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#!/usr/bin/env python2
import base64
import warnings
import xml.parsers.expat
import numpy as np
from code.variations import var_code, var_params
from code.util import crep
class SplEval(object):
_mat = np.matrix([[1.,-2, 1, 0], [2,-3, 0, 1],
[1,-1, 0, 0], [-2, 3, 0, 0]])
_deriv = np.matrix(np.diag([3,2,1], 1))
def __init__(self, knots, v0=None, v1=None):
self.knots = self.normalize(knots, v0, v1)
def normalize(knots, v0=None, v1=None):
if isinstance(knots, (int, float)):
knots = [0.0, knots, 1.0, knots]
elif not np.all(np.diff(np.float32(np.asarray(knots))[::2]) > 0):
raise ValueError("Spline times are non-monotonic. (Use "
"nextafterf()-spaced times to anchor tangents.)")
# If stabilizing knots are missing before or after the edges of the
# [0,1] interval, add them.
if knots[0] >= 0:
if v0 is None:
v0 = (knots[3] - knots[1]) / float(knots[2] - knots[0])
knots = [-2, knots[3] - (knots[2] + 2) * v0] + knots
if knots[-2] <= 1:
if v1 is None:
v1 = (knots[-1] - knots[-3]) / float(knots[-2] - knots[-4])
knots.extend([3, knots[-3] + (3 - knots[-4]) * v1])
knotarray = np.zeros((2, len(knots)/2))
knotarray.T.flat[:] = knots
return knotarray
def find_knots(self, itime):
idx = np.searchsorted(self.knots[0], itime) - 2
idx = max(0, min(idx, len(self.knots[0]) - 4))
times = self.knots[0][idx:idx+4]
vals = self.knots[1][idx:idx+4]
# Normalize to [0,1]
t = itime - times[1]
times = times - times[1]
scale = 1 / times[2]
t = t * scale
times = times * scale
return times, vals, t, scale
def __call__(self, itime, deriv=0):
times, vals, t, scale = self.find_knots(itime)
m1 = (vals[2] - vals[0]) / (1.0 - times[0])
m2 = (vals[3] - vals[1]) / times[3]
mat = self._mat
if deriv:
mat = mat * (scale * self._deriv) ** deriv
val = [m1, vals[1], m2, vals[2]] * mat * np.array([[t**3, t**2, t, 1]]).T
return val[0,0]
def _plt(self, name='SplEval', fig=111, show=True):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.linspace(-0.0, 1.0, 500)
r = x[1] - x[0]
plt.plot(x,map(self,x),x,[self(i,1) for i in x],'--',
plt.xlim(0.0, 1.0)
if show:
def __str__(self):
return '[%g:%g]' % (self(0), self(1))
def __repr__(self):
return '<interp [%g:%g]>' % (self(0), self(1))
def knotlist(self):
# TODO: scale error constants proportional to RMS?
# If everything is constant, return a constant
if np.std(self.knots[1]) < 1e-6:
return self.knots[1][0]
# If constant slope, omit the end knots
slopes = np.diff(self.knots[1]) / np.diff(self.knots[0])
if np.std(slopes) < 1e-6:
return list(self.knots.T.flat)[2:-2]
return list(self.knots.T.flat)
def insert_knot(self, t, v):
knots = list(sum(sorted(zip(*self.knots) + [(t,v)]), ()))
self.knots = self.normalize(knots, self(0, 1), self(1, 1))
def palette_decode(datastrs):
Decode a palette (stored as a list suitable for JSON packing) into a
palette. Internal palette format is simply as a (256,4) array of [0,1]
RGBA floats.
if datastrs[0] != 'rgb8':
raise NotImplementedError
raw = base64.b64decode(''.join(datastrs[1:]))
pal = np.reshape(np.fromstring(raw, np.uint8), (256, 3))
data = np.ones((256, 4), np.float32)
data[:,:3] = pal / 255.0
return data
def palette_encode(data, format='rgb8'):
Encode an internal-format palette to an external representation.
