#Building Guide for Fractorium Using MSVC2013 and Qt Creator (64 bit) ##Requirements You need to have MSVC2013 compiler and Qt for Windows 64-bit (VS 2013) like Qt 5.5.1 (http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.5/5.5.1/qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013_64-5.5.1.exe) ##Prerequisites Download Prerequisites ( /glm /libjpeg /libpng /libxml2 /tbb /zlib ) according to [mfeemster's wiki](https://github.com/mfeemster/fractorium/wiki/Building). Extract them in the parallel folder of `fractorium` named `External` You can refer to the [folder structure](#folder-structure) below Open your `Visual Studio Tools Command Prompt (amd64 2013)` and do the followings in folders below: ######\External\libjpeg (jpegsr9a.zip) - run in prompt ``` SET Include=%Include%;"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Include" ``` (to include WIN32.mak) (I use `SET Include=%Include%;"B:\MSVC2013\Windows Kits\v7.1A\Include"`) ``` nmake /f makefile.vc setup-v10 nmake nodebug=1 /f makefile.vc clean all ``` copy `libjpeg.lib` in `External\libjpeg` to `External\libs` ###### \External\zlib (zlib128.zip) - run in prompt ``` nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc clean all ``` copy `zlib.lib` in `External\zlib` to `External\libs` ###### \External\libxml2 (libxml2-2.9.3.zip) - cd to `External\libxml2\win32` ``` cscript configure.js compiler=msvc iconv=no zlib=yes include=..\..\zlib lib=..\..\zlib nmake /f Makefile.msvc clean all ``` copy `libxml2.lib` in `External\libxml2\win32\bin.msvc` to `External\libs` ###### \External\libpng (lpng1620.zip) - First, copy `zlib.lib` `zlib.h` and `zconf.h` to `External\libpng\zlib` (create this folder if no exsiting) ``` nmake -f scripts\makefile.vcwin32 clean all ``` copy `libpng.lib` in `External\libpng` to `External\libs` ###### \External\glm (glm- - noting to do, make sure you extract it correctly. ###### \External\tbb (tbb44_20151115oss_win_0.zip) - copy `External\tbb\lib\intel64\vc12\tbb_debug.lib` and `External\tbb\lib\intel64\vc12\tbb.lib` to `External\libs` ##Collect libs and includes ###### \External\libs - copy `GlU32.Lib` `WS2_32.Lib` `OpenGL32.Lib` under `MSVC2013\Windows Kits\8.1\Lib\winv6.3\um\x64` to this folder (`\External\libs`) install CUDA toolkit and copy `CUDA\v7.5\lib\x64\OpenCL.lib` to this folder (`\External\libs`) - Now you should already have these files in the folder: ``` GlU32.Lib libjpeg.lib libpng.lib libxml2.lib OpenCL.lib OpenGL32.Lib tbb.lib tbb_debug.lib WS2_32.Lib zlib.lib ``` ###### \fractorium\Builds\lib - copy anything(they are `*.h`) under `CUDA\v7.5\include\CL` to this folder `\fractorium\Builds\include\vendor\CL` (overwrite) **All Done!** You shuold have folder structure like this: ``` [YOUR ROOT FOLDER] │ ├─External │ ├─glm │ │ ├─glm │ │ ... │ ├─libjpeg │ ├─libpng │ │ ├─scripts │ │ ├─zlib │ │ ... │ ├─libs │ │ GlU32.Lib │ │ libjpeg.lib │ │ libpng.lib │ │ libxml2.lib │ │ OpenCL.lib │ │ OpenGL32.Lib │ │ tbb.lib │ │ tbb_debug.lib │ │ WS2_32.Lib │ │ zlib.lib │ │ │ ├─libxml2 │ │ ├─include │ │ │ └─libxml │ │ ... │ ├─tbb │ │ ├─include │ │ │ ├─serial │ │ │ │ └─tbb │ │ │ └─tbb │ │ │ ├─compat │ │ │ ├─internal │ │ │ └─machine │ │ ├─lib │ │ │ ├─ia32 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─intel64 │ │ │ ├─vc10 │ │ │ ├─vc12 │ │ ... ... │ └─zlib │ ├─win32 │ ... └─fractorium ├─archive ├─Builds │ ├─lib │ ├─QtCreator │ ... ├─Data │ ├─debian │ └─Source ``` ##Begin to build Open Qt Project `fractorium/main.pro` using Qt Creator with config like *Desktop Qt 5.5.1 MSVC2013 OpenGL 64bit* **DO TURN OFF** "shadow build option" in "Edit build configuration" for both `Debug` and `Release` Switch to `Release` configuration and Build! You can find outputs `under fractorium\Bin\release` several minutes later if no error occurs. ``` Ember.dll Ember.exp Ember.lib emberanimate.exe EmberCL.dll EmberCL.exp EmberCL.lib embergenome.exe emberrender.exe fractorium.exe ``` To run it, put exes and dlls above and these files together in one folder ``` Qt5.5.1\5.5\msvc2013_64\bin\Qt5OpenGL.dll Qt5.5.1\5.5\msvc2013_64\bin\Qt5Widgets.dll Qt5.5.1\5.5\msvc2013_64\bin\Qt5Core.dll Qt5.5.1\5.5\msvc2013_64\bin\Qt5Gui.dll Qt5.5.1\5.5\msvc2013_64\plugins\platforms\qwindows.dll (put in folder "platforms") External\libxml2\win32\bin.msvc\libxml2.dll External\tbb\bin\intel64\vc12\tbb.dll fractorium\Data\dark.qss fractorium\Data\flam3-palettes.xml ``` To run on another computer, maybe these files are needed to be shipped with: ``` MSVC2013\VC\redist\x64\Microsoft.VC120.CRT\msvcp120.dll MSVC2013\VC\redist\x64\Microsoft.VC120.CRT\msvcr120.dll MSVC2013\VC\redist\x64\Microsoft.VC120.CRT\vccorlib120.dll ``` or you can install *Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 (64 bit)* ####Output file structure ``` [YOUR FOLDER] │ dark.qss │ Ember.dll │ emberanimate.exe │ EmberCL.dll │ embergenome.exe │ emberrender.exe │ flam3-palettes.xml │ fractorium.exe │ libxml2.dll │ Qt5Core.dll │ Qt5Gui.dll │ Qt5OpenGL.dll │ Qt5Widgets.dll │ tbb.dll │ │ vccorlib120.dll (optional) │ msvcp120.dll (optional) │ msvcr120.dll (optional) │ └─platforms qwindows.dll ``` ####Have Fun!