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#include "FractoriumPch.h"
#include "Fractorium.h"
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the xforms affine UI.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::InitXformsAffineUI()
int affinePrec = 6, spinHeight = 20;
double affineStep = 0.01, affineMin = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(), affineMax = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
auto table = ui.PreAffineTable;
2015-05-15 21:45:15 -04:00
table->verticalHeader()->setVisible(true);//The designer continually clobbers these values, so must manually set them here.
connect(table->verticalHeader(), SIGNAL(sectionDoubleClicked(int)), this, SLOT(OnPreAffineRowDoubleClicked(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
2015-05-15 21:45:15 -04:00
connect(table->horizontalHeader(), SIGNAL(sectionDoubleClicked(int)), this, SLOT(OnPreAffineColDoubleClicked(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
//Pre affine spinners.
SetupAffineSpinner(table, this, 0, 0, m_PreX1Spin, spinHeight, affineMin, affineMax, affineStep, affinePrec, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnX1Changed(double)));
SetupAffineSpinner(table, this, 0, 1, m_PreX2Spin, spinHeight, affineMin, affineMax, affineStep, affinePrec, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnX2Changed(double)));
SetupAffineSpinner(table, this, 1, 0, m_PreY1Spin, spinHeight, affineMin, affineMax, affineStep, affinePrec, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnY1Changed(double)));
SetupAffineSpinner(table, this, 1, 1, m_PreY2Spin, spinHeight, affineMin, affineMax, affineStep, affinePrec, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnY2Changed(double)));
SetupAffineSpinner(table, this, 2, 0, m_PreO1Spin, spinHeight, affineMin, affineMax, affineStep, affinePrec, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnO1Changed(double)));
SetupAffineSpinner(table, this, 2, 1, m_PreO2Spin, spinHeight, affineMin, affineMax, affineStep, affinePrec, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnO2Changed(double)));
table = ui.PostAffineTable;
2015-05-15 21:45:15 -04:00
table->verticalHeader()->setVisible(true);//The designer continually clobbers these values, so must manually set them here.
connect(table->verticalHeader(), SIGNAL(sectionDoubleClicked(int)), this, SLOT(OnPostAffineRowDoubleClicked(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(table->horizontalHeader(), SIGNAL(sectionDoubleClicked(int)), this, SLOT(OnPostAffineColDoubleClicked(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
//Post affine spinners.
SetupAffineSpinner(table, this, 0, 0, m_PostX1Spin, spinHeight, affineMin, affineMax, affineStep, affinePrec, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnX1Changed(double)));
SetupAffineSpinner(table, this, 0, 1, m_PostX2Spin, spinHeight, affineMin, affineMax, affineStep, affinePrec, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnX2Changed(double)));
SetupAffineSpinner(table, this, 1, 0, m_PostY1Spin, spinHeight, affineMin, affineMax, affineStep, affinePrec, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnY1Changed(double)));
SetupAffineSpinner(table, this, 1, 1, m_PostY2Spin, spinHeight, affineMin, affineMax, affineStep, affinePrec, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnY2Changed(double)));
SetupAffineSpinner(table, this, 2, 0, m_PostO1Spin, spinHeight, affineMin, affineMax, affineStep, affinePrec, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnO1Changed(double)));
SetupAffineSpinner(table, this, 2, 1, m_PostO2Spin, spinHeight, affineMin, affineMax, affineStep, affinePrec, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnO2Changed(double)));
auto preRotateVal = new QDoubleValidator(ui.PreRotateCombo); preRotateVal->setLocale(QLocale::system());
auto preMoveVal = new QDoubleValidator(ui.PreMoveCombo); preMoveVal->setLocale(QLocale::system());
auto preScaleVal = new QDoubleValidator(ui.PreScaleCombo); preScaleVal->setLocale(QLocale::system());
auto postRotateVal = new QDoubleValidator(ui.PostRotateCombo); postRotateVal->setLocale(QLocale::system());
auto postMoveVal = new QDoubleValidator(ui.PostMoveCombo); postMoveVal->setLocale(QLocale::system());
auto postScaleVal = new QDoubleValidator(ui.PostScaleCombo); postScaleVal->setLocale(QLocale::system());
QStringList moveList;
connect(ui.PreFlipHorizontalButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnFlipHorizontalButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PreFlipVerticalButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnFlipVerticalButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PreRotate90CButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnRotate90CButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PreRotate90CcButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnRotate90CcButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PreRotateCButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnRotateCButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PreRotateCcButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnRotateCcButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PreMoveUpButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnMoveUpButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PreMoveDownButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnMoveDownButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PreMoveLeftButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnMoveLeftButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PreMoveRightButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnMoveRightButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PreScaleDownButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnScaleDownButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PreScaleUpButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnScaleUpButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PreResetButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnResetAffineButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PreRandomButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnRandomAffineButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostFlipHorizontalButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnFlipHorizontalButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostFlipVerticalButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnFlipVerticalButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostRotate90CcButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnRotate90CcButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostRotateCcButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnRotateCcButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostRotateCButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnRotateCButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostRotate90CButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnRotate90CButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostMoveUpButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnMoveUpButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostMoveDownButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnMoveDownButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostMoveLeftButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnMoveLeftButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostMoveRightButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnMoveRightButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostScaleDownButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnScaleDownButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostScaleUpButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnScaleUpButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostResetButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnResetAffineButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostRandomButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnRandomAffineButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PreAffineGroupBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAffineGroupBoxToggled(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PostAffineGroupBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAffineGroupBoxToggled(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ShowPreAffineAllRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAffineDrawAllCurrentRadioButtonToggled(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ShowPreAffineCurrentRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAffineDrawAllCurrentRadioButtonToggled(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ShowPostAffineAllRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAffineDrawAllCurrentRadioButtonToggled(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ShowPostAffineCurrentRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAffineDrawAllCurrentRadioButtonToggled(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.PolarAffineCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnPolarAffineCheckBoxStateChanged(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
#ifndef _WIN32
//For some reason linux makes these 24x24, even though the designer explicitly says 16x16.
//Also, in order to get 4 pixels of spacing between elements in the grid layout, 0 must be specified.
ui.PreFlipHorizontalButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PreFlipVerticalButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PreRotate90CButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PreRotate90CcButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PreRotateCButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PreRotateCcButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PreMoveUpButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PreMoveDownButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PreMoveLeftButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PreMoveRightButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PreScaleDownButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PreScaleUpButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PreResetButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PostFlipHorizontalButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PostFlipVerticalButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PostRotate90CButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PostRotate90CcButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PostRotateCButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PostRotateCcButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PostMoveUpButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PostMoveDownButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PostMoveLeftButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PostMoveRightButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PostScaleDownButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PostScaleUpButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.PostResetButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
//Further, the size of the dock widget won't be properly adjusted until the xforms tab is shown.
