mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 06:01:47 -04:00
Initial VS2013, C++11 and linux commit. This most likely won't build and suffers from some compiler issues. More commits to follow.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
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Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
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<Unit filename="../../Source/Fractorium/TableWidget.h" />
<Unit filename="../../Source/Fractorium/VariationTreeWidgetItem.h" />
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<Unit filename="../../Source/Fractorium/resource.h" />
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<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/ReleaseNvidia/moc_StealthComboBox.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/ReleaseNvidia/moc_TableWidget.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/ReleaseNvidia/moc_TwoButtonWidget.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/Release/moc_AboutDialog.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/Release/moc_DoubleSpinBox.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/Release/moc_FinalRenderDialog.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/Release/moc_Fractorium.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/Release/moc_FractoriumSettings.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/Release/moc_GLWidget.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/Release/moc_OptionsDialog.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/Release/moc_SpinBox.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/Release/moc_StealthComboBox.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/Release/moc_TableWidget.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/Release/moc_TwoButtonWidget.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/qrc_Fractorium.cpp" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/ui_AboutDialog.h" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/ui_FinalRenderDialog.h" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/ui_Fractorium.h" />
<Unit filename="GeneratedFiles/ui_OptionsDialog.h" />
<code_completion />
<debugger />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
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<Workspace title="Workspace">
<Project filename="./Ember.cbp" />
<Project filename="./EmberCL.cbp" />
<Project filename="./EmberGenome.cbp" />
<Project filename="./EmberAnimate.cbp" />
<Project filename="./EmberRender.cbp" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
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<PreferredTarget name="Debug x64" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
* zlib.props - location of zlib source
* libpng version 1.5.12 - July 11, 2012
* Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
* This code is released under the libpng license.
* For conditions of distribution and use, see the disclaimer
* and license in png.h
* You must edit this file to record the location of the zlib
* source code.
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0"
<PropertyGroup Label="Globals">
<!-- Place the name of the directory containing the source of zlib used for
debugging in this property.
The directory need only contain the '.c' and '.h' files from the
If you use a relative directory name (as below) then it must be
relative to the project directories; these are one level deepers than
the directories containing this file.
If the version of zlib you use does not match that used when the
distribution was built you will get warnings from pngtest that the zlib
versions do not match. The zlib version used in this build is recorded
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
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<WixTargetsPath Condition=" '$(WixTargetsPath)' == '' ">$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\WiX\v3.x\Wix.targets</WixTargetsPath>
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<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x86' ">
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<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'ReleaseNvidia|x64' ">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'ReleaseNvidia|AnyCPU' ">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'ReleaseNvidia|Any CPU' ">
<Compile Include="Product.wxs" />
<WixExtension Include="WixUIExtension">
<Import Project="$(WixTargetsPath)" />
To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
Other similar extension points exist, see Wix.targets.
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<?define ProductVersion="" ?>
<?define ProductName="Fractorium Beta $(var.ProductVersion) ($(var.GpuType))" ?>
<?define UpgradeCode="{4714cd15-bfba-44f6-8059-9e1466ebfa6e}"?>
<?define Manufacturer="Fractorium"?>
Original GUID,
<?define ProductCode="{703001af-6255-4671-9a69-571198b4c0dd}"?>
Change this for every release.
<?define ProductCode="{2EA7558B-E7F2-4138-8F19-AC019735D729}"?>
<Product Id="$(var.ProductCode)" Name="$(var.ProductName)" Language="1033" Version="$(var.ProductVersion)" Manufacturer="$(var.Manufacturer)" UpgradeCode="$(var.UpgradeCode)">
<Upgrade Id="$(var.UpgradeCode)">
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<WixVariable Id="WixUIDialogBmp" Value="$(var.SolutionDir)..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\Icons\dialog.bmp" /><!--493 × 312 pixels -->
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<UIRef Id="WixUI_ErrorProgressText" />
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<!-- Doing this requires admin access, so we don't do it.
<Directory Id="ProgramFiles64Folder" >
<Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="Fractorium" >
<Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDERPLATFORMS" Name="platforms" />
<!-- Doing this doesn't require admin access.
It reports a ton of errors, but oddly enough, an MSI is still created with the errors.
<Directory Id="AppDataFolder" >
<Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="Fractorium" >
<Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDERPLATFORMS" Name="platforms" />
<!-- Shortcut folders-->
<Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder" Name="Programs">
<Directory Id="ProgramMenuDirLevel1" Name="Fractorium" />
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
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<Filter>Generated Files\ReleaseNvidia</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\Debug\moc_OptionsDialog.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\Debug</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\Release\moc_OptionsDialog.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\Release</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\ReleaseNvidia\moc_OptionsDialog.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\ReleaseNvidia</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\Debug\moc_GLWidget.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\Debug</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\Release\moc_GLWidget.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\Release</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\ReleaseNvidia\moc_GLWidget.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\ReleaseNvidia</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\Debug\moc_FractoriumSettings.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\Debug</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\Release\moc_FractoriumSettings.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\Release</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\ReleaseNvidia\moc_FractoriumSettings.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\ReleaseNvidia</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\Debug\moc_Fractorium.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\Debug</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\Release\moc_Fractorium.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\Release</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\ReleaseNvidia\moc_Fractorium.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\ReleaseNvidia</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\Debug\moc_FinalRenderDialog.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\Debug</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\Release\moc_FinalRenderDialog.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\Release</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\ReleaseNvidia\moc_FinalRenderDialog.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\ReleaseNvidia</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\Debug\moc_DoubleSpinBox.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\Debug</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\Release\moc_DoubleSpinBox.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\Release</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\ReleaseNvidia\moc_DoubleSpinBox.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\ReleaseNvidia</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\Debug\moc_AboutDialog.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\Debug</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\Release\moc_AboutDialog.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\Release</Filter>
<ClCompile Include="GeneratedFiles\ReleaseNvidia\moc_AboutDialog.cpp">
<Filter>Generated Files\ReleaseNvidia</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="GeneratedFiles\ui_Fractorium.h">
<Filter>Generated Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\..\glm\glm\glm.hpp">
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\EmberFile.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\FractoriumPch.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="GeneratedFiles\ui_OptionsDialog.h">
<Filter>Generated Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="GeneratedFiles\ui_AboutDialog.h">
<Filter>Generated Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="GeneratedFiles\ui_FinalRenderDialog.h">
<Filter>Generated Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\resource.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\FinalRenderEmberController.h">
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\FractoriumEmberController.h">
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\GLEmberController.h">
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\Source\EmberCommon\EmberCommon.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\Fractorium.qrc">
<Filter>Resource Files</Filter>
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\Fractorium.ui">
<Filter>Form Files</Filter>
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\OptionsDialog.ui">
<Filter>Form Files</Filter>
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\AboutDialog.ui">
<Filter>Form Files</Filter>
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\FinalRenderDialog.ui">
<Filter>Form Files</Filter>
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\DoubleSpinBox.h">
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\TableWidget.h">
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\VariationTreeWidgetItem.h">
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\AboutDialog.h">
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\FinalRenderDialog.h">
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\OptionsDialog.h">
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\SpinBox.h">
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\GLWidget.h">
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\Fractorium.h">
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\EmberTreeWidgetItem.h">
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\StealthComboBox.h">
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\FractoriumSettings.h">
<Filter>Header Files</Filter>
<CustomBuild Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\TwoButtonWidget.h">
<ResourceCompile Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\Fractorium.rc">
<Filter>Resource Files</Filter>
<None Include="..\..\..\Source\Fractorium\Icons\Fractorium.ico" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
* zlib.props - location of zlib source
* libpng version 1.5.12 - July 11, 2012
* Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
* This code is released under the libpng license.
* For conditions of distribution and use, see the disclaimer
* and license in png.h
* You must edit this file to record the location of the zlib
* source code.
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0"
<PropertyGroup Label="Globals">
<!-- Place the name of the directory containing the source of zlib used for
debugging in this property.
The directory need only contain the '.c' and '.h' files from the
If you use a relative directory name (as below) then it must be
relative to the project directories; these are one level deepers than
the directories containing this file.
If the version of zlib you use does not match that used when the
distribution was built you will get warnings from pngtest that the zlib
versions do not match. The zlib version used in this build is recorded
@ -8,10 +8,20 @@ namespace EmberNs
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
/// <summary>
/// Default copy constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="affine">The Affine2D object to copy</param>
template <typename T>
Affine2D<T>::Affine2D(const Affine2D<T>& affine)
/// <summary>
/// Constructor which takes each column of the affine as a separate parameter.
/// </summary>
@ -62,6 +72,68 @@ Affine2D<T>::Affine2D(m4T& mat)
/// <summary>
/// Default assignment operator.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="affine">The Affine2D object to copy</param>
template <typename T>
Affine2D<T>& Affine2D<T>::operator = (const Affine2D<T>& affine)
if (this != &affine)
return *this;
/// <summary>
/// == operator which tests if all fields are equal with another Affine2D.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="affine">The Affine2D to compare to</param>
/// <returns>True if all fields are equal, else false</returns>
template <typename T>
bool Affine2D<T>::operator == (const Affine2D<T>& affine)
return IsClose(A(), affine.A()) &&
IsClose(B(), affine.B()) &&
IsClose(C(), affine.C()) &&
IsClose(D(), affine.D()) &&
IsClose(E(), affine.E()) &&
IsClose(F(), affine.F());
/// <summary>
/// * operator to multiply this affine transform by another and return the result.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="affine">The Affine2D to multiply by</param>
/// <returns>A new Affine2D which is the product of the multiplication</returns>
template <typename T>
Affine2D<T>& Affine2D<T>::operator * (const Affine2D<T>& affine)
v2T x = affine.X();
v2T y = affine.Y();
v2T o = affine.O();
v2T tx = TransformNormal(x);
v2T ty = TransformNormal(y);
v2T to = TransformNormal(o);
return *this;
/// <summary>
/// * operator to multiply this affine transform by a vec2 and return the result as a vec2.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="v">The vec2 to multiply by</param>
/// <returns>A new vec2 which is the product of the multiplication</returns>
template <typename T>
typename v2T Affine2D<T>::operator * (const v2T& v)
return TransformVector(v);
/// <summary>
/// Make this affine transform the identity matrix.
/// A and E = 1, all else 0.
@ -251,48 +323,6 @@ typename m4T Affine2D<T>::ToMat4RowMajor(bool center) const
return mat;
/// <summary>
/// == operator which tests if all fields are equal with another Affine2D.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="affine">The Affine2D to compare to</param>
/// <returns>True if all fields are equal, else false</returns>
template <typename T>
bool Affine2D<T>::operator == (const Affine2D<T>& affine)
return IsClose(A(), affine.A()) &&
IsClose(B(), affine.B()) &&
IsClose(C(), affine.C()) &&
IsClose(D(), affine.D()) &&
IsClose(E(), affine.E()) &&
IsClose(F(), affine.F());
/// <summary>
/// * operator to multiply this affine transform by another and return the result.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="affine">The Affine2D to multiply by</param>
/// <returns>A new Affine2D which is the product of the multiplication</returns>
template <typename T>
Affine2D<T>& Affine2D<T>::operator * (const Affine2D<T>& affine)
return *this;
/// <summary>
/// * operator to multiply this affine transform by a vec2 and return the result as a vec2.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="v">The vec2 to multiply by</param>
/// <returns>A new vec2 which is the product of the multiplication</returns>
template <typename T>
typename v2T Affine2D<T>::operator * (const v2T& v)
return TransformVector(v);
/// <summary>
/// Accessors.
/// </summary>
@ -301,7 +331,7 @@ template <typename T> T Affine2D<T>::B() const { return m_Mat[0][1]; }//[1][0]
template <typename T> T Affine2D<T>::C() const { return m_Mat[0][2]; }//[2][0]
template <typename T> T Affine2D<T>::D() const { return m_Mat[1][0]; }//[0][1]
template <typename T> T Affine2D<T>::E() const { return m_Mat[1][1]; }//[1][1]
template <typename T> T Affine2D<T>::F() const { return m_Mat[1][2]; }//[2][1]
template <typename T> T Affine2D<T>::F() const { return m_Mat[1][2]; }//[2][1]
template <typename T> void Affine2D<T>::A(T a) { m_Mat[0][0] = a; }
template <typename T> void Affine2D<T>::B(T b) { m_Mat[0][1] = b; }
@ -314,9 +344,9 @@ template <typename T> typename v2T Affine2D<T>::X() const { return v2T(A(), D())
template <typename T> typename v2T Affine2D<T>::Y() const { return v2T(B(), E()); }//Y Axis.
template <typename T> typename v2T Affine2D<T>::O() const { return v2T(C(), F()); }//Translation.
template <typename T> void Affine2D<T>::X(v2T& x) { A(x.x); D(x.y); }//X Axis.
template <typename T> void Affine2D<T>::Y(v2T& y) { B(y.x); E(y.y); }//Y Axis.
template <typename T> void Affine2D<T>::O(v2T& t) { C(t.x); F(t.y); }//Translation.
template <typename T> void Affine2D<T>::X(const v2T& x) { A(x.x); D(x.y); }//X Axis.
template <typename T> void Affine2D<T>::Y(const v2T& y) { B(y.x); E(y.y); }//Y Axis.
template <typename T> void Affine2D<T>::O(const v2T& t) { C(t.x); F(t.y); }//Translation.
