2014-07-08 03:11:14 -04:00
#include "FractoriumPch.h"
#include "Fractorium.h"
/// <summary>
/// Constructor that initializes the entire program.
/// The setup process is very lengthy because it requires many custom modifications
/// to the GUI widgets that are not possible to do through the designer. So if something
/// is present here, it's safe to assume it can't be done in the designer.
/// </summary>
Fractorium::Fractorium(QWidget* parent)
: QMainWindow(parent)
2014-07-26 15:03:51 -04:00
int spinHeight = 20, iconSize = 9;
size_t i = 0;
2014-07-08 03:11:14 -04:00
Timing t;
qRegisterMetaType<QVector<int>>("QVector<int>");//For previews.
qRegisterMetaType<vector<unsigned char>>("vector<unsigned char>");
m_FontSize = 9;
m_VarSortMode = 1;//Sort by weight by default.
m_ColorDialog = new QColorDialog(this);
m_Settings = new FractoriumSettings(this);
m_FileDialog = NULL;//Use lazy instantiation upon first use.
m_FolderDialog = NULL;
m_FinalRenderDialog = new FractoriumFinalRenderDialog(m_Settings, this);
m_OptionsDialog = new FractoriumOptionsDialog(m_Settings, this);
m_AboutDialog = new FractoriumAboutDialog(this);
//The options dialog should be a fixed size without a size grip, however even if it's here, it still shows up. Perhaps Qt will fix it some day.
connect(m_ColorDialog, SIGNAL(colorSelected(const QColor&)), this, SLOT(OnColorSelected(const QColor&)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
2014-07-26 15:03:51 -04:00
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0XFF, 0X00, 0X00);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0XCC, 0XCC, 0X00);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X00, 0XCC, 0X00);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X00, 0XCC, 0XCC);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X40, 0X40, 0XFF);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0XCC, 0X00, 0XCC);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0XCC, 0X80, 0X00);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X80, 0X00, 0X4F);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X80, 0X80, 0X22);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X60, 0X80, 0X60);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X50, 0X80, 0X80);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X4F, 0X4F, 0X80);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X80, 0X50, 0X80);
m_XformComboColors[i++] = QColor(0X80, 0X60, 0X22);
m_FinalXformComboColor = QColor(0x7F, 0x7F, 0x7F);
for (i = 0; i < XFORM_COLOR_COUNT; i++)
QPixmap pixmap(iconSize, iconSize);
m_XformComboIcons[i] = QIcon(pixmap);
QPixmap pixmap(iconSize, iconSize);
m_FinalXformComboIcon = QIcon(pixmap);
2014-07-08 03:11:14 -04:00
//This will init the controller and fill in the variations and palette tables with template specific instances
//of their respective objects.
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
if (m_Settings->Double())
m_Controller = auto_ptr<FractoriumEmberControllerBase>(new FractoriumEmberController<double>(this));
m_Controller = auto_ptr<FractoriumEmberControllerBase>(new FractoriumEmberController<float>(this));
if (m_Wrapper.CheckOpenCL() && m_Settings->OpenCL() && m_QualitySpin->value() < 30)
int statusBarHeight = 20;
m_RenderStatusLabel = new QLabel(this);
m_CoordinateStatusLabel = new QLabel(this);
int progressBarHeight = 15;
int progressBarWidth = 300;
m_ProgressBar = new QProgressBar(this);
m_ProgressBar->setRange(0, 100);
connect(ui.DockWidget, SIGNAL(dockLocationChanged(Qt::DockWidgetArea)), this, SLOT(dockLocationChanged(Qt::DockWidgetArea)));
connect(ui.DockWidget, SIGNAL(topLevelChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(OnDockTopLevelChanged(bool)));
//Always ensure the library tab is selected, which will show preview renders.
ui.XformsTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(2);//Make variations tab the currently selected one under the Xforms tab.
//Setting certain values will completely throw off the GUI, doing everything
//from setting strange margins, to arbitrarily changing the fonts used.
//For these cases, the only way to fix the problem is to use style sheets.
ui.ColorTable->setStyleSheet("QTableWidget::item { padding: 1px; }");
ui.GeometryTable->setStyleSheet("QTableWidget::item { padding: 1px; }");
ui.FilterTable->setStyleSheet("QTableWidget::item { padding: 1px; }");
ui.IterationTable->setStyleSheet("QTableWidget::item { padding: 1px; }");
ui.AffineTab->setStyleSheet("QTableWidget::item { padding: 1px; }");
ui.XformWeightNameTable->setStyleSheet("QTableWidget::item { padding: 0px; }");
ui.XformColorIndexTable->setStyleSheet("QTableWidget::item { padding: 1px; }");
ui.XformColorValuesTable->setStyleSheet("QTableWidget::item { padding: 1px; }");
ui.XformPaletteRefTable->setStyleSheet("QTableWidget::item { padding: 0px; border: none; margin: 0px; }");
ui.PaletteAdjustTable->setStyleSheet("QTableWidget::item { padding: 1px; }");//Need this to avoid covering the top border pixel with the spinners.
ui.statusBar->setStyleSheet("QStatusBar QLabel { padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; }");
m_PreviousPaletteRow = -1;//Force click handler the first time through.
