--User changes
-Support 4k monitors, and in general, properly scale any monitor that is not HD.
-Allow for a spatial filter of radius zero, which means do not use a spatial filter.
-Add new variations: concentric, cpow3, helicoid, helix, rand_cubes, sphereblur.
-Use a new method for computing elliptic which is more precise. Developed by Discord user Claude.
-Remove the 8 variation per xform limitation on the GPU.
-Allow for loading the last flame file on startup, rather than randoms.
-Use two different default quality values in the interactive renderer, one each for CPU and GPU.
-Creating linked xforms was using non-standard behavior. Make it match Apo and also support creating multiple linked xforms at once.
--Bug fixes
-No variations in an xform used to have the same behavior as a single linear variation with weight 1. While sensible, this breaks backward compatibility. No variations now sets the output point to zeroes.
-Prevent crashing the program when adjusting a value on the main window while a final render is in progress.
-The xaos table was inverted.
--Code changes
-Convert projects to Visual Studio 2017.
-Change bad vals from +- 1e10 to +-1e20.
-Reintroduce the symmetry tag in xforms for legacy support in programs that do not use color_speed.
-Compiler will not let us use default values in templated member functions anymore.
2017-11-26 20:27:00 -05:00
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>// Microsoft Visual C++ generated resource script.
#include <windows.h>
#include "resource.h"
// English (United States) resources
#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)
// Icon
// Icon with lowest ID value placed first to ensure application icon
// remains consistent on all systems.
IDI_ICON1 ICON "..\\..\\..\\Source\\Fractorium\\Icons\\Fractorium.ico"
// Version
2020-02-17 21:45:02 -05:00
FILEVERSION 1, 0, 0, 19
--User changes
-Support 4k monitors, and in general, properly scale any monitor that is not HD.
-Allow for a spatial filter of radius zero, which means do not use a spatial filter.
-Add new variations: concentric, cpow3, helicoid, helix, rand_cubes, sphereblur.
-Use a new method for computing elliptic which is more precise. Developed by Discord user Claude.
-Remove the 8 variation per xform limitation on the GPU.
-Allow for loading the last flame file on startup, rather than randoms.
-Use two different default quality values in the interactive renderer, one each for CPU and GPU.
-Creating linked xforms was using non-standard behavior. Make it match Apo and also support creating multiple linked xforms at once.
--Bug fixes
-No variations in an xform used to have the same behavior as a single linear variation with weight 1. While sensible, this breaks backward compatibility. No variations now sets the output point to zeroes.
-Prevent crashing the program when adjusting a value on the main window while a final render is in progress.
-The xaos table was inverted.
--Code changes
-Convert projects to Visual Studio 2017.
-Change bad vals from +- 1e10 to +-1e20.
-Reintroduce the symmetry tag in xforms for legacy support in programs that do not use color_speed.
-Compiler will not let us use default values in templated member functions anymore.
2017-11-26 20:27:00 -05:00
#ifdef _DEBUG
FILEOS 0x40004L
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904b0"
VALUE "CompanyName", "Open Source"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Qt-based fractal flames editor"
2020-02-17 21:45:02 -05:00
VALUE "FileVersion", "1, 0, 0, 19"
--User changes
-Support 4k monitors, and in general, properly scale any monitor that is not HD.
-Allow for a spatial filter of radius zero, which means do not use a spatial filter.
-Add new variations: concentric, cpow3, helicoid, helix, rand_cubes, sphereblur.
-Use a new method for computing elliptic which is more precise. Developed by Discord user Claude.
-Remove the 8 variation per xform limitation on the GPU.
-Allow for loading the last flame file on startup, rather than randoms.
-Use two different default quality values in the interactive renderer, one each for CPU and GPU.
-Creating linked xforms was using non-standard behavior. Make it match Apo and also support creating multiple linked xforms at once.
--Bug fixes
-No variations in an xform used to have the same behavior as a single linear variation with weight 1. While sensible, this breaks backward compatibility. No variations now sets the output point to zeroes.
-Prevent crashing the program when adjusting a value on the main window while a final render is in progress.
-The xaos table was inverted.
--Code changes
-Convert projects to Visual Studio 2017.
-Change bad vals from +- 1e10 to +-1e20.
-Reintroduce the symmetry tag in xforms for legacy support in programs that do not use color_speed.
-Compiler will not let us use default values in templated member functions anymore.
2017-11-26 20:27:00 -05:00
VALUE "InternalName", "Fractorium.exe"
2018-07-08 11:31:26 -04:00
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) Matt Feemster 2018, GPL v3"
--User changes
-Support 4k monitors, and in general, properly scale any monitor that is not HD.
-Allow for a spatial filter of radius zero, which means do not use a spatial filter.
-Add new variations: concentric, cpow3, helicoid, helix, rand_cubes, sphereblur.
-Use a new method for computing elliptic which is more precise. Developed by Discord user Claude.
-Remove the 8 variation per xform limitation on the GPU.
-Allow for loading the last flame file on startup, rather than randoms.
-Use two different default quality values in the interactive renderer, one each for CPU and GPU.
-Creating linked xforms was using non-standard behavior. Make it match Apo and also support creating multiple linked xforms at once.
--Bug fixes
-No variations in an xform used to have the same behavior as a single linear variation with weight 1. While sensible, this breaks backward compatibility. No variations now sets the output point to zeroes.
-Prevent crashing the program when adjusting a value on the main window while a final render is in progress.
-The xaos table was inverted.
--Code changes
-Convert projects to Visual Studio 2017.
-Change bad vals from +- 1e10 to +-1e20.
-Reintroduce the symmetry tag in xforms for legacy support in programs that do not use color_speed.
-Compiler will not let us use default values in templated member functions anymore.
2017-11-26 20:27:00 -05:00
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "Fractorium.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "Fractorium"
2020-02-17 21:45:02 -05:00
VALUE "ProductVersion", "1, 0, 0, 19"
--User changes
-Support 4k monitors, and in general, properly scale any monitor that is not HD.
-Allow for a spatial filter of radius zero, which means do not use a spatial filter.
-Add new variations: concentric, cpow3, helicoid, helix, rand_cubes, sphereblur.
-Use a new method for computing elliptic which is more precise. Developed by Discord user Claude.
-Remove the 8 variation per xform limitation on the GPU.
-Allow for loading the last flame file on startup, rather than randoms.
-Use two different default quality values in the interactive renderer, one each for CPU and GPU.
-Creating linked xforms was using non-standard behavior. Make it match Apo and also support creating multiple linked xforms at once.
--Bug fixes
-No variations in an xform used to have the same behavior as a single linear variation with weight 1. While sensible, this breaks backward compatibility. No variations now sets the output point to zeroes.
-Prevent crashing the program when adjusting a value on the main window while a final render is in progress.
-The xaos table was inverted.
--Code changes
-Convert projects to Visual Studio 2017.
-Change bad vals from +- 1e10 to +-1e20.
-Reintroduce the symmetry tag in xforms for legacy support in programs that do not use color_speed.
-Compiler will not let us use default values in templated member functions anymore.
2017-11-26 20:27:00 -05:00
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200
#endif // English (United States) resources
// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource.
#endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED