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import sys
import math
import re
import time
from itertools import cycle, repeat, chain, izip
from ctypes import *
from cStringIO import StringIO
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from fr0stlib import pyflam3
from fr0stlib.pyflam3._flam3 import *
from fr0stlib.pyflam3.constants import *
import pycuda.compiler
import pycuda.driver as cuda
import pycuda.tools
from pycuda.gpuarray import vec
from cuburn import affine
from cuburn.code import util, mwc, iter, filtering
def _chunk(l, cs):
Yield the contents of list ``l`` in chunks of size no more than ``cs``.
for i in range(0, len(l), cs):
yield l[i:i+cs]
class Genome(object):
Normalizes and precalculates some properties of a Genome. Assumes that
Genome argument passed in will not change.
# Fix the ctypes ugliness since switching to __getattribute__ in 2.7.
# There are more elegant ways to do this, but I can't be bothered.
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.cp, name)
def __init__(self, ctypes_genome):
self.cp = ctypes_genome
self.xforms = [self.xform[i] for i in range(self.num_xforms)]
dens = np.array([x.density for i, x in enumerate(self.xforms)
if i != self.final_xform_index])
num_std_xf = len(dens)
self.chaos_densities = np.zeros( (num_std_xf,num_std_xf) )
for r in range(num_std_xf):
chaos_row = np.array([ctypes_genome.chaos[r][c]
for c in range(num_std_xf)])
chaos_row = chaos_row * dens
chaos_row /= np.sum(chaos_row)
chaos_row = np.cumsum(chaos_row)
self.chaos_densities[r,:] = chaos_row
dens /= np.sum(dens)
self.norm_density = np.cumsum(dens)
# For performance reasons, defer this calculation
self._camera_transform = None
scale = property(lambda cp: 2.0 ** cp.zoom)
adj_density = property(lambda cp: cp.sample_density * (cp.scale ** 2))
ppu = property(lambda cp: cp.pixels_per_unit * cp.scale)
def camera_transform(self):
An affine matrix which will transform IFS coordinates to image width
and height. Assumes that width and height are constant.
cp = self
if self._camera_transform is not None:
return self._camera_transform
g = Features.gutter
if cp.estimator:
# The filter shifts by this amount as a side effect of it being
# written in a confusing and sloppy manner
# TODO: this will be weird in an animation where one endpoint has
# a radius of 0, and the other does not
g -= Features.gutter / 2 - 1
self._camera_transform = (
affine.translate(0.5 * cp.width + g, 0.5 * cp.height + g)
* affine.scale(cp.ppu, cp.ppu)
* affine.translate(-cp._center[0], -cp._center[1])
* affine.rotate(cp.rotate * 2 * np.pi / 360,
cp.rot_center[1]) )
return self._camera_transform
class Animation(object):
Control structure for rendering a series of frames.
Each animation will dynamically generate a kernel that includes only the
code necessary to render the genomes provided. The process of generating
and uploading the kernel takes a small but finite amount of time. In
general, the kernel generated for all genomes resulting from interpolating
between two control points will have identical performance, so it is
wasteful to create more than one animation for any interpolated sequence.
However, genome sequences interpolated from three or more control points
with different features enabled will have the code needed to render all
genomes enabled for every frame. Doing this can hurt performance.
In other words, it's best to use exactly one Animation for each
interpolated sequence between one or two genomes.
cmp_options = ('-use_fast_math', '-maxrregcount', '32')
keep = False
def __init__(self, ctypes_genome_array):
self._g_arr = type(ctypes_genome_array)()
libflam3.flam3_align(self._g_arr, ctypes_genome_array,
self.genomes = map(Genome, self._g_arr)
self.features = Features(self.genomes)
self._iter = self._de = self.src = self.cubin = self.mod = None
# Ensure class options don't get contaminated on an instance
self.cmp_options = list(self.cmp_options)
def compile(self, keep=None, cmp_options=None):
Compile a kernel capable of rendering every frame in this animation.
The resulting compiled kernel is stored in the ``cubin`` property;
the source is available as ``src``, and is also returned for
inspection and display.
This operation is idempotent, and has no side effects outside of
setting properties on this instance (unless there's a compiler error,
which is a bug); it should therefore be threadsafe as well.
