/* FLAM3 - cosmic recursive fractal flames Copyright (C) 1992-2009 Spotworks LLC This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "parser.h" #include "interpolation.h" #include "filters.h" #include <errno.h> static int flam3_conversion_failed; int flam3_atoi(char *nstr) { /* Note that this is NOT thread-safe, but simplifies things significantly. */ int res; char *endp; /* Reset errno */ errno=0; /* Convert the string using strtol */ res = strtol(nstr, &endp, 10); /* Check errno & return string */ if (endp!=nstr+strlen(nstr)) { flam3_conversion_failed = 1; fprintf(stderr,"flam3_atoi : Error converting :%s: extra chars\n",nstr); } if (errno) { flam3_conversion_failed = 1; fprintf(stderr,"flam3_atoi : Error converting :%s:\n",nstr); } return(res); } double flam3_atof(char *nstr) { /* Note that this is NOT thread-safe, but simplifies things significantly. */ double res; char *endp; /* Reset errno */ errno=0; /* Convert the string using strtod */ res = strtod(nstr, &endp); /* Check errno & return string */ if (endp!=nstr+strlen(nstr)) { flam3_conversion_failed = 1; fprintf(stderr,"flam3_atof: Error converting :%s: extra chars\n",nstr); } if (errno) { flam3_conversion_failed = 1; fprintf(stderr,"flam3_atof: Error converting :%s:\n",nstr); } return(res); } int var2n(const char *s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < flam3_nvariations; i++) if (!strcmp(s, flam3_variation_names[i])) return i; return flam3_variation_none; } int flam3_parse_hexformat_colors(char *colstr, flam3_genome *cp, int numcolors, int chan) { int c_idx=0; int col_count=0; int r,g,b,a; int sscanf_ret; char tmps[2]; int skip = (int)fabs(chan); /* Strip whitespace prior to first color */ while (isspace( (int)colstr[c_idx])) c_idx++; do { /* Parse an RGB triplet at a time... */ a = 255; if (chan==3) sscanf_ret = sscanf(&(colstr[c_idx]),"%2x%2x%2x",&r,&g,&b); else if (chan==-4) sscanf_ret = sscanf(&(colstr[c_idx]),"00%2x%2x%2x",&r,&g,&b); else // chan==4 sscanf_ret = sscanf(&(colstr[c_idx]),"%2x%2x%2x%2x",&r,&g,&b,&a); if ((chan!=4 && sscanf_ret != 3) || (chan==4 && sscanf_ret != 4)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Problem reading hexadecimal color data.\n"); return(1); } c_idx += 2*skip; while (isspace( (int)colstr[c_idx])) c_idx++; cp->palette[col_count].color[0] = r / 255.0; cp->palette[col_count].color[1] = g / 255.0; cp->palette[col_count].color[2] = b / 255.0; cp->palette[col_count].color[3] = a / 255.0; cp->palette[col_count].index = col_count; col_count++; } while (col_count<numcolors); if (sscanf(&(colstr[c_idx]),"%1s",tmps)>0) { fprintf(stderr,"error: extra data at end of hex color data '%s'\n",&(colstr[c_idx])); return(1); } return(0); } int flam3_interp_missing_colors(flam3_genome *cp) { /* Check for a non-full palette */ int minix,maxix; int colorli,colorri; int wrapmin,wrapmax; int intl, intr; int str,enr; int i,j,k; double prcr; minix = 0; for (i=0; i<256; i++) { if (cp->palette[i].index >= 0) { minix = i; break; } } if (i==256) { /* No colors. Set all indices properly. */ for (i=0;i<256;i++) cp->palette[i].index = i; return(1); } wrapmin = minix + 256; maxix = 255; for (i=255;i>=0;i--) { if (cp->palette[i].index >= 0) { maxix = i; break; } } wrapmax = maxix - 256; /* Loop over the indices looking for negs */ i = 0; while(i<256) { if (cp->palette[i].index < 0) { /* Start of a range of negs */ str = i; intl = i-1; intr = i+1; colorli = intl; colorri = intr; while (cp->palette[i].index<0 && i<256) { enr = i; intr = i+1; colorri = intr; i++; } if (intl==-1) { intl = wrapmax; colorli = maxix; } if (intr==256) { intr = wrapmin; colorri = minix; } for (j=str;j<=enr;j++) { prcr = (j-intl)/(double)(intr-intl); for (k=0;k<=3;k++) cp->palette[j].color[k] = cp->palette[colorli].color[k] * (1.0-prcr) + cp->palette[colorri].color[k] * prcr; cp->palette[j].index = j; } i = colorri+1; } else i ++; } return(0); } void scan_for_flame_nodes(xmlNode *cur_node, char *parent_file, int default_flag, flam3_genome **all_cps, int *all_ncps) { xmlNode *this_node = NULL; flam3_genome loc_current_cp; flam3_genome *genome_storage = *all_cps; /* To simplify semantics */ size_t f3_storage; int pfe_success; int col_success; memset(&loc_current_cp,0,sizeof(flam3_genome)); /* Loop over this level of elements */ for (this_node=cur_node; this_node; this_node = this_node->next) { /* Check to see if this element is a <flame> element */ if (this_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && !xmlStrcmp(this_node->name, (const xmlChar *)"flame")) { /* This is a flame element. Parse it. */ clear_cp(&loc_current_cp, default_flag); pfe_success = parse_flame_element(this_node,&loc_current_cp); if (pfe_success>0) { fprintf(stderr,"error parsing flame element\n"); all_cps = NULL; /* leaks memory but terminates */ /* !!! free all_cp properly !!! */ *all_ncps = 0; return; } /* Copy this cp into the array */ f3_storage = (1+*all_ncps)*sizeof(flam3_genome); genome_storage = realloc(genome_storage, f3_storage); /* Must set value of pointer to new storage location */ *all_cps = genome_storage; /* Clear out the realloc'd memory */ memset(&(genome_storage[*all_ncps]),0,sizeof(flam3_genome)); if (loc_current_cp.palette_index != -1) { col_success = flam3_get_palette(loc_current_cp.palette_index, loc_current_cp.palette, loc_current_cp.hue_rotation); if (col_success < 0) fprintf(stderr,"error retrieving palette %d, setting to all white\n",loc_current_cp.palette_index); } col_success = flam3_interp_missing_colors(&loc_current_cp); loc_current_cp.genome_index = *all_ncps; memset(loc_current_cp.parent_fname, 0, flam3_parent_fn_len); strncpy(loc_current_cp.parent_fname,parent_file,flam3_parent_fn_len-1); flam3_copy(&(genome_storage[*all_ncps]), &loc_current_cp); (*all_ncps) ++; } else { /* Check all of the children of this element */ scan_for_flame_nodes(this_node->children, parent_file, default_flag, all_cps, all_ncps); } } /* Clear the cp (frees allocated memory) */ clear_cp(&loc_current_cp, default_flag); } int parse_flame_element(xmlNode *flame_node, flam3_genome *loc_current_cp) { flam3_genome *cp = loc_current_cp; xmlNode *chld_node, *motion_node; xmlNodePtr edit_node; xmlAttrPtr att_ptr, cur_att; int solo_xform=-1; char *att_str; int num_std_xforms=-1; char tmps[2]; int i; flam3_xform tmpcpy; flam3_chaos_entry *xaos=NULL; int num_xaos=0; /* Reset the conversion error flag */ /* NOT threadsafe */ flam3_conversion_failed=0; /* Store this flame element in the current cp */ /* Wipe out the current palette, replace with -1 for each element */ for (i=0;i<256;i++) { cp->palette[i].color[0] = 0; cp->palette[i].color[1] = 0; cp->palette[i].color[2] = 0; cp->palette[i].color[3] = 0; cp->palette[i].index = -1; } /* The top level element is a flame element. */ /* Read the attributes of it and store them. */ att_ptr = flame_node->properties; if (att_ptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error : <flame> element has no attributes.\n"); return(1); } memset(cp->flame_name,0,flam3_name_len+1); for (cur_att = att_ptr; cur_att; cur_att = cur_att->next) { att_str = (char *) xmlGetProp(flame_node,cur_att->name); /* Compare attribute names */ if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"time")) { cp->time = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"interpolation")) { if (!strcmp("linear", att_str)) { cp->interpolation = flam3_interpolation_linear; } else if (!strcmp("smooth", att_str)) { cp->interpolation = flam3_interpolation_smooth; } else { fprintf(stderr, "warning: unrecognized interpolation type %s.\n", att_str); } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"palette_interpolation")) { if (!strcmp("hsv", att_str)) { cp->palette_interpolation = flam3_palette_interpolation_hsv; } else if (!strcmp("sweep", att_str)) { cp->palette_interpolation = flam3_palette_interpolation_sweep; } else if (!strcmp("hsv2", att_str)) { cp->palette_interpolation = flam3_palette_interpolation_hsv2; } else if (!strcmp("rgb", att_str)) { cp->palette_interpolation = flam3_palette_interpolation_rgb; } else { fprintf(stderr, "warning: unrecognized palette interpolation type %s.\n", att_str); } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"interpolation_space") || !xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"interpolation_type")) { if (!strcmp("linear", att_str)) cp->interpolation_type = flam3_inttype_linear; else if (!strcmp("log", att_str)) cp->interpolation_type = flam3_inttype_log; else if (!strcmp("old", att_str)) cp->interpolation_type = flam3_inttype_compat; else if (!strcmp("older", att_str)) cp->interpolation_type = flam3_inttype_older; else fprintf(stderr,"warning: unrecognized interpolation_type %s.\n",att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"name")) { strncpy(cp->flame_name, att_str, flam3_name_len); i = (int)strlen(cp->flame_name)-1; while(i-->0) { if (isspace(cp->flame_name[i])) cp->flame_name[i] = '_'; } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"palette")) { cp->palette_index = flam3_atoi(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"size")) { if (sscanf(att_str, "%d %d%1s", &cp->width, &cp->height, tmps) != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"error: invalid size attribute '%s'\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"center")) { if (sscanf(att_str, "%lf %lf%1s", &cp->center[0], &cp->center[1], tmps) != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"error: invalid center attribute '%s'\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } cp->rot_center[0] = cp->center[0]; cp->rot_center[1] = cp->center[1]; } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"scale")) { cp->pixels_per_unit = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"rotate")) { cp->rotate = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"zoom")) { cp->zoom = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"oversample")) { cp->spatial_oversample = flam3_atoi(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"supersample")) { cp->spatial_oversample = flam3_atoi(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"filter")) { cp->spatial_filter_radius = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"filter_shape")) { if (!strcmp("gaussian", att_str)) cp->spatial_filter_select = flam3_gaussian_kernel; else if (!strcmp("hermite", att_str)) cp->spatial_filter_select = flam3_hermite_kernel; else if (!strcmp("box", att_str)) cp->spatial_filter_select = flam3_box_kernel; else if (!strcmp("triangle", att_str)) cp->spatial_filter_select = flam3_triangle_kernel; else if (!strcmp("bell", att_str)) cp->spatial_filter_select = flam3_bell_kernel; else if (!strcmp("bspline", att_str)) cp->spatial_filter_select = flam3_b_spline_kernel; else if (!strcmp("mitchell", att_str)) cp->spatial_filter_select = flam3_mitchell_kernel; else if (!strcmp("blackman", att_str)) cp->spatial_filter_select = flam3_blackman_kernel; else if (!strcmp("catrom", att_str)) cp->spatial_filter_select = flam3_catrom_kernel; else if (!strcmp("hanning", att_str)) cp->spatial_filter_select = flam3_hanning_kernel; else if (!strcmp("hamming", att_str)) cp->spatial_filter_select = flam3_hamming_kernel; else if (!strcmp("lanczos3", att_str)) cp->spatial_filter_select = flam3_lanczos3_kernel; else if (!strcmp("lanczos2", att_str)) cp->spatial_filter_select = flam3_lanczos2_kernel; else if (!strcmp("quadratic", att_str)) cp->spatial_filter_select = flam3_quadratic_kernel; else fprintf(stderr, "warning: unrecognized kernel shape %s. Using gaussian.\n", att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"temporal_filter_type")) { if (!strcmp("box", att_str)) cp->temporal_filter_type = flam3_temporal_box; else if (!strcmp("gaussian", att_str)) cp->temporal_filter_type = flam3_temporal_gaussian; else if (!strcmp("exp",att_str)) cp->temporal_filter_type = flam3_temporal_exp; else fprintf(stderr, "warning: unrecognized temporal filter %s. Using box.\n",att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"temporal_filter_width")) { cp->temporal_filter_width = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"temporal_filter_exp")) { cp->temporal_filter_exp = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"palette_mode")) { if (!strcmp("step", att_str)) cp->palette_mode = flam3_palette_mode_step; else if (!strcmp("linear", att_str)) cp->palette_mode = flam3_palette_mode_linear; else fprintf(stderr,"warning: unrecognized palette mode %s. Using step.\n",att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"quality")) { cp->sample_density = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"passes")) { cp->nbatches = flam3_atoi(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"temporal_samples")) { cp->ntemporal_samples = flam3_atoi(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"background")) { if (sscanf(att_str, "%lf %lf %lf%1s", &cp->background[0], &cp->background[1], &cp->background[2], tmps) != 3) { fprintf(stderr,"error: invalid background attribute '%s'\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"brightness")) { cp->brightness = flam3_atof(att_str); /* } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"contrast")) { cp->contrast = flam3_atof(att_str);*/ } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"gamma")) { cp->gamma = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"highlight_power")) { cp->highlight_power = atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"vibrancy")) { cp->vibrancy = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"hue")) { cp->hue_rotation = fmod(flam3_atof(att_str), 1.0); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"estimator_radius")) { cp->estimator = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"estimator_minimum")) { cp->estimator_minimum = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"estimator_curve")) { cp->estimator_curve = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"gamma_threshold")) { cp->gam_lin_thresh = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"soloxform")) { solo_xform = flam3_atof(att_str); } xmlFree(att_str); } /* Finished with flame attributes. Now look at children of flame element. */ for (chld_node=flame_node->children; chld_node; chld_node = chld_node->next) { /* Is this a color node? */ if (!xmlStrcmp(chld_node->name, (const xmlChar *)"color")) { int index = -1; double r=0.0,g=0.0,b=0.0,a=0.0; /* Loop through the attributes of the color element */ att_ptr = chld_node->properties; if (att_ptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: No attributes for color element.\n"); return(1); } for (cur_att=att_ptr; cur_att; cur_att = cur_att->next) { att_str = (char *) xmlGetProp(chld_node,cur_att->name); a = 255.0; if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"index")) { index = flam3_atoi(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"rgb")) { if (sscanf(att_str, "%lf %lf %lf%1s", &r, &g, &b, tmps) != 3) { fprintf(stderr,"error: invalid rgb attribute '%s'\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"rgba")) { if (sscanf(att_str, "%lf %lf %lf %lf%1s", &r, &g, &b, &a, tmps) != 4) { fprintf(stderr,"error: invalid rgba attribute '%s'\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"a")) { if (sscanf(att_str, "%lf%1s", &a, tmps) != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"error: invalid a attribute '%s'\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Unknown color attribute '%s'\n",cur_att->name); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } xmlFree(att_str); } if (index >= 0 && index <= 255) { cp->palette[index].color[3] = a / 255.0; /* Don't forget to premultiply the palette... */ cp->palette[index].color[0] = cp->palette[index].color[3] * r / 255.0; cp->palette[index].color[1] = cp->palette[index].color[3] * g / 255.0; cp->palette[index].color[2] = cp->palette[index].color[3] * b / 255.0; cp->palette[index].index = index; } else { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Color element with bad/missing index attribute (%d)\n",index); return(1); } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(chld_node->name, (const xmlChar *)"colors")) { int count = 0; /* Loop through the attributes of the colors element */ att_ptr = chld_node->properties; if (att_ptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: No attributes for colors element.