#include "EmberCLPch.h" #include "IterOpenCLKernelCreator.h" //#define STRAIGHT_RAND 1 #define USE_CASE 1 namespace EmberCLns { /// <summary> /// Empty constructor that does nothing. The user must call the one which takes a bool /// argument before using this class. /// This constructor only exists so the class can be a member of a class. /// </summary> template <typename T> IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::IterOpenCLKernelCreator() { } /// <summary> /// Constructor that sets up some basic entry point strings and creates /// the zeroization kernel string since it requires no conditional inputs. /// </summary> template <typename T> IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::IterOpenCLKernelCreator(bool nVidia) { m_NVidia = nVidia; m_IterEntryPoint = "IterateKernel"; m_ZeroizeEntryPoint = "ZeroizeKernel"; m_ZeroizeKernel = CreateZeroizeKernelString(); } /// <summary> /// Accessors. /// </summary> template <typename T> string IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::ZeroizeKernel() { return m_ZeroizeKernel; } template <typename T> string IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::ZeroizeEntryPoint() { return m_ZeroizeEntryPoint; } template <typename T> string IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::IterEntryPoint() { return m_IterEntryPoint; } /// <summary> /// Create the iteration kernel string using the Cuburn method. /// Template argument expected to be float or double. /// </summary> /// <param name="ember">The ember to create the kernel string for</param> /// <param name="params">The parametric variation #define string</param> /// <param name="doAccum">Debugging parameter to include or omit accumulating to the histogram. Default: true.</param> /// <returns>The kernel string</returns> template <typename T> string IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::CreateIterKernelString(Ember<T>& ember, string& parVarDefines, bool lockAccum, bool doAccum) { bool doublePrecision = typeid(T) == typeid(double); size_t i, v, varIndex, varCount, totalXformCount = ember.TotalXformCount(); ostringstream kernelIterBody, xformFuncs, os; vector<Variation<T>*> variations; xformFuncs << "\n" << parVarDefines << endl; ember.GetPresentVariations(variations); for (auto var : variations) if (var) xformFuncs << var->OpenCLFuncsString(); for (i = 0; i < totalXformCount; i++) { Xform<T>* xform = ember.GetTotalXform(i); //size_t totalVarCount = xform->TotalVariationCount(); bool needPrecalcSumSquares = false; bool needPrecalcSqrtSumSquares = false; bool needPrecalcAngles = false; bool needPrecalcAtanXY = false; bool needPrecalcAtanYX = false; v = varIndex = varCount = 0; xformFuncs << "void Xform" << i << "(__constant XformCL* xform, __constant real_t* parVars, Point* inPoint, Point* outPoint, uint2* mwc)\n" << "{\n" " real_t transX, transY, transZ;\n" " real4 vIn, vOut = 0.0;\n"; //Determine if any variations, regular, pre, or post need precalcs. while (Variation<T>* var = xform->GetVariation(v++)) { needPrecalcSumSquares |= var->NeedPrecalcSumSquares(); needPrecalcSqrtSumSquares |= var->NeedPrecalcSqrtSumSquares(); needPrecalcAngles |= var->NeedPrecalcAngles(); needPrecalcAtanXY |= var->NeedPrecalcAtanXY(); needPrecalcAtanYX |= var->NeedPrecalcAtanYX(); } if (needPrecalcSumSquares) xformFuncs << "\treal_t precalcSumSquares;\n"; if (needPrecalcSqrtSumSquares) xformFuncs << "\treal_t precalcSqrtSumSquares;\n"; if (needPrecalcAngles) { xformFuncs << "\treal_t precalcSina;\n"; xformFuncs << "\treal_t precalcCosa;\n"; } if (needPrecalcAtanXY) xformFuncs << "\treal_t precalcAtanxy;\n"; if (needPrecalcAtanYX) xformFuncs << "\treal_t precalcAtanyx;\n"; xformFuncs << "\treal_t tempColor = outPoint->m_ColorX = xform->m_ColorSpeedCache + (xform->m_OneMinusColorCache * inPoint->m_ColorX);\n\n"; if (xform->PreVariationCount() + xform->VariationCount() == 0) { xformFuncs << " outPoint->m_X = (xform->m_A * inPoint->m_X) + (xform->m_B * inPoint->m_Y) + xform->m_C;\n" << " outPoint->m_Y = (xform->m_D * inPoint->m_X) + (xform->m_E * inPoint->m_Y) + xform->m_F;\n" << " outPoint->m_Z = inPoint->m_Z;\n"; } else { xformFuncs << " transX = (xform->m_A * inPoint->m_X) + (xform->m_B * inPoint->m_Y) + xform->m_C;\n" << " transY = (xform->m_D * inPoint->m_X) + (xform->m_E * inPoint->m_Y) + xform->m_F;\n" << " transZ = inPoint->m_Z;\n"; varCount = xform->PreVariationCount(); if (varCount > 0) { xformFuncs << "\n\t//Apply each of the " << varCount << " pre variations in this xform.\n"; //Output the code for each pre variation in this xform. for (varIndex = 0; varIndex < varCount; varIndex++) { if (Variation<T>* var = xform->GetVariation(varIndex)) { xformFuncs << "\n\t//" << var->Name() << ".\n"; xformFuncs << var->PrecalcOpenCLString(); xformFuncs << xform->ReadOpenCLString(VARTYPE_PRE) << endl; xformFuncs << var->OpenCLString() << endl; xformFuncs << xform->WriteOpenCLString(VARTYPE_PRE, var->AssignType()) << endl; } } } if (xform->VariationCount() > 0) { if (xform->NeedPrecalcSumSquares()) xformFuncs << "\tprecalcSumSquares = SQR(transX) + SQR(transY);\n"; if (xform->NeedPrecalcSqrtSumSquares()) xformFuncs << "\tprecalcSqrtSumSquares = sqrt(precalcSumSquares);\n"; if (xform->NeedPrecalcAngles()) { xformFuncs << "\tprecalcSina = transX / Zeps(precalcSqrtSumSquares);\n"; xformFuncs << "\tprecalcCosa = transY / Zeps(precalcSqrtSumSquares);\n"; } if (xform->NeedPrecalcAtanXY()) xformFuncs << "\tprecalcAtanxy = atan2(transX, transY);\n"; if (xform->NeedPrecalcAtanYX()) xformFuncs << "\tprecalcAtanyx = atan2(transY, transX);\n"; xformFuncs << "\n\toutPoint->m_X = 0;"; xformFuncs << "\n\toutPoint->m_Y = 0;"; xformFuncs << "\n\toutPoint->m_Z = 0;\n"; xformFuncs << "\n\t//Apply each of the " << xform->VariationCount() << " regular variations in this xform.\n\n"; xformFuncs << xform->ReadOpenCLString(VARTYPE_REG); varCount += xform->VariationCount(); //Output the code for each regular variation in this xform. for (; varIndex < varCount; varIndex++) { if (Variation<T>* var = xform->GetVariation(varIndex)) { xformFuncs << "\n\t//" << var->Name() << ".\n" << var->OpenCLString() << (varIndex == varCount - 1 ? "\n" : "\n\n") << xform->WriteOpenCLString(VARTYPE_REG, ASSIGNTYPE_SUM); } } } else { xformFuncs << " outPoint->m_X = transX;\n" " outPoint->m_Y = transY;\n" " outPoint->m_Z = transZ;\n"; } } if (xform->PostVariationCount() > 0) { varCount += xform->PostVariationCount(); xformFuncs << "\n\t//Apply each of the " << xform->PostVariationCount() << " post variations in this xform.\n"; //Output the code for each post variation in this xform. for (; varIndex < varCount; varIndex++) { if (Variation<T>* var = xform->GetVariation(varIndex)) { xformFuncs << "\n\t//" << var->Name() << ".\n"; xformFuncs << var->PrecalcOpenCLString(); xformFuncs << xform->ReadOpenCLString(VARTYPE_POST) << endl; xformFuncs << var->OpenCLString() << endl; xformFuncs << xform->WriteOpenCLString(VARTYPE_POST, var->AssignType()) << (varIndex == varCount - 1 ? "\n" : "\n\n"); } } } if (xform->HasPost()) { xformFuncs << "\n\t//Apply post affine transform.