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synced 2025-03-17 17:01:28 -04:00
965 lines
26 KiB
965 lines
26 KiB
import tempita
var_nos = {}
var_code = {}
def var(num, name, code):
var_nos[num] = name
var_code[name] = tempita.Template(code)
# Variables note: all functions will have their weights as 'w',
# input variables 'tx' and 'ty', and output 'ox' and 'oy' available
# from the calling context. Each statement will be placed inside brackets,
# to avoid namespace pollution.
var(0, 'linear', """
ox += tx * w;
oy += ty * w;
var(1, 'sinusoidal', """
ox += w * sinf(tx);
oy += w * sinf(ty);
var(2, 'spherical', """
float r2 = w / (tx*tx + ty*ty);
ox += tx * r2;
oy += ty * r2;
var(3, 'swirl', """
float r2 = tx*tx + ty*ty;
float c1 = sinf(r2);
float c2 = cosf(r2);
ox += w * (c1*tx - c2*ty);
oy += w * (c2*tx + c1*ty);
var(4, 'horseshoe', """
float r = w / sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
ox += r * (tx - ty) * (tx + ty);
oy += 2.0f * tx * ty * r;
var(5, 'polar', """
ox += w * atan2f(tx, ty) * M_1_PI;
oy += w * (sqrtf(tx * tx + ty * ty) - 1.0f);
var(6, 'handkerchief', """
float a = atan2f(tx, ty);
float r = sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
ox += w * r * sinf(a+r);
oy += w * r * cosf(a-r);
var(7, 'heart', """
float sq = sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
float a = sq * atan2f(tx, ty);
float r = w * sq;
ox += r * sinf(a);
oy -= r * cosf(a);
var(8, 'disc', """
float a = w * atan2f(tx, ty) * M_1_PI;
float r = M_PI * sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
ox += sinf(r) * a;
oy += cosf(r) * a;
var(9, 'spiral', """
float a = atan2f(tx, ty);
float r = sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
float r1 = w / r;
ox += r1 * (cosf(a) + sinf(r));
oy += r1 * (sinf(a) - cosf(r));
var(10, 'hyperbolic', """
float a = atan2f(tx, ty);
float r = sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
ox += w * sinf(a) / r;
oy += w * cosf(a) * r;
var(11, 'diamond', """
float a = atan2f(tx, ty);
float r = sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
ox += w * sinf(a) * cosf(r);
oy += w * cosf(a) * sinf(r);
var(12, 'ex', """
float a = atan2f(tx, ty);
float r = sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
float n0 = sinf(a+r);
float n1 = cosf(a-r);
float m0 = n0*n0*n0*r;
float m1 = n1*n1*n1*r;
ox += w * (m0 + m1);
oy += w * (m0 - m1);
var(13, 'julia', """
float a = 0.5f * atan2f(tx, ty);
if (mwc_next(rctx) & 1) a += M_PI;
float r = w * sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
ox += r * cosf(a);
oy += r * sinf(a);
var(14, 'bent', """
float nx = 1.0f;
if (tx < 0.0f) nx = 2.0f;
float ny = 1.0f;
if (ty < 0.0f) ny = 0.5f;
ox += w * nx * tx;
oy += w * ny * ty;
var(15, 'waves', """
float c10 = {{px.get(None, 'pre_xy')}};
float c11 = {{px.get(None, 'pre_yy')}};
float dx = {{px.get(None, 'pre_xo')}};
float dy = {{px.get(None, 'pre_yo')}};