//So show it here and it will be switched back in Fractorium's constructor.
2014-12-12 05:37:29 -05:00
//Placing pointers to the spin boxes in arrays makes them easier to access in various places.
m_PreSpins[0] = m_PreX1Spin;//A
m_PreSpins[1] = m_PreY1Spin;//B
m_PreSpins[2] = m_PreO1Spin;//C
m_PreSpins[3] = m_PreX2Spin;//D
m_PreSpins[4] = m_PreY2Spin;//E
m_PreSpins[5] = m_PreO2Spin;//F
m_PostSpins[0] = m_PostX1Spin;
m_PostSpins[1] = m_PostY1Spin;
m_PostSpins[2] = m_PostO1Spin;
m_PostSpins[3] = m_PostX2Spin;
m_PostSpins[4] = m_PostY2Spin;
m_PostSpins[5] = m_PostO2Spin;
ui.PreAffineGroupBox->setChecked(false);//Flip both once to force enabling/disabling the disabling of the group boxes and the corner buttons.
ui.PreAffineGroupBox->setChecked(true);//Pre affine enabled.
ui.PostAffineGroupBox->setChecked(false);//Post affine disabled.
/// <summary>
--User changes -Add a palette editor. -Add support for reading .ugr/.gradient/.gradients palette files. -Allow toggling on spinners whose minimum value is not zero. -Allow toggling display of image, affines and grid. -Add new variations: cylinder2, circlesplit, tile_log, truchet_fill, waves2_radial. --Bug fixes -cpow2 was wrong. -Palettes with rapid changes in color would produce slightly different outputs from Apo/Chaotica. This was due to a long standing bug from flam3. -Use exec() on Apple and show() on all other OSes for dialog boxes. -Trying to render a sequence with no frames would crash. -Selecting multiple xforms and rotating them would produce the wrong rotation. -Better handling when parsing flames using different encoding, such as unicode and UTF-8. -Switching between SP/DP didn't reselect the selected flame in the Library tab. --Code changes -Make all types concerning palettes be floats, including PaletteTableWidgetItem. -PaletteTableWidgetItem is no longer templated because all palettes are float. -Include the source colors for user created gradients. -Change parallel_for() calls to work with very old versions of TBB which are lingering on some systems. -Split conditional out of accumulation loop on the CPU for better performance. -Vectorize summing when doing density filter for better performance. -Make all usage of palettes be of type float, double is pointless. -Allow palettes to reside in multiple folders, while ensuring only one of each name is added. -Refactor some palette path searching code. -Make ReadFile() throw and catch an exception if the file operation fails. -A little extra safety in foci and foci3D with a call to Zeps(). -Cast to (real_t) in the OpenCL string for the w variation, which was having trouble compiling on Mac. -Fixing missing comma between paths in InitPaletteList(). -Move Xml and PaletteList classes into cpp to shorten build times when working on them. -Remove default param values for IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::SharedDataIndexDefines in cpp file. -Change more NULL to nullptr.
2017-02-26 03:02:21 -05:00
/// Set the scale used for drawing the affines to a default value.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
--User changes -Add a palette editor. -Add support for reading .ugr/.gradient/.gradients palette files. -Allow toggling on spinners whose minimum value is not zero. -Allow toggling display of image, affines and grid. -Add new variations: cylinder2, circlesplit, tile_log, truchet_fill, waves2_radial. --Bug fixes -cpow2 was wrong. -Palettes with rapid changes in color would produce slightly different outputs from Apo/Chaotica. This was due to a long standing bug from flam3. -Use exec() on Apple and show() on all other OSes for dialog boxes. -Trying to render a sequence with no frames would crash. -Selecting multiple xforms and rotating them would produce the wrong rotation. -Better handling when parsing flames using different encoding, such as unicode and UTF-8. -Switching between SP/DP didn't reselect the selected flame in the Library tab. --Code changes -Make all types concerning palettes be floats, including PaletteTableWidgetItem. -PaletteTableWidgetItem is no longer templated because all palettes are float. -Include the source colors for user created gradients. -Change parallel_for() calls to work with very old versions of TBB which are lingering on some systems. -Split conditional out of accumulation loop on the CPU for better performance. -Vectorize summing when doing density filter for better performance. -Make all usage of palettes be of type float, double is pointless. -Allow palettes to reside in multiple folders, while ensuring only one of each name is added. -Refactor some palette path searching code. -Make ReadFile() throw and catch an exception if the file operation fails. -A little extra safety in foci and foci3D with a call to Zeps(). -Cast to (real_t) in the OpenCL string for the w variation, which was having trouble compiling on Mac. -Fixing missing comma between paths in InitPaletteList(). -Move Xml and PaletteList classes into cpp to shorten build times when working on them. -Remove default param values for IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::SharedDataIndexDefines in cpp file. -Change more NULL to nullptr.
2017-02-26 03:02:21 -05:00
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::InitLockedScale()
--User changes -Add a palette editor. -Add support for reading .ugr/.gradient/.gradients palette files. -Allow toggling on spinners whose minimum value is not zero. -Allow toggling display of image, affines and grid. -Add new variations: cylinder2, circlesplit, tile_log, truchet_fill, waves2_radial. --Bug fixes -cpow2 was wrong. -Palettes with rapid changes in color would produce slightly different outputs from Apo/Chaotica. This was due to a long standing bug from flam3. -Use exec() on Apple and show() on all other OSes for dialog boxes. -Trying to render a sequence with no frames would crash. -Selecting multiple xforms and rotating them would produce the wrong rotation. -Better handling when parsing flames using different encoding, such as unicode and UTF-8. -Switching between SP/DP didn't reselect the selected flame in the Library tab. --Code changes -Make all types concerning palettes be floats, including PaletteTableWidgetItem. -PaletteTableWidgetItem is no longer templated because all palettes are float. -Include the source colors for user created gradients. -Change parallel_for() calls to work with very old versions of TBB which are lingering on some systems. -Split conditional out of accumulation loop on the CPU for better performance. -Vectorize summing when doing density filter for better performance. -Make all usage of palettes be of type float, double is pointless. -Allow palettes to reside in multiple folders, while ensuring only one of each name is added. -Refactor some palette path searching code. -Make ReadFile() throw and catch an exception if the file operation fails. -A little extra safety in foci and foci3D with a call to Zeps(). -Cast to (real_t) in the OpenCL string for the w variation, which was having trouble compiling on Mac. -Fixing missing comma between paths in InitPaletteList(). -Move Xml and PaletteList classes into cpp to shorten build times when working on them. -Remove default param values for IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::SharedDataIndexDefines in cpp file. -Change more NULL to nullptr.
