diff --git a/Source/EmberCommon/EmberOptions.h b/Source/EmberCommon/EmberOptions.h index 0e5b894..278e3dc 100644 --- a/Source/EmberCommon/EmberOptions.h +++ b/Source/EmberCommon/EmberOptions.h @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ public: INITBOOLOPTION(CwInterpLoops, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_CW_INTERP_LOOPS, _T("--cwinterploops"), false, SO_NONE, " --cwinterploops Rotate clockwise during interpolation, ignored if --interploops is 0 [default: false].\n")); INITBOOLOPTION(LockAccum, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_LOCK_ACCUM, _T("--lock_accum"), false, SO_NONE, " --lock_accum Lock threads when accumulating to the histogram using the CPU. This will drop performance to that of single threading [default: false].\n")); INITBOOLOPTION(DumpKernel, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_RENDER, eOptionIDs::OPT_DUMP_KERNEL, _T("--dump_kernel"), false, SO_NONE, " --dump_kernel Print the iteration kernel string when using OpenCL (ignored for CPU) [default: false].\n")); - INITBOOLOPTION(Flam3Compat, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_FLAM3_COMPAT, _T("--flam3_compat"), true, SO_NONE, " --flam3_compat The behavior of the cos, cosh, cot, coth, csc, csch, sec, sech, sin, sinh, tan and tanh variations are different in flam3/Apophysis versus Chaotica. True for flam3/Apophysis behavior, false for Chaotica behavior [default: true].\n")); + INITBOOLOPTION(Flam3Compat, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_FLAM3_COMPAT, _T("--flam3_compat"), false, SO_NONE, " --flam3_compat The behavior of the cos, cosh, cot, coth, csc, csch, sec, sech, sin, sinh, tan and tanh variations are different in flam3/Apophysis versus Chaotica. True for flam3/Apophysis behavior, false for Chaotica behavior [default: true].\n")); //Int. INITINTOPTION(Symmetry, Eoi(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_SYMMETRY, _T("--symmetry"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --symmetry= Set symmetry of result [default: 0].\n")); INITINTOPTION(SheepGen, Eoi(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_SHEEP_GEN, _T("--sheep_gen"), -1, SO_REQ_SEP, " --sheep_gen= Sheep generation of this flame [default: -1].\n"));