float dx2 = 1.0f / (dx * dx);
float dy2 = 1.0f / (dy * dy);
ox += w * (tx + c10 + sinf(ty * dx2));
oy += w * (ty + c11 + sinf(tx * dy2));
var(16, 'fisheye', """
float r = sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
r = 2.0f * w / (r + 1.0f);
ox += r * ty;
oy += r * tx;
var(17, 'popcorn', """
float dx = tanf(3.0f*ty);
float dy = tanf(3.0f*tx);
ox += w * (tx + {{px.get(None, 'pre_xo')}} * sinf(dx));
oy += w * (ty + {{px.get(None, 'pre_yo')}} * sinf(dy));
var(18, 'exponential', """
float dx = w * expf(tx - 1.0f);
float dy = M_PI * ty;
ox += dx * cosf(dy);
oy += dx * sinf(dy);
var(19, 'power', """
float a = atan2f(tx, ty);
float sa = sinf(a);
float r = w * powf(sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty),sa);
ox += r * cosf(a);
oy += r * sa;
var(20, 'cosine', """
float a = M_PI * tx;
ox += w * cosf(a) * coshf(ty);
oy -= w * sinf(a) * sinhf(ty);
var(21, 'rings', """
float dx = {{px.get(None, 'pre_xo')}} * {{px.get(None, 'pre_xo')}};
float r = sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
float a = atan2f(tx, ty);
r = w * (fmodf(r+dx, 2.0f*dx) - dx + r * (1.0f - dx));
ox += r * cosf(a);
oy += r * sinf(a);
var(22, 'fan', """
float dx = M_PI * ({{px.get(None, 'pre_xo')}} * {{px.get(None, 'pre_xo')}});
float dx2 = 0.5f * dx;
float dy = {{px.get(None, 'pre_yo')}};
float a = atan2f(tx, ty);
a += (fmodf(a+dy, dx) > dx2) ? -dx2 : dx2;
float r = w * sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
ox += r * cosf(a);
oy += r * sinf(a);
var(23, 'blob', """
float r = sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
float a = atan2f(tx, ty);
float bdiff = 0.5f * ({{px.get('xf.blob_high - xf.blob_low','blob_diff'}})
r *= w * ({{px.get('xf.blob_low')}} + bdiff * (1.0f + sinf({{px.get('xf.blob_waves')}} * a)))
ox += sinf(a) * r;
oy += cosf(a) * r;
var(24, 'pdj', """
float nx1 = cosf({{px.get('xf.pdj_b')}} * tx);
float nx2 = sinf({{px.get('xf.pdj_c')}} * tx);
float ny1 = sinf({{px.get('xf.pdj_a')}} * ty);
float ny2 = cosf({{px.get('xf.pdj_d')}} * ty);
ox += w * (ny1 - nx1);
oy += w * (nx2 - ny2);
var(25, 'fan2', """
float dy = {{px.get('xf.fan2_y')}};
float dx = M_PI * {{px.get('xf.fan2_x')}} * {{px.get('xf.fan2_x')}};
float dx2 = 0.5f * dx;
float a = atan2f(tx, ty);
float r = w * sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
if (t > dx2)
a -= dx2;
a += dx2;
ox += r * sinf(a);
oy += r * cosf(a);
var(26, 'rings2', """
float dx = {{px.get('xf.rings2_val')}} * {{px.get('xf.rings2_val')}};
float r = sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
float a = atan2f(tx, ty);
r += -2.0f * dx * (int)((r+dx)/(2.0f*dx)) + r * (1.0f - dx);
ox += w * sinf(a) * r;
oy += w * cosf(a) * r;
var(27, 'eyefish', """
float r = 2.0f * w / (sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty) + 1.0f);
ox += r * tx;
oy += r * ty;
var(28, 'bubble', """
float r = w / (0.25f * (tx*tx + ty*ty) + 1.0f);
ox += r * tx;