2017-02-26 03:02:21 -05:00
m_LockedScale = (T)std::min<size_t>(m_Ember.m_FinalRasW, m_Ember.m_FinalRasH) / 4.0;
2016-12-05 22:04:33 -05:00
m_LockedX = m_Ember.m_CenterX;
m_LockedY = m_Ember.m_CenterY;
--User changes -Add a palette editor. -Add support for reading .ugr/.gradient/.gradients palette files. -Allow toggling on spinners whose minimum value is not zero. -Allow toggling display of image, affines and grid. -Add new variations: cylinder2, circlesplit, tile_log, truchet_fill, waves2_radial. --Bug fixes -cpow2 was wrong. -Palettes with rapid changes in color would produce slightly different outputs from Apo/Chaotica. This was due to a long standing bug from flam3. -Use exec() on Apple and show() on all other OSes for dialog boxes. -Trying to render a sequence with no frames would crash. -Selecting multiple xforms and rotating them would produce the wrong rotation. -Better handling when parsing flames using different encoding, such as unicode and UTF-8. -Switching between SP/DP didn't reselect the selected flame in the Library tab. --Code changes -Make all types concerning palettes be floats, including PaletteTableWidgetItem. -PaletteTableWidgetItem is no longer templated because all palettes are float. -Include the source colors for user created gradients. -Change parallel_for() calls to work with very old versions of TBB which are lingering on some systems. -Split conditional out of accumulation loop on the CPU for better performance. -Vectorize summing when doing density filter for better performance. -Make all usage of palettes be of type float, double is pointless. -Allow palettes to reside in multiple folders, while ensuring only one of each name is added. -Refactor some palette path searching code. -Make ReadFile() throw and catch an exception if the file operation fails. -A little extra safety in foci and foci3D with a call to Zeps(). -Cast to (real_t) in the OpenCL string for the w variation, which was having trouble compiling on Mac. -Fixing missing comma between paths in InitPaletteList(). -Move Xml and PaletteList classes into cpp to shorten build times when working on them. -Remove default param values for IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::SharedDataIndexDefines in cpp file. -Change more NULL to nullptr.
2017-02-26 03:02:21 -05:00
/// <summary>
/// Multiply the scale used for drawing the affines by the passed in value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The value to scale by</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::ChangeLockedScale(T value)
T min_size = 25.0;
m_LockedScale *= value;
if (m_LockedScale < min_size)
m_LockedScale = min_size;
/// <summary>
/// Return the value needed to multiply the current scale by to get back to the locked scale.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The scale value</returns>
template <typename T>
T FractoriumEmberController<T>::AffineScaleCurrentToLocked()
--User changes -Add a palette editor. -Add support for reading .ugr/.gradient/.gradients palette files. -Allow toggling on spinners whose minimum value is not zero. -Allow toggling display of image, affines and grid. -Add new variations: cylinder2, circlesplit, tile_log, truchet_fill, waves2_radial. --Bug fixes -cpow2 was wrong. -Palettes with rapid changes in color would produce slightly different outputs from Apo/Chaotica. This was due to a long standing bug from flam3. -Use exec() on Apple and show() on all other OSes for dialog boxes. -Trying to render a sequence with no frames would crash. -Selecting multiple xforms and rotating them would produce the wrong rotation. -Better handling when parsing flames using different encoding, such as unicode and UTF-8. -Switching between SP/DP didn't reselect the selected flame in the Library tab. --Code changes -Make all types concerning palettes be floats, including PaletteTableWidgetItem. -PaletteTableWidgetItem is no longer templated because all palettes are float. -Include the source colors for user created gradients. -Change parallel_for() calls to work with very old versions of TBB which are lingering on some systems. -Split conditional out of accumulation loop on the CPU for better performance. -Vectorize summing when doing density filter for better performance. -Make all usage of palettes be of type float, double is pointless. -Allow palettes to reside in multiple folders, while ensuring only one of each name is added. -Refactor some palette path searching code. -Make ReadFile() throw and catch an exception if the file operation fails. -A little extra safety in foci and foci3D with a call to Zeps(). -Cast to (real_t) in the OpenCL string for the w variation, which was having trouble compiling on Mac. -Fixing missing comma between paths in InitPaletteList(). -Move Xml and PaletteList classes into cpp to shorten build times when working on them. -Remove default param values for IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::SharedDataIndexDefines in cpp file. -Change more NULL to nullptr.
2017-02-26 03:02:21 -05:00
return LockedScale() / m_Ember.m_PixelsPerUnit;
/// <summary>
/// Return the value needed to multiply the locked scale by to get to the current scale.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The scale value</returns>
template <typename T>
T FractoriumEmberController<T>::AffineScaleLockedToCurrent()
--User changes -Add a palette editor. -Add support for reading .ugr/.gradient/.gradients palette files. -Allow toggling on spinners whose minimum value is not zero. -Allow toggling display of image, affines and grid. -Add new variations: cylinder2, circlesplit, tile_log, truchet_fill, waves2_radial. --Bug fixes -cpow2 was wrong. -Palettes with rapid changes in color would produce slightly different outputs from Apo/Chaotica. This was due to a long standing bug from flam3. -Use exec() on Apple and show() on all other OSes for dialog boxes. -Trying to render a sequence with no frames would crash. -Selecting multiple xforms and rotating them would produce the wrong rotation. -Better handling when parsing flames using different encoding, such as unicode and UTF-8. -Switching between SP/DP didn't reselect the selected flame in the Library tab. --Code changes -Make all types concerning palettes be floats, including PaletteTableWidgetItem. -PaletteTableWidgetItem is no longer templated because all palettes are float. -Include the source colors for user created gradients. -Change parallel_for() calls to work with very old versions of TBB which are lingering on some systems. -Split conditional out of accumulation loop on the CPU for better performance. -Vectorize summing when doing density filter for better performance. -Make all usage of palettes be of type float, double is pointless. -Allow palettes to reside in multiple folders, while ensuring only one of each name is added. -Refactor some palette path searching code. -Make ReadFile() throw and catch an exception if the file operation fails. -A little extra safety in foci and foci3D with a call to Zeps(). -Cast to (real_t) in the OpenCL string for the w variation, which was having trouble compiling on Mac. -Fixing missing comma between paths in InitPaletteList(). -Move Xml and PaletteList classes into cpp to shorten build times when working on them. -Remove default param values for IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::SharedDataIndexDefines in cpp file. -Change more NULL to nullptr.