\n" "\treal_t tempX = outPoint->m_X;\n" "\n" "\toutPoint->m_X = (xform->m_PostA * tempX) + (xform->m_PostB * outPoint->m_Y) + xform->m_PostC;\n" << "\toutPoint->m_Y = (xform->m_PostD * tempX) + (xform->m_PostE * outPoint->m_Y) + xform->m_PostF;\n"; } xformFuncs << "\toutPoint->m_ColorX = outPoint->m_ColorX + xform->m_DirectColor * (tempColor - outPoint->m_ColorX);\n"; xformFuncs << "}\n" << "\n"; } os << ConstantDefinesString(doublePrecision) << InlineMathFunctionsString << ClampRealFunctionString << RandFunctionString << PointCLStructString << XformCLStructString << EmberCLStructString << UnionCLStructString << CarToRasCLStructString << CarToRasFunctionString << AtomicString(doublePrecision, m_NVidia) << xformFuncs.str() << "__kernel void " << m_IterEntryPoint << "(\n" << " uint iterCount,\n" " uint fuseCount,\n" " __global uint2* seeds,\n" " __constant EmberCL* ember,\n" " __constant XformCL* xforms,\n" " __constant real_t* parVars,\n" " __global uchar* xformDistributions,\n"//Using uchar is quicker than uint. Can't be constant because the size can be too large to fit when using xaos.//FINALOPT " __constant CarToRasCL* carToRas,\n" " __global real4reals* histogram,\n" " uint histSize,\n" " __read_only image2d_t palette,\n" " __global Point* points\n" "\t)\n" "{\n" " bool fuse, ok;\n" " uint threadIndex = INDEX_IN_BLOCK_2D;\n" " uint pointsIndex = INDEX_IN_GRID_2D;\n" " uint i, itersToDo;\n" " uint consec = 0;\n" //" int badvals = 0;\n" " uint histIndex;\n" " real_t p00, p01;\n" " Point firstPoint, secondPoint, tempPoint;\n" " uint2 mwc = seeds[pointsIndex];\n" " float4 palColor1;\n" " int2 iPaletteCoord;\n" " const sampler_t paletteSampler = CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE |\n"//Coords from 0 to 255. " CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE |\n"//Clamp to edge " CLK_FILTER_NEAREST;\n"//Don't interpolate " uint threadXY = (THREAD_ID_X + THREAD_ID_Y);\n" " uint threadXDivRows = (THREAD_ID_X / (NTHREADS / THREADS_PER_WARP));\n" " uint threadsMinus1 = NTHREADS - 1;\n" ; os << "\n" #ifndef STRAIGHT_RAND " __local Point swap[NTHREADS];\n" " __local uint xfsel[NWARPS];\n" #endif "\n" " iPaletteCoord.y = 0;\n" "\n" " if (fuseCount > 0)\n" " {\n" " fuse = true;\n" " itersToDo = fuseCount;\n" " firstPoint.m_X = MwcNextNeg1Pos1(&mwc);\n" " firstPoint.m_Y = MwcNextNeg1Pos1(&mwc);\n" " firstPoint.m_Z = 0.0;\n" " firstPoint.m_ColorX = MwcNext01(&mwc);\n" " firstPoint.m_LastXfUsed = 0;\n" " }\n" " else\n" " {\n" " fuse = false;\n" " itersToDo = iterCount;\n" " firstPoint = points[pointsIndex];\n" " }\n" "\n"; //This is done once initially here and then again after each swap-sync in the main loop. //This along with the randomness that the point shuffle provides gives sufficient randomness //to produce results identical to those produced on the CPU. os << #ifndef STRAIGHT_RAND " if (THREAD_ID_Y == 0 && THREAD_ID_X < NWARPS)\n" " xfsel[THREAD_ID_X] = MwcNext(&mwc) & " << CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN_M1 << ";\n"//It's faster to do the & here ahead of time than every time an xform is looked up to use inside the loop. "\n" #endif " barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n" "\n" " for (i = 0; i < itersToDo; i++)\n" " {\n"; os << " consec = 0;\n" "\n" " do\n" " {\n"; //If xaos is present, the a hybrid of the cuburn method is used. //This makes each thread in a row pick the same offset into a distribution, using xfsel. //However, the distribution the offset is in, is determined by firstPoint.m_LastXfUsed. if (ember.XaosPresent()) { os << #ifdef