mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 15:21:36 -04:00
--User changes
-Eliminate delay when switching between single and double precision. --Code changes -Variation tree and associated widgets no longer actually contain variation objects, only IDs.
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,13 +58,12 @@ private:
/// VariationTreeWidgetItem and VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox need each other, but each can't include the other.
/// So VariationTreeWidgetItem includes this file, and use a forward declaration here.
/// </summary>
template <typename T> class VariationTreeWidgetItem;
class VariationTreeWidgetItem;
/// <summary>
/// Derivation for the double spin boxes that are in the
/// variations tree.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox : public DoubleSpinBox
@ -73,27 +72,27 @@ public:
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p">The parent widget</param>
/// <param name="widgetItem">The widget item this spinner is contained in</param>
/// <param name="var">The variation this spinner is for</param>
/// <param name="id">The variation this spinner is for</param>
/// <param name="param">The name of the parameter this is for</param>
/// <param name="h">The height of the spin box. Default: 16.</param>
/// <param name="step">The step used to increment/decrement the spin box when using the mouse wheel. Default: 0.05.</param>
explicit VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox(QWidget* p, VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>* widgetItem, Variation<T>* var, string param, int h = 16, double step = 0.05)
explicit VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox(QWidget* p, VariationTreeWidgetItem* widgetItem, eVariationId id, string param, int h = 16, double step = 0.05)
: DoubleSpinBox(p, h, step)
m_WidgetItem = widgetItem;
m_Param = param;
m_Variation = var;
m_Id = id;
virtual ~VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox() { }
bool IsParam() { return !m_Param.empty(); }
string ParamName() { return m_Param; }
Variation<T>* GetVariation() { return m_Variation; }
VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>* WidgetItem() { return m_WidgetItem; }
eVariationId GetVariationId() { return m_Id; }
VariationTreeWidgetItem* WidgetItem() { return m_WidgetItem; }
string m_Param;
Variation<T>* m_Variation;
VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>* m_WidgetItem;
eVariationId m_Id;
VariationTreeWidgetItem* m_WidgetItem;
@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ Fractorium::Fractorium(QWidget* p)
m_Controller = unique_ptr<FractoriumEmberControllerBase>(new FractoriumEmberController<float>(this));
if (m_Wrapper.CheckOpenCL() && m_Settings->OpenCL() && m_QualitySpin->value() < 30)
@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ FractoriumEmberController<T>::FractoriumEmberController(Fractorium* fractorium)
m_SheepTools = unique_ptr<SheepTools<T, T>>(new SheepTools<T, T>("flam3-palettes.xml", new EmberNs::Renderer<T, T>()));
m_GLController = unique_ptr<GLEmberController<T>>(new GLEmberController<T>(fractorium, fractorium->ui.GLDisplay, this));
m_PreviewRenderer = unique_ptr<EmberNs::Renderer<T, T>>(new EmberNs::Renderer<T, T>());
//Initial combo change event to fill the palette table will be called automatically later.
if (!InitPaletteList("./"))
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::InitXformsVariationsUI()
QTreeWidget* tree = ui.VariationsTree;
auto tree = ui.VariationsTree;
@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SetupVariationTree()
T fMax = TMAX;
QSize hint0(75, 16);
QSize hint1(30, 16);
QTreeWidget* tree = m_Fractorium->ui.VariationsTree;
auto tree = m_Fractorium->ui.VariationsTree;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_VariationList.Size(); i++)
Variation<T>* var = m_VariationList.GetVariation(i);
ParametricVariation<T>* parVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(var);
auto var = m_VariationList.GetVariation(i);
auto parVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(var);
//First add the variation, with a spinner for its weight.
VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>* item = new VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>(var->VariationId(), tree);
VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* spinBox = new VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>(tree, item, parVar ? parVar : var, "");
auto item = new VariationTreeWidgetItem(var->VariationId(), tree);
auto spinBox = new VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox(tree, item, var->VariationId(), "");
item->setText(0, QString::fromStdString(var->Name()));
item->setSizeHint(0, hint0);
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SetupVariationTree()
if (!params[j].IsPrecalc())
VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>* paramWidget = new VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>(var->VariationId(), item);
VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* varSpinBox = new VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>(tree, paramWidget, parVar, params[j].Name());
auto paramWidget = new VariationTreeWidgetItem(var->VariationId(), item);
auto varSpinBox = new VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox(tree, paramWidget, parVar->VariationId(), params[j].Name());
paramWidget->setText(0, params[j].Name().c_str());
paramWidget->setSizeHint(0, hint0);
@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ void FractoriumEmberController<T>::ClearVariationsTree()
for (uint i = 0; i < tree->topLevelItemCount(); i++)
QTreeWidgetItem* item = tree->topLevelItem(i);
VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* spinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>*>(tree->itemWidget(item, 1));
auto* spinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox*>(tree->itemWidget(item, 1));
for (uint j = 0; j < item->childCount(); j++)//Iterate through all of the children, which will be the params.
if ((spinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>*>(tree->itemWidget(item->child(j), 1))))//Cast the child widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type.
if ((spinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox*>(tree->itemWidget(item->child(j), 1))))//Cast the child widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type.
@ -130,17 +130,17 @@ void FractoriumEmberController<T>::ClearVariationsTree()
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::VariationSpinBoxValueChanged(double d)//Would be awesome to make this work for all.//TODO
QObject* objSender = m_Fractorium->sender();
QTreeWidget* tree = m_Fractorium->ui.VariationsTree;
VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* sender = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>*>(objSender);
Xform<T>* xform = m_Ember.GetTotalXform(m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo->currentIndex());//Will retrieve normal xform or final if needed.
auto objSender = m_Fractorium->sender();
auto tree = m_Fractorium->ui.VariationsTree;
auto sender = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox*>(objSender);
auto xform = m_Ember.GetTotalXform(m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo->currentIndex());//Will retrieve normal xform or final if needed.
if (sender && xform)
Variation<T>* var = sender->GetVariation();//The variation attached to the sender, for reference only.
ParametricVariation<T>* parVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(var);//The parametric cast of that variation.
Variation<T>* xformVar = xform->GetVariationById(var->VariationId());//The corresponding variation in the currently selected xform.
VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>* widgetItem = sender->WidgetItem();
auto var = m_VariationList.GetVariation(sender->GetVariationId());//The variation attached to the sender, for reference only.
auto parVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(var);//The parametric cast of that variation.
auto xformVar = xform->GetVariationById(var->VariationId());//The corresponding variation in the currently selected xform.
auto widgetItem = sender->WidgetItem();
bool isParam = parVar && sender->IsParam();
if (isParam)
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ void FractoriumEmberController<T>::VariationSpinBoxValueChanged(double d)//Would
//If the item wasn't a param and the xform did not contain this variation,
//it means they went from zero to a non-zero weight, so add a new copy of this xform.
Variation<T>* newVar = var->Copy();//Create a new one with default values.
auto newVar = var->Copy();//Create a new one with default values.
newVar->m_Weight = d;
@ -185,14 +185,14 @@ void FractoriumEmberController<T>::VariationSpinBoxValueChanged(double d)//Would
//for the child parameters and assign them to the newly added variation.
if (parVar)
ParametricVariation<T>* newParVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(newVar);
auto newParVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(newVar);
for (int i = 0; i < widgetItem->childCount(); i++)//Iterate through all of the children, which will be the params.
QTreeWidgetItem* childItem = widgetItem->child(i);//Get the child.
QWidget* itemWidget = tree->itemWidget(childItem, 1);//Get the widget for the child.
auto childItem = widgetItem->child(i);//Get the child.
auto itemWidget = tree->itemWidget(childItem, 1);//Get the widget for the child.
if (VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* spinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>*>(itemWidget))//Cast the widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type.
if (auto spinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox*>(itemWidget))//Cast the widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type.
string s = childItem->text(0).toStdString();//Use the name of the child, and the value of the spinner widget to assign the param.
@ -218,18 +218,18 @@ void Fractorium::OnVariationSpinBoxValueChanged(double d) { m_Controller->Variat
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::FillVariationTreeWithXform(Xform<T>* xform)
QTreeWidget* tree = m_Fractorium->ui.VariationsTree;
auto tree = m_Fractorium->ui.VariationsTree;
for (uint i = 0; i < tree->topLevelItemCount(); i++)
VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>* item = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>*>(tree->topLevelItem(i));
Variation<T>* var = xform->GetVariationById(item->Id());//See if this variation in the tree was contained in the xform.