2017-02-26 03:02:21 -05:00
return m_Ember.m_PixelsPerUnit / LockedScale();
2015-05-15 21:45:15 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// Toggle all pre affine values in one row for the selected xforms.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalIndex">The index of the row that was double clicked</param>
void Fractorium::OnPreAffineRowDoubleClicked(int logicalIndex)
ToggleTableRow(ui.PreAffineTable, logicalIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Toggle all pre affine values in one column for the selected xforms.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalIndex">The index of the row that was double clicked</param>
void Fractorium::OnPreAffineColDoubleClicked(int logicalIndex)
ToggleTableCol(ui.PreAffineTable, logicalIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Toggle all post affine values in one row for the selected xforms.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalIndex">The index of the row that was double clicked</param>
void Fractorium::OnPostAffineRowDoubleClicked(int logicalIndex)
ToggleTableRow(ui.PostAffineTable, logicalIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Toggle all post affine values in one column for the selected xforms.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalIndex">The index of the row that was double clicked</param>
void Fractorium::OnPostAffineColDoubleClicked(int logicalIndex)
ToggleTableCol(ui.PostAffineTable, logicalIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Helper for setting the value of a single pre/post affine coefficient.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d">The value to set</param>
/// <param name="index">The index to set, 0-5, corresponding to a, b, c, d, e, f</param>
/// <param name="pre">True if pre affine, false if post affine.</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::AffineSetHelper(double d, int index, bool pre)
UpdateXform([&] (Xform<T>* xform)
auto& affine = pre ? xform->m_Affine : xform->m_Post;
Features: --Add support for Exr files which use 32-bit floats for each RGBA channel. Seems to come out too washed out. --Allow for clearing an individual color curve. --Allow for saving multiple image types in EmberRender and EmberAnimate. All writes are threaded. --Remove --bpc command line argument. Add format png16 as a replacement. --Remove --enable_jpg_comments and --enable_png_comments command line arguments, and replace them with --enable_comments which applies to jpg, png and exr. --Add menu items to variations and affine spinners which allow for easy entry of specific numeric values like pi. --Make final render dialog be wider rather than so tall. Bug fixes: --Fix some OpenCL compile errors on Mac. --Remove ability to save bitmap files on all platforms but Windows. Code changes: --New dependency on OpenEXR. --Allow Curves class to interact with objects of a different template type. --Make m_Curves member of Ember always use float as template type. --Set the length of the curves array to always be 2^17 which should offer enough precision with new 32-bit float pixel types. --Set pixel types to always be 32-bit float. This results in a major reduction of code in the final accumulation part of Renderer.h/cpp. --Remove corresponding code from RendererCL and FinalAccumOpenCLKernelCreator. --Remove Transparency, NumChannels and BytesPerPixel setters from Renderer.h/cpp. --Add new global functions to format final image buffers and place all alpha calculation and scaling code in them. --Blending is no longer needed in OpenGLWidget because of the new pixel type. --Make new class, AffineDoubleSpinBox. --Attempt to make file save dialog code work the same on all OSes. --Remove some unused functions.
2017-07-22 16:43:35 -04:00
AffineDoubleSpinBox** spinners = pre ? m_Fractorium->m_PreSpins : m_Fractorium->m_PostSpins;
if (m_Fractorium->ui.PolarAffineCheckBox->isChecked())
switch (index)
case 0:
case 3:
affine.A(std::cos(spinners[0]->value() * DEG_2_RAD) * spinners[3]->value());
affine.D(std::sin(spinners[0]->value() * DEG_2_RAD) * spinners[3]->value());
case 1:
case 4:
affine.B(std::cos(spinners[1]->value() * DEG_2_RAD) * spinners[4]->value());
affine.E(std::sin(spinners[1]->value() * DEG_2_RAD) * spinners[4]->value());
case 2:
case 5:
affine.C(std::cos(spinners[2]->value() * DEG_2_RAD) * spinners[5]->value());
affine.F(std::sin(spinners[2]->value() * DEG_2_RAD) * spinners[5]->value());
switch (index)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
}, eXformUpdate::UPDATE_SELECTED);
/// <summary>
/// Pre and post affine spinner changed events.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::OnX1Changed(double d) { m_Controller->AffineSetHelper(d, 0, sender() == m_PreX1Spin); }
void Fractorium::OnX2Changed(double d) { m_Controller->AffineSetHelper(d, 3, sender() == m_PreX2Spin); }
void Fractorium::OnY1Changed(double d) { m_Controller->AffineSetHelper(d, 1, sender() == m_PreY1Spin); }
void Fractorium::OnY2Changed(double d) { m_Controller->AffineSetHelper(d, 4, sender() == m_PreY2Spin); }
void Fractorium::OnO1Changed(double d) { m_Controller->AffineSetHelper(d, 2, sender() == m_PreO1Spin); }
void Fractorium::OnO2Changed(double d) { m_Controller->AffineSetHelper(d, 5, sender() == m_PreO2Spin); }
/// <summary>
/// Flip the selected pre/post affines vertically and/or horizontally.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="horizontal">True to flip horizontally</param>
/// <param name="vertical">True to flip vertically</param>
/// <param name="pre">True if pre affine, else post affine.</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::FlipXforms(bool horizontal, bool vertical, bool pre)
UpdateXform([&] (Xform<T>* xform)
auto& affine = pre ? xform->m_Affine : xform->m_Post;
if (horizontal)
if (!m_Fractorium->LocalPivot())
if (vertical)
if (!m_Fractorium->LocalPivot())
}, eXformUpdate::UPDATE_SELECTED);
FillAffineWithXform(CurrentXform(), pre);
void Fractorium::OnFlipHorizontalButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->FlipXforms(true, false, sender() == ui.PreFlipHorizontalButton); }
void Fractorium::OnFlipVerticalButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->FlipXforms(false, true, sender() == ui.PreFlipVerticalButton); }
/// <summary>
/// Rotate the selected pre/post affines transform x degrees.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="angle">The angle to rotate by</param>
/// <param name="pre">True if pre affine, else post affine.</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::RotateXformsByAngle(double angle, bool pre)
UpdateXform([&] (Xform<T>* xform)
auto& affine = pre ? xform->m_Affine : xform->m_Post;
affine.Rotate(angle * DEG_2_RAD_T);
}, eXformUpdate::UPDATE_SELECTED);
FillAffineWithXform(CurrentXform(), pre);
/// <summary>
/// Rotate the selected pre/post affine transform 90 degrees clockwise/counter clockwise.
/// Called when the rotate 90 c/cc pre/post buttons are clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnRotate90CButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->RotateXformsByAngle(90, sender() == ui.PreRotate90CButton); }
void Fractorium::OnRotate90CcButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->RotateXformsByAngle(-90, sender() == ui.PreRotate90CcButton); }
/// <summary>
/// Rotate the selected pre/post affine transform x degrees clockwise.
/// Called when the rotate x c pre/post buttons are clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnRotateCButtonClicked(bool checked)
bool ok;
bool pre = sender() == ui.PreRotateCButton;
auto combo = pre ? ui.PreRotateCombo : ui.PostRotateCombo; Beta 10/14/2014 --User Changes Size is no longer fixed to the window size. Size scaling is done differently in the final render dialog. This fixes several bugs. Remove Xml saving size from settings and options dialog, it no longer applies. Final render can be broken into strips. Set default save path to the desktop if none is found in the settings file. Set default output size to 1920x1080 if none is found in the settings file. --Bug Fixes Better memory size reporting in final render dialog. --Code Changes Migrate to C++11, Qt 5.3.1, and Visual Studio 2013. Change most instances of unsigned int to size_t, and int to intmax_t. Add m_OrigPixPerUnit and m_ScaleType to Ember for scaling purposes. Replace some sprintf_s() calls in XmlToEmber with ostringstream. Move more non-templated members into RendererBase. Add CopyVec() overload that takes a per element function pointer. Add vector Memset(). Replace '&' with '+' instead of "&amp;" in XmlToEmber for much faster parsing. Break strips rendering out into EmberCommon and call from EmberRender and Fractorium. Make AddAndWriteBuffer() just call WriteBuffer(). Make AddAndWriteImage() delete the existing image first before replacing it. Add SetOutputTexture() to RendererCL to support making new textures in response to resize events. Remove multiple return statements in RendererCL, and replace with a bool that tracks results. Add ToDouble(), MakeEnd(), ToString() and Exists() wrappers in Fractorium. Add Size() wrapper in EmberFile. Make QString function arguments const QString&, and string with const string&. Make ShowCritical() wrapper for invoking a message box from another thread. Add combo box to TwoButtonWidget and rename.
