePseudo(&ps)) return false;
if (onceMore) ++count;
while (onceMore);
return count >= minCount;
bool Parser::parseClass(QString* name)
if (!next(IDENT)) return false;
if (name != nullptr)
*name = lexem();
return true;
bool Parser::parseElementName(QString* name)
if (name != nullptr)
switch (lookup())
case STAR: name->clear(); break;
case IDENT: *name = lexem(); break;
default: return false;
return true;
bool Parser::parseAttrib(AttributeSelector* attr)
if (!next(IDENT)) return false;
if (attr != nullptr)
attr->name = lexem();
if (test(EQUAL))
attr->valueMatchCriterium = AttributeSelector::MatchEqual;
else if (test(INCLUDES))
attr->valueMatchCriterium = AttributeSelector::MatchContains;
else if (test(DASHMATCH))
attr->valueMatchCriterium = AttributeSelector::MatchBeginsWith;
return next(RBRACKET);
if (!test(IDENT) && !test(STRING)) return false;
attr->value = unquotedLexem();
return next(RBRACKET);
bool Parser::parsePseudo(Pseudo* pseudo)
std::ignore = test(COLON);
if (pseudo != nullptr)
pseudo->negated = test(EXCLAMATION_SYM);
if (test(IDENT))
pseudo->name = lexem();
pseudo->type = static_cast(findKnownValue(pseudo->name, pseudos, NumPseudos));
return true;
if (!next(FUNCTION)) return false;
pseudo->function = lexem();
// chop off trailing parenthesis
if (!test(IDENT)) return false;
pseudo->name = lexem();
return next(RPAREN);
bool Parser::parseNextDeclaration(Declaration* decl)
if (!testProperty())
return true; // not an error!
if (decl != nullptr)
if (!parseProperty(decl)) return false;
if (!next(COLON)) return false;
if (!parseNextExpr(&decl->d->values)) return false;
if (testPrio())
if (!parsePrio(decl)) return false;
return true;
bool Parser::testPrio()
const int rewind = index;
if (!test(EXCLAMATION_SYM)) return false;
if (!test(IDENT))
index = rewind;
return false;
if (lexem().compare(QLatin1String("important"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0)
index = rewind;
return false;
return true;
bool Parser::parsePrio(Declaration* declaration)
if (declaration != nullptr)
declaration->d->important = true;
return true;
bool Parser::parseExpr(QVector* values)
Value val;
if (!parseTerm(&val)) return false;
if (values != nullptr)
bool onceMore;
onceMore = false;
val = Value();
if (!parseNextOperator(&val)) return false;
if (val.type != QCss::Value::Unknown)
if (testTerm())
onceMore = true;
val = Value();
if (!parseTerm(&val)) return false;
while (onceMore);
return true;
bool Parser::testTerm()
return test(PLUS) || test(MINUS)
|| test(NUMBER)
|| test(LENGTH)
|| test(STRING)
|| test(IDENT)
|| testHexColor()
|| testFunction();
bool Parser::parseTerm(Value* value)
QString str = lexem();
bool haveUnary = false;
if (lookup() == PLUS || lookup() == MINUS)
haveUnary = true;
if (!hasNext()) return false;
str += lexem();
if (value != nullptr)
value->variant = str;
value->type = QCss::Value::String;
switch (lookup())
case NUMBER:
value->type = Value::Number;
value->type = Value::Percentage;
str.chop(1); // strip off %
value->variant = str;
case LENGTH:
value->type = Value::Length;
case STRING:
if (haveUnary) return false;
value->type = Value::String;
str.remove(0, 1);
value->variant = str;
case IDENT:
if (haveUnary) return false;
value->type = Value::Identifier;
const int theid = findKnownValue(str, values, NumKnownValues);
if (theid != 0)
value->type = Value::KnownIdentifier;
value->variant = theid;
if (haveUnary) return false;
if (testHexColor())
QColor col;
if (!parseHexColor(&col)) return false;
value->type = Value::Color;
value->variant = col;
else if (testFunction())
QString name, args;
if (!parseFunction(&name, &args)) return false;
if (name == QLatin1String("url"))
value->type = Value::Uri;
if (QFileInfo(args).isRelative() && !sourcePath.isEmpty())
value->variant = args;
value->type = Value::Function;
value->variant = QStringList() << name << args;
return recordError();
return true;
return true;
bool Parser::parseFunction(QString* name, QString* args)
if (name != nullptr && args != nullptr)
*name = lexem();
const int start = index;
if (!until(RPAREN)) return false;
for (int i = start; i < index - 1; ++i)
if (!nextExpr(&arguments)) return false;
if (!next(RPAREN)) return false;
return true;
bool Parser::parseHexColor(QColor* col)
if (col != nullptr)
if (!col->isValid())
qWarning("QCssParser::parseHexColor: Unknown color name '%s'", lexem().toLatin1().constData());
return false;
return true;
bool Parser::testAndParseUri(QString* uri)
const int rewind = index;
if (!testFunction()) return false;
QString name, args;
if (!parseFunction(&name, &args))
index = rewind;
return false;
if (name.toLower() != QLatin1String("url"))
index = rewind;
return false;
if (uri != nullptr)
*uri = args;
return true;
bool Parser::testSimpleSelector()
return testElementName()
|| (test(HASH))
|| testClass()
|| testAttrib()
|| testPseudo();
bool Parser::next(QCss::TokenType t)
if (hasNext() && next() == t)
return true;
return recordError();
bool Parser::test(QCss::TokenType t) noexcept
if (index >= symbols.count())
return false;
if (symbols.at(index).token == t)
return true;
return false;
QString Parser::unquotedLexem() const
QString s = lexem();
if (lookup() == STRING)
s.remove(0, 1);
return s;
QString Parser::lexemUntil(QCss::TokenType t)
QString lexem;
while (hasNext() && next() != t)
lexem += symbol().lexem();
return lexem;
bool Parser::until(QCss::TokenType target, QCss::TokenType target2) noexcept
int braceCount = 0;
int brackCount = 0;
int parenCount = 0;
if (index)
switch (symbols.at(index - 1).token)
case LBRACE: ++braceCount; break;
case LBRACKET: ++brackCount; break;
case LPAREN: ++parenCount; break;
default: ;
while (index < symbols.size())
QCss::TokenType const t = symbols.at(index++).token;
switch (t)
case LBRACE: ++braceCount; break;
case RBRACE: --braceCount; break;
case LBRACKET: ++brackCount; break;
case RBRACKET: --brackCount; break;
case LPAREN: ++parenCount; break;
case RPAREN: --parenCount; break;
default: break;
if ((t == target || (target2 != NONE && t == target2))
&& braceCount <= 0
&& brackCount <= 0
&& parenCount <= 0)
return true;
if (braceCount < 0 || brackCount < 0 || parenCount < 0)
return false;
bool Parser::testTokenAndEndsWith(QCss::TokenType t, QLatin1String str)
if (!test(t)) return false;
if (!lexem().endsWith(str, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
return false;
return true;