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#pragma once
#include "Ember.h"
/// <summary>
/// Iterator and derived classes.
/// </summary>
//#define CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN 256
#define CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN 10000//The size of xform random selection buffer. Multiply by the (number of non-final xforms present + 1) if xaos is used.
namespace EmberNs
/// <summary>
/// Iterator base class.
/// Iterating is one loop level outside of the inner xform application loop so it's still very important
/// to take every optimization possible here.
/// The original had many temporary assignments in order to feed the output of the current iteration
/// into the input of the next iteration. All unneccessary temporary assignments are eliminated by simply using i and i + 1
/// as the input and output indices on the samples array passed to Xform.Apply().
/// Note that the samples array is assigned to while fusing. Although this technically doesn't make sense
/// since values computed during fusing get thrown out, it doesn't matter because it will get overwritten
/// in the actual loop below it since the index counter is reset to zero when fusing is complete.
/// Flam3 needlessly computed the final xform on each fuse iteration only to throw it away. It's omitted here as an optimization.
/// Rather than place many conditionals inside the iteration loop, they are broken into separate classes depending
/// on what's contained in the ember's xforms.
/// The biggest difference is whether xaos is present or not it requires extra work when picking
/// the next random xform to use. Further, each of those is broken into two loops, one for embers with a final xform
/// and one without.
/// Last, the fuse loop and real loop are separated and duplicated to omit the conditional check for fuse inside the real loop.
/// Although this makes this file about four times as verbose as it would normally be, it does lead to performance improvements.
/// Template argument expected to be float or double.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API Iterator
/// <summary>
/// Empty constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Empty virtual destructor so proper derived class destructors get called.
/// </summary>
virtual ~Iterator()
/// <summary>
/// Accessors.
/// </summary>
const unsigned char* XformDistributions() const { return m_XformDistributions.empty() ? NULL : &m_XformDistributions[0]; }
const unsigned int XformDistributionsSize() const { return (unsigned int)m_XformDistributions.size(); }
/// <summary>
/// Virtual empty iteration function that will be overidden in derived iterator classes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ember">The ember whose xforms will be applied</param>
/// <param name="count">The number of iterations to do</param>
/// <param name="skip">The number of times to fuse</param>
/// <param name="samples">The buffer to store the output points</param>
/// <param name="rand">The random context to use</param>
/// <returns>The number of bad values</returns>
virtual unsigned int Iterate(Ember<T>& ember, unsigned int count, unsigned int skip, Point<T>* samples, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) { return 0; }
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the xform selection vector by normalizing the weights of all xforms and
/// setting the corresponding percentage of elements in the vector to each xform's index in its
/// parent ember.
/// Note that this method of looking up and index in a vector is how flam3 did it and is about 10%
/// faster than using a while loop to check a random number against a normalized weight.
/// Also, the ember used to initialize this must be the same ember, unchanged, used to iterate.
/// If one is passed to this function, its parameters are changed and then it's passed to Iterate(),
/// the behavior is undefined.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ember">The ember whose xforms will be used to populate the distribution vector</param>
/// <returns>True if success, else false.</returns>
bool InitDistributions(Ember<T>& ember)
unsigned int i, j = 0;
unsigned int distribCount = ember.XaosPresent() ? (unsigned int)ember.XformCount() + 1 : 1;
const Xform<T>* xforms = ember.Xforms();
if (m_XformDistributions.size() < CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN * distribCount)
m_XformDistributions.resize(CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN * distribCount);
if (m_XformDistributions.size() < CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN * distribCount)
return false;
for (unsigned int distrib = 0; distrib < distribCount; distrib++)
T totalDensity = 0;
//First find the total densities of all xforms.
for (i = 0; i < ember.XformCount(); i++)
T d = xforms[i].m_Weight;
if (distrib > 0)
d *= xforms[distrib - 1].Xaos(i);
//Original returned false if any xform had 0 density, it's allowed here
//because it can be useful when experimenting to test the effects of removing an
//xform by setting its probability to 0.
totalDensity += d;
//Original returned false if all were 0, but it's allowed here
//which will just end up setting all elements to 0 which means
//only the first xform will get used.
//Calculate how much of a fraction of a the total density each element represents.
T densityPerElement = totalDensity / CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN;
j = 0;
//Assign xform indices in order to each element of m_XformDistributions.