oy += r * ty;
var(29, 'cylinder', """
ox += w * sinf(tx);
oy += w * ty;
var(30, 'perspective', """
float pdist = {{px.get('xf.perspective_dist')}};
float pvsin = {{px.get('np.sin(xf.perspective_angle*np.pi/2)', 'pvsin')}};
float pvfcos = {{px.get(
'xf.perspective_dist*np.cos(xf.perspective_angle*np.pi/2)', 'pvfcos')}};
float t = 1.0 / (pdist - ty * pvsin);
ox += w * pdist * tx * t;
oy += w * pvfcos * ty * t;
var(31, 'noise', """
float tmpr = mwc_next_01(rctx) * 2.0f * M_PI;
float r = w * mwc_next_01(rctx);
ox += tx * r * cosf(tmpr);
oy += ty * r * sinf(tmpr);
var(32, 'julian', """
float power = {{px.get('xf.julian_power')}};
float t_rnd = truncf(mwc_next_01(rctx) * fabsf(power));
float a = atan2f(ty, tx);
float tmpr = (a + 2.0f * M_PI * t_rnd) / power;
float cn = {{px.get('xf.julian_dist / xf.julian_power / 2', 'julian_cn')}};
float r = w * powf(tx * tx + ty * ty, cn);
ox += r * cosf(tmpr);
oy += r * sinf(tmpr);
var(33, 'juliascope', """
float ang = atan2f(ty, tx);
float power = {{px.get('xf.juliascope_power', 'juscope_power')}};
float t_rnd = truncf(mwc_next_01(rctx) * fabsf(power));
// TODO: don't draw the extra random number
if (mwc_next(rctx) & 1) ang = -ang;
float tmpr = (2.0f * M_PI * t_rnd + ang) / power;
float cn = {{px.get('xf.juliascope_dist / xf.juliascope_power / 2',
float r = w * powf(tx * tx + ty * ty, cn);
ox += r * cosf(tmpr);
oy += r * sinf(tmpr);
var(34, 'blur', """
float tmpr = mwc_next_01(rctx) * 2.0f * M_PI;
float r = w * mwc_next_01(rctx);
ox += r * cosf(tmpr);
oy += r * sinf(tmpr);
var(35, 'gaussian', """
float ang = mwc_next_01(rctx) * 2.0f * M_PI;
float r = w * ( mwc_next_01(rctx) + mwc_next_01(rctx)
+ mwc_next_01(rctx) + mwc_next_01(rctx) - 2.0f );
ox += r * cosf(ang);
oy += r * sinf(ang);
var(36, 'radial_blur', """
float blur_angle = {{px.get('xf.radial_blur_angle')}} * M_PI * 0.5f;
float spinvar = sinf(blur_angle);
float zoomvar = cosf(blur_angle);
float r = weight * ( mwc_next_01(rctx) + mwc_next_01(rctx)
+ mwc_next_01(rctx) + mwc_next_01(rctx) - 2.0f );
float ra = sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
float tmpa = atan2f(ty, tx) + spinvar * r;
float rz = zoomvar * r - 1.0f;
ox += ra*cosf(tmpa) + rz*tx;
oy += ra*sinf(tmpa) + rz*ty;
var(37, 'pie', """
float slices = {{px.get('xf.pie_slices')}};
float sl = truncf(mwc_next_01(rctx) * slices + 0.5f);
float a = {{px.get('xf.pie_rotation')}} +
2.0f * M_PI * (sl + mwc_next_01(rctx) + {{px.get('xf.pie_thickness')}} / slices;
float r = w * mwc_next_01(rctx);
ox += r * cosf(a);
oy += r * sinf(a);
var(38, 'ngon', """
float power = {{px.get('xf.ngon_power')}} * 0.5f
float b = 2.0f * M_PI / {{px.get('xf.ngon_sides')}}
float corners = {{px.get('xf.ngon_corners')}}
float circle = {{px.get('xf.ngon_circle')}}
float r_factor = powf(tx*tx + ty*ty, power);
float theta = atan2f(ty, tx);
float phi = theta - b * floorf(theta/b);
if (phi > b/2.0f) phi -= b;