if format != 'rgb8':
raise NotImplementedError
clamp = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(255, np.round(data[:,:3]*255.0)))
enc = base64.b64encode(np.uint8(clamp))
return ['rgb8'] + [enc[i:i+64] for i in range(0, len(enc), 64)]
class _AttrDict(dict):
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self:
return self[name]
raise AttributeError('%s not a dict key' % name)
def _wrap(cls, dct):
for k, v in dct.items():
if (isinstance(v, (float, int)) or
(isinstance(v, list) and isinstance(v[1], (float, int)))):
dct[k] = SplEval(v)
elif isinstance(v, dict):
dct[k] = cls._wrap(cls(v))
return dct
class Genome(_AttrDict):
Load a genome description, wrapping all data structures in _AttrDicts,
converting lists of numbers to splines, and deriving some values. Derived
values are stored as instance properties, rather than replacing the
original values, such that JSON-encoding this structure should always
print a valid genome.
# For now, we base the Genome class on an _AttrDict, letting its structure
# be defined implicitly by the way it is used in device code, except for
# these derived properties.
def __init__(self, gnm):
super(Genome, self).__init__(gnm)
for k, v in self.items():
if not isinstance(v, dict):
v = _AttrDict(v)
# These two properties must be handled separately
if k not in ('info', 'time'):
self[k] = v
self.decoded_palettes = map(palette_decode, self.palettes)
pal = self.color.palette_times
if isinstance(pal, basestring):
self.palette_times = [(0.0, int(pal)), (1.0, int(pal))]
self.palette_times = zip(pal[::2], map(int, pal[1::2]))
self.adj_frame_width, self.spp = None, None
def set_profile(self, prof, offset=0.0, err_spread=True):
Sets the instance props which are dependent on a profile. Also
calculates timing information, which is returned instead of being
attached to the genome. May be called multiple times to set different
``prof`` is a profile dictionary. ``offset`` is the time in seconds
that the first frame's effective presentation time should be offset
from the natural presentation time. ``err_spread`` will spread the
rounding error in this frame across all frames, such that PTS+(1/FPS)
is exactly equal to the requested duration.
Returns ``(err, times)``, where ``err`` is the rounding error in
seconds (taking ``offset`` into account), and ``times`` is a list of
the central time of each frame in the animation in relative-time
coordinates. Also sets the ``spp`` and ``adj_frame_width`` properties.
self.spp = SplEval(self.camera.density.knotlist)
self.spp.knots[1] *= prof['quality']
fps, base_dur = prof['fps'], prof['duration']
# TODO: test!
dur = self.time.duration
if isinstance(dur, basestring):
clock = float(dur[:-1]) + offset
clock = dur * base_dur + offset
if (not isinstance(self.get('link'), dict) or
not self.link.get('right')):
warnings.warn("Genomes with missing or string-valued 'link' "
"properties are deprecated, and will be axed shortly.")
nframes = int(np.ceil(clock * fps))
elif self.link.right == 'reference':
nframes = int(np.floor(clock * fps))
nframes = int(np.ceil(clock * fps))
err = (clock - nframes / fps) / clock
fw = self.time.frame_width
if not isinstance(fw, list):
fw = [0, fw, 1, fw]
fw = [float(f[:-1]) * fps if isinstance(f, basestring)
else float(f) / (clock * fps) for f in fw]
self.adj_frame_width = SplEval(fw)
times = np.linspace(offset, 1 - err, nframes + 1)
# Move each time to a center time, and discard the last value
times = times[:-1] + 0.5 * (times[1] - times[0])
if err_spread:
epts = np.linspace(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, nframes)
times = times + 0.5 * err * (np.tanh(epts) + 1)
return err, times
def json_encode_genome(obj):
Encode an object into JSON notation. This serializer only works on the
subset of JSON used in genomes.