STRAIGHT_RAND " secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed = xformDistributions[MwcNext(&mwc) & " << CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN_M1 << " + (" << CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN << " * (firstPoint.m_LastXfUsed + 1u))];\n\n"; #else " secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed = xformDistributions[xfsel[THREAD_ID_Y] + (" << CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN << " * (firstPoint.m_LastXfUsed + 1u))];\n\n";//Partial cuburn hybrid. #endif } else { os << #ifdef STRAIGHT_RAND " secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed = xformDistributions[MwcNext(&mwc) & " << CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN_M1 << "];\n\n";//For testing, using straight rand flam4/fractron style instead of cuburn. #else " secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed = xformDistributions[xfsel[THREAD_ID_Y]];\n\n"; #endif } for (i = 0; i < ember.XformCount(); i++) { #ifdef USE_CASE if (i == 0) { os << " switch (secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed)\n" " {\n"; } os << " case " << i << ":\n" " {\n" << " Xform" << i << "(&(xforms[" << i << "]), parVars, &firstPoint, &secondPoint, &mwc);\n" << " break;\n" " }\n"; if (i == ember.XformCount() - 1) { os << " }\n"; } #else if (i == 0) os << " if (secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed == " << i << ")\n"; else os << " else if (secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed == " << i << ")\n"; os << " {\n" << " Xform" << i << "(&(xforms[" << i << "]), parVars, &firstPoint, &secondPoint, &mwc);\n" << " }\n"; #endif } os << "\n" " ok = !BadVal(secondPoint.m_X) && !BadVal(secondPoint.m_Y);\n" //" ok = !BadVal(secondPoint.m_X) && !BadVal(secondPoint.m_Y) && !BadVal(secondPoint.m_Z);\n" "\n" " if (!ok)\n" " {\n" " firstPoint.m_X = MwcNextNeg1Pos1(&mwc);\n" " firstPoint.m_Y = MwcNextNeg1Pos1(&mwc);\n" " firstPoint.m_Z = 0.0;\n" " firstPoint.m_ColorX = secondPoint.m_ColorX;\n" " consec++;\n" //" badvals++;\n" " }\n" " }\n" " while (!ok && consec < 5);\n" "\n" " if (!ok)\n" " {\n" " secondPoint.m_X = MwcNextNeg1Pos1(&mwc);\n" " secondPoint.m_Y = MwcNextNeg1Pos1(&mwc);\n" " secondPoint.m_Z = 0.0;\n" " }\n" #ifndef STRAIGHT_RAND "\n"//Rotate points between threads. This is how randomization is achieved. " uint swr = threadXY + ((i & 1u) * threadXDivRows);\n" " uint sw = (swr * THREADS_PER_WARP + THREAD_ID_X) & threadsMinus1;\n" "\n" //Write to another thread's location. " swap[sw] = secondPoint;\n" "\n" //Populate randomized xform index buffer with new random values. " if (THREAD_ID_Y == 0 && THREAD_ID_X < NWARPS)\n" " xfsel[THREAD_ID_X] = MwcNext(&mwc) & " << CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN_M1 << ";\n" "\n" " barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n" //Another thread will have written to this thread's location, so read the new value and use it for accumulation below. " firstPoint = swap[threadIndex];\n" #else " firstPoint = secondPoint;\n"//For testing, using straight rand flam4/fractron style instead of cuburn. #endif "\n" " if (fuse)\n" " {\n" " if (i >= fuseCount - 1)\n" " {\n" " i = 0;\n" " fuse = false;\n" " itersToDo = iterCount;\n" " barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"//Sort of seems necessary, sort of doesn't. Makes no speed difference. " }\n" "\n" " continue;\n" " }\n" "\n"; if (ember.UseFinalXform()) { size_t finalIndex = ember.TotalXformCount() - 1; //CPU takes an extra step here to preserve the opacity of the