#include "EmberCommonPch.h" #include "EmberTester.h" #include "JpegUtils.h" #include <queue> #include <list> #include <deque> #ifdef __APPLE__ #include <OpenEXR/ImfRgbaFile.h> #include <OpenEXR/ImfStringAttribute.h> #include <OpenEXR/half.h> //#include <Imath/half.h> #else #include <ImfRgbaFile.h> #include <ImfStringAttribute.h> #include <half.h> #endif //#include <ImfStringAttribute.h> //#include <ImfMatrixAttribute.h> //#include <ImfArray.h> //#include <ImfChannelList.h> //#include "drawImage.h" // //#include <iostream> //#include <algorithm> // // //#include <ImfNamespace.h> // //namespace IMF = Imf; // using namespace Imf; using namespace Imath; /// <summary> /// EmberTester is a scratch area used for on the fly testing. /// It may become a more formalized automated testing system /// in the future. At the moment it isn't expected to build or /// give any useful insight into the workings of Ember. /// </summary> using namespace EmberNs; using namespace EmberCommon; //#define DO_NVIDIA 1 void writeRgba1(const char filename[], const Rgba* pixels, int width, int height) { // // Write an RGBA image using class RgbaOutputFile. // // - open the file // - describe the memory layout of the pixels // - store the pixels in the file // //auto& chl = file.header().channels(); //chl.findChannel("R")->type = PixelType::FLOAT; //Header header(width, height); //header.channels().insert("R", Channel(IMF::FLOAT)); //header.channels().insert("G", Channel(IMF::FLOAT)); //header.channels().insert("B", Channel(IMF::FLOAT)); ////header.channels().insert("A", Channel(IMF::FLOAT)); //FrameBuffer frameBuffer; //frameBuffer.insert("Z", // name // Slice(IMF::FLOAT, // type // (char *)zPixels, // base // sizeof(*zPixels) * 1, // xStride // sizeof(*zPixels) * width)); // yStride try { RgbaOutputFile file(filename, width, height, WRITE_RGBA); file.setFrameBuffer(pixels, 1, width); file.writePixels(height); } catch (std::exception e) { cout << e.what() << endl; } } /* template <typename T> void SaveFinalImage(Renderer<T, T>& renderer, vector<byte>& pixels, char* suffix) { long newSize; ostringstream os; os << ".\\BasicFlame_" << sizeof(T) << "_" << suffix << ".bmp"; BYTE* bgrBuf = ConvertRGBToBMPBuffer(pixels.data(), renderer.FinalRasW(), renderer.FinalRasH(), newSize); SaveBMP(ch, bgrBuf, renderer.FinalRasW(), renderer.FinalRasH(), newSize); delete [] bgrBuf; } template <typename T> Ember<T> CreateBasicEmber(uint width, uint height, uint ss, T quality, T centerX, T centerY, T rotate) { Timing t; QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> rand; //t.Tic(); Ember<T> ember1; //t.Toc("TestBasicFlame() : Constructor()"); //t.Tic(); ember1.m_FinalRasW = width; ember1.m_FinalRasH = height; ember1.m_Supersample = ss; ember1.m_Quality = quality; ember1.m_CenterX = centerX; ember1.m_CenterY = centerY; ember1.m_Rotate = rotate; Xform<T> xform1(T(0.25), rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), T(1), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); Xform<T> xform2(T(0.25), rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), T(1), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); Xform<T> xform3(T(0.25), rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), T(1), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); Xform<T> xform4(T(0.25), rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), T(1), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); xform1.AddVariation(new SphericalVariation<T>()); xform2.AddVariation(new SphericalVariation<T>()); xform3.AddVariation(new SphericalVariation<T>()); xform4.AddVariation(new SphericalVariation<T>()); xform4.AddVariation(new BlobVariation<T>()); ember1.AddXform(xform1); ember1.AddXform(xform2); ember1.AddXform(xform3); ember1.AddXform(xform4); //ember1.SetFinalXform(xform4); return ember1; } */ string GetEmberCLKernelString(Ember<float>& ember, bool iter, bool log, bool de, uint ss, bool accum) { ostringstream os; IterOpenCLKernelCreator<float> iterCreator; DEOpenCLKernelCreator deCreator(false, false); FinalAccumOpenCLKernelCreator accumCreator(false); pair<string, vector<float>> pair, pair2; iterCreator.ParVarIndexDefines(ember, pair); iterCreator.SharedDataIndexDefines(ember, pair2); if (iter) os << "Iter kernel: \n" << iterCreator.CreateIterKernelString(ember, pair.first, pair2.first, true); if (log) os << "Log scale de kernel: \n" << deCreator.LogScaleAssignDEKernel(); //if (de) // os << "Gaussian DE kernel: \n" << deCreator.GaussianDEKernel(ss); //if (accum) // os << "Accum kernel: \n" << accumCreator.FinalAccumKernelLateClipWithoutAlpha(); return os.str(); } template <typename T> void MakeTestAllVarsRegPrePost(vector<Ember<T>>& embers) { uint index = 0; ostringstream ss; auto varList = VariationList<T>::Instance(); auto paletteList = PaletteList<float>::Instance(); QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> rand; paletteList->Add("flam3-palettes.xml"); Timing t; Ember<T> emberNoVars; emberNoVars.m_FinalRasW = 1024; emberNoVars.m_FinalRasH = 1024; emberNoVars.m_Quality = 100; Xform<T> xform1(0.25f, rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), 1, rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); Xform<T> xform2(0.25f, rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), 1, rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); Xform<T> xform3(0.25f, rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), 1, rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); //Xform<T> xform4(0.25f, rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), 1, rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); //Xform<T> xform5(0.25f, rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), 1, rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); //Xform<T> xform6(0.25f, rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), 1, rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); //Xform<T> xform7(0.25f, rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), 1, rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); emberNoVars.AddXform(xform1); emberNoVars.AddXform(xform2); emberNoVars.AddXform(xform3); //emberNoVars.AddXform(xform4); //emberNoVars.AddXform(xform5); //emberNoVars.AddXform(xform6); //emberNoVars.AddXform(xform7); ss << "NoVars"; emberNoVars.m_Name = ss.str(); ss.str(""); emberNoVars.m_Palette = *paletteList->GetPaletteByFilename(paletteList->m_DefaultFilename, 0); embers.push_back(emberNoVars); while (index < varList->RegSize()) { /* if (index != eVariationId::VAR_SYNTH) { index++; continue; } */ Ember<T> ember1; unique_ptr<Variation<T>> regVar(varList->GetVariationCopy(index, eVariationType::VARTYPE_REG)); unique_ptr<Variation<T>> preVar(varList->GetVariationCopy("pre_" + regVar->Name())); unique_ptr<Variation<T>> postVar(varList->GetVariationCopy("post_" + regVar->Name())); ember1.m_FinalRasW = 1024; ember1.m_FinalRasH = 1024; ember1.m_Quality = 500; Xform<T> xform1(0.25f, rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), 1, rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); Xform<T> xform2(0.25f, rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), 1, rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); Xform<T> xform3(0.25f, rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), 1, rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); Xform<T> xform4(0.25f, rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), 1, rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); Xform<T> xform5(0.25f, rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), 1, rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); Xform<T> xform6(0.25f, rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), 1, rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); Xform<T> xform7(0.25f, rand.Frand01<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), 1, rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); if (preVar.get() && postVar.get()) { xform1.AddVariation(preVar->Copy()); xform2.AddVariation(regVar->Copy()); xform3.AddVariation(postVar->Copy()); xform4.AddVariation(preVar->Copy()); xform4.AddVariation(regVar->Copy()); xform5.AddVariation(preVar->Copy()); xform5.AddVariation(postVar->Copy()); xform6.AddVariation(regVar->Copy()); xform6.AddVariation(postVar->Copy()); xform7.AddVariation(preVar->Copy()); xform7.AddVariation(regVar->Copy()); xform7.AddVariation(postVar->Copy()); ember1.AddXform(xform1); ember1.AddXform(xform2); ember1.AddXform(xform3); ember1.AddXform(xform4); ember1.AddXform(xform5); ember1.AddXform(xform6); ember1.AddXform(xform7); } else { xform1.AddVariation(regVar->Copy()); xform2.AddVariation(regVar->Copy()); xform3.AddVariation(regVar->Copy()); xform4.AddVariation(regVar->Copy()); ember1.AddXform(xform1); ember1.AddXform(xform2); ember1.AddXform(xform3); ember1.AddXform(xform4); } ss << index << "_" << regVar->Name(); ember1.m_Name = ss.str(); ss.str(""); ember1.m_Palette = *paletteList->GetRandomPalette(); index++; embers.push_back(ember1); } t.Toc("Creating embers for