2014-10-14 11:53:15 -04:00
double d = ToDouble(combo->currentText(), &ok);
if (ok)
m_Controller->RotateXformsByAngle(d, pre);
/// <summary>
/// Rotate the selected pre/post affine transform x degrees counter clockwise.
/// Called when the rotate x cc pre/post buttons are clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnRotateCcButtonClicked(bool checked)
bool ok;
bool pre = sender() == ui.PreRotateCcButton;
auto combo = pre ? ui.PreRotateCombo : ui.PostRotateCombo; Beta 10/14/2014 --User Changes Size is no longer fixed to the window size. Size scaling is done differently in the final render dialog. This fixes several bugs. Remove Xml saving size from settings and options dialog, it no longer applies. Final render can be broken into strips. Set default save path to the desktop if none is found in the settings file. Set default output size to 1920x1080 if none is found in the settings file. --Bug Fixes Better memory size reporting in final render dialog. --Code Changes Migrate to C++11, Qt 5.3.1, and Visual Studio 2013. Change most instances of unsigned int to size_t, and int to intmax_t. Add m_OrigPixPerUnit and m_ScaleType to Ember for scaling purposes. Replace some sprintf_s() calls in XmlToEmber with ostringstream. Move more non-templated members into RendererBase. Add CopyVec() overload that takes a per element function pointer. Add vector Memset(). Replace '&' with '+' instead of "&amp;" in XmlToEmber for much faster parsing. Break strips rendering out into EmberCommon and call from EmberRender and Fractorium. Make AddAndWriteBuffer() just call WriteBuffer(). Make AddAndWriteImage() delete the existing image first before replacing it. Add SetOutputTexture() to RendererCL to support making new textures in response to resize events. Remove multiple return statements in RendererCL, and replace with a bool that tracks results. Add ToDouble(), MakeEnd(), ToString() and Exists() wrappers in Fractorium. Add Size() wrapper in EmberFile. Make QString function arguments const QString&, and string with const string&. Make ShowCritical() wrapper for invoking a message box from another thread. Add combo box to TwoButtonWidget and rename.
2014-10-14 11:53:15 -04:00
double d = ToDouble(combo->currentText(), &ok);
if (ok)
m_Controller->RotateXformsByAngle(-d, pre);
/// <summary>
/// Move the selected pre/post affines in the x and y directions by the specified amount.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">The x direction to move</param>
/// <param name="y">The y direction to move</param>
/// <param name="pre">True if pre affine, else post affine.</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::MoveXforms(double x, double y, bool pre)
UpdateXform([&] (Xform<T>* xform)
auto& affine = pre ? xform->m_Affine : xform->m_Post;
affine.C(affine.C() + x);
affine.F(affine.F() + y);
}, eXformUpdate::UPDATE_SELECTED);
FillAffineWithXform(CurrentXform(), pre);
/// <summary>
/// Move the selected pre/post affine transform x units up.
/// Called when the move pre/post up buttons are clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnMoveUpButtonClicked(bool checked)
bool ok;
bool pre = sender() == ui.PreMoveUpButton;
auto combo = pre ? ui.PreMoveCombo : ui.PostMoveCombo; Beta 10/14/2014 --User Changes Size is no longer fixed to the window size. Size scaling is done differently in the final render dialog. This fixes several bugs. Remove Xml saving size from settings and options dialog, it no longer applies. Final render can be broken into strips. Set default save path to the desktop if none is found in the settings file. Set default output size to 1920x1080 if none is found in the settings file. --Bug Fixes Better memory size reporting in final render dialog. --Code Changes Migrate to C++11, Qt 5.3.1, and Visual Studio 2013. Change most instances of unsigned int to size_t, and int to intmax_t. Add m_OrigPixPerUnit and m_ScaleType to Ember for scaling purposes. Replace some sprintf_s() calls in XmlToEmber with ostringstream. Move more non-templated members into RendererBase. Add CopyVec() overload that takes a per element function pointer. Add vector Memset(). Replace '&' with '+' instead of "&amp;" in XmlToEmber for much faster parsing. Break strips rendering out into EmberCommon and call from EmberRender and Fractorium. Make AddAndWriteBuffer() just call WriteBuffer(). Make AddAndWriteImage() delete the existing image first before replacing it. Add SetOutputTexture() to RendererCL to support making new textures in response to resize events. Remove multiple return statements in RendererCL, and replace with a bool that tracks results. Add ToDouble(), MakeEnd(), ToString() and Exists() wrappers in Fractorium. Add Size() wrapper in EmberFile. Make QString function arguments const QString&, and string with const string&. Make ShowCritical() wrapper for invoking a message box from another thread. Add combo box to TwoButtonWidget and rename.
2014-10-14 11:53:15 -04:00
double d = ToDouble(combo->currentText(), &ok);
if (ok)
m_Controller->MoveXforms(0, d, pre);
/// <summary>
/// Move the selected pre/post affine transform x units down.
/// Called when the move pre/post down buttons are clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnMoveDownButtonClicked(bool checked)
bool ok;
bool pre = sender() == ui.PreMoveDownButton;
auto combo = pre ? ui.PreMoveCombo : ui.PostMoveCombo; Beta 10/14/2014 --User Changes Size is no longer fixed to the window size. Size scaling is done differently in the final render dialog. This fixes several bugs. Remove Xml saving size from settings and options dialog, it no longer applies. Final render can be broken into strips. Set default save path to the desktop if none is found in the settings file. Set default output size to 1920x1080 if none is found in the settings file. --Bug Fixes Better memory size reporting in final render dialog. --Code Changes Migrate to C++11, Qt 5.3.1, and Visual Studio 2013. Change most instances of unsigned int to size_t, and int to intmax_t. Add m_OrigPixPerUnit and m_ScaleType to Ember for scaling purposes. Replace some sprintf_s() calls in XmlToEmber with ostringstream. Move more non-templated members into RendererBase. Add CopyVec() overload that takes a per element function pointer. Add vector Memset(). Replace '&' with '+' instead of "&amp;" in XmlToEmber for much faster parsing. Break strips rendering out into EmberCommon and call from EmberRender and Fractorium. Make AddAndWriteBuffer() just call WriteBuffer(). Make AddAndWriteImage() delete the existing image first before replacing it. Add SetOutputTexture() to RendererCL to support making new textures in response to resize events. Remove multiple return statements in RendererCL, and replace with a bool that tracks results. Add ToDouble(), MakeEnd(), ToString() and Exists() wrappers in Fractorium. Add Size() wrapper in EmberFile. Make QString function arguments const QString&, and string with const string&. Make ShowCritical() wrapper for invoking a message box from another thread. Add combo box to TwoButtonWidget and rename.
