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#include <cuda.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void prefix_scan_8_0_shmem(unsigned char *keys, int nitems, int *pfxs) {
__shared__ int sh_pfxs[256];
if (threadIdx.y < 8)
sh_pfxs[threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x] = 0;
int blksz = blockDim.x * blockDim.y;
int cap = nitems * (blockIdx.x + 1);
for (int i = threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x + nitems * blockIdx.x;
i < cap; i += blksz) {
int value = keys[i];
atomicAdd(sh_pfxs + value, 1);
if (threadIdx.y < 8) {
int off = threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x;
atomicAdd(pfxs + off, sh_pfxs[off]);
#define GRPSZ 8192
#define RDXSZ 256
#define BLKSZ 512
void prefix_scan(unsigned short *keys, int *pfxs, const int shift) {
const int tid = threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x;
__shared__ int shr_pfxs[BLKSZ];
shr_pfxs[tid] = 0;
int i = tid + GRPSZ * blockIdx.x;
for (int j = 0; j < GRP_BLK_FACTOR; j++) {
int value = (keys[i] >> shift) && 0xff;
atomicAdd(shr_pfxs + value, 1);
i += BLKSZ;
pfxs[tid + BLKSZ * blockIdx.x] = shr_pfxs[tid];
void prefix_scan_8_0_shmem_shortseg(unsigned char *keys, int *pfxs) {
const int tid = threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x;
__shared__ int shr_pfxs[RDXSZ];
if (tid < RDXSZ) shr_pfxs[tid] = 0;
// TODO: this introduces a hard upper limit of 512M keys (3GB) sorted in a
// pass. It'll be a while before we get the 8GB cards needed to do this.
int i = tid + GRPSZ * blockIdx.x;
for (int j = 0; j < GRP_BLK_FACTOR; j++) {
int value = keys[i];
atomicAdd(shr_pfxs + value, 1);
i += BLKSZ;
if (tid < RDXSZ) pfxs[tid + RDXSZ * blockIdx.x] = shr_pfxs[tid];
void crappy_split(int *pfxs, int *pfxs_out) {
const int blksz = 256;
const int tid = threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x;
int i = blksz * (tid + blockIdx.x * blksz);
int i_bound = i + blksz;
int val = 0;
for (; i < i_bound; i++) {
pfxs_out[i] = val;
val += pfxs[i];
void better_split(int *pfxs_out, const int *pfxs) {
// This one must be launched as 32x1, regardless of BLKSZ.
const int tid = threadIdx.x;
const int tid5 = tid << 5;
__shared__ int swap[1024];
int base = RDXSZ * 32 * blockIdx.x;
int value = 0;
// Performs a fast "split" (don't know why I called it that, will rename
// soon). For each entry in pfxs (corresponding to the number of elements
// per radix in a group), this writes the exclusive prefix sum for that
// group. This is in fact a bunch of serial prefix sums in parallel, and
// not a parallel prefix sum.
// The contents of 32 group radix counts are loaded in 32-element chunks
// into shared memory, rotated by 1 unit each group to avoid bank
// conflicts. Each thread in the warp sums across each group serially,
// updating the values as it goes, then the results are written coherently
// to global memory.
// This leaves the processor extremely compute-starved, as this only allows
// 12 warps per SM. It might be better to halve the chunk size and lose
// some coalescing efficiency; need to benchmark. It's a relatively cheap
// step overall though.
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
int jj = j << 5;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
int base_offset = (i << 8) + jj + base + tid;
int swap_offset = (i << 5) + ((i + tid) & 0x1f);
swap[swap_offset] = pfxs[base_offset];
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
int swap_offset = tid5 + ((i + tid) & 0x1f);
int tmp = swap[swap_offset];
swap[swap_offset] = value;
value += tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
int base_offset = (i << 8) + jj + base + tid;
int swap_offset = (i << 5) + ((i + tid) & 0x1f);
pfxs_out[base_offset] = swap[swap_offset];
void prefix_sum(int *pfxs, int nitems, int *out_pfxs, int *out_sums) {
// Needs optimizing (later). Should be rolled into split.
// Must launch 32x8.
const int tid = threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x;
const int blksz = 256;
int val = 0;
for (int i = tid; i < nitems; i += blksz) val += pfxs[i];
out_pfxs[tid] = val;
// I know there's a better way to implement this summing network,
// but it's not a time-critical piece of code.