all possible variations"); } void MakeTestAllVarsRegPrePostComboFile(const string& filename) { EmberToXml<float> writer; vector<Ember<float>> embers; MakeTestAllVarsRegPrePost(embers); writer.Save(filename, embers, 0, true, true, false, false, false); } void TestAtomicAdd() { size_t i; ostringstream os; OpenCLWrapper wrapper; vector<float> vec(32); os << ConstantDefinesString(false) << UnionCLStructString << endl; os << "void AtomicAdd(volatile __global float* source, const float operand)\n" "{\n" " union\n" " {\n" " uint intVal;\n" " float floatVal;\n" " } newVal;\n" "\n" " union\n" " {\n" " uint intVal;\n" " float floatVal;\n" " } prevVal;\n" "\n" " do\n" " {\n" " prevVal.floatVal = *source;\n" " newVal.floatVal = prevVal.floatVal + operand;\n" " } while (atomic_cmpxchg((volatile __global uint*)source, prevVal.intVal, newVal.intVal) != prevVal.intVal);\n" "}\n" "\n" "__kernel void MyKernel(\n" " __global float* buff,\n" " uint lockit\n" "\t)\n" "{\n" " uint index = THREAD_ID_X;\n" "\n" " if (lockit)\n" " {\n" " AtomicAdd(&(buff[index]), (float)index * 0.54321);\n" " }\n" " else\n" " {\n" " buff[index] += (float)index * 0.54321;\n" " }\n" "}\n"; string program = os.str(); string entry = "MyKernel"; if (wrapper.Init(0, 0)) { for (i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) vec[i] = (i * 10.2234f); if (wrapper.AddAndWriteBuffer("buff", (void*)vec.data(), (uint)vec.size() * sizeof(vec[0]))) { if (wrapper.AddProgram(entry, program, entry, false)) { wrapper.SetBufferArg(0, 0, 0); wrapper.SetArg<uint>(0, 1, 0); if (wrapper.RunKernel(0, 32,//Total grid dims. 1, 1, 1,//Individual block dims. 1, 1)) { wrapper.ReadBuffer(0, vec.data(), (uint)vec.size() * sizeof(vec[0])); cout << "Vector after unlocked add: " << endl; for (i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { cout << "vec[" << i << "] = " << vec[i] << endl; } for (i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) vec[i] = (i * 10.2234f); wrapper.AddAndWriteBuffer("buff", (void*)vec.data(), (uint)vec.size() * sizeof(vec[0])); wrapper.SetBufferArg(0, 0, 0); wrapper.SetArg<uint>(0, 1, 1); if (wrapper.RunKernel(0, 32,//Total grid dims. 1, 1, 1,//Individual block dims. 1, 1)) { wrapper.ReadBuffer(0, vec.data(), (uint)vec.size() * sizeof(vec[0])); cout << "\n\nVector after locked add: " << endl; for (i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { cout << "vec[" << i << "] = " << vec[i] << endl; } } } } } } } bool TestVarCounts() { auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); #ifdef DO_DOUBLE auto vld(VariationList<double>::Instance()); bool success((vlf->Size() == vld->Size()) && (vlf->Size() == size_t(eVariationId::LAST_VAR))); #else bool success = true; #endif uint start = et(eVariationId::VAR_ARCH); if (!success) { cout << "Variation list size " << vlf->Size() << " does not equal the max var ID enum " << et(eVariationId::LAST_VAR) << "." << endl; } for (; start < et(eVariationId::LAST_VAR); start++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation((eVariationId)start); if (!var) { cout << "Variation " << start << " was not found." << endl; success = false; } } return success; } template <typename T> bool TestVarUnique() { bool success = true; auto vl = VariationList<T>::Instance(); vector<eVariationId> ids; vector<string> names; ids.reserve(vl->Size()); names.reserve(vl->Size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < vl->Size(); i++) { auto var = vl->GetVariation(i); if (std::find(ids.begin(), ids.end(), var->VariationId()) != ids.end()) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " was a duplicate ID entry." << endl; success = false; } else { ids.push_back(var->VariationId()); } if (std::find(names.begin(), names.end(), var->Name()) != names.end()) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " was a duplicate name entry." << endl; success = false; } else { names.push_back(var->Name()); } } return success; } template <typename sT, typename dT> bool TestVarPrecalcEqual(const Variation<sT>* var1, const Variation<dT>* var2) { bool success = true; if (var1 && var2) { if (var1->NeedPrecalcSumSquares() != var2->NeedPrecalcSumSquares()) { cout << "NeedPrecalcSumSquares value of " << var1->NeedPrecalcSumSquares() << " for variation " << var1->Name() << " != NeedPrecalcSumSquares value of " << var2->NeedPrecalcSumSquares() << " for variation " << var2->Name() << endl; success = false; } if (var1->NeedPrecalcSqrtSumSquares() != var2->NeedPrecalcSqrtSumSquares()) { cout << "NeedPrecalcSqrtSumSquares value of " << var1->NeedPrecalcSqrtSumSquares() << " for variation " << var1->Name() << " != NeedPrecalcSqrtSumSquares value of " << var2->NeedPrecalcSqrtSumSquares() << " for variation " << var2->Name() << endl; success = false; } if (var1->NeedPrecalcAngles() != var2->NeedPrecalcAngles()) { cout << "NeedPrecalcAngles value of " << var1->NeedPrecalcAngles() << " for variation " << var1->Name() << " != NeedPrecalcAngles value of " << var2->NeedPrecalcAngles() << " for variation " << var2->Name() << endl; success = false; } if (var1->NeedPrecalcAtanXY() != var2->NeedPrecalcAtanXY()) { cout << "NeedPrecalcAtanXY value of " << var1->NeedPrecalcAtanXY() << " for variation " << var1->Name() << " != NeedPrecalcAtanXY value of " << var2->NeedPrecalcAtanXY() << " for variation " << var2->Name() << endl; success = false; } if (var1->NeedPrecalcAtanYX() != var2->NeedPrecalcAtanYX()) { cout << "NeedPrecalcAtanYX value of " << var1->NeedPrecalcAtanYX() << " for variation " << var1->Name() << " != NeedPrecalcAtanYX value of " << var2->NeedPrecalcAtanYX() << " for variation " << var2->Name() << endl; success = false; } } return success; } template <typename sT, typename dT> bool TestVarEqual(const Variation<sT>* var1, const Variation<dT>* var2) { bool success = true; if (!var1 || !var2) { cout << "Variations were null." << endl; return false; } if (var1->VariationId() != var2->VariationId()) { cout << "Variation IDs were not equal: " << et(var1->VariationId()) << " != " << et(var2->VariationId()) << endl; success = false; } if (var1->VarType() != var2->VarType()) { cout << "Variation types were not equal: " << et(var1->VarType()) << " != " << et(var2->VarType()) << endl; success = false; } if (var1->Name() != var2->Name()) { cout << "Variation names were not equal: " << var1->Name() << " != " << var2->Name() << endl; success = false; } if (var1->Prefix() != var2->Prefix()) { cout << "Variation prefixes were not equal: " << var1->Prefix() << " != " << var2->Prefix() << endl; success = false; } if (!TestVarPrecalcEqual<sT, dT>(var1, var2)) { cout << "Variation precalcs were not equal: " << var1->Name() << " and " << var2->Name() << "." << endl; success = false; } auto parVar1 = dynamic_cast<const ParametricVariation<sT>*>(var1); auto parVar2 = dynamic_cast<const ParametricVariation<dT>*>(var2); if (parVar1 && parVar2) { if (parVar1->ParamCount() != parVar2->ParamCount()) { cout << "Variation ParamCount were not equal: " << parVar1->ParamCount() << " != " << parVar2->ParamCount() << endl; success = false; } vector<ParamWithName<sT>> params1 = parVar1->ParamsVec(); vector<ParamWithName<dT>> params2 = parVar2->ParamsVec(); for (size_t i = 0; i < params1.size(); i++) { if (params1[i].Name() != params2[i].Name()) { cout << "Param Names were not equal: " << params1[i].Name() << " != " << params2[i].Name() << endl; success = false; } if (params1[i].Type() != params2[i].Type()) { cout << "Param " << params1[i].Name() << " Types were not equal: " << params1[i].Type() << " != " << params2[i].Type() << endl; success = false; } if (params1[i].IsPrecalc() != params2[i].IsPrecalc()) { cout << "Param " << params1[i].Name() << " IsPrecalc were not equal: " << params1[i].IsPrecalc() << " != " << params2[i].IsPrecalc() << endl; success = false; } if (!IsClose<sT>(params1[i].Def(), (sT)params2[i].Def())) { cout << "Param " << params1[i].Name() << " Def were not equal: " << params1[i].Def() << " != " << params2[i].Def() << endl; success = false; } if (typeid(sT) == typeid(dT))//Min and max can be different for float and double. { if (!IsClose<sT>(params1[i].Min(), (sT)params2[i].Min())) { cout << "Param " << params1[i].Name() << " Min were not equal: " << params1[i].Min() << " != " << params2[i].Min() << endl; success = false; } if (!IsClose<sT>(params1[i].Max(), (sT)params2[i].Max())) { cout << "Param " << params1[i].Name() << " Max were not equal: " << params1[i].Max() << " != " << params2[i].Max() << endl; success = false; } } if (!params1[i].IsState() && !params2[i].IsState())//Don't compare state params, they can be different if set to random vals. { if (!IsClose<sT>(params1[i].ParamVal(), (sT)params2[i].ParamVal(), sT(1e-4))) { cout << "Param " << params1[i].Name() << " Vals were not equal: " << params1[i].ParamVal() << " != " << params2[i].ParamVal() << endl; success = false; } } } } return success; } bool TestVarPrePostNames() { bool success = true; auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); string name = var->Name(); if (var->VarType() == eVariationType::VARTYPE_REG) { if (name.find("pre_") == 0) { cout << "Regular variation " << name << " must not start with pre_." << endl; success = false; } if (name.find("post_") == 0) { cout << "Regular variation " << name << " must not start with post_." << endl; success = false; } } else if (var->VarType() == eVariationType::VARTYPE_PRE) { if (name.find("pre_") != 0) { cout << "Pre variation " << name << " must start with pre_." << endl; success = false; } } else if (var->VarType() == eVariationType::VARTYPE_POST) { if (name.find("post_") != 0) { cout << "Post variation " << name << " must start with post_." << endl; success = false; } } else { cout << "Invalid variation type." << endl; success = false; break; } if (auto parVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<float>*>(const_cast<Variation<float>*>(var))) { vector<ParamWithName<float>> params = parVar->ParamsVec(); for (size_t p = 0; p < params.size(); p++) { if (params[p].Name().find(name.c_str()) != 0) { cout << "Param " << params[p].Name() << " must start with " << name << endl; success = false; } } } } return success; } template <typename sT, typename dT> bool TestVarCopy() { bool success = true; auto vlf(VariationList<sT>::Instance()); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); Variation<dT>* destVar = NULL; unique_ptr<Variation<sT>> copyVar(var->Copy());//Test Copy(). if (!TestVarEqual<sT, sT>(var, copyVar.get())) { cout << "Variations " << var->Name() << "<" << typeid(sT).name() << "> and " << copyVar->Name() << "<" << typeid(sT).name() << "> (same template type) were not equal after Copy()." << endl; success = false; } var->Copy(destVar);//Test Copy(var*); unique_ptr<Variation<dT>> destPtr(destVar);//Just for deletion. if (!TestVarEqual<sT, dT>(var, destPtr.get())) { cout << "Variations " << var->Name() << "<" << typeid(sT).name() << "> and " << destPtr->Name() << "<" << typeid(dT).name() << "> (different template types) were not equal after Copy(Variation<T>*)." << endl; success = false; } } return success; } bool TestParVars() { bool success = true; auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->ParametricSize(); i++) { if (auto parVar = vlf->GetParametricVariation(i)) { if (parVar->ParamCount() < 1) { cout << "Parametric variation " << parVar->Name() << " does not have any parameters." << endl; success = false; } vector<string> names; vector<float*> addresses; auto params = parVar->Params(); names.reserve(parVar->ParamCount()); addresses.reserve(parVar->ParamCount()); for (size_t j = 0; j < parVar->ParamCount(); j++) { if (std::find(names.begin(), names.end(), params[j].Name()) != names.end()) { cout << "Param " << params[j].Name() << " for variation " << parVar->Name() << " was a duplicate name entry." << endl; success = false; } else { names.push_back(params[j].Name()); } if (std::find(addresses.begin(), addresses.end(), params[j].Param()) != addresses.end()) { cout << "Param address" << params[j].Param() << " for variation " << parVar->Name() << " was a duplicate name entry." << endl; success = false; } else { addresses.push_back(params[j].Param()); } } } else { cout << "Parametric variation at index " << i << " was NULL." << endl; success = false; } } return success; } bool TestVarRegPrePost() { bool success = true; auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->RegSize(); i++) { auto regVar = vlf->GetVariation(i, eVariationType::VARTYPE_REG); if (regVar) { if (regVar->Name().find("dc_") != 0) { string name = regVar->Name(); auto preVar = vlf->GetVariation("pre_" + name); auto postVar = vlf->GetVariation("post_" + name); if (!preVar) { cout << "Pre variation equivalent of " << name << " could not be found." << endl; success = false; } if (!postVar) { cout << "Post variation equivalent of " << name << " could not be found." << endl; success = false; } if (preVar) { if (!TestVarPrecalcEqual<float, float>(regVar, preVar)) { cout << "Regular and pre variation precalc test failed for " << regVar->Name() << " and " << preVar->Name() << "." << endl; success = false; } } if (postVar) { if (!TestVarPrecalcEqual<float, float>(regVar, postVar)) { cout << "Regular and post variation precalc test failed for " << regVar->Name() << " and " << postVar->Name() << "." << endl; success = false; } } } } else { cout << "Regular variation " << i << " was NULL." << endl; success = false; } } return success; } bool TestVarPrecalcUsedCL() { bool success = true; auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); string s = var->OpenCLString(); if (var->NeedPrecalcAngles()) { if (s.find("precalcSina") == string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " needed precalcSina, but it wasn't found in the OpenCL string." << endl; success = false; } if (s.find("precalcCosa") == string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " needed precalcCosa, but it wasn't found in the OpenCL string." << endl; success = false; } } else { if (s.find("precalcSina") != string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " didn't need precalcSina, but it was found in the OpenCL string." << endl; success = false; } if (s.find("precalcCosa") != string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " didn't need precalcCosa, but it was found in the OpenCL string." << endl; success = false; } if (var->NeedPrecalcSqrtSumSquares()) { if (s.find("precalcSqrtSumSquares") == string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " needed precalcSqrtSumSquares, but it wasn't found in the OpenCL string." << endl; success = false; } } else { if (s.find("precalcSqrtSumSquares") != string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " didn't need precalcSqrtSumSquares, but it was found in the OpenCL string." << endl; success = false; } if (var->NeedPrecalcSumSquares()) { if (s.find("precalcSumSquares") == string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " needed precalcSumSquares, but it wasn't found in the OpenCL string." << endl; success = false; } } else { if (s.find("precalcSumSquares") != string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " didn't need precalcSumSquares, but it was found in the OpenCL string." << endl; success = false; } } } } if (var->NeedPrecalcSumSquares()) { if (s.find("SQR(vIn.x) + SQR(vIn.y)") != string::npos || s.find("vIn.x * vIn.x + vIn.y * vIn.y") != string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " needed precalcSumSquares, but is not using it properly." << endl; success = false; } } else { if (s.find("precalcSumSquares") != string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " didn't need precalcSumSquares, but it was found in the OpenCL string." << endl; success = false; } if (s.find("SQR(vIn.x) + SQR(vIn.y)") != string::npos || s.find("vIn.x * vIn.x + vIn.y * vIn.y") != string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " did not specify precalcSumSquares, but could benefit from it." << endl; success = false; } } if (var->NeedPrecalcSqrtSumSquares()) { if (s.find("sqrt(SQR(vIn.x) + SQR(vIn.y))") != string::npos || s.find("sqrt(vIn.x * vIn.x + vIn.y * vIn.y)") != string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " needed precalcSqrtSumSquares, but is not using it properly." << endl; success = false; } } else { if (s.find("precalcSqrtSumSquares") != string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " didn't need precalcSqrtSumSquares, but it was found in the OpenCL string." << endl; success = false; } if (s.find("sqrt(SQR(vIn.x) + SQR(vIn.y))") != string::npos || s.find("sqrt(vIn.x * vIn.x + vIn.y * vIn.y)") != string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " did not specify precalcSqrtSumSquares, but could benefit from it." << endl; success = false; } } if (var->NeedPrecalcAtanXY()) { if (s.find("precalcAtanxy") == string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " needed precalcAtanxy, but it wasn't found in the OpenCL string." << endl; success = false; } } else { if (s.find("precalcAtanxy") != string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " didn't need precalcAtanxy, but it was found in the OpenCL string." << endl; success = false; } if (s.find("atan2(vIn.x, vIn.y)") != string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " did not specify precalcAtanxy, but could benefit from it." << endl; success = false; } } if (var->NeedPrecalcAtanYX()) { if (s.find("precalcAtanyx") == string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " needed precalcAtanyx, but it wasn't found in the OpenCL string." << endl; success = false; } } else { if (s.find("precalcAtanyx") != string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " didn't need precalcAtanyx, but it was found in the OpenCL string." << endl; success = false; } if (s.find("atan2(vIn.y, vIn.x)") != string::npos) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " did not specify precalcAtanyx, but could benefit from it." << endl; success = false; } } } return success; } bool TestVarAssignTypes() { bool success = true; auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); vector<string> vset, vsum; vset.push_back("vIn.x"); vset.push_back("vIn.y"); vset.push_back("vIn.z"); vset.push_back("precalcSumSquares"); vset.push_back("precalcSqrtSumSquares"); vset.push_back("precalcSina"); vset.push_back("precalcCosa"); vset.push_back("precalcAtanxy"); vset.push_back("precalcAtanyx"); vsum.push_back("vIn.x"); vsum.push_back("vIn.y"); //vsum.push_back("vIn.z"); vsum.push_back("precalcSumSquares"); vsum.push_back("precalcSqrtSumSquares"); vsum.push_back("precalcSina"); vsum.push_back("precalcCosa"); vsum.push_back("precalcAtanxy"); vsum.push_back("precalcAtanyx"); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); string s = var->OpenCLString(); //Only test pre and post. The assign type for regular is ignored, and will always be summed. if (var->VarType() != eVariationType::VARTYPE_REG) { if (var->AssignType() == eVariationAssignType::ASSIGNTYPE_SET) { if (!SearchVar(var, vset, false)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " had an assign type of SET, but did not use its input points. It should have an assign type of SUM." << endl; success = false; } } else if (var->AssignType() == eVariationAssignType::ASSIGNTYPE_SUM) { if (SearchVar(var, vsum, false)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " had an assign type of SUM, but used its input points. It should have an assign type of SET." << endl; success = false; } } else { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " had an invalid assign type of " << et(var->AssignType()) << endl; } } } return success; } bool TestVarAssignVals() { bool success = true; auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); vector<string> xout, yout, zout; xout.push_back("vOut.x ="); xout.push_back("vOut.x +="); xout.push_back("vOut.x -="); xout.push_back("vOut.x *="); xout.push_back("vOut.x /="); yout.push_back("vOut.y ="); yout.push_back("vOut.y +="); yout.push_back("vOut.y -="); yout.push_back("vOut.y *="); yout.push_back("vOut.y /="); zout.push_back("vOut.z ="); zout.push_back("vOut.z +="); zout.push_back("vOut.z -="); zout.push_back("vOut.z *="); zout.push_back("vOut.z /="); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); if (!SearchVar(var, xout, false)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " did not set its x output point. If unused, at least pass through or set to 0." << endl; success = false; } if (!SearchVar(var, yout, false)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " did not set its y output point. If unused, at least pass through or set to 0." << endl; success = false; } if (!SearchVar(var, zout, false)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " did not set its z output point. If unused, at least pass through or set to 0." << endl; success = false; } } return success; } void FindFmaCandidates() { auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); auto cl = var->OpenCLFuncsString() + "\n" + var->StateInitOpenCLString() + "\n" + var->OpenCLString(); auto splits = Split(cl, '\n'); for (auto& split : splits) { if ((split.find("*") != string::npos || split.find("SQR(") != string::npos || split.find("Sqr(") != string::npos) && split.find("+") != string::npos) cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " is a potential fma() candidate because of line:\n\t" << split << endl; } } } void FindFmaImplemented() { auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); auto cl = var->OpenCLFuncsString() + "\n" + var->StateInitOpenCLString() + "\n" + var->OpenCLString(); auto splits = Split(cl, '\n'); for (auto& split : splits) { if ((split.find("fma(") != string::npos)) cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " has been implemented with fma():\n\t" << split << endl; } } } bool TestZepsFloor() { bool success = true; auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); vector<string> zeps; zeps.push_back("Zeps(floor"); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); if (SearchVar(var, zeps, false)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " contains Zeps(floor()). This is fine for the GPU, but ensure the CPU uses Zeps<T>((T)Floor<T>())." << endl; success = false; } } return success; } bool TestConstants() { bool success = true; auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); vector<string> stringVec; stringVec.push_back("2 * M_PI"); stringVec.push_back("2*M_PI"); stringVec.push_back("M_PI*2"); stringVec.push_back("M_PI * 2"); stringVec.push_back("2 * MPI"); stringVec.push_back("2*MPI"); stringVec.push_back("MPI*2"); stringVec.push_back("MPI * 2"); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); if (SearchVar(var, stringVec, false)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " should be using M_2PI." << endl; success = false; } } stringVec.clear(); stringVec.push_back("3 * M_PI"); stringVec.push_back("3*M_PI"); stringVec.push_back("M_PI*3"); stringVec.push_back("M_PI * 3"); //stringVec.push_back("3 * MPI");//Gives a false positive for prose3d. stringVec.push_back("3*MPI"); stringVec.push_back("MPI*3"); stringVec.push_back("MPI * 3"); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); if (SearchVar(var, stringVec, false)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " should be using M_3PI." << endl; success = false; } } stringVec.clear(); stringVec.push_back("M_PI"); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); if (SearchVar(var, stringVec, false)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " is using M_PI, but should be using MPI." << endl; success = false; } } stringVec.clear(); stringVec.push_back("M_2_PI"); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); if (SearchVar(var, stringVec, false)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " is using M_2_PI, but should be using M2PI." << endl; success = false; } } stringVec.clear(); stringVec.push_back("M_1_PI"); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); if (SearchVar(var, stringVec, false)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " is using M_1_PI, but should be using M1PI." << endl; success = false; } } stringVec.clear(); stringVec.push_back("M_PI_4"); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); if (SearchVar(var, stringVec, false)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " is using M_PI_4, but should be using MPI4." << endl; success = false; } } stringVec.clear(); stringVec.push_back("M_PI_2"); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); if (SearchVar(var, stringVec, false)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " is using M_PI_2, but should be using MPI2." << endl; success = false; } } return success; } void TestFuncs() { auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); vector<string> stringVec; stringVec.push_back("M_E"); stringVec.push_back("M_LOG2E"); stringVec.push_back("M_LOG10E"); stringVec.push_back("M_LN2"); stringVec.push_back("M_LN10"); stringVec.push_back("M_PI"); stringVec.push_back("M_PI_2"); stringVec.push_back("M_PI_4"); stringVec.push_back("M_1_PI"); stringVec.push_back("M_2_PI"); stringVec.push_back("M_2_SQRTPI"); stringVec.push_back("M_SQRT2"); stringVec.push_back("M_SQRT1_2"); //stringVec.push_back("M_2PI"); //stringVec.push_back("M_3PI"); //stringVec.push_back("DEG_2_RAD"); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); if (SearchVar(var, stringVec, false)) { cout << var->Name() << endl; } } } bool TestGlobalFuncs() { bool success = true; auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); vector<string> funcs; FunctionMapper mapper; auto funcmap = mapper.GetGlobalMapCopy(); for (size_t i = 0; i < vlf->Size(); i++) { auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i); funcs = var->OpenCLGlobalFuncNames(); auto localfuncs = var->OpenCLFuncsString(); Ember<float> ember; Xform<float> xf; xf.AddVariation(var->Copy()); ember.AddXform(xf); auto kernel = GetEmberCLKernelString(ember, true, false, false, 1u, false); for (auto& func : funcs)//Test if the functions the variation says it requires actually exist. { if (!mapper.GetGlobalFunc(func)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " used unknown global funcion " << func << endl; success = false; } else { //cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " used valid global funcion " << func << endl; } } auto str = var->OpenCLString(); auto vec = var->OpenCLGlobalFuncNames(); for (auto& func : funcmap)//Test if the functions the variation uses are actually included in those it says are required. { if (Find(str, func.first + "(")) { if (!Contains(vec, func.first)) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " used global funcion " << func.first << ", but it's not found in its global func name vector: " << endl; for (auto& v : vec) cout << v << endl; } } } //Test whether the global functions the variations purports to need are actually used. for (auto& v : vec) { bool found = false; for (auto& v2 : vec)//Test if the functions the variation uses possibly use this function. It can be the case sometimes where