result = _js_enc_obj(obj).lstrip()
result = '\n'.join(l.rstrip() for l in result.split('\n'))
return result + '\n'
def _js_enc_obj(obj, indent=0):
isnum = lambda v: isinstance(v, (float, int, np.number))
def wrap(pairs, delims):
do, dc = delims
i = ' ' * indent
out = ''.join([do, ', '.join(pairs), dc])
if '\n' not in out and len(out) + indent < 70:
return out
return ''.join(['\n', i, do, ' ', ('\n'+i+', ').join(pairs),
'\n', i, dc])
if isinstance(obj, dict):
if not obj:
return '{}'
digsort = lambda kv: (int(kv[0]), kv[1]) if kv[0].isdigit() else kv
ks, vs = zip(*sorted(obj.items(), key=digsort))
if ks == ('b', 'g', 'r'):
ks, vs = reversed(ks), reversed(vs)
ks = [crep('%.6g' % k if isnum(k) else str(k)) for k in ks]
vs = [_js_enc_obj(v, indent+2) for v in vs]
return wrap(['%s: %s' % p for p in zip(ks, vs)], '{}')
elif isinstance(obj, list):
vs = [_js_enc_obj(v, indent+2) for v in obj]
if vs and len(vs) % 2 == 0 and isnum(obj[0]):
vs = map(', '.join, zip(vs[::2], vs[1::2]))
return wrap(vs, '[]')
elif isinstance(obj, SplEval):
return _js_enc_obj(obj.knotlist, indent)
elif isinstance(obj, basestring):
return crep(obj)
elif isnum(obj):
return '%.6g' % obj
raise TypeError("Don't know how to serialize %s of type %s" %
(obj, type(obj)))
class XMLGenomeParser(object):
Parse an XML genome into a list of dictionaries.
def __init__(self):
self.flames = []
self._flame = None
self.parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
self.parser.StartElementHandler = self.start_element
self.parser.EndElementHandler = self.end_element
def start_element(self, name, attrs):
if name == 'flame':
assert self._flame is None
self._flame = dict(attrs)
self._flame['xforms'] = []
self._flame['palette'] = np.ones((256, 4), dtype=np.float32)
elif name == 'xform':
elif name == 'finalxform':
self._flame['finalxform'] = dict(attrs)
elif name == 'color':
idx = int(attrs['index'])
self._flame['palette'][idx][:3] = [float(v) / 255.0
for v in attrs['rgb'].split()]
elif name == 'symmetry':
self._flame['symmetry'] = int(attrs['kind'])
def end_element(self, name):
if name == 'flame':
self._flame = None
def parse(cls, src):
parser = cls()
parser.parser.Parse(src, True)
return parser.flames
def convert_flame(flame, arc=-360, offset=0):
Convert an XML flame (as returned by XMLGenomeParser) into a plain dict
in cuburn's JSON genome format representing a loop edge. Caller is
responsible for correctly setting the 'link' dict.