ParametricVariation<T>* parVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(var);//Attempt cast to parametric variation for later.
ParametricVariation<T>* origParVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(m_VariationList.GetVariation(item->Id()));
auto item = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeWidgetItem*>(tree->topLevelItem(i));
auto var = xform->GetVariationById(item->Id());//See if this variation in the tree was contained in the xform.
auto parVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(var);//Attempt cast to parametric variation for later.
auto origParVar = dynamic_cast<ParametricVariation<T>*>(m_VariationList.GetVariation(item->Id()));
if (VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* spinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>*>(tree->itemWidget(item, 1)))//Get the widget for the item, and cast the widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type.
if (auto spinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox*>(tree->itemWidget(item, 1)))//Get the widget for the item, and cast the widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type.
spinBox->SetValueStealth(var ? var->m_Weight : 0);//If the variation was present, set the spin box to its weight, else zero.
item->setBackgroundColor(0, var ? QColor(200, 200, 200) : QColor(255, 255, 255));//Ensure background is always white if the value goes to zero, else gray if var present.
@ -237,10 +237,10 @@ void FractoriumEmberController<T>::FillVariationTreeWithXform(Xform<T>* xform)
for (uint j = 0; j < item->childCount(); j++)//Iterate through all of the children, which will be the params if it was a parametric variation.
T* param = nullptr;
QTreeWidgetItem* childItem = item->child(j);//Get the child.
QWidget* childItemWidget = tree->itemWidget(childItem, 1);//Get the widget for the child.
auto childItem = item->child(j);//Get the child.
auto childItemWidget = tree->itemWidget(childItem, 1);//Get the widget for the child.
if (VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* childSpinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>*>(childItemWidget))//Cast the widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type.
if (auto childSpinBox = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox*>(childItemWidget))//Cast the widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type.
string s = childItem->text(0).toStdString();//Get the name of the child.
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
/// by index or by weight. It supports weights less than, equal to, or
/// greater than zero.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class VariationTreeWidgetItem : public QTreeWidgetItem
@ -56,24 +55,24 @@ private:
int column = treeWidget()->sortColumn();
eVariationId index1, index2;
double weight1 = 0, weight2 = 0;
VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>* varItemWidget;
VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>* spinBox1, *spinBox2;
VariationTreeWidgetItem* varItemWidget;
VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox* spinBox1, *spinBox2;
QWidget* itemWidget1 = treeWidget()->itemWidget(const_cast<VariationTreeWidgetItem<T>*>(this), 1);//Get the widget for the second column.
auto itemWidget1 = treeWidget()->itemWidget(const_cast<VariationTreeWidgetItem*>(this), 1);//Get the widget for the second column.
if ((spinBox1 = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>*>(itemWidget1)))//Cast the widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type.
if ((spinBox1 = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox*>(itemWidget1)))//Cast the widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type.
QWidget* itemWidget2 = treeWidget()->itemWidget(const_cast<QTreeWidgetItem*>(&other), 1);//Get the widget for the second column of the widget item passed in.
auto itemWidget2 = treeWidget()->itemWidget(const_cast<QTreeWidgetItem*>(&other), 1);//Get the widget for the second column of the widget item passed in.
if ((spinBox2 = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox<T>*>(itemWidget2)))//Cast the widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type.
if ((spinBox2 = dynamic_cast<VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox*>(itemWidget2)))//Cast the widget to the VariationTreeDoubleSpinBox type.
if (spinBox1->IsParam() || spinBox2->IsParam())//Do not sort params, their order will always remain the same.
return false;
weight1 = spinBox1->value();
weight2 = spinBox2->value();
index1 = spinBox1->GetVariation()->VariationId();
index2 = spinBox2->GetVariation()->VariationId();
index1 = spinBox1->GetVariationId();
index2 = spinBox2->GetVariationId();
if (column == 0)//First column clicked, sort by variation index.
Reference in New Issue
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