randomly selected xform, rather than the final xform's opacity. //The same thing takes place here automatically because secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed is used below to retrieve the opacity when accumulating. os << " if ((xforms[" << finalIndex << "].m_Opacity == 1) || (MwcNext01(&mwc) < xforms[" << finalIndex << "].m_Opacity))\n" " {\n" " tempPoint.m_LastXfUsed = secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed;\n" " Xform" << finalIndex << "(&(xforms[" << finalIndex << "]), parVars, &secondPoint, &tempPoint, &mwc);\n" " secondPoint = tempPoint;\n" " }\n" "\n"; } os << CreateProjectionString(ember); if (doAccum) { os << " p00 = secondPoint.m_X - ember->m_CenterX;\n" " p01 = secondPoint.m_Y - ember->m_CenterY;\n" " tempPoint.m_X = (p00 * ember->m_RotA) + (p01 * ember->m_RotB) + ember->m_CenterX;\n" " tempPoint.m_Y = (p00 * ember->m_RotD) + (p01 * ember->m_RotE) + ember->m_CenterY;\n" "\n" //Add this point to the appropriate location in the histogram. " if (CarToRasInBounds(carToRas, &tempPoint))\n" " {\n" " CarToRasConvertPointToSingle(carToRas, &tempPoint, &histIndex);\n" "\n" " if (histIndex < histSize)\n"//Provides an extra level of safety and makes no speed difference. " {\n"; //Basic texture index interoplation does not produce identical results //to the CPU. So the code here must explicitly do the same thing and not //rely on the GPU texture coordinate lookup. if (ember.m_PaletteMode == PALETTE_LINEAR) { os << " real_t colorIndexFrac;\n" " real_t colorIndex = secondPoint.m_ColorX * COLORMAP_LENGTH;\n" " int intColorIndex = (int)colorIndex;\n" " float4 palColor2;\n" "\n" " if (intColorIndex < 0)\n" " {\n" " intColorIndex = 0;\n" " colorIndexFrac = 0;\n" " }\n" " else if (intColorIndex >= COLORMAP_LENGTH_MINUS_1)\n" " {\n" " intColorIndex = COLORMAP_LENGTH_MINUS_1 - 1;\n" " colorIndexFrac = 1.0;\n" " }\n" " else\n" " {\n" " colorIndexFrac = colorIndex - (real_t)intColorIndex;\n"//Interpolate between intColorIndex and intColorIndex + 1. " }\n" "\n" " iPaletteCoord.x = intColorIndex;\n"//Palette operations are strictly float because OpenCL does not support dp64 textures. " palColor1 = read_imagef(palette, paletteSampler, iPaletteCoord);\n" " iPaletteCoord.x += 1;\n" " palColor2 = read_imagef(palette, paletteSampler, iPaletteCoord);\n" " palColor1 = (palColor1 * (1.0f - (float)colorIndexFrac)) + (palColor2 * (float)colorIndexFrac);\n";//The 1.0f here *must* have the 'f' suffix at the end to compile. } else if (ember.m_PaletteMode == PALETTE_STEP) { os << " iPaletteCoord.x = (int)(secondPoint.m_ColorX * COLORMAP_LENGTH);\n" " palColor1 = read_imagef(palette, paletteSampler, iPaletteCoord);\n"; } if (lockAccum) { if (typeid(T) == typeid(double)) { os << " AtomicAdd(&(histogram[histIndex].m_Reals[0]), (real_t)palColor1.x * xforms[secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed].m_VizAdjusted);\n"//Always apply opacity, even though it's usually 1. " AtomicAdd(&(histogram[histIndex].m_Reals[1]), (real_t)palColor1.y * xforms[secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed].m_VizAdjusted);\n" " AtomicAdd(&(histogram[histIndex].m_Reals[2]), (real_t)palColor1.z * xforms[secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed].m_VizAdjusted);\n" " AtomicAdd(&(histogram[histIndex].m_Reals[3]), (real_t)palColor1.w * xforms[secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed].m_VizAdjusted);\n"; } else { os << " AtomicAdd(&(histogram[histIndex].m_Reals[0]), palColor1.x * xforms[secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed].m_VizAdjusted);\n"//Always