2014-10-14 11:53:15 -04:00
double d = ToDouble(combo->currentText(), &ok);
if (ok)
m_Controller->MoveXforms(0, -d, pre);
/// <summary>
/// Move the selected pre/post affine transform x units left.
/// Called when the move pre/post left buttons are clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnMoveLeftButtonClicked(bool checked)
bool ok;
bool pre = sender() == ui.PreMoveLeftButton;
auto combo = pre ? ui.PreMoveCombo : ui.PostMoveCombo; Beta 10/14/2014 --User Changes Size is no longer fixed to the window size. Size scaling is done differently in the final render dialog. This fixes several bugs. Remove Xml saving size from settings and options dialog, it no longer applies. Final render can be broken into strips. Set default save path to the desktop if none is found in the settings file. Set default output size to 1920x1080 if none is found in the settings file. --Bug Fixes Better memory size reporting in final render dialog. --Code Changes Migrate to C++11, Qt 5.3.1, and Visual Studio 2013. Change most instances of unsigned int to size_t, and int to intmax_t. Add m_OrigPixPerUnit and m_ScaleType to Ember for scaling purposes. Replace some sprintf_s() calls in XmlToEmber with ostringstream. Move more non-templated members into RendererBase. Add CopyVec() overload that takes a per element function pointer. Add vector Memset(). Replace '&' with '+' instead of "&amp;" in XmlToEmber for much faster parsing. Break strips rendering out into EmberCommon and call from EmberRender and Fractorium. Make AddAndWriteBuffer() just call WriteBuffer(). Make AddAndWriteImage() delete the existing image first before replacing it. Add SetOutputTexture() to RendererCL to support making new textures in response to resize events. Remove multiple return statements in RendererCL, and replace with a bool that tracks results. Add ToDouble(), MakeEnd(), ToString() and Exists() wrappers in Fractorium. Add Size() wrapper in EmberFile. Make QString function arguments const QString&, and string with const string&. Make ShowCritical() wrapper for invoking a message box from another thread. Add combo box to TwoButtonWidget and rename.
2014-10-14 11:53:15 -04:00
double d = ToDouble(combo->currentText(), &ok);
if (ok)
m_Controller->MoveXforms(-d, 0, pre);
/// <summary>
/// Move the selected pre/post affine transform x units right.
/// Called when the move pre/post right buttons are clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnMoveRightButtonClicked(bool checked)
bool ok;
bool pre = sender() == ui.PreMoveRightButton;
auto combo = pre ? ui.PreMoveCombo : ui.PostMoveCombo; Beta 10/14/2014 --User Changes Size is no longer fixed to the window size. Size scaling is done differently in the final render dialog. This fixes several bugs. Remove Xml saving size from settings and options dialog, it no longer applies. Final render can be broken into strips. Set default save path to the desktop if none is found in the settings file. Set default output size to 1920x1080 if none is found in the settings file. --Bug Fixes Better memory size reporting in final render dialog. --Code Changes Migrate to C++11, Qt 5.3.1, and Visual Studio 2013. Change most instances of unsigned int to size_t, and int to intmax_t. Add m_OrigPixPerUnit and m_ScaleType to Ember for scaling purposes. Replace some sprintf_s() calls in XmlToEmber with ostringstream. Move more non-templated members into RendererBase. Add CopyVec() overload that takes a per element function pointer. Add vector Memset(). Replace '&' with '+' instead of "&amp;" in XmlToEmber for much faster parsing. Break strips rendering out into EmberCommon and call from EmberRender and Fractorium. Make AddAndWriteBuffer() just call WriteBuffer(). Make AddAndWriteImage() delete the existing image first before replacing it. Add SetOutputTexture() to RendererCL to support making new textures in response to resize events. Remove multiple return statements in RendererCL, and replace with a bool that tracks results. Add ToDouble(), MakeEnd(), ToString() and Exists() wrappers in Fractorium. Add Size() wrapper in EmberFile. Make QString function arguments const QString&, and string with const string&. Make ShowCritical() wrapper for invoking a message box from another thread. Add combo box to TwoButtonWidget and rename.
2014-10-14 11:53:15 -04:00
double d = ToDouble(combo->currentText(), &ok);
if (ok)
m_Controller->MoveXforms(d, 0, pre);
/// <summary>
/// Scale the selected pre/post affines by the specified amount.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scale">The scale value</param>
/// <param name="pre">True if pre affine, else post affine.</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::ScaleXforms(double scale, bool pre)
UpdateXform([&] (Xform<T>* xform)
auto& affine = pre ? xform->m_Affine : xform->m_Post;
affine.A(affine.A() * scale);
affine.B(affine.B() * scale);
affine.D(affine.D() * scale);
affine.E(affine.E() * scale);
}, eXformUpdate::UPDATE_SELECTED);
FillAffineWithXform(CurrentXform(), pre);
/// <summary>
/// Scale the selected pre/post affine transform x units down.
/// Called when the scale pre/post down buttons are clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnScaleDownButtonClicked(bool checked)
bool ok;
bool pre = sender() == ui.PreScaleDownButton;
auto combo = pre ? ui.PreScaleCombo : ui.PostScaleCombo; Beta 10/14/2014 --User Changes Size is no longer fixed to the window size. Size scaling is done differently in the final render dialog. This fixes several bugs. Remove Xml saving size from settings and options dialog, it no longer applies. Final render can be broken into strips. Set default save path to the desktop if none is found in the settings file. Set default output size to 1920x1080 if none is found in the settings file. --Bug Fixes Better memory size reporting in final render dialog. --Code Changes Migrate to C++11, Qt 5.3.1, and Visual Studio 2013. Change most instances of unsigned int to size_t, and int to intmax_t. Add m_OrigPixPerUnit and m_ScaleType to Ember for scaling purposes. Replace some sprintf_s() calls in XmlToEmber with ostringstream. Move more non-templated members into RendererBase. Add CopyVec() overload that takes a per element function pointer. Add vector Memset(). Replace '&' with '+' instead of "&amp;" in XmlToEmber for much faster parsing. Break strips rendering out into EmberCommon and call from EmberRender and Fractorium. Make AddAndWriteBuffer() just call WriteBuffer(). Make AddAndWriteImage() delete the existing image first before replacing it. Add SetOutputTexture() to RendererCL to support making new textures in response to resize events. Remove multiple return statements in RendererCL, and replace with a bool that tracks results. Add ToDouble(), MakeEnd(), ToString() and Exists() wrappers in Fractorium. Add Size() wrapper in EmberFile. Make QString function arguments const QString&, and string with const string&. Make ShowCritical() wrapper for invoking a message box from another thread. Add combo box to TwoButtonWidget and rename.