//The number of elements assigned a given index is proportional to that xform's
//density relative to the sum of all densities.
for (i = 0; i < ember.XformCount(); i++)
T tempDensity = 0;
T currentDensityLimit = xforms[i].m_Weight;
if (distrib > 0)
currentDensityLimit *= xforms[distrib - 1].Xaos(i);
//Populate points corresponding to this xform's weight/density.
//Also check that j is within the bounds of the distribution array just to be safe in the case of a rounding error.
while (tempDensity <= currentDensityLimit && j < CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN)
m_XformDistributions[(distrib * CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN) + j] = i;
tempDensity += densityPerElement;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// When iterating, if the computed location of the point is either very close to zero, or very close to infinity,
/// it's considered a bad value. In that case, a new random input point is fed into a new randomly chosen xform. This
/// process is repeated up to 5 times until a good value is computed. If after 5 tries, a good value is not found, then
/// the coordinates of the output point are just set to a random number between -1 and 1.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xforms">The xforms array</param>
/// <param name="badVals">The counter for the total number of bad values this sub batch</param>
/// <param name="point">The point which initially had the bad values and which will store the newly computed values</param>
/// <param name="rand">The random context this iterator is using</param>
/// <returns>True if a good value was computed within 5 tries, else false</returns>
inline bool DoBadVals(Xform<T>* xforms, unsigned int& badVals, Point<T>* point, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
unsigned int xformIndex, consec = 0;
Point<T> firstBadPoint;
while (consec < 5)
firstBadPoint.m_X = rand.Frand11<T>();//Re-randomize points, but keep the computed color and viz.
firstBadPoint.m_Y = rand.Frand11<T>();
firstBadPoint.m_Z = 0;
firstBadPoint.m_ColorX = point->m_ColorX;
firstBadPoint.m_VizAdjusted = point->m_VizAdjusted;
xformIndex = NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand());
if (!xforms[xformIndex].Apply(&firstBadPoint, point, rand))
return true;
//After 5 tries, nothing worked, so just assign random values between -1 and 1.
if (consec == 5)
point->m_X = rand.Frand11<T>();
point->m_Y = rand.Frand11<T>();
point->m_Z = 0;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Apply the final xform.
/// Note that as stated in the paper, the output of the final xform is not fed back into the next iteration.
/// Rather, only the value computed from the randomly chosen xform is. However, the output of the final xform
/// is still saved in the output samples buffer and accumulated to the histogram later.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ember">The ember being iterated</param>
/// <param name="tempPoint">The input point</param>
/// <param name="sample">The output point</param>
/// <param name="rand">The random context to use.</param>
inline void DoFinalXform(Ember<T>& ember, Point<T>& tempPoint, Point<T>* sample, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
if (IsClose<T>(ember.FinalXform()->m_Opacity, 1) || rand.Frand01<T>() < ember.FinalXform()->m_Opacity)
T tempVizAdjusted = tempPoint.m_VizAdjusted;
ember.NonConstFinalXform()->Apply(&tempPoint, sample, rand);
sample->m_VizAdjusted = tempVizAdjusted;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve an element in the distributions vector between 0 and CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN which will
/// contain the index of the next xform to use. When xaos is prsent, the offset is the index in
/// the ember of the previous xform used when.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index to retrieve</param>
/// <param name="distribOffset">When xaos is prsent, the index of the previous xform used. Default: 0 (xaos not present).</param>
/// <returns></returns>
unsigned int NextXformFromIndex(unsigned int index, unsigned int distribOffset = 0)
return (unsigned int)m_XformDistributions[(index % CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN) + (CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN * distribOffset)];
vector<unsigned char> m_XformDistributions;
/// <summary>
/// Derived iterator class for embers whose xforms do not use xaos.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API StandardIterator : public Iterator<T>
/// <summary>
/// Empty constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Overridden virtual function which iterates an ember a given number of times and does not use xaos.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ember">The ember whose xforms will be applied</param>
/// <param name="count">The number of iterations to do</param>
/// <param name="skip">The number of times to fuse</param>
/// <param name="samples">The buffer to store the output points</param>
/// <param name="rand">The random context to use</param>
/// <returns>The number of bad values</returns>
virtual unsigned int Iterate(Ember<T>& ember, unsigned int count, unsigned int skip, Point<T>* samples, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
unsigned int i, badVals = 0;
Point<T> tempPoint, p1;
Xform<T>* xforms = ember.NonConstXforms();
if (ember.ProjBits())
if (ember.UseFinalXform())
p1 = samples[0];
for (i = 0; i < skip; i++)//Fuse.
