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#pragma once
#include "Variation.h"
namespace EmberNs
/// <summary>
/// Gnarly.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class GnarlyVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
GnarlyVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("gnarly", eVariationId::VAR_GNARLY, weight)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T Vx, Vy;
T Cx, Cy;
T Lx, Ly;
T r, theta, s, c;
Vx = helper.In.x;
Vy = helper.In.y;
if (m_GnarlyCellSize != T(0))
Cx = (Floor<T>(Vx / m_GnarlyCellSize) + T(0.5)) * m_GnarlyCellSize;
Cy = (Floor<T>(Vy / m_GnarlyCellSize) + T(0.5)) * m_GnarlyCellSize;
Lx = Vx - Cx;
Ly = Vy - Cy;
if ((Lx * Lx + Ly * Ly) <= m_R2)
r = (Lx * Lx + Ly * Ly) / m_R2;
theta = m_GnarlyTwist * std::log(r);
sincos(theta, &s, &c);
Vx = Cx + c * Lx + s * Ly;
Vy = Cy - s * Lx + c * Ly;
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * Vx;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * Vy;
helper.Out.z = DefaultZ(helper);
virtual string OpenCLString() const override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
intmax_t i = 0;
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string weight = WeightDefineString();
string cellsize = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string twist = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string r2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t Vx, Vy, Cx, Cy, Lx, Ly, Lxy;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r, theta, s, c;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tVx = vIn.x;\n"
<< "\t\tVy = vIn.y;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (" << cellsize << " != (real_t)(0))\n"
<< "\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t\tCx = (floor(Vx / " << cellsize << ") + (real_t)(0.5)) * " << cellsize << ";\n"
<< "\t\t\tCy = (floor(Vy / " << cellsize << ") + (real_t)(0.5)) * " << cellsize << ";\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t\tLx = Vx - Cx;\n"
<< "\t\t\tLy = Vy - Cy;\n"
<< "\t\t\tLxy = fma(Lx, Lx, Ly * Ly);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\t\tif (Lxy <= " << r2 << ")\n"
<< "\t\t\t{\n"
<< "\t\t\t\tr = Lxy / " << r2 << ";\n"
<< "\t\t\t\ttheta = " << twist << " * log(r);\n"
<< "\t\t\t\ts = sin(theta);\n"
<< "\t\t\t\tc = cos(theta);\n"
<< "\t\t\t\tVx = Cx + c * Lx + s * Ly;\n"
<< "\t\t\t\tVy = Cy - s * Lx + c * Ly;\n"
<< "\t\t\t}\n"
<< "\t\t}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = " << weight << " * Vx;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = " << weight << " * Vy;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = " << DefaultZCl()
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc() override
T radius = T(0.5) * m_GnarlyCellSize;
m_R2 = Zeps(SQR(radius));
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_GnarlyCellSize, prefix + "gnarly_cellsize", T(1)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_GnarlyTwist, prefix + "gnarly_twist", T(1)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_R2, prefix + "gnarly_r2"));//Precalc.
T m_GnarlyCellSize;
T m_GnarlyTwist;
T m_R2;//Precalc.
/// <summary>
/// inkdrop by Jess.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class InkdropVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
InkdropVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("inkdrop", eVariationId::VAR_INKDROP, weight)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T distx = helper.In.x - m_X;
T disty = helper.In.y - m_Y;
T dist2 = SQR(distx) + SQR(disty);
T adjust = std::sqrt(dist2 + m_Rad2) - std::sqrt(dist2);
T bearing = std::atan2(disty, distx);
T x = helper.In.x + (std::cos(bearing) * adjust);
T y = helper.In.y + (std::sin(bearing) * adjust);
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * x;
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * y;
helper.Out.z = DefaultZ(helper);
virtual string OpenCLString() const override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
intmax_t i = 0;
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string weight = WeightDefineString();
string r = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string rad2 = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t distx = vIn.x - " << x << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t disty = vIn.y - " << y << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t dist2 = SQR(distx) + SQR(disty);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t adjust = sqrt(dist2 + " << rad2 << ") - sqrt(dist2);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t bearing = atan2(disty, distx);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = fma(cos(bearing), adjust, vIn.x);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = fma(sin(bearing), adjust, vIn.y);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = " << weight << " * x;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = " << weight << " * y;\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = " << DefaultZCl()
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc() override
m_Rad2 = SQR(m_R);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_R, prefix + "inkdrop_r", T(0.5), eParamType::REAL, 0));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_X, prefix + "inkdrop_x"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Y, prefix + "inkdrop_y"));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_Rad2, prefix + "inkdrop_rad2"));//Precalc.
T m_R;
T m_X;
T m_Y;
T m_Rad2;//Precalc.
/// <summary>
/// hex_modulus.