It is, however, rather slow.
keep = self.keep if keep is None else keep
cmp_options = self.cmp_options if cmp_options is None else cmp_options
self._iter = iter.IterCode(self.features)
self._de = filtering.DensityEst(self.features, self.genomes[0])
cclip = filtering.ColorClip(self.features)
# TODO: make choice of filtering explicit
self.src = util.assemble_code(util.BaseCode, mwc.MWC, self._iter.packer,
self._iter, cclip, self._de)
self.cubin = pycuda.compiler.compile(
self.src, keep=keep, options=cmp_options,
cache_dir=False if keep else None)
return self.src
def copy(self):
Return a copy of this animation without any references to the current
CUDA context. This can be used to load an animation in multiple CUDA
contexts without recompiling, so that rendering can proceed across
multiple devices - but managing that is up to you.
import copy
new = copy.copy(self)
new.mod = None
return new
def load(self, jit_options=[]):
Replace the currently loaded CUDA module in the active CUDA context
with the compiled code's module. A reference is kept to the module,
meaning that rendering should henceforth only be called from the
thread and context in which this function was called.
if self.cubin is None:
self.mod = cuda.module_from_buffer(self.cubin, jit_options)
def render_frames(self, times=None):
Render a flame for each genome in the iterable value 'genomes'.
Returns a Python generator object which will yield one NumPy array
for each rendered image.
This method produces a considerable amount of side effects, and should
not be used lightly. Things may go poorly for you if this method is not
allowed to run until completion (by exhausting all items in the
generator object).
A performance note: while any ready tasks will be scheduled on the GPU
before yielding a result, spending a lot of time before returning
control to this function can allow the GPU to become idle. It's best
to hand the resulting array to another thread after grabbing it from
the renderer for handling.
``times`` is a sequence of center times at which to render, or ``None``
to render one frame for each genome used to create the animation.
# Don't see this changing, but empirical tests could prove me wrong
# TODO: under a slightly modified sequencing, certain buffers can be
# shared (though this may be unimportant if a good AA technique which
# doesn't require full SS can be found)
rdrs = [_AnimRenderer(self) for i in range(NRENDERERS)]
# Zip up each genome with an alternating renderer, plus enough empty
# genomes at the end to flush all pending tasks
times = times if times is not None else [cp.time for cp in self.genomes]
exttimes = chain(times, repeat(None, NRENDERERS))
for rdr, time in izip(cycle(rdrs), exttimes):
if rdr.wait():
yield rdr.get_result()
if time is not None:
def _interp(self, time, cp):
flam3_interpolate(self._g_arr, len(self._g_arr), time, 0, byref(cp))
class _AnimRenderer(object):
# Large launches lock the display for a considerable period and may be
# killed due to a device timeout; small launches are harder to load-balance
# on the GPU and incur overhead. This empirical value is multiplied by the
# number of SMs on the device to determine how many blocks should be in
# each launch. Extremely high quality, high resolution renders may still
# encounter a device timeout, and no workaround is in place for that yet.
# Currently, palette interpolation is done independently of animation
# interpolation, so that the process is not biased and so we only need to
# mess about with one texture per renderer. This many steps will always be
# used, no matter the number of time steps.
def __init__(self, anim):
self.anim = anim
self.pending = False
self.stream = cuda.Stream()
self._nsms = cuda.Context.get_device().multiprocessor_count
self.cps_per_block = self._nsms * self.SM_FACTOR
self.ncps = anim.features.max_cps
self.nblocks = int(math.ceil(self.ncps / float(self.cps_per_block)))
# These are stored to avoid leaks, not to be stateful in method calls
self._dst_cp = pyflam3.Genome()
memset(byref(self._dst_cp), 0, sizeof(self._dst_cp))
self._cen_cp = pyflam3.Genome()
memset(byref(self._cen_cp), 0, sizeof(self._cen_cp))
self.nbins = anim.features.acc_height * anim.features.acc_stride
self.d_accum = cuda.mem_alloc(16 * self.nbins)
self.d_out = cuda.mem_alloc(16 * self.nbins)
info_size = anim._iter.packer.align * self.ncps
self.d_infos = cuda.mem_alloc(info_size)
# Defer generation of seeds until they're first needed
self.d_seeds = None
# During the main rendering loop, we alternate between two streams and
# two sets of seeds, synchronizing them at the end of rendering.
self.alt_stream = cuda.Stream()
self.d_alt_seeds = None
# It's less than ideal, but we lock some memory ahead of time
self.h_infos_locked = cuda.pagelocked_empty((info_size/4,), np.float32)
def render(self, cen_time):
assert not self.pending, "Tried to render with results pending!"