\n"); return(1); } for (cur_att=att_ptr; cur_att; cur_att = cur_att->next) { att_str = (char *) xmlGetProp(chld_node,cur_att->name); if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"count")) { count = flam3_atoi(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"data")) { if (flam3_parse_hexformat_colors(att_str, cp, count, -4) > 0) { fprintf(stderr,"error parsing hexformatted colors\n"); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Unknown color attribute '%s'\n",cur_att->name); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } xmlFree(att_str); } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(chld_node->name, (const xmlChar *)"palette")) { /* This could be either the old form of palette or the new form */ /* Make sure BOTH are not specified, otherwise either are ok */ int numcolors=0; int numbytes=0; int old_format=0; int new_format=0; int index0, index1; double hue0, hue1; double blend = 0.5; index0 = index1 = flam3_palette_random; hue0 = hue1 = 0.0; /* Loop through the attributes of the palette element */ att_ptr = chld_node->properties; if (att_ptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: No attributes for palette element.\n"); return(1); } for (cur_att=att_ptr; cur_att; cur_att = cur_att->next) { att_str = (char *) xmlGetProp(chld_node,cur_att->name); if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"index0")) { old_format++; index0 = flam3_atoi(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"index1")) { old_format++; index1 = flam3_atoi(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"hue0")) { old_format++; hue0 = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"hue1")) { old_format++; hue1 = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"blend")) { old_format++; blend = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"count")) { new_format++; numcolors = flam3_atoi(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"format")) { new_format++; if (!strcmp(att_str,"RGB")) numbytes=3; else if (!strcmp(att_str,"RGBA")) numbytes=4; else { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Unrecognized palette format string (%s)\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Unknown palette attribute '%s'\n",cur_att->name); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } xmlFree(att_str); } /* Old or new format? */ if (new_format>0 && old_format>0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: mixing of old and new palette tag syntax not allowed.\n"); return(1); } if (old_format>0) interpolate_cmap(cp->palette, blend, index0, hue0, index1, hue1); else { char *pal_str; /* Read formatted string from contents of tag */ pal_str = (char *) xmlNodeGetContent(chld_node); if (flam3_parse_hexformat_colors(pal_str, cp, numcolors, numbytes) > 0) { fprintf(stderr,"error reading hexformatted colors\n"); xmlFree(pal_str); return(1); } xmlFree(pal_str); } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(chld_node->name, (const xmlChar *)"symmetry")) { int kind=0; int bef,aft; /* Loop through the attributes of the symmetry element */ att_ptr = chld_node->properties; if (att_ptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: No attributes for symmetry element.\n"); return(1); } for (cur_att=att_ptr; cur_att; cur_att = cur_att->next) { att_str = (char *) xmlGetProp(chld_node,cur_att->name); if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"kind")) { kind = flam3_atoi(att_str); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Unknown symmetry attribute '%s'\n",cur_att->name); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } xmlFree(att_str); } bef = cp->num_xforms; flam3_add_symmetry(cp,kind); aft = cp->num_xforms; num_std_xforms += (aft-bef); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(chld_node->name, (const xmlChar *)"xform") || !xmlStrcmp(chld_node->name, (const xmlChar *)"finalxform")) { int xf = cp->num_xforms; if (!xmlStrcmp(chld_node->name, (const xmlChar *)"finalxform")) { if (cp->final_xform_index >=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Cannot specify more than one final xform.\n"); return(1); } flam3_add_xforms(cp, 1, 0, 1); cp->xform[xf].var[0]=0.0; cp->final_xform_index = xf; /* Now, if present, the xform enable defaults to on */ cp->final_xform_enable = 1; } else { /* Add one to the counter */ flam3_add_xforms(cp, 1, 0, 0); /* If there was already a final xform, we have to change xf to point to the second to last xform */ if (cp->final_xform_index>=0) xf--; cp->xform[xf].var[0]=0.0; num_std_xforms++; } if (parse_xform_xml(chld_node, &(cp->xform[xf]), &num_xaos, &xaos, num_std_xforms, 0) != 0) return(1); if (cp->final_xform_index == xf && cp->xform[xf].density != 0.0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Final xforms should not have weight specified.\n"); return(1); } /* Check for non-zero motion_* params */ if (cp->xform[xf].motion_freq != 0 || cp->xform[xf].motion_func != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Motion parameters should not be specified in xforms.