diff --git a/Source/Ember/EmberToXml.h b/Source/Ember/EmberToXml.h
index b1febdd..45a2810 100644
--- a/Source/Ember/EmberToXml.h
+++ b/Source/Ember/EmberToXml.h
@@ -221,6 +221,9 @@ public:
os << "\">\n";
+ for (i = 0; i < ember.m_FlameMotionElements.size(); ++i)
+ os << " " << ToString(ember.m_FlameMotionElements[i]);
//This is a grey area, what to do about symmetry to avoid duplicating the symmetry xforms when reading back?//TODO//BUG.
//if (ember.m_Symmetry)
// os << " \n";
@@ -719,6 +722,110 @@ private:
return os.str();
+ ///
+ /// Convert a FlameMotion element to an xml string
+ ///
+ /// The FlameMotion object to convert to XML
+ string ToString(const FlameMotion &motion)
+ {
+ ostringstream os;
+ os << "\n";
+ return os.str();
+ }
void AddFilenameWithoutAmpersand(xmlNodePtr node, string& filename)
if (filename.find_first_of('&') != std::string::npos)
diff --git a/Source/Ember/XmlToEmber.h b/Source/Ember/XmlToEmber.h
index 8293598..290b43e 100644
--- a/Source/Ember/XmlToEmber.h
+++ b/Source/Ember/XmlToEmber.h
@@ -998,6 +998,112 @@ private:
editNode = xmlCopyNode(childNode, 1);
xmlDocSetRootElement(currentEmber.m_Edits, editNode);
+ else if (!Compare(childNode->name, "flame_motion"))
+ {
+ FlameMotion motion;
+ att = childNode->properties;
+ if (att == nullptr)
+ {
+ m_ErrorReport.push_back(string(loc) + " : element has no attributes");
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (curAtt = att; curAtt; curAtt = curAtt->next)
+ {
+ attStr = reinterpret_cast(xmlGetProp(childNode, curAtt->name));
+ if (ParseAndAssignFloat(curAtt->name, attStr, "motion_frequency", motion.m_MotionFreq, ret)) { }
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "motion_function"))
+ {
+ string func(attStr);
+ if ( func == "sin" )
+ motion.m_MotionFunc = MOTION_SIN;
+ else if ( func == "triangle" )
+ motion.m_MotionFunc = MOTION_TRIANGLE;
+ else if ( func == "hill" )
+ motion.m_MotionFunc = MOTION_HILL;
+ else if ( func == "saw" )
+ motion.m_MotionFunc = MOTION_SAW;
+ else
+ {
+ m_ErrorReport.push_back(string(loc) + " : invalid flame motion function " + func);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "zoom"))
+ ret = ret && AttToFlameMotionFloat(att, attStr, FLAME_MOTION_ZOOM, motion);
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "cam_zpos"))
+ ret = ret && AttToFlameMotionFloat(att, attStr, FLAME_MOTION_ZPOS, motion);
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "cam_persp"))
+ ret = ret && AttToFlameMotionFloat(att, attStr, FLAME_MOTION_PERSPECTIVE, motion);
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "cam_yaw"))
+ ret = ret && AttToFlameMotionFloat(att, attStr, FLAME_MOTION_YAW, motion);
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "cam_pitch"))
+ ret = ret && AttToFlameMotionFloat(att, attStr, FLAME_MOTION_PITCH, motion);
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "cam_dof"))
+ ret = ret && AttToFlameMotionFloat(att, attStr, FLAME_MOTION_DEPTH_BLUR, motion);
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "rotate"))
+ ret = ret && AttToFlameMotionFloat(att, attStr, FLAME_MOTION_ROTATE, motion);
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "hue"))
+ ret = ret && AttToFlameMotionFloat(att, attStr, FLAME_MOTION_HUE, motion);
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "brightness"))
+ ret = ret && AttToFlameMotionFloat(att, attStr, FLAME_MOTION_BRIGHTNESS, motion);
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "gamma"))
+ ret = ret && AttToFlameMotionFloat(att, attStr, FLAME_MOTION_GAMMA, motion);
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "gamma_threshold"))
+ ret = ret && AttToFlameMotionFloat(att, attStr, FLAME_MOTION_GAMMA_THRESH, motion);
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "highlight_power"))
+ ret = ret && AttToFlameMotionFloat(att, attStr, FLAME_MOTION_HIGHLIGHT_POWER, motion);
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "vibrancy"))
+ ret = ret && AttToFlameMotionFloat(att, attStr, FLAME_MOTION_VIBRANCY, motion);
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "background"))
+ {
+ double r, g, b;
+ if (sscanf_s(attStr, "%lf %lf %lf", &r, &g, &b) != 3)
+ {
+ m_ErrorReport.push_back(string(loc) + " : Invalid flame motion background attribute " + string(attStr));
+ xmlFree(attStr);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (r != 0)
+ motion.m_MotionParams.push_back(pair(FLAME_MOTION_BACKGROUND_R, T(r)));
+ if (g != 0)
+ motion.m_MotionParams.push_back(pair(FLAME_MOTION_BACKGROUND_G, T(g)));
+ if (b != 0)
+ motion.m_MotionParams.push_back(pair(FLAME_MOTION_BACKGROUND_B, T(b)));
+ }
+ else if (!Compare(curAtt->name, "center"))
+ {
+ double cx, cy;
+ if (sscanf_s(attStr, "%lf %lf", &cx, &cy) != 2)
+ {
+ m_ErrorReport.push_back(string(loc) + " : Invalid flame motion center attribute " + string(attStr));
+ xmlFree(attStr);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (cx != 0)
+ motion.m_MotionParams.push_back(pair(FLAME_MOTION_CENTER_X, T(cx)));
+ if (cy != 0)
+ motion.m_MotionParams.push_back(pair(FLAME_MOTION_CENTER_Y, T(cy)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_ErrorReport.push_back(string(loc) + " : Unknown flame motion attribute " + string(CCX(curAtt->name)));
+ xmlFree(attStr);
+ return false;
+ }
+ xmlFree(attStr);
+ }
+ currentEmber.m_FlameMotionElements.push_back(motion);
+ }
//if (!newLinear)
@@ -1010,6 +1116,32 @@ private:
return m_ErrorReport.empty();
+ ///
+ /// Parse a floating point value from an xml attribute and add the value to a FlameMotion object
+ ///
+ /// The current attribute
+ /// The attribute value to parse
+ /// The flame motion parameter type
+ /// The flame motion element to add the parameter to
+ /// True if there were no errors, else false.
+ bool AttToFlameMotionFloat(xmlAttrPtr att, const char *attStr, eFlameMotionParam param, FlameMotion &motion)
+ {
+ const char* loc = __FUNCTION__;
+ bool r = false;
+ T val = 0.0;
+ if (Atof(attStr, val))
+ {
+ motion.m_MotionParams.push_back(pair(param, val));
+ r = true;
+ } else {
+ m_ErrorReport.push_back(string(loc) + " : Failed to parse float value for flame motion attribute \"" + string(CCX(att->name)) + "\" : " + string(attStr) + "");
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
/// Parse an xform element.