#summary User's guide for command line programs. <font face="Verdana"> =Introduction= Usage of EmberRender, EmberAnimate and EmberGenome command line programs. These are advanced tools mostly used in a scripted environment. =Details= These programs are replacements for the original flam3-render, flam3-animate and flam3-genome programs. They function the same and produce identical output, however they offer two major advantages over the originals: -Option to use OpenCL renderer.<br> -Ability to use command line arguments in addition to environment variables. The originals only supported the latter.<br> Running any with the `--help` argument will provide a list of the options available to that program. More information on the what these do and the options to pass them can be found in the original flam3 documentation here: <a href="https://code.google.com/p/flam3/wiki/Flam3Render">EmberRender</a> <a href="https://code.google.com/p/flam3/wiki/Flam3Animate">EmberAnimate</a> <a href="https://code.google.com/p/flam3/wiki/Flam3Genome">EmberGenome</a> The only option omitted was `field` which was used to render progressive scanned images for animations. Modern LCD/LED displays overcome the need for this.