apply opacity, even though it's usually 1. " AtomicAdd(&(histogram[histIndex].m_Reals[1]), palColor1.y * xforms[secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed].m_VizAdjusted);\n" " AtomicAdd(&(histogram[histIndex].m_Reals[2]), palColor1.z * xforms[secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed].m_VizAdjusted);\n" " AtomicAdd(&(histogram[histIndex].m_Reals[3]), palColor1.w * xforms[secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed].m_VizAdjusted);\n"; } } else { if (typeid(T) == typeid(double)) { os << " real4 realColor;\n" "\n" " realColor.x = (real_t)palColor1.x;\n" " realColor.y = (real_t)palColor1.y;\n" " realColor.z = (real_t)palColor1.z;\n" " realColor.w = (real_t)palColor1.w;\n" " histogram[histIndex].m_Real4 += (realColor * xforms[secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed].m_VizAdjusted);\n"; } else { os << " histogram[histIndex].m_Real4 += (palColor1 * xforms[secondPoint.m_LastXfUsed].m_VizAdjusted);\n"; } } os << " }\n"//histIndex < histSize. " }\n"//CarToRasInBounds. "\n" " barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE);\n";//Barrier every time, whether or not the point was in bounds, else artifacts will occur when doing strips. } os << " }\n"//Main for loop. "\n" //At this point, iterating for this round is done, so write the final points back out //to the global points buffer to be used as inputs for the next round. This preserves point trajectory //between kernel calls. #ifdef TEST_CL_BUFFERS//Use this to populate with test values and read back in EmberTester. " points[pointsIndex].m_X = MwcNextNeg1Pos1(&mwc);\n" " points[pointsIndex].m_Y = MwcNextNeg1Pos1(&mwc);\n" " points[pointsIndex].m_Z = MwcNextNeg1Pos1(&mwc);\n" " points[pointsIndex].m_ColorX = MwcNextNeg1Pos1(&mwc);\n" #else " points[pointsIndex] = firstPoint;\n" " seeds[pointsIndex] = mwc;\n" #endif " barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE);\n" "}\n"; return os.str(); } /// <summary> /// Create an OpenCL string of #defines and a corresponding host side vector for parametric variation values. /// Parametric variations present a special problem in the iteration code. /// The values can't be passed in with the array of other xform values because /// the length of the parametric values is unknown. /// This is solved by passing a separate buffer of values dedicated specifically /// to parametric variations. /// In OpenCL, a series of #define constants are declared which specify the indices in /// the buffer where the various values are stored. /// The possibility of a parametric variation type being present in multiple xforms is taken /// into account by appending the xform index to the #define, thus making each unique. /// The kernel creator then uses these to retrieve the values in the iteration code. /// Example: /// Xform1: Curl (curl_c1: 1.1, curl_c2: 2.2) /// Xform2: Curl (curl_c1: 4.4, curl_c2: 5.5) /// Xform3: Blob (blob_low: 1, blob_high: 2, blob_waves: 3) /// /// Host vector to be passed as arg to the iter kernel call: /// [1.1][2.2][4.4][5.5][1][2][3] /// /// #defines in OpenCL to access the buffer: /// /// #define CURL_C1_1 0 /// #define CURL_C2_1 1 /// #define CURL_C1_2 2 /// #define CURL_C2_2 3 /// #define BLOB_LOW_3 4 /// #define BLOB_HIGH_3 5 /// #define BLOB_WAVES_ 6 /// /// The variations the use these #defines by first looking up the index of the /// xform they belong to in the parent ember and generating the OpenCL string based on that /// in their overridden OpenCLString() functions. /// Template argument expected to be float or double. /// </summary> /// <param name="ember">The ember to create the values from</param> /// <param name="params">The string,vector pair to store the values in</param> /// <param name="doVals">True if the vector should be populated, else false. Default: true.