/// By tatasz.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class HexModulusVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
HexModulusVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("hex_modulus", eVariationId::VAR_HEX_MODULUS, weight)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
//get hex
T X = helper.In.x * m_HsizePrecalc;
T Y = helper.In.y * m_HsizePrecalc;
T yover3 = Y / 3;
T x = M_SQRT3_3 * X - yover3;
T z = T(2.0) * yover3;
T y = -x - z;
T rx = std::round(x);
T ry = std::round(y);
T rz = std::round(z);
T x_diff = std::abs(rx - x);
T y_diff = std::abs(ry - y);
T z_diff = std::abs(rz - z);
if ((x_diff > y_diff) & (x_diff > z_diff))
rx = -ry - rz;
else if (y_diff > z_diff)
ry = -rx - rz;
rz = -rx - ry;
T FX_h = M_SQRT3 * rx + M_SQRT3_2 * rz;
T FY_h = T(1.5) * rz;
T FX = X - FX_h;
T FY = Y - FY_h;
helper.Out.x = FX * m_WeightPrecalc;
helper.Out.y = FY * m_WeightPrecalc;
helper.Out.z = DefaultZ(helper);
virtual string OpenCLString() const override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
intmax_t i = 0;
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string weight = WeightDefineString();
string size = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string hsizeprecalc = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string weightprecalc = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\t//get hex\n"
<< "\t\treal_t X = vIn.x * " << hsizeprecalc << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t Y = vIn.y * " << hsizeprecalc << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t yover3 = Y / (real_t)(3.0);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = fma(M_SQRT3_3, X, -yover3);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t z = (real_t)(2.0) * yover3;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = -x - z;\n"
<< "\t\t//round\n"
<< "\t\treal_t rx = round(x);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t ry = round(y);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t rz = round(z);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x_diff = fabs(rx - x);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y_diff = fabs(ry - y);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t z_diff = fabs(rz - z);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif ((x_diff > y_diff) & (x_diff > z_diff))\n"
<< "\t\trx = -ry - rz;\n"
<< "\t\telse if (y_diff > z_diff)\n"
<< "\t\try = -rx - rz;\n"
<< "\t\telse\n"
<< "\t\trz = -rx - ry;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t FX_h = fma(M_SQRT3, rx, M_SQRT3_2 * rz);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t FY_h = (real_t)(1.5) * rz;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t FX = X - FX_h;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t FY = Y - FY_h;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.x = FX * " << weightprecalc << ";\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.y = FY * " << weightprecalc << ";\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = " << DefaultZCl()
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual void Precalc() override
m_HsizePrecalc = M_SQRT3_2 / Zeps(m_Size);
m_WeightPrecalc = m_Weight / M_SQRT3_2;
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Size, prefix + "hex_modulus_size", T(1.0)));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_HsizePrecalc, prefix + "hex_modulus_hsize_precalc"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_WeightPrecalc, prefix + "hex_modulus_weight_precalc"));
T m_Size;
T m_HsizePrecalc;//Precalc.
T m_WeightPrecalc;
--User changes -Remove the Type field from the variations tree and instead just put the type indicator icon next to the variation name. -Double clicking to toggle variation parameter spinners now resets the value to the default if there is one, else it uses zero. If it is already using the default, it is toggled to 0. -Add a new button to toggle xaos on and off. -When duplicating a flame, insert it immediately after the one being duplicated instead of at the end of the file. -When switching between flames in a file, keep the same xform index selected rather than resetting it to the first xform each time. -Create a threaded writer for the final render and EmberAnimate so the rendering process does not get delayed by file saving which may take a long time. -Remove warning which said "Frames per rot cannot be greater than one while Rotations is zero" when generating a sequence. -Add the Circle_Rand variation from Chaotica. -Add tool tips to clarify the following items: --Auto Unique Filenames checkbox in the options dialog. --Xaos table headers. --Bug fixes -Generating sequences using the following variations would be done incorrectly: circletrans1, collideoscope, crob, curlsp, glynnsim1, glynnsim2, hypercrop, julian, julian, mobiusn, nblur, waves2, wavesn. -Adding/removing nodes from the color curve had accidentally been disabled. -The applied xaos weight table was not showing normalized weight values. -Changing the size of a flame was not observing the Apply To All checkbox. -Do not clamp the Rotate field to +/-180, because this causes the rotation to switch from CW to CCW during sequence generation. Instead, leave it exactly as the user entered it so the rotations proceed in the same direction.
2023-11-22 00:58:22 -05:00
/// <summary>
/// Circle_Rand.