self.pending = True
a = self.anim
cen_cp = self._cen_cp
a._interp(cen_time, cen_cp)
palette = self._interp_colors(cen_time, cen_cp)
util.BaseCode.zero_dptr(a.mod, self.d_accum, 4 * self.nbins,
# Ensure all main stream tasks are done before starting alt stream
dpal = cuda.make_multichannel_2d_array(palette, 'C')
tref = a.mod.get_texref('palTex')
tref.set_format(cuda.array_format.UNSIGNED_INT8, 4)
cp = self._dst_cp
packer = a._iter.packer
iter_fun = a.mod.get_function("iter")
# Must be accumulated over all CPs
gam, vib = 0, 0
bkgd = np.zeros(3)
# This is gross, but there are a lot of fiddly corner cases with any
# index-based iteration scheme.
times = list(enumerate(self._mk_dts(cen_time, cen_cp, self.ncps)))
for b, block_times in enumerate(_chunk(times, self.cps_per_block)):
on_main = b % 2 == 0
stream = self.stream if on_main else self.alt_stream
d_seeds = self.d_seeds if on_main else self.d_alt_seeds
if not d_seeds:
seeds = mwc.MWC.make_seeds(iter.IterCode.NTHREADS *
h_seeds = cuda.pagelocked_empty(seeds.shape, seeds.dtype)
h_seeds[:] = seeds
size = seeds.dtype.itemsize * seeds.size
d_seeds = cuda.mem_alloc(size)
cuda.memcpy_htod_async(d_seeds, h_seeds, stream)
if on_main:
self.d_seeds = d_seeds
self.d_alt_seeds = d_seeds
infos = []
if len(a.genomes) > 1:
for n, t in block_times:
a._interp(t, cp)
frac = float(n) / cen_cp.ntemporal_samples
info = packer.pack(cp=Genome(cp), cp_step_frac=frac)
gam += cp.gamma
vib += cp.vibrancy
bkgd += np.array(cp.background)
# Can't interpolate normally; just pack copies
packed = packer.pack(cp=a.genomes[0], cp_step_frac=0)
infos = [packed] * len(block_times)
gam += a.genomes[0].gamma * len(block_times)
vib += a.genomes[0].vibrancy * len(block_times)
bkgd += np.array(a.genomes[0].background) * len(block_times)
infos = np.concatenate(infos)
offset = b * packer.align * self.cps_per_block
h_infos = self.h_infos_locked[offset/4:offset/4+len(infos)]
h_infos[:] = infos
# TODO: portable across 32/64-bit arches?
d_info_off = int(self.d_infos) + offset
cuda.memcpy_htod_async(d_info_off, h_infos, stream)
# TODO: get block config from IterCode
iter_fun(d_seeds, np.uint64(d_info_off), self.d_accum,
block=(32, 16, 1), grid=(len(block_times), 1),
texrefs=[tref], stream=stream)
# Now ensure all alt stream tasks are done before continuing main
util.BaseCode.zero_dptr(a.mod, self.d_out, 4 * self.nbins,
a._de.invoke(a.mod, Genome(cen_cp), self.d_accum, self.d_out,
f = np.float32
n = f(self.ncps)
gam = f(n / gam)
vib = f(vib / n)
hipow = f(cen_cp.highlight_power)
lin = f(cen_cp.gam_lin_thresh)
lingam = f(math.pow(cen_cp.gam_lin_thresh, gam-1.0) if lin > 0 else 0)
bkgd = vec.make_float3(*(bkgd / n))
# TODO: get block size from colorclip class? It actually does not
# depend on that being the case
color_fun = a.mod.get_function("colorclip")
color_fun(self.d_out, gam, vib, hipow, lin, lingam, bkgd,
block=(256, 1, 1), grid=(self.nbins / 256, 1),
# TODO: The stream seems to sync right here, automatically, before
# returning. I think PyCUDA is forcing a sync when something drops out
# of scope. Investigate.
def _pal_to_np(self, cp):
# Converting palettes by iteration has an enormous performance
# overhead. We cheat massively and dangerously here.
pal = cast(pointer(cp.palette), POINTER(c_double * (256 * 5)))
val = np.frombuffer(buffer(pal.contents), count=256*5)
return np.uint8(np.reshape(val, (256, 5))[:,1:] * 255.0)
def _interp_colors(self, cen_time, cen_cp):
