#pragma once
#include "FractoriumPch.h"
#include "FractoriumSettings.h"
/// Fractorium global utility functions.
/// Setup a spinner to be placed in a table cell.
/// Due to a serious compiler bug in MSVC, this must be declared as an outside function instead of a static member of Fractorium.
/// The reason is that the default arguments of type valType will not be interpreted correctly by the compiler.
/// If the bug is ever fixed, put it back as a static member function.
/// The table the spinner belongs to
/// The receiver object
/// The row in the table where this spinner resides
/// The col in the table where this spinner resides
/// Double pointer to spin box which will hold the spinner upon exit
/// The height of the spinner
/// The minimum value of the spinner
/// The maximum value of the spinner
/// The step of the spinner
/// The signal the spinner emits
/// The slot to receive the signal
/// Whether to increment the row value
/// The default value for the spinner
/// When the spinner has a value of zero and is double clicked, assign this value
/// When the spinner has a value of non-zero and is double clicked, assign this value
static void SetupSpinner(QTableWidget* table, const QObject* receiver, int& row, int col, spinType*& spinBox, int height, valType min, valType max, valType step, const char* signal, const char* slot, bool incRow = true, valType val = 0, valType doubleClickZero = -999, valType doubleClickNonZero = -999)
auto settings = FractoriumSettings::DefInstance();
spinBox = new spinType(table, height, step);
spinBox->setRange(min, max);
if (col >= 0)
table->setCellWidget(row, col, spinBox);
if (string(signal) != "" && string(slot) != "")
receiver->connect(spinBox, signal, receiver, slot, Qt::QueuedConnection);
if (doubleClickNonZero != -999 && doubleClickZero != -999)
if (incRow)
/// Wrapper around QWidget::setTabOrder() to return the second widget.
/// This makes it easy to chain multiple calls without having to retype
/// all of them if the order changes or if a new widget is inserted.
/// The parent widget that w1 and w2 belong to
/// The widget to come first in the tab order
/// The widget to come second in the tab order
static QWidget* SetTabOrder(QWidget* p, QWidget* w1, QWidget* w2)
p->setTabOrder(w1, w2);
return w2;
/// Truncates the precision of the value to the specified number of digits
/// after the decimal place.
/// The value to truncate
/// The number of digits to leave after the decimal place
/// The truncated value
static double TruncPrecision(double val, uint digits)
double mult = std::pow(10, digits);
return std::round(mult * val) / mult;
/// Wrapper around QLocale::system().toDouble().
/// The string to convert
/// Pointer to boolean which stores the success value of the conversion
/// The converted value if successful, else 0.
static double ToDouble(const QString& s, bool* ok)
return QLocale::system().toDouble(s, ok);
/// Wrapper around QLocale::system().toString().
/// The value to convert
/// The string value if successful, else "".
static QString ToString(T val)
return QLocale::system().toString(val);
/// Force a QString to end with the specified value.
/// The string to append a suffix to
/// The suffix to append
/// The original string value if it already ended in e, else the original value appended with e.
static QString MakeEnd(const QString& s, T e)
if (!s.endsWith(e))
return s + e;
return s;
/// Check if a path is not empty and exists on the file system.
/// The path to check
/// True if s was not empty and existed, else false.
static bool Exists(const QString& s)
return s != "" && QDir(s).exists();
/// Convert a color to one that is displayable on any background.
/// The color to convert
/// The converted color
static QColor VisibleColor(const QColor& color)
int threshold = 105;
int delta = (color.red() * 0.299) + //Magic numbers gotten from a Stack Overflow post.
(color.green() * 0.587) +
(color.blue() * 0.114);
QColor textColor = (255 - delta < threshold) ? QColor(0, 0, 0) : QColor(255, 255, 255);
return textColor;
/// Determine whether an xform in an ember is linked to any other xform
/// in the ember.
/// The ember which contains the xform
/// The xform to inspect
/// The index of the xform that the xform argument is linked to, else -1
static intmax_t IsXformLinked(Ember& ember, Xform* xform)
auto count = ember.XformCount();
auto index = ember.GetXformIndex(xform);
intmax_t linked = -1;
size_t toOneCount = 0;
size_t toZeroCount = 0;
size_t toOneIndex = 0;
size_t fromOneCount = 0;
size_t fromZeroCount = 0;
size_t fromOneIndex = 0;
if (index >= 0)
for (auto i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (xform->Xaos(i) == 0)
else if (xform->Xaos(i) == 1)
toOneIndex = i;
if ((toZeroCount == (count - 1)) && toOneCount == 1)
for (auto i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (auto fromXform = ember.GetXform(i))
if (fromXform->Xaos(toOneIndex) == 0)
else if (fromXform->Xaos(toOneIndex) == 1)
fromOneIndex = i;
if ((fromZeroCount == (count - 1)) && fromOneCount == 1)
linked = toOneIndex;
return linked;
/// Convert the passed in QList of absolute device indices to a vector> of platform,device
/// index pairs.
/// The absolute device indices
/// The converted device vector of platform,device index pairs
static vector> Devices(const QList& selectedDevices)
vector> vec;
auto& devices = OpenCLInfo::Instance()->DeviceIndices();
for (int i = 0; i < selectedDevices.size(); i++)
auto index = selectedDevices[i].toUInt();
if (index < devices.size())
return vec;
/// Setup a table showing all available OpenCL devices on the system.
