/* FLAM3 - cosmic recursive fractal flames Copyright (C) 1992-2009 Spotworks LLC This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "private.h" #include "palettes.h" lib_palette *the_palettes = NULL; int npalettes; static void parse_palettes(xmlNode *node) { xmlAttrPtr attr; char *val; lib_palette *pal; int hex_error = 0; while (node) { if (node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && !xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar *)"palette")) { attr = node->properties; pal = &the_palettes[npalettes]; memset(pal, 0, sizeof(lib_palette)); while (attr) { val = (char *) xmlGetProp(node, attr->name); if (!xmlStrcmp(attr->name, (const xmlChar *)"data")) { int count = 256; int c_idx = 0; int r,g,b; int col_count = 0; int sscanf_ret; c_idx=0; col_count = 0; hex_error = 0; do { sscanf_ret = sscanf((char *)&(val[c_idx]),"00%2x%2x%2x",&r,&g,&b); if (sscanf_ret != 3) { fprintf(stderr,"error: problem reading hexadecimal color data '%8s'\n",&val[c_idx]); hex_error = 1; break; } c_idx += 8; while (isspace( (int)val[c_idx])) c_idx++; pal->colors[col_count][0] = r; pal->colors[col_count][1] = g; pal->colors[col_count][2] = b; col_count++; } while (col_count<count); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(attr->name, (const xmlChar *)"number")) { pal->number = atoi(val); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(attr->name, (const xmlChar *)"name")) { strncpy(pal->name, val, flam3_name_len); pal->name[flam3_name_len-1] = 0; } xmlFree(val); attr = attr->next; } if (hex_error == 0) { npalettes++; the_palettes = realloc(the_palettes, (1 + npalettes) * sizeof(lib_palette)); } } else parse_palettes(node->children); node = node->next; } } static int init_palettes(char *filename) { FILE *fp; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNode *rootnode; int i, c, slen = 5000; char *s; fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (NULL == fp) { fprintf(stderr, "flam3: could not open palette file "); perror(filename); return(-1); } /* Incrementally read XML file into a string */ s = malloc(slen); i = 0; do { c = getc(fp); if (EOF == c) { if (ferror(fp)) { perror(filename); return(-1); } break; } s[i++] = c; if (i == slen-1) { slen *= 2; s = realloc(s, slen); } } while (1); fclose(fp); s[i] = 0; doc = xmlReadMemory(s, (int)strlen(s), filename, NULL, XML_PARSE_NONET); if (NULL == doc) { fprintf(stderr, "error parsing %s (%s).\n", filename, s); return(-1); } rootnode = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); the_palettes = malloc(sizeof(lib_palette)); npalettes = 0; parse_palettes(rootnode); xmlFreeDoc(doc); free(s); xmlCleanupParser(); return(1); } int flam3_get_palette(int n, flam3_palette c, double hue_rotation) { int cmap_len = 256; int idx, i, j, rcode; // set palette to all white in case there are problems for (i = 0; i < cmap_len; i++) { c[i].index = i; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) c[i].color[j] = 1.0; } if (NULL == the_palettes) { char *d = getenv("flam3_palettes"); rcode = init_palettes(d ? d : (PACKAGE_DATA_DIR "/flam3-palettes.xml")); if (rcode<0) { fprintf(stderr,"error reading xml palette file, setting to all white\n"); return(-1); } } if (flam3_palette_random == n) n = the_palettes[random()%npalettes].number; for (idx = 0; idx < npalettes; idx++) { if (n == the_palettes[idx].number) { /* Loop over elements of cmap */ for (i = 0; i < cmap_len; i++) { int ii = (i * 256) / cmap_len; double rgb[3], hsv[3]; /* Colors are in 0-1 space */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) rgb[j] = the_palettes[idx].colors[ii][j] / 255.0; rgb2hsv(rgb, hsv); hsv[0] += hue_rotation * 6.0; hsv2rgb(hsv, rgb); c[i].index = i; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) c[i].color[j] = rgb[j]; c[i].color[3] = 1.0; } return n; } } fprintf(stderr, "warning: palette number %d not found, using white.