float amp = (corners * (1.0f / cosf(phi) - 1.0f) + circle) / r_factor;
ox += w * tx * amp;
oy += w * ty * amp;
var(39, 'curl', """
float c1 = {{px.get('xf.curl_c1')}};
float c2 = {{px.get('xf.curl_c2')}};
float re = 1.0f + c1*tx + c2*(tx*tx - ty*ty);
float im = c1*ty + 2.0f*c2*tx*ty;
float r = w / (re*re + im*im);
ox += r * (tx*re + ty*im);
oy += r * (ty*re + tx*im);
var(40, 'rectangles', """
float rx = {{px.get('xf.rectangles_x')}};
float ry = {{px.get('xf.rectangles_y')}};
ox += w * ( (rx==0.0f) ? tx : rx * (2.0f * floorf(tx/rx) + 1.0f) - tx);
oy += w * ( (ry==0.0f) ? ty : ry * (2.0f * floorf(ty/ry) + 1.0f) - ty);
var(41, 'arch', """
float ang = mwc_next_01(rctx) * w * M_PI;
ox += w * sinf(ang);
oy += w * sinf(ang) * sinf(ang) / cosf(ang);
var(42, 'tangent', """
ox += w * sinf(tx) / cosf(ty);
oy += w * tanf(ty);
var(43, 'square', """
ox += w * (mwc_next_01(rctx) - 0.5f);
oy += w * (mwc_next_01(rctx) - 0.5f);
var(44, 'rays', """
float ang = w * mwc_next_01(rctx) * M_PI;
float r = w / (tx*tx + ty*ty);
float tanr = w * tanf(ang) * r;
ox += tanr * cosf(tx);
oy += tanr * sinf(ty);
var(45, 'blade', """
float r = mwc_next_01(rctx) * w * sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
ox += w * tx * (cosf(r) + sinf(r));
oy += w * tx * (cosf(r) - sinf(r));
var(46, 'secant2', """
float r = w * sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
float cr = cosf(r);
float icr = 1.0f / cr;
icr += (cr < 0 ? 1 : -1);
ox += w * tx;
oy += w * icr;
# var 47 is twintrian, has a call to badvalue in it
var(48, 'cross', """
float s = tx*tx - ty*ty;
float r = w * sqrtf(1.0f / (s*s));
ox += r * tx;
oy += r * ty;
var(49, 'disc2', """
float twist = {{px.get('xf.disc2_twist')}};
float rotpi = {{px.get('xf.disc2_rot * M_PI', 'disc2_rotpi')}};
float sintwist = sinf(twist);
float costwist = cosf(twist) - 1.0f;
if (twist > 2.0f * M_PI) {
float k = (1.0f + twist - 2.0f * M_PI);
sintwist *= k;
costwist *= k;
if (twist < -2.0f * M_PI) {
float k = (1.0f + twist + 2.0f * M_PI);
sintwist *= k;
costwist *= k;
float t = rotpi * (tx + ty);
float r = w * atan2f(tx, ty) / M_PI;
ox += r * (sinf(t) + costwist);
oy += r * (cosf(t) + sintwist);
var(50, 'super_shape', """
float ang = atan2f(ty, tx);
float theta = 0.25f * ({{px.get('xf.super_shape_m')}} * ang + M_PI);
float t1 = fabsf(cosf(theta));
float t2 = fabsf(sinf(theta));
t1 = powf(t1,{{px.get('xf.super_shape_n2')}});
t2 = powf(t2,{{px.get('xf.super_shape_n3')}});
float myrnd = {{px.get('xf.super_shape_rnd')}};
float d = sqrtf(tx*tx+ty*ty);
float r = w * ((myrnd*mwc_next_01(rctx) + (1.0f-myrnd)*d) - {{px.get('xf.super_shape_holes')}})
* powf(t1+t2, {{px.get('-1.0 / xf.super_shape_holes', 'super_shape_pneg')}}) / d;
ox += r * tx;
oy += r * ty;
var(51, 'flower', """
float holes = {{px.get('xf.flower_holes')}};
float petals = {{px.get('xf.flower_petals')}};
