#pragma once #include "EmberCLPch.h" /// <summary> /// Various data structures defined for the CPU and OpenCL. /// These are stripped down versions of THE classes in Ember, for use with OpenCL. /// Their sole purpose is to pass values from the host to the device. /// They retain most of the member variables, but do not contain the functions. /// Visual Studio defaults to alighment of 16, but it's made explicit in case another compiler is used. /// This must match the alignment specified in the kernel. /// </summary> namespace EmberCLns { /// <summary> /// Various constants needed for rendering. /// </summary> static string ConstantDefinesString(bool doublePrecision) { ostringstream os; os << "#if defined(cl_amd_fp64)\n"//AMD extension available? " #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_fp64 : enable\n" "#endif\n" "#if defined(cl_khr_fp64)\n"//Khronos extension available? " #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable\n" "#endif\n" "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_int64_base_atomics : enable\n";//Only supported on nVidia. if (doublePrecision) { os << "typedef long intPrec;\n" "typedef uint atomi;\n"//Same size as real_bucket_t, always 4 bytes. "typedef double real_t;\n" "typedef float real_bucket_t;\n"//Assume buckets are always float, even though iter calcs are in double. "typedef double2 real2;\n" "typedef double3 real3;\n" "typedef double4 real4;\n" "typedef float4 real4_bucket;\n"//And here too. "#define EPS (DBL_EPSILON)\n" "#define TLOW (DBL_MIN)\n" "#define TMAX (DBL_MAX)\n" ; } else { os << "typedef int intPrec;\n" "typedef uint atomi;\n" "typedef float real_t;\n" "typedef float real_bucket_t;\n" "typedef float2 real2;\n" "typedef float3 real3;\n" "typedef float4 real4;\n" "typedef float4 real4_bucket;\n" "#define EPS (FLT_EPSILON)\n" "#define TLOW (FLT_MIN)\n" "#define TMAX (FLT_MAX)\n" ; } os << "typedef long int int64;\n" "typedef unsigned long int uint64;\n" "\n" "#define EPS6 ((1e-6))\n" "\n" "//The number of threads per block used in the iteration function. Don't change\n" "//it lightly; the block size is hard coded to be exactly 32 x 8.\n" "#define NTHREADS 256u\n" "#define THREADS_PER_WARP 32u\n" "#define NWARPS (NTHREADS / THREADS_PER_WARP)\n" "#define DE_THRESH 100u\n" "#define BadVal(x) (isnan(x))\n" "#define SQR(x) ((x) * (x))\n" "#define CUBE(x) ((x) * (x) * (x))\n" "#define MPI ((real_t)M_PI)\n" "#define MPI2 ((real_t)M_PI_2)\n" "#define MPI4 ((real_t)M_PI_4)\n" "#define M1PI ((real_t)M_1_PI)\n" "#define M2PI ((real_t)M_2_PI)\n" "#define M_2PI (MPI * 2)\n" "#define M_3PI (MPI * 3)\n" "#define SQRT5 2.2360679774997896964091736687313\n" "#define M_PHI 1.61803398874989484820458683436563\n" "#define M_1_2PI 0.15915494309189533576888376337251\n" "#define DEG_2_RAD (MPI / 180)\n" "#define CURVES_LENGTH_M1 ((real_bucket_t)" << CURVES_LENGTH_M1 << ")\n" << "#define ONE_OVER_CURVES_LENGTH_M1 ((real_bucket_t)" << ONE_OVER_CURVES_LENGTH_M1 << ")\n" << "\n" "//Index in each dimension of a thread within a block.\n" "#define THREAD_ID_X (get_local_id(0))\n" "#define THREAD_ID_Y (get_local_id(1))\n" "#define THREAD_ID_Z (get_local_id(2))\n" "\n" "//Index in each dimension of a block within a grid.\n" "#define BLOCK_ID_X (get_group_id(0))\n" "#define BLOCK_ID_Y (get_group_id(1))\n" "#define BLOCK_ID_Z (get_group_id(2))\n" "\n" "//Absolute index in each dimension of a thread within a grid.\n" "#define GLOBAL_ID_X (get_global_id(0))\n" "#define GLOBAL_ID_Y (get_global_id(1))\n" "#define GLOBAL_ID_Z (get_global_id(2))\n" "\n" "//Dimensions of a block.\n" "#define BLOCK_SIZE_X (get_local_size(0))\n" "#define BLOCK_SIZE_Y (get_local_size(1))\n" "#define BLOCK_SIZE_Z (get_local_size(2))\n" "\n" "//Dimensions of a grid, in terms of blocks.