a variation does not use it directly, but its global functions do. { if (v != v2) { auto it = funcmap.find(v2); if (it != funcmap.end()) { if (Find(it->second, v + "(")) { found = true; break; } } } } if (!found && Find(str, v + "(")) { found = true; } if (!found && Find(localfuncs, v + "(")) { found = true; } if (!found) { cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " purported to require the usage of global function " << v << ", but it's not found in its OpenCL function string:\n" /*<< kernel*/ << endl; } } } return success; } void PrintAllVars() { uint i = 0; auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); while (auto var = vlf->GetVariation(i++)) cout << var->Name() << endl; } void TestXformsInOutPoints() { uint index = 0; auto varList = VariationList<float>::Instance(); auto paletteList = PaletteList<float>::Instance(); QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> rand; paletteList->Add("flam3-palettes.xml"); while (index < varList->RegSize()) { vector<Xform<float>> xforms; unique_ptr<Variation<float>> regVar(varList->GetVariationCopy(index, eVariationType::VARTYPE_REG)); string s = regVar->OpenCLString() + regVar->OpenCLFuncsString(); if (s.find("MwcNext") == string::npos) { unique_ptr<Variation<float>> preVar(varList->GetVariationCopy("pre_" + regVar->Name())); unique_ptr<Variation<float>> postVar(varList->GetVariationCopy("post_" + regVar->Name())); Xform<float> xform0(0.25f, rand.Frand01<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), 1, rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>()); Xform<float> xform1(0.25f, rand.Frand01<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), 1, rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>()); Xform<float> xform2(0.25f, rand.Frand01<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), 1, rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>()); Xform<float> xform3(0.25f, rand.Frand01<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), 1, rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>()); Xform<float> xform4(0.25f, rand.Frand01<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), 1, rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>()); Xform<float> xform5(0.25f, rand.Frand01<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), 1, rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>()); Xform<float> xform6(0.25f, rand.Frand01<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), 1, rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>()); Xform<float> xform7(0.25f, rand.Frand01<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), 1, rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>(), rand.Frand11<float>()); if (preVar.get() && postVar.get()) { xform1.AddVariation(preVar->Copy()); xform2.AddVariation(regVar->Copy()); xform3.AddVariation(postVar->Copy()); xform4.AddVariation(preVar->Copy()); xform4.AddVariation(regVar->Copy()); xform5.AddVariation(preVar->Copy()); xform5.AddVariation(postVar->Copy()); xform6.AddVariation(regVar->Copy()); xform6.AddVariation(postVar->Copy()); xform7.AddVariation(preVar->Copy()); xform7.AddVariation(regVar->Copy()); xform7.AddVariation(postVar->Copy()); xforms.push_back(xform0); xforms.push_back(xform1); xforms.push_back(xform2); xforms.push_back(xform3); xforms.push_back(xform4); xforms.push_back(xform5); xforms.push_back(xform6); xforms.push_back(xform7); } else { xform1.AddVariation(regVar->Copy()); xforms.push_back(xform0); xforms.push_back(xform1); } for (size_t i = 0; i < xforms.size(); i++) { bool badVals = false; Point<float> orig; orig.m_X = rand.Frand11<float>(); orig.m_Y = rand.Frand11<float>(); orig.m_Z = rand.Frand11<float>(); orig.m_ColorX = rand.Frand01<float>(); orig.m_Opacity = rand.Frand01<float>(); Point<float> p1 = orig, p2 = orig, p3; xforms[i].Apply(&p1, &p1, rand); xforms[i].Apply(&p2, &p3, rand); badVals |= (p1.m_X != p1.m_X); badVals |= (p1.m_Y != p1.m_Y); badVals |= (p1.m_Z != p1.m_Z); badVals |= (p1.m_ColorX != p1.m_ColorX); badVals |= (p1.m_Opacity != p1.m_Opacity); badVals |= (p3.m_X != p3.m_X); badVals |= (p3.m_Y != p3.m_Y); badVals |= (p3.m_Z != p3.m_Z); badVals |= (p3.m_ColorX != p3.m_ColorX); badVals |= (p3.m_Opacity != p3.m_Opacity); if (badVals) cout << "Variation " << regVar->Name() << ": Bad value detected" << endl; if (!badVals) { if (p1.m_X != p3.m_X) cout << "Variation " << regVar->Name() << ": p1.m_X " << p1.m_X << " != p3.m_X " << p3.m_X << endl; if (p1.m_Y != p3.m_Y) cout << "Variation " << regVar->Name() << ": p1.m_Y " << p1.m_Y << " != p3.m_Y " << p3.m_Y << endl; if (p1.m_Z != p3.m_Z) cout << "Variation " << regVar->Name() << ": p1.m_Z " << p1.m_Z << " != p3.m_Z " << p3.m_Z << endl; if (p1.m_ColorX != p3.m_ColorX) cout << "Variation " << regVar->Name() << ": p1.m_ColorX " << p1.m_ColorX << " != p3.m_ColorX " << p3.m_ColorX << endl; if (p1.m_Opacity != p3.m_Opacity) cout << "Variation " << regVar->Name() << ": p1.m_Opacity " << p1.m_Opacity << " != p3.m_Opacity " << p3.m_Opacity << endl; } } } index++; } } static int SortPairByTime(const pair<string, double>& a, pair<string, double>& b) { return a.second < b.second; } template <typename T> void TestVarTime() { int i = 0, iters = 10; Timing t; VariationList<T> vlf; IteratorHelper<T> helper; QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> rand; vector<pair<string, double>> times; times.reserve(vlf->RegSize()); while (i < vlf->RegSize()) { double sum = 0; Xform<T> xform; Variation<T>* var = vlf->GetVariationCopy(i, eVariationType::VARTYPE_REG); xform.AddVariation(var); for (int iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++) { Point<T> p; xform.m_Affine.A(rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5)); xform.m_Affine.B(rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5)); xform.m_Affine.C(rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5)); xform.m_Affine.D(rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5)); xform.m_Affine.E(rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5)); xform.m_Affine.F(rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5)); p.m_X = rand.Frand<T>(-20, 20); p.m_Y = rand.Frand<T>(-20, 20); p.m_Z = rand.Frand<T>(-20, 20); helper.In.x = helper.m_TransX = (xform.m_Affine.A() * p.m_X) + (xform.m_Affine.B() * p.m_Y) + xform.m_Affine.C(); helper.In.y = helper.m_TransY = (xform.m_Affine.D() * p.m_X) + (xform.m_Affine.E() * p.m_Y) + xform.m_Affine.F(); helper.In.z = helper.m_TransZ = p.m_Z; helper.m_Color.x = p.m_ColorX = rand.Frand01<T>(); p.m_Opacity = rand.Frand01<T>(); helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares = SQR(helper.m_TransX) + SQR(helper.m_TransY); helper.m_PrecalcSqrtSumSquares = std::sqrt(helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares); helper.m_PrecalcSina = helper.m_TransX / helper.m_PrecalcSqrtSumSquares; helper.m_PrecalcCosa = helper.m_TransY / helper.m_PrecalcSqrtSumSquares; helper.m_PrecalcAtanxy = std::atan2(helper.m_TransX, helper.m_TransY); helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx = std::atan2(helper.m_TransY, helper.m_TransX); var->Random(rand); t.Tic(); var->Func(helper, p, rand); sum += t.Toc(); } i++; times.push_back(pair<string, double>(var->Name(), sum / iters)); } std::sort(times.begin(), times.end(), &SortPairByTime); //forr (auto& p : times) cout << p.first << "\t" << p.second << "" << endl; } void TestCasting() { vector<string> stringVec; auto varList = VariationList<float>::Instance(); auto& vars = varList->AllVars(); stringVec.push_back("T("); stringVec.push_back(".0f"); stringVec.push_back(".1f"); stringVec.push_back(".2f"); stringVec.push_back(".3f"); stringVec.push_back(".4f"); stringVec.push_back(".5f"); stringVec.push_back(".6f"); stringVec.push_back(".7f"); stringVec.push_back(".8f"); stringVec.push_back(".9f"); auto varVec = FindVarsWith<float>(vars, stringVec); for (auto& it : varVec) { cout << "Variation " << it->Name() << " contained an improper float cast." << endl; } } template <typename T> void TestOperations() { vector<string> stringVec; auto varList = VariationList<T>::Instance(); auto& vars = varList->AllVars(); //stringVec.push_back("%"); //varVec = FindVarsWith<T>(Vec); // //for (size_t i = 0; i < varVec.size(); i++) //{ // cout << "Variation " << varVec[i]->Name() << " contained a modulo operation. Ensure its right hand operand is not zero." << endl; //} // //stringVec.clear(); //ClearVec<Variation<T>>(varVec); stringVec.push_back("MwcNext(mwc) %"); stringVec.push_back("MwcNext(mwc)%"); auto varVec = FindVarsWith<T>(vars, stringVec); for (size_t i = 0; i < varVec.size(); i++) { cout << "Variation " << varVec[i]->Name() << " contained MwcNext(mwc) %. Use MwcNextRange() instead." << endl; } } void TestArbitrary() { vector<string> stringVec, withoutVec; auto varList = VariationList<float>::Instance(); auto& vars = varList->AllVars(); stringVec.push_back("switch"); //stringVec.push_back("if (!"); withoutVec.push_back("="); withoutVec.push_back("<"); withoutVec.push_back(">"); //stringVec.push_back(" = vIn.x - "); //stringVec.push_back(" = vIn.y - "); //stringVec.push_back("sqrt("); //stringVec.push_back("atan2("); //stringVec.push_back("sin("); //stringVec.push_back("cos("); //stringVec.push_back("sincos("); auto varVec = FindVarsWith<float>(vars, stringVec, true, true); //auto varVec = FindVarsWithWithout<float>(vars, stringVec, withoutVec); for (auto& it : varVec) { cout << "Variation " << it->Name() << " contained the desired w/wo strings." << endl; } } template <typename T> void TestVarsSimilar() { int i = 0, compIndex = 0, iters = 10; Timing t; VariationList<T> vlf; IteratorHelper<T> helper; QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> rand; vector<pair<string, double>> diffs; diffs.reserve(vlf->RegSize()); while (i < vlf->RegSize()) { double diff = 0, highest = TMAX; Xform<T> xform; Variation<T>* var = vlf->GetVariationCopy(i, eVariationType::VARTYPE_REG); pair<string, double> match("", TMAX); compIndex = 0; xform.AddVariation(var); while (compIndex < vlf->RegSize()) { if (compIndex == i) { compIndex++; continue; } double sum = 0, xdiff = 0, ydiff = 0, zdiff = 0; Xform<T> xformComp; Variation<T>* varComp = vlf->GetVariationCopy(compIndex, eVariationType::VARTYPE_REG); xformComp.AddVariation(varComp); ParametricVariation<T>* parVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(var); ParametricVariation<T>* parVarComp = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(varComp); for (int iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++) { Point<T> p, pComp; xform.m_Affine.A(rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5)); xform.m_Affine.B(rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5)); xform.m_Affine.C(rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5)); xform.m_Affine.D(rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5)); xform.m_Affine.E(rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5)); xform.m_Affine.F(rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5)); xformComp.m_Affine = xform.m_Affine; p.m_X = rand.Frand<T>(-20, 20); p.m_Y = rand.Frand<T>(-20, 20); p.m_Z = rand.Frand<T>(-20, 20); helper.In.x = helper.m_TransX = (xform.m_Affine.A() * p.m_X) + (xform.m_Affine.B() * p.m_Y) + xform.m_Affine.C(); helper.In.y = helper.m_TransY = (xform.m_Affine.D() * p.m_X) + (xform.m_Affine.E() * p.m_Y) + xform.m_Affine.F(); helper.In.z = helper.m_TransZ = p.m_Z; helper.m_Color.x = p.m_ColorX = rand.Frand01<T>(); p.m_Opacity = rand.Frand01<T>(); pComp = p; helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares = SQR(helper.m_TransX) + SQR(helper.m_TransY); helper.m_PrecalcSqrtSumSquares = std::sqrt(helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares); helper.m_PrecalcSina = helper.m_TransX / helper.m_PrecalcSqrtSumSquares; helper.m_PrecalcCosa = helper.m_TransY / helper.m_PrecalcSqrtSumSquares; helper.m_PrecalcAtanxy = std::atan2(helper.m_TransX, helper.m_TransY); helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx = std::atan2(helper.m_TransY, helper.m_TransX); if (parVar) { for (size_t v = 0; v < parVar->ParamCount(); v++) parVar->SetParamVal(v, (T)iter); } if (parVarComp) { for (size_t v = 0; v < parVarComp->ParamCount(); v++) parVarComp->SetParamVal(v, (T)iter); } //For debugging. if (var->VariationId() == eVariationId::VAR_BWRAPS && varComp->VariationId() == eVariationId::VAR_ECLIPSE) { //cout << "Break." << endl; } helper.Out = v4T(0); var->m_Weight = T(iter + 1); var->Precalc(); var->Func(helper, p, rand); v4T varOut = helper.Out; helper.Out = v4T(0); varComp->m_Weight = T(iter + 1); varComp->Precalc(); varComp->Func(helper, pComp, rand); v4T varCompOut = helper.Out; xdiff += std::abs(varOut.x - varCompOut.x); ydiff += std::abs(varOut.y - varCompOut.y); zdiff += std::abs(varOut.z - varCompOut.z); } sum = (xdiff + ydiff + zdiff) / iters; if (sum < highest) { match.first = varComp->Name(); match.second = highest = sum; } compIndex++; } if (match.second < 0.001) cout << "The closest match to variation " << var->Name() << " is " << match.first << " with a total difference of " << match.second << endl; i++; //times.push_back(pair<string, double>(var->Name(), sum / iters)); } //std::sort(times.begin(), times.end(), &SortPairByTime); } #ifdef TEST_CL template <typename T> bool TestAllVarsCLBuild(size_t platform, size_t device, bool printSuccess = true) { bool success = true; vector<Ember<T>> embers; QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> rand; vector<pair<size_t, size_t>> devices{ std::make_pair(platform, device) }; RendererCL<T, float> renderer(devices); const char* loc = __FUNCTION__; if (!renderer.Ok()) { cout << loc << "Creating RendererCL failed, tests will not be run." << endl; return false; } MakeTestAllVarsRegPrePost(embers); for (auto& it : embers) { renderer.SetEmber(it, eProcessAction::FULL_RENDER, true); //if (platform != 0 && // ((it.GetXform(0)->GetVariationById(eVariationId::VAR_SYNTH) != nullptr) ||//Nvidia OpenCL driver crashes when building too many synths. // (it.GetXform(0)->GetVariationById(eVariationId::VAR_PRE_SYNTH) != nullptr) || // (it.GetXform(0)->GetVariationById(eVariationId::VAR_POST_SYNTH) != nullptr))) //{ // cout << "Skipping synth.\n"; // continue; //} if (renderer.BuildIterProgramForEmber()) { if (printSuccess) cout << loc << ": Build succeeded for ember " << it.m_Name << endl; } else { success = false; cout << loc << ": OpenCL program build failed for ember " << it.m_Name << ":\n" << renderer.ErrorReportString() << endl; break; } } return success; } template <typename T> void TestCpuGpuResults(size_t platform, size_t device) { bool breakOnBad = true; int i = 0;//(int)eVariationId::VAR_TARGET;//Start at the one you want to test. int iters = 10; int skipped = 0; T thresh = T(1e-3); Timing t; VariationList<T> vlf; QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> rand; vector<PointCL<T>> points; vector<pair<size_t, size_t>> devices{ std::make_pair(platform, device) }; RendererCL<T, float> renderer(devices); points.resize(renderer.TotalIterKernelCount()); while (i < vlf->RegSize()) { bool bad = false; double sum = 0; Variation<T>* var = vlf->GetVariation(i, eVariationType::VARTYPE_REG); string s = var->OpenCLString() + var->OpenCLFuncsString(); if (s.find("MwcNext") != string::npos) { i++; skipped++; continue; } cout << "Testing cpu-gpu equality for variation: " << var->Name() << " (" << (int)var->VariationId() << ")" << endl; for (int iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++) { Point<T> p, p2; Ember<T> ember; Xform<T> xform; Variation<T>* varCopy = var->Copy(); p.m_X = rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5); p.m_Y = rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5); p.m_Z = rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5); p.m_ColorX = rand.Frand01<T>(); p.m_Opacity = rand.Frand01<T>(); varCopy->Random(rand); xform.AddVariation(varCopy); ember.AddXform(xform); ember.CacheXforms(); renderer.SetEmber(ember, eProcessAction::FULL_RENDER, true); renderer.AssignIterator(); if (!renderer.Alloc()) return; points[0].m_X = p.m_X; points[0].m_Y = p.m_Y; points[0].m_Z = p.m_Z; points[0].m_ColorX = p.m_ColorX; xform.Apply(&p, &p2, rand); renderer.WritePoints(points); renderer.Iterate(1, 0, 1); renderer.ReadPoints(points); T xdiff = std::abs(p2.m_X - points[0].m_X); T ydiff = std::abs(p2.m_Y - points[0].m_Y); T zdiff = std::abs(p2.m_Z - points[0].m_Z); if (xdiff > thresh || ydiff > thresh || zdiff > thresh) { bad = true; cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Variation cpu-gpu diff for iter " << iter << ": " << varCopy->Name() << " (" << (int)varCopy->VariationId() << ") xdiff: " << xdiff << endl; cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Variation cpu-gpu diff for iter " << iter << ": " << varCopy->Name() << " (" << (int)varCopy->VariationId() << ") ydiff: " << ydiff << endl; cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Variation cpu-gpu diff for iter " << iter << ": " << varCopy->Name() << " (" << (int)varCopy->VariationId() << ") zdiff: " << zdiff << endl; cout << varCopy->ToString() << endl; } else { //cout << "Variation " << var->Name() << " had no difference between cpu and gpu for iter " << iter << endl; } } if (breakOnBad && bad) break; i++; bad = false; } cout << "Skipped " << skipped << endl; } template <typename T> void TestGpuVectorRead(size_t platform, size_t device) { T minx = TMAX, miny = TMAX, minz = TMAX, mincolorx = TMAX; T maxx = TLOW, maxy = TLOW, maxz = TLOW, maxcolorx = TLOW; double sumx = 0, avgx = 0; double sumy = 0, avgy = 0; double sumz = 0, avgz = 0; double sumcolorx = 0, avgcolorx = 0; Timing t; VariationList<T> vlf; QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> rand; vector<PointCL<T>> points; vector<pair<size_t, size_t>> devices{ std::make_pair(platform, device) }; RendererCL<T, float> renderer(devices); points.resize(renderer.TotalIterKernelCount()); Variation<T>* var = vlf->GetVariation(eVariationId::VAR_LINEAR); Point<T> p, p2; Ember<T> ember; Xform<T> xform; Variation<T>* varCopy = var->Copy(); p.m_X = rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5); p.m_Y = rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5); p.m_Z = rand.Frand<T>(-5, 5); p.m_ColorX = rand.Frand01<T>(); p.m_Opacity = rand.Frand01<T>(); varCopy->Random(rand); xform.AddVariation(varCopy); ember.AddXform(xform); ember.CacheXforms(); renderer.SetEmber(ember, eProcessAction::FULL_RENDER, true); renderer.AssignIterator(); if (!renderer.Alloc()) return; uint i, iters = renderer.IterCountPerKernel() * renderer.TotalIterKernelCount();//Make each thread in each block run at least once. renderer.Iterate(iters, 0, 1); renderer.ReadPoints(points); cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": GPU point test value results:" << endl; for (i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { cout << "point[" << i << "].m_X = " << points[i].m_X << endl; cout << "point[" << i << "].m_Y = " << points[i].m_Y << endl; cout << "point[" << i << "].m_Z = " << points[i].m_Z << endl; cout << "point[" << i << "].m_ColorX = " << points[i].m_ColorX << endl << endl; minx = min<T>(points[i].m_X, minx); miny = min<T>(points[i].m_Y, miny); minz = min<T>(points[i].m_Z, minz); mincolorx = min<T>(points[i].m_ColorX, mincolorx); maxx = max<T>(points[i].m_X, maxx); maxy = max<T>(points[i].m_Y, maxy); maxz = max<T>(points[i].m_Z, maxz); maxcolorx = max<T>(points[i].m_ColorX, maxcolorx); sumx += points[i].m_X; sumy += points[i].m_Y; sumz += points[i].m_Z; sumcolorx += points[i].m_ColorX; } avgx = sumx / i; avgy = sumy / i; avgz = sumz / i; avgcolorx = sumcolorx / i; cout << "avgx = " << avgx << endl; cout << "avgy = " << avgy << endl; cout << "avgz = " << avgz << endl; cout << "avgcolorx = " << avgcolorx << endl; cout << "minx = " << minx << endl; cout << "miny = " << miny << endl; cout << "minz = " << minz << endl; cout << "mincolorx = " << mincolorx << endl << endl; cout << "maxx = " << maxx << endl; cout << "maxy = " << maxy << endl; cout << "maxz = " << maxz << endl; cout << "maxcolorx = " << maxcolorx << endl << endl << endl; } #endif template <typename T> void TestRandomAccess(size_t vsize, size_t ipp, bool cache) { size_t iters = vsize * ipp; vector<v4T> vec; QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> rand; vec.resize(vsize); v4T* vdata = vec.data(); if (cache) { for (size_t i = 0; i < iters; i++) { v4T v4(rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); int index = rand.Rand((ISAAC_INT)vsize); v4T v42 = vdata[index]; v4.x = std::log(v4.x); v4.y = std::sqrt(v4.y); v4.z = std::sin(v4.z); v4.w = std::cos(v4.w); v4 += T(1.234); v4 *= T(55.55); v4 /= T(0.0045); vdata[index] = v4 + v42; } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < iters; i++) { v4T v4(rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>(), rand.Frand11<T>()); int index = rand.Rand((ISAAC_INT)vsize); v4.x = std::log(v4.x); v4.y = std::sqrt(v4.y); v4.z = std::sin(v4.z); v4.w = std::cos(v4.w); v4 += T(1.234); v4 *= T(55.55); v4 /= T(0.0045); vdata[index] += v4; } } } template <typename T> void TestCross(T x, T y, T weight) { T s = x * x - y * y; T r = weight * std::sqrt(1 / (s * s + EPS)); T outX = x * r; T outY = y * r; cout << "First way, outX, outY == " << outX << ", " << outY << endl; r = std::abs((x - y) * (x + y) + EPS); if (r < 0) r = -r; r = weight / r; outX = x * r; outY = y * r; cout << "Second way, outX, outY == " << outX << ", " << outY << endl; } double RandD(QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) { return ((((rand.Rand() ^ (rand.Rand() << 15)) & 0xfffffff) * 3.72529e-09) - 0.5); } // //#define BEZ_POINT_LENGTH 4 // //void BezierSolve(double t, glm::vec2* src, double* w, glm::vec2& solution) //{ // double s, s2, s3, t2, t3, nom_x, nom_y, denom; // // s = 1 - t; // s2 = s * s; // s3 = s * s * s; // t2 = t * t; // t3 = t * t * t; // // nom_x = w[0] * s3 * src[0].x + w[1] * s2 * 3 * t * src[1].x + w[2] * s * 3 * t2 * src[2].x + w[3] * t3 * src[3].x; // // nom_y = w[0] * s3 * src[0].y + w[1] * s2 * 3 * t * src[1].y + w[2] * s * 3 * t2 * src[2].y + w[3] * t3 * src[3].y; // // denom = w[0] * s3 + w[1] * s2 * 3 * t + w[2] * s * 3 * t2 + w[3] * t3; // // // if (isnan(nom_x) || isnan(nom_y) || isnan(denom) || denom == 0) // return; // // solution.x = nom_x / denom; // solution.y = nom_y / denom; //} // //void BezierSetRect(glm::vec2* points, bool flip, glm::vec4& rect) //{ // double f; // // for (int i = 0; i < BEZ_POINT_LENGTH; i++) // { // if (flip) // f = 1 - points[i].y; // else // f = points[i].y; // // points[i].x = points[i].x * (rect.z - rect.x) + rect.x; // points[i].y = f * (rect.w - rect.y) + rect.y; // } //} // //void BezierUnsetRect(glm::vec2* points, bool flip, glm::vec4& rect) //{ // if ((rect.z - rect.x) == 0 || (rect.w - rect.y) == 0) // return; // // for (int i = 0; i < BEZ_POINT_LENGTH; i++) // { // points[i].x = (points[i].x - rect.x) / (rect.z - rect.x); // points[i].y = (points[i].y - rect.y) / (rect.w - rect.y); // // if (flip) // points[i].y = 1 - points[i].y; // } //} // //struct BezierPoints //{ // glm::vec2 points[4]; //}; // //struct BezierWeights //{ // double points[4]; //}; void TestThreadedKernel() { OpenCLWrapper wrapper1, wrapper2; if (wrapper1.Init(1, 0) && wrapper2.Init(2, 0)) { string k = ConstantDefinesString(false) + "\n__kernel void Kern()\n" "{\n" " int gid = GLOBAL_ID_X + GLOBAL_ID_Y;\n" "}\n" "\n"; if (wrapper1.AddProgram("prog1", k, "Kern", false) && wrapper2.AddProgram("prog1", k, "Kern", false)) { cout << "Builds ok, now run..." << endl; std::thread th1([&]() { if (wrapper1.RunKernel(0, 256, 16, 1, 16, 16, 1)) { cout << "Successful run inside thread 1..." << endl; } }); std::thread th2([&]() { if (wrapper2.RunKernel(0, 256, 16, 1, 16, 16, 1)) { cout << "Successful run inside thread 2..." << endl; } }); Join(th1); Join(th2); cout << "Successful join of kernel thread..." << endl; } } } template <typename T> void DistribTester() { size_t i; size_t distribCount = 1; size_t xformCount = 3; vector<byte> m_XformDistributions; size_t j = 0; vector<T> weights { T(0.333333), T(1.0), T(0.25) }; double tempDensity = 0, currentDensityLimit = 0, densityPerElement; if (m_XformDistributions.size() < CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN * distribCount) m_XformDistributions.resize(CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN * distribCount); if (m_XformDistributions.size() < CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN * distribCount) return; for (size_t distrib = 0; distrib < distribCount; distrib++) { double totalDensity = 0; //First find the total densities of all xforms. for (i = 0; i < xformCount; i++) { T d = weights[i]; totalDensity += d; } //Original returned false if all were 0, but it's allowed here //which will just end up setting all elements to 0 which means //only the first xform will get used. //Calculate how much of a fraction of a the total density each element represents. j = 0; tempDensity = 0; currentDensityLimit = 0; densityPerElement = totalDensity / CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN; //Assign xform indices in order to each element of m_XformDistributions. //The number of elements assigned a given index is proportional to that xform's //density relative to the sum of all densities. for (i = 0; i < xformCount; i++) { T temp = weights[i]; currentDensityLimit += temp; //Populate points corresponding to this xform's weight/density. //Also check that j is within the bounds of the distribution array just to be safe in the case of a rounding error. while (tempDensity < currentDensityLimit && j < CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN) { #ifdef _DEBUG //Ensure distribution contains no out of bounds indices. if ((unsigned char)i >= xformCount) throw "Out of bounds xform index in selection distribution."; #endif //cout << "offset = " << j << ", xform = " << i << ", running sum = " << tempDensity << "\n"; m_XformDistributions[(distrib * CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN) + j] = byte(i); tempDensity += densityPerElement; j++; } } //Flam3 did this, which gives the same result. //T t = xforms[0].m_Weight; // //if (distrib > 0) // t *= xforms[distrib - 1].Xaos(0); // //T r = 0; // //for (i = 0; i < CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN; i++) //{ // while (r >= t) // { // j++; // // if (distrib > 0) // t += xforms[j].m_Weight * xforms[distrib - 1].Xaos(j); // else // t += xforms[j].m_Weight; // } // // m_XformDistributions[(distrib * CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN) + i] = j; // r += densityPerElement; //} } } template <typename T> void TestAffine() { v2T x(1, 0), y(0, 1), t(1, 0); Affine2D<T> af(x, y, t); auto af2 = af; cout << af.ToString() << "\n\n"; af.RotateTrans(90); cout << af.ToString() << "\n\n"; af2.RotateTrans(-90); cout << af2.ToString() << "\n\n"; } template <typename T> void TestRotate() { T angle = 45; v3T x(1, 0, 0), y(0, 1, 0), xy(1, 1, 0); auto xtrans = glm::translate(m4T(1), xy); auto xrot = glm::rotate(xtrans, angle * DEG_2_RAD_T, v3T(0, 