# TODO: any visible difference between uint8 and richer formats?
pal = np.empty((self.PAL_HEIGHT, 256, 4), dtype=np.uint8)
a = self.anim
if len(a.genomes) > 1:
# The typical case; applying real motion blur
cp = self._dst_cp
times = self._mk_dts(cen_time, cen_cp, self.PAL_HEIGHT)
for n, t in enumerate(times):
a._interp(t, cp)
pal[n] = self._pal_to_np(cp)
# Cannot call any interp functions on a single genome; rather than
# have alternate code-paths, just copy the same colors everywhere
pal[0] = self._pal_to_np(a.genomes[0])
pal[1:] = pal[0]
return pal
def wait(self):
if self.pending:
self.pending = False
return True
return False
def get_result(self):
a = self.anim
g = a.features.gutter
obuf_dim = (a.features.acc_height, a.features.acc_stride, 4)
out = cuda.from_device(self.d_out, obuf_dim, np.float32)
out = np.delete(out, np.s_[:g], axis=0)
out = np.delete(out, np.s_[:g], axis=1)
out = np.delete(out, np.s_[-g:], axis=0)
out = np.delete(out, np.s_[a.features.width:], axis=1)
return out
def _mk_dts(cen_time, cen_cp, ncps):
w = cen_cp.temporal_filter_width
return [cen_time + w * (t / (ncps - 1.0) - 0.5) for t in range(ncps)]
class Features(object):
Determine features and constants required to render a particular set of
genomes. The values of this class are fixed before compilation begins.
# Constant parameters which control handling of out-of-frame samples:
# Number of iterations to iterate without write after new point
fuse = 20
# Maximum consecutive out-of-bounds points before picking new point
max_oob = 10
max_nxforms = 12
# Height of the texture pallete which gets uploaded to the GPU (assuming
# that palette-from-texture is enabled). For most genomes, this doesn't
# need to be very large at all. However, since only an easily-cached
# fraction of this will be accessed per SM, larger values shouldn't hurt
# performance too much. Power-of-two, please.
palette_height = 16
# Maximum width of DE and other spatial filters, and thus in turn the
# amount of padding applied. Note that, for now, this must not be changed!
# The filtering code makes deep assumptions about this value.
gutter = 16
# TODO: for now, we always throw away the alpha channel before writing.
# All code is in place to not do this, we just need to find a way to expose
# this preference via the API (or push alpha blending entirely on the client,
# which I'm not opposed to)
alpha_output_channel = False
def __init__(self, genomes):
any = lambda l: bool(filter(None, map(l, genomes)))
self.max_ntemporal_samples = max(
[cp.nbatches * cp.ntemporal_samples for cp in genomes])
self.non_box_temporal_filter = genomes[0].temporal_filter_type
self.palette_mode = genomes[0].palette_mode and "linear" or "nearest"
assert len(set([len(cp.xforms) for cp in genomes])) == 1, ("genomes "
"must have same number of xforms! (use flam3-genome first)")
self.nxforms = len(genomes[0].xforms)
self.xforms = [XFormFeatures([cp.xforms[i] for cp in genomes], i)
for i in range(self.nxforms)]
if any(lambda cp: cp.final_xform_enable):
if not all([cp.final_xform_index == genomes[0].final_xform_index
for cp in genomes]):
raise ValueError("Differing final xform indexes")
self.final_xform_index = genomes[0].final_xform_index
self.final_xform_index = None
alphas = np.array([c.color[3] for g in genomes
for c in g.palette.entries])
self.pal_has_alpha = np.any(alphas != 1.0)
self.max_cps = max([cp.ntemporal_samples for cp in genomes])
self.width = genomes[0].width
self.height = genomes[0].height
self.acc_width = genomes[0].width + 2 * self.gutter
self.acc_height = genomes[0].height + 2 * self.gutter
self.acc_stride = 32 * int(math.ceil(self.acc_width / 32.))
self.std_xforms = filter(lambda v: v != self.final_xform_index,
self.chaos_used = False
for cp in genomes:
for r in range(len(self.std_xforms)):
for c in range(len(self.std_xforms)):
if cp.chaos[r][c] != 1.0:
self.chaos_used = True
class XFormFeatures(object):
def __init__(self, xforms, xform_id):
self.id = xform_id
any = lambda l: bool(filter(None, map(l, xforms)))
self.has_post = any(lambda xf: getattr(xf, 'post', None))
self.vars = set()
for x in xforms:
self.vars = (
self.vars.union(set([i for i, v in enumerate(x.var) if v])))