/// Create checkboxes and radio buttons which allow the user to specify
/// which devices to use, and which one to make the primary device.
/// Used in the options dialog and the final render dialog.
/// The QTableWidget to setup
/// The absolute indices of the devices to use, with the first being the primary.
static void SetupDeviceTable(QTableWidget* table, const QList& settingsDevices)
bool primary = false;
auto& deviceNames = OpenCLInfo::Instance()->AllDeviceNames();
for (int i = 0; i < deviceNames.size(); i++)
auto checkItem = new QTableWidgetItem();
auto radio = new QRadioButton();
auto deviceItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString::fromStdString(deviceNames[i]));
table->setItem(i, 0, checkItem);
table->setCellWidget(i, 1, radio);
table->setItem(i, 2, deviceItem);
if (settingsDevices.contains(QVariant::fromValue(i)))
if (!primary)
primary = true;
if (!primary && table->rowCount() > 0)//Primary was never set, so just default to the first device and hope it was the one detected as the main display.
table->item(0, 0)->setCheckState(Qt::Checked);
qobject_cast(table->cellWidget(0, 1))->setChecked(true);
/// Copy the passed in selected absolute device indices to the controls on the passed in table.
/// Used in the options dialog and the final render dialog.
/// The QTableWidget to copy values to
/// The absolute indices of the devices to use, with the first being the primary.
static void SettingsToDeviceTable(QTableWidget* table, QList& settingsDevices)
if (settingsDevices.empty() && table->rowCount() > 0)
table->item(0, 0)->setCheckState(Qt::Checked);
qobject_cast(table->cellWidget(0, 1))->setChecked(true);
for (int row = 1; row < table->rowCount(); row++)
if (auto item = table->item(row, 0))
for (int row = 0; row < table->rowCount(); row++)
if (auto item = table->item(row, 0))
if (settingsDevices.contains(row))
if (!settingsDevices.indexOf(QVariant::fromValue(row)))
if (auto radio = qobject_cast(table->cellWidget(row, 1)))
/// Copy the values of the controls on the passed in table to a list of absolute device indices.
/// Used in the options dialog and the final render dialog.
/// The QTableWidget to copy values from
/// The list of absolute device indices
static QList DeviceTableToSettings(QTableWidget* table)
QList devices;
auto rows = table->rowCount();
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
auto checkItem = table->item(row, 0);
auto radio = qobject_cast(table->cellWidget(row, 1));
if (checkItem->checkState() == Qt::Checked)
if (radio && radio->isChecked())
return devices;
/// Ensure device selection on the passed in table make sense.
/// The QTableWidget to setup
/// The row of the cell
/// The column of the cell
static void HandleDeviceTableCheckChanged(QTableWidget* table, int row, int col)
int primaryRow = -1;
QRadioButton* primaryRadio = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < table->rowCount(); i++)
if (auto radio = qobject_cast(table->cellWidget(i, 1)))
if (radio->isChecked())
primaryRow = i;
primaryRadio = radio;
if (primaryRow == -1) primaryRow = 0;
if (auto primaryItem = table->item(primaryRow, 0))
if (primaryItem->checkState() == Qt::Unchecked)
/// The basic style that is needed for things to look right, this varies by OS.
/// The base style
static QString BaseStyle()
return "/*---Base Style---\n"
"This is needed to deal with the large tabs in the fusion theme which is the default on Linux, and optional on Windows.\n"
"It's not needed for other themes."
"You should keep this at the top of whatever custom style you make to ensure the tabs aren't unusually large.*/\n"
#ifndef _WIN32
"QTabBar::tab { height: 3ex; }\n\n"
"QTabBar::tab { height: 5ex; }\n\n"
"/*This is needed to give the labels on the status bar some padding.*/\n"
"QStatusBar QLabel { padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; }\n\n"
/// Get all parent objects of the passed in widget.
/// The widget whose parents will be retrieved
/// The entire parent object chain in a QList
static QList GetAllParents(QWidget* widget)
QList parents;
while (auto parent = qobject_cast(widget->parent()))
if (auto parentT = qobject_cast(parent))
widget = parent;
return parents;
/// Constrain the value in low to be less than or equal to the value in high.
/// Template expected to be any control which has member functions value() and setValue().
/// Most likely QSpinBox or QDoubleSpinbox.
/// The control which must contain the lower value
/// The control which must contain the higher value
/// True if the value of low had to be changed, else false.
bool ConstrainLow(T* low, T* high)
if (low->value() > high->value())
return true;
return false;
/// Constrain the value in high to be greater than or equal to the value in low.
/// Template expected to be any control which has member functions value() and setValue().
/// Most likely QSpinBox or QDoubleSpinbox.
/// The control which must contain the lower value
/// The control which must contain the higher value
/// True if the value of high had to be changed, else false.
bool ConstrainHigh(T* low, T* high)
if (high->value() < low->value())
return true;
return false;
/// Move all, possibly disjointly, selected items in a range to
/// a new location and update all existing locations.
/// Atribution: Sean Parent, Going Native 2013.
/// The location of the first selected item, or the start of the collection.
/// The location of the last selected item, or the end of the collection.
/// A pair of iterators representing the start and end locations of the list of newly moved items
pair Gather(I f, I l, I p, S s)
stable_partition(f, p, [&](const typename iterator_traits::value_type & x) { return !s(x); }),
stable_partition(p, l, s)