\n" "#define GRID_SIZE_X (get_num_groups(0))\n" "#define GRID_SIZE_Y (get_num_groups(1))\n" "#define GRID_SIZE_Z (get_num_groups(2))\n" "\n" "//Dimensions of a grid, in terms of threads.\n" "#define GLOBAL_SIZE_X (get_global_size(0))\n" "#define GLOBAL_SIZE_Y (get_global_size(1))\n" "#define GLOBAL_SIZE_Z (get_global_size(2))\n" "\n" "#define INDEX_IN_BLOCK_2D (THREAD_ID_Y * BLOCK_SIZE_X + THREAD_ID_X)\n" "#define INDEX_IN_BLOCK_3D ((BLOCK_SIZE_X * BLOCK_SIZE_Y * THREAD_ID_Z) + INDEX_IN_BLOCK_2D)\n" "\n" "#define INDEX_IN_GRID_2D (GLOBAL_ID_Y * GLOBAL_SIZE_X + GLOBAL_ID_X)\n" "#define INDEX_IN_GRID_3D ((GLOBAL_SIZE_X * GLOBAL_SIZE_Y * GLOBAL_ID_Z) + INDEX_IN_GRID_2D)\n" "\n"; return os.str(); } /// <summary> /// A point structure on the host that maps to the one used on the device to iterate in OpenCL. /// It might seem better to use vec4, however 2D palettes and even 3D coordinates may eventually /// be supported, which will make it more than 4 members. /// </summary> template <typename T> struct ALIGN PointCL { T m_X; T m_Y; T m_Z; T m_ColorX; uint m_LastXfUsed; }; /// <summary> /// The point structure used to iterate in OpenCL. /// It might seem better to use float4, however 2D palettes and even 3D coordinates may eventually /// be supported, which will make it more than 4 members. /// </summary> static const char* PointCLStructString = "typedef struct __attribute__ " ALIGN_CL " _Point\n" "{\n" " real_t m_X;\n" " real_t m_Y;\n" " real_t m_Z;\n" " real_t m_ColorX;\n" " uint m_LastXfUsed;\n" "} Point;\n" "\n"; /// <summary> /// A structure on the host used to hold all of the needed information for an xform used on the device to iterate in OpenCL. /// Template argument expected to be float or double. /// </summary> template <typename T> struct ALIGN XformCL { T m_A, m_B, m_C, m_D, m_E, m_F;//24 (48) T m_PostA, m_PostB, m_PostC, m_PostD, m_PostE, m_PostF;//48 (96) T m_DirectColor;//52 (104) T m_ColorSpeedCache;//56 (112) T m_OneMinusColorCache;//60 (120) T m_Opacity;//64 (128) }; /// <summary> /// The xform structure used to iterate in OpenCL. /// </summary> static const char* XformCLStructString = "typedef struct __attribute__ " ALIGN_CL " _XformCL\n" "{\n" " real_t m_A, m_B, m_C, m_D, m_E, m_F;\n" " real_t m_PostA, m_PostB, m_PostC, m_PostD, m_PostE, m_PostF;\n" " real_t m_DirectColor;\n" " real_t m_ColorSpeedCache;\n" " real_t m_OneMinusColorCache;\n" " real_t m_Opacity;\n" "} XformCL;\n" "\n"; /// <summary> /// A structure on the host used to hold all of the needed information for an ember used on the device to iterate in OpenCL. /// Template argument expected to be float or double. /// </summary> template <typename T> struct ALIGN EmberCL { T m_RandPointRange; T m_CamZPos; T m_CamPerspective; T m_CamYaw; T m_CamPitch; T m_CamDepthBlur; T m_BlurCoef; m3T m_CamMat; T m_CenterX, m_CenterY; T m_RotA, m_RotB, m_RotD, m_RotE; T m_Psm1; T m_Psm2; }; /// <summary> /// The ember structure used to iterate in OpenCL. /// </summary> static const char* EmberCLStructString = "typedef struct __attribute__ " ALIGN_CL " _EmberCL\n" "{\n" " real_t m_RandPointRange;\n" " real_t m_CamZPos;\n" " real_t m_CamPerspective;\n" " real_t m_CamYaw;\n" " real_t m_CamPitch;\n" " real_t m_CamDepthBlur;\n" " real_t m_BlurCoef;\n" " real_t m_C00;\n" " real_t m_C01;\n" " real_t m_C02;\n" " real_t m_C10;\n" " real_t m_C11;\n" " real_t m_C12;\n" " real_t m_C20;\n" " real_t m_C21;\n" " real_t m_C22;\n" " real_t m_CenterX, m_CenterY;\n" " real_t m_RotA, m_RotB, m_RotD, m_RotE;\n" " real_t m_Psm1;\n" " real_t m_Psm2;\n" "} EmberCL;\n" "\n"; /// <summary> /// A structure on the host used to hold all of the needed information for cartesian to raster mapping used on the device to iterate in OpenCL. /// Template argument expected to be float or double. /// </summary> template <typename T> struct ALIGN CarToRasCL { T m_PixPerImageUnitW, m_RasLlX; uint m_RasWidth; T