if (xforms[NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand())].Apply(&p1, &p1, rand))
DoBadVals(xforms, badVals, &p1, rand);
DoFinalXform(ember, p1, samples, rand);//Apply to last fuse point and store as the first element in samples.
ember.Proj(samples[0], rand);
for (i = 1; i < count; i++)//Real loop.
if (xforms[NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand())].Apply(&p1, &p1, rand))
DoBadVals(xforms, badVals, &p1, rand);
DoFinalXform(ember, p1, samples + i, rand);
ember.Proj(samples[i], rand);
p1 = samples[0];
for (i = 0; i < skip; i++)//Fuse.
if (xforms[NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand())].Apply(&p1, &p1, rand))
DoBadVals(xforms, badVals, &p1, rand);
samples[0] = p1;
ember.Proj(samples[0], rand);
for (i = 1; i < count; i++)//Real loop.
if (xforms[NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand())].Apply(&p1, &samples[i], rand))
DoBadVals(xforms, badVals, samples + i, rand);
p1 = samples[i];
ember.Proj(samples[i], rand);
if (ember.UseFinalXform())
p1 = samples[0];
for (i = 0; i < skip; i++)//Fuse.
if (xforms[NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand())].Apply(&p1, &p1, rand))
DoBadVals(xforms, badVals, &p1, rand);
DoFinalXform(ember, p1, samples, rand);//Apply to last fuse point and store as the first element in samples.
for (i = 1; i < count; i++)//Real loop.
if (xforms[NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand())].Apply(&p1, &p1, rand))//Feed the resulting value of applying the randomly selected xform back into the next iter, and not the result of applying the final xform.
DoBadVals(xforms, badVals, &p1, rand);
DoFinalXform(ember, p1, samples + i, rand);
p1 = samples[0];
for (i = 0; i < skip; i++)//Fuse.
if (xforms[NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand())].Apply(&p1, &p1, rand))
DoBadVals(xforms, badVals, &p1, rand);
samples[0] = p1;
for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)//Real loop.
if (xforms[NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand())].Apply(samples + i, samples + i + 1, rand))
DoBadVals(xforms, badVals, samples + i + 1, rand);
return badVals;
/// <summary>
/// Derived iterator class for embers whose xforms use xaos.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class EMBER_API XaosIterator : public Iterator<T>
/// <summary>
/// Empty constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Handler for bad values similar to the one in the base class, except it takes the last xform used
/// as a parameter and saves the xform used back out because this iterator is meant to be used with xaos.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xforms">The xforms array</param>
/// <param name="xformIndex">Index of the last used xform before calling this function</param>
/// <param name="lastXformUsed">The saved index of the last xform used within this function</param>
/// <param name="badVals">The counter for the total number of bad values this sub batch</param>
/// <param name="point">The point which initially had the bad values and which will store the newly computed values</param>
/// <param name="rand">The random context this iterator is using</param>
/// <returns>True if a good value was computed within 5 tries, else false</returns>
inline bool DoBadVals(Xform<T>* xforms, unsigned int& xformIndex, unsigned int lastXformUsed, unsigned int& badVals, Point<T>* point, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
unsigned int consec = 0;
Point<T> firstBadPoint;
while (consec < 5)
firstBadPoint.m_X = rand.Frand11<T>();//Re-randomize points, but keep the computed color and viz.
firstBadPoint.m_Y = rand.Frand11<T>();
firstBadPoint.m_Z = 0;
firstBadPoint.m_ColorX = point->m_ColorX;
firstBadPoint.m_VizAdjusted = point->m_VizAdjusted;
xformIndex = NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand(), lastXformUsed);
if (!xforms[xformIndex].Apply(&firstBadPoint, point, rand))
return true;
//After 5 tries, nothing worked, so just assign random.