0, 1)); } template<typename T> class EmberContainerTester { public: template <typename Alloc, template <typename, typename> class C> static void TestEmberContainer(C<Ember<T>, Alloc>& cont) { Ember<T> e; cont.push_back(e); } }; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { //int i; bool b = true; size_t times = 1'000'000'001; QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> rand; std::vector<unsigned int> vec(16, 0); double accum = 0; Timing t(4); /* for (size_t i = 0; i < times; i++) { auto res = rand.Frand11<double>(); auto flr = (double)(Floor(res)); accum += flr; } t.Toc("Floor"); cout << accum << endl; accum = 0; t.Tic(); for (size_t i = 0; i < times; i++) { auto res = rand.Frand11<double>(); auto flr = std::floor(res); accum += flr; } t.Toc("std::floor"); cout << accum << endl; t.Tic(); for (size_t i = 0; i < times; i++) { accum += rand.Frand01<double>(); } t.Toc("Frand01"); cout << accum << endl; accum = 0; t.Tic(); for (size_t i = 0; i < times; i++) { accum += rand.Frand<double>(static_cast<double>(0), static_cast<double>(1)); } t.Toc("Frand(0, 1)"); cout << accum << endl; return 1; */ /* for (auto& it : vec) { cout << it / (double)times << endl; it = 0; } cout << "\n\n"; t.Tic(); for (size_t i = 1; i < times; i++) { //auto res = (uint)(((size_t)rand.Rand() * i) >> 32); auto res = rand.Rand(i); vec[res & 15]++; } t.Toc("rand mult shift"); for (auto& it : vec) { cout << it / (double)times << endl; it = 0; } return 1; vector<Ember<float>> fv; vector<Ember<double>> dv; list<Ember<float>> fl; list<Ember<double>> dl; int w = 1000, h = 1000; string filename = ".\\testexr.exr"; vector<Rgba> pixels; pixels.resize(w * h); for (auto& pix : pixels) { pix.r = 1.0; pix.b = 0.0; pix.a = 1.0; //pix.r = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); } writeRgba1(filename.c_str(), pixels.data(), w, h); TestFuncs(); string line = "title=\"cj_aerie\" smooth=no", delim = " =\""; auto vec = Split(line, delim, true); for (auto& s : vec) cout << s << endl; line = "index=0 color=2177354", delim = " ="; vec = Split(line, delim, true); for (auto& s : vec) cout << s << endl; EmberContainerTester<float>::TestEmberContainer(fv); EmberContainerTester<double>::TestEmberContainer(dv); EmberContainerTester<float>::TestEmberContainer(fl); EmberContainerTester<double>::TestEmberContainer(dl); CopyCont(fv, fl); */ //QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> rand(1, 2, 3); //mt19937 meow(1729); /* TestAffine<float>(); TestAffine<double>();*/ /* TestRotate<float>(); TestRotate<double>(); return 1; */ //MakeTestAllVarsRegPrePostComboFile("testallvarsout.flame"); //cout << (10.0 / 2.0 * 5.0) << endl; //FindFmaCandidates(); //FindFmaImplemented(); //cout << 5 * 3 + 2 << endl; //cout << 2 + 5 * 3 << endl; /* return 0; TestThreadedKernel(); auto palf = PaletteList<float>::Instance(); Palette<float>* pal = palf->GetRandomPalette(); cout << pal->Size() << endl; double d = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cout << "log10(" << d << ") = " << std::max<uint>(1u, uint(std::log10(d)) + 1u) << endl; d *= 10; } return 0;*/ /* uint i, iters = (uint)10e7; size_t total = 0; t.Tic(); for (i = 0; i < iters; i++) { total += rand.RandByte(); total += rand.Rand(); } t.Toc("Isaac sum"); cout << "Isaac total = " << total << " for " << i << " iters." << endl; total = 0; t.Tic(); for (i = 0; i < iters; i++) { total += meow(); } t.Toc("Mt sum"); cout << "Mt total = " << total << " for " << i << " iters." << endl; */ //glm::vec2 solution, src[4]; //double bezT = 1, w[4]; //BezierPoints curvePoints[4]; //BezierWeights curveWeights[4]; // //BezierSolve(bezT, src, w, solution); //cout << pow(-1, 5.1) << endl; /* for (i = 0; i < 2500000000; i++) { double d = std::abs(RandD(rand)); if (d >= 0.5) cout << d << endl; } return 0;*/ //cout << "sizeof(Ember<float>): " << sizeof(Ember<float>) << endl; //cout << "sizeof(Ember<double>): " << sizeof(Ember<double>) << endl; // //cout << "sizeof(Renderer<float>): " << sizeof(Renderer<float, float>) << endl; //cout << "sizeof(Renderer<double>): " << sizeof(Renderer<double, double>) << endl; // //cout << "sizeof(RendererCL<float>): " << sizeof(RendererCL<float>) << endl; //cout << "sizeof(RendererCL<double>): " << sizeof(RendererCL<double>) << endl; /* unique_ptr<LinearVariation<float>> linV(new LinearVariation<float>()); unique_ptr<PreLinearVariation<float>> preLinV(new PreLinearVariation<float>()); unique_ptr<PostLinearVariation<float>> postLinV(new PostLinearVariation<float>()); cout << linV->BaseName() << endl; cout << preLinV->BaseName() << endl; cout << postLinV->BaseName() << endl;*/ //float num = 1; //float denom = 4294967296.0f; //float frac = num / denom; // //cout << "num, denom, frac = " << num << ", " << denom << ", " << frac << endl; //TestGpuVectorRead<double>(); //TestGpuVectorRead<float>(); //return 0; //unique_ptr<PreFarblurVariation<float>> preFarblurV(new PreFarblurVariation<float>()); //size_t vsize = 1024 * 1024; // //t.Tic(); //TestRandomAccess<float>(vsize, 10, true); //t.Toc("TestRandomAccess<float>(true)"); // //t.Tic(); //TestRandomAccess<float>(vsize, 10, false); //t.Toc("TestRandomAccess<float>(false)"); // //t.Tic(); //TestRandomAccess<double>(vsize, 10, true); //t.Toc("TestRandomAccess<double>(true)"); // //t.Tic(); //TestRandomAccess<double>(vsize, 10, false); //t.Toc("TestRandomAccess<double>(false)"); //TestCross<double>(rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5), rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5), rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5)); //TestCross<double>(rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5), rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5), rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5)); //TestCross<double>(rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5), rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5), rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5)); //TestCross<double>(rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5), rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5), rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5)); //TestCross<double>(rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5), rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5), rand.Frand<double>(-5, 5)); //std::complex<double> cd, cd2; //cd2 = sin(cd); auto testfunc = [&]() { t.Tic(); TestCasting(); t.Toc("TestCasting()"); t.Tic(); auto vlf(VariationList<float>::Instance()); t.Toc("Creating VariationList<float>"); cout << "There are " << vlf->Size() << " variations present." << endl; #ifdef DO_DOUBLE t.Tic(); auto vld(VariationList<double>::Instance()); t.Toc("Creating VariationList<double>"); #endif t.Tic(); TestVarCounts(); t.Toc("TestVarCounts()"); t.Tic(); TestVarUnique<float>(); t.Toc("TestVarUnique<float>()"); #ifdef DO_DOUBLE t.Tic(); TestVarUnique<double>(); t.Toc("TestVarUnique<double>()"); #endif t.Tic(); TestVarCopy<float, float>(); t.Toc("TestVarCopy<float, float>()"); #ifdef DO_DOUBLE t.Tic(); TestVarCopy<double, double>(); t.Toc("TestVarCopy<double, double>()"); t.Tic(); TestVarCopy<float, double>(); t.Toc("TestVarCopy<float, double>()"); t.Tic(); TestVarCopy<double, float>(); t.Toc("TestVarCopy<double, float>()"); #endif t.Tic(); TestVarRegPrePost(); t.Toc("TestVarRegPrePost()"); t.Tic(); TestParVars(); t.Toc("TestParVars()"); t.Tic(); TestVarPrePostNames(); t.Toc("TestVarPrePostNames()"); t.Tic(); TestVarPrecalcUsedCL(); t.Toc("TestVarPrecalcUsedCL()"); t.Tic(); TestVarAssignTypes(); t.Toc("TestVarAssignTypes()"); t.Tic(); TestVarAssignVals(); t.Toc("TestVarAssignVals()"); t.Tic(); TestZepsFloor(); t.Toc("TestZepsFloor()"); t.Tic(); TestConstants(); t.Toc("TestConstants()"); t.Tic(); TestGlobalFuncs(); t.Toc("TestGlobalFuncs()"); /* t.Tic(); TestXformsInOutPoints(); t.Toc("TestXformsInOutPoints()"); t.Tic(); TestVarTime<float>(); t.Toc("TestVarTime()"); */ t.Tic(); TestOperations<float>(); t.Toc("TestOperations()"); t.Tic(); TestArbitrary(); t.Toc("TestArbitrary()"); //t.Tic(); //TestVarsSimilar<float>(); //t.Toc("TestVarsSimilar()"); #ifdef TEST_CL //t.Tic(); //TestCpuGpuResults<float>(); //t.Toc("TestCpuGpuResults<float>()"); t.Tic(); b = TestAllVarsCLBuild<float>(0, 0, true); t.Toc("TestAllVarsCLBuild<float>()"); if (b) { #ifdef DO_NVIDIA t.Tic(); b = TestAllVarsCLBuild<float>(1, 0, true); t.Toc("TestAllVarsCLBuild<float>()"); #endif } #ifdef DO_DOUBLE //t.Tic(); //TestCpuGpuResults<double>(); //t.Toc("TestCpuGpuResults<double>()"); if (b) { t.Tic(); b = TestAllVarsCLBuild<double>(0, 0, true); t.Toc("TestAllVarsCLBuild<double>()"); if (b) { #ifdef DO_NVIDIA t.Tic(); TestAllVarsCLBuild<double>(1, 0, true); t.Toc("TestAllVarsCLBuild<double>()"); #endif } } #endif #endif }; cout << "\n\nTesting in compatibility mode:\n\n"; Compat::m_Compat = true; testfunc(); cout << "\n\nTesting in non-compatibility mode:\n\n"; Compat::m_Compat = false; testfunc(); //PrintAllVars(); //_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); return 0; }