\n"); return(1); } /* Motion Language: Check the xform element for children - should be named 'motion'. */ for (motion_node=chld_node->children; motion_node; motion_node = motion_node->next) { if (!xmlStrcmp(motion_node->name, (const xmlChar *)"motion")) { int nm = cp->xform[xf].num_motion; /* Add motion element to xform */ flam3_add_motion_element( &cp->xform[xf] ); /* Read motion xml */ if (parse_xform_xml(motion_node, &(cp->xform[xf].motion[nm]), NULL, NULL, 0, 1) != 0) return(1); } } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(chld_node->name, (const xmlChar *)"edit")) { /* Create a new XML document with this edit node as the root node */ cp->edits = xmlNewDoc( (const xmlChar *)"1.0"); edit_node = xmlCopyNode( chld_node, 1 ); xmlDocSetRootElement(cp->edits, edit_node); } } /* Done parsing flame element. */ num_std_xforms++; for (i=0;i<num_std_xforms;i++) { /* Adjust opacity with solo xform setting */ if (solo_xform>=0 && i!=solo_xform) cp->xform[i].opacity = 0.0; } /* Set the chaos array entries with the values in the xaos list */ for (i=0;i<num_xaos;i++) cp->chaos[xaos[i].from][xaos[i].to] = xaos[i].scalar; free(xaos); /* If there is a final xform in this cp, move it to the end of the list */ if (cp->final_xform_index >=0 && cp->final_xform_index != (cp->num_xforms-1)) { /* Make a copy of the final xform */ tmpcpy = cp->xform[cp->final_xform_index]; /* Move each other xform up one */ for (i=cp->final_xform_index+1;i<cp->num_xforms;i++) cp->xform[i-1] = cp->xform[i]; /* Put the final at the end */ cp->xform[cp->num_xforms-1] = tmpcpy; cp->final_xform_index = cp->num_xforms - 1; } /* Check for bad parse */ if (flam3_conversion_failed) { fprintf(stderr,"error: parsing a double or int attribute's value.\n"); return(1); } return(0); } int parse_xform_xml(xmlNode *chld_node,flam3_xform *this_xform, int *num_xaos, flam3_chaos_entry **xaos, int numstd, int motionxf) { xmlAttrPtr att_ptr, cur_att; char *att_str, *cpy; char tmps[2]; int j,k; /* Loop through the attributes of the xform element */ att_ptr = chld_node->properties; if (att_ptr==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: No attributes for element.\n"); return(1); } for (cur_att=att_ptr; cur_att; cur_att = cur_att->next) { att_str = (char *) xmlGetProp(chld_node,cur_att->name); cpy = att_str; if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"weight")) { this_xform->density = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"symmetry")) { /* Deprecated. Set both color_speed and animate to this value. */ this_xform->color_speed = (1.0-flam3_atof(att_str))/2.0; this_xform->animate = flam3_atof(att_str)>0 ? 0 : 1; } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"color_speed")) { this_xform->color_speed = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"animate")) { this_xform->animate = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"motion_frequency")) { this_xform->motion_freq = flam3_atoi(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"motion_function")) { if (!strcmp("sin", att_str)) { this_xform->motion_func = MOTION_SIN; } else if (!strcmp("triangle",att_str)) { this_xform->motion_func = MOTION_TRIANGLE; } else if (!strcmp("hill",att_str)) { this_xform->motion_func = MOTION_HILL; } else { fprintf(stderr,"Error: unknown motion function '%s'\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"color")) { double tmpc1; this_xform->color = 0.0; /* Try two coords first */ if (sscanf(att_str, "%lf %lf%1s", &this_xform->color, &tmpc1, tmps) != 2) { /* Try one color */ if (sscanf(att_str, "%lf%1s", &this_xform->color,tmps) != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: malformed xform color attribute '%s'\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"var1")) { for (j=0; j < flam3_nvariations; j++) { this_xform->var[j] = 0.0; } j = flam3_atoi(att_str); if (j < 0 || j >= flam3_nvariations) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: Bad variation (%d)\n",j); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } this_xform->var[j] = 1.0; } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"var")) { for (j=0; j < flam3_nvariations; j++) { char *cpy2; errno=0; this_xform->var[j] = strtod(cpy, &cpy2); if (errno != 0 || cpy==cpy2) { fprintf(stderr,"error: bad value in var attribute '%s'\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } cpy=cpy2; } if (cpy != att_str+strlen(att_str)) { fprintf(stderr,"error: extra chars at the end of var attribute '%s'\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"chaos")) { /* Chaos scalars */ char *tok; double scal; int toi=0; if (motionxf==1) { fprintf(stderr,"error: motion element cannot have a chaos attribute.\n"); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } /* The att string contains at least one value, delimited by a space */ tok = strtok(cpy," "); while (tok!=NULL) { scal = flam3_atof(tok); /* Skip 1.0 entries */ if (scal==1.0) { toi++; tok = strtok(NULL," "); continue; } /* Realloc the xaos list */ *xaos = realloc((*xaos),(*num_xaos+1) * sizeof(flam3_chaos_entry)); /* Populate the xaos list */ (*xaos)[*num_xaos].from = numstd; (*xaos)[*num_xaos].to = toi; (*xaos)[*num_xaos].scalar = scal; toi++; (*num_xaos)++; /* Get the next token */ tok = strtok(NULL," "); } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"plotmode")) { if (motionxf==1) { fprintf(stderr,"error: motion element cannot have a plotmode attribute.