//Setup pointer in the GL window to point back to here.
SetCoordinateStatus(0, 0, 0, 0);
//At this point, everything has been setup except the renderer. Shortly after
//this constructor exits, GLWidget::initializeGL() will create the initial flock and start the rendering timer
//which executes whenever the program is idle. Upon starting the timer, the renderer
//will be initialized.
/// <summary>
/// Destructor which saves out the settings file.
/// All other memory is cleared automatically through the use of STL.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Stop the render timer and start the delayed restart timer.
/// This is a massive hack because Qt has no way of detecting when a resize event
/// is started and stopped. Detecting if mouse buttons down is also not an option
/// because the documentation says it gives the wrong result.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::Resize()
if (!QCoreApplication::closingDown())
/// <summary>
/// Set the coordinate text in the status bar.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The raster x coordinate</param>
/// <param name="y">The raster y coordinate</param>
/// <param name="worldX">The cartesian world x coordinate</param>
/// <param name="worldY">The cartesian world y coordinate</param>
void Fractorium::SetCoordinateStatus(int x, int y, float worldX, float worldY)
//Use sprintf rather than allocating and concatenating 6 QStrings for efficiency since this is called on every mouse move.
sprintf_s(m_CoordinateString, 128, "Window: %4d, %4d World: %2.2f, %2.2f", x, y, worldX, worldY);
/// <summary>
/// Apply the settings for saving an ember to an Xml file to an ember (presumably about to be saved).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ember">The ember to apply the settings to</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::ApplyXmlSavingTemplate(Ember<T>& ember)
ember.m_FinalRasW = m_Fractorium->m_Settings->XmlWidth();
ember.m_FinalRasH = m_Fractorium->m_Settings->XmlHeight();
ember.m_TemporalSamples = m_Fractorium->m_Settings->XmlTemporalSamples();
ember.m_Quality = m_Fractorium->m_Settings->XmlQuality();
ember.m_Supersample = m_Fractorium->m_Settings->XmlSupersample();
/// <summary>
/// Return whether the current ember contains a final xform and the GUI is aware of it.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the current ember contains a final xform, else false.</returns>
bool Fractorium::HaveFinal()
QComboBox* combo = ui.CurrentXformCombo;
return (combo->count() > 0 && combo->itemText(combo->count() - 1) == "Final");
/// <summary>
/// Slots.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Empty placeholder for now.
/// Qt has a severe bug where the dock gets hidden behind the window.
/// Perhaps this will be used in the future if Qt ever fixes that bug.
/// Called when the top level dock is changed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="topLevel">True if top level, else false.</param>
void Fractorium::OnDockTopLevelChanged(bool topLevel)
//if (topLevel)
// if (ui.DockWidget->y() <= 0)
// ui.DockWidget->setGeometry(ui.DockWidget->x(), ui.DockWidget->y() + 100, ui.DockWidget->width(), ui.DockWidget->height());
// ui.DockWidget->setFloating(true);
// ui.DockWidget->setFloating(false);
/// <summary>
/// Empty placeholder for now.
/// Qt has a severe bug where the dock gets hidden behind the window.
/// Perhaps this will be used in the future if Qt ever fixes that bug.
/// Called when the dock location is changed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="area">The dock widget area</param>
void Fractorium::dockLocationChanged(Qt::DockWidgetArea area)
//ui.DockWidget->resize(500, ui.DockWidget->height());
/// <summary>
/// Virtual event overrides.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Resize event, just pass to base.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The event</param>
void Fractorium::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e)
/// <summary>
/// Stop rendering and block before exiting.
/// Called on program exit.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The event</param>
void Fractorium::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* e)
if (m_Controller.get())
m_Controller->StopRenderTimer(true);//Will wait until fully exited and stopped.
if (e)
/// <summary>
/// Examine the files dragged when it first enters the window area.
/// Ok if at least one file is .flam3, .flam3 or .xml, else not ok.