__shared__ int sh_pfxs[blksz];
sh_pfxs[tid] = val;
val = 0;
// Intentionally exclusive indexing here, val{0} should be 0
for (int i = 0; i < tid; i++) val += sh_pfxs[i];
out_sums[tid] = val;
// Here we shift things over by 1, to make retrieving the
// indices and differences easier in the sorting step.
int i;
for (i = tid; i < nitems; i += blksz) {
int t = pfxs[i];
pfxs[i] = val;
val += t;
// Now write the last column and we're done.
pfxs[i] = val;
void sort_8(unsigned char *keys, int *sorted_keys, int *pfxs) {
const int tid = threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x;
const int blk_offset = GRPSZ * blockIdx.x;
__shared__ int shr_pfxs[RDXSZ];
if (tid < RDXSZ) shr_pfxs[tid] = pfxs[RDXSZ * blockIdx.x + tid];
int i = tid;
for (int j = 0; j < GRP_BLK_FACTOR; j++) {
int value = keys[i+blk_offset];
int offset = atomicAdd(shr_pfxs + value, 1);
sorted_keys[offset] = value;
i += BLKSZ;
#undef BLKSZ
#define BLKSZ 1024
void sort_8_a(unsigned char *keys, int *sorted_keys,
const int *pfxs, const int *split) {
const int tid = threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x;
const int blk_offset = GRPSZ * blockIdx.x;
__shared__ int shr_offs[RDXSZ];
__shared__ int defer[GRPSZ];
const int pfx_i = RDXSZ * blockIdx.x + tid;
if (tid < RDXSZ) shr_offs[tid] = split[pfx_i];
for (int i = tid; i < GRPSZ; i += BLKSZ) {
int value = keys[i+blk_offset];
int offset = atomicAdd(shr_offs + value, 1);
defer[offset] = value;
// This calculation is a bit odd.
// For a given radix value 'r', shr_offs[r] currently holds the first index
// of the *next* radix in defer[] (i.e. if there are 28 '0'-radix values
// in defer[], shr_offs[0]==28). We want to get back to a normal exclusive
// prefix, so we subtract shr_offs[0] from everything.
// In the next block, we want to be able to find the correct position for a
// value in defer[], given that value's index 'i' and its radix 'r'. This
// requires two values: the destination index in sorted_keys[] of the first
// value in the group with radix 'r' (given by pfxs[BASE + r]), and the
// number of radix-'r' values before this one in defer[]. So, ultimately,
// we want an equation in the inner loop below that looks like this:
// int dst_offset = pfxs[r] + i - (shr_offs[r] - shr_offs[0]);
// sorted_keys[dst_offset] = defer[i];
// Of course, this generates tons of memory lookups and bank conflicts so
// we precombine some of this here.
int off0 = shr_offs[0];
if (tid < RDXSZ) shr_offs[tid] = pfxs[0] - (shr_offs[tid] - off0);
int i = tid;
#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j < GRP_BLK_FACTOR; j++) {
int value = defer[i];
int offset = shr_offs[value] + i;
sorted_keys[offset] = value;
i += BLKSZ;
void prefix_scan_8_0_shmem_lessconf(unsigned char *keys, int nitems, int *pfxs) {
__shared__ int sh_pfxs_banked[256][32];
for (int i = threadIdx.y; i < 256; i += blockDim.y)
sh_pfxs_banked[i][threadIdx.x] = 0;
int blksz = blockDim.x * blockDim.y;
int cap = nitems * (blockIdx.x + 1);
for (int i = threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x + nitems * blockIdx.x;
i < cap; i += blksz) {
int value = keys[i];
atomicAdd(&(sh_pfxs_banked[value][threadIdx.x]), 1);
for (int i = threadIdx.y; i < 256; i += blockDim.y) {
for (int j = 16; j > 0; j = j >> 1)
if (j > threadIdx.x)
sh_pfxs_banked[i][threadIdx.x] += sh_pfxs_banked[i][j+threadIdx.x];
if (threadIdx.y < 8) {