float r = w * (mwc_next_01(rctx) - holes) * cosf(petals*atan2f(ty, tx)) / sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
ox += r * tx;
oy += r * ty;
var(52, 'conic', """
float d = sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
float ct = tx / d;
float holes = {{px.get('xf.conic_holes')}};
float eccen = {{px.get('xf.conic_eccentricity')}};
float r = w * (mwc_next_01(rctx) - holes) * eccen / (1.0f + eccen*ct) / d;
ox += r * tx;
oy += r * ty;
var(53, 'parabola', """
float r = sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
float sr = sinf(r);
float cr = cosf(r);
ox += {{px.get('xf.parabola_height')}} * w * sr * sr * mwc_next_01(rctx);
oy += {{px.get('xf.parabola_width')}} * w * cr * mwc_next_01(rctx);
var(54, 'bent2', """
float nx = 1.0f;
if (tx < 0.0f) nx = {{px.get('xf.bent2_x')}};
float ny = 1.0f;
if (ty < 0.0f) ny = {{px.get('xf.bent2_y')}};
ox += w * nx * tx;
oy += w * ny * ty;
var(55, 'bipolar', """
float x2y2 = tx*tx + ty*ty;
float t = x2y2 + 1.0f;
float x2 = tx * 2.0f;
float ps = -M_PI_2 * {{px.get('xf.bipolar_shift')}}
float y = 0.5 * atan2f(2.0f * ty, x2y2 - 1.0f) + ps;
if (y > M_PI_2)
y = -M_PI_2 + fmodf(y + M_PI_2, M_PI);
else if (y < -M_PI_2)
y = M_PI_2 - fmodf(M_PI_2 - y, M_PI);
ox += w * 0.25f * M_2_PI * logf( (t+x2) / (t-x2) );
oy += w * M_2_PI * y;
var(56, 'boarders', """
float roundX = rintf(tx);
float roundY = rintf(ty);
float offsetX = tx - roundX;
float offsetY = ty - roundY;
if (mwc_next_01(rctx) > 0.75f) {
ox += w * (offsetX*0.5f + roundX);
oy += w * (offsetY*0.5f + roundY);
} else {
if (fabsf(offsetX) >= fabsf(offsetY)) {
if (offsetX >= 0.0f) {
ox += w * (offsetX*0.5f + roundX + 0.25f);
oy += w * (offsetY*0.5f + roundY + 0.25f * offsetY / offsetX);
} else {
ox += w * (offsetX*0.5f + roundX - 0.25f);
oy += w * (offsetY*0.5f + roundY - 0.25f * offsetY / offsetX);
} else {
if (offsetY >= 0.0f) {
oy += w * (offsetY*0.5f + roundY + 0.25f);
ox += w * (offsetX*0.5f + roundX + offsetX / offsetY * 0.25f);
} else {
oy += w * (offsetY*0.5f + roundY - 0.25f);
ox += w * (offsetX*0.5f + roundX - offsetX / offsetY * 0.25f);
var(57, 'butterfly', """
/* wx is weight*4/sqrt(3*pi) */
float wx = w * 1.3029400317411197908970256609023f;
float y2 = ty * 2.0f
float r = wx * sqrtf(fabsf(ty * tx)/(tx*tx + y2*y2));
ox += r * tx;
oy += r * y2;
var(58, 'cell', """
float cell_size = {{px.get('xf.cell_size')}}
float inv_cell_size = 1.0f/cell_size;
/* calculate input cell */
float x = floorf(tx * inv_cell_size);
float y = floorf(ty * inv_cell_size);
/* Offset from cell origin */
float dx = tx - x*cell_size;
float dy = ty - y*cell_size;
/* interleave cells */
if (y >= 0.0f) {
if (x >= 0.0f) {
y *= 2.0f;
x *= 2.0f;
} else {
y *= 2.0f;
x = -(2.0f*x+1.0f);
} else {
if (x >= 0.0f) {
y = -(2.0f*y+1.0f);
x *= 2.0f;
} else {
y = -(2.0f*y+1.0f);
x = -(2.0f*x+1.0f);
ox += w * (dx + x*cell_size);
oy -= w * (dy + y*cell_size);
var(59, 'cpow', """
float a = atan2f(ty, tx);