/// Called when the user first drags files in.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The event</param>
void Fractorium::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* e)
if (e->mimeData()->hasUrls())
foreach (QUrl url, e->mimeData()->urls())
QString localFile = url.toLocalFile();
QFileInfo fileInfo(localFile);
QString suf = fileInfo.suffix();
if (suf == "flam3" || suf == "flame" || suf == "xml")
/// <summary>
/// Always accept drag when moving, so that the drop event will correctly be called.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The event</param>
void Fractorium::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent* e)
/// <summary>
/// Examine and open the dropped files.
/// Called when the user drops a file in.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The event</param>
void Fractorium::dropEvent(QDropEvent* e)
QStringList filenames;
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mod = e->keyboardModifiers();
bool append = mod.testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier) ? true : false;
if (e->mimeData()->hasUrls())
foreach (QUrl url, e->mimeData()->urls())
QString localFile = url.toLocalFile();
QFileInfo fileInfo(localFile);
QString suf = fileInfo.suffix();
if (suf == "flam3" || suf == "flame" || suf == "xml")
filenames << localFile;
if (!filenames.empty())
m_Controller->OpenAndPrepFiles(filenames, append);
/// <summary>
/// Setup a combo box to be placed in a table cell.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="table">The table the combo box belongs to</param>
/// <param name="receiver">The receiver object</param>
/// <param name="row">The row in the table where this combo box resides</param>
/// <param name="col">The col in the table where this combo box resides</param>
/// <param name="comboBox">Double pointer to combo box which will hold the spinner upon exit</param>
/// <param name="vals">The string values to populate the combo box with</param>
/// <param name="signal">The signal the combo box emits</param>
/// <param name="slot">The slot to receive the signal</param>
/// <param name="connectionType">Type of the connection. Default: Qt::QueuedConnection.</param>
void Fractorium::SetupCombo(QTableWidget* table, const QObject* receiver, int& row, int col, StealthComboBox*& comboBox, vector<string>& vals, const char* signal, const char* slot, Qt::ConnectionType connectionType)
comboBox = new StealthComboBox(table);
Numerous fixes Beta 07/18/2014
--User Changes
Allow for vibrancy values > 1.
Add flatten and unflatten menu items.
Automatically flatten like Apophysis does.
Add plugin and new_linear tags to Xml to be compatible with Apophysis.
--Bug Fixes
Fix blur, blur3d, bubble, cropn, cross, curl, curl3d, epispiral, ho,
julia3d, julia3dz, loonie, mirror_x, mirror_y, mirror_z, rotate_x,
sinusoidal, spherical, spherical3d, stripes.
Unique filename on final render was completely broken.
Two severe OpenCL bugs. Random seeds were biased and fusing was being
reset too often leading to results that differ from the CPU.
Subtle, but sometimes severe bug in the setup of the xaos weights.
Use properly defined epsilon by getting the value from
std::numeric_limits, rather than hard coding 1e-6 or 1e-10.
Omit incorrect usage of epsilon everywhere. It should not be
automatically added to denominators. Rather, it should only be used if
the denominator is zero.
Force final render progress bars to 100 on completion. Sometimes they
didn't seem to make it there.
Make variation name and params comparisons be case insensitive.
--Code Changes
Make ForEach and FindIf wrappers around std::for_each and std::find_if.
2014-07-19 02:33:18 -04:00
ForEach(vals, [&](string s) { comboBox->addItem(s.c_str()); });
2014-07-08 03:11:14 -04:00
table->setCellWidget(row, col, comboBox);
connect(comboBox, signal, receiver, slot, connectionType);
/// <summary>
/// Set the header of a table to be fixed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="header">The header to set</param>
/// <param name="mode">The resizing mode to use. Default: QHeaderView::Fixed.</param>
void Fractorium::SetFixedTableHeader(QHeaderView* header, QHeaderView::ResizeMode mode)
header->setVisible(true);//For some reason, the designer keeps clobbering this value, so force it here.
/// <summary>
/// Setup and show the open XML dialog.
/// This will perform lazy instantiation.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The filename selected</returns>
QStringList Fractorium::SetupOpenXmlDialog()
//Lazy instantiate since it takes a long time.
if (!m_FileDialog)
m_FileDialog = new QFileDialog(this);
if (!m_FileDialog)
return QStringList("");
QStringList filenames;
m_FileDialog->disconnect(SIGNAL(filterSelected(const QString&)));
connect(m_FileDialog, &QFileDialog::filterSelected, [=](const QString &filter) { m_Settings->OpenXmlExt(filter); });
m_FileDialog->setNameFilter("Flam3 (*.flam3);;Flame (*.flame);;Xml (*.xml)");
m_FileDialog->setWindowTitle("Open flame");
if (m_FileDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
filenames = m_FileDialog->selectedFiles();
if (!filenames.empty())
return filenames;
/// <summary>
/// Setup and show the save XML dialog.