</param> /// <param name="doString">True if the string should be populated, else false. Default: true.</param> template <typename T> void IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::ParVarIndexDefines(Ember<T>& ember, pair<string, vector<T>>& params, bool doVals, bool doString) { size_t i, j, k, size = 0, xformCount = ember.TotalXformCount(); Xform<T>* xform; ostringstream os; if (doVals) params.second.clear(); for (i = 0; i < xformCount; i++) { if ((xform = ember.GetTotalXform(i))) { size_t varCount = xform->TotalVariationCount(); for (j = 0; j < varCount; j++) { if (ParametricVariation<T>* parVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(xform->GetVariation(j))) { for (k = 0; k < parVar->ParamCount(); k++) { if (doString) os << "#define " << ToUpper(parVar->Params()[k].Name()) << "_" << i << " " << size << endl;//Uniquely identify this param in this variation in this xform. if (doVals) params.second.push_back(parVar->Params()[k].ParamVal()); size++; } } } } } if (doString) { os << "\n"; params.first = os.str(); } } /// <summary> /// Determine whether the two embers passed in differ enough /// to require a rebuild of the iteration code. /// A rebuild is required if they differ in the following ways: /// Xform count /// Final xform presence /// Xaos presence /// Palette accumulation mode /// Xform post affine presence /// Variation count /// Variation type /// Template argument expected to be float or double. /// </summary> /// <param name="ember1">The first ember to compare</param> /// <param name="ember2">The second ember to compare</param> /// <returns>True if a rebuild is required, else false</returns> template <typename T> bool IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::IsBuildRequired(Ember<T>& ember1, Ember<T>& ember2) { size_t i, j, xformCount = ember1.TotalXformCount(); if (xformCount != ember2.TotalXformCount()) return true; if (ember1.UseFinalXform() != ember2.UseFinalXform()) return true; if (ember1.XaosPresent() != ember2.XaosPresent()) return true; if (ember1.m_PaletteMode != ember2.m_PaletteMode) return true; if (ember1.ProjBits() != ember2.ProjBits()) return true; for (i = 0; i < xformCount; i++) { Xform<T>* xform1 = ember1.GetTotalXform(i); Xform<T>* xform2 = ember2.GetTotalXform(i); size_t varCount = xform1->TotalVariationCount(); if (xform1->HasPost() != xform2->HasPost()) return true; if (varCount != xform2->TotalVariationCount()) return true; for (j = 0; j < varCount; j++) if (xform1->GetVariation(j)->VariationId() != xform2->GetVariation(j)->VariationId()) return true; } return false; } /// <summary> /// Create the zeroize kernel string. /// OpenCL comes with no way to zeroize a buffer like memset() /// would do on the CPU. So a special kernel must be ran to set a range /// of memory addresses to zero. /// </summary> /// <returns>The kernel string</returns> template <typename T> string IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::CreateZeroizeKernelString() { ostringstream os; os << ConstantDefinesString(typeid(T) == typeid(double)) <<//Double precision doesn't matter here since it's not used. "__kernel void " << m_ZeroizeEntryPoint << "(__global uchar* buffer, uint width, uint height)\n" "{\n" " if (GLOBAL_ID_X >= width || GLOBAL_ID_Y >= height)\n" " return;\n" "\n" " buffer[(GLOBAL_ID_Y * width) + GLOBAL_ID_X] = 0;\n"//Can't use INDEX_IN_GRID_2D here because the grid might be larger than the buffer to make even dimensions. " barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE);\n"//Just to be safe. "}\n" "\n"; return os.str(); } /// <summary> /// Create the string for 3D projection based on the 3D values of the ember. /// Projection is done on the second point. /// If any of these fields toggle between 0 and nonzero between runs, a recompile is triggered. /// </summary> /// <param name="ember">The ember to create the projection string for</param> /// <returns>The kernel string</returns> template <typename T> string IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::CreateProjectionString(Ember<T>& ember) { size_t projBits = ember.ProjBits(); ostringstream os; if (projBits) { if (projBits & PROJBITS_BLUR) { if (projBits & PROJBITS_YAW) { os << " real_t dsin, dcos;\n" " real_t t = MwcNext01(&mwc) * M_2PI;\n" " real_t z = secondPoint.m_Z - ember->m_CamZPos;\n" " real_t x = ember->m_C00 * secondPoint.m_X + ember->m_C10 * secondPoint.m_Y;\n" " real_t y = ember->m_C01 * secondPoint.m_X + ember->m_C11 * secondPoint.m_Y + ember->m_C21 * z;\n" "\n" " z = ember->m_C02 * secondPoint.m_X + ember->m_C12 * secondPoint.m_Y + ember->m_C22 * z;\n" "\n" " real_t zr = Zeps(1 - ember->m_CamPerspective * z);\n" " real_t dr = MwcNext01(&mwc) * ember->m_BlurCoef * z;\n" "\n" " dsin = sin(t);\n" " dcos = cos(t);\n" "\n" " secondPoint.m_X = (x + dr * dcos) / zr;\n" " secondPoint.m_Y = (y + dr * dsin) / zr;\n" " secondPoint.m_Z -= ember->m_CamZPos;\n"; } else { os << " real_t y, z, zr;\n" " real_t dsin, dcos;\n" " real_t t = MwcNext01(&mwc) * M_2PI;\n" "\n" " z = secondPoint.m_Z - ember->m_CamZPos;\n" " y = ember->m_C11 * secondPoint.m_Y + ember->m_C21 * z;\n" " z = ember->m_C12 * secondPoint.m_Y + ember->m_C22 * z;\n" " zr = Zeps(1 - ember->m_CamPerspective * z);\n" "\n" " dsin = sin(t);\n" " dcos = cos(t);\n" "\n" " real_t dr = MwcNext01(&mwc) * ember->m_BlurCoef * z;\n" "\n" " secondPoint.m_X = (secondPoint.m_X + dr * dcos) / zr;\n" " secondPoint.m_Y = (y + dr * dsin) / zr;\n" " secondPoint.m_Z -= ember->m_CamZPos;\n"; } } else if ((projBits & PROJBITS_PITCH) || (projBits & PROJBITS_YAW)) { if (projBits & PROJBITS_YAW) { os << " real_t z = secondPoint.m_Z - ember->m_CamZPos;\n" " real_t x = ember->m_C00 * secondPoint.m_X + ember->m_C10 * secondPoint.m_Y;\n" " real_t y = ember->m_C01 * secondPoint.m_X + ember->m_C11 * secondPoint.m_Y + ember->m_C21 * z;\n" " real_t zr = Zeps(1 - ember->m_CamPerspective * (ember->m_C02 * secondPoint.m_X + ember->m_C12 * secondPoint.m_Y + ember->m_C22 * z));\n" "\n" " secondPoint.m_X = x / zr;\n" " secondPoint.m_Y = y / zr;\n" " secondPoint.m_Z -= ember->m_CamZPos;\n"; } else { os << " real_t z = secondPoint.m_Z - ember->m_CamZPos;\n" " real_t y = ember->m_C11 * secondPoint.m_Y + ember->m_C21 * z;\n" " real_t zr = Zeps(1 - ember->m_CamPerspective * (ember->m_C12 * secondPoint.m_Y + ember->m_C22 * z));\n" "\n" " secondPoint.m_X /= zr;\n" " secondPoint.m_Y = y / zr;\n" " secondPoint.m_Z -= ember->m_CamZPos;\n"; } } else { os << " real_t zr = Zeps(1 - ember->m_CamPerspective * (secondPoint.m_Z - ember->m_CamZPos));\n" "\n" " secondPoint.m_X /= zr;\n" " secondPoint.m_Y /= zr;\n" " secondPoint.m_Z -= ember->m_CamZPos;\n"; } } return os.str(); } template EMBERCL_API class IterOpenCLKernelCreator<float>; #ifdef DO_DOUBLE template EMBERCL_API class IterOpenCLKernelCreator<double>; #endif }