float lnr = 0.5f * logf(sqrtf(tx*tx+ty*ty));
float power = {{px.get('xf.cpow_power')}}
float va = 2.0f * M_PI / power;
float vc = {{px.get('xf.cpow_r')}} / power;
float vd = {{px.get('xf.cpow_i')}} / power;
float ang = vc*a + vd*lnr + va*floorf(power*mwc_next_01(rctx));
float m = w * expf(vc * lnr - vd * a);
ox += m * cosf(ang);
oy += m * sinf(ang);
var(60, 'curve', """
float pc_xlen = {{px.get('xf.curve_xlength * xf.curve_xlength','pc_xlen')}};
float pc_ylen = {{px.get('xf.curve_ylength * xf.curve_ylength','pc_ylen')}};
if (pc_xlen<1E-20f) pc_xlen = 1E-20f;
if (pc_ylen<1E-20f) pc_ylen = 1E-20f;
ox += w * (tx + {{px.get('xf.curve_xamp')}} * expf(-ty*ty/pc_xlen));
ox += w * (ty + {{px.get('xf.curve_yamp')}} * expf(-tx*tx/pc_ylen));
var(61, 'edisc', """
float tmp = tx*tx + ty*ty + 1.0f;
float tmp2 = 2.0f * tx;
float r1 = sqrtf(tmp+tmp2);
float r2 = sqrtf(tmp-tmp2);
float xmax = (r1+r2) * 0.5f;
float a1 = logf(xmax + sqrtf(xmax - 1.0f));
float a2 = -acosf(tx/xmax);
float neww = w / 11.57034632f;
float snv = sinf(a1);
float csv = cosf(a1);
if (ty > 0.0f) snv = -snv;
ox += neww * coshf(a2) * csv;
oy += neww * sinhf(s2) * snv;
var(62, 'elliptic', """
float tmp = tx*tx + ty*ty + 1.0f;
float x2 = 2.0f * tx;
float xmax = 0.5f * (sqrtf(tmp+x2) + sqrtf(tmp-x2));
float a = tx / xmax;
float b = 1.0f - a*a;
float ssx = xmax - 1.0f;
float neww = w / M_PI_2;
if (b < 0.0f)
b = 0.0f;
b = sqrtf(b);
if (ssx < 0.0f)
ssx = 0.0f;
ssx = sqrtf(ssx);
ox += neww * atan2f(a,b);
if (ty > 0.0f)
oy += neww * logf(xmax + ssx);
oy -= neww * logf(xmax + ssx);
var(63, 'escher', """
float a = atan2f(ty,tx);
float lnr = 0.5f * logf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
float ebeta = {{px.get('xf.escher_beta')}};
float seb = sinf(ebeta);
float ceb = cosf(ebeta);
float vc = 0.5f * (1.0f + ceb);
float vd = 0.5f * seb;
float m = w * expf(vc*lnr - vd*a);
float n = vc*a + vd*lnr;
ox += m * cosf(n);
oy += m * sinf(n);
var(64, 'foci', """
float expx = expf(tx) * 0.5f;
float expnx = 0.25f / expx;
float sn = sinf(ty);
float cn = cosf(ty);
float tmp = w / (expx + expnx - cn);
ox += tmp * (expx - expnx);
oy += tmp * sn;
var(65, 'lazysusan', """
float lx = {{px.get('xf.lazysusan_x')}};
float ly = {{px.get('xf.lazysusan_y')}};
float x = tx - lx;
float y = ty + ly;
float r = sqrtf(x*x + y*y);
if (r < w) {
float a = atan2f(y,x) + {{px.get('xf.lazysusan_spin')}} +
r = w * r;
ox += r * cosf(a) + lx;
oy += r * sinf(a) - ly;
} else {
r = w * (1.0f + {{px.get('xf.lazysusan_space')}} / r);
ox += r * x + lx;
oy += r * y - ly;
var(66, 'loonie', """
float r2 = tx*tx + ty*ty;;
float w2 = w*w;
if (r2 < w2) {
float r = w * sqrtf(w2/r2 - 1.0f);
ox += r * tx;
oy += r * ty;
} else {
ox += w * tx;
oy += w * ty;
var(67, 'pre_blur', """
float rndG = w * (mwc_next_01(rctx) + mwc_next_01(rctx)
+ mwc_next_01(rctx) + mwc_next_01(rctx) - 2.0f);
float rndA = mwc_next_01(rctx) * 2.0f * M_PI;