2014-10-14 11:53:15 -04:00
double d = ToDouble(combo->currentText(), &ok);
if (ok)
m_Controller->ScaleXforms(1.0 / (d / 100.0), pre);
/// <summary>
/// Scale the selected pre/post affine transform x units up.
/// Called when the scale pre/post up buttons are clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnScaleUpButtonClicked(bool checked)
bool ok;
bool pre = sender() == ui.PreScaleUpButton;
auto combo = pre ? ui.PreScaleCombo : ui.PostScaleCombo; Beta 10/14/2014 --User Changes Size is no longer fixed to the window size. Size scaling is done differently in the final render dialog. This fixes several bugs. Remove Xml saving size from settings and options dialog, it no longer applies. Final render can be broken into strips. Set default save path to the desktop if none is found in the settings file. Set default output size to 1920x1080 if none is found in the settings file. --Bug Fixes Better memory size reporting in final render dialog. --Code Changes Migrate to C++11, Qt 5.3.1, and Visual Studio 2013. Change most instances of unsigned int to size_t, and int to intmax_t. Add m_OrigPixPerUnit and m_ScaleType to Ember for scaling purposes. Replace some sprintf_s() calls in XmlToEmber with ostringstream. Move more non-templated members into RendererBase. Add CopyVec() overload that takes a per element function pointer. Add vector Memset(). Replace '&' with '+' instead of "&amp;" in XmlToEmber for much faster parsing. Break strips rendering out into EmberCommon and call from EmberRender and Fractorium. Make AddAndWriteBuffer() just call WriteBuffer(). Make AddAndWriteImage() delete the existing image first before replacing it. Add SetOutputTexture() to RendererCL to support making new textures in response to resize events. Remove multiple return statements in RendererCL, and replace with a bool that tracks results. Add ToDouble(), MakeEnd(), ToString() and Exists() wrappers in Fractorium. Add Size() wrapper in EmberFile. Make QString function arguments const QString&, and string with const string&. Make ShowCritical() wrapper for invoking a message box from another thread. Add combo box to TwoButtonWidget and rename.
2014-10-14 11:53:15 -04:00
double d = ToDouble(combo->currentText(), &ok);
if (ok)
m_Controller->ScaleXforms(d / 100.0, pre);
/// <summary>
/// Reset selected pre/post affines to the identity matrix.
/// Called when reset pre/post affine buttons are clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::ResetXformsAffine(bool pre)
UpdateXform([&] (Xform<T>* xform)
auto& affine = pre ? xform->m_Affine : xform->m_Post;
}, eXformUpdate::UPDATE_SELECTED);
FillAffineWithXform(CurrentXform(), pre);
void Fractorium::OnResetAffineButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->ResetXformsAffine(sender() == ui.PreResetButton); }
/// <summary>
/// Randomize all values in selected pre/post affines to a range of -1 to 1.
/// Called when random pre/post affine buttons are clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::RandomXformsAffine(bool pre)
UpdateXform([&](Xform<T>* xform)
auto& affine = pre ? xform->m_Affine : xform->m_Post;
}, eXformUpdate::UPDATE_SELECTED);
FillAffineWithXform(CurrentXform(), pre);
void Fractorium::OnRandomAffineButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->RandomXformsAffine(sender() == ui.PreRandomButton); }
/// <summary>
/// Fill the GUI with the pre and post affine xform values.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::FillBothAffines()
FillAffineWithXform(CurrentXform(), true);
FillAffineWithXform(CurrentXform(), false);
/// <summary>
/// Fill the GUI with the pre/post affine xform values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xform">The xform to fill with</param>
/// <param name="pre">True if pre affine, else post affine.</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::FillAffineWithXform(Xform<T>* xform, bool pre)
Features: --Add support for Exr files which use 32-bit floats for each RGBA channel. Seems to come out too washed out. --Allow for clearing an individual color curve. --Allow for saving multiple image types in EmberRender and EmberAnimate. All writes are threaded. --Remove --bpc command line argument. Add format png16 as a replacement. --Remove --enable_jpg_comments and --enable_png_comments command line arguments, and replace them with --enable_comments which applies to jpg, png and exr. --Add menu items to variations and affine spinners which allow for easy entry of specific numeric values like pi. --Make final render dialog be wider rather than so tall. Bug fixes: --Fix some OpenCL compile errors on Mac. --Remove ability to save bitmap files on all platforms but Windows. Code changes: --New dependency on OpenEXR. --Allow Curves class to interact with objects of a different template type. --Make m_Curves member of Ember always use float as template type. --Set the length of the curves array to always be 2^17 which should offer enough precision with new 32-bit float pixel types. --Set pixel types to always be 32-bit float. This results in a major reduction of code in the final accumulation part of Renderer.h/cpp. --Remove corresponding code from RendererCL and FinalAccumOpenCLKernelCreator. --Remove Transparency, NumChannels and BytesPerPixel setters from Renderer.h/cpp. --Add new global functions to format final image buffers and place all alpha calculation and scaling code in them. --Blending is no longer needed in OpenGLWidget because of the new pixel type. --Make new class, AffineDoubleSpinBox. --Attempt to make file save dialog code work the same on all OSes. --Remove some unused functions.
2017-07-22 16:43:35 -04:00
AffineDoubleSpinBox** spinners = pre ? m_Fractorium->m_PreSpins : m_Fractorium->m_PostSpins;
auto& affine = pre ? xform->m_Affine : xform->m_Post;
if (m_Fractorium->ui.PolarAffineCheckBox->isChecked())
spinners[0]->SetValueStealth(RAD_2_DEG * std::atan2(affine.D(), affine.A()));
spinners[1]->SetValueStealth(RAD_2_DEG * std::atan2(affine.E(), affine.B()));
spinners[2]->SetValueStealth(RAD_2_DEG * std::atan2(affine.F(), affine.C()));
spinners[3]->SetValueStealth(VarFuncs<T>::Hypot(affine.D(), affine.A()));
spinners[4]->SetValueStealth(VarFuncs<T>::Hypot(affine.E(), affine.B()));
spinners[5]->SetValueStealth(VarFuncs<T>::Hypot(affine.F(), affine.C()));
/// <summary>
/// Trigger a redraw which will show or hide the circle affine transforms
/// based on whether each group box is checked or not.
/// Note that all sub buttons must manually be disabled/enabled in order to
/// get the top left corner button in the proper state. This is needed so
/// any style sheets can properly draw it based on its state.
/// Without explicitly setting it, that button is never actually disabled.
/// Called when the group box check box for pre or post affine is checked.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="on">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnAffineGroupBoxToggled(bool on)
auto widgetList = sender()->findChildren<QAbstractButton*>();
for (auto& it : widgetList)
/// <summary>
/// Trigger a redraw which will show all, or only the current, circle affine transforms
/// based on which radio buttons are selected.
/// Called when and pre/post show all/current radio buttons are checked.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="on">Ignored</param>
void Fractorium::OnAffineDrawAllCurrentRadioButtonToggled(bool checked)
/// <summary>
/// Set whether to display affine values in polar vs. rectangular coordinates.
