2017-05-15 12:01:59 -07:00

160 lines
6.3 KiB

import os
import json
import argparse
import numpy as np
from genome.specs import toplevels
from genome.use import RefWrapper, SplineWrapper
import output
'1080p': dict(width=1920, height=1080),
'720p': dict(width=1280, height=720),
'540p': dict(width=960, height=540),
'preview': dict(width=640, height=360, spp=1200, skip=1)
def add_args(parser=None):
Add profile argument groups to an ArgumentParser, for use with
get_from_args. (If `parser` is None, a new one will be made.)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() if parser is None else parser
prof = parser.add_argument_group('Profile options')
prof.add_argument('-P', '--builtin-profile', choices=BUILTIN.keys(),
help='Set parameters below from a builtin profile. (default: 720p)',
prof.add_argument('-p', '--profile', type=argparse.FileType(),
metavar='PROFILE', help='Set profile from a JSON file.')
tmp = parser.add_argument_group('Temporal options')
tmp.add_argument('--duration', type=float, metavar='TIME',
help="Override base duration in seconds")
tmp.add_argument('--fps', type=float, dest='fps',
help="Override frames per second")
tmp.add_argument('--start', metavar='FRAME_NO', type=int,
help="First frame to render (1-indexed, inclusive)")
tmp.add_argument('--end', metavar='FRAME_NO', type=int,
help="Last frame to render (1-indexed, exclusive, negative from end)")
tmp.add_argument('--skip', dest='skip', metavar='N', type=int,
help="Skip N frames between each rendered frame")
# TODO: eliminate the 'silently overwritten' bit.
tmp.add_argument('--shard', dest='shard', metavar='SECS', type=float,
help="Write SECS of output into each file, instead of one frame per "
"file. If set, causes 'start', 'end', and 'skip' to be ignored. "
"If output codecs don't support multi-file writing, files will "
"be silently overwritten.")
tmp.add_argument('--frame_width', metavar='SCALE', type=float,
help='Adjustment factor for temporal frame width.')
tmp.add_argument('--still', action='store_true',
help='Override start, end, and temporal frame width to render one '
'frame without motion blur.')
spa = parser.add_argument_group('Spatial options')
spa.add_argument('--spp', type=int, metavar='SPP',
help="Set base samples per pixel")
spa.add_argument('--width', type=int, metavar='PX')
spa.add_argument('--height', type=int, metavar='PX')
out = parser.add_argument_group('Output options')
choices=['jpeg', 'png', 'tiff', 'x264', 'vp8', 'vp9', 'prores'])
out.add_argument('-n', metavar='NAME', type=str, dest='name',
help="Prefix to use when saving files (default is basename of input)")
out.add_argument('--suffix', metavar='NAME', type=str, dest='suffix',
help="Suffix to use when saving files (default '')", default='')
out.add_argument('-o', metavar='DIR', type=str, dest='dir',
help="Output directory", default='.')
out.add_argument('--resume', action='store_true', dest='resume',
help="Don't overwrite output files that are newer than the input")
out.add_argument('--subdir', action='store_true',
help="Use basename as subdirectory of out dir, instead of prefix")
return parser
def get_from_args(args):
Get profile from an ArgumentParser result. Returns `(name, prof)`.
if args.profile:
name = os.path.basename('.', 1)[0]
base = json.load(args.profile)
name = args.builtin_profile
base = BUILTIN[args.builtin_profile]
if args.still:
base.update(frame_width=0, start=1, end=2)
for arg in 'duration fps frame_width start end skip shard spp width height'.split():
if getattr(args, arg, None) is not None:
base[arg] = getattr(args, arg)
if args.codec is not None:
base.setdefault('output', {})['type'] = args.codec
return name, base
def wrap(prof, gnm):
Create a wrapped profile from plain dicts `prof` and `gnm`. The wrapped
profile follows the structure of the profile but returns genome-adjusted
data for any RefScalar value in its spec.
scale = gnm.get('time', {}).get('duration', 1)
return RefWrapper(prof, toplevels['profile'],
other=SplineWrapper(gnm, scale=scale))
def enumerate_times(gprof):
Given a profile, return a list of `(frame_no, center_times)` pairs. Note
that the enumeration is applied before `start`, `end`, and `skip`, and so
`frame_no` may be non-contiguous.
nframes = round(gprof.fps * gprof.duration)
times = np.linspace(0, 1, nframes + 1)
times = times[:-1] + 0.5 * (times[1] - times[0])
if gprof.shard:
s = max(1, int(round(gprof.fps * gprof.shard)))
return [(i, times[t:t+s])
for i, t in enumerate(range(0, len(times), s), 1)]
times = [[t] for t in times]
times = list(enumerate(times, 1))
if gprof.end is not None:
times = times[:gprof.end]
if gprof.start is not None:
times = times[gprof.start:]
return times[::gprof.skip+1]
def enumerate_jobs(gprof, basename, args, resume=None):
Like `enumerate_times`, but returns `(output_basepath, center_times)`,
where the output base path is the path for output without any file
If `resume` is set to True, either by kwarg or (if the kwarg is None)
in the argparse arguments, check for the existence of a file with the
canonical extension for the selected output module.
if is not None:
basename =
prefix = os.path.join(args.dir, basename)
if args.subdir:
if not os.path.isdir(prefix):
prefix_plus = prefix + '/'
prefix_plus = prefix + '_'
frames = [('%s%05d%s' % (prefix_plus, i, args.suffix), t)
for i, t in enumerate_times(gprof)]
resume = args.resume if resume is None else resume
if resume:
out_suffix = output.get_suffix_for_profile(gprof)
frames = [(n, t) for (n, t) in frames
if not os.path.isfile(n + out_suffix)]
return frames