int off = threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x;
atomicAdd(pfxs + off, sh_pfxs_banked[off][0]);
void prefix_scan_5_0_popc(unsigned char *keys, int nitems, int *pfxs) {
__shared__ int sh_pfxs[32];
if (threadIdx.y == 0) sh_pfxs[threadIdx.x] = 0;
int blksz = blockDim.x * blockDim.y;
int cap = nitems * (blockIdx.x + 1);
int sum = 0;
for (int i = threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x + nitems * blockIdx.x;
i < cap; i += blksz) {
int value = keys[i];
int test = __ballot(value & 1);
if (!(threadIdx.x & 1)) test = ~test;
int popc_res = __ballot(value & 2);
if (!(threadIdx.x & 2)) popc_res = ~popc_res;
test &= popc_res;
popc_res = __ballot(value & 4);
if (!(threadIdx.x & 4)) popc_res = ~popc_res;
test &= popc_res;
popc_res = __ballot(value & 8);
if (!(threadIdx.x & 8)) popc_res = ~popc_res;
test &= popc_res;
popc_res = __ballot(value & 16);
if (!(threadIdx.x & 16)) popc_res = ~popc_res;
test &= popc_res;
sum += __popc(test);
atomicAdd(sh_pfxs + threadIdx.x + 0, sum);
if (threadIdx.y == 0) {
int off = threadIdx.x;
atomicAdd(pfxs + off, sh_pfxs[off]);
void prefix_scan_8_0_popc(unsigned char *keys, int nitems, int *pfxs) {
__shared__ int sh_pfxs[256];
if (threadIdx.y < 8)
sh_pfxs[threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x] = 0;
int blksz = blockDim.x * blockDim.y;
int cap = nitems * (blockIdx.x + 1);
int sum_000 = 0;
int sum_001 = 0;
int sum_010 = 0;
int sum_011 = 0;
int sum_100 = 0;
int sum_101 = 0;
int sum_110 = 0;
int sum_111 = 0;
for (int i = threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x + nitems * blockIdx.x;
i < cap; i += blksz) {
int value = keys[i];
int test_000 = __ballot(value & 1);
if (!(threadIdx.x & 1)) test_000 = ~test_000;
int popc_res = __ballot(value & 2);
if (!(threadIdx.x & 2)) popc_res = ~popc_res;
test_000 &= popc_res;
popc_res = __ballot(value & 4);
if (!(threadIdx.x & 4)) popc_res = ~popc_res;
test_000 &= popc_res;
popc_res = __ballot(value & 8);
if (!(threadIdx.x & 8)) popc_res = ~popc_res;
test_000 &= popc_res;
popc_res = __ballot(value & 16);
if (!(threadIdx.x & 16)) popc_res = ~popc_res;
test_000 &= popc_res;
popc_res = __ballot(value & 32);
int test_001 = test_000 & popc_res;
popc_res = ~popc_res;
test_000 &= popc_res;
popc_res = __ballot(value & 64);
int test_010 = test_000 & popc_res;
int test_011 = test_001 & popc_res;
popc_res = ~popc_res;
test_000 &= popc_res;
test_001 &= popc_res;
popc_res = __ballot(value & 128);
int test_100 = test_000 & popc_res;
int test_101 = test_001 & popc_res;
int test_110 = test_010 & popc_res;
int test_111 = test_011 & popc_res;
popc_res = ~popc_res;
test_000 &= popc_res;
test_001 &= popc_res;
test_010 &= popc_res;
test_011 &= popc_res;
sum_000 += __popc(test_000);
sum_001 += __popc(test_001);
sum_010 += __popc(test_010);
sum_011 += __popc(test_011);
sum_100 += __popc(test_100);
sum_101 += __popc(test_101);
sum_110 += __popc(test_110);
sum_111 += __popc(test_111);
atomicAdd(sh_pfxs + (threadIdx.x + 0), sum_000);
atomicAdd(sh_pfxs + (threadIdx.x + 32), sum_001);
atomicAdd(sh_pfxs + (threadIdx.x + 64), sum_010);
atomicAdd(sh_pfxs + (threadIdx.x + 96), sum_011);
atomicAdd(sh_pfxs + (threadIdx.x + 128), sum_100);
atomicAdd(sh_pfxs + (threadIdx.x + 160), sum_101);
atomicAdd(sh_pfxs + (threadIdx.x + 192), sum_110);
atomicAdd(sh_pfxs + (threadIdx.x + 224), sum_111);
if (threadIdx.y < 8) {
int off = threadIdx.y * 32 + threadIdx.x;
atomicAdd(pfxs + off, sh_pfxs[off]);