/// <summary>
/// Rotate and scale this affine transform and return as a copy. Orginal is unchanged.
@ -325,7 +355,7 @@ template <typename T> void Affine2D<T>::O(v2T& t) { C(t.x); F(t.y); }//Translati
/// <param name="to">The ending point to rotate and scale to</param>
/// <returns>The newly rotated and scalled Affine2D</returns>
template <typename T>
Affine2D<T> Affine2D<T>::CalcRotateScale(v2T& from, v2T& to)
Affine2D<T> Affine2D<T>::CalcRotateScale(const v2T& from, const v2T& to)
T a, c;
@ -342,7 +372,7 @@ Affine2D<T> Affine2D<T>::CalcRotateScale(v2T& from, v2T& to)
/// <param name="a">a</param>
/// <param name="c">c</param>
template <typename T>
void Affine2D<T>::CalcRSAC(v2T& from, v2T& to, T& a, T& c)
void Affine2D<T>::CalcRSAC(const v2T& from, const v2T& to, T& a, T& c)
T lsq = from.x * from.x + from.y * from.y;
@ -29,18 +29,12 @@ class EMBER_API Affine2D
/// <summary>
/// Default copy constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="affine">The Affine2D object to copy</param>
Affine2D(const Affine2D<T>& affine)
Affine2D(const Affine2D<T>& affine);
/// <summary>
/// Copy constructor to copy an Affine2D object of type U.
/// Special case that must be here in the header because it has
/// a second template parameter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="affine">The Affine2D object to copy</param>
template <typename U>
@ -52,21 +46,12 @@ public:
Affine2D(v2T& x, v2T& y, v2T& t);
Affine2D(T xx, T xy, T yx, T yy, T tx, T ty);
Affine2D(m4T& mat);
/// <summary>
/// Default assignment operator.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="affine">The Affine2D object to copy</param>
Affine2D<T>& operator = (const Affine2D<T>& affine)
if (this != &affine)
return *this;
Affine2D<T>& operator = (const Affine2D<T>& affine);
/// <summary>
/// Assignment operator to assign an Affine2D object of type U.
/// Special case that must be here in the header because it has
/// a second template parameter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="affine">The Affine2D object to copy.</param>
/// <returns>Reference to updated self</returns>
@ -83,50 +68,49 @@ public:
return *this;
inline void MakeID();
inline bool IsID() const;
inline bool IsZero() const;
inline void Rotate(T angle);
inline void Translate(v2T& v);
inline void RotateScaleXTo(v2T& v);
inline void RotateScaleYTo(v2T& v);
inline Affine2D<T> Inverse() const;
inline v2T TransformNormal(const v2T& v) const;
inline v2T TransformVector(const v2T& v) const;
inline m2T ToMat2ColMajor() const;
inline m2T ToMat2RowMajor() const;
inline m4T ToMat4ColMajor(bool center = false) const;
inline m4T ToMat4RowMajor(bool center = false) const;
bool operator == (const Affine2D<T>& affine);
Affine2D<T>& operator * (const Affine2D<T>& affine);
v2T operator * (const v2T& v);
inline T A() const;
inline T B() const;
inline T C() const;
inline T D() const;
inline T E() const;
inline T F() const;
inline void A(T a);
inline void B(T b);
inline void C(T c);
inline void D(T d);
inline void E(T e);
inline void F(T f);
void MakeID();
bool IsID() const;
bool IsZero() const;
void Rotate(T angle);
void Translate(v2T& v);
void RotateScaleXTo(v2T& v);
void RotateScaleYTo(v2T& v);
Affine2D<T> Inverse() const;
v2T TransformNormal(const v2T& v) const;
v2T TransformVector(const v2T& v) const;
m2T ToMat2ColMajor() const;
m2T ToMat2RowMajor() const;
m4T ToMat4ColMajor(bool center = false) const;
m4T ToMat4RowMajor(bool center = false) const;
inline v2T X() const;
inline v2T Y() const;
inline v2T O() const;
T A() const;
T B() const;
T C() const;
T D() const;
T E() const;
T F() const;
inline void X(v2T& x);
inline void Y(v2T& y);
inline void O(v2T& t);
void A(T a);
void B(T b);
void C(T c);
void D(T d);
void E(T e);
void F(T f);
//static Affine2D Identity();//Complains about inline.
static inline Affine2D CalcRotateScale(v2T& from, v2T& to);
static inline void CalcRSAC(v2T& from, v2T& to, T& a, T& c);
v2T X() const;
v2T Y() const;
v2T O() const;
void X(const v2T& x);
void Y(const v2T& y);
void O(const v2T& t);
static Affine2D CalcRotateScale(const v2T& from, const v2T& to);
static void CalcRSAC(const v2T& from, const v2T& to, T& a, T& c);
m23T m_Mat;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public:
DensityFilterBase() { }
virtual ~DensityFilterBase() { }
virtual int FilterWidth() { return 0; }
virtual int FilterWidth() const { return 0; }
/// <summary>
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public:
if (this != &filter)
m_MinRad = filter.m_MinRad;
m_MinRad = filter.m_MinRad;
m_MaxRad = filter.m_MaxRad;
m_Curve = filter.m_Curve;
m_Supersample = filter.m_Supersample;
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public:
/// <summary>
/// Create the filter vector of up to 10M entries.
/// If more than that are requested, it isn't created and
/// If more than that are requested, it isn't created and
/// false is returned.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if success, else false.</returns>
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public:
// num filters = (de_max_width / de_min_width)^(1 / estimator_curve)
decFilterCount = pow(finalMaxRad / finalMinRad, T(1.0) / m_Curve);
if (decFilterCount > 1e7)//Too many filters.
return false;
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public:
//Condense the smaller kernels to save space.
if (intFilterCount > keepThresh)
maxIndex = (int)ceil(DE_THRESH + pow(T(intFilterCount - DE_THRESH), m_Curve)) + 1;
m_MaxFilteredCounts = (int)pow(T(maxIndex - DE_THRESH), T(1.0) / m_Curve) + DE_THRESH;
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ public:
m_Coefs[coefIndex] = 0.0;
m_Coefs[coefIndex] = gaussianFilter.Filter(gaussianFilter.Support() * filterVal) / filterSum;
@ -316,11 +316,11 @@ public:
inline unsigned int KernelSize() const { return m_KernelSize; }
inline unsigned int MaxFilterIndex() const { return m_MaxFilterIndex; }
inline unsigned int MaxFilteredCounts() const { return m_MaxFilteredCounts; }
virtual int FilterWidth() const { return m_FilterWidth; }
virtual int FilterWidth() const override { return m_FilterWidth; }
inline unsigned int BufferSize() const { return (unsigned int)m_Widths.size(); }
inline unsigned int CoefsSizeBytes() const { return BufferSize() * m_KernelSize * sizeof(T); }
inline unsigned int WidthsSizeBytes() const { return BufferSize() * sizeof(T); }
inline unsigned int CoefsIndicesSizeBytes() const { return unsigned int(m_CoefIndices.size() * sizeof(unsigned int)); }
inline unsigned int CoefsIndicesSizeBytes() const { return (unsigned int)(m_CoefIndices.size() * sizeof(unsigned int)); }
inline const T* Coefs() const { return m_Coefs.data(); }
inline const T* Widths() const { return m_Widths.data(); }
inline const unsigned int* CoefIndices() const { return m_CoefIndices.data(); }
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "EmberPch.h"
#ifdef WIN32
/// <summary>
/// Generated by Visual Studio to make the DLL run properly.
/// </summary>
@ -18,3 +19,4 @@ BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HMODULE hModule,
return TRUE;
@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ namespace EmberNs
bool Timing::m_TimingInit = false;
int Timing::m_ProcessorCount;
LARGE_INTEGER Timing::m_Freq;
auto_ptr<QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>> QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>::GlobalRand = auto_ptr<QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>>(new QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>());
template<> unique_ptr<QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>> QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>::GlobalRand = unique_ptr<QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>>(new QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>());
template EMBER_API class varName##Variation<T>; \
@ -47,8 +46,7 @@ auto_ptr<QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>> QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>::GlobalR
template EMBER_API class Point<T>; \
template EMBER_API class Color<T>; \
template EMBER_API class Affine2D<T>; \
template EMBER_API struct Color<T>; \
template EMBER_API class Palette<T>; \
template EMBER_API class PaletteList<T>; \
template EMBER_API class Iterator<T>; \
@ -278,7 +276,6 @@ auto_ptr<QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>> QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>::GlobalR
@ -389,17 +386,16 @@ auto_ptr<QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>> QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>::GlobalR
template EMBER_API class CarToRas<T>; \
template EMBER_API class XmlToEmber<T>; \
template EMBER_API class EmberToXml<T>; \
bool PaletteList<T>::m_Init = false; \
vector<Palette<T>> PaletteList<T>::m_Palettes = vector<Palette<T>>(); \
bool XmlToEmber<T>::m_Init = false; \
vector<string> XmlToEmber<T>::m_FlattenNames = vector<string>(); \
vector<pair<string, string>> XmlToEmber<T>::m_BadParamNames = vector<pair<string, string>>(); \
vector<pair<pair<string, string>, vector<string>>> XmlToEmber<T>::m_BadVariationNames = vector<pair<pair<string, string>, vector<string>>>();
template<> bool PaletteList<T>::m_Init = false; \
template<> vector<Palette<T>> PaletteList<T>::m_Palettes = vector<Palette<T>>(); \
template<> bool XmlToEmber<T>::m_Init = false; \
template<> vector<string> XmlToEmber<T>::m_FlattenNames = vector<string>(); \
template<> vector<pair<string, string>> XmlToEmber<T>::m_BadParamNames = vector<pair<string, string>>(); \
template<> vector<pair<pair<string, string>, vector<string>>> XmlToEmber<T>::m_BadVariationNames = vector<pair<pair<string, string>, vector<string>>>();
#define EXPORT_TWO_TYPE_EMBER(T, bucketT) \
template EMBER_API class Renderer<T, bucketT>; \
template EMBER_API class SheepTools<T, bucketT>;
@ -408,4 +404,4 @@ EXPORT_TWO_TYPE_EMBER(float, float)
EXPORT_TWO_TYPE_EMBER(double, double)
@ -6,11 +6,21 @@
/// Basic #defines used throughout the library.
/// </summary>
//MSVC specific?
#if defined(BUILDING_EMBER)
#define EMBER_API __declspec(dllexport)
#ifdef _WIN32
#if defined(BUILDING_EMBER)
#define EMBER_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define EMBER_API __declspec(dllimport)
#define EMBER_API __declspec(dllimport)
#define EMBER_API
#define fopen_s(pFile,filename,mode) ((*(pFile))=fopen((filename),(mode)))==NULL
#define _stat stat
#define _fstat fstat
#define _stricmp strcmp
#define sscanf_s sscanf
#define sprintf_s snprintf
typedef int errno_t;
#define RESTRICT __restrict//This might make things faster, unsure if it really does though.
@ -23,9 +33,10 @@ namespace EmberNs
#define sincos(x, s, c) *(s)=sin(x); *(c)=cos(x);
extern void sincos(double x, double *s, double *c);
extern void sincos(float x, float *s, float *c);
#define EMBER_VERSION ""
#define EMBER_VERSION ""
#define EPS6 T(1e-6)
#define EPS std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()//Apoplugin.h uses -20, but it's more mathematically correct to do it this way.
#define ISAAC_SIZE 4
@ -51,14 +62,7 @@ namespace EmberNs
#define CUBE(x) ((x) * (x) * (x))
#define TLOW std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest()
#define TMAX std::numeric_limits<T>::max()
#ifndef acosh
#define acosh(x) (log(x + sqrt(SQR(x) - 1)))//Remove this once you upgrade compilers to VS 2013 or later.//TODO
#ifndef fma
#define fma(x, y, z) ((x * y) + z)
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock Clock;
#define DO_DOUBLE 1//Comment this out for shorter build times during development. Always uncomment for release.
//#define ISAAC_FLAM3_DEBUG 1//This is almost never needed, but is very useful when troubleshooting difficult bugs. Enable it to do a side by side comparison with flam3.
@ -26,24 +26,33 @@
//Standard headers.
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <complex>
#include <cstdint>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <thread>
#include <time.h>
#include <vector>
//Third party headers.
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "libxml/parser.h"
#include "libxml2/libxml/parser.h"
//Intel's Threading Building Blocks is what's used for all threading.