/// This will perform lazy instantiation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="defaultFilename">The default filename to populate the text box with</param>
/// <returns>The filename selected</returns>
QString Fractorium::SetupSaveXmlDialog(QString defaultFilename)
//Lazy instantiate since it takes a long time.
if (!m_FileDialog)
m_FileDialog = new QFileDialog(this);
if (!m_FileDialog)
return "";
QString filename;
m_FileDialog->disconnect(SIGNAL(filterSelected(const QString&)));
connect(m_FileDialog, &QFileDialog::filterSelected, [=](const QString &filter) { m_Settings->SaveXmlExt(filter); });
//This must come first because it clears various internal states which allow the file text to be properly set.
//This is most likely a bug in QFileDialog.
m_FileDialog->setNameFilter("Flam3 (*.flam3);;Flame (*.flame);;Xml (*.xml)");
m_FileDialog->setWindowTitle("Save flame as xml");
if (m_FileDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
filename = m_FileDialog->selectedFiles().value(0);
return filename;
/// <summary>
/// Setup and show the save image dialog.
/// This will perform lazy instantiation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="defaultFilename">The default filename to populate the text box with</param>
/// <returns>The filename selected</returns>
QString Fractorium::SetupSaveImageDialog(QString defaultFilename)
//Lazy instantiate since it takes a long time.
if (!m_FileDialog)
m_FileDialog = new QFileDialog(this);
if (!m_FileDialog)
return "";
QString filename;
m_FileDialog->disconnect(SIGNAL(filterSelected(const QString&)));
connect(m_FileDialog, &QFileDialog::filterSelected, [=](const QString &filter) { m_Settings->SaveImageExt(filter); });
//This must come first because it clears various internal states which allow the file text to be properly set.
//This is most likely a bug in QFileDialog.
m_FileDialog->setOption(QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly, false);
m_FileDialog->setOption(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog, false);
m_FileDialog->setNameFilter("Jpeg (*.jpg);;Png (*.png);;Bmp (*.bmp)");
m_FileDialog->setWindowTitle("Save image");
if (m_FileDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
filename = m_FileDialog->selectedFiles().value(0);
return filename;
/// <summary>
/// Setup and show the save folder dialog.
/// This will perform lazy instantiation.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The folder selected</returns>
QString Fractorium::SetupSaveFolderDialog()
//Lazy instantiate since it takes a long time.
if (!m_FolderDialog)
m_FolderDialog = new QFileDialog(this);
if (!m_FolderDialog)
return "";
QString filename;
//This must come first because it clears various internal states which allow the file text to be properly set.
//This is most likely a bug in QFileDialog.
m_FolderDialog->setOption(QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly, true);
m_FolderDialog->setOption(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog, true);
m_FolderDialog->setWindowTitle("Save to folder");
if (m_FolderDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
filename = m_FolderDialog->selectedFiles().value(0);
return filename;
/// <summary>
/// This is no longer needed and was used to compensate for a different bug
/// however the code is interesting, so keep it around for possible future use.
/// This was used to correct a rotation bug where matrix rotation comes out in the wrong direction
/// if x1, y1 (a & d) are on the left side of the line from 0,0 to
/// x2, y2 (b, e). In that case, the angle must be flipped. In order
/// to determine which side of the line it's on, create a mat2
/// and find its determinant. Values > 0 are on the left side of the line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="affine">The affine.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
int Fractorium::FlipDet(Affine2D<float>& affine)
float x1 = affine.A();
float y1 = affine.D();
float x2 = affine.B();
float y2 = affine.E();
//Just make the other end of the line be the center of the circle.
glm::mat2 mat( 0 - x1, 0 - y1,//Col 0.
x2 - x1, y2 - y1);//Col 1.
return (glm::determinant(mat) > 0) ? -1 : 1;
//template<typename spinType, typename valType>//See note at the end of Fractorium.h
//void Fractorium::SetupSpinner(QTableWidget* table, const QObject* receiver, int& row, int col, spinType*& spinBox, int height, valType min, valType max, valType step, const char* signal, const char* slot, bool incRow, valType val, valType doubleClickZero, valType doubleClickNonZero)
// spinBox = new spinType(table, height, step);
// spinBox->setRange(min, max);
// spinBox->setValue(val);
// table->setCellWidget(row, col, spinBox);
// if (string(signal) != "" && string(slot) != "")
// connect(spinBox, signal, receiver, slot, connectionType);
// if (doubleClickNonZero != -999 && doubleClickZero != -999)
// {
// spinBox->DoubleClick(true);
// spinBox->DoubleClickZero((valType)doubleClickZero);
// spinBox->DoubleClickNonZero((valType)doubleClickNonZero);
// }
// if (incRow)
// row++;