if (consec == 5)
point->m_X = rand.Frand11<T>();
point->m_Y = rand.Frand11<T>();
point->m_Z = 0;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Overridden virtual function which iterates an ember a given number of times and uses xaos.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ember">The ember whose xforms will be applied</param>
/// <param name="count">The number of iterations to do</param>
/// <param name="skip">The number of times to fuse</param>
/// <param name="samples">The buffer to store the output points</param>
/// <param name="rand">The random context to use</param>
/// <returns>The number of bad values</returns>
virtual unsigned int Iterate(Ember<T>& ember, unsigned int count, unsigned int skip, Point<T>* samples, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand)
unsigned int i, xformIndex;
unsigned int lastXformUsed = 0;
unsigned int badVals = 0;
Point<T> tempPoint, p1;
Xform<T>* xforms = ember.NonConstXforms();
if (ember.ProjBits())
if (ember.UseFinalXform())
p1 = samples[0];
for (i = 0; i < skip; i++)//Fuse.
xformIndex = NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand(), lastXformUsed);
if (xforms[xformIndex].Apply(&p1, &p1, rand))
DoBadVals(xforms, xformIndex, lastXformUsed, badVals, &p1, rand);
lastXformUsed = xformIndex + 1;//Store the last used transform.
DoFinalXform(ember, p1, samples, rand);//Apply to last fuse point and store as the first element in samples.
ember.Proj(samples[0], rand);
for (i = 1; i < count; i++)//Real loop.
xformIndex = NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand(), lastXformUsed);
if (xforms[xformIndex].Apply(&p1, &p1, rand))//Feed the resulting value of applying the randomly selected xform back into the next iter, and not the result of applying the final xform.
DoBadVals(xforms, xformIndex, lastXformUsed, badVals, &p1, rand);
DoFinalXform(ember, p1, samples + i, rand);
ember.Proj(samples[i], rand);
lastXformUsed = xformIndex + 1;//Store the last used transform.
p1 = samples[0];
for (i = 0; i < skip; i++)//Fuse.
xformIndex = NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand(), lastXformUsed);
if (xforms[xformIndex].Apply(&p1, &p1, rand))
DoBadVals(xforms, xformIndex, lastXformUsed, badVals, &p1, rand);
lastXformUsed = xformIndex + 1;//Store the last used transform.
ember.Proj(p1, rand);
samples[0] = p1;
for (i = 1; i < count; i++)//Real loop.
xformIndex = NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand(), lastXformUsed);
if (xforms[xformIndex].Apply(&p1, &p1, rand))
DoBadVals(xforms, xformIndex, lastXformUsed, badVals, &p1, rand);
samples[i] = p1;
ember.Proj(samples[i], rand);
lastXformUsed = xformIndex + 1;//Store the last used transform.
if (ember.UseFinalXform())
p1 = samples[0];
for (i = 0; i < skip; i++)//Fuse.
xformIndex = NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand(), lastXformUsed);
if (xforms[xformIndex].Apply(&p1, &p1, rand))
DoBadVals(xforms, xformIndex, lastXformUsed, badVals, &p1, rand);
lastXformUsed = xformIndex + 1;//Store the last used transform.
DoFinalXform(ember, p1, samples, rand);//Apply to last fuse point and store as the first element in samples.
for (i = 1; i < count; i++)//Real loop.
xformIndex = NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand(), lastXformUsed);
if (xforms[xformIndex].Apply(&p1, &p1, rand))//Feed the resulting value of applying the randomly selected xform back into the next iter, and not the result of applying the final xform.
DoBadVals(xforms, xformIndex, lastXformUsed, badVals, &p1, rand);
DoFinalXform(ember, p1, samples + i, rand);
lastXformUsed = xformIndex + 1;//Store the last used transform.
p1 = samples[0];
for (i = 0; i < skip; i++)//Fuse.
xformIndex = NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand(), lastXformUsed);
if (xforms[xformIndex].Apply(&p1, &p1, rand))
DoBadVals(xforms, xformIndex, lastXformUsed, badVals, &p1, rand);
lastXformUsed = xformIndex + 1;//Store the last used transform.
samples[0] = p1;
for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)//Real loop.
xformIndex = NextXformFromIndex(rand.Rand(), lastXformUsed);
if (xforms[xformIndex].Apply(samples + i, samples + i + 1, rand))
DoBadVals(xforms, xformIndex, lastXformUsed, badVals, samples + i + 1, rand);
lastXformUsed = xformIndex + 1;//Store the last used transform.
return badVals;