#include "tbb/task_group.h"
@ -60,3 +69,4 @@
using namespace tbb;
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ public:
string ToString(Ember<T>& ember, string extraAttributes, unsigned int printEditDepth, bool doEdits, bool intPalette, bool hexPalette = true)
unsigned int i, j;
string s;
ostringstream os;
vector<Variation<T>*> variations;
@ -296,7 +297,6 @@ public:
char timeString[128];
char buffer[128];
char commentString[128];
tm localt;
time_t myTime;
xmlDocPtr commentDoc = NULL;
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlNewDoc(XC "1.0");
@ -306,12 +306,19 @@ public:
//Create the root node, called "edit".
rootNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, XC "edit");
xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, rootNode);
//Add the edit attributes.
myTime = time(NULL);
#ifdef WIN32
tm localt;
localtime_s(&localt, &myTime);
strftime(timeString, 128, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y", &localt);//XXX use standard time format including timezone.
tm* localt;
localt = localtime(&myTime);
strftime(timeString, 128, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y", localt);//XXX use standard time format including timezone.
xmlNewProp(rootNode, XC "date", XC timeString);
@ -557,7 +564,9 @@ private:
string ToString(xmlNodePtr editNode, unsigned int tabs, bool formatting, unsigned int printEditDepth)
bool indentPrinted = false;
char* tabString = " ", *attStr;
const char* tabString = " ", *attStr;
const char* editString = "edit";
const char* sheepString = "sheep";
unsigned int ti, editOrSheep = 0;
xmlAttrPtr attPtr = NULL, curAtt = NULL;
xmlNodePtr childPtr = NULL, curChild = NULL;
@ -578,12 +587,12 @@ private:
//This can either be an edit node or a sheep node.
//If it's an edit node, add one to the tab.
if (!Compare(editNode->name, "edit"))
if (!Compare(editNode->name, editString))
editOrSheep = 1;
else if (!Compare(editNode->name, "sheep"))
else if (!Compare(editNode->name, sheepString))
editOrSheep = 2;
editOrSheep = 0;
@ -595,7 +604,7 @@ private:
attStr = (char*)xmlGetProp(editNode, curAtt->name);
os << " " << curAtt->name << "=\"" << attStr << "\"";
//Does this node have children?
@ -623,9 +632,9 @@ private:
for (curChild = childPtr; curChild; curChild = curChild->next)
//If child is an element, indent first and then print it.
//If child is an element, indent first and then print it.
if (curChild->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE &&
(!Compare(curChild->name, "edit") || !Compare(curChild->name, "sheep")))
(!Compare(curChild->name, editString) || !Compare(curChild->name, sheepString)))
if (indentPrinted)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#pragma once
#include "Variation.h"
#include "Ember.h"
/// <summary>
/// Interpolater class.
@ -8,6 +8,11 @@
namespace EmberNs
/// <summary>
/// g++ needs a forward declaration here.
/// </summary>
template <typename T> class Ember;
/// <summary>
/// Contains many static functions for handling interpolation and other miscellaneous operations on
/// embers and vectors of embers. This class is similar to, and used in conjunction with SheepTools.
@ -22,7 +27,7 @@ public:
/// This is used to prepare embers before interpolating them.
/// Alignment means that every ember in a list will have the same number of xforms.
/// Each xform at a given position will have mostly the same variations as the xform
/// in the same position in the rest of the embers. However some
/// in the same position in the rest of the embers. However some
/// intelligence is applied to add or remove variations that wouldn't look good with
/// the others present.
/// After this function completes, sourceEmbers will remain unchanged and destEmbers
@ -418,7 +423,7 @@ public:
//To interpolate the xforms, make copies of the source embers
//and ensure that they both have the same number of xforms before progressing.
if (embers[i1].m_Interp == INTERP_LINEAR)
if (embers[i1].m_Interp == EMBER_INTERP_LINEAR)
Align(&embers[i1], &localEmbers[0], 2);
smoothFlag = false;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
typedef unsigned long int ISAAC_INT;
typedef unsigned __int64 ISAAC_INT;
typedef uint64_t ISAAC_INT;
const ISAAC_INT GOLDEN_RATIO = ISAAC_INT(0x9e3779b97f4a7c13);
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public:
/// Global ISAAC RNG to be used from anywhere. This is not thread safe, so take caution to only
/// use it when no other threads are.
/// </summary>
static auto_ptr<QTIsaac<ALPHA, ISAAC_INT>> GlobalRand;
static unique_ptr<QTIsaac<ALPHA, ISAAC_INT>> GlobalRand;
/// <summary>
/// The structure which holds all of the random information.
@ -11,6 +11,11 @@
namespace EmberNs
using Iterator<T>::NextXformFromIndex; \
using Iterator<T>::DoFinalXform; \
using Iterator<T>::DoBadVals;
/// <summary>
/// Iterator base class.
/// Iterating is one loop level outside of the inner xform application loop so it's still very important
@ -255,6 +260,7 @@ protected:
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API StandardIterator : public Iterator<T>
/// <summary>
/// Empty constructor.
@ -375,6 +381,7 @@ public:
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API XaosIterator : public Iterator<T>
/// <summary>
/// Empty constructor.
@ -129,8 +129,14 @@ static int SortPointByY(const Point<T>& a, const Point<T>& b)
/// specific to color handling.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Color : public v4T
struct EMBER_API Color : public v4T
#ifndef _WIN32
using v4T::r;
using v4T::g;
using v4T::b;
using v4T::a;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor to set color values to zero, with full visibility.
@ -179,7 +185,11 @@ public:
template <typename U>
Color<T>& operator = (const Color<U>& color)
#ifdef _WIN32
v4T::template operator=<U>(color);
return *this;
@ -364,7 +364,10 @@ eRenderStatus Renderer<T, bucketT>::Run(vector<unsigned char>& finalImage, doubl
bool resume = m_ProcessState != NONE;
bool newFilterAlloc;
unsigned int temporalSample, pass;
T deTime;
eRenderStatus success = RENDER_OK;
//double iterationTime = 0;
//double accumulationTime = 0;
//Timing it;
//Reset timers and progress percent if: Beginning anew or only filtering and/or accumulating.
@ -455,14 +458,11 @@ eRenderStatus Renderer<T, bucketT>::Run(vector<unsigned char>& finalImage, doubl
if (!resume)
ResetBuckets(true, false);//Only reset hist here and do accum when needed later on.
double iterationTime = 0;
double accumulationTime = 0;
//Passes, outermost loop 1.
for (; (pass < Passes()) && !m_Abort;)
T deTime = T(time) + m_TemporalFilter->Deltas()[pass * m_Ember.m_TemporalSamples];
deTime = T(time) + m_TemporalFilter->Deltas()[pass * m_Ember.m_TemporalSamples];
//Interpolate and get an ember for DE purposes.
//Additional interpolation will be done in the temporal samples loop.
@ -509,10 +509,10 @@ eRenderStatus Renderer<T, bucketT>::Run(vector<unsigned char>& finalImage, doubl
//The actual number of times to iterate. Each thread will get (totalIters / ThreadCount) iters to do.
//This is based on zoom and scale calculated in ComputeCamera().
//Note that the iter count is based on the final image dimensions, and not the super sampled dimensions.
unsigned __int64 totalIterCount = TotalIterCount();
unsigned __int64 itersPerTemporalSample = ItersPerTemporalSample();//The total number of iterations for this temporal sample in this pass without overrides.
unsigned __int64 sampleItersToDo;//The number of iterations to actually do in this sample in this pass, considering overrides.
uint64_t totalIterCount = TotalIterCount();
uint64_t itersPerTemporalSample = ItersPerTemporalSample();//The total number of iterations for this temporal sample in this pass without overrides.
uint64_t sampleItersToDo;//The number of iterations to actually do in this sample in this pass, considering overrides.
if (subBatchCountOverride > 0)
sampleItersToDo = subBatchCountOverride * SubBatchSize() * ThreadCount();//Run a specific number of sub batches.
@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ EmberImageComments Renderer<T, bucketT>::ImageComments(unsigned int printEditDep
/// <param name="includeFinal">If true include the memory needed for the final output image, else don't.</param>
/// <returns>The memory required to render the current ember</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
unsigned __int64 Renderer<T, bucketT>::MemoryRequired(bool includeFinal)
uint64_t Renderer<T, bucketT>::MemoryRequired(bool includeFinal)
bool newFilterAlloc = false;
@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ unsigned __int64 Renderer<T, bucketT>::MemoryRequired(bool includeFinal)
//Because ComputeBounds() was called, this includes gutter.
unsigned __int64 histSize = SuperSize() * sizeof(glm::detail::tvec4<bucketT, glm::defaultp>);
uint64_t histSize = SuperSize() * sizeof(glm::detail::tvec4<bucketT, glm::defaultp>);
return (histSize * 2) + (includeFinal ? FinalBufferSize() : 0);//Multiply hist by 2 to account for the density filtering buffer which is the same size as the histogram.
@ -758,9 +758,9 @@ unsigned __int64 Renderer<T, bucketT>::MemoryRequired(bool includeFinal)
/// </summary>
/// <returns>An unsigned 64-bit integer specifying how much memory is available</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
unsigned __int64 Renderer<T, bucketT>::MemoryAvailable()
uint64_t Renderer<T, bucketT>::MemoryAvailable()
unsigned __int64 memAvailable = 0;
uint64_t memAvailable = 0;
#ifdef WIN32
@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ void Renderer<T, bucketT>::Callback(RenderCallback* callback)
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::MakeDmap(T colorScalar)
m_Ember.m_Palette.MakeDmap<bucketT>(m_Dmap, colorScalar);
m_Ember.m_Palette.template MakeDmap<bucketT>(m_Dmap, colorScalar);
/// <summary>
@ -1487,7 +1487,7 @@ eRenderStatus Renderer<T, bucketT>::AccumulatorToFinalImage(unsigned char* pixel
p16[0] = (unsigned short)(Clamp<bucketT>(newBucket.r, 0, 255) * bucketT(256));
p16[1] = (unsigned short)(Clamp<bucketT>(newBucket.g, 0, 255) * bucketT(256));
p16[2] = (unsigned short)(Clamp<bucketT>(newBucket.b, 0, 255) * bucketT(256));
if (NumChannels() > 3)
if (Transparency())
@ -1508,7 +1508,7 @@ eRenderStatus Renderer<T, bucketT>::AccumulatorToFinalImage(unsigned char* pixel
pixels[pixelsRowStart] = (unsigned char)Clamp<bucketT>(newBucket.r, 0, 255);
pixels[pixelsRowStart + 1] = (unsigned char)Clamp<bucketT>(newBucket.g, 0, 255);
pixels[pixelsRowStart + 2] = (unsigned char)Clamp<bucketT>(newBucket.b, 0, 255);
if (NumChannels() > 3)
if (Transparency())
@ -1567,16 +1567,16 @@ eRenderStatus Renderer<T, bucketT>::AccumulatorToFinalImage(unsigned char* pixel
/// <param name="temporalSample">The temporal sample within the current pass this is running for</param>
/// <returns>Rendering statistics</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
EmberStats Renderer<T, bucketT>::Iterate(unsigned __int64 iterCount, unsigned int pass, unsigned int temporalSample)
EmberStats Renderer<T, bucketT>::Iterate(uint64_t iterCount, unsigned int pass, unsigned int temporalSample)
//Timing t2(4);
unsigned int fuse = EarlyClip() ? 100 : 15;//EarlyClip was one way of detecting a later version of flam3, so it used 100 which is a better value.
unsigned __int64 totalItersPerThread = (unsigned __int64)ceil((double)iterCount / (double)m_ThreadsToUse);
uint64_t totalItersPerThread = (uint64_t)ceil((double)iterCount / (double)m_ThreadsToUse);
double percent, etaMs;
EmberStats stats;
#ifdef TG
#ifdef TG
unsigned int threadIndex;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_ThreadsToUse; i++)
@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ EmberStats Renderer<T, bucketT>::Iterate(unsigned __int64 iterCount, unsigned in
Timing t;
unsigned __int64 subBatchSize = (unsigned int)min(totalItersPerThread, (unsigned __int64)m_SubBatchSize);
uint64_t subBatchSize = (unsigned int)min(totalItersPerThread, (uint64_t)m_SubBatchSize);
m_BadVals[threadIndex] = 0;
@ -1610,7 +1610,7 @@ EmberStats Renderer<T, bucketT>::Iterate(unsigned __int64 iterCount, unsigned in
//Finally, iterate.