cvt = lambda ks: dict((k, float(flame[k])) for k in ks)
camera = {
'center': dict(zip('xy', map(float, flame['center'].split()))),
'scale': float(flame['scale']) / float(flame['size'].split()[0]),
'dither_width': float(flame['filter']),
'rotation': float(flame['rotate']),
'density': 1.0
info = {}
if 'name' in flame:
info['name'] = flame['name']
if 'nick' in flame:
info['authors'] = [flame['nick']]
if flame.get('url'):
info['authors'][0] = info['authors'][0] + ', http://' + flame['url']
time = dict(frame_width=float(flame.get('temporal_filter_width', 1)),
color = cvt(['brightness', 'gamma'])
color.update((k, float(flame.get(k, d))) for k, d in
[('highlight_power', -1), ('gamma_threshold', 0.01)])
color['vibrance'] = float(flame['vibrancy'])
color['background'] = dict(zip('rgb',
map(float, flame['background'].split())))
color['palette_times'] = "0"
pal = palette_encode(flame['palette'])
de = dict((k, float(flame.get(f, d))) for f, k, d in
[('estimator', 'radius', 11),
('estimator_minimum', 'minimum', 0),
('estimator_curve', 'curve', 0.6)])
num_xf = len(flame['xforms'])
xfs = dict([(str(k), convert_xform(v, num_xf, arc, offset))
for k, v in enumerate(flame['xforms'])])
if 'symmetry' in flame:
xfs.update(make_symm_xforms(flame['symmetry'], len(xfs)))
if 'finalxform' in flame:
xfs['final'] = convert_xform(flame['finalxform'], num_xf,
arc, offset, True)
return dict(camera=camera, color=color, de=de, xforms=xfs,
info=info, time=time, palettes=[pal], link='self')
def convert_xform(xf, num_xf, arc, offset, isfinal=False):
# TODO: chaos
xf = dict(xf)
symm = float(xf.pop('symmetry', 0))
anim = xf.pop('animate', symm <= 0)
out = dict((k, float(xf.pop(k, v))) for k, v in
dict(color=0, color_speed=(1-symm)/2, opacity=1).items())
if not isfinal:
out['density'] = float(xf.pop('weight'))
out['affine'] = convert_affine(xf.pop('coefs'), arc, offset, anim)
if 'post' in xf and map(float, xf['post'].split()) != [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]:
out['post'] = convert_affine(xf.pop('post'), arc, offset)
if 'chaos' in xf:
chaos = map(float, xf.pop('chaos').split())
out['chaos'] = dict()
for i in range(num_xf):
if i < len(chaos):
out['chaos'][str(i)] = chaos[i]
out['chaos'][str(i)] = 1.0
out['variations'] = {}
for k in var_code:
if k in xf:
var = dict(weight=float(xf.pop(k)))
for param, default in var_params.get(k, {}).items():
var[param] = float(xf.pop('%s_%s' % (k, param), default))
out['variations'][k] = var
assert not xf, 'Unrecognized parameters remain: ' + str(xf)
return out
def convert_affine(aff, arc, offset, animate=False):
xx, yx, xy, yy, xo, yo = map(float, aff.split())
# Invert all instances of y (yy is inverted twice)
yx, xy, yo = -yx, -xy, -yo
xa = np.degrees(np.arctan2(yx, xx))
ya = np.degrees(np.arctan2(yy, xy))
xm = np.hypot(xx, yx)
ym = np.hypot(xy, yy)
angle_between = ya - xa
if angle_between < 0:
angle_between += 360
if angle_between < 180:
spread = angle_between / 2.0
spread = -(360-angle_between) / 2.0
angle = xa + spread
if angle < 0:
angle += 360.0
if animate:
angle = [0, angle + offset, 1, angle + arc + offset]
return dict(spread=spread, magnitude={'x': xm, 'y': ym},
angle=angle, offset={'x': xo, 'y': yo})
def make_symm_xforms(kind, offset):
assert kind != 0, 'Pick your own damn symmetry.'
out = []
boring_xf = dict(color=1, color_speed=0, density=1, opacity=1,
variations={'linear': {'weight': 1}})
if kind < 0:
out[-1]['affine'] = dict(angle=135, magnitude={'x': 1, 'y': 1},
spread=-45, offset={'x': 0, 'y': 0})
kind = -kind
for i in range(1, kind):
if kind >= 3:
out[-1]['color'] = (i - 1) / (kind - 2.0)
ang = (45 + 360 * i / float(kind)) % 360
out[-1]['affine'] = dict(angle=ang, magnitude={'x': 1, 'y': 1},
spread=-45, offset={'x': 0, 'y': 0})
return dict((str(i+offset), v) for i, v in enumerate(out))
def convert_file(path):
"""Quick one-shot conversion for an XML genome."""
flames = XMLGenomeParser.parse(open(path).read())
if len(flames) > 10:
warnings.warn("Lot of flames in this file. Sure it's not a "
"frame-based animation?")
for flame in flames:
yield convert_flame(flame)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
print '\n\n'.join(map(json_encode_genome, convert_file(sys.argv[1])))