/* FLAM3 - cosmic recursive fractal flames Copyright (C) 1992-2009 Spotworks LLC This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "variations.h" #include "interpolation.h" #define badvalue(x) (((x)!=(x))||((x)>1e10)||((x)<-1e10)) /* Wrap the sincos function for Macs */ #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(_MSC_VER) #define sincos(x,s,c) *(s)=sin(x); *(c)=cos(x); #else extern void sincos(double x, double *s, double *c); #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #define trunc (int) #endif char *flam3_variation_names[1+flam3_nvariations] = { "linear", "sinusoidal", "spherical", "swirl", "horseshoe", "polar", "handkerchief", "heart", "disc", "spiral", "hyperbolic", "diamond", "ex", "julia", "bent", "waves", "fisheye", "popcorn", "exponential", "power", "cosine", "rings", "fan", "blob", "pdj", "fan2", "rings2", "eyefish", "bubble", "cylinder", "perspective", "noise", "julian", "juliascope", "blur", "gaussian_blur", "radial_blur", "pie", "ngon", "curl", "rectangles", "arch", "tangent", "square", "rays", "blade", "secant2", "twintrian", "cross", "disc2", "super_shape", "flower", "conic", "parabola", "bent2", "bipolar", "boarders", "butterfly", "cell", "cpow", "curve", "edisc", "elliptic", "escher", "foci", "lazysusan", "loonie", "pre_blur", "modulus", "oscilloscope", "polar2", "popcorn2", "scry", "separation", "split", "splits", "stripes", "wedge", "wedge_julia", "wedge_sph", "whorl", "waves2", "exp", "log", "sin", "cos", "tan", "sec", "csc", "cot", "sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "sech", "csch", "coth", "auger", "flux", "mobius", 0 }; /* * VARIATION FUNCTIONS * must be of the form void (void *, double) */ void var0_linear (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* linear */ /* nx = tx; ny = ty; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ f->p0 += weight * f->tx; f->p1 += weight * f->ty; } void var1_sinusoidal (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* sinusoidal */ /* nx = sin(tx); ny = sin(ty); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ f->p0 += weight * sin(f->tx); f->p1 += weight * sin(f->ty); } void var2_spherical (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* spherical */ /* double r2 = tx * tx + ty * ty + 1e-6; nx = tx / r2; ny = ty / r2; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double r2 = weight / ( f->precalc_sumsq + EPS); f->p0 += r2 * f->tx; f->p1 += r2 * f->ty; } void var3_swirl (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* swirl */ /* double r2 = tx * tx + ty * ty; /k here is fun double c1 = sin(r2); double c2 = cos(r2); nx = c1 * tx - c2 * ty; ny = c2 * tx + c1 * ty; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double r2 = f->precalc_sumsq; double c1,c2; double nx,ny; sincos(r2,&c1,&c2); // double c1 = sin(r2); // double c2 = cos(r2); nx = c1 * f->tx - c2 * f->ty; ny = c2 * f->tx + c1 * f->ty; f->p0 += weight * nx; f->p1 += weight * ny; } void var4_horseshoe (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* horseshoe */ /* a = atan2(tx, ty); c1 = sin(a); c2 = cos(a); nx = c1 * tx - c2 * ty; ny = c2 * tx + c1 * ty; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double r = weight / (f->precalc_sqrt + EPS); f->p0 += (f->tx - f->ty) * (f->tx + f->ty) * r; f->p1 += 2.0 * f->tx * f->ty * r; } void var5_polar (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* polar */ /* nx = atan2(tx, ty) / M_PI; ny = sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty) - 1.0; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double nx = f->precalc_atan * M_1_PI; double ny = f->precalc_sqrt - 1.0; f->p0 += weight * nx; f->p1 += weight * ny; } void var6_handkerchief (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* folded handkerchief */ /* a = atan2(tx, ty); r = sqrt(tx*tx + ty*ty); p[0] += v * sin(a+r) * r; p[1] += v * cos(a-r) * r; */ double a = f->precalc_atan; double r = f->precalc_sqrt; f->p0 += weight * r * sin(a+r); f->p1 += weight * r * cos(a-r); } void var7_heart (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* heart */ /* a = atan2(tx, ty); r = sqrt(tx*tx + ty*ty); a *= r; p[0] += v * sin(a) * r; p[1] += v * cos(a) * -r; */ double a = f->precalc_sqrt * f->precalc_atan; double ca,sa; double r = weight * f->precalc_sqrt; sincos(a,&sa,&ca); f->p0 += r * sa; f->p1 += (-r) * ca; } void var8_disc (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* disc */ /* nx = tx * M_PI; ny = ty * M_PI; a = atan2(nx, ny); r = sqrt(nx*nx + ny*ny); p[0] += v * sin(r) * a / M_PI; p[1] += v * cos(r) * a / M_PI; */ double a = f->precalc_atan * M_1_PI; double r = M_PI * f->precalc_sqrt; double sr,cr; sincos(r,&sr,&cr); f->p0 += weight * sr * a; f->p1 += weight * cr * a; } void var9_spiral (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* spiral */ /* a = atan2(tx, ty); r = sqrt(tx*tx + ty*ty) + 1e-6; p[0] += v * (cos(a) + sin(r)) / r; p[1] += v * (sin(a) - cos(r)) / r; */ double r = f->precalc_sqrt + EPS; double r1 = weight/r; double sr,cr; sincos(r,&sr,&cr); f->p0 += r1 * (f->precalc_cosa + sr); f->p1 += r1 * (f->precalc_sina - cr); } void var10_hyperbolic (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* hyperbolic */ /* a = atan2(tx, ty); r = sqrt(tx*tx + ty*ty) + 1e-6; p[0] += v * sin(a) / r; p[1] += v * cos(a) * r; */ double r = f->precalc_sqrt + EPS; f->p0 += weight * f->precalc_sina / r; f->p1 += weight * f->precalc_cosa * r; } void var11_diamond (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* diamond */ /* a = atan2(tx, ty); r = sqrt(tx*tx + ty*ty); p[0] += v * sin(a) * cos(r); p[1] += v * cos(a) * sin(r); */ double r = f->precalc_sqrt; double sr,cr; sincos(r,&sr,&cr); f->p0 += weight * f->precalc_sina * cr; f->p1 += weight * f->precalc_cosa * sr; } void var12_ex (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* ex */ /* a = atan2(tx, ty); r = sqrt(tx*tx + ty*ty); n0 = sin(a+r); n1 = cos(a-r); m0 = n0 * n0 * n0 * r; m1 = n1 * n1 * n1 * r; p[0] += v * (m0 + m1); p[1] += v * (m0 - m1); */ double a = f->precalc_atan; double r = f->precalc_sqrt; double n0 = sin(a+r); double n1 = cos(a-r); double m0 = n0 * n0 * n0 * r; double m1 = n1 * n1 * n1 * r; f->p0 += weight * (m0 + m1); f->p1 += weight * (m0 - m1); } void var13_julia (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* julia */ /* a = atan2(tx, ty)/2.0; if (flam3_random_bit()) a += M_PI; r = pow(tx*tx + ty*ty, 0.25); nx = r * cos(a); ny = r * sin(a); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double r; double a = 0.5 * f->precalc_atan; double sa,ca; if (flam3_random_isaac_bit(f->rc)) //(flam3_random_bit()) a += M_PI; r = weight * sqrt(f->precalc_sqrt); sincos(a,&sa,&ca); f->p0 += r * ca; f->p1 += r * sa; } void var14_bent (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* bent */ /* nx = tx; ny = ty; if (nx < 0.0) nx = nx * 2.0; if (ny < 0.0) ny = ny / 2.0; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double nx = f->tx; double ny = f->ty; if (nx < 0.0) nx = nx * 2.0; if (ny < 0.0) ny = ny / 2.0; f->p0 += weight * nx; f->p1 += weight * ny; } void var15_waves (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* waves */ /* dx = coef[2][0]; dy = coef[2][1]; nx = tx + coef[1][0]*sin(ty/((dx*dx)+EPS)); ny = ty + coef[1][1]*sin(tx/((dy*dy)+EPS)); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double c10 = f->xform->c[1][0]; double c11 = f->xform->c[1][1]; double nx = f->tx + c10 * sin( f->ty * f->xform->waves_dx2 ); double ny = f->ty + c11 * sin( f->tx * f->xform->waves_dy2 ); f->p0 += weight * nx; f->p1 += weight * ny; } void var16_fisheye (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* fisheye */ /* a = atan2(tx, ty); r = sqrt(tx*tx + ty*ty); r = 2 * r / (r + 1); nx = r * cos(a); ny = r * sin(a); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double r = f->precalc_sqrt; r = 2 * weight / (r+1); f->p0 += r * f->ty; f->p1 += r * f->tx; } void var17_popcorn (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* popcorn */ /* dx = tan(3*ty); dy = tan(3*tx); nx = tx + coef[2][0] * sin(dx); ny = ty + coef[2][1] * sin(dy); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double dx = tan(3*f->ty); double dy = tan(3*f->tx); double nx = f->tx + f->xform->c[2][0] * sin(dx); double ny = f->ty + f->xform->c[2][1] * sin(dy); f->p0 += weight * nx; f->p1 += weight * ny; } void var18_exponential (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* exponential */ /* dx = exp(tx-1.0); dy = M_PI * ty; nx = cos(dy) * dx; ny = sin(dy) * dx; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double dx = weight * exp(f->tx - 1.0); double dy = M_PI * f->ty; double sdy,cdy; sincos(dy,&sdy,&cdy); f->p0 += dx * cdy; f->p1 += dx * sdy; } void var19_power (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* power */ /* a = atan2(tx, ty); sa = sin(a); r = sqrt(tx*tx + ty*ty); r = pow(r, sa); nx = r * precalc_cosa; ny = r * sa; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double r = weight * pow(f->precalc_sqrt, f->precalc_sina); f->p0 += r * f->precalc_cosa; f->p1 += r * f->precalc_sina; } void var20_cosine (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* cosine */ /* nx = cos(tx * M_PI) * cosh(ty); ny = -sin(tx * M_PI) * sinh(ty); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double a = f->tx * M_PI; double sa,ca; double nx,ny; sincos(a,&sa,&ca); nx = ca * cosh(f->ty); ny = -sa * sinh(f->ty); f->p0 += weight * nx; f->p1 += weight * ny; } void var21_rings (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* rings */ /* dx = coef[2][0]; dx = dx * dx + EPS; r = sqrt(tx*tx + ty*ty); r = fmod(r + dx, 2*dx) - dx + r*(1-dx); a = atan2(tx, ty); nx = cos(a) * r; ny = sin(a) * r; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double dx = f->xform->c[2][0] * f->xform->c[2][0] + EPS; double r = f->precalc_sqrt; r = weight * (fmod(r+dx, 2*dx) - dx + r * (1 - dx)); f->p0 += r * f->precalc_cosa; f->p1 += r * f->precalc_sina; } void var22_fan (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* fan */ /* dx = coef[2][0]; dy = coef[2][1]; dx = M_PI * (dx * dx + EPS); dx2 = dx/2; a = atan(tx,ty); r = sqrt(tx*tx + ty*ty); a += (fmod(a+dy, dx) > dx2) ? -dx2 : dx2; nx = cos(a) * r; ny = sin(a) * r; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double dx = M_PI * (f->xform->c[2][0] * f->xform->c[2][0] + EPS); double dy = f->xform->c[2][1]; double dx2 = 0.5 * dx; double a = f->precalc_atan; double r = weight * f->precalc_sqrt; double sa,ca; a += (fmod(a+dy,dx) > dx2) ? -dx2 : dx2; sincos(a,&sa,&ca); f->p0 += r * ca; f->p1 += r * sa; } void var23_blob (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* blob */ /* a = atan2(tx, ty); r = sqrt(tx*tx + ty*ty); r = r * (bloblow + (blobhigh-bloblow) * (0.5 + 0.5 * sin(blobwaves * a))); nx = sin(a) * r; ny = cos(a) * r; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double r = f->precalc_sqrt; double a = f->precalc_atan; double bdiff = f->xform->blob_high - f->xform->blob_low; r = r * (f->xform->blob_low + bdiff * (0.5 + 0.5 * sin(f->xform->blob_waves * a))); f->p0 += weight * f->precalc_sina * r; f->p1 += weight * f->precalc_cosa * r; } void var24_pdj (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* pdj */ /* nx1 = cos(pdjb * tx); nx2 = sin(pdjc * tx); ny1 = sin(pdja * ty); ny2 = cos(pdjd * ty); p[0] += v * (ny1 - nx1); p[1] += v * (nx2 - ny2); */ double nx1 = cos(f->xform->pdj_b * f->tx); double nx2 = sin(f->xform->pdj_c * f->tx); double ny1 = sin(f->xform->pdj_a * f->ty); double ny2 = cos(f->xform->pdj_d * f->ty); f->p0 += weight * (ny1 - nx1); f->p1 += weight * (nx2 - ny2); } void var25_fan2 (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* fan2 */ /* a = precalc_atan; r = precalc_sqrt; dy = fan2y; dx = M_PI * (fan2x * fan2x + EPS); dx2 = dx / 2.0; t = a + dy - dx * (int)((a + dy)/dx); if (t > dx2) a = a - dx2; else a = a + dx2; nx = sin(a) * r; ny = cos(a) * r; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double dy = f->xform->fan2_y; double dx = M_PI * (f->xform->fan2_x * f->xform->fan2_x + EPS); double dx2 = 0.5 * dx; double a = f->precalc_atan; double sa,ca; double r = weight * f->precalc_sqrt; double t = a + dy - dx * (int)((a + dy)/dx); if (t>dx2) a = a-dx2; else a = a+dx2; sincos(a,&sa,&ca); f->p0 += r * sa; f->p1 += r * ca; } void var26_rings2 (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* rings2 */ /* r = precalc_sqrt; dx = rings2val * rings2val + EPS; r += dx - 2.0*dx*(int)((r + dx)/(2.0 * dx)) - dx + r * (1.0-dx); nx = precalc_sina * r; ny = precalc_cosa * r; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; */ double r = f->precalc_sqrt; double dx = f->xform->rings2_val * f->xform->rings2_val + EPS; r += -2.0*dx*(int)((r+dx)/(2.0*dx)) + r * (1.0-dx); f->p0 += weight * f->precalc_sina * r; f->p1 += weight * f->precalc_cosa * r; } void var27_eyefish (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* eyefish */ /* r = 2.0 * v / (precalc_sqrt + 1.0); p[0] += r*tx; p[1] += r*ty; */ double r = (weight * 2.0) / (f->precalc_sqrt + 1.0); f->p0 += r * f->tx; f->p1 += r * f->ty; } void var28_bubble (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* bubble */ double r = weight / (0.25 * (f->precalc_sumsq) + 1); f->p0 += r * f->tx; f->p1 += r * f->ty; } void var29_cylinder (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* cylinder (01/06) */ f->p0 += weight * sin(f->tx); f->p1 += weight * f->ty; } void var30_perspective (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* perspective (01/06) */ double t = 1.0 / (f->xform->perspective_dist - f->ty * f->xform->persp_vsin); f->p0 += weight * f->xform->perspective_dist * f->tx * t; f->p1 += weight * f->xform->persp_vfcos * f->ty * t; } void var31_noise (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* noise (03/06) */ double tmpr, sinr, cosr, r; tmpr = flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) * 2 * M_PI; sincos(tmpr,&sinr,&cosr); r = weight * flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc); f->p0 += f->tx * r * cosr; f->p1 += f->ty * r * sinr; } void var32_juliaN_generic (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* juliaN (03/06) */ int t_rnd = trunc((f->xform->julian_rN)*flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc)); double tmpr = (f->precalc_atanyx + 2 * M_PI * t_rnd) / f->xform->julian_power; double r = weight * pow(f->precalc_sumsq, f->xform->julian_cn); double sina, cosa; sincos(tmpr,&sina,&cosa); f->p0 += r * cosa; f->p1 += r * sina; } void var33_juliaScope_generic (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* juliaScope (03/06) */ int t_rnd = trunc((f->xform->juliascope_rN) * flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc)); double tmpr, r; double sina, cosa; if ((t_rnd & 1) == 0) tmpr = (2 * M_PI * t_rnd + f->precalc_atanyx) / f->xform->juliascope_power; else tmpr = (2 * M_PI * t_rnd - f->precalc_atanyx) / f->xform->juliascope_power; sincos(tmpr,&sina,&cosa); r = weight * pow(f->precalc_sumsq, f->xform->juliascope_cn); f->p0 += r * cosa; f->p1 += r * sina; } void var34_blur (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* blur (03/06) */ double tmpr, sinr, cosr, r; tmpr = flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) * 2 * M_PI; sincos(tmpr,&sinr,&cosr); r = weight * flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc); f->p0 += r * cosr; f->p1 += r * sinr; } void var35_gaussian (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* gaussian (09/06) */ double ang, r, sina, cosa; ang = flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) * 2 * M_PI; sincos(ang,&sina,&cosa); r = weight * ( flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) + flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) + flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) + flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) - 2.0 ); f->p0 += r * cosa; f->p1 += r * sina; } void var36_radial_blur (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* radial blur (09/06) */ /* removed random storage 6/07 */ double rndG, ra, rz, tmpa, sa, ca; /* Get pseudo-gaussian */ rndG = weight * (flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) + flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) + flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) + flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) - 2.0); /* Calculate angle & zoom */ ra = f->precalc_sqrt; tmpa = f->precalc_atanyx + f->xform->radialBlur_spinvar*rndG; sincos(tmpa,&sa,&ca); rz = f->xform->radialBlur_zoomvar * rndG - 1; f->p0 += ra * ca + rz * f->tx; f->p1 += ra * sa + rz * f->ty; } void var37_pie(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* pie by Joel Faber (June 2006) */ double a, r, sa, ca; int sl; sl = (int) (flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) * f->xform->pie_slices + 0.5); a = f->xform->pie_rotation + 2.0 * M_PI * (sl + flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) * f->xform->pie_thickness) / f->xform->pie_slices; r = weight * flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc); sincos(a,&sa,&ca); f->p0 += r * ca; f->p1 += r * sa; } void var38_ngon(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* ngon by Joel Faber (09/06) */ double r_factor,theta,phi,b, amp; r_factor = pow(f->precalc_sumsq, f->xform->ngon_power/2.0); theta = f->precalc_atanyx; b = 2*M_PI/f->xform->ngon_sides; phi = theta - (b*floor(theta/b)); if (phi > b/2) phi -= b; amp = f->xform->ngon_corners * (1.0 / (cos(phi) + EPS) - 1.0) + f->xform->ngon_circle; amp /= (r_factor + EPS); f->p0 += weight * f->tx * amp; f->p1 += weight * f->ty * amp; } void var39_curl(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { double re = 1.0 + f->xform->curl_c1 * f->tx + f->xform->curl_c2 * (f->tx * f->tx - f->ty * f->ty); double im = f->xform->curl_c1 * f->ty + 2.0 * f->xform->curl_c2 * f->tx * f->ty; double r = weight / (re*re + im*im); f->p0 += (f->tx * re + f->ty * im) * r; f->p1 += (f->ty * re - f->tx * im) * r; } void var40_rectangles(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { if (f->xform->rectangles_x==0) f->p0 += weight * f->tx; else f->p0 += weight * ((2 * floor(f->tx / f->xform->rectangles_x) + 1) * f->xform->rectangles_x - f->tx); if (f->xform->rectangles_y==0) f->p1 += weight * f->ty; else f->p1 += weight * ((2 * floor(f->ty / f->xform->rectangles_y) + 1) * f->xform->rectangles_y - f->ty); } void var41_arch(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Z+ variation Jan 07 procedure TXForm.Arch; var sinr, cosr: double; begin SinCos(random * vars[29]*pi, sinr, cosr); FPx := FPx + sinr*vars[29]; FPy := FPy + sqr(sinr)/cosr*vars[29]; end; */ /* * !!! Note !!! * This code uses the variation weight in a non-standard fashion, and * it may change or even be removed in future versions of flam3. */ double ang = flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) * weight * M_PI; double sinr,cosr; sincos(ang,&sinr,&cosr); f->p0 += weight * sinr; f->p1 += weight * (sinr*sinr)/cosr; } void var42_tangent(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Z+ variation Jan 07 procedure TXForm.Tangent; begin FPx := FPx + vars[30] * (sin(FTx)/cos(FTy)); FPy := FPy + vars[30] * (sin(FTy)/cos(FTy)); end; */ f->p0 += weight * sin(f->tx)/cos(f->ty); f->p1 += weight * tan(f->ty); } void var43_square(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Z+ variation Jan 07 procedure TXForm.SquareBlur; begin FPx := FPx + vars[31] * (random - 0.5); FPy := FPy + vars[31] * (random - 0.5); end; */ f->p0 += weight * (flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) - 0.5); f->p1 += weight * (flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) - 0.5); } void var44_rays(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Z+ variation Jan 07 procedure TXForm.Rays; var r, sinr, cosr, tgr: double; begin SinCos(random * vars[32]*pi, sinr, cosr); r := vars[32] / (sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy) + EPS); tgr := sinr/cosr; FPx := FPx + tgr * (cos(FTx)*vars[32]) * r; FPy := FPy + tgr * (sin(FTy)*vars[32]) * r; end; */ /* * !!! Note !!! * This code uses the variation weight in a non-standard fashion, and * it may change or even be removed in future versions of flam3. */ double ang = weight * flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) * M_PI; double r = weight / (f->precalc_sumsq + EPS); double tanr = weight * tan(ang) * r; f->p0 += tanr * cos(f->tx); f->p1 += tanr * sin(f->ty); } void var45_blade(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Z+ variation Jan 07 procedure TXForm.Blade; var r, sinr, cosr: double; begin r := sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy))*vars[33]; SinCos(r*random, sinr, cosr); FPx := FPx + vars[33] * FTx * (cosr + sinr); FPy := FPy + vars[33] * FTx * (cosr - sinr); end; */ /* * !!! Note !!! * This code uses the variation weight in a non-standard fashion, and * it may change or even be removed in future versions of flam3. */ double r = flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) * weight * f->precalc_sqrt; double sinr,cosr; sincos(r,&sinr,&cosr); f->p0 += weight * f->tx * (cosr + sinr); f->p1 += weight * f->tx * (cosr - sinr); } void var46_secant2(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Intended as a 'fixed' version of secant */ /* * !!! Note !!! * This code uses the variation weight in a non-standard fashion, and * it may change or even be removed in future versions of flam3. */ double r = weight * f->precalc_sqrt; double cr = cos(r); double icr = 1.0/cr; f->p0 += weight * f->tx; if (cr<0) f->p1 += weight*(icr + 1); else f->p1 += weight*(icr - 1); } void var47_twintrian(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Z+ variation Jan 07 procedure TXForm.TwinTrian; var r, diff, sinr, cosr: double; begin r := sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy))*vars[35]; SinCos(r*random, sinr, cosr); diff := Math.Log10(sinr*sinr)+cosr; FPx := FPx + vars[35] * FTx * diff; FPy := FPy + vars[35] * FTx * (diff - (sinr*pi)); end; */ /* * !!! Note !!! * This code uses the variation weight in a non-standard fashion, and * it may change or even be removed in future versions of flam3. */ double r = flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) * weight * f->precalc_sqrt; double sinr,cosr,diff; sincos(r,&sinr,&cosr); diff = log10(sinr*sinr)+cosr; if (badvalue(diff)) diff = -30.0; f->p0 += weight * f->tx * diff; f->p1 += weight * f->tx * (diff - sinr*M_PI); } void var48_cross(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Z+ variation Jan 07 procedure TXForm.Cross; var r: double; begin r := vars[36]*sqrt(1/(sqr(sqr(FTx)-sqr(FTy))+EPS)); FPx := FPx + FTx * r; FPy := FPy + FTy * r; end; */ double s = f->tx*f->tx - f->ty*f->ty; double r = weight * sqrt(1.0 / (s*s+EPS)); f->p0 += f->tx * r; f->p1 += f->ty * r; } void var49_disc2(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Z+ variation Jan 07 c := vvar/PI; k := rot*PI; sinadd := Sin(add); cosadd := Cos(add); cosadd := cosadd - 1; if (add > 2*PI) then begin cosadd := cosadd * (1 + add - 2*PI); sinadd := sinadd * (1 + add - 2*PI) end else if (add < -2*PI) then begin cosadd := cosadd * (1 + add + 2*PI); sinadd := sinadd * (1 + add + 2*PI) end end; procedure TVariationDisc2.CalcFunction; var r, sinr, cosr: extended; begin SinCos(k * (FTx^+FTy^), sinr, cosr); //rot*PI r := c * arctan2(FTx^, FTy^); //vvar/PI FPx^ := FPx^ + (sinr + cosadd) * r; FPy^ := FPy^ + (cosr + sinadd) * r; */ double r,t,sinr, cosr; t = f->xform->disc2_timespi * (f->tx + f->ty); sincos(t,&sinr,&cosr); r = weight * f->precalc_atan / M_PI; f->p0 += (sinr + f->xform->disc2_cosadd) * r; f->p1 += (cosr + f->xform->disc2_sinadd) * r; } void var50_supershape(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { double theta; double t1,t2,r; double st,ct; double myrnd; theta = f->xform->super_shape_pm_4 * f->precalc_atanyx + M_PI_4; sincos(theta,&st,&ct); t1 = fabs(ct); t1 = pow(t1,f->xform->super_shape_n2); t2 = fabs(st); t2 = pow(t2,f->xform->super_shape_n3); myrnd = f->xform->super_shape_rnd; r = weight * ( (myrnd*flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) + (1.0-myrnd)*f->precalc_sqrt) - f->xform->super_shape_holes) * pow(t1+t2,f->xform->super_shape_pneg1_n1) / f->precalc_sqrt; f->p0 += r * f->tx; f->p1 += r * f->ty; } void var51_flower(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* cyberxaos, 4/2007 */ /* theta := arctan2(FTy^, FTx^); r := (random-holes)*cos(petals*theta); FPx^ := FPx^ + vvar*r*cos(theta); FPy^ := FPy^ + vvar*r*sin(theta);*/ double theta = f->precalc_atanyx; double r = weight * (flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) - f->xform->flower_holes) * cos(f->xform->flower_petals*theta) / f->precalc_sqrt; f->p0 += r * f->tx; f->p1 += r * f->ty; } void var52_conic(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* cyberxaos, 4/2007 */ /* theta := arctan2(FTy^, FTx^); r := (random - holes)*((eccentricity)/(1+eccentricity*cos(theta))); FPx^ := FPx^ + vvar*r*cos(theta); FPy^ := FPy^ + vvar*r*sin(theta); */ double ct = f->tx / f->precalc_sqrt; double r = weight * (flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) - f->xform->conic_holes) * f->xform->conic_eccentricity / (1 + f->xform->conic_eccentricity*ct) / f->precalc_sqrt; f->p0 += r * f->tx; f->p1 += r * f->ty; } void var53_parabola(flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* cyberxaos, 4/2007 */ /* r := sqrt(sqr(FTx^) + sqr(FTy^)); FPx^ := FPx^ + parabola_height*vvar*sin(r)*sin(r)*random; FPy^ := FPy^ + parabola_width*vvar*cos(r)*random; */ double r = f->precalc_sqrt; double sr,cr; sincos(r,&sr,&cr); f->p0 += f->xform->parabola_height * weight * sr*sr * flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc); f->p1 += f->xform->parabola_width * weight * cr * flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc); } void var54_bent2 (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Bent2 in the Apophysis Plugin Pack */ double nx = f->tx; double ny = f->ty; if (nx < 0.0) nx = nx * f->xform->bent2_x; if (ny < 0.0) ny = ny * f->xform->bent2_y; f->p0 += weight * nx; f->p1 += weight * ny; } void var55_bipolar (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Bipolar in the Apophysis Plugin Pack */ double x2y2 = f->precalc_sumsq; double t = x2y2+1; double x2 = 2*f->tx; double ps = -M_PI_2 * f->xform->bipolar_shift; double y = 0.5 * atan2(2.0 * f->ty, x2y2 - 1.0) + ps; if (y > M_PI_2) y = -M_PI_2 + fmod(y + M_PI_2, M_PI); else if (y < -M_PI_2) y = M_PI_2 - fmod(M_PI_2 - y, M_PI); f->p0 += weight * 0.25 * M_2_PI * log ( (t+x2) / (t-x2) ); f->p1 += weight * M_2_PI * y; } void var56_boarders (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Boarders in the Apophysis Plugin Pack */ double roundX, roundY, offsetX, offsetY; roundX = rint(f->tx); roundY = rint(f->ty); offsetX = f->tx - roundX; offsetY = f->ty - roundY; if (flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) >= 0.75) { f->p0 += weight*(offsetX*0.5 + roundX); f->p1 += weight*(offsetY*0.5 + roundY); } else { if (fabs(offsetX) >= fabs(offsetY)) { if (offsetX >= 0.0) { f->p0 += weight*(offsetX*0.5 + roundX + 0.25); f->p1 += weight*(offsetY*0.5 + roundY + 0.25 * offsetY / offsetX); } else { f->p0 += weight*(offsetX*0.5 + roundX - 0.25); f->p1 += weight*(offsetY*0.5 + roundY - 0.25 * offsetY / offsetX); } } else { if (offsetY >= 0.0) { f->p1 += weight*(offsetY*0.5 + roundY + 0.25); f->p0 += weight*(offsetX*0.5 + roundX + offsetX/offsetY*0.25); } else { f->p1 += weight*(offsetY*0.5 + roundY - 0.25); f->p0 += weight*(offsetX*0.5 + roundX - offsetX/offsetY*0.25); } } } } void var57_butterfly (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Butterfly in the Apophysis Plugin Pack */ /* wx is weight*4/sqrt(3*pi) */ double wx = weight*1.3029400317411197908970256609023; double y2 = f->ty*2.0; double r = wx*sqrt(fabs(f->ty * f->tx)/(EPS + f->tx*f->tx + y2*y2)); f->p0 += r * f->tx; f->p1 += r * y2; } void var58_cell (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Cell in the Apophysis Plugin Pack */ double inv_cell_size = 1.0/f->xform->cell_size; /* calculate input cell */ int x = floor(f->tx*inv_cell_size); int y = floor(f->ty*inv_cell_size); /* Offset from cell origin */ double dx = f->tx - x*f->xform->cell_size; double dy = f->ty - y*f->xform->cell_size; /* interleave cells */ if (y >= 0) { if (x >= 0) { y *= 2; x *= 2; } else { y *= 2; x = -(2*x+1); } } else { if (x >= 0) { y = -(2*y+1); x *= 2; } else { y = -(2*y+1); x = -(2*x+1); } } f->p0 += weight * (dx + x*f->xform->cell_size); f->p1 -= weight * (dy + y*f->xform->cell_size); } void var59_cpow (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Cpow in the Apophysis Plugin Pack */ double a = f->precalc_atanyx; double lnr = 0.5 * log(f->precalc_sumsq); double va = 2.0 * M_PI / f->xform->cpow_power; double vc = f->xform->cpow_r / f->xform->cpow_power; double vd = f->xform->cpow_i / f->xform->cpow_power; double ang = vc*a + vd*lnr + va*floor(f->xform->cpow_power*flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc)); double sa,ca; double m = weight * exp(vc * lnr - vd * a); sincos(ang,&sa,&ca); f->p0 += m * ca; f->p1 += m * sa; } void var60_curve (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Curve in the Apophysis Plugin Pack */ double pc_xlen = f->xform->curve_xlength*f->xform->curve_xlength; double pc_ylen = f->xform->curve_ylength*f->xform->curve_ylength; if (pc_xlen<1E-20) pc_xlen = 1E-20; if (pc_ylen<1E-20) pc_ylen = 1E-20; f->p0 += weight * (f->tx + f->xform->curve_xamp * exp(-f->ty*f->ty/pc_xlen)); f->p1 += weight * (f->ty + f->xform->curve_yamp * exp(-f->tx*f->tx/pc_ylen)); } void var61_edisc (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Edisc in the Apophysis Plugin Pack */ double tmp = f->precalc_sumsq + 1.0; double tmp2 = 2.0 * f->tx; double r1 = sqrt(tmp+tmp2); double r2 = sqrt(tmp-tmp2); double xmax = (r1+r2) * 0.5; double a1 = log(xmax + sqrt(xmax - 1.0)); double a2 = -acos(f->tx/xmax); double w = weight / 11.57034632; double snv,csv,snhu,cshu; sincos(a1,&snv,&csv); snhu = sinh(a2); cshu = cosh(a2); if (f->ty > 0.0) snv = -snv; f->p0 += w * cshu * csv; f->p1 += w * snhu * snv; } void var62_elliptic (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Elliptic in the Apophysis Plugin Pack */ double tmp = f->precalc_sumsq + 1.0; double x2 = 2.0 * f->tx; double xmax = 0.5 * (sqrt(tmp+x2) + sqrt(tmp-x2)); double a = f->tx / xmax; double b = 1.0 - a*a; double ssx = xmax - 1.0; double w = weight / M_PI_2; if (b<0) b = 0; else b = sqrt(b); if (ssx<0) ssx = 0; else ssx = sqrt(ssx); f->p0 += w * atan2(a,b); if (f->ty > 0) f->p1 += w * log(xmax + ssx); else f->p1 -= w * log(xmax + ssx); } void var63_escher (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Escher in the Apophysis Plugin Pack */ double seb,ceb; double vc,vd; double m,n; double sn,cn; double a = f->precalc_atanyx; double lnr = 0.5 * log(f->precalc_sumsq); sincos(f->xform->escher_beta,&seb,&ceb); vc = 0.5 * (1.0 + ceb); vd = 0.5 * seb; m = weight * exp(vc*lnr - vd*a); n = vc*a + vd*lnr; sincos(n,&sn,&cn); f->p0 += m * cn; f->p1 += m * sn; } void var64_foci (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Foci in the Apophysis Plugin Pack */ double expx = exp(f->tx) * 0.5; double expnx = 0.25 / expx; double sn,cn,tmp; sincos(f->ty,&sn,&cn); tmp = weight/(expx + expnx - cn); f->p0 += tmp * (expx - expnx); f->p1 += tmp * sn; } void var65_lazysusan (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Lazysusan in the Apophysis Plugin Pack */ double x = f->tx - f->xform->lazysusan_x; double y = f->ty + f->xform->lazysusan_y; double r = sqrt(x*x + y*y); double sina, cosa; if (rxform->lazysusan_spin + f->xform->lazysusan_twist*(weight-r); sincos(a,&sina,&cosa); r = weight * r; f->p0 += r*cosa + f->xform->lazysusan_x; f->p1 += r*sina - f->xform->lazysusan_y; } else { r = weight * (1.0 + f->xform->lazysusan_space / r); f->p0 += r*x + f->xform->lazysusan_x; f->p1 += r*y - f->xform->lazysusan_y; } } void var66_loonie (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Loonie in the Apophysis Plugin Pack */ /* * !!! Note !!! * This code uses the variation weight in a non-standard fashion, and * it may change or even be removed in future versions of flam3. */ double r2 = f->precalc_sumsq; double w2 = weight*weight; if (r2 < w2) { double r = weight * sqrt(w2/r2 - 1.0); f->p0 += r * f->tx; f->p1 += r * f->ty; } else { f->p0 += weight * f->tx; f->p1 += weight * f->ty; } } void var67_pre_blur (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* pre-xform: PreBlur (Apo 2.08) */ /* Get pseudo-gaussian */ double rndG = weight * (flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) + flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) + flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) + flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) - 2.0); double rndA = flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc) * 2.0 * M_PI; double sinA,cosA; sincos(rndA,&sinA,&cosA); /* Note: original coordinate changed */ f->tx += rndG * cosA; f->ty += rndG * sinA; } void var68_modulus (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Modulus in the Apophysis Plugin Pack */ double xr = 2*f->xform->modulus_x; double yr = 2*f->xform->modulus_y; if (f->tx > f->xform->modulus_x) f->p0 += weight * (-f->xform->modulus_x + fmod(f->tx + f->xform->modulus_x, xr)); else if (f->tx < -f->xform->modulus_x) f->p0 += weight * ( f->xform->modulus_x - fmod(f->xform->modulus_x - f->tx, xr)); else f->p0 += weight * f->tx; if (f->ty > f->xform->modulus_y) f->p1 += weight * (-f->xform->modulus_y + fmod(f->ty + f->xform->modulus_y, yr)); else if (f->ty < -f->xform->modulus_y) f->p1 += weight * ( f->xform->modulus_y - fmod(f->xform->modulus_y - f->ty, yr)); else f->p1 += weight * f->ty; } void var69_oscope (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* oscilloscope from the apophysis plugin pack */ double tpf = 2 * M_PI * f->xform->oscope_frequency; double t; if (f->xform->oscope_damping == 0.0) t = f->xform->oscope_amplitude * cos(tpf*f->tx) + f->xform->oscope_separation; else { t = f->xform->oscope_amplitude * exp(-fabs(f->tx)*f->xform->oscope_damping) * cos(tpf*f->tx) + f->xform->oscope_separation; } if (fabs(f->ty) <= t) { f->p0 += weight*f->tx; f->p1 -= weight*f->ty; } else { f->p0 += weight*f->tx; f->p1 += weight*f->ty; } } void var70_polar2 (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* polar2 from the apophysis plugin pack */ double p2v = weight / M_PI; f->p0 += p2v * f->precalc_atan; f->p1 += p2v/2.0 * log(f->precalc_sumsq); } void var71_popcorn2 (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* popcorn2 from the apophysis plugin pack */ f->p0 += weight * ( f->tx + f->xform->popcorn2_x * sin(tan(f->ty*f->xform->popcorn2_c))); f->p1 += weight * ( f->ty + f->xform->popcorn2_y * sin(tan(f->tx*f->xform->popcorn2_c))); } void var72_scry (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* scry from the apophysis plugin pack */ /* note that scry does not multiply by weight, but as the */ /* values still approach 0 as the weight approaches 