TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += console # Uncomment this if you only want to build a binary instead of an app bundle. #macx:CONFIG -= app_bundle CONFIG -= qt TARGET = emberrender include(../defaults.pri) #Point to visual studio resource file to embed file information and icon. win32 { RC = $$RCPATH/EmberRender.rc win32:RC_FILE = $$RC #message(RC_FILE: $$RC) } #Go up one folder because the paths defined in defaults were relative to it, which is up one folder. PRJ_SRC_DIR = $$absolute_path($$EMBER_ROOT/../Source/EmberRender) #message(PRJ_SRC_DIR: $$PRJ_SRC_DIR) target.path = $$BIN_INSTALL_DIR #message(TARGET INSTALL: $$target.path) INSTALLS += target palettes.path = $$SHARE_INSTALL_DIR palettes.files = $$ASSETS_DIR/flam3-palettes.xml #message(PALETTE INSTALL SOURCE: $$palettes.files) INSTALLS += palettes themes.path = $$SHARE_INSTALL_DIR themes.files = $$ASSETS_DIR/dark.qss #message(THEMES INSTALL SOURCE: $$themes.files) INSTALLS += themes !win32 { icon.path = $$SHARE_INSTALL_DIR icon.files = $$absolute_path($$PRJ_SRC_DIR/Icons/Fractorium.png) #message(ICON INSTALL SOURCE: $$icon.files) INSTALLS += icon launcher.path = $$LAUNCHER_INSTALL_DIR launcher.files = $$ASSETS_DIR/Fractorium.desktop #message(LAUNCHER INSTALL SOURCE: $$launcher.files) INSTALLS += launcher } macx:ICON = $$ASSETS_DIR/Fractorium.icns !macx:PRECOMPILED_HEADER = $$SRC_COMMON_DIR/EmberCommonPch.h LIBS += -L$$absolute_path($$DESTDIR) -lember LIBS += -L$$absolute_path($$DESTDIR) -lembercl SOURCES += \ $$PRJ_SRC_DIR/EmberRender.cpp \ $$SRC_COMMON_DIR/EmberCommonPch.cpp include(deployment.pri) qtcAddDeployment() HEADERS += \ $$PRJ_SRC_DIR/EmberRender.h \ $$SRC_COMMON_DIR/EmberCommon.h \ $$SRC_COMMON_DIR/EmberCommonPch.h \ $$SRC_COMMON_DIR/EmberOptions.h \ $$SRC_COMMON_DIR/JpegUtils.h \ $$SRC_COMMON_DIR/SimpleGlob.h \ $$SRC_COMMON_DIR/SimpleOpt.h