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import sys
import math
import re
from ctypes import *
from cStringIO import StringIO
import numpy as np
from fr0stlib import pyflam3
from fr0stlib.pyflam3._flam3 import *
from fr0stlib.pyflam3.constants import *
from cuburn import affine
from cuburn.variations import Variations
class Genome(pyflam3.Genome):
def from_string(cls, *args, **kwargs):
gnms = super(Genome, cls).from_string(*args, **kwargs)
for g in gnms: g._init()
return gnms
def _init(self):
self.xforms = [self.xform[i] for i in range(self.num_xforms)]
dens = np.array([x.density for i, x in enumerate(self.xforms)
if i != self.final_xform_index])
dens /= np.sum(dens)
self.norm_density = [np.sum(dens[:i+1]) for i in range(len(dens))]
scale = property(lambda cp: 2.0 ** cp.zoom)
adj_density = property(lambda cp: cp.sample_density * (cp.scale ** 2))
ppu = property(lambda cp: cp.pixels_per_unit * cp.scale)
def camera_transform(cp):
An affine matrix which will transform IFS coordinates to image width
and height. Assumes that width and height are constant.
# TODO: when reading as a property during packing, this may be
# calculated 6 times instead of 1
# TODO: also requires knowing gutter width
g = Features.gutter
return ( affine.translate(0.5 * cp.width + g, 0.5 * cp.height + g)
* affine.scale(cp.ppu, cp.ppu)
* affine.translate(-cp._center[0], -cp._center[1])
* affine.rotate(cp.rotate * 2 * np.pi / 360,
cp.rot_center[1]) )
class Animation(object):
Control structure for rendering a series of frames.
Each animation will dynamically generate a kernel that includes only the
code necessary to render the genomes provided. The process of generating
and uploading the kernel takes a small but finite amount of time. In
general, the kernel generated for all genomes resulting from interpolating
between two control points will have identical performance, so it is
wasteful to create more than one animation for any interpolated sequence.
However, genome sequences interpolated from three or more control points
with different features enabled will have the code needed to render all
genomes enabled for every frame. Doing this can hurt performance.
In other words, it's best to use exactly one Animation for each
interpolated sequence between one or two genomes.
def __init__(self, genomes, ngenomes = None):
self.features = Features(genomes)
def compile(self):
def render_frame(self, time=0):
class Features(object):
Determine features and constants required to render a particular set of
genomes. The values of this class are fixed before compilation begins.
# Constant parameters which control handling of out-of-frame samples:
# Number of iterations to iterate without write after new point
fuse = 20
# Maximum consecutive out-of-bounds points before picking new point
max_oob = 10
max_nxforms = 12
# Height of the texture pallete which gets uploaded to the GPU (assuming
# that palette-from-texture is enabled). For most genomes, this doesn't
# need to be very large at all. However, since only an easily-cached
# fraction of this will be accessed per SM, larger values shouldn't hurt
# performance too much. Power-of-two, please.
palette_height = 16
# Maximum width of DE and other spatial filters, and thus in turn the
# amount of padding applied
gutter = 16
def __init__(self, genomes):
any = lambda l: bool(filter(None, map(l, genomes)))
self.max_ntemporal_samples = max(
[cp.nbatches * cp.ntemporal_samples for cp in genomes])
self.non_box_temporal_filter = genomes[0].temporal_filter_type
self.palette_mode = genomes[0].palette_mode and "linear" or "nearest"
assert len(set([len(cp.xforms) for cp in genomes])) == 1, ("genomes "
"must have same number of xforms! (use flam3-genome first)")
self.nxforms = len(genomes[0].xforms)
self.xforms = [XFormFeatures([cp.xforms[i] for cp in genomes], i)
for i in range(self.nxforms)]
if any(lambda cp: cp.final_xform_enable):
if not reduce(lambda a, b: a == b,
[cp.final_xform_index for cp in genomes]):
raise ValueError("Differing final xform indexes")
self.final_xform_index = genomes[0].final_xform_index
self.final_xform_index = None
self.width = genomes[0].width
self.height = genomes[0].height
self.acc_width = genomes[0].width + 2 * self.gutter
self.acc_height = genomes[0].height + 2 * self.gutter
self.acc_stride = genomes[0].width + 2 * self.gutter
class XFormFeatures(object):
def __init__(self, xforms, xform_id):
self.id = xform_id
any = lambda l: bool(filter(None, map(l, xforms)))
self.has_post = any(lambda xf: getattr(xf, 'post', None))
self.vars = set()
for x in xforms:
self.vars = (
self.vars.union(set([i for i, v in enumerate(x.var) if v])))