/* Note: original coordinate changed */
tx += rndG * cosf(rndA);
ty += rndG * sinf(rndA);
var(68, 'modulus', """
float mx = {{px.get('xf.modulus_x')}}
float my = {{px.get('xf.modulus_y')}}
float xr = 2.0f*mx;
float yr = 2.0f*my;
if (tx > mx)
ox += w * (-mx + fmodf(tx + mx, xr));
else if (tx < -mx)
ox += w * ( mx - fmodf(mx - tx, xr));
ox += w * tx;
if (ty > my)
oy += w * (-my + fmodf(ty + my, yr));
else if (ty < -my)
oy += w * ( my - fmodf(my - ty, yr));
oy += w * ty;
var(69, 'oscope', """
float tpf = 2.0f * M_PI * {{px.get('xf.oscope_frequency')}};
float amp = {{px.get('xf.oscope_amplitude')}};
float sep = {{px.get('xf.oscope_separation')}};
float dmp = {{px.get('xf.oscope_damping')}};
float t = amp * expf(-fabsf(tx)*dmp) * cosf(tpf*tx) + sep;
ox += w*tx;
if (fabsf(ty) <= t)
oy -= w*ty;
oy += w*ty;
var(70, 'polar2', """
float p2v = w / M_PI;
ox += p2v * atan2f(x,y);
oy += 0.5f * p2v * logf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
var(71, 'popcorn2', """
float c = {{px.get('xf.popcorn2_c')}};
ox += w * (tx + {{px.get('xf.popcorn2_x')}} * sinf(tanf(ty*c)));
oy += w * (ty + {{px.get('xf.popcorn2_y')}} * sinf(tanf(tx*c)));
var(72, 'scry', """
/* note that scry does not multiply by weight, but as the */
/* values still approach 0 as the weight approaches 0, it */
/* should be ok */
float t = tx*tx + ty*ty;
float r = 1.0f / (sqrtf(t) * (t + 1.0f/w));
ox += tx*r;
oy += ty*r;
var(73, 'separation', """
float sx2 = {{px.get('xf.separation_x * xf.separation_x', 'sx2')}};
float sy2 = {{px.get('xf.separation_y * xf.separation_y', 'sy2')}};
if (tx > 0.0f)
ox += w * (sqrtf(tx*tx + sx2) - tx*{{ps.get('xf.separation_xinside')}});
ox -= w * (sqrtf(tx*tx + sx2) + tx*{{ps.get('xf.separation_xinside')}});
if (ty > 0.0f)
oy += w * (sqrtf(ty*ty + sy2) - ty*{{ps.get('xf.separation_yinside')}});
oy -= w * (sqrtf(ty*ty + sy2) + ty*{{ps.get('xf.separation_yinside')}});
var(74, 'split', """
if (cosf(tx*{{px.get('xf.split_xsize')}}*M_PI) >= 0.0f)
oy += w*ty;
oy -= w*ty;
if (cosf(ty*{{px.get('xf.split_ysize')}}*M_PI) >= 0.0f)
ox += w*tx;
ox -= w*tx;
var(75, 'splits', """
if (tx >= 0.0f)
ox += w*(tx + {{ps.get('xf.splits_x')}});
ox += w*(tx - {{ps.get('xf.splits_x')}});
if (f->ty >= 0)
oy += w*(ty + {{ps.get('xf.splits_y')}});
oy += w*(ty - {{ps.get('xf.splits_y')}});
var(76, 'stripes', """
float roundx = floorf(tx + 0.5f);
float offsetx = tx - roundx;
ox += w * (offsetx * (1.0f - {{ps.get('xf.stripes_space')}}) + roundx);
oy += w * (ty + offsetx*offsetx*{{ps.get('xf.stripes_warp')}});
var(77, 'wedge', """
float r = sqrtf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
float a = atan2f(ty, tx) + {{ps.get('xf.wedge_swirl')}} * r;
float wc = {{ps.get('xf.wedge_count')}};
float wa = {{ps.get('xf.wedge_angle')}};
float c = floorf((wc * a + M_PI) * M_1_PI * 0.5f);
float comp_fac = 1 - wa * wc * M_1_PI * 0.5f;
a = a * comp_fac + c * wa;
r = w * (r + {{ps.get('xf.wedge_hole')}});