//Iterating, loop 4.
m_BadVals[threadIndex] += (unsigned __int64)m_Iterator->Iterate(m_Ember, (unsigned int)subBatchSize, fuse, m_Samples[threadIndex].data(), m_Rand[threadIndex]);
m_BadVals[threadIndex] += (uint64_t)m_Iterator->Iterate(m_Ember, (uint32_t)subBatchSize, fuse, m_Samples[threadIndex].data(), m_Rand[threadIndex]);
//iterationTime += t.Toc();
if (m_LockAccum)
@ -1933,9 +1933,9 @@ void Renderer<T, bucketT>::PrepFinalAccumVals(Color<T>& background, T& g, T& lin
linRange = GammaThresh();
vibrancy /= vibGamCount;
background.r = (IsNearZero(m_Background.r) ? m_Ember.m_Background.r : m_Background.r) / (vibGamCount / T(256.0));//Background is [0, 1].
background.g = (IsNearZero(m_Background.g) ? m_Ember.m_Background.g : m_Background.g) / (vibGamCount / T(256.0));
background.b = (IsNearZero(m_Background.b) ? m_Ember.m_Background.b : m_Background.b) / (vibGamCount / T(256.0));
background.x = (IsNearZero(m_Background.r) ? m_Ember.m_Background.r : m_Background.r) / (vibGamCount / T(256.0));//Background is [0, 1].
background.y = (IsNearZero(m_Background.g) ? m_Ember.m_Background.g : m_Background.g) / (vibGamCount / T(256.0));
background.z = (IsNearZero(m_Background.b) ? m_Ember.m_Background.b : m_Background.b) / (vibGamCount / T(256.0));
/// <summary>
@ -2087,8 +2087,8 @@ void Renderer<T, bucketT>::GammaCorrection(glm::detail::tvec4<bucketT, glm::defa
ls = vibrancy * T(255) * alpha / bucket.a;
ClampRef<T>(alpha, 0, 1);
Palette<T>::CalcNewRgb<bucketT>(&bucket[0], ls, HighlightPower(), newRgb);
Palette<T>::template CalcNewRgb<bucketT>(&bucket[0], ls, HighlightPower(), newRgb);
for (unsigned int rgbi = 0; rgbi < 3; rgbi++)
@ -2189,8 +2189,8 @@ template <typename T, typename bucketT> double Renderer<T,
template <typename T, typename bucketT> double Renderer<T, bucketT>::UpperRightY(bool gutter) const { return gutter ? m_CarToRas.CarUrY() : m_UpperRightY; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::K1() const { return m_K1; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::K2() const { return m_K2; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned __int64 Renderer<T, bucketT>::TotalIterCount() const { return (unsigned __int64)((unsigned __int64)Round(m_ScaledQuality) * (unsigned __int64)FinalRasW() * (unsigned __int64)FinalRasH()); }//Use Round() because there can be some roundoff error when interpolating.
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned __int64 Renderer<T, bucketT>::ItersPerTemporalSample() const { return (unsigned __int64)ceil(double(TotalIterCount()) / double(Passes() * TemporalSamples())); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> uint64_t Renderer<T, bucketT>::TotalIterCount() const { return (uint64_t)((uint64_t)Round(m_ScaledQuality) * (uint64_t)FinalRasW() * (uint64_t)FinalRasH()); }//Use Round() because there can be some roundoff error when interpolating.
template <typename T, typename bucketT> uint64_t Renderer<T, bucketT>::ItersPerTemporalSample() const { return (uint64_t)ceil(double(TotalIterCount()) / double(Passes() * TemporalSamples())); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> eProcessState Renderer<T, bucketT>::ProcessState() const { return m_ProcessState; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> eProcessAction Renderer<T, bucketT>::ProcessAction() const { return m_ProcessAction; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> EmberStats Renderer<T, bucketT>::Stats() const { return m_Stats; }
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public:
m_RenderMs = 0;
unsigned __int64 m_Iters, m_Badvals;
uint64_t m_Iters, m_Badvals;
double m_IterMs, m_RenderMs;
@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ public:
virtual double LowerLeftY(bool gutter = true) const { return 0; }
virtual double UpperRightX(bool gutter = true) const { return 0; }
virtual double UpperRightY(bool gutter = true) const { return 0; }
virtual unsigned __int64 MemoryRequired(bool includeFinal) { return 0; }
virtual unsigned __int64 MemoryAvailable() { return 0; }
virtual uint64_t MemoryRequired(bool includeFinal) { return 0; }
virtual uint64_t MemoryAvailable() { return 0; }
virtual bool PrepFinalAccumVector(vector<unsigned char>& pixels) { return false; }
virtual eProcessState ProcessState() const { return NONE; }
virtual eProcessAction ProcessAction() const { return NOTHING; }
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ public:
virtual bool PrepFinalAccumVector(vector<unsigned char>& pixels);
virtual eRenderStatus Run(vector<unsigned char>& finalImage, double time = 0, unsigned int subBatchCountOverride = 0, bool forceOutput = false, size_t finalOffset = 0);
virtual EmberImageComments ImageComments(unsigned int printEditDepth = 0, bool intPalette = false, bool hexPalette = true);
virtual unsigned __int64 MemoryRequired(bool includeFinal);
virtual uint64_t MemoryRequired(bool includeFinal);
//Virtual functions to be overriden in derived renderers that use the GPU.
virtual unsigned __int64 MemoryAvailable();
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ public:
virtual bool CreateSpatialFilter(bool& newAlloc);
virtual unsigned int SubBatchSize() const;
virtual void SubBatchSize(unsigned int sbs);
virtual unsigned int NumChannels() const;
virtual unsigned int NumChannels() const;
virtual void NumChannels(unsigned int numChannels);
virtual eRendererType RendererType() const;
virtual unsigned int ThreadCount() const;
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ protected:
virtual eRenderStatus GaussianDensityFilter();
virtual eRenderStatus AccumulatorToFinalImage(vector<unsigned char>& pixels, size_t finalOffset);
virtual eRenderStatus AccumulatorToFinalImage(unsigned char* pixels, size_t finalOffset);
virtual EmberStats Iterate(unsigned __int64 iterCount, unsigned int pass, unsigned int temporalSample);
virtual EmberStats Iterate(uint64_t iterCount, unsigned int pass, unsigned int temporalSample);
//Accessors for render properties.
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ public:
inline unsigned int SuperSize() const;
virtual unsigned int FinalBufferSize() const;
inline unsigned int FinalRowSize() const;
inline unsigned int FinalDimensions() const;
unsigned int FinalDimensions() const;
inline unsigned int PixelSize() const;
virtual unsigned int GutterWidth() const;
inline unsigned int DensityFilterOffset() const;
@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ public:
virtual double UpperRightY(bool gutter = true) const;
inline T K1() const;
inline T K2() const;
inline unsigned __int64 TotalIterCount() const;
inline unsigned __int64 ItersPerTemporalSample() const;
inline uint64_t TotalIterCount() const;
inline uint64_t ItersPerTemporalSample() const;
virtual eProcessState ProcessState() const;
virtual eProcessAction ProcessAction() const;
virtual EmberStats Stats() const;
@ -295,9 +295,9 @@ public:
virtual DensityFilter<T>* GetDensityFilter();
//Ember wrappers, getters only.
inline bool XaosPresent();
virtual inline unsigned int FinalRasW() const;
virtual inline unsigned int FinalRasH() const;
inline bool XaosPresent();
unsigned int FinalRasW() const;
unsigned int FinalRasH() const;
inline unsigned int Supersample() const;
inline unsigned int Passes() const;
inline unsigned int TemporalSamples() const;
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ protected:
unsigned int m_VibGamCount;
unsigned int m_LastPass;
unsigned int m_LastTemporalSample;
unsigned __int64 m_LastIter;
uint64_t m_LastIter;
double m_LastIterPercent;
eProcessAction m_ProcessAction;
eProcessState m_ProcessState;
@ -404,8 +404,8 @@ protected:
auto_ptr<TemporalFilter<T>> m_TemporalFilter;
auto_ptr<DensityFilter<T>> m_DensityFilter;
vector<vector<Point<T>>> m_Samples;
vector<unsigned __int64> m_SubBatch;
vector<unsigned __int64> m_BadVals;
vector<uint64_t> m_SubBatch;
vector<uint64_t> m_BadVals;
vector<QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>> m_Rand;
tbb::task_group m_TaskGroup;
CriticalSection m_RenderingCs, m_AccumCs, m_FinalAccumCs, m_ResizeCs;
@ -1280,7 +1280,7 @@ public:
/// <param name="bmin">The bmin[0] and bmin[1] will be the minimum x and y values.</param>
/// <param name="bmax">The bmax[0] and bmax[1] will be the maximum x and y values.</param>
/// <returns>The number of iterations ran</returns>
unsigned __int64 EstimateBoundingBox(Ember<T>& ember, T eps, unsigned int samples, T* bmin, T* bmax)
uint64_t EstimateBoundingBox(Ember<T>& ember, T eps, unsigned int samples, T* bmin, T* bmax)
unsigned int i, lowTarget, highTarget;
T min[2], max[2];
@ -1293,8 +1293,8 @@ public:
unsigned __int64 bv = m_Iterator->Iterate(ember, samples, 20, m_Samples.data(), m_Rand);//Use a special fuse of 20, all other calls to this will use 15, or 100.
uint64_t bv = m_Iterator->Iterate(ember, samples, 20, m_Samples.data(), m_Rand);//Use a special fuse of 20, all other calls to this will use 15, or 100.
if (bv / T(samples) > eps)
eps = 3 * bv / T(samples);
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ public:
t = -t;
if (t < 3)
return Sinc(t) * Sinc(t / 3);
return SpatialFilter<T>::Sinc(t) * SpatialFilter<T>::Sinc(t / 3);
return 0;
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ public:
t = -t;
if (t < 2)
return Sinc(t) * Sinc(t / 2);
return SpatialFilter<T>::Sinc(t) * SpatialFilter<T>::Sinc(t / 2);
return 0;
@ -18,6 +18,17 @@ enum eTemporalFilterType
/// <summary>
/// g++ needs a forward declaration here.
/// </summary>
template <typename T> class TemporalFilterCreator;
using TemporalFilter<T>::m_Filter; \
using TemporalFilter<T>::m_FilterExp; \
using TemporalFilter<T>::Size; \
using TemporalFilter<T>::FinishFilter;
/// <summary>
/// Temporal filter is for doing motion blur while rendering a series of frames for animation.
/// The filter created is used as a vector of scalar values to multiply the time value by in between embers.
@ -178,6 +189,7 @@ protected:
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API ExpTemporalFilter : public TemporalFilter<T>
/// <summary>
/// Constructor to create an Exp filter.
@ -220,6 +232,7 @@ public:
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API GaussianTemporalFilter : public TemporalFilter<T>
/// <summary>
/// Constructor to create a Gaussian filter.
@ -255,6 +268,7 @@ public:
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API BoxTemporalFilter : public TemporalFilter<T>
/// <summary>
/// Constructor to create a Box filter.
@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ public:
/// <summary>
/// Set the begin time.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The quad part of the begin time cast to a double</returns>
/// <returns>The begin time cast to a double</returns>
double Tic()
m_BeginTime = Clock::now();
return BeginTime();
/// <summary>
/// Set the end time and optionally output a string showing the elapsed time.
/// </summary>
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public:
/// <returns>The elapsed time in milliseconds as a double</returns>
double Toc(const char* str = NULL, bool fullString = false)
m_EndTime = Clock::now();
double ms = ElapsedTime();
if (str != NULL)
@ -59,22 +59,27 @@ public:
/// <summary>
/// Return the quad part of the begin time as a double.
/// Return the begin time as a double.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
double BeginTime() { return (double)m_BeginTime.QuadPart; }
double BeginTime() { return (double)m_BeginTime.time_since_epoch().count(); }
/// <summary>
/// Return the quad part of the end time as a double.
/// Return the end time as a double.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
double EndTime() { return (double)m_EndTime.QuadPart; }
double EndTime() { return (double)m_EndTime.time_since_epoch().count(); }
/// <summary>
/// Return the elapsed time in milliseconds.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The elapsed time in milliseconds as a double</returns>
double ElapsedTime() { return double(m_EndTime.QuadPart - m_BeginTime.QuadPart) * 1000.0 / double(m_Freq.QuadPart); }
double ElapsedTime()
duration<double> elapsed = duration_cast<milliseconds, Clock::rep, Clock::period>(m_EndTime - m_BeginTime);
return elapsed.count() * 1000.0;
/// <summary>
/// Formats a specified milliseconds value as a string.
@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ public:
string Format(double ms)
stringstream ss;
double x = ms / 1000;
double secs = fmod(x, 60);
x /= 60;
@ -110,16 +115,6 @@ public:
return ss.str();
/// <summary>
/// Return the frequency of the clock as a double.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
static double Freq()
return (double)m_Freq.QuadPart;
/// <summary>
/// Return the number of cores in the system.
/// </summary>
@ -140,21 +135,16 @@ private:
if (!m_TimingInit)
SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;
m_ProcessorCount = sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
m_ProcessorCount = thread::hardware_concurrency();
m_TimingInit = true;
int m_Precision;//How many digits after the decimal place to print for seconds.