0, it */ /* should be ok */ /* * !!! Note !!! * This code uses the variation weight in a non-standard fashion, and * it may change or even be removed in future versions of flam3. */ double t = f->precalc_sumsq; double r = 1.0 / (f->precalc_sqrt * (t + 1.0/(weight+EPS))); f->p0 += f->tx * r; f->p1 += f->ty * r; } void var73_separation (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* separation from the apophysis plugin pack */ double sx2 = f->xform->separation_x * f->xform->separation_x; double sy2 = f->xform->separation_y * f->xform->separation_y; if (f->tx > 0.0) f->p0 += weight * (sqrt(f->tx*f->tx + sx2)- f->tx*f->xform->separation_xinside); else f->p0 -= weight * (sqrt(f->tx*f->tx + sx2)+ f->tx*f->xform->separation_xinside); if (f->ty > 0.0) f->p1 += weight * (sqrt(f->ty*f->ty + sy2)- f->ty*f->xform->separation_yinside); else f->p1 -= weight * (sqrt(f->ty*f->ty + sy2)+ f->ty*f->xform->separation_yinside); } void var74_split (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Split from apo plugins pack */ if (cos(f->tx*f->xform->split_xsize*M_PI) >= 0) f->p1 += weight*f->ty; else f->p1 -= weight*f->ty; if (cos(f->ty*f->xform->split_ysize*M_PI) >= 0) f->p0 += weight * f->tx; else f->p0 -= weight * f->tx; } void var75_splits (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Splits from apo plugins pack */ if (f->tx >= 0) f->p0 += weight*(f->tx+f->xform->splits_x); else f->p0 += weight*(f->tx-f->xform->splits_x); if (f->ty >= 0) f->p1 += weight*(f->ty+f->xform->splits_y); else f->p1 += weight*(f->ty-f->xform->splits_y); } void var76_stripes (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Stripes from apo plugins pack */ double roundx,offsetx; roundx = floor(f->tx + 0.5); offsetx = f->tx - roundx; f->p0 += weight * (offsetx*(1.0-f->xform->stripes_space)+roundx); f->p1 += weight * (f->ty + offsetx*offsetx*f->xform->stripes_warp); } void var77_wedge (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Wedge from apo plugins pack */ double r = f->precalc_sqrt; double a = f->precalc_atanyx + f->xform->wedge_swirl * r; double c = floor( (f->xform->wedge_count * a + M_PI)*M_1_PI*0.5); double comp_fac = 1 - f->xform->wedge_angle*f->xform->wedge_count*M_1_PI*0.5; double sa, ca; a = a * comp_fac + c * f->xform->wedge_angle; sincos(a,&sa,&ca); r = weight * (r + f->xform->wedge_hole); f->p0 += r*ca; f->p1 += r*sa; } void var78_wedge_julia (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* wedge_julia from apo plugin pack */ double r = weight * pow(f->precalc_sumsq, f->xform->wedgeJulia_cn); int t_rnd = (int)((f->xform->wedgeJulia_rN)*flam3_random_isaac_01(f->rc)); double a = (f->precalc_atanyx + 2 * M_PI * t_rnd) / f->xform->wedge_julia_power; double c = floor( (f->xform->wedge_julia_count * a + M_PI)*M_1_PI*0.5 ); double sa,ca; a = a * f->xform->wedgeJulia_cf + c * f->xform->wedge_julia_angle; sincos(a,&sa,&ca); f->p0 += r * ca; f->p1 += r * sa; } void var79_wedge_sph (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* Wedge_sph from apo plugins pack */ double r = 1.0/(f->precalc_sqrt+EPS); double a = f->precalc_atanyx + f->xform->wedge_sph_swirl * r; double c = floor( (f->xform->wedge_sph_count * a + M_PI)*M_1_PI*0.5); double comp_fac = 1 - f->xform->wedge_sph_angle*f->xform->wedge_sph_count*M_1_PI*0.5; double sa, ca; a = a * comp_fac + c * f->xform->wedge_sph_angle; sincos(a,&sa,&ca); r = weight * (r + f->xform->wedge_sph_hole); f->p0 += r*ca; f->p1 += r*sa; } void var80_whorl (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* whorl from apo plugins pack */ /* * !!! Note !!! * This code uses the variation weight in a non-standard fashion, and * it may change or even be removed in future versions of flam3. */ double r = f->precalc_sqrt; double a,sa,ca; if (rprecalc_atanyx + f->xform->whorl_inside/(weight-r); else a = f->precalc_atanyx + f->xform->whorl_outside/(weight-r); sincos(a,&sa,&ca); f->p0 += weight*r*ca; f->p1 += weight*r*sa; } void var81_waves2 (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { /* waves2 from Joel F */ f->p0 += weight*(f->tx + f->xform->waves2_scalex*sin(f->ty * f->xform->waves2_freqx)); f->p1 += weight*(f->ty + f->xform->waves2_scaley*sin(f->tx * f->xform->waves2_freqy)); } /* complex vars by cothe */ /* exp log sin cos tan sec csc cot sinh cosh tanh sech csch coth */ void var82_exp (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { //Exponential EXP double expe = exp(f->tx); double expcos,expsin; sincos(f->ty,&expsin,&expcos); f->p0 += weight * expe * expcos; f->p1 += weight * expe * expsin; } void var83_log (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { //Natural Logarithm LOG // needs precalc_atanyx and precalc_sumsq f->p0 += weight * 0.5 * log(f->precalc_sumsq); f->p1 += weight * f->precalc_atanyx; } void var84_sin (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { //Sine SIN double sinsin,sinacos,sinsinh,sincosh; sincos(f->tx,&sinsin,&sinacos); sinsinh = sinh(f->ty); sincosh = cosh(f->ty); f->p0 += weight * sinsin * sincosh; f->p1 += weight * sinacos * sinsinh; } void var85_cos (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { //Cosine COS double cossin,coscos,cossinh,coscosh; sincos(f->tx,&cossin,&coscos); cossinh = sinh(f->ty); coscosh = cosh(f->ty); f->p0 += weight * coscos * coscosh; f->p1 -= weight * cossin * cossinh; } void var86_tan (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { //Tangent TAN double tansin,tancos,tansinh,tancosh; double tanden; sincos(2*f->tx,&tansin,&tancos); tansinh = sinh(2.0*f->ty); tancosh = cosh(2.0*f->ty); tanden = 1.0/(tancos + tancosh); f->p0 += weight * tanden * tansin; f->p1 += weight * tanden * tansinh; } void var87_sec (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { //Secant SEC double secsin,seccos,secsinh,seccosh; double secden; sincos(f->tx,&secsin,&seccos); secsinh = sinh(f->ty); seccosh = cosh(f->ty); secden = 2.0/(cos(2*f->tx) + cosh(2*f->ty)); f->p0 += weight * secden * seccos * seccosh; f->p1 += weight * secden * secsin * secsinh; } void var88_csc (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { //Cosecant CSC double cscsin,csccos,cscsinh,csccosh; double cscden; sincos(f->tx,&cscsin,&csccos); cscsinh = sinh(f->ty); csccosh = cosh(f->ty); cscden = 2.0/(cosh(2.0*f->ty) - cos(2.0*f->tx)); f->p0 += weight * cscden * cscsin * csccosh; f->p1 -= weight * cscden * csccos * cscsinh; } void var89_cot (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { //Cotangent COT double cotsin,cotcos,cotsinh,cotcosh; double cotden; sincos(2.0*f->tx,&cotsin,&cotcos); cotsinh = sinh(2.0*f->ty); cotcosh = cosh(2.0*f->ty); cotden = 1.0/(cotcosh - cotcos); f->p0 += weight * cotden * cotsin; f->p1 += weight * cotden * -1 * cotsinh; } void var90_sinh (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { //Hyperbolic Sine SINH double sinhsin,sinhcos,sinhsinh,sinhcosh; sincos(f->ty,&sinhsin,&sinhcos); sinhsinh = sinh(f->tx); sinhcosh = cosh(f->tx); f->p0 += weight * sinhsinh * sinhcos; f->p1 += weight * sinhcosh * sinhsin; } void var91_cosh (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { //Hyperbolic Cosine COSH double coshsin,coshcos,coshsinh,coshcosh; sincos(f->ty,&coshsin,&coshcos); coshsinh = sinh(f->tx); coshcosh = cosh(f->tx); f->p0 += weight * coshcosh * coshcos; f->p1 += weight * coshsinh * coshsin; } void var92_tanh (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { //Hyperbolic Tangent TANH double tanhsin,tanhcos,tanhsinh,tanhcosh; double tanhden; sincos(2.0*f->ty,&tanhsin,&tanhcos); tanhsinh = sinh(2.0*f->tx); tanhcosh = cosh(2.0*f->tx); tanhden = 1.0/(tanhcos + tanhcosh); f->p0 += weight * tanhden * tanhsinh; f->p1 += weight * tanhden * tanhsin; } void var93_sech (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { //Hyperbolic Secant SECH double sechsin,sechcos,sechsinh,sechcosh; double sechden; sincos(f->ty,&sechsin,&sechcos); sechsinh = sinh(f->tx); sechcosh = cosh(f->tx); sechden = 2.0/(cos(2.0*f->ty) + cosh(2.0*f->tx)); f->p0 += weight * sechden * sechcos * sechcosh; f->p1 -= weight * sechden * sechsin * sechsinh; } void var94_csch (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { //Hyperbolic Cosecant CSCH double cschsin,cschcos,cschsinh,cschcosh; double cschden; sincos(f->ty,&cschsin,&cschcos); cschsinh = sinh(f->tx); cschcosh = cosh(f->tx); cschden = 2.0/(cosh(2.0*f->tx) - cos(2.0*f->ty)); f->p0 += weight * cschden * cschsinh * cschcos; f->p1 -= weight * cschden * cschcosh * cschsin; } void var95_coth (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { //Hyperbolic Cotangent COTH double cothsin,cothcos,cothsinh,cothcosh; double cothden; sincos(2.0*f->ty,&cothsin,&cothcos); cothsinh = sinh(2.0*f->tx); cothcosh = cosh(2.0*f->tx); cothden = 1.0/(cothcosh - cothcos); f->p0 += weight * cothden * cothsinh; f->p1 += weight * cothden * cothsin; } void var96_auger (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { // Auger, by Xyrus01 double s = sin(f->xform->auger_freq * f->tx); double t = sin(f->xform->auger_freq * f->ty); double dy = f->ty + f->xform->auger_weight*(f->xform->auger_scale*s/2.0 + fabs(f->ty)*s); double dx = f->tx + f->xform->auger_weight*(f->xform->auger_scale*t/2.0 + fabs(f->tx)*t); f->p0 += weight * (f->tx + f->xform->auger_sym*(dx-f->tx)); f->p1 += weight * dy; } void var97_flux (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { // Flux, by meckie double xpw = f->tx + weight; double xmw = f->tx - weight; double avgr = weight * (2 + f->xform->flux_spread) * sqrt( sqrt(f->ty*f->ty + xpw*xpw) / sqrt(f->ty*f->ty + xmw*xmw)); double avga = ( atan2(f->ty, xmw) - atan2(f->ty,xpw) ) * 0.5; f->p0 += avgr * cos(avga); f->p1 += avgr * sin(avga); } void var98_mobius (flam3_iter_helper *f, double weight) { // Mobius, by eralex double re_u, im_u, re_v, im_v, rad_v; re_u = f->xform->mobius_re_a * f->tx - f->xform->mobius_im_a * f->ty + f->xform->mobius_re_b; im_u = f->xform->mobius_re_a * f->ty + f->xform->mobius_im_a * f->tx + f->xform->mobius_im_b; re_v = f->xform->mobius_re_c * f->tx - f->xform->mobius_im_c * f->ty + f->xform->mobius_re_d; im_v = f->xform->mobius_re_c * f->ty + f->xform->mobius_im_c * f->tx + f->xform->mobius_im_d; rad_v = weight / (re_v*re_v + im_v*im_v); f->p0 += rad_v * (re_u*re_v + im_u*im_v); f->p1 += rad_v * (im_u*re_v - re_u*im_v); } /* Precalc functions */ void perspective_precalc(flam3_xform *xf) { double ang = xf->perspective_angle * M_PI / 2.0; xf->persp_vsin = sin(ang); xf->persp_vfcos = xf->perspective_dist * cos(ang); } void juliaN_precalc(flam3_xform *xf) { xf->julian_rN = fabs(xf->julian_power); xf->julian_cn = xf->julian_dist / (double)xf->julian_power / 2.0; } void wedgeJulia_precalc(flam3_xform *xf) { xf->wedgeJulia_cf = 1.0 - xf->wedge_julia_angle * xf->wedge_julia_count * M_1_PI * 0.5; xf->wedgeJulia_rN = fabs(xf->wedge_julia_power); xf->wedgeJulia_cn = xf->wedge_julia_dist / xf->wedge_julia_power / 2.0; } void juliaScope_precalc(flam3_xform *xf) { xf->juliascope_rN = fabs(xf->juliascope_power); xf->juliascope_cn = xf->juliascope_dist / (double)xf->juliascope_power / 2.0; } void radial_blur_precalc(flam3_xform *xf) { sincos(xf->radial_blur_angle * M_PI / 2.0, &xf->radialBlur_spinvar, &xf->radialBlur_zoomvar); } void waves_precalc(flam3_xform *xf) { double dx = xf->c[2][0]; double dy = xf->c[2][1]; xf->waves_dx2 = 1.0/(dx * dx + EPS); xf->waves_dy2 = 1.0/(dy * dy + EPS); } void disc2_precalc(flam3_xform *xf) { double add = xf->disc2_twist; double k; xf->disc2_timespi = xf->disc2_rot * M_PI; sincos(add,&xf->disc2_sinadd,&xf->disc2_cosadd); xf->disc2_cosadd -= 1; if (add > 2 * M_PI) { k = (1 + add - 2*M_PI); xf->disc2_cosadd *= k; xf->disc2_sinadd *= k; } if (add < -2 * M_PI) { k = (1 + add + 2*M_PI); xf->disc2_cosadd *= k; xf->disc2_sinadd *= k; } } void supershape_precalc(flam3_xform *xf) { xf->super_shape_pm_4 = xf->super_shape_m / 4.0; xf->super_shape_pneg1_n1 = -1.0 / xf->super_shape_n1; } void xform_precalc(flam3_genome *cp, int xi) { perspective_precalc(&(cp->xform[xi])); juliaN_precalc(&(cp->xform[xi])); juliaScope_precalc(&(cp->xform[xi])); radial_blur_precalc(&(cp->xform[xi])); waves_precalc(&(cp->xform[xi])); disc2_precalc(&(cp->xform[xi])); supershape_precalc(&(cp->xform[xi])); wedgeJulia_precalc(&(cp->xform[xi])); } int prepare_precalc_flags(flam3_genome *cp) { double d; int i,j,totnum; /* Loop over valid xforms */ for (i = 0; i < cp->num_xforms; i++) { d = cp->xform[i].density; if (d < 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "xform %d weight must be non-negative, not %g.\n",i,d); return(1); } if (i != cp->final_xform_index && d == 0.0) continue; totnum = 0; cp->xform[i].vis_adjusted = adjust_percentage(cp->xform[i].opacity); cp->xform[i].precalc_angles_flag=0; cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_xy_flag=0; cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=0; cp->xform[i].has_preblur=0; cp->xform[i].has_post = !(id_matrix(cp->xform[i].post)); for (j = 0; j < flam3_nvariations; j++) { if (cp->xform[i].var[j]!=0) { cp->xform[i].varFunc[totnum] = j; cp->xform[i].active_var_weights[totnum] = cp->xform[i].var[j]; if (j==VAR_POLAR) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_xy_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_HANDKERCHIEF) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_xy_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_HEART) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_xy_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_DISC) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_xy_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_SPIRAL) { cp->xform[i].precalc_angles_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_HYPERBOLIC) { cp->xform[i].precalc_angles_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_DIAMOND) { cp->xform[i].precalc_angles_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_EX) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_xy_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_JULIA) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_xy_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_POWER) { cp->xform[i].precalc_angles_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_RINGS) { cp->xform[i].precalc_angles_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_FAN) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_xy_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_BLOB) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_xy_flag=1; cp->xform[i].precalc_angles_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_FAN2) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_xy_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_RINGS2) { cp->xform[i].precalc_angles_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_JULIAN) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_JULIASCOPE) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_RADIAL_BLUR) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_NGON) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_DISC2) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_xy_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_SUPER_SHAPE) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_FLOWER) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_CONIC) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_CPOW) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_ESCHER) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_PRE_BLUR) { cp->xform[i].has_preblur=cp->xform[i].var[j]; } else if (j==VAR_POLAR2) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_xy_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_WEDGE) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_WEDGE_JULIA) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_WEDGE_SPH) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_WHORL) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=1; } else if (j==VAR_LOG) { cp->xform[i].precalc_atan_yx_flag=1; } totnum++; } } cp->xform[i].num_active_vars = totnum; } return(0); } int apply_xform(flam3_genome *cp, int fn, double *p, double *q, randctx *rc) { flam3_iter_helper f; int var_n; double s1; double weight; f.rc = rc; s1 = cp->xform[fn].color_speed; q[2] = s1 * cp->xform[fn].color + (1.0-s1) * p[2]; q[3] = cp->xform[fn].vis_adjusted; //fprintf(stderr,"%d : %f %f %f\n",fn,cp->xform[fn].c[0][0],cp->xform[fn].c[1][0],cp->xform[fn].c[2][0]); f.tx = cp->xform[fn].c[0][0] * p[0] + cp->xform[fn].c[1][0] * p[1] + cp->xform[fn].c[2][0]; f.ty = cp->xform[fn].c[0][1] * p[0] + cp->xform[fn].c[1][1] * p[1] + cp->xform[fn].c[2][1]; /* Pre-xforms go here, and modify the f.tx and f.ty values */ if (cp->xform[fn].has_preblur!