\n", n); return(-1); } /* rgb 0 - 1, h 0 - 6, s 0 - 1, v 0 - 1 */ void rgb2hsv(rgb, hsv) double *rgb; double *hsv; { double rd, gd, bd, h, s, v, max, min, del, rc, gc, bc; rd = rgb[0]; gd = rgb[1]; bd = rgb[2]; /* compute maximum of rd,gd,bd */ if (rd>=gd) { if (rd>=bd) max = rd; else max = bd; } else { if (gd>=bd) max = gd; else max = bd; } /* compute minimum of rd,gd,bd */ if (rd<=gd) { if (rd<=bd) min = rd; else min = bd; } else { if (gd<=bd) min = gd; else min = bd; } del = max - min; v = max; if (max != 0.0) s = (del) / max; else s = 0.0; h = 0; if (s != 0.0) { rc = (max - rd) / del; gc = (max - gd) / del; bc = (max - bd) / del; if (rd==max) h = bc - gc; else if (gd==max) h = 2 + rc - bc; else if (bd==max) h = 4 + gc - rc; if (h<0) h += 6; } hsv[0] = h; hsv[1] = s; hsv[2] = v; } /* h 0 - 6, s 0 - 1, v 0 - 1 rgb 0 - 1 */ void hsv2rgb(hsv, rgb) double *hsv; double *rgb; { double h = hsv[0], s = hsv[1], v = hsv[2]; int j; double rd, gd, bd; double f, p, q, t; while (h >= 6.0) h = h - 6.0; while (h < 0.0) h = h + 6.0; j = (int) floor(h); f = h - j; p = v * (1-s); q = v * (1 - (s*f)); t = v * (1 - (s*(1 - f))); switch (j) { case 0: rd = v; gd = t; bd = p; break; case 1: rd = q; gd = v; bd = p; break; case 2: rd = p; gd = v; bd = t; break; case 3: rd = p; gd = q; bd = v; break; case 4: rd = t; gd = p; bd = v; break; case 5: rd = v; gd = p; bd = q; break; default: rd = v; gd = t; bd = p; break; } rgb[0] = rd; rgb[1] = gd; rgb[2] = bd; } double flam3_calc_alpha(double density, double gamma, double linrange) { double dnorm = density; double funcval = pow(linrange, gamma); double frac,alpha; if (dnorm>0) { if (dnorm < linrange) { frac = dnorm/linrange; alpha = (1.0-frac) * dnorm * (funcval / linrange) + frac * pow(dnorm,gamma); } else alpha = pow(dnorm,gamma); } else alpha = 0; return(alpha); } void flam3_calc_newrgb(double *cbuf, double ls, double highpow, double *newrgb) { int rgbi; double newls,lsratio; double newhsv[3]; double a, maxa=-1.0, maxc=0; double adjhlp; if (ls==0.0 || (cbuf[0]==0.0 && cbuf[1]==0.0 && cbuf[2]==0.0)) { newrgb[0] = 0.0; newrgb[1] = 0.0; newrgb[2] = 0.0; return; } /* Identify the most saturated channel */ for (rgbi=0;rgbi<3;rgbi++) { a = ls * (cbuf[rgbi]/PREFILTER_WHITE); if (a>maxa) { maxa = a; maxc = cbuf[rgbi]/PREFILTER_WHITE; } } /* If a channel is saturated and we have a non-negative highlight power */ /* modify the color to prevent hue shift */ if (maxa>255 && highpow>=0.0) { newls = 255.0/maxc; lsratio = pow(newls/ls,highpow); /* Calculate the max-value color (ranged 0 - 1) */ for (rgbi=0;rgbi<3;rgbi++) newrgb[rgbi] = newls*(cbuf[rgbi]/PREFILTER_WHITE)/255.0; /* Reduce saturation by the lsratio */ rgb2hsv(newrgb,newhsv); newhsv[1] *= lsratio; hsv2rgb(newhsv,newrgb); for (rgbi=0;rgbi<3;rgbi++) newrgb[rgbi] *= 255.0; } else { newls = 255.0/maxc; adjhlp = -highpow; if (adjhlp>1) adjhlp=1; if (maxa<=255) adjhlp=1.0; /* Calculate the max-value color (ranged 0 - 1) interpolated with the old behaviour */ for (rgbi=0;rgbi<3;rgbi++) newrgb[rgbi] = ((1.0-adjhlp)*newls + adjhlp*ls)*(cbuf[rgbi]/PREFILTER_WHITE); // for (rgbi=0;rgbi<3;rgbi++) // newrgb[rgbi] = ls*(cbuf[rgbi]/PREFILTER_WHITE); } } static int random_xform(flam3_genome *g, int