-Add motion support from Simon Detheridge at the ember level instead of just individual xforms:
Add the ability to manipulate camera pitch, yaw and other goodies during flame rotation using a new element specified at the top-level of the flame.
Create a new 'saw' motion function, so that these values can effectively be looped (e.g. yaw -1 to +1) over the course of a rotation.
Add an offset to existing motion elements, to start them partway through their cycle. This would (for example) enable creating circular motion of xform affines, by combining two offset sine waves, one with an offset of 0.25 or 0.75.
Fix loops in EmberGenome (they only had an on/off effect - this was broken in flame-genome as well) and make the loop count floating-point as well. For sequence animations, it's not necessary for clips to loop precisely if they're not designed specifically for the ES project.
Similarly, there's no need for motion_frequency to be an integer value either so this was changed to allow motion that doesn't necessarily start or end at the loop boundary.
I've attempted to keep each bit of functionality in its own commit.
There's an argument as to whether to call the new flame motion elements <flame_motion/> (to differentiate programmatically) or just <motion/> (for consistency within the file) -- I opted for the former because it was easier to modify the xml parser that way.
--Code changes
-Change FlameMotion.h to EmberMotion.h to keep the naming convention consistent.
-Made elements of EmberMotion.m_MotionParams into their own type, MotionParam, which allows for CopyVec() to work.
-Change m_FlameMotionElements to m_EmberMotionElements in Ember.
-Use CopyVec() for EmberMotion instead of manual copy in copy constructors.
-Add exports in Ember.cpp for EmberMotion.
-Format eEmberMotionParam enum with one entry per line since it has many entries.
-Use fabs() in XmlToEmber instead of glm::abs.
-Minor formatting.
Allow for setting rendering thread priorities from the command line and final render dialog. Currently only implemented on Windows.
Show estimated time left on the final render dialog.
Sort palette list by name, instead of by index in the palette file.
Sorting can be flipped by clicking the column headers of the palette table.
--Code changes
Remove unnecessary connect() statement in Variations tab.
This adds a travis config to build everyting on 12.04. Because 12.04 is quite old, there are a certain number of hoops that need to be jumped through in order to get things working. As a result, the build script is more complex than I'd like.
This avoids clang error in release mode: atom not found in symbolIndex(__ZN7EmberNs11EmberReport23StaticErrorReportStringERKNSt3__16vectorINS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEENS6_IS8_EEEE) for architecture x86_64