/*---Base Style--- This may be needed to deal with the large tabs. You should keep this at the top of whatever custom style you make to ensure the tabs aren't unusually large.*/ /* QTabBar::tab { height: 4ex; } */ /* * { font: 8pt "MS Shell Dlg 2";/*For some reason the font changes if you set any style. Set this to whatever font is the default on your system*/ } */ /*Specific styles below this line*/ Fractorium { qproperty-VariationTreeColorNonZero:black; qproperty-VariationTreeColorZero:lightgray; qproperty-VariationTreeBgColorNonZero:darkgray; qproperty-VariationTreeBgColorZero:rgb(53, 53, 53); } QObject { background-color : rgb(53, 53, 53); color: darkgray; alternate-background-color: rgb(53, 53, 53); selection-color: black; selection-background-color: rgb(42, 130, 218); } QObject:disabled { color: rgb(35, 35, 35); background-color: rgb(53, 53, 53); border-color: rgb(35, 35, 35); } QDockWidget::float-button { background-color: gray; } QDockWidget::title { margin: 0px; padding: 2px; background-color: gray; } QTabWidget::pane { border: 1px solid gray; } QPushButton { margin: 1px; padding: 4px; border: 1px solid gray; } QPushButton:pressed { background-color: gray; } QPushButton:focus { outline: none; } QTableView QPushButton { border: 1px solid gray; margin: 1px; padding: 0px; } QLineEdit, QTextEdit { border: 1px solid gray; color: darkgray; background-color: rgb(40, 40, 50); selection-background-color: darkgray; } QTextEdit#CreditsTextBrowser { border: 1px solid gray; color: darkgray; background-color: #FFFCE1; selection-background-color: darkgray; } QToolTip { background-color: darkgray; border: 1px solid darkgray; } QSpinBox, QDoubleSpinBox { padding-right: 0px; color: darkgray; selection-background-color: darkgray; } QCheckBox { spacing: 5px; outline: 0px; } QCheckBox::indicator, QTableView::indicator { border: none; border-radius: 2px; background-color: lightgray; } QCheckBox::indicator:enabled:unchecked, QTableView::indicator:enabled:unchecked { background-color: lightgray; image: url(:/Fractorium/Icons/checkbox_unchecked.png); } QCheckBox::indicator:enabled:checked, QTableView::indicator:enabled:checked { background-color: lightgray; image: url(:/Fractorium/Icons/checkbox_checked.png); } QCheckBox::indicator:disabled:unchecked, QTableView::indicator:disabled:unchecked { background-color: gray; image: none; } QCheckBox::indicator:disabled:checked, QTableView::indicator:disabled:checked { background-color: gray; image: none; } QRadioButton::indicator:checked { background-color: black; border: 2px solid gray; border-radius: 7px; width: 8px; height: 8px; margin: 3px; padding: 1px; } QRadioButton::indicator:checked:disabled { background-color: rgb(35, 35, 35); } QRadioButton::indicator:unchecked { border: 2px solid gray; border-radius: 7px; width: 8px; height: 8px; margin: 3px; padding: 1px; } QComboBox { margin: 0px; padding-left: 4px; border: 1px solid gray; } QComboBox::down-arrow:enabled { border: 1px solid gray; margin-right: 2px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1px; } QComboBox::down-arrow:disabled { border: 1px solid rgb(35, 35, 35); margin-right: 2px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1px; } QComboBox::drop-down { border: none; } /*For some reason this is needed with Fusion, but not with Windows*/ QComboBox::item:selected { selection-background-color: darkgray; } QComboBox QAbstractItemView { border: 1px solid gray; outline: none; selection-background-color: darkgray; } QTableView QComboBox { margin: 1px; padding: 0px; padding-left: 3px; } QGroupBox QComboBox { margin: 1px; margin-bottom: 0px; } QTableView QComboBox::down-arrow { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 1px; margin-bottom: 0px; } QProgressBar { color: black; background-color: gray; border: 