LARGE_INTEGER m_BeginTime;//The start of the timing, set with Tic().
LARGE_INTEGER m_EndTime;//The end of the timing, set with Toc().
time_point<Clock> m_BeginTime;//The start of the timing, set with Tic().
time_point<Clock> m_EndTime;//The end of the timing, set with Toc().
static bool m_TimingInit;//Whether the performance info has bee queried.
static int m_ProcessorCount;//The number of cores on the system, set in Init().
static LARGE_INTEGER m_Freq;//The clock frequency, set in Init().
/// <summary>
@ -162,9 +152,9 @@ private:
/// </summary>
class EMBER_API CriticalSection
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef _WIN32
/// <summary>
/// Constructor which initialized the underlying CRITICAL_SECTION object.
/// </summary>
@ -176,7 +166,7 @@ public:
/// </summary>
/// <param name="spinCount">The spin count.</param>
CriticalSection(DWORD spinCount) { InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&m_CriticalSection, spinCount); }
/// <summary>
/// Deletes the underlying CRITICAL_SECTION object.
/// </summary>
@ -228,4 +218,4 @@ private:
@ -153,7 +153,12 @@ static bool ReadFile(const char* filename, string& buf, bool nullTerminate = tru
if (f != NULL)
struct _stat statBuf;
#ifdef _WIN32
int statResult = _fstat(f->_file, &statBuf);//Get data associated with file.
int statResult = _fstat(f->_fileno, &statBuf);//Get data associated with file.
if (statResult == 0)//Check if statistics are valid.
@ -166,7 +171,7 @@ static bool ReadFile(const char* filename, string& buf, bool nullTerminate = tru
if (bytesRead == statBuf.st_size)//Ensure the number of bytes read matched what was requested.
if (nullTerminate)//Optionally NULL terminate if they want to treat it as a string.
buf[buf.size() - 1] = NULL;
buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0;
b = true;//Success.
@ -247,6 +252,26 @@ static void RgbaToRgb(vector<unsigned char>& rgba, vector<unsigned char>& rgb, u
/// <summary>
/// System floor() extremely slow because it accounts for various error conditions.
/// This is a much faster version that works on data that is not NaN.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The value to return the floor of</param>
/// <returns>The floored value</returns>
template <typename T>
static inline int Floor(T val)
if (val >= 0)
return (int)val;
int i = (int)val;//Truncate.
return i - (i > val);//Convert trunc to floor.
/// <summary>
/// Clamp and return a value to be greater than or equal to a specified minimum and less than
/// or equal to a specified maximum.
@ -388,30 +413,10 @@ inline float LRint(float x)
/// <returns>The rounded value</returns>
inline double LRint(double x)
__int64 temp = (x >= 0 ? (__int64)(x + 0.5) : (__int64)(x - 0.5));
int64_t temp = (x >= 0 ? (int64_t)(x + 0.5) : (int64_t)(x - 0.5));
return (double)temp;
/// <summary>
/// System floor() extremely slow because it accounts for various error conditions.
/// This is a much faster version that works on data that is not NaN.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The value to return the floor of</param>
/// <returns>The floored value</returns>
template <typename T>
static inline int Floor(T val)
if (val >= 0)
return (int)val;
int i = (int)val;//Truncate.
return i - (i > val);//Convert trunc to floor.
/// <summary>
/// Never really understood what this did.
/// </summary>
@ -421,7 +426,7 @@ template <typename T>
static inline T Round6(T r)
r *= 1e6;
if (r < 0)
r -= 1;
@ -632,7 +637,7 @@ static inline T LogMap(T x)
/// <param name="name">The name of the tag of the to inspect</param>
/// <param name="val">The value compare against</param>
/// <returns>True if the comparison matched, else false</returns>
static inline bool Compare(const xmlChar* name, char* val)
static inline bool Compare(const xmlChar* name, const char* val)
return xmlStrcmp(name, XC val) != 0;
@ -722,7 +727,7 @@ static inline string ToLower(string& str)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">The string to copy and make upper case</param>
/// <returns>The upper case string</returns>
static inline string ToUpper(string& str)
static inline string ToUpper(const string& str)
string upper;
@ -781,19 +786,29 @@ static T Arg(char* name, T def)
/// <param name="def">The default value to return if the environment variable was not present</param>
/// <returns>The value of the specified environment variable if found, else default</returns>
template <>
static int Arg<int>(char* name, int def)
#ifdef _WIN32
int Arg<int>(char* name, int def)
char* ch;
int returnVal;
size_t len;
#ifdef WIN32
errno_t err = _dupenv_s(&ch, &len, name);
int err = 1;
ch = getenv(name);
if (err || !ch)
returnVal = def;
returnVal = atoi(ch);
#ifdef WIN32
return returnVal;
@ -804,7 +819,10 @@ static int Arg<int>(char* name, int def)
/// <param name="def">The default value to return if the environment variable was not present</param>
/// <returns>The value of the specified environment variable if found, else default</returns>
template <>
static unsigned int Arg<unsigned int>(char* name, unsigned int def)
#ifdef _WIN32
unsigned int Arg<unsigned int>(char* name, unsigned int def)
return Arg<int>(name, (int)def);
@ -816,7 +834,10 @@ static unsigned int Arg<unsigned int>(char* name, unsigned int def)
/// <param name="def">The default value to return if the environment variable was not present</param>
/// <returns>The value of the specified environment variable if found, else default</returns>
template <>
static bool Arg<bool>(char* name, bool def)
#ifdef _WIN32
bool Arg<bool>(char* name, bool def)
return (Arg<int>(name, -999) != -999) ? true : def;
@ -828,19 +849,29 @@ static bool Arg<bool>(char* name, bool def)
/// <param name="def">The default value to return if the environment variable was not present</param>
/// <returns>The value of the specified environment variable if found, else default</returns>
template <>
static double Arg<double>(char* name, double def)
#ifdef _WIN32
double Arg<double>(char* name, double def)
char* ch;
double returnVal;
size_t len;
#ifdef WIN32
errno_t err = _dupenv_s(&ch, &len, name);
int err = 1;
ch = getenv(name);
if (err || !ch)
returnVal = def;
returnVal = atof(ch);
#ifdef WIN32
return returnVal;
@ -851,12 +882,20 @@ static double Arg<double>(char* name, double def)
/// <param name="def">The default value to return if the environment variable was not present</param>
/// <returns>The value of the specified environment variable if found, else default</returns>
template <>
static string Arg<string>(char* name, string def)
#ifdef _WIN32
string Arg<string>(char* name, string def)
char* ch;
string returnVal;
size_t len;
#ifdef WIN32
errno_t err = _dupenv_s(&ch, &len, name);
int err = 1;
ch = getenv(name);
if (err || !ch)
@ -866,7 +905,9 @@ static string Arg<string>(char* name, string def)
returnVal = string(ch);
#ifdef WIN32
return returnVal;
@ -905,7 +946,7 @@ unsigned int inline FindAndReplace(T& source, const T& find, const T& replace)
/// <summary>
/// Return a character pointer to a version string composed of the EMBER_OS and EMBER_VERSION values.
/// </summary>
static char* EmberVersion()
static const char* EmberVersion()
@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ public:
m_NeedPrecalcAngles = needPrecalcAngles;
m_NeedPrecalcAtanXY = needPrecalcAtanXY;
m_NeedPrecalcAtanYX = needPrecalcAtanYX;
//Make absolutely sure that flag logic makes sense.
if (m_NeedPrecalcSqrtSumSquares)
m_NeedPrecalcSumSquares = true;
@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ public:
m_NeedPrecalcSumSquares = true;
m_NeedPrecalcSqrtSumSquares = true;
m_AssignType = ASSIGNTYPE_SET;
@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ public:
/// </summary>
/// <param name="iteratorHelper">The helper to read values from in the case of pre, and store precalc values to in both cases.</param>
/// <param name="point">The point to read values from in the case of post, ignored for pre.</param>
void Precalc(IteratorHelper<T>& iteratorHelper, Point<T>* point)
void PrecalcHelper(IteratorHelper<T>& iteratorHelper, Point<T>* point)
if (m_VarType == VARTYPE_PRE)
@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@ public:
if (m_NeedPrecalcAtanXY)
iteratorHelper.m_PrecalcAtanxy = atan2(iteratorHelper.m_TransX, iteratorHelper.m_TransY);
if (m_NeedPrecalcAtanYX)
iteratorHelper.m_PrecalcAtanyx = atan2(iteratorHelper.m_TransY, iteratorHelper.m_TransX);
@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@ public:
if (m_NeedPrecalcAtanXY)
iteratorHelper.m_PrecalcAtanxy = atan2(point->m_X, point->m_Y);
if (m_NeedPrecalcAtanYX)
iteratorHelper.m_PrecalcAtanyx = atan2(point->m_Y, point->m_X);
@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ public:
if (m_NeedPrecalcAtanXY)
ss << "\tprecalcAtanxy = atan2(transX, transY);\n";
if (m_NeedPrecalcAtanYX)
ss << "\tprecalcAtanyx = atan2(transY, transX);\n";
@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@ public:
if (m_NeedPrecalcAtanXY)
ss << "\tprecalcAtanxy = atan2(outPoint->m_X, outPoint->m_Y);\n";
if (m_NeedPrecalcAtanYX)
ss << "\tprecalcAtanyx = atan2(outPoint->m_Y, outPoint->m_X);\n";
@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@ public:
/// <param name="outPoint">The point to store the result in</param>
/// <param name="rand">The random number generator to use.</param>
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Return a string which performs the equivalent calculation in Func(), but on the GPU in OpenCL.
/// Derived classes will implement this.
@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@ public:
m_Weight = rand.Frand11<T>();
/// <summary>
/// Returns the string prefix to be used with params and the variation name.
/// </summary>
@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ public:
Init(NULL, "", 0, REAL, TLOW, TMAX);
/// <summary>
/// Constructor for a precalc param that takes arguments.
/// </summary>
@ -1543,7 +1543,7 @@ public:
int vi = (int)max(min<T>((T)Floor<T>(val + T(0.5)), m_Max), m_Min);
if (vi == 0)
vi = (int)SignNz<T>(val);
@ -1605,6 +1605,8 @@ private:
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API ParametricVariation : public Variation<T>
using Variation<T>::Precalc;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor which takes arguments and just passes them to the base class.
@ -1657,7 +1659,7 @@ public:
//to the addresses of its members and then assign values from var.
/// <summary>
/// Determine whether the params vector contains a parameter with the specified name.
/// </summary>
@ -1724,7 +1726,7 @@ public:
if (b)
return b;
@ -1743,21 +1745,26 @@ public:
if (b)
return b;
/// <summary>
/// Severe hack to get g++ to compile this.
/// </summary>
virtual void Precalc() override { }
/// <summary>
/// Place the parametric variation in a random state by setting all of the
/// non-precalc params to values between -1 and 1;
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rand">The rand.</param>
virtual void Random(QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Random(QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
ForEach(m_Params, [&](ParamWithName<T>& param) { param.Set(rand.Frand11<T>()); });
/// <summary>
@ -1766,9 +1773,9 @@ public:
void Clear()
ForEach(m_Params, [&](ParamWithName<T>& param) { *(param.Param()) = 0; });
/// <summary>
/// Return a vector of all parameter names, optionally including precalcs.
/// </summary>
@ -1825,7 +1832,7 @@ protected:
if (!m_Params[i].IsPrecalc())
@ -1838,77 +1845,36 @@ protected:
/// Defining assignment operators isn't really needed because Variations are always held as pointers.