\n"); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } if (!strcmp("off", att_str)) this_xform->opacity = 0.0; } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"opacity")) { this_xform->opacity = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"coefs")) { for (k=0; k<3; k++) { for (j=0; j<2; j++) { char *cpy2; errno = 0; this_xform->c[k][j] = strtod(cpy, &cpy2); if (errno != 0 || cpy==cpy2) { fprintf(stderr,"error: bad value in coefs attribute '%s'\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } cpy=cpy2; } } if (cpy != att_str+strlen(att_str)) { fprintf(stderr,"error: extra chars at the end of coefs attribute '%s'\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"post")) { for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { char *cpy2; errno = 0; this_xform->post[k][j] = strtod(cpy, &cpy2); if (errno != 0 || cpy==cpy2) { fprintf(stderr,"error: bad value in post attribute '%s'\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } cpy=cpy2; } } if (cpy != att_str+strlen(att_str)) { fprintf(stderr,"error: extra chars at end of post attribute '%s'\n",att_str); xmlFree(att_str); return(1); } } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"blob_low")) { this_xform->blob_low = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"blob_high")) { this_xform->blob_high = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"blob_waves")) { this_xform->blob_waves = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"pdj_a")) { this_xform->pdj_a = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"pdj_b")) { this_xform->pdj_b = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"pdj_c")) { this_xform->pdj_c = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"pdj_d")) { this_xform->pdj_d = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"fan2_x")) { this_xform->fan2_x = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"fan2_y")) { this_xform->fan2_y = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"rings2_val")) { this_xform->rings2_val = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"perspective_angle")) { this_xform->perspective_angle = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"perspective_dist")) { this_xform->perspective_dist = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"julian_power")) { this_xform->julian_power = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"julian_dist")) { this_xform->julian_dist = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"juliascope_power")) { this_xform->juliascope_power = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"juliascope_dist")) { this_xform->juliascope_dist = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"radial_blur_angle")) { this_xform->radial_blur_angle = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"pie_slices")) { this_xform->pie_slices = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"pie_rotation")) { this_xform->pie_rotation = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"pie_thickness")) { this_xform->pie_thickness = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"ngon_sides")) { this_xform->ngon_sides = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"ngon_power")) { this_xform->ngon_power = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"ngon_circle")) { this_xform->ngon_circle = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"ngon_corners")) { this_xform->ngon_corners = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"curl_c1")) { this_xform->curl_c1 = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"curl_c2")) { this_xform->curl_c2 = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"rectangles_x")) { this_xform->rectangles_x = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"rectangles_y")) { this_xform->rectangles_y = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"amw_amp")) { this_xform->amw_amp = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"disc2_rot")) { this_xform->disc2_rot = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"disc2_twist")) { this_xform->disc2_twist = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"super_shape_rnd")) { this_xform->super_shape_rnd = flam3_atof(att_str); /* Limit to [0,1] */ if (this_xform->super_shape_rnd<0) this_xform->super_shape_rnd=0; else if (this_xform->super_shape_rnd>1) this_xform->super_shape_rnd=1; } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"super_shape_m")) { this_xform->super_shape_m = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"super_shape_n1")) { this_xform->super_shape_n1 = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"super_shape_n2")) { this_xform->super_shape_n2 = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"super_shape_n3")) { this_xform->super_shape_n3 = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"super_shape_holes")) { this_xform->super_shape_holes = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"flower_petals")) { this_xform->flower_petals = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"flower_holes")) { this_xform->flower_holes = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"conic_eccentricity")) { this_xform->conic_eccentricity = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"conic_holes")) { this_xform->conic_holes = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"parabola_height")) { this_xform->parabola_height = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"parabola_width")) { this_xform->parabola_width = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"bent2_x")) { this_xform->bent2_x = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"bent2_y")) { this_xform->bent2_y = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"bipolar_shift")) { this_xform->bipolar_shift = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"cell_size")) { this_xform->cell_size = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"cpow_i")) { this_xform->cpow_i = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"cpow_r")) { this_xform->cpow_r = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"cpow_power")) { this_xform->cpow_power = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"curve_xamp")) { this_xform->curve_xamp = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"curve_yamp")) { this_xform->curve_yamp = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"curve_xlength")) { this_xform->curve_xlength = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"curve_ylength")) { this_xform->curve_ylength = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"escher_beta")) { this_xform->escher_beta = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"lazysusan_x")) { this_xform->lazysusan_x = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"lazysusan_y")) { this_xform->lazysusan_y = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"lazysusan_spin")) { this_xform->lazysusan_spin = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"lazysusan_space")) { this_xform->lazysusan_space = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"lazysusan_twist")) { this_xform->lazysusan_twist = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"modulus_x")) { this_xform->modulus_x = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"modulus_y")) { this_xform->modulus_y = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"oscilloscope_separation")) { this_xform->oscope_separation = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"oscilloscope_frequency")) { this_xform->oscope_frequency = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"oscilloscope_amplitude")) { this_xform->oscope_amplitude = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"oscilloscope_damping")) { this_xform->oscope_damping = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"oscope_separation")) { this_xform->oscope_separation = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"oscope_frequency")) { this_xform->oscope_frequency = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"oscope_amplitude")) { this_xform->oscope_amplitude = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"oscope_damping")) { this_xform->oscope_damping = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"popcorn2_x")) { this_xform->popcorn2_x = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"popcorn2_y")) { this_xform->popcorn2_y = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"popcorn2_c")) { this_xform->popcorn2_c = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"separation_x")) { this_xform->separation_x = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"separation_xinside")) { this_xform->separation_xinside = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"separation_y")) { this_xform->separation_y = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"separation_yinside")) { this_xform->separation_yinside = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"split_xsize")) { this_xform->split_xsize = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"split_ysize")) { this_xform->split_ysize = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"splits_x")) { this_xform->splits_x = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"splits_y")) { this_xform->splits_y = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"stripes_space")) { this_xform->stripes_space = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"stripes_warp")) { this_xform->stripes_warp = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"wedge_angle")) { this_xform->wedge_angle = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"wedge_hole")) { this_xform->wedge_hole = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"wedge_count")) { this_xform->wedge_count = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"wedge_swirl")) { this_xform->wedge_swirl = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"wedge_julia_angle")) { this_xform->wedge_julia_angle = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"wedge_julia_count")) { this_xform->wedge_julia_count = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"wedge_julia_power")) { this_xform->wedge_julia_power = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"wedge_julia_dist")) { this_xform->wedge_julia_dist = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"wedge_sph_angle")) { this_xform->wedge_sph_angle = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"wedge_sph_hole")) { this_xform->wedge_sph_hole = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"wedge_sph_count")) { this_xform->wedge_sph_count = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"wedge_sph_swirl")) { this_xform->wedge_sph_swirl = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"whorl_inside")) { this_xform->whorl_inside = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"whorl_outside")) { this_xform->whorl_outside = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"waves2_scalex")) { this_xform->waves2_scalex = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"waves2_scaley")) { this_xform->waves2_scaley = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"waves2_freqx")) { this_xform->waves2_freqx = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"waves2_freqy")) { this_xform->waves2_freqy = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"auger_freq")) { this_xform->auger_freq = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"auger_weight")) { this_xform->auger_weight = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"auger_sym")) { this_xform->auger_sym = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"auger_scale")) { this_xform->auger_scale = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"flux_spread")) { this_xform->flux_spread = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"Re_A") || !xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"mobius_re_a")) { this_xform->mobius_re_a = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"Re_B") || !xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"mobius_re_b")) { this_xform->mobius_re_b = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"Re_C") || !xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"mobius_re_c")) { this_xform->mobius_re_c = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"Re_D") || !xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"mobius_re_d")) { this_xform->mobius_re_d = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"Im_A") || !xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"mobius_im_a")) { this_xform->mobius_im_a = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"Im_B") || !xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"mobius_im_b")) { this_xform->mobius_im_b = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"Im_C") || !xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"mobius_im_c")) { this_xform->mobius_im_c = flam3_atof(att_str); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"Im_D") || !xmlStrcmp(cur_att->name, (const xmlChar *)"mobius_im_d")) { this_xform->mobius_im_d = flam3_atof(att_str); } else { int v = var2n((char *) cur_att->name); if (v != flam3_variation_none) this_xform->var[v] = flam3_atof(att_str); else fprintf(stderr,"Warning: unrecognized variation %s. Ignoring.\n",(char *)cur_att->name); } xmlFree(att_str); } return(0); } void flam3_edit_print(FILE *f, xmlNodePtr editNode, int tabs, int formatting) { char *tab_string = " "; int ti,strl; xmlAttrPtr att_ptr=NULL,cur_att=NULL; xmlNodePtr chld_ptr=NULL, cur_chld=NULL; int indent_printed = 0; char *ai; int tablim = argi("print_edit_depth",0); char *att_str,*cont_str,*cpy_string; if (tablim>0 && tabs>tablim) return; /* If this node is an XML_ELEMENT_NODE, print it and it's attributes */ if (editNode->type==XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { /* Print the node at the tab specified */ if (formatting) { for (ti=0;ti<tabs;ti++) fprintf(f,"%s",tab_string); } fprintf(f,"<%s",editNode->name); /* This can either be an edit node or a sheep node */ /* If it's an edit node, add one to the tab */ if (!xmlStrcmp(editNode->name, (const xmlChar *)"edit")) { tabs ++; } /* Print the attributes */ att_ptr = editNode->properties; for (cur_att = att_ptr; cur_att; cur_att = cur_att->next) { att_str = (char *) xmlGetProp(editNode,cur_att->name); fprintf(f," %s=\"%s\"",cur_att->name,att_str); xmlFree(att_str); } /* Does this node have children? */ if (!editNode->children || (tablim>0 && tabs>tablim)) { /* Close the tag and subtract the tab */ fprintf(f,"/>"); if (formatting) fprintf(f,"\n"); tabs--; } else { /* Close the tag */ fprintf(f,">"); if (formatting) fprintf(f,"\n"); /* Loop through the children and print them */ chld_ptr = editNode->children; indent_printed = 0; for (cur_chld=chld_ptr; cur_chld; cur_chld = cur_chld->next) { /* If child is an element, indent first and then print it. */ if (cur_chld->type==XML_ELEMENT_NODE && (!xmlStrcmp(cur_chld->name, (const xmlChar *)"edit") || (!xmlStrcmp(cur_chld->name, (const xmlChar *)"sheep")))) { if (indent_printed) { indent_printed = 0; fprintf(f,"\n"); } flam3_edit_print(f, cur_chld, tabs, 1); } else { /* Child is a text node. We don't want to indent more than once. */ if (xmlIsBlankNode(cur_chld)) continue; if (indent_printed==0 && formatting==1) { for (ti=0;ti<tabs;ti++) fprintf(f,"%s",tab_string); indent_printed = 1; } /* Print nodes without formatting. */ flam3_edit_print(f, cur_chld, tabs, 0); } } if (indent_printed && formatting) fprintf(f,"\n"); /* Tab out. */ tabs --; if (formatting) { for (ti=0;ti<tabs;ti++) fprintf(f,"%s",tab_string); } /* Close the tag */ fprintf(f,"</%s>",editNode->name); if (formatting) { fprintf(f,"\n"); } } } else if (editNode->type==XML_TEXT_NODE) { /* Print text node */ cont_str = (char *) xmlNodeGetContent(editNode); cpy_string = &(cont_str[0]); while (isspace(*cpy_string)) cpy_string++; strl = (int)strlen(cont_str)-1; while (isspace(cont_str[strl])) strl--; cont_str[strl+1] = 0; fprintf(f,"%s",cpy_string); } }