m_PixPerImageUnitH, m_RasLlY; T m_CarLlX, m_CarUrX, m_CarUrY, m_CarLlY; }; /// <summary> /// The cartesian to raster structure used to iterate in OpenCL. /// </summary> static const char* CarToRasCLStructString = "typedef struct __attribute__ " ALIGN_CL " _CarToRasCL\n" "{\n" " real_t m_PixPerImageUnitW, m_RasLlX;\n" " uint m_RasWidth;\n" " real_t m_PixPerImageUnitH, m_RasLlY;\n" " real_t m_CarLlX, m_CarUrX, m_CarUrY, m_CarLlY;\n" "} CarToRasCL;\n" "\n"; /// <summary> /// A structure on the host used to hold all of the needed information for density filtering used on the device to iterate in OpenCL. /// Note that the actual filter buffer is held elsewhere. /// Template argument expected to be float or double. /// </summary> template <typename T> struct ALIGN DensityFilterCL { T m_Curve; T m_K1; T m_K2; uint m_Supersample; uint m_SuperRasW; uint m_SuperRasH; uint m_KernelSize; uint m_MaxFilterIndex; uint m_MaxFilteredCounts; uint m_FilterWidth; }; /// <summary> /// The density filtering structure used to iterate in OpenCL. /// Note that the actual filter buffer is held elsewhere. /// </summary> static const char* DensityFilterCLStructString = "typedef struct __attribute__ " ALIGN_CL " _DensityFilterCL\n" "{\n" " real_bucket_t m_Curve;\n" " real_bucket_t m_K1;\n" " real_bucket_t m_K2;\n" " uint m_Supersample;\n" " uint m_SuperRasW;\n" " uint m_SuperRasH;\n" " uint m_KernelSize;\n" " uint m_MaxFilterIndex;\n" " uint m_MaxFilteredCounts;\n" " uint m_FilterWidth;\n" "} DensityFilterCL;\n" "\n"; /// <summary> /// A structure on the host used to hold all of the needed information for spatial filtering used on the device to iterate in OpenCL. /// Note that the actual filter buffer is held elsewhere. /// </summary> template <typename T> struct ALIGN SpatialFilterCL { uint m_SuperRasW; uint m_SuperRasH; uint m_FinalRasW; uint m_FinalRasH; uint m_Supersample; uint m_FilterWidth; uint m_DensityFilterOffset; uint m_YAxisUp; T m_Vibrancy; T m_HighlightPower; T m_Gamma; T m_LinRange; Color<T> m_Background; }; /// <summary> /// The spatial filtering structure used to iterate in OpenCL. /// Note that the actual filter buffer is held elsewhere. /// </summary> static const char* SpatialFilterCLStructString = "typedef struct __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) _SpatialFilterCL\n" "{\n" " uint m_SuperRasW;\n" " uint m_SuperRasH;\n" " uint m_FinalRasW;\n" " uint m_FinalRasH;\n" " uint m_Supersample;\n" " uint m_FilterWidth;\n" " uint m_DensityFilterOffset;\n" " uint m_YAxisUp;\n" " real_bucket_t m_Vibrancy;\n" " real_bucket_t m_HighlightPower;\n" " real_bucket_t m_Gamma;\n" " real_bucket_t m_LinRange;\n" " real_bucket_t m_Background[4];\n"//For some reason, using float4/double4 here does not align no matter what. So just use an array of 4. "} SpatialFilterCL;\n" "\n"; /// <summary> /// EmberCL makes extensive use of the build in vector types, however accessing /// their members as a buffer is not natively supported. /// Declaring them in a union with a buffer resolves this problem. /// </summary> static const char* UnionCLStructString = "typedef union\n" "{\n" " uchar3 m_Uchar3;\n" " uchar m_Uchars[3];\n" "} uchar3uchars;\n" "\n" "typedef union\n" "{\n" " uchar4 m_Uchar4;\n" " uchar m_Uchars[4];\n" "} uchar4uchars;\n" "\n" "typedef union\n" "{\n" " uint4 m_Uint4;\n" " uint m_Uints[4];\n" "} uint4uints;\n" "\n" "typedef union\n"//Use in places where float is required. "{\n" " float4 m_Float4;\n" " float m_Floats[4];\n" "} float4floats;\n" "\n" "typedef union\n"//Use in places where float or double can be used depending on the template type. "{\n" " real4 m_Real4;\n" " real_t m_Reals[4];\n" "} real4reals;\n" "\n" "typedef union\n"//Used to match the bucket template type. "{\n" " real4_bucket m_Real4;\n" " real_bucket_t m_Reals[4];\n" "} real4reals_bucket;\n" "\n"; }