/// </summary>
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
#define VARCOPY(name) \
public: \
name(const name<T>& var) \
: Variation<T>(var) \
{ \
} \
template <typename U> \
name(const name<U>& var) \
: Variation<T>(var) \
{ \
} \
virtual Variation<T>* Copy() \
{ \
return new name<T>(*this); \
} \
virtual void Copy(Variation<float>*& var) const \
{ \
if (var != NULL) \
delete var; \
var = new name<float>(*this); \
} \
virtual void Copy(Variation<double>*& var) const \
{ \
if (var != NULL) \
delete var; \
var = new name<double>(*this); \
#define VARUSINGS \
using Variation<T>::m_Weight; \
using Variation<T>::m_Xform; \
using Variation<T>::m_VariationId; \
using Variation<T>::m_Name; \
using Variation<T>::m_VarType; \
using Variation<T>::m_AssignType; \
using Variation<T>::SetType; \
using Variation<T>::IndexInXform; \
using Variation<T>::XformIndexInEmber; \
using Variation<T>::Prefix;
#define PREPOSTVARCOPY(name, base) \
name(const name<T>& var) \
: base<T>(var) \
{ \
} \
template <typename U> \
name(const name<U>& var) \
: base<T>(var) \
{ \
} \
virtual Variation<T>* Copy() \
{ \
return new name<T>(*this); \
} \
virtual void Copy(Variation<float>*& var) const \
{ \
if (var != NULL) \
delete var; \
var = new name<float>(*this); \
} \
virtual void Copy(Variation<double>*& var) const \
//using Variation<T>::Precalc; \
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
#define VARCOPYDOUBLE(name) \
virtual void Copy(Variation<double>*& var) const override \
{ \
if (var != NULL) \
delete var; \
var = new name<double>(*this); \
} \
#define VARCOPYDOUBLE(name)
#endif // DO_DOUBLE
#define VARCOPY(name) \
public: \
name(const name<T>& var) \
: Variation<T>(var) \
@ -1921,18 +1887,20 @@ protected:
{ \
} \
virtual Variation<T>* Copy() \
virtual Variation<T>* Copy() override \
{ \
return new name<T>(*this); \
} \
virtual void Copy(Variation<float>*& var) const \
virtual void Copy(Variation<float>*& var) const override \
{ \
if (var != NULL) \
delete var; \
var = new name<float>(*this); \
} \
#define PREPOSTVARCOPY(name, base) \
name(const name<T>& var) \
@ -1946,19 +1914,20 @@ protected:
{ \
} \
virtual Variation<T>* Copy() \
virtual Variation<T>* Copy() override \
{ \
return new name<T>(*this); \
} \
virtual void Copy(Variation<float>*& var) const \
virtual void Copy(Variation<float>*& var) const override \
{ \
if (var != NULL) \
delete var; \
var = new name<float>(*this); \
} \
/// <summary>
/// Macro to create pre and post counterparts to a variation.
@ -1970,6 +1939,7 @@ protected:
template <typename T> \
class EMBER_API Pre##varName##Variation : public varName##Variation<T> \
{ \
public: \
Pre##varName##Variation(T weight = 1.0) : varName##Variation<T>(weight) \
{ \
@ -1985,6 +1955,7 @@ protected:
template <typename T> \
class EMBER_API Post##varName##Variation : public varName##Variation<T> \
{ \
Post##varName##Variation(T weight = 1.0) : varName##Variation<T>(weight) \
{ \
@ -2006,9 +1977,15 @@ protected:
/// Instead, every class must define it as a non-virtual function and explicitly call it in its constructor.
/// </summary>
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
using ParametricVariation<T>::m_Params; \
using ParametricVariation<T>::CopyParamVals;
//using Variation<T>::Precalc; \
#define PARVARCOPY(name) \
public: \
name(const name<T>& var) \
: ParametricVariation<T>(var) \
@ -2025,12 +2002,12 @@ protected:
CopyParamVals(var.ParamsVec()); /* Copy values from var's vector and precalc. */ \
} \
virtual Variation<T>* Copy() \
virtual Variation<T>* Copy() override \
{ \
return new name<T>(*this); \
} \
virtual void Copy(Variation<float>*& var) const \
virtual void Copy(Variation<float>*& var) const override \
{ \
if (var != NULL) \
delete var; \
@ -2038,13 +2015,7 @@ protected:
var = new name<float>(*this); \
} \
virtual void Copy(Variation<double>*& var) const \
{ \
if (var != NULL) \
delete var; \
var = new name<double>(*this); \
#define PREPOSTPARVARCOPY(name, base) \
name(const name<T>& var) \
@ -2062,12 +2033,12 @@ protected:
CopyParamVals(var.ParamsVec()); /* Copy values from var's vector and precalc. */ \
} \
virtual Variation<T>* Copy() \
virtual Variation<T>* Copy() override \
{ \
return new name<T>(*this); \
} \
virtual void Copy(Variation<float>*& var) const \
virtual void Copy(Variation<float>*& var) const override \
{ \
if (var != NULL) \
delete var; \
@ -2075,74 +2046,7 @@ protected:
var = new name<float>(*this); \
} \
virtual void Copy(Variation<double>*& var) const \
{ \
if (var != NULL) \
delete var; \
var = new name<double>(*this); \
#define PARVARCOPY(name) \
public: \
name(const name<T>& var) \
: ParametricVariation<T>(var) \
{ \
Init(); /* Assign the addresses of the members to the vector. */ \
CopyParamVals(var.ParamsVec()); /* Copy values from var's vector and precalc. */ \
} \
template <typename U> \
name(const name<U>& var) \
: ParametricVariation<T>(var) \
{ \
Init(); /* Assign the addresses of the members to the vector. */ \
CopyParamVals(var.ParamsVec()); /* Copy values from var's vector and precalc. */ \
} \
virtual Variation<T>* Copy() \
{ \
return new name<T>(*this); \
} \
virtual void Copy(Variation<float>*& var) const \
{ \
if (var != NULL) \
delete var; \
var = new name<float>(*this); \
#define PREPOSTPARVARCOPY(name, base) \
name(const name<T>& var) \
: base<T>(var) \
{ \
Init(); /* Assign the addresses of the members to the vector. */ \
CopyParamVals(var.ParamsVec()); /* Copy values from var's vector and precalc. */ \
} \
template <typename U> \
name(const name<U>& var) \
: base<T>(var) \
{ \
Init(); /* Assign the addresses of the members to the vector. */ \
CopyParamVals(var.ParamsVec()); /* Copy values from var's vector and precalc. */ \
} \
virtual Variation<T>* Copy() \
{ \
return new name<T>(*this); \
} \
virtual void Copy(Variation<float>*& var) const \
{ \
if (var != NULL) \
delete var; \
var = new name<float>(*this); \
/// <summary>
/// Macro to create pre and post counterparts to a parametric variation.
@ -2156,6 +2060,9 @@ protected:
template <typename T> \
class EMBER_API Pre##varName##Variation : public varName##Variation <T> \
{ \
using varName##Variation<T>::Init; \
Pre##varName##Variation(T weight = 1.0) : varName##Variation<T>(weight) \
{ \
@ -2172,6 +2079,9 @@ protected:
template <typename T> \
class EMBER_API Post##varName##Variation : public varName##Variation<T> \
{ \
using varName##Variation<T>::Init; \
Post##varName##Variation(T weight = 1.0) : varName##Variation<T>(weight) \
{ \
@ -2184,4 +2094,4 @@ protected:
PREPOSTPARVARCOPY(Post##varName##Variation, varName##Variation) \
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T t = T(0.25) * (helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares + SQR(helper.In.z)) + 1;
T r = m_Weight / t;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.z += helper.In.z * r * m_Z;//The += is intentional.
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_X, prefix + "bubble2_x", 1));//Original used a prefix of bubble_, which is incompatible with Ember's design.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Y, prefix + "bubble2_y", 1));
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
int m = Floor<T>(T(0.5) * helper.In.x / m_Sc);
int n = Floor<T>(T(0.5) * helper.In.y / m_Sc);
@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ public:
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (y + (n * 2 + 1) * m_Sc);
helper.Out.z = (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? 0 : helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ public:
string x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string seed = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tint m = (int)floor(0.5 * vIn.x / " << sc << ");\n"
<< "\t\tint n = (int)floor(0.5 * vIn.y / " << sc << ");\n"
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ protected:
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Y, prefix + "CircleLinear_Y", 10));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Seed, prefix + "CircleLinear_Seed", 0, INTEGER));
T DiscreteNoise2(int x, int y)
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
int m, n, iters = 0;
T x, y, u;
@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ public:
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (y + (n * 2 + 1) * m_Sc);
helper.Out.z = (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? 0 : helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ public:
string x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string seed = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tint m, n, iters = 0;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x, y, u;\n"
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ protected:
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Y, prefix + "CircleRand_Y", 10));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Seed, prefix + "CircleRand_Seed", 0, INTEGER));
T DiscreteNoise2(int x, int y)
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T ux, uy, u, x, y;
@ -427,8 +427,8 @@ public:
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * uy;
helper.Out.z = (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? 0 : helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ public:
string x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string seed = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t ux, uy, u, x, y;\n"
<< "\n"
@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ protected:
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Y, prefix + "CircleTrans1_Y", 10));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Seed, prefix + "CircleTrans1_Seed", 0, INTEGER));
T DiscreteNoise2(int x, int y)
@ -561,12 +561,12 @@ private:
u = T(0.3) + T(0.7) * DiscreteNoise2(m + 10, n + 3);
x = u * cos(alpha);
y = u * sin(alpha);
if (++iters > 10)
while (DiscreteNoise2((int)(m + m_Seed), n) > m_Dens);
*ux = x + (m * 2 + 1) * m_Sc;
*vy = y + (n * 2 + 1) * m_Sc;
@ -591,8 +591,8 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
int useNode = rand.Rand() & 7;//Faster than % 8.
T exnze, wynze, znxy;
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ public:
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ public:
if (m_VarType == VARTYPE_PRE)
ss <<
ss <<
"\t\tpx = vIn.x;\n"
"\t\tpy = vIn.y;\n"
"\t\tpz = vIn.z;\n";
@ -754,8 +754,8 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
if (fabs(m_Xpand) <= 1)
m_Fill = m_Xpand * T(0.5);
@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Xpand, prefix + "cubic3D_xpand", T(0.25)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Style, prefix + "cubic3D_style"));
@ -814,8 +814,8 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
int useNode = rand.Rand() & 7;//Faster than % 8.
T exnze, wynze, znxy, px, py, pz, lattd = m_Weight;
@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ public:
exnze = cos(atan2(helper.In.x, helper.In.z));
wynze = sin(atan2(helper.In.y, helper.In.z));
znxy = (exnze + wynze) * T(0.5);
exnze = 1;
@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ public:
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ public:
if (m_VarType == VARTYPE_PRE)
ss <<
ss <<
"\t\tpx = vIn.x;\n"
"\t\tpy = vIn.y;\n"
"\t\tpz = vIn.z;\n";
@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
if (fabs(m_Xpand) <= 1)
m_Fill = m_Xpand * T(0.5);
@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Xpand, prefix + "cubicLattice_3D_xpand", T(0.2)));//Original used a prefix of cubic3D_, which is incompatible with Ember's design.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Style, prefix + "cubicLattice_3D_style", 1, INTEGER, 1, 2));
@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T expx = exp(helper.In.x) * T(0.5);
T expnx = T(0.25) / expx;
@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.z = sin(boot) * tmp;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -1070,8 +1070,8 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T uu = SQR(helper.In.x);
T vv = SQR(helper.In.y);
@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_XPow, prefix + "ho_xpow", 3));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_YPow, prefix + "ho_ypow", 3));
@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T temp = helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx * m_InvPower + rand.Rand() * m_InvPower2pi;
T sina = sin(temp);
@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.z = r * z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ public:
string absInvPower = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string halfInvPower = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string invPower2pi = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t temp = precalcAtanyx * " << invPower << " + MwcNext(mwc) * " << invPower2pi << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sina = sin(temp);\n"
@ -1205,7 +1205,7 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
m_InvPower = m_Divisor / m_Power;
m_AbsInvPower = fabs(m_InvPower);
@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T r = rand.Frand01<T>() * m_Weight;
@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.z = m_Uz * r;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@ public:
string ux = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string uy = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string uz = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = MwcNext01(mwc) * xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "];\n"
<< "\n"
@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
//Unit vector of the line.
m_Ux = cos(m_Delta * T(M_PI)) * cos(m_Phi * T(M_PI));
@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T rmod = rand.Frand01<T>() * T(0.5) + T(0.125);
T kikr = helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx;
@ -1355,14 +1355,14 @@ public:
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string vv = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t rmod = MwcNext01(mwc) * 0.5 + 0.125;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t kikr = precalcAtanyx;\n"
@ -1388,7 +1388,7 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
m_Vv = SQR(m_Weight);
@ -1420,7 +1420,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T t = helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares * T(0.25) + 1;
T r = m_Weight / t;
@ -1432,7 +1432,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.z = (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? 0 : helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -1442,7 +1442,7 @@ public:
string y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string twist = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string tilt = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t t = precalcSumSquares * 0.25 + 1;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = xform->m_VariationWeights[" << varIndex << "] / t;\n"
@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T avgxy = (helper.In.x + helper.In.y) * T(0.5);
@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * (helper.In.z + m_Scale * sin(avgxy * m_Freq));//Averages the XY to get Z.
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -1510,7 +1510,7 @@ public:
string index = ss2.str();
string freq = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string scale = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t avgxy = (vIn.x + vIn.y) * 0.5;\n"
<< "\n"
@ -1551,7 +1551,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
int sl = (int)(rand.Frand01<T>() * m_Slices + T(0.5));
T a = m_Rotation + M_2PI * (sl + rand.Frand01<T>() * m_Thickness) / m_Slices;
@ -1561,8 +1561,8 @@ public:
helper.Out.y = r * sin(a);
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * sin(r);
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -1584,8 +1584,8 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Random(QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Random(QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
m_Params[0].Set((int)10 * rand.Frand01<T>());//Slices.
m_Params[1].Set(M_2PI * rand.Frand11<T>());//Rotation.