/// Updates the current affine display.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="state">The state of the checkbox</param>
void Fractorium::OnPolarAffineCheckBoxStateChanged(int state)
double mult = state ? 100 : 0.01;
double step = m_PreX1Spin->Step() * mult;
double small = m_PreX1Spin->SmallStep() * mult;
double click = state ? 90 : 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
/// <summary>
/// Setup a spinner to be placed in a table cell.
/// Special setup function for affine spinners which differs slightly from the regular
/// SetupSpinner() function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="table">The table the spinner belongs to</param>
/// <param name="receiver">The receiver object</param>
/// <param name="row">The row in the table where this spinner resides</param>
/// <param name="col">The col in the table where this spinner resides</param>
/// <param name="spinBox">Double pointer to spin box which will hold the spinner upon exit</param>
/// <param name="height">The height of the spinner</param>
/// <param name="min">The minimum value of the spinner</param>
/// <param name="max">The maximum value of the spinner</param>
/// <param name="step">The step of the spinner</param>
/// <param name="prec">The precision of the spinner</param>
/// <param name="signal">The signal the spinner emits</param>
/// <param name="slot">The slot to receive the signal</param>
Features: --Add support for Exr files which use 32-bit floats for each RGBA channel. Seems to come out too washed out. --Allow for clearing an individual color curve. --Allow for saving multiple image types in EmberRender and EmberAnimate. All writes are threaded. --Remove --bpc command line argument. Add format png16 as a replacement. --Remove --enable_jpg_comments and --enable_png_comments command line arguments, and replace them with --enable_comments which applies to jpg, png and exr. --Add menu items to variations and affine spinners which allow for easy entry of specific numeric values like pi. --Make final render dialog be wider rather than so tall. Bug fixes: --Fix some OpenCL compile errors on Mac. --Remove ability to save bitmap files on all platforms but Windows. Code changes: --New dependency on OpenEXR. --Allow Curves class to interact with objects of a different template type. --Make m_Curves member of Ember always use float as template type. --Set the length of the curves array to always be 2^17 which should offer enough precision with new 32-bit float pixel types. --Set pixel types to always be 32-bit float. This results in a major reduction of code in the final accumulation part of Renderer.h/cpp. --Remove corresponding code from RendererCL and FinalAccumOpenCLKernelCreator. --Remove Transparency, NumChannels and BytesPerPixel setters from Renderer.h/cpp. --Add new global functions to format final image buffers and place all alpha calculation and scaling code in them. --Blending is no longer needed in OpenGLWidget because of the new pixel type. --Make new class, AffineDoubleSpinBox. --Attempt to make file save dialog code work the same on all OSes. --Remove some unused functions.
2017-07-22 16:43:35 -04:00
void Fractorium::SetupAffineSpinner(QTableWidget* table, const QObject* receiver, int row, int col, AffineDoubleSpinBox*& spinBox, int height, double min, double max, double step, double prec, const char* signal, const char* slot)
Features: --Add support for Exr files which use 32-bit floats for each RGBA channel. Seems to come out too washed out. --Allow for clearing an individual color curve. --Allow for saving multiple image types in EmberRender and EmberAnimate. All writes are threaded. --Remove --bpc command line argument. Add format png16 as a replacement. --Remove --enable_jpg_comments and --enable_png_comments command line arguments, and replace them with --enable_comments which applies to jpg, png and exr. --Add menu items to variations and affine spinners which allow for easy entry of specific numeric values like pi. --Make final render dialog be wider rather than so tall. Bug fixes: --Fix some OpenCL compile errors on Mac. --Remove ability to save bitmap files on all platforms but Windows. Code changes: --New dependency on OpenEXR. --Allow Curves class to interact with objects of a different template type. --Make m_Curves member of Ember always use float as template type. --Set the length of the curves array to always be 2^17 which should offer enough precision with new 32-bit float pixel types. --Set pixel types to always be 32-bit float. This results in a major reduction of code in the final accumulation part of Renderer.h/cpp. --Remove corresponding code from RendererCL and FinalAccumOpenCLKernelCreator. --Remove Transparency, NumChannels and BytesPerPixel setters from Renderer.h/cpp. --Add new global functions to format final image buffers and place all alpha calculation and scaling code in them. --Blending is no longer needed in OpenGLWidget because of the new pixel type. --Make new class, AffineDoubleSpinBox. --Attempt to make file save dialog code work the same on all OSes. --Remove some unused functions.
2017-07-22 16:43:35 -04:00
spinBox = new AffineDoubleSpinBox(table, height, step);
spinBox->setRange(min, max);
table->setCellWidget(row, col, spinBox);
connect(spinBox, signal, receiver, slot, Qt::QueuedConnection);
/// <summary>
/// GUI wrapper functions, getters only.
/// </summary>
bool Fractorium::DrawAllPre() { return ui.ShowPreAffineAllRadio->isChecked(); }
bool Fractorium::DrawAllPost() { return ui.ShowPostAffineAllRadio->isChecked(); }
2014-12-11 00:50:15 -05:00
bool Fractorium::LocalPivot() { return ui.LocalPivotRadio->isChecked(); }
template class FractoriumEmberController<float>;
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
--User changes -Add a palette editor. -Add support for reading .ugr/.gradient/.gradients palette files. -Allow toggling on spinners whose minimum value is not zero. -Allow toggling display of image, affines and grid. -Add new variations: cylinder2, circlesplit, tile_log, truchet_fill, waves2_radial. --Bug fixes -cpow2 was wrong. -Palettes with rapid changes in color would produce slightly different outputs from Apo/Chaotica. This was due to a long standing bug from flam3. -Use exec() on Apple and show() on all other OSes for dialog boxes. -Trying to render a sequence with no frames would crash. -Selecting multiple xforms and rotating them would produce the wrong rotation. -Better handling when parsing flames using different encoding, such as unicode and UTF-8. -Switching between SP/DP didn't reselect the selected flame in the Library tab. --Code changes -Make all types concerning palettes be floats, including PaletteTableWidgetItem. -PaletteTableWidgetItem is no longer templated because all palettes are float. -Include the source colors for user created gradients. -Change parallel_for() calls to work with very old versions of TBB which are lingering on some systems. -Split conditional out of accumulation loop on the CPU for better performance. -Vectorize summing when doing density filter for better performance. -Make all usage of palettes be of type float, double is pointless. -Allow palettes to reside in multiple folders, while ensuring only one of each name is added. -Refactor some palette path searching code. -Make ReadFile() throw and catch an exception if the file operation fails. -A little extra safety in foci and foci3D with a call to Zeps(). -Cast to (real_t) in the OpenCL string for the w variation, which was having trouble compiling on Mac. -Fixing missing comma between paths in InitPaletteList(). -Move Xml and PaletteList classes into cpp to shorten build times when working on them. -Remove default param values for IterOpenCLKernelCreator<T>::SharedDataIndexDefines in cpp file. -Change more NULL to nullptr.
2017-02-26 03:02:21 -05:00
template class FractoriumEmberController<double>;
2014-12-11 00:50:15 -05:00