0px none gray; border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; } QProgressBar::chunk { border-radius: 3px; background-color: lightgray; } QStatusBar QProgressBar { min-width: 300px; max-width: 300px; margin-right: 4px; } QMenuBar { border-bottom: 1px solid gray; } QMenuBar::item { background-color: rgb(53, 53, 53); } QMenu::item:disabled { color: rgb(35, 35, 35); } QMenu::item:enabled:selected { background-color: gray; } QMenu::item:disabled:selected { background-color: rgb(53, 53, 53); } QToolBar { border: 0px none gray; } QGroupBox { padding-top: 3px; border: 2px solid gray; border-radius: 4px; margin-top: 3ex; } QGroupBox::title { subcontrol-origin: border; subcontrol-position: top left; margin-top: -1ex; margin-left: 0px; padding-right: 1px; padding-left: 2px; top: -2ex; left: 8px; } QListView { selection-color: black; selection-background-color: darkgray; } QListView::item:selected { background-color: darkgray; } QTreeView { border: 1px solid gray; background-color: rgb(53, 53, 53); } /*Setting this gives a more consistent look. Also, by omitting color and background color, it allows us to set it above with VariationTreeColorNonZero etc...*/ QTreeView::item { outline: none; margin-right: 1px; } QTreeView::item:hover { border: 0px none black; background-color: gray; outline: none; } QTreeView::item:selected { border: 0px none black; background-color: gray; outline: none; } QTreeView::branch:!has-children { background: rgb(53, 53, 53); } QTreeView::branch:has-children:closed { border: 1px solid darkgray; background: gray; margin: 2px; } QTreeView::branch:has-children:!closed { border: 1px solid lightgray; background: gray; margin-left: 1px; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 3px; } QTableView { border-left: 0px none gray; border-top: 0px none gray; border-right: 0px none gray; border-bottom: 0px none gray; gridline-color: gray; color: darkgray; selection-color: darkgray; selection-background-color: rgb(53, 53, 53); } QTableView QTableCornerButton::section:enabled { background-color: darkgray; } QTableView QTableCornerButton::section:disabled { background-color: rgb(53, 53, 53); } QTableView::indicator:disabled { background-color: rgb(35, 35, 35); } QTableView:disabled { color: rgb(35, 35, 35); border: none; gridline-color: rgb(35, 35, 35); } QHeaderView::section::vertical:enabled { color: black; background-color: gray; border: none; border-bottom: 1px solid gray; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 0px; } QHeaderView::section::horizontal:enabled { color: black; background-color: darkgray; border: 1px solid darkgray; border-right: 1px solid gray; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 3px; } QHeaderView::section::vertical:disabled { color: rgb(35, 35, 35); background-color: rgb(53, 53, 53); border: 0px none darkgray; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(53, 53, 53); padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 0px; } QHeaderView::section::horizontal:disabled { color:rgb(35, 35, 35); background-color: rgb(53, 53, 53); border: 0px none darkgray; border-right: 1px solid rgb(53, 53, 53); padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 3px; } QScrollBar::vertical { background-color: darkgray; border: 0px solid darkgray; width: 15px; margin: 22px 0 22px 0; } QScrollBar::handle::vertical { background-color: gray; border-top: 1px solid darkgray; border-bottom: 1px solid darkgray; min-height: 20px; } QScrollBar::add-line::vertical { border: 0px solid darkgray; background-color: gray; height: 22px; subcontrol-position: bottom; subcontrol-origin: margin; } QScrollBar::sub-line::vertical { border: 0px solid darkgray; background-color: gray; height: 22px; subcontrol-position: top; subcontrol-origin: margin; } QScrollBar::up-arrow::vertical, QScrollBar::down-arrow::vertical { border: 2px solid darkgray; width: 5px; height: 12px; background-color: gray; } QScrollBar::add-page::vertical, QScrollBar::sub-page::vertical, QScrollBar::add-page::horizontal, QScrollBar::sub-page::horizontal { background-color: darkgray; } QScrollBar::horizontal { background-color: darkgray; border: 0px solid darkgray; height: 15px; margin: 0px 20px 0 20px; } QScrollBar::handle::horizontal { background-color: gray; border-left: 1px solid darkgray; border-right: 1px solid darkgray; min-width: 20px; } QScrollBar::add-line::horizontal { border: 0px solid darkgray; background-color: gray; width: 20px; subcontrol-position: right; subcontrol-origin: margin; } QScrollBar::sub-line::horizontal { border: 0px solid darkgray; background-color: gray; width: 20px; subcontrol-position: left; subcontrol-origin: margin; } QScrollBar::left-arrow::horizontal, QScrollBar::right-arrow::horizontal { border: 2px solid darkgray; width: 12px; height: 5px; background-color: gray; } QMenu::separator { height: 1px; background-color: gray; } QToolBar::separator { width: 1px; margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 2px; background-color: gray; } QStatusBar::item { border: none; } /*Specific controls*/ QTableWidget#ColorTableHeader QHeaderView::section::horizontal, QTableWidget#GeometryTableHeader QHeaderView::section::horizontal, QTableWidget#FilterTableHeader QHeaderView::section::horizontal, QTableWidget#IterationTableHeader QHeaderView::section::horizontal, QTableWidget#AnimationTableHeader QHeaderView::section::horizontal, QTreeWidget#LibraryTree QHeaderView::section::horizontal { border-right: none; } QTableWidget#ColorTable, QTableWidget#GeometryTable, QTableWidget#FilterTable, QTableWidget#IterationTable, QTableWidget#AnimationTable, QTableWidget#XformWeightNameTable { border-left: 1px solid gray; } QTableWidget#SummaryTable { border-left: 1px solid gray; } /*Normally doesn't matter, but when a palette file doesn't have enough palettes in it to fill the whole table, it looks funny without a border*/ QTableWidget#PaletteListTable { border: 1px solid gray; } QTableWidget#SummaryTable QHeaderView::section::vertical { background-color: darkgray; } QTableWidget#PaletteAdjustTable, QTableWidget#PalettePreviewTable, QTableWidget#XformColorIndexTable, QTableWidget#XformColorValuesTable, QTableWidget#InfoBoundsTable, QTableWidget#OptionsXmlSavingTable, QTableWidget#OptionsIdentityTable, QTableWidget#FinalRenderSizeTable, QTableWidget#FinalRenderParamsTable { border-left: 1px solid gray; border-top: 1px solid gray; } QLineEdit#PaletteFilterLineEdit, QLineEdit#VariationsFilterLineEdit { height: 20px; min-height: 20px; max-height: 20px; } QSpinBox#ThreadCountSpin, QSpinBox#RandomCountSpin, QSpinBox#CpuSubBatchSpin, QSpinBox#OpenCLSubBatchSpin, QSpinBox#CpuQualitySpin, QSpinBox#OpenCLQualitySpin, QDoubleSpinBox#OpenCLSubBatchPctSpin, QSpinBox#FinalRenderCurrentSpin, QSpinBox#FinalRenderThreadCountSpin, QDoubleSpinBox#FinalRenderOpenCLSubBatchPctSpin { padding: 2px; border: 1px solid gray; } QSpinBox#ThreadCountSpin:disabled, QSpinBox#CpuSubBatchSpin:disabled, QSpinBox#OpenCLSubBatchSpin:disabled, QSpinBox#CpuQualitySpin:disabled, QSpinBox#OpenCLQualitySpin:disabled, QDoubleSpinBox#OpenCLSubBatchPctSpin:disabled, QSpinBox#FinalRenderCurrentSpin:disabled, QSpinBox#FinalRenderThreadCountSpin:disabled, QDoubleSpinBox#FinalRenderOpenCLSubBatchPctSpin:disabled { padding: 2px; border: 1px solid rgb(35, 35, 35); } QTableView#FinalRenderParamsTable QComboBox { margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } QTableView#FinalRenderParamsTable QPushButton { margin-top: 1px; margin-bottom: 2px; padding: 0px; } QssDialog QssTextEdit#QssEdit { background-color: #FFFCE1; }