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synced 2025-02-06 04:00:05 -05:00
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153 lines
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The main iteration loop.
from cuburn.code import mwc, variations
from cuburn.code.util import *
class IterCode(HunkOCode):
# The number of threads per block
def __init__(self, features):
self.features = features
self.packer = DataPacker('iter_info')
iterbody = self._iterbody()
bodies = [self._xfbody(i,x) for i,x in enumerate(self.features.xforms)]
self.defs = '\n'.join(bodies)
decls = """
// Note: for normalized lookups, uchar4 actually returns floats
texture<uchar4, cudaTextureType2D, cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat> palTex;
__shared__ iter_info info;
def _xfbody(self, xfid, xform):
px = self.packer.view('info', 'xf%d_' % xfid)
px.sub('xf', 'cp.xforms[%d]' % xfid)
tmpl = Template("""
void apply_xf{{xfid}}(float *ix, float *iy, float *icolor, mwc_st *rctx) {
float tx, ty, ox = *ix, oy = *iy;
{{apply_affine_flam3('ox', 'oy', 'tx', 'ty', px, 'xf.c', 'pre')}}
ox = 0;
oy = 0;
{{for v in xform.vars}}
if (1) {
float w = {{px.get('xf.var[%d]' % v)}};
*ix = ox;
*iy = oy;
float csp = {{px.get('xf.color_speed')}};
*icolor = *icolor * (1.0f - csp) + {{px.get('xf.color')}} * csp;
g = dict(globals())
return tmpl.substitute(g)
def _iterbody(self):
tmpl = Template(r"""
void iter(mwc_st *msts, iter_info *infos, float4 *accbuf, float *denbuf) {
mwc_st rctx = msts[gtid()];
iter_info *info_glob = &(infos[blockIdx.x]);
// load info to shared memory cooperatively
for (int i = threadIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
i * 4 < sizeof(iter_info); i += blockDim.x * blockDim.y)
reinterpret_cast<float*>(&info)[i] =
int consec_bad = -{{features.fuse}};
// TODO: remove '512' constant
int nsamps = {{packer.get('cp.width * cp.height / (cp.ntemporal_samples * 512.) * cp.adj_density')}};
float x, y, color;
x = mwc_next_11(&rctx);
y = mwc_next_11(&rctx);
color = mwc_next_01(&rctx);
while (nsamps > 0) {
float xfsel = mwc_next_01(&rctx);
{{for xfid, xform in enumerate(features.xforms)}}
{{if xfid != features.final_xform_index}}
if (xfsel <= {{packer.get('cp.norm_density[%d]' % xfid)}}) {
apply_xf{{xfid}}(&x, &y, &color, &rctx);
} else
denbuf[0] = xfsel;
break; // TODO: fail here
{{if features.final_xform_index}}
float fx = x, fy = y, fcolor;
apply_xf{{features.final_xform_index}}(&fx, &fy, &fcolor, &rctx);
if (consec_bad < 0) {
// TODO: this may not optimize well, verify.
float cx, cy;
{{if features.final_xform_index}}
{{apply_affine('fx', 'fy', 'cx', 'cy', packer,
'cp.camera_transform', 'cam')}}
{{apply_affine('x', 'y', 'cx', 'cy', packer,
'cp.camera_transform', 'cam')}}
float ditherwidth = {{packer.get('0.5 * cp.spatial_filter_radius')}};
float ditherx = mwc_next_11(&rctx) * ditherwidth;
float dithery = mwc_next_11(&rctx) * ditherwidth;
int ix = trunca(cx+ditherx), iy = trunca(cy+dithery);
if (ix < 0 || ix >= {{features.acc_width}} ||
iy < 0 || iy >= {{features.acc_height}} ) {
if (consec_bad > {{features.max_oob}}) {
x = mwc_next_11(&rctx);
y = mwc_next_11(&rctx);
color = mwc_next_01(&rctx);
consec_bad = -{{features.fuse}};
int i = iy * {{features.acc_stride}} + ix;
float4 outcol = tex2D(palTex, color, {{packer.get('cp_step_frac')}});
float4 pix = accbuf[i];
pix.x += outcol.x;
pix.y += outcol.y;
pix.z += outcol.z;
pix.w += outcol.w;
accbuf[i] = pix; // TODO: atomic operations (or better)
denbuf[i] += 1.0f;
asm volatile ("membar.cta;");
return tmpl.substitute(
features = self.features,
packer = self.packer.view('info'),