@ -1596,7 +1596,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Slices, prefix + "pie3D_slices", 6, INTEGER_NONZERO, 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Rotation, prefix + "pie3D_rotation", T(0.5), REAL_CYCLIC, 0, M_2PI));
@ -1623,7 +1623,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T otherZ, tempPZ = 0;
T tempTZ = helper.In.z == 0 ? m_Vv * m_SinTanC * helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx : helper.In.z;
@ -1634,14 +1634,14 @@ public:
otherZ = outPoint.m_Z;
if (otherZ == 0)
tempPZ = m_Vv * m_SinTanC * helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx;
tempPZ = m_Vv * m_SinTanC * helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx;
helper.Out.x = m_HalfWeight * (helper.In.x + m_X * sin(tan(m_C * helper.In.y)));
helper.Out.y = m_HalfWeight * (helper.In.y + m_Y * sin(tan(m_C * helper.In.x)));
helper.Out.z = tempPZ + m_Vv * (m_Z * m_SinTanC * tempTZ);
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -1674,8 +1674,8 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
m_SinTanC = sin(tan(m_C));
m_HalfWeight = m_Weight * T(0.5);
@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@ public:
m_Vv = m_Weight;
virtual void Random(QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Random(QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
m_X = T(0.2) + rand.Frand01<T>();
m_Y = T(0.2) * rand.Frand01<T>();
@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_X, prefix + "popcorn2_3D_x", T(0.1)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Y, prefix + "popcorn2_3D_y", T(0.1)));
@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@ protected:
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_HalfWeight, prefix + "popcorn2_3D_half_weight"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Vv, prefix + "popcorn2_3D_vv"));
T m_X;
T m_Y;
@ -1730,14 +1730,14 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * sin(helper.In.x);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * sin(helper.In.y);
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * (atan2(SQR(helper.In.x), SQR(helper.In.y)) * cos(helper.In.z));
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -1766,7 +1766,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T t = helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares + SQR(helper.In.z);
T r = 1 / (sqrt(t) * (t + m_InvWeight));
@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.z = z * r;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -1797,8 +1797,8 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
m_InvWeight = 1 / Zeps(m_Weight);
@ -1807,11 +1807,11 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_InvWeight, prefix + "scry_3D_inv_weight"));//Precalcs only, no params.
T m_InvWeight;//Precalcs only, no params.
@ -1830,7 +1830,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
const int xpos = helper.In.x < 0;
const int ypos = helper.In.y < 0;
@ -1843,8 +1843,8 @@ public:
//outPoint.m_X = 0;
//outPoint.m_Y = 0;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -1873,7 +1873,7 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
m_Xw = m_Weight * m_XDistance;
m_Yw = m_Weight * m_YDistance;
@ -1885,7 +1885,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_XDistance, prefix + "shredlin_xdistance", 1, REAL_NONZERO));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_XWidth, prefix + "shredlin_xwidth", T(0.5), REAL, -1, 1));
@ -1922,7 +1922,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T b = m_Weight / (helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares * T(0.25) + 1);
T roundX = Rint(helper.In.x);
@ -1932,7 +1932,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.x = helper.In.x * b;
helper.Out.y = helper.In.y * b;
if (rand.Frand01<T>() >= T(0.75))
helper.Out.x += m_Weight * (offsetX * T(0.5) + roundX);
@ -1950,7 +1950,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.x += m_Weight * (offsetX * T(0.5) + roundX - m_Y);
helper.Out.y += m_Weight * (offsetY * T(0.5) + roundY - m_Y * offsetY / offsetX);
helper.Out.y += m_Weight * (offsetY * T(0.5) + roundY - m_Y * offsetY / offsetX);
@ -1972,8 +1972,8 @@ public:
helper.Out.y += helper.In.y * m_Py;
helper.Out.z = (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? 0 : helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -2041,7 +2041,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_X, prefix + "SplitBrdr_x", T(0.25)));//Original used a prefix of splitb_, which is incompatible with Ember's design.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Y, prefix + "SplitBrdr_y", T(0.25)));
@ -2067,11 +2067,11 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T a = T(M_PI) / (helper.m_PrecalcSqrtSumSquares + 1);
T r = helper.m_PrecalcAtanyx * T(M_1_PI);
if (r > 0)
a = T(M_PI) - a;
@ -2080,7 +2080,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.z = (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? 0 : helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -2115,7 +2115,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
const T ax = rand.Frand<T>(T(-0.5), T(0.5));
const T ay = rand.Frand<T>(T(-0.5), T(0.5));
@ -2157,8 +2157,8 @@ public:
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -2222,7 +2222,7 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
m_InternalScatter = T(0.04) * m_Scatter;
@ -2231,7 +2231,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Scatter, prefix + "falloff_scatter", 1, REAL, EPS, TMAX));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_MinDist, prefix + "falloff_mindist", T(0.5), REAL, 0, TMAX));
@ -2276,7 +2276,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
const v4T random(rand.Frand<T>(T(-0.5), T(0.5)), rand.Frand<T>(T(-0.5), T(0.5)), rand.Frand<T>(T(-0.5), T(0.5)), rand.Frand<T>(T(-0.5), T(0.5)));
const T distA = sqrt(Sqr(helper.In.x - m_X0) + Sqr(helper.In.y - m_Y0) + Sqr(helper.In.z - m_Z0));
@ -2290,7 +2290,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.x = helper.In.x + m_MulX * random.x * dist;
helper.Out.y = helper.In.y + m_MulY * random.y * dist;
helper.Out.z = helper.In.z + m_MulZ * random.z * dist;
outPoint.m_ColorX = fabs(fmod(outPoint.m_ColorX + m_MulC * random.w * dist, 1));
outPoint.m_ColorX = fabs(fmod(outPoint.m_ColorX + m_MulC * random.w * dist, T(1)));
case 1://Radial.
@ -2314,7 +2314,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.x = r * sigmac * phic;
helper.Out.y = r * sigmac * phis;
helper.Out.z = r * sigmas;
outPoint.m_ColorX = fabs(fmod(outPoint.m_ColorX + m_MulC * random.w * dist, 1));
outPoint.m_ColorX = fabs(fmod(outPoint.m_ColorX + m_MulC * random.w * dist, T(1)));
case 2://Gaussian.
@ -2330,13 +2330,13 @@ public:
helper.Out.x = helper.In.x + m_MulX * rad * sigmac * phic;
helper.Out.y = helper.In.y + m_MulY * rad * sigmac * phis;
helper.Out.z = helper.In.z + m_MulZ * rad * sigmas;
outPoint.m_ColorX = fabs(fmod(outPoint.m_ColorX + m_MulC * random.w * dist, 1));
outPoint.m_ColorX = fabs(fmod(outPoint.m_ColorX + m_MulC * random.w * dist, T(1)));
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -2418,7 +2418,7 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
m_RMax = T(0.04) * m_Scatter;
@ -2427,7 +2427,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Scatter, prefix + "falloff2_scatter", 1, REAL, EPS, TMAX));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_MinDist, prefix + "falloff2_mindist", T(0.5), REAL, 0, TMAX));
@ -2472,7 +2472,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
const v4T random(rand.Frand<T>(T(-0.5), T(0.5)), rand.Frand<T>(T(-0.5), T(0.5)), rand.Frand<T>(T(-0.5), T(0.5)), rand.Frand<T>(T(-0.5), T(0.5)));
T radius;
@ -2504,7 +2504,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.x = helper.In.x + m_MulX * rad * sigmac * phic;
helper.Out.y = helper.In.y + m_MulY * rad * sigmac * phis;
helper.Out.z = helper.In.z + m_MulZ * rad * sigmas;
outPoint.m_ColorX = fabs(fmod(outPoint.m_ColorX + m_MulC * random.w * dist, 1));
outPoint.m_ColorX = fabs(fmod(outPoint.m_ColorX + m_MulC * random.w * dist, T(1)));
case 1://Radial.
@ -2528,7 +2528,7 @@ public:
helper.Out.x = r * sigmac * phic;
helper.Out.y = r * sigmac * phis;
helper.Out.z = r * sigmas;
outPoint.m_ColorX = fabs(fmod(outPoint.m_ColorX + m_MulC * random.w * dist, 1));
outPoint.m_ColorX = fabs(fmod(outPoint.m_ColorX + m_MulC * random.w * dist, T(1)));
case 2://Log.
@ -2538,13 +2538,13 @@ public:
helper.Out.x = helper.In.x + LogMap(m_MulX) * LogScale(random.x) * coeff,
helper.Out.y = helper.In.y + LogMap(m_MulY) * LogScale(random.y) * coeff,
helper.Out.z = helper.In.z + LogMap(m_MulZ) * LogScale(random.z) * coeff,
outPoint.m_ColorX = fabs(fmod(outPoint.m_ColorX + LogMap(m_MulC) * LogScale(random.w) * coeff, 1));
outPoint.m_ColorX = fabs(fmod(outPoint.m_ColorX + LogMap(m_MulC) * LogScale(random.w) * coeff, T(1)));
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -2642,7 +2642,7 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
m_RMax = T(0.04) * m_BlurStrength;
@ -2700,7 +2700,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
int m, n;
T alpha, beta, offsetAl, offsetBe, offsetGa, x, y;
@ -2736,8 +2736,8 @@ public:
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * y;
helper.Out.z = (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? 0 : helper.In.z;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -2771,7 +2771,7 @@ public:
string width3 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string absN = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string cn = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\tint m, n;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t alpha, beta, offsetAl, offsetBe, offsetGa, x, y;\n"
@ -2995,7 +2995,7 @@ public:
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
T s2, sinA2, cosA2, sinB2, cosB2, sinC2, cosC2;
T br = T(0.047) + m_A;
@ -3078,7 +3078,7 @@ protected:
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_AbsN, prefix + "xtrb_absn"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Cn, prefix + "xtrb_cn"));
inline void DirectTrilinear(T x, T y, T& al, T& be)
@ -3096,7 +3096,7 @@ private:
x = r * cos(angle);
y = r * sin(angle);
void Hex(T al, T be, T ga, T& al1, T& be1, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
T ga1, de1, r = rand.Frand01<T>();
@ -3133,7 +3133,7 @@ private:
de1 = m_Width1 * be + m_Width2 * m_Hb * be / ga;
ga1 = m_Width1 * ga + m_Width2 * m_S2ac * (3 - be / ga);
al1 = m_S2a - m_Ba * de1 - m_Ca * ga1;
be1 = de1;
@ -3166,7 +3166,7 @@ private:
ga1 = m_Width1 * ga + m_Width2 * m_Hc * ga / al;
de1 = m_Width1 * al + m_Width2 * m_S2ab * (3 - ga / al);
be1 = m_S2b - m_Ab * de1 - m_Cb * ga1;
al1 = de1;
@ -3184,7 +3184,7 @@ private:
de1 = m_Width1 * al + m_Width2 * m_Ha * al / ga;
ga1 = m_Width1 * ga + m_Width2 * m_S2bc * (3 - al / ga);
be1 = m_S2b - m_Ab * de1 - m_Cb * ga1;
al1 = de1;
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T r = helper.m_PrecalcSumSquares;
T r4_1 = Zeps(r / 4 + 1);
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ public:
outPoint.m_ColorX = fmod(fabs(m_Bdcs * (Sqr<T>(tempX + m_CenterX) + Sqr<T>(tempY + m_CenterY))), T(1.0));
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
m_Bdcs = 1 / (m_Scale == 0 ? T(10E-6) : m_Scale);
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_CenterX, prefix + "dc_bubble_centerx"));//Params.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_CenterY, prefix + "dc_bubble_centery"));
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
int x0 = rand.RandBit() ? -1 : 1;
int y0 = rand.RandBit() ? -1 : 1;
@ -111,14 +111,14 @@ public:
T y = helper.In.y + y0;
T x0_xor_y0 = T(x0 ^ y0);
T h = -m_H + (1 - x0_xor_y0) * m_H;
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (m_Xform->m_Affine.A() * x + m_Xform->m_Affine.B() * y + m_Xform->m_Affine.E());
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (m_Xform->m_Affine.A() * x + m_Xform->m_Affine.B() * y + m_Xform->m_Affine.E());
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (m_Xform->m_Affine.C() * x + m_Xform->m_Affine.D() * y + m_Xform->m_Affine.F());
helper.Out.z = (m_VarType == VARTYPE_REG) ? 0 : helper.In.z;
outPoint.m_ColorX = fmod(fabs(outPoint.m_ColorX * T(0.5) * (1 + h) + x0_xor_y0 * (1 - h) * T(0.5)), T(1.0));
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
m_H = T(0.1) * m_Origin;
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Origin, prefix + "dc_carpet_origin"));//Params.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_H, prefix + "dc_carpet_h"));//Precalc.