excluded) { int ntries = 0; while (ntries++ < 100) { int i = random() % g->num_xforms; if (g->xform[i].density > 0.0 && i != excluded) return i; } return -1; } static double try_colors(flam3_genome *g, int color_resolution) { int *hist; int i, hits, res = color_resolution; int res3 = res * res * res; flam3_frame f; unsigned char *image, *p; flam3_genome saved; double scalar; int pixtotal; stat_struct stats; memset(&saved, 0, sizeof(flam3_genome)); flam3_copy(&saved, g); g->sample_density = 1; g->spatial_oversample = 1; g->estimator = 0.0; /* Scale the image so that the total number of pixels is ~10000 */ pixtotal = g->width * g->height; scalar = sqrt( 10000.0 / (double)pixtotal); g->width *= scalar; g->height *= scalar; g->pixels_per_unit *= scalar; // g->width = 100; // XXX keep aspect ratio // g->height = 100; // g->pixels_per_unit = 50; g->nbatches = 1; g->ntemporal_samples = 1; // f.temporal_filter_radius = 0.0; flam3_init_frame(&f); f.bits = 33; f.bytes_per_channel=1; f.verbose = 0; f.genomes = g; f.ngenomes = 1; f.earlyclip = 1; f.pixel_aspect_ratio = 1.0; f.progress = 0; f.nthreads = 1; f.sub_batch_size = 10000; image = (unsigned char *) calloc(g->width * g->height, 3); if (flam3_render(&f, image, flam3_field_both, 3, 0, &stats)) { fprintf(stderr,"Error rendering test image for trycolors. Aborting.\n"); return(-1); } hist = calloc(sizeof(int), res3); p = image; for (i = 0; i < g->height * g->width; i++) { hist[(p[0] * res / 256) + (p[1] * res / 256) * res + (p[2] * res / 256) * res * res]++; p += 3; } if (0) { int j, k; for (i = 0; i < res; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "\ni=%d: \n", i); for (j = 0; j < res; j++) { for (k = 0; k < res; k++) { fprintf(stderr, " %5d", hist[i * res * res + j * res + k]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } } hits = 0; for (i = 0; i < res3; i++) { if (hist[i]) hits++; } free(hist); free(image); g->sample_density = saved.sample_density; g->width = saved.width; g->height = saved.height; g->spatial_oversample = saved.spatial_oversample; g->pixels_per_unit = saved.pixels_per_unit; g->nbatches = saved.nbatches; g->ntemporal_samples = saved.ntemporal_samples; g->estimator = saved.estimator; /* Free xform storage */ clear_cp(&saved,flam3_defaults_on); return (double) (hits / res3); } static void change_colors(flam3_genome *g, int change_palette) { int i; int x0, x1; if (change_palette) { g->hue_rotation = 0.0; g->palette_index = flam3_get_palette(flam3_palette_random, g->palette, 0.0); if (g->palette_index < 0) fprintf(stderr,"error retrieving random palette, setting to all white\n"); } for (i = 0; i < g->num_xforms; i++) { g->xform[i].color = flam3_random01(); } x0 = random_xform(g, -1); x1 = random_xform(g, x0); if (x0 >= 0 && (random()&1)) g->xform[x0].color = 0.0; if (x1 >= 0 && (random()&1)) g->xform[x1].color = 1.0; } void flam3_improve_colors(flam3_genome *g, int ntries, int change_palette, int color_resolution) { int i; double best, b; flam3_genome best_genome; memset(&best_genome, 0, sizeof(flam3_genome)); best = try_colors(g, color_resolution); if (best<0) { fprintf(stderr,"error in try_colors, skipping flam3_improve_colors\n"); return; } flam3_copy(&best_genome,g); for (i = 0; i < ntries; i++) { change_colors(g, change_palette); b = try_colors(g, color_resolution); if (b < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"error in try_colors, aborting tries\n"); break; } if (b > best) { best = b; flam3_copy(&best_genome,g); } } flam3_copy(g,&best_genome); clear_cp(&best_genome,flam3_defaults_on); }