#include "FractoriumPch.h" #include "VariationsDialog.h" /// <summary> /// Constructor that takes a parent widget and passes it to the base, then /// sets up the GUI. /// </summary> /// <param name="settings">Pointer to the global settings object to use</param> /// <param name="p">The parent widget. Default: nullptr.</param> /// <param name="f">The window flags. Default: 0.</param> FractoriumVariationsDialog::FractoriumVariationsDialog(FractoriumSettings* settings, QWidget* p, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QDialog(p, f), m_Settings(settings) { ui.setupUi(this); auto table = ui.VariationsTable; m_Vars = m_Settings->Variations(); Populate(); OnSelectAllButtonClicked(true); table->verticalHeader()->setSectionsClickable(true); table->horizontalHeader()->setSectionsClickable(true); table->verticalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); connect(table, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTableWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(OnVariationsTableItemChanged(QTableWidgetItem*)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(ui.SelectAllButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnSelectAllButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(ui.InvertSelectionButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnInvertSelectionButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(ui.SelectNoneButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnSelectNoneButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection); } /// <summary> /// A wrapper to iterate over every table widget item and perform the passed in function on it. /// </summary> /// <param name="func">Function to call on each object</param> void FractoriumVariationsDialog::ForEachCell(std::function<void(QTableWidgetItem* cb)> func) { auto table = ui.VariationsTable; auto rows = table->rowCount(); auto cols = table->columnCount(); table->model()->blockSignals(true); for (auto row = 0; row < rows; row++) for (auto col = 0; col < cols; col++) if (auto cb = table->item(row, col)) func(cb); table->model()->blockSignals(false); table->model()->layoutChanged(); } /// <summary> /// A wrapper to iterate over every selected table widget item and perform the passed in function on it. /// </summary> /// <param name="func">Function to call on each object</param> void FractoriumVariationsDialog::ForEachSelectedCell(std::function<void(QTableWidgetItem* cb)> func) { auto table = ui.VariationsTable; QList<QTableWidgetItem*> selectedItems = table->selectedItems(); table->model()->blockSignals(true); foreach(QTableWidgetItem* item, selectedItems) if (item) func(item); table->model()->blockSignals(false); table->model()->layoutChanged(); } /// <summary> /// Copy the values of the checkboxes to the map. /// </summary> void FractoriumVariationsDialog::SyncSettings() { QMap<QString, QVariant> m; ForEachCell([&](QTableWidgetItem* cb) { if (!cb->text().isEmpty()) m[cb->text()] = cb->checkState() == Qt::CheckState::Checked; }); m_Settings->Variations(m); } /// <summary> /// Return a const reference to the map. /// This will contains the state of the checkboxes after /// the user clicks ok. /// </summary> const QMap<QString, QVariant>& FractoriumVariationsDialog::Map() { return m_Vars; } /// <summary> /// Check all of the checkboxes. /// </summary> /// <param name="checked">Ignored</param> void FractoriumVariationsDialog::OnSelectAllButtonClicked(bool checked) { ForEachCell([&](QTableWidgetItem* cb) { cb->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState::Checked); }); } /// <summary> /// Invert the selection state of the checkboxes. /// </summary> /// <param name="checked">Ignored</param> void FractoriumVariationsDialog::OnInvertSelectionButtonClicked(bool checked) { ForEachCell([&](QTableWidgetItem* cb) { if (cb->checkState() != Qt::CheckState::Checked) cb->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState::Checked); else cb->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState::Unchecked); }); } /// <summary> /// Uncheck all of the checkboxes. /// </summary> /// <param name="checked">Ignored</param> void FractoriumVariationsDialog::OnSelectNoneButtonClicked(bool checked) { ForEachCell([&](QTableWidgetItem* cb) { cb->setCheckState(Qt::CheckState::Unchecked); }); } /// <summary> /// Create all checkboxes and check them according to the map. /// </summary> void FractoriumVariationsDialog::Populate() { auto table = ui.VariationsTable; auto size = std::max<size_t>(std::max<size_t>(m_VariationList.RegSize(), m_VariationList.PreSize()), m_VariationList.PostSize()); table->setRowCount(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (auto pre = m_VariationList.GetVariation(i, eVariationType::VARTYPE_PRE)) { auto cb = new QTableWidgetItem(pre->Name().c_str()); table->setItem(i, 0, cb); SetCheckFromMap(cb, pre); } if (auto reg = m_VariationList.GetVariation(i, eVariationType::VARTYPE_REG)) { auto cb = new QTableWidgetItem(reg->Name().c_str()); table->setItem(i, 1, cb); SetCheckFromMap(cb, reg); } if (auto post = m_VariationList.GetVariation(i, eVariationType::VARTYPE_POST)) { auto cb = new QTableWidgetItem(post->Name().c_str()); table->setItem(i, 2, cb); SetCheckFromMap(cb, post); } } } /// <summary> /// Called when a checkbox changes state. /// There is a slight hack here to apply the change to all selected checkboxes /// if ctrl is pressed. /// Otherwise it will only apply to the checkbox that was clicked. /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> void FractoriumVariationsDialog::OnVariationsTableItemChanged(QTableWidgetItem* item) { bool ctrl = QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier); if (ctrl) ForEachSelectedCell([&](QTableWidgetItem* cb) { cb->setCheckState(item->checkState()); }); } /// <summary> /// Called when the user clicks ok. /// Copy the state of the checkboxes to the map. /// </summary> void FractoriumVariationsDialog::accept() { GuiToData(); QDialog::accept(); } /// <summary> /// Called when the user clicks cancel. /// Reset the state of the the checkboxes to what the map previously was /// when the dialog was shown. /// </summary> void FractoriumVariationsDialog::reject() { DataToGui(); QDialog::reject(); } /// <summary> /// Copy the state of the map to the checkboxes and show the dialog. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Event, passed to base.</param> void FractoriumVariationsDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent* e) { DataToGui(); QDialog::showEvent(e); } /// <summary> /// Copy the values in the map to the state of the checkboxes. /// </summary> void FractoriumVariationsDialog::DataToGui() { ForEachCell([&](QTableWidgetItem* cb) { if (auto var = m_VariationList.GetVariation(cb->text().toStdString())) SetCheckFromMap(cb, var); }); } /// <summary> /// Copy the state of the checkboxes to the map. /// </summary> void FractoriumVariationsDialog::GuiToData() { ForEachCell([&](QTableWidgetItem* cb) { if (auto var = m_VariationList.GetVariation(cb->text().toStdString())) m_Vars[cb->text()] = (cb->checkState() == Qt::Checked); }); } /// <summary> /// Set the state of the passed in table item checkbox based on the boolean contained /// in the map for the passed in variation. /// </summary> /// <param name="cb">The checkbox to check</param> /// <param name="var">That variation to be looked up in the map</param> void FractoriumVariationsDialog::SetCheckFromMap(QTableWidgetItem* cb, const Variation<float>* var) { if (!m_Vars.contains(var->Name().c_str())) { cb->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); } else { bool chk = m_Vars[var->Name().c_str()].toBool(); cb->setCheckState(chk ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); } }