ox += r * cosf(a);
oy += r * sinf(a);
var(81, 'waves2', """
ox += w*(tx + {{ps.get('xf.waves2_scalex')}}*sinf(ty * {{ps.get('xf.waves2_freqx')}}));
oy += w*(ty + {{ps.get('xf.waves2_scaley')}}*sinf(tx * {{ps.get('xf.waves2_freqy')}}));
var(82, 'exp', """
float expe = expf(f->tx);
ox += w * expe * cosf(ty);
oy += w * expe * sinf(ty);
var(83, 'log', """
ox += w * 0.5f * logf(tx*tx + ty*ty);
oy += w * atan2f(ty, tx);
var(84, 'sin', """
ox += w * sinf(tx) * coshf(ty);
oy += w * cosf(tx) * sinhf(ty);
var(85, 'cos', """
ox += w * cosf(tx) * coshf(ty);
oy -= w * sinf(tx) * sinhf(ty);
var(86, 'tan', """
float tanden = 1.0f/(cosf(2.0*tx) + coshf(2.0f*ty));
ox += w * tanden * sinf(2.0f*tx);
oy += w * tanden * sinhf(2.0f*ty);
var(87, 'sec', """
float secden = 2.0f/(cosf(2.0f*tx) + coshf(2.0f*ty));
ox += w * secden * cosf(tx) * coshf(ty);
oy += w * secden * sinf(tx) * sinhf(ty);
var(88, 'csc', """
float cscden = 2.0f/(coshf(2.0f*ty) - cosf(2.0f*tx));
ox += w * cscden * sinf(tx) * coshf(ty);
oy -= w * cscden * cosf(tx) * sinhf(ty);
var(89, 'cot', """
float cotden = 1.0f/(coshf(2.0f*ty) - cosf(2.0f*tx));
ox += w * cotden * sinf(2.0f*tx);
oy += w * cotden * -1.0f * sinhf(2.0f*ty);
var(90, 'sinh', """
ox += w * sinhf(tx) * cosf(ty);
oy += w * coshf(tx) * sinf(ty);
var(91, 'cosh', """
ox += w * coshf(tx) * cosf(ty);
oy += w * sinhf(tx) * sinf(ty);
var(92, 'tanh', """
float tanhden = 1.0f/(cosf(2.0f*ty) + coshf(2.0f*tx));
ox += w * tanhden * sinhf(2.0f*tx);
oy += w * tanhden * sinf(2.0f*ty);
var(93, 'sech', """
float sechden = 2.0f/(cosf(2.0f*ty) + coshf(2.0f*tx));
ox += w * sechden * cosf(ty) * coshf(tx);
oy -= w * sechden * sinf(ty) * sinhf(tx);
var(94, 'csch', """
cschden = 2.0f/(coshf(2.0f*tx) - cosf(2.0f*ty));
ox += w * cschden * sinhf(tx) * cosf(ty);
oy -= w * cschden * coshf(tx) * sinf(ty);
var(95, 'coth', """
cothden = 1.0f/(coshf(2.0f*tx) - cosf(2.0f*ty));
ox += w * cothden * sinhf(2.0f*tx);
oy += w * cothden * sinf(2.0f*ty);
var(97, 'flux', """
float xpw = tx + w;
float xmw = tx - w;
float avgr = w * (2.0f + {{px.get('xf.flux_spread')}}) * sqrtf(sqrtf(ty*ty+xpw*xpw)/sqrtf(ty*ty+xmw*xmw));
float avga = (atan2f(ty, xmw) - atan2f(ty,xpw))*0.5f;
ox += avgr * cosf(avga);
oy += avgr * sinf(avga);
var(98, 'mobius', """
float rea = {{px.get('xf.mobius_re_a')}};
float ima = {{px.get('xf.mobius_im_a')}};
float reb = {{px.get('xf.mobius_re_b')}};
float imb = {{px.get('xf.mobius_im_b')}};
float rec = {{px.get('xf.mobius_re_c')}};
float imc = {{px.get('xf.mobius_im_c')}};
float red = {{px.get('xf.mobius_re_d')}};
float imd = {{px.get('xf.mobius_im_d')}};
float re_u, im_u, re_v, im_v, rad_v;
re_u = rea * tx - ima * ty + reb;
im_u = rea * ty + ima * tx + imb;
re_v = rec * tx - imc * ty + red;
im_v = rec * ty + imc * tx + imd;
rad_v = w / (re_v*re_v + im_v*im_v);
ox += rad_v * (re_u*re_v + im_u*im_v);
oy += rad_v * (im_u*re_v - re_u*im_v);