@ -178,14 +178,14 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T x, y, z;
T p = 2 * rand.Frand01<T>() - 1;
T q = 2 * rand.Frand01<T>() - 1;
unsigned int i = rand.Rand(3);
unsigned int j = rand.RandBit();
switch (i)
case 0:
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ public:
outPoint.m_ColorX = m_ClampC1;
outPoint.m_ColorX = m_ClampC2;
case 1:
x = m_Weight * p;
@ -208,18 +208,18 @@ public:
outPoint.m_ColorX = m_ClampC3;
outPoint.m_ColorX = m_ClampC4;
case 2:
x = m_Weight * p;
y = m_Weight * q;
z = m_Weight * (j ? -1 : 1);
if (j)
outPoint.m_ColorX = m_ClampC5;
outPoint.m_ColorX = m_ClampC6;
@ -227,8 +227,8 @@ public:
helper.Out.y = y * m_DcCubeY;
helper.Out.z = z * m_DcCubeZ;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
m_ClampC1 = Clamp<T>(m_DcCubeC1, 0, 1);
m_ClampC2 = Clamp<T>(m_DcCubeC2, 0, 1);
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_DcCubeC1, prefix + "dc_cube_c1"));//Params.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_DcCubeC2, prefix + "dc_cube_c2"));
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T temp = rand.Frand01<T>() * M_2PI;
T sr = sin(temp);
@ -385,8 +385,8 @@ public:
outPoint.m_ColorX = fmod(fabs(T(0.5) * (m_Ldcs * ((m_Cosa * tempX + m_Sina * tempY + m_Offset)) + 1)), T(1.0));
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -420,8 +420,8 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
sincos(m_Angle, &m_Sina, &m_Cosa);
m_Ldcs = 1 / (m_Scale == 0.0 ? T(10E-6) : m_Scale);
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Offset, prefix + "dc_cylinder_offset"));//Params.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Angle, prefix + "dc_cylinder_angle"));//Original used a prefix of dc_cyl_, which is incompatible with Ember's design.
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T x = LRint(helper.In.x);
T y = LRint(helper.In.y);
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ public:
outPoint.m_ColorX = fmod(c, T(1.0));
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss;
int varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * helper.In.x;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * helper.In.y;
@ -659,8 +659,8 @@ public:
outPoint.m_ColorX = fmod(fabs(T(0.5) * (m_Ldcs * ((m_Cosa * tempX + m_Sina * tempY + m_Offset)) + T(1.0))), T(1.0));
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -687,8 +687,8 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
m_Ldcs = 1 / (m_Scale == 0 ? T(10E-6) : m_Scale);
m_Ldca = m_Offset * T(M_PI);
@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Offset, prefix + "dc_linear_offset"));//Params.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Angle, prefix + "dc_linear_angle"));
@ -734,32 +734,32 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
// set up triangle
const T
const T
xx = m_Xform->m_Affine.A(), xy = m_Xform->m_Affine.B(), // X
yx = m_Xform->m_Affine.C() * -1, yy = m_Xform->m_Affine.D() * -1, // Y
ox = m_Xform->m_Affine.E(), oy = m_Xform->m_Affine.F(), // O
px = helper.In.x - ox, py = helper.In.y - oy; // P
// calculate dot products
const T dot00 = xx * xx + xy * xy; // X * X
const T dot01 = xx * yx + xy * yy; // X * Y
const T dot02 = xx * px + xy * py; // X * P
const T dot11 = yx * yx + yy * yy; // Y * Y
const T dot12 = yx * px + yy * py; // Y * P
// calculate barycentric coordinates
const T denom = (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01);
const T num_u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12);
const T num_v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02);
// u, v must not be constant
T u = num_u / denom;
T v = num_v / denom;
int inside = 0, f = 1;
// case A - point escapes edge XY
if (u + v > 1)
@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ public:
inside = 1;// case C - point is in triangle
// handle outside points
if (m_ZeroEdges && !inside)
@ -820,8 +820,8 @@ public:
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * helper.In.z;
outPoint.m_ColorX = fmod(fabs(u + v), T(1.0));
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -911,8 +911,8 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
m_A = Clamp<T>(m_ScatterArea, -1, 1);
@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_ScatterArea, prefix + "dc_triangle_scatter_area", 0, REAL, -1, 1));//Params.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_ZeroEdges, prefix + "dc_triangle_zero_edges", 0, INTEGER, 0, 1));
@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ public:
void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T zf = m_Factor * (outPoint.m_ColorX - m_X0_) / m_X1_m_x0;
@ -965,8 +965,8 @@ public:
helper.Out.z = m_Weight * zf;
virtual string OpenCLString()
virtual string OpenCLString() override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
int i = 0, varIndex = IndexInXform();
@ -998,8 +998,8 @@ public:
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc()
virtual void Precalc() override
m_X0_ = m_X0 < m_X1 ? m_X0 : m_X1;
m_X1_ = m_X0 > m_X1 ? m_X0 : m_X1;
@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ protected:
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_X0, prefix + "dc_ztransl_x0", 0, REAL, 0, 1));//Params.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_X1, prefix + "dc_ztransl_x1", 1, REAL, 0, 1));
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "VariationList.h"
#include "Interpolate.h"
/// <summary>
/// Xform class.
@ -600,7 +601,7 @@ public:
iterHelper.In.x = iterHelper.m_TransX;//Read must be done before every pre variation because transX/Y are changing.
iterHelper.In.y = iterHelper.m_TransY;
iterHelper.In.z = iterHelper.m_TransZ;
m_PreVariations[i]->Precalc(iterHelper, inPoint);//Apply per-variation precalc, the second parameter is unused for pre variations.
m_PreVariations[i]->PrecalcHelper(iterHelper, inPoint);//Apply per-variation precalc, the second parameter is unused for pre variations.
m_PreVariations[i]->Func(iterHelper, *outPoint, rand);
WritePre(iterHelper, m_PreVariations[i]->AssignType());
@ -652,7 +653,7 @@ public:
iterHelper.In.x = outPoint->m_X;//Read must be done before every post variation because the out point is changing.
iterHelper.In.y = outPoint->m_Y;
iterHelper.In.z = outPoint->m_Z;
m_PostVariations[i]->Precalc(iterHelper, outPoint);//Apply per-variation precalc.
m_PostVariations[i]->PrecalcHelper(iterHelper, outPoint);//Apply per-variation precalc.
m_PostVariations[i]->Func(iterHelper, *outPoint, rand);
WritePost(iterHelper, *outPoint, m_PostVariations[i]->AssignType());
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ public:
rootnode = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
//Scan for <flame> nodes, starting with this node.
bn = basename(filename);
bn = basename((char*)filename);
ScanForEmberNodes(rootnode, bn, embers);
emberSize = (unsigned int)embers.size();
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ public:
/// <param name="str">The string to convert</param>
/// <param name="val">The converted value</param>
/// <returns>True if success, else false.</returns>
bool Atof(char* str, T& val)
bool Atof(const char* str, T& val)
bool b = true;
char* endp;
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ public:
/// <param name="str">The string to convert</param>
/// <param name="val">The converted unsigned integer value</param>
/// <returns>True if success, else false.</returns>
bool Atoi(char* str, unsigned int& val)
bool Atoi(const char* str, unsigned int& val)
return Atoi(str, (int&)val);
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ public:
/// <param name="str">The string to convert</param>
/// <param name="val">The converted unsigned integer value</param>
/// <returns>True if success, else false.</returns>
bool Atoi(char* str, int& val)
bool Atoi(const char* str, int& val)
bool b = true;
char* endp;
@ -444,7 +444,11 @@ public:
char ch[16];
#ifdef WIN32
_itoa_s(i, ch, 16, radix);
sprintf(ch, "%d", i);
return string(ch);
@ -455,11 +459,15 @@ public:
/// <param name="i">The unsigned 64-bit integer to convert</param>
/// <param name="radix">The radix of the integer. Default: 10.</param>
/// <returns>The converted string</returns>
static string Itos64(unsigned __int64 i, int radix = 10)
static string Itos64(uint64_t i, int radix = 10)
char ch[64];
#ifdef WIN32
_ui64toa_s(i, ch, 64, radix);
sprintf(ch, "%lu", i);
return string(ch);
@ -1393,8 +1401,12 @@ private:
} while (colorCount < numColors && colorCount < ember.m_Palette.m_Entries.size());
if (sscanf_s(&(colstr[colorIndex]),"%1s", tmps, sizeof(tmps)) > 0)
#ifdef WIN32
if (sscanf_s(&(colstr[colorIndex]),"%1s", tmps, sizeof(tmps)) > 0)//Really need to migrate all of this parsing to C++.//TODO
if (sscanf_s(&(colstr[colorIndex]),"%1s", tmps) > 0)
m_ErrorReport.push_back(string(loc) + " : Extra data at end of hex color data " + string(&(colstr[colorIndex])));
ok = false;
@ -1457,7 +1469,7 @@ private:
/// <param name="val">The parsed value</param>
/// <param name="b">Bitwise ANDed with true if name matched str and the call to Atof() succeeded, else false. Used for keeping a running value between successive calls.</param>
/// <returns>True if the tag was matched, else false</returns>
bool ParseAndAssignFloat(const xmlChar* name, char* attStr, char* str, T& val, bool& b)
bool ParseAndAssignFloat(const xmlChar* name, const char* attStr, const char* str, T& val, bool& b)
bool ret = false;
@ -1479,7 +1491,7 @@ private:
/// <param name="val">The parsed value</param>
/// <param name="b">Bitwise ANDed with true if name matched str and the call to Atoi() succeeded, else false. Used for keeping a running value between successive calls.</param>
/// <returns>True if the tag was matched, else false</returns>
bool ParseAndAssignInt(const xmlChar* name, char* attStr, char* str, unsigned int& val, bool& b)
bool ParseAndAssignInt(const xmlChar* name, const char* attStr, const char* str, unsigned int& val, bool& b)
return ParseAndAssignInt(name, attStr, str, (int&)val, b);
@ -1493,7 +1505,7 @@ private:
/// <param name="val">The parsed value</param>
/// <param name="b">Bitwise ANDed with true if name matched str and the call to Atoi() succeeded, else false. Used for keeping a running value between successive calls.</param>
/// <returns>True if the tag was matched, else false</returns>
bool ParseAndAssignInt(const xmlChar* name, char* attStr, char* str, int& val, bool& b)
bool ParseAndAssignInt(const xmlChar* name, const char* attStr, const char* str, int& val, bool& b)
bool ret = false;
T fval = 0;
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ END
#ifdef _DEBUG
@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ BEGIN
VALUE "CompanyName", "Open Source"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Renders fractal flames as animations with motion blur"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "InternalName", "EmberAnimate.rc"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) Matt Feemster 2013, GPL v3"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "EmberAnimate.rc"
VALUE "ProductName", "Ember Animate"
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "EmberCLPch.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
/// <summary>
/// Generated by Visual Studio to make the DLL run properly.
/// </summary>
@ -18,3 +19,4 @@ BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HMODULE hModule,
return TRUE;
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ static bool WritePng(const char* filename, unsigned char* image, unsigned int wi
text[0].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
text[0].key = "flam3_version";
text[0].text = EmberVersion();
text[0].text = (png_charp)EmberVersion();
text[1].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
text[1].key = "flam3_nickname";
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ END
#ifdef _DEBUG
@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ BEGIN
VALUE "CompanyName", "Open Source"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Manipulates fractal flames parameter files"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "InternalName", "EmberGenome.rc"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) Matt Feemster 2013, GPL v3"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "EmberGenome.rc"
VALUE "ProductName", "Ember Genome"
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ END
#ifdef _DEBUG
@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ BEGIN
VALUE "CompanyName", "Open Source"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Renders fractal flames as single images"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "InternalName", "EmberRender.rc"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) Matt Feemster 2013, GPL v3"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "EmberRender.rc"
VALUE "ProductName", "Ember Render"
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
<property name="text">
<string><html><head/><body><p align="center"><br/><span style=" font-size:12pt;">Fractorium Beta</span></p><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:10pt;"><br/>A Qt-based fractal flame editor which uses a C++ re-write of the flam3 algorithm named Ember and a GPU capable version named EmberCL which implements a portion of the cuburn algorithm in OpenCL.</span></p><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:10pt;">Matt Feemster</span></p></body></html></string>
<string><html><head/><body><p align="center"><br/><span style=" font-size:12pt;">Fractorium Beta</span></p><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:10pt;"><br/>A Qt-based fractal flame editor which uses a C++ re-write of the flam3 algorithm named Ember and a GPU capable version named EmberCL which implements a portion of the cuburn algorithm in OpenCL.</span></p><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:10pt;">Matt Feemster</span></p></body></html></string>
<property name="textFormat">
Binary file not shown.
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