/// A new version of CircleRand from Chaotica by tatasz.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
class Circle_RandVariation : public ParametricVariation<T>
Circle_RandVariation(T weight = 1.0) : ParametricVariation<T>("Circle_Rand", eVariationId::VAR_CIRCLE_RAND, weight)
virtual void Func(IteratorHelper<T>& helper, Point<T>& outPoint, QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>& rand) override
T a = rand.Frand01<T>() * M_2PI;
T r = std::sqrt(rand.Frand01<T>());
T x = 2 * (Floor(rand.Frand01<T>() * m_SideX * 2 + T(0.5)) - m_SideX);
T y = 2 * (Floor(rand.Frand01<T>() * m_SideY * 2 + T(0.5)) - m_SideY);
T ret;
if (VarFuncs<T>::HashShadertoy(y, x, m_Seed) < m_Dens)
ret = m_Size * r * std::exp(std::log(VarFuncs<T>::HashShadertoy(x, y, m_Seed)) * m_Power);
ret = 0;
if (ret > 0)
helper.Out.x = m_Weight * (std::cos(a) * ret + x);
helper.Out.y = m_Weight * (std::sin(a) * ret + y);
helper.Out.z = DefaultZ(helper);
virtual string OpenCLString() const override
ostringstream ss, ss2;
intmax_t i = 0;
ss2 << "_" << XformIndexInEmber() << "]";
string index = ss2.str();
string weight = WeightDefineString();
string x = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string y = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string size = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string power = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string density = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string seed = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string sidex = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
string sidey = "parVars[" + ToUpper(m_Params[i++].Name()) + index;
ss << "\t{\n"
<< "\t\treal_t seed = " << seed << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sidex = " << sidex << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t sidey = " << sidey << ";\n"
<< "\t\treal_t a = MwcNext01(mwc) * M_2PI;\n"
<< "\t\treal_t r = sqrt(MwcNext01(mwc));\n"
<< "\t\treal_t x = 2 * (floor(MwcNext01(mwc) * sidex * 2 + (real_t)(0.5)) - sidex);\n"
<< "\t\treal_t y = 2 * (floor(MwcNext01(mwc) * sidey * 2 + (real_t)(0.5)) - sidey);\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\treal_t ret;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (HashShadertoy(y, x, seed) < " << density << ")\n"
<< "\t\t ret = " << size << " * r * exp(log(HashShadertoy(x, y, seed)) * " << power << ");\n"
<< "\t\telse"
<< "\t\t ret = (real_t)(0.0);"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tif (ret > (real_t)(0.0))\n"
<< "\t\t{"
<< "\t\t vOut.x = " << weight << " * fma((real_t)(cos(a)), ret, x);\n"
<< "\t\t vOut.y = " << weight << " * fma((real_t)(sin(a)), ret, y);\n"
<< "\t\t}"
<< "\n"
<< "\t\tvOut.z = " << DefaultZCl()
<< "\t}\n";
return ss.str();
virtual vector<string> OpenCLGlobalFuncNames() const override
return vector<string> { "Fract", "HashShadertoy" };
virtual void Precalc() override
m_SideX = m_X * T(0.5);
m_SideY = m_Y * T(0.5);
void Init()
string prefix = Prefix();
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_X, prefix + "Circle_Rand_X", 10));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Y, prefix + "Circle_Rand_Y", 10));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Size, prefix + "Circle_Rand_size", 1, eParamType::REAL, 0));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Power, prefix + "Circle_Rand_power", 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Dens, prefix + "Circle_Rand_density", 1, eParamType::REAL, 0, 1));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(&m_Seed, prefix + "Circle_Rand_seed", 1, eParamType::REAL));
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_SideX, prefix + "Circle_Rand_side_x"));//Precalc.
m_Params.push_back(ParamWithName<T>(true, &m_SideY, prefix + "Circle_Rand_side_y"));
T m_X;
T m_Y;
T m_Size;
T m_Power;
T m_Dens;
T m_Seed;
T m_SideX;//Precalc.
T m_SideY;
--User changes -Remove the Type field from the variations tree and instead just put the type indicator icon next to the variation name. -Double clicking to toggle variation parameter spinners now resets the value to the default if there is one, else it uses zero. If it is already using the default, it is toggled to 0. -Add a new button to toggle xaos on and off. -When duplicating a flame, insert it immediately after the one being duplicated instead of at the end of the file. -When switching between flames in a file, keep the same xform index selected rather than resetting it to the first xform each time. -Create a threaded writer for the final render and EmberAnimate so the rendering process does not get delayed by file saving which may take a long time. -Remove warning which said "Frames per rot cannot be greater than one while Rotations is zero" when generating a sequence. -Add the Circle_Rand variation from Chaotica. -Add tool tips to clarify the following items: --Auto Unique Filenames checkbox in the options dialog. --Xaos table headers. --Bug fixes -Generating sequences using the following variations would be done incorrectly: circletrans1, collideoscope, crob, curlsp, glynnsim1, glynnsim2, hypercrop, julian, julian, mobiusn, nblur, waves2, wavesn. -Adding/removing nodes from the color curve had accidentally been disabled. -The applied xaos weight table was not showing normalized weight values. -Changing the size of a flame was not observing the Apply To All checkbox. -Do not clamp the Rotate field to +/-180, because this causes the rotation to switch from CW to CCW during sequence generation. Instead, leave it exactly as the user entered it so the rotations proceed in the same direction.
2023-11-22 00:58:22 -05:00