=0.0) var67_pre_blur(&f, cp->xform[fn].has_preblur); /* Always calculate sumsq and sqrt */ f.precalc_sumsq = f.tx*f.tx + f.ty*f.ty; f.precalc_sqrt = sqrt(f.precalc_sumsq); /* Check to see if we can precalculate any parts */ /* Precalculate atanxy, sin, cos */ if (cp->xform[fn].precalc_atan_xy_flag > 0) { f.precalc_atan = atan2(f.tx,f.ty); } if (cp->xform[fn].precalc_angles_flag > 0) { f.precalc_sina = f.tx / f.precalc_sqrt; f.precalc_cosa = f.ty / f.precalc_sqrt; } /* Precalc atanyx */ if (cp->xform[fn].precalc_atan_yx_flag > 0) { f.precalc_atanyx = atan2(f.ty,f.tx); } f.p0 = 0.0; f.p1 = 0.0; f.xform = &(cp->xform[fn]); for (var_n=0; var_n < cp->xform[fn].num_active_vars; var_n++) { weight = cp->xform[fn].active_var_weights[var_n]; switch (cp->xform[fn].varFunc[var_n]) { case (VAR_LINEAR): var0_linear(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SINUSOIDAL): var1_sinusoidal(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SPHERICAL): var2_spherical(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SWIRL): var3_swirl(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_HORSESHOE): var4_horseshoe(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_POLAR): var5_polar(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_HANDKERCHIEF): var6_handkerchief(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_HEART): var7_heart(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_DISC): var8_disc(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SPIRAL): var9_spiral(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_HYPERBOLIC): var10_hyperbolic(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_DIAMOND): var11_diamond(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_EX): var12_ex(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_JULIA): var13_julia(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_BENT): var14_bent(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_WAVES): var15_waves(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_FISHEYE): var16_fisheye(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_POPCORN): var17_popcorn(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_EXPONENTIAL): var18_exponential(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_POWER): var19_power(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_COSINE): var20_cosine(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_RINGS): var21_rings(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_FAN): var22_fan(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_BLOB): var23_blob(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_PDJ): var24_pdj(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_FAN2): var25_fan2(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_RINGS2): var26_rings2(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_EYEFISH): var27_eyefish(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_BUBBLE): var28_bubble(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_CYLINDER): var29_cylinder(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_PERSPECTIVE): var30_perspective(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_NOISE): var31_noise(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_JULIAN): var32_juliaN_generic(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_JULIASCOPE): var33_juliaScope_generic(&f, weight);break; case (VAR_BLUR): var34_blur(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_GAUSSIAN_BLUR): var35_gaussian(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_RADIAL_BLUR): var36_radial_blur(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_PIE): var37_pie(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_NGON): var38_ngon(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_CURL): var39_curl(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_RECTANGLES): var40_rectangles(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_ARCH): var41_arch(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_TANGENT): var42_tangent(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SQUARE): var43_square(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_RAYS): var44_rays(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_BLADE): var45_blade(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SECANT2): var46_secant2(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_TWINTRIAN): var47_twintrian(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_CROSS): var48_cross(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_DISC2): var49_disc2(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SUPER_SHAPE): var50_supershape(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_FLOWER): var51_flower(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_CONIC): var52_conic(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_PARABOLA): var53_parabola(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_BENT2): var54_bent2(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_BIPOLAR): var55_bipolar(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_BOARDERS): var56_boarders(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_BUTTERFLY): var57_butterfly(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_CELL): var58_cell(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_CPOW): var59_cpow(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_CURVE): var60_curve(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_EDISC): var61_edisc(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_ELLIPTIC): var62_elliptic(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_ESCHER): var63_escher(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_FOCI): var64_foci(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_LAZYSUSAN): var65_lazysusan(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_LOONIE): var66_loonie(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_MODULUS): var68_modulus(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_OSCILLOSCOPE): var69_oscope(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_POLAR2): var70_polar2(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_POPCORN2): var71_popcorn2(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SCRY): var72_scry(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SEPARATION): var73_separation(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SPLIT): var74_split(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SPLITS): var75_splits(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_STRIPES): var76_stripes(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_WEDGE): var77_wedge(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_WEDGE_JULIA): var78_wedge_julia(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_WEDGE_SPH): var79_wedge_sph(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_WHORL): var80_whorl(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_WAVES2): var81_waves2(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_EXP): var82_exp(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_LOG): var83_log(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SIN): var84_sin(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_COS): var85_cos(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_TAN): var86_tan(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SEC): var87_sec(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_CSC): var88_csc(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_COT): var89_cot(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SINH): var90_sinh(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_COSH): var91_cosh(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_TANH): var92_tanh(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_SECH): var93_sech(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_CSCH): var94_csch(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_COTH): var95_coth(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_AUGER): var96_auger(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_FLUX): var97_flux(&f, weight); break; case (VAR_MOBIUS): var98_mobius(&f, weight); break; } } /* apply the post transform */ if (cp->xform[fn].has_post) { q[0] = cp->xform[fn].post[0][0] * f.p0 + cp->xform[fn].post[1][0] * f.p1 + cp->xform[fn].post[2][0]; q[1] = cp->xform[fn].post[0][1] * f.p0 + cp->xform[fn].post[1][1] * f.p1 + cp->xform[fn].post[2][1]; } else { q[0] = f.p0; q[1] = f.p1; } /* Check for badvalues and return randoms if bad */ if (badvalue(q[0]) || badvalue(q[1])) { q[0] = flam3_random_isaac_11(rc); q[1] = flam3_random_isaac_11(rc); return(1); } else return(0); } void initialize_xforms(flam3_genome *thiscp, int start_here) { int i,j; for (i = start_here ; i < thiscp->num_xforms ; i++) { thiscp->xform[i].padding = 0; thiscp->xform[i].density = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].color_speed = 0.5; thiscp->xform[i].animate = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].color = i&1; thiscp->xform[i].opacity = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].var[0] = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].motion_freq = 0; thiscp->xform[i].motion_func = 0; thiscp->xform[i].num_motion = 0; thiscp->xform[i].motion = NULL; for (j = 1; j < flam3_nvariations; j++) thiscp->xform[i].var[j] = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].c[0][0] = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].c[0][1] = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].c[1][0] = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].c[1][1] = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].c[2][0] = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].c[2][1] = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].post[0][0] = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].post[0][1] = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].post[1][0] = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].post[1][1] = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].post[2][0] = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].post[2][1] = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].wind[0] = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].wind[1] = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].blob_low = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].blob_high = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].blob_waves = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].pdj_a = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].pdj_b = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].pdj_c = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].pdj_d = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].fan2_x = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].fan2_y = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].rings2_val = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].perspective_angle = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].perspective_dist = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].persp_vsin = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].persp_vfcos = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].radial_blur_angle = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].disc2_rot = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].disc2_twist = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].disc2_sinadd = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].disc2_cosadd = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].disc2_timespi = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].flower_petals = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].flower_holes = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].parabola_height = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].parabola_width = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].bent2_x = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].bent2_y = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].bipolar_shift = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].cell_size = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].cpow_r = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].cpow_i = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].cpow_power = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].curve_xamp = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].curve_yamp = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].curve_xlength = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].curve_ylength = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].escher_beta = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].lazysusan_space = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].lazysusan_twist = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].lazysusan_spin = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].lazysusan_x = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].lazysusan_y = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].modulus_x = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].modulus_y = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].oscope_separation = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].oscope_frequency = M_PI; thiscp->xform[i].oscope_amplitude = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].oscope_damping = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].popcorn2_c = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].popcorn2_x = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].popcorn2_y = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].separation_x = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].separation_xinside = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].separation_y = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].separation_yinside = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].split_xsize = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].split_ysize = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].splits_x = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].splits_y = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].stripes_space = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].stripes_warp = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].wedge_angle = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].wedge_hole = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].wedge_count = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].wedge_swirl = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].wedge_sph_angle = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].wedge_sph_hole = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].wedge_sph_count = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].wedge_sph_swirl = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].wedge_julia_power = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].wedge_julia_dist = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].wedge_julia_count = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].wedge_julia_angle = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].wedgeJulia_cf = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].wedgeJulia_cn = 0.5; thiscp->xform[i].wedgeJulia_rN = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].whorl_inside = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].whorl_outside = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].waves2_scalex = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].waves2_scaley = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].waves2_freqx = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].waves2_freqy = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].auger_freq = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].auger_weight = 0.5; thiscp->xform[i].auger_sym = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].auger_scale = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].flux_spread = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].julian_power = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].julian_dist = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].julian_rN = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].julian_cn = 0.5; thiscp->xform[i].juliascope_power = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].juliascope_dist = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].juliascope_rN = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].juliascope_cn = 0.5; thiscp->xform[i].radialBlur_spinvar = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].radialBlur_zoomvar = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].pie_slices = 6.0; thiscp->xform[i].pie_rotation = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].pie_thickness = 0.5; thiscp->xform[i].ngon_sides = 5; thiscp->xform[i].ngon_power = 3; thiscp->xform[i].ngon_circle = 1; thiscp->xform[i].ngon_corners = 2; thiscp->xform[i].curl_c1 = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].curl_c2 = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].rectangles_x = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].rectangles_y = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].amw_amp = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].super_shape_rnd = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].super_shape_m = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].super_shape_n1 = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].super_shape_n2 = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].super_shape_n3 = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].super_shape_holes = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].conic_eccentricity = 1.0; thiscp->xform[i].conic_holes = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].mobius_re_a = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].mobius_re_b = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].mobius_re_c = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].mobius_re_d = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].mobius_im_a = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].mobius_im_b = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].mobius_im_c